Conical stent


  • Patent Grant
  • 6283992
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Friday, July 9, 1999
    25 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, September 4, 2001
    23 years ago
The stent comprises a flexible self-expandable braided tubular wall having a proximal segment having an outer diameter, and a distal segment having an outer diameter smaller than the outer diameter of the proximal segment. An intermediate segment is formed between proximal and distal segments, which forms a truncated cone of which the base is forming the proximal end of the intermediate segment and of which the top is forming the distal end of the intermediate segment. A covering layer is arranged within the tubular wall.


This invention relates to a stent for use in a body passageway, comprising a flexible self-expandable braided tubular wall. The invention also relates to methods for manufacturing such a stent.

Use of expandable stents is known for damaged areas of body vessels such as for example food pipes, for dilatation, repair or bridging such areas. Where a patient suffers, for example, from a cancer of the esophagus while being otherwise in good status, stenting is a valuable approach to help him live. As such stents are subjected to stresses, in particular due to movements of the duct such as peristaltic movements, there is a tendency for the stent to migrate along the duct where it is placed. When the stent is used for a tumor at the end of a food pipe, for example at the junction of the esophagus and stomach, the problem of migration is further enhanced because the stent may have to protrude into the stomach. In such a case, the problem of anchoring the stent in the duct becomes particularly critical because the stent may fall into the stomach. A further problem arising with stents is that they have a tendency to close the pipe in curved areas thereof because of their deformation.

The document “Endoscopy 1992:24:416-420” describes a covered expandable metallic stent for preventing ingrowth of malignant structures. This stent is made of a steel wire bent in a zig-zag pattern and the stent legs are connected to wire skirts at each end which are intended to improve anchorage of the stent in a body passageway. In addition, 1 mm. barbs are attached to the skirts to still further enhance anchorage of the stent in the passageway. However, the document specifically outlines that migration remains a problem despite the wire skirts and barbs which were provided for anchorage purposes. Such a structure will certainly not allow safe anchoring of the stent in a condition where the stent cannot anchor at one of its ends, as in the case of a tumor at the end of the esophagus. And there are no solutions to overcome the pipe closure due to deformation of the stent in curved areas.

U.S. Pat. No. 4,655,771 discloses a stent made of a flexible tubular braided structure formed of helically wound thread elements. When the stent is deployed the stent assumes a substantially cylindrical shape as it expands and substantially conforms to the vessel wall, and the document outlines that such an expansion allows the stent to stay in place by self-fixation because of the permanent pressure of engagement against the vessel wall. Such a configuration may provide a good fixation in smooth rectilinear areas of the vessel. However, it will not provide a safe fixation in areas where a part of the stent cannot bear against the vessel wall. Nor will it solve the problem of pipe closure in curved areas of the vessel.

U.S Pat. No. 5,064,435 shows a body implantable stent consisting of two or more generally tubular, coaxial and slidably joined stent elements each of which is of open weave construction, formed of multiple braided, helically wound strands of resilient material. The stent is thus elastically deformed to a reduced radius when deployed and it self expands radially when released after positioning in a vessel or other body cavity. To match the axial contraction of the stent upon radial expansion thereof and preserve a consistent length of the stent in spite of the axial contraction of the overlapping stent elements, the axially outward and non-overlapping portions of the stent are designed as radially outward flares to secure fixation of the stent to the vessel wall. Accordingly, axial contraction of the stent occurs as a reduction in the length of the medial region where the stent elements overlap. Other means to maintain the axial length comprise reinforcing filaments near the opposite ends of the stent elements to increase the restoring force, or fixation of hooks at the opposite ends of the stent elements, or still an elongate axially directed flexible and inextensible wire secured to the opposite ends of the stent elements. Such a configuration cannot be safely used if both the ends of the stent elements are not very strongly affixed to the vessel wall. As a matter of fact, if one of the stent elements is not firmly secured to the vessel wall, it may migrate with respect to the other stent element, for example because of peristaltic movements, whereby there may be a separation of the overlapping stent elements; where the stent is to be used at a place such as the junction of the esophagus to the stomach, the unsecured stent element will fall into the stomach. Complete separation of the stent elements will not occur in the case of use of an inextensible wire secured to opposite ends of the stent elements; however, such a wire cannot prevent part separation of the stent elements, for instance where the stent takes a relatively sharply curved configuration, which may cause serious injury to the vessel wall. And furthermore, whatever its configuration, the overlapping arrangement may still enhance the problem of pipe closure in curved areas because of the reduced flexibility resulting from the overlapping condition of the braided structure.

It is the primary object of the invention to avoid the aforesaid drawbacks. A further object of the invention is to provide a stent structure which allows safe and efficient operation in critical areas such as the end of a food pipe. Still a further object of the invention is a stent which minimizes the risk of pipe closure whatever the configuration of the body passageway. And it is also an object of the invention to provide for methods for manufacturing such a stent which are simple, efficient and economical.


Accordingly, the flexible self-expandable braided tubular wall forming the stent may comprise a first proximal segment having proximal and distal ends and a first outer diameter, a second distal segment having proximal and distal ends and a second outer diameter smaller than the said first outer diameter, and a third intermediate segment having a proximal end connected to the distal end of the first segment and a distal end connected to the proximal end of the second segment. With such a configuration the stent has a differential geometry which allows a very strong anchor of the first proximal segment in the body passageway due to the higher radial force at that level. The third intermediate segment gives to the braiding a varying steep angle with respect to the longitudinal axis of the tubular wall which raises flexibility and/or radial force depending on the relative size of stent and vessel and on the elasticity of vessel wall; this structure also strongly limits any flattening deformation tendency whereby the deformation of the stent section remains closer to a circle. The second distal segment makes an easier and safer way through curves or at the end of a pipe. The differential geometry thus allows a higher flexibility where needed, i.e., before a curve of the body passageway, and it provides a better bend taking, a smoother way in the curve, and a better force differential to avoid migration under movements of the vessel or when the stent is placed in delicate locations such as the junction of the esophagus with the stomach.

Where the first proximal and second distal segments are cylindrical, the first proximal segment may firmly anchor in the vessel without any risk of damage to the vessel wall or to possible fistulas because of the surface repartition of the pressure of the braiding against the vessel wall, whereas the second distal segment may smoothly bear against the vessel wall, even in strongly narrowed areas.

Where the third intermediate segment is a truncated cone having a base forming the proximal end of the third intermediate segment and a top forming the distal end of the third intermediate segment, the best transitional flexibility and/or radial force repartition is achieved between the first proximal and second distal segments. And when the third intermediate segment is formed of a plurality of consecutive truncated cones connected to one another with each of said truncated cones having a taper oriented towards the distal end of the intermediate segment, with the possibility of having two or more consecutive cones separated by a cylindrical segment connected thereto, stents may be manufactured to meet specific requirements of flexibility, radial force, shaping up and selective anchor in particular conditions of body vessels.

A covering layer of elastic material may surround the tubular wall to prevent ingrowth of unwanted cells through the stent. In a preferred embodiment, a covering layer of elastic material is arranged within the tubular wall to also prevent ingrowth of unwanted cells through the stent; and the stent also enjoys a stronger anchor of its segments in the body cavity due to the direct contact of the braiding therewith. Within this frame, a distal portion of the second distal segment may be uncovered by the covering layer to assure when required a better gripping of the stent to the body cavity in that area, because of the stronger interpenetration between braiding and vessel wall. In a still preferred embodiment, at least a proximal portion of the first proximal segment is not covered by the covering layer to enhance by stronger interpenetration between braiding and vessel wall the essential gripping of the stent in the body passageway in that area of higher radial force. Such an uncovering of the first proximal segment may extend the full length of the first proximal segment to take full advantage of the higher radial force to ensure the safest anchor of that segment in the body passageway. The uncovering of the first proximal segment also prevents food trapping at the ingress of the stent between the first proximal segment and the vessel wall; it also allows a better fluid ingress through the stent if the first proximal segment is somewhat bent in the vessel and does not completely apply there against. And to provide a further safety anchor of the stent in the body passageway, the proximal end of the first proximal segment and/or the distal end of the second distal segment may be flared up.

According to a first method for manufacturing the stent, it is provided to form an elongated mandrel having a first proximal segment having proximal and distal ends and a first outer diameter, a second distal segment having proximal and distal ends and a second outer diameter smaller than said first outer diameter, and a third intermediate segment having a proximal end connected to the distal end of the first proximal segment and a distal end connected to the proximal end of the second segment, to form an elongated tubular braid of spring steel having proximal and distal ends and an inner diameter greater than said first outer diameter of the first segment of the mandrel, to engage said tubular braid over the mandrel, to heat the tubular braid over the mandrel, and to pull during the heating the proximal and distal ends of the tubular braid away from one another on the mandrel to closely radially contract the tubular braid over the segments of the mandrel. As the spring steel of the tubular braid needs anyhow a heat treatment to properly perform the resiliency of the braid, this method takes advantage of this compulsory treatment and of the deformation capacity of the braid to form the differential geometry of the stent in a simple, economical and efficient manner.

According to a second method for manufacturing the stent, it is provided to form an elongated tubular mandrel having a first proximal hollow segment having proximal and distal ends and a first inner diameter, a second distal hollow segment having proximal and distal ends and a second inner diameter smaller than said first inner diameter, and a third intermediate hollow segment having a proximal end connected to the distal end of the first hollow segment and a distal end connected to the proximal end of the second hollow segment, to form an elongated tubular braid of spring steel having proximal and distal ends and an outer diameter greater than the first inner diameter of the first hollow segment of the tubular mandrel, to pull the proximal and distal ends of the elongated tubular braid away from one another to radially contract the tubular braid, to engage the contracted tubular braid into the tubular mandrel, to release the pull on the ends of the tubular braid to radially expand it in the mandrel, and to heat the tubular braid in the mandrel to closely radially expand the tubular braid against the segments of the tubular mandrel. As for the first method, this method basically takes advantage of the need of a heat treatment for the braid to properly perform its resiliency to form the differential geometry of the stent; and in addition the method takes advantage of the self expansion capacity of the braid to form the stent in a simple, economical and efficient manner.

In sum, the present invention relates to a stent for use in a body passageway. A flexible self-expandable braided tubular wall has a first proximal segment having proximal and distal ends and a first outer diameter, a second distal segment having proximal and distal ends and a second outer diameter smaller than said first outer diameter, and a third intermediate segment having a proximal end connected to the distal end of the first segment and a distal end connected to the proximal end of the second segment. The first proximal and second distal segments may be cylindrical. The third intermediate segment may be a truncated cone having a base forming the proximal end of the third intermediate segment and a top forming the distal end of the third intermediate segment. The third intermediate segment may be formed of a plurality of consecutive truncated cones connected to one another, each of said truncated cones having a taper oriented towards the distal end of the intermediate segment. At least two of said consecutive cones may be separated by a cylindrical segment connected thereto. The stent may also have a covering layer of elastic material surrounding the tubular wall, which may be arranged within said tubular wall. At least a proximal portion of the first proximal segment may not be covered by the covering layer. A distal portion of the second distal segment may not be covered by the covering layer. The proximal end of the first proximal segment and/or the distal end of the second distal segment may be flared up.

The present invention also relates to a method for manufacturing a stent, including the steps of: (1) forming an elongated mandrel having a first proximal segment having proximal and distal ends and a first outer diameter, a second distal segment having proximal and distal ends and a second outer diameter smaller than the first outer diameter, and a third intermediate segment having a proximal end connected to the distal end of the first segment and a distal end connected to the proximal end of the second segment; (2) forming an elongated tubular braid of spring steel having proximal and distal ends and an inner diameter greater than the first outer diameter of the first segment of the mandrel; (3) engaging the tubular braid over the mandrel; (4) heating the tubular braid over the mandrel; and, (5) pulling during said heating the proximal and distal ends of the tubular braid away from one another on the mandrel to closely radially contract the tubular braid over the segments of the mandrel.

The present invention also relates to a method for manufacturing the stent, including the steps of (1) forming an elongated tubular mandrel having a first proximal hollow segment having proximal and distal ends and a first inner diameter, a second distal hollow segment having proximal and distal ends and a second inner diameter smaller than the first inner diameter, and a third intermediate hollow segment having a proximal end connected to the distal end of the first hollow segment and a distal end connected to the proximal end of the second hollow segment; (2) forming an elongated tubular braid of spring steel having proximal and distal ends and an outer diameter greater than the first inner diameter of the first hollow segment of the tubular mandrel; (3) pulling the proximal and distal ends of the elongated tubular braid away from one another to radially contract the tubular braid; (4) engaging the contracted tubular braid into the tubular mandrel; (5) releasing the pull on the ends of the tubular braid to radially expand it in the mandrel; and, (6) heating the tubular braid in the mandrel to closely radially expand the tubular braid against the segments of the tubular mandrel.


These and other objects, features and advantages of the invention will become readily apparent from the following detailed description with reference to the accompanying drawings which show, diagrammatically and by way of example only, preferred but still illustrative embodiments of the invention.

FIG. 1

is a longitudinal view of a first embodiment of the stent.

FIG. 2

is an enlarged detail of the stent of FIG.






C illustrate a first method for manufacturing the stent according to the invention.




E illustrate a further method for manufacturing the stent according to the invention.

FIG. 5

is a longitudinal view of a second embodiment of the stent.

FIG. 6

is a longitudinal view of a third embodiment of the stent.


The stent depicted in

FIG. 1

comprises a flexible self-expandable braided tubular wall


. As shown in

FIG. 2

the tubular wall


is composed of a first plurality of parallel spring stainless steel wires


helically wound in a first direction crossing a second plurality of parallel spring stainless steel wires


helically wound in a second direction opposite to the first one. The braided structure assures contraction of the stent in the radial direction when the two ends




of the stent are pulled away from one another as exemplified by arrows


, and self-expansion of the stent in the radial direction when the pull according to arrows


is released. This configuration is well known in the art and needs no further description. Of course, other known braidings or patterns providing the same effect may be used.

The tubular wall


of the stent comprises a proximal segment


having proximal and distal ends




and an outer diameter


. The tubular wall


further comprises a distal segment


having proximal and distal ends




and an outer diameter


which is smaller than the outer diameter


of the proximal segment


. Segments




are shown cylindrical but other shapes are possible.

Between segments




is formed an intermediate segment


having a proximal end


connected to the distal end


of proximal segment


and a distal end


connected to the proximal end


of distal segment


. As shown in

FIG. 1

, the intermediate segment


forms a truncated cone of which the base is forming the proximal end


of the intermediate segment and of which the top is forming the distal end


of the intermediate segment. Other shapes are available to form the intermediate segment



Within the tubular wall


is arranged a covering layer


of elastic biocompatible material. In the example shown, this covering layer extends over a portion of the distal segment


, leaving a distal portion


thereof uncovered. The covering layer


extends the full length of intermediate segment


, ending at the junction of intermediate segment


with proximal segment


, i.e., at the distal end


of proximal segment


(or at proximal end


of intermediate segment


). This layer configuration is not compulsory, and the covering layer


may fully cover the distal segment


as well as it may partly or fully cover the proximal segment


. It is also possible to use the stent as described without covering layer


. The covering layer may also surround the tubular wall


, partly or fully as described hereabove in connection with the inner layer


. This covering layer may be applied and affixed to the stent in any manner conventional in the art, for instance by dipping.




C illustrate a method for manufacturing the stent.

As shown in


, an elongated mandrel


is formed having a proximal segment


having proximal and distal ends




and an outer diameter


, a distal segment


having proximal and distal ends




and an outer diameter


smaller than the outer diameter


of proximal segment


, and an intermediate segment


having a proximal end


connected to the distal end


of the proximal segment


and a distal end


connected to the proximal end


of distal segment


. The intermediate segment


also forms a truncated cone of which the base is forming the proximal end


of the intermediate segment


and of which the top is forming the distal end


of the intermediate segment.

As shown in


, an elongated tubular braid


is formed of spring stainless steel wire which has proximal and distal ends




and an inner diameter


greater than the outer diameter


of the proximal segment


of mandrel



As shown in


, the tubular braid


is engaged over the mandrel


, it is heated over the mandrel as depicted by arrows


, and its proximal and distal ends




are pulled away from one another as depicted by arrows


to contract it radially on the mandrel as depicted by arrow


. By this combined heat and pull action, the tubular braid


will radially contract upon mandrel


and its segments






, thereby taking their outer shape which corresponds to the shape of the stent shown in FIG.


. By the heat treatment, the stent thus obtained will retain the shape of the mandrel and, after contraction thereof by pulling its ends




away from one another or otherwise, it will radially self-expand along the acquired shapes of the mandrel upon release of the contracted status.




E show another method for manufacturing the stent according to the invention.

An elongated tubular mandrel


is formed having a proximal hollow segment


having proximal and distal ends




and an inner diameter


, a distal hollow segment


having proximal and distal ends




and an inner diameter


smaller than the inner diameter


of the proximal segment


, and an intermediate hollow segment


having a proximal end


connected to the distal end


of the proximal segment


and a distal end


connected to the proximal end


of the distal segment


. This intermediate segment also forms a truncated cone as in the previous embodiments, however hollow.

As shown in


, an elongated tubular braid


is formed of stainless steel spring wire which has proximal and distal ends




and an outer diameter


greater than the inner diameter


of the first proximal hollow segment


of hollow mandrel



As shown in


, pulling the ends




of the braid


away from one another as depicted by arrows


radially contracts the tubular braid


which is then engaged into the tubular mandrel


as shown in FIG.


D. The pull on the ends




is then released (


) as shown by arrows


to expand (arrows


) the braid radially into the mandrel. Heat is then applied (arrows


) to the tubular braid in the mandrel. The braid


will closely expand within and against the segments






of the hollow mandrel


, thereby taking their inner shape which corresponds to the shape of the stent shown in FIG.


. By the heat treatment, the stent will retain the shape of the mandrel and, after radial contraction thereof by pulling the ends away from one another or otherwise, it will radially expand along that acquired shape upon release of the contracted status.

Variants are available without departing from the scope of the invention.

For instance, the stent as shown in

FIG. 5

, which also comprises a flexible self-expandable braided tubular wall


, includes proximal and distal segments




which are cylindrical as for the embodiment of

FIG. 1

, with the outer diameter of distal segment


being smaller than that of the proximal segment


. The intermediate segment


is formed here by two consecutive truncated cone




, each of which has a taper oriented towards the distal end


of the intermediate segment


. The truncated cone


has a base


forming the proximal end of the intermediate segment


and a top


forming the base of truncated cone


the top


of which forms the distal end of the intermediate segment



The stent shown in

FIG. 6

, also comprises a flexible self-expandable braided tubular wall


including proximal and distal segments




which are cylindrical as for the embodiment of

FIG. 1

, with the outer diameter of distal segment


being smaller than that of proximal segment


. The intermediate segment


is here formed by two truncated cones




separated by a cylindrical segment


. The base of truncated cone


forms the proximal end of the intermediate segment


and its top forms the base of cylindrical segment


the distal end of which forms the base of truncated cone


the top of which forms the distal end of the intermediate segment



As for the stent of

FIG. 1

, the stents of

FIGS. 5 and 6

may be provided with an inner covering layer of elastic material, and all the variants relating to segments shape and positions of covering layer as previously described and also applicable to the

FIG. 7

variants. Similarly, these variants may be obtained by the same methods as described hereinbefore.

As a further variant for all the embodiments shown, the proximal end of the proximal segment and/or the distal end of the distal segment may be flared up.

In a still further variant applicable to all the embodiments shown, the stent may be equipped with a covering layer surrounding the tubular wall of the stent. Such a covering layer may be applied and affixed to the stent for instance as described in the document EP-0621015-A1 of the same applicant as that of the present invention which is incorporated hereto by reference.

  • 1. A stent for use in a body passageway comprising:a flexible self-expandable braided tubular wall having a longitudinal axis, the tubular wall comprising a first proximal segment adapted to provide a sufficiently high radial force to prevent migration of the stent in a body passageway, a proximal end, a distal end, and a first outer diameter, the proximal end of the first proximal segment terminating at a first free end of the stent; a second distal segment having a proximal end, a distal end, and a second outer diameter smaller than the first outer diameter of the first proximal segment, the distal end of the second distal segment terminating at a second free end of the stent; and a third intermediate segment having a proximal end connected to the distal end of the first segment and a distal end connected to the proximal end of the second distal segment; wherein the braided tubular wall includes braiding with a varying steep angle with respect to the longitudinal axis of the tubular wall and wherein the radial force and flexibility over at least a portion of the flexible self-expandable braided tubular wall are not constant and wherein at least one of the first free end and the second free end is flared in a radial direction.
  • 2. The prosthesis of claim 1 wherein the first proximal mesh segment is adapted to provide an anchor portion for securing the prosthesis in a body passageway and the intermediate mesh segment is adapted to provide transitional flexibility between the first proximal segment and the second distal segment.
  • 3. The stent of claim 1 wherein the braided tubular wall is adapted to provide a plurality of forces to the body passageway.
  • 4. The stent of claim 1 wherein the first proximal segment has a shorter axial length than the third intermediate segment.
  • 5. The stent of claim 1 further comprising at least one additional segment between the first proximal segment and the second distal segment.
  • 6. The stent of claim 1 further comprising a covering layer of an elastic material at least partially surrounding said tubular wall.
  • 7. The stent of claim 6 wherein at least one of a proximal portion of the first proximal anchor segment and a distal portion of the second distal way-making segment is not covered by the covering layer.
  • 8. The stent of claim 1 wherein the elastic material is adapted to prevent in growth through the stent.
  • 9. The stent of claim 1 wherein the varying braid angle decreases from the second proximal end to the second distal end.
  • 10. The stent of claim 1 wherein the third intermediate segment includes a plurality of consecutive truncated cones connected to one another, each of the truncated cones having a taper oriented towards the distal end of the intermediate segment.
  • 11. The stent of claim 10 wherein at least two of the consecutive truncated cones are separated by a cylindrical segment connected thereto.
  • 12. A stent for use in a body passageway comprising:a flexible self-expandable braided tubular wall having a longitudinal axis, the tubular wall comprising a first proximal anchor segment adapted to provide a sufficiently high radial force to prevent migration of the stent in a body passageway, a proximal end, a distal end, and a first outer diameter, the proximal end of the first proximal anchor segment terminating at a first free end of the stent; a second distal segment having a proximal end, a distal end, and a second outer diameter smaller than the first outer diameter of the first proximal anchor segment, the distal end of the second distal segment terminating at a second free end of the stent; and a third intermediate segment including a plurality of consecutive truncated cones connected to one another, each of the truncated cones having a taper oriented towards the distal end of the intermediate segment, the third intermediate segment having a proximal end connected to the distal end of the first segment and a distal end connected to the proximal end of the second distal way-making segment; wherein the braided tubular wall includes braiding with a varying steep angle with respect to the longitudinal axis of the tubular wall and wherein the radial force and flexibility over at least a portion of the flexible self-expandable braided tubular wall is not constant.
  • 13. The stent of claim 12 wherein at least one of the first free end and the second free end of the stent is flared in an outward direction.
  • 14. A method for manufacturing a stent comprising:(a) forming an elongated mandrel, the elongated mandrel including: (1) a first proximal segment having a proximal end, a distal end, and a first outer diameter; (2) a second distal segment having a proximal end, a distal end, and a second outer diameter smaller than the first outer diameter; and (3) a third intermediate segment having a proximal end connected to the distal end of the first segment and a distal end connected to the proximal end of the second segment; (b) forming an elongated tubular braid having a proximal end, distal end, and an inner diameter greater than the first outer diameter of the first proximal segment of the elongated mandrel; (c) engaging the tubular braid over the mandrel; (d) heating the tubular braid over the mandrel; and (e) pulling the proximal and distal ends of the tubular braid away from one another to closely radially contract the tubular braid over the segments of the mandrel during heating of the tubular braid.
  • 15. The method for manufacturing a stent of claim 14 wherein the tubular braid includes metal.
  • 16. The method for manufacturing a stent of claim 14 wherein the metal includes at least one of spring steel and stainless steel.
  • 17. A method for manufacturing a stent comprising:(a) forming an elongated tubular mandrel, the elongated tubular mandrel including: (1) a first proximal hollow segment having a proximal end, a distal end, and a first inner diameter; (2) a second distal hollow segment having a proximal end, a distal end, and a second inner diameter smaller than the first inner diameter; and (3) a third intermediate hollow segment having a proximal end connected to the distal end of the first hollow segment and a distal end connected to the proximal end of the second hollow segment; (b) forming an elongated tubular braid having a proximal end, a distal end, and an outer diameter greater than the first inner diameter of the first hollow segment of the tubular mandrel; (c) pulling the proximal and distal ends of the elongated tubular braid away from one another to radially contract the tubular braid; (d) engaging the contracted tubular braid into the tubular mandrel; (e) releasing the pull on the ends of the tubular braid to radially expand the tubular braid in the mandrel; and (f) heating the tubular braid in the mandrel to closely radially expand the tubular braid against the segments of the tubular mandrel.
  • 18. The method for manufacturing a stent of claim 17 wherein the tubular braid includes metal.
  • 19. The method for manufacturing a stent of claim 18 wherein the metal includes at least one of spring steel and stainless steel.
  • 20. A body insertable stent, including:a flexible self-expandable braided tubular wall comprising a proximal segment having a proximal segment diameter adapted to provide a sufficiently high radial force to prevent a migration of the stent in a body passageway, a proximal end of the proximal segment terminating at a first free end of the tubular wall; a distal segment having a distal segment outer diameter less than the proximal segment outer diameter, a distal end of the distal segment terminating at a second free end of the tubular wall; and an intermediate segment of the tubular wall disposed between the proximal and distal segments, and incorporating at least one truncated cone having a taper oriented toward the distal segment; wherein the intermediate segment, along the at least one truncated cone, includes braiding with a steep angle that varies with respect to a longitudinal axis of the tubular wall, and wherein a radial force and flexibility of the tubular wall vary along the at least one truncated cone.
  • 21. A stent according to claim 20, wherein said third intermediate segment is formed of a plurality of consecutive truncated cones connected to one another, each of said truncated cones having a taper oriented towards the distal end of the intermediate segment.
  • 22. A stent according to claim 21, wherein at least two of said consecutive cones are separated by a cylindrical segment connected thereto.
  • 23. A stent according to claim 20, wherein the proximal end of the first proximal segment is flared up.
  • 24. A stent according to claim 20, wherein the distal end of the second distal segment is flared up.
  • 25. A method for manufacturing a stent comprising:(a) forming an elongated mandrel having a first proximal segment having proximal and distal ends and a first outer diameter, a second distal segment having proximal and distal ends and a second outer diameter smaller than said first outer diameter, and a third intermediate segment having a proximal end connected to the distal end of the first segment and a distal end connected to the proximal end of the second segment; (b) forming an elongated tubular braid of spring steel having proximal and distal ends and an inner diameter greater than said first outer diameter of the first segment of the mandrel; (c) engaging said tubular braid over said mandrel; (d) heating the tubular braid over the mandrel; and, (e) pulling during said heating the proximal and distal ends of the tubular braid away from one another on the mandrel to closely radially contract the tubular braid over the segments of said mandrel.
  • 26. A method for manufacturing a stent comprising:(a) forming an elongated tubular mandrel having a first proximal hollow segment having proximal and distal ends and a first inner diameter, a second distal hollow segment having proximal and distal ends and a second inner diameter smaller than said first inner diameter, and a third intermediate hollow segment having a proximal end connected to the distal end of the first hollow segment and a distal end connected to the proximal end of the second hollow segment; (b) forming an elongated tubular braid of spring steel having proximal and distal ends and an outer diameter greater than the first inner diameter of the first hollow segment of the tubular mandrel; (c) pulling the proximal and distal ends of the elongated tubular braid away from one another to radially contract the tubular braid; (d) engaging the contracted tubular braid into the tubular mandrel; (e) releasing the pull on the ends of the tubular braid to radially expand it in the mandrel; and, (f) heating the tubular braid in the mandrel to closely radially expand the tubular braid against the segments of the tubular mandrel.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
95118605 Nov 1995 EP
Parent Case Info

This application is continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 08/581,714 filed on Dec. 29, 1995.

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Continuations (1)
Number Date Country
Parent 08/581714 Dec 1995 US
Child 09/350704 US