Project Summary / Abstract An e?cient administrative structure is essential to the design and implementation of the CViSB U19 Center. The Admin Core will be focused on facilitating communication, collaboration, planning, data sharing, and scienti?c and ?scal oversight of the component research projects of CViSB. Through the Admin Core we will oversee all the goals of the Center and ensure their successful, cost-e?ective, and timely completion. The Admin Core will organize the ?rst Kick-O? Meeting and Annual Programmatic Meetings near Bethesda. Together with a Modeling Core, we will also organize an annual Systems Biology workshop. The Admin Core will coordinate, schedule, and implement monthly internal teleconferencing meetings among the Center sites, and will assist the PIs of the Cores and Projects in the preparation of progress reports, internal compliance ?lings, and manuscripts to support the overall goals of CViSB. The Admin Core will be responsible for the following Speci?c Aims: (1) Create an administrative and leadership structure of the CViSB. (2) Organize outreach activities for the broader scienti?c community. (3) Provide an e?ective and responsive line of communication between CViSB members and NIAID sta?. (4) Build a supportive structure between all CViSB investigators. (5) Assist Core and Project PIs with administrative aspects. (6) Communicate with other Centers to facilitate collaboration and coordination. (7) Organize annual programmatic meeting of CViSB members and NIAID sta?. (8) Coordinate periodic evaluation of CViSB and engage the Steering Committee. (9) Facilitate building an infrastructure for rapid and open source sharing of data and research resources, as well as coordinate scienti?c publications.