This application is related to U.S. patent application filed Jun. 7, 2006, which bears the Ser. No. 11/448,550 ('550).
This invention relates to coding of data and is applicable to communication of data, networking, fault-tolerant computing, magnetic as well as optical recording of data.
A binary constant weight block code is a code where each member of the code, i.e., each n-bit codeword has a constant number, w, of 1's. In an effort to devise an effective and fast method for encoding and decoding constant weight codes, the inventors herein disclosed in the aforementioned '550 patent application a method of wide applicability. The advance disclosed in the '550 patent application employs a piecewise linear algorithm, P, that maps w-dimensional information vectors into code vectors, followed by the construction of binary code vectors of weight w from the code vectors. To reverse the operation, constant weight codewords are converted to w-dimensional code vectors, and a reverse piecewise linear algorithm P′ is used to map the code vectors into information vectors, from which data is recovered.
More specifically, as illustrated in
It is to be noted that the algorithm P(is obtained through a process of dissecting two polytopes of different shapes into an equal number of pieces, in such a way that corresponding pieces are congruent. In other words, the algorithm is a description of the transformations required to dissect the first polytope and to reassemble the pieces so as to form the second polytope. Because of the specific dissections used, this same algorithm also maps vectors with integer coordinates inside the first polytope to vectors with integer coordinates in the second polytope. Furthermore, this algorithm is piecewise affine.
One interesting application for constant weight codes involves superimposing a slow channel over a fast channel (e.g., a control channel over a data channel). Information on the fast channel can be sent using codewords from different constant weight codebooks, and the codebook that is employed is chosen by the information of the slow channel. For example, a 256 bit long codeword of constant weight 127 (codebook A) can be used to send data from the fast channel when the slow channel wishes to communicate a “0,” and a 256 bit long codeword of constant weight 129 (codebook B) can be used to send data from the fast channel when the slow channel wishes to communicate a “1.” It may be noted in passing that a 256 bit long code word of constant weight 127 can communicate a number of symbols equal to the number of ways that 127 bits can be chosen within 256 bits, and thus can be used for communicating a maximum of 251 bits
The method disclosed in the '550 application is very simple and effective, but it is characterized by an encoding/decoding processing time on the order of w2, which in applications where w is large, can become an issue.
An advance. in the art is realized with a coding method that first pre-codes an incoming signal into a vector within a first polytope having preselected coordinate constraints, performing a first transformation of the pre-coded vector, said first transformation being a nonlinear approximation of a first linear transformation, into another vector within the same polytope, to thereby form a transformed vector having the same coordinate constraints and the additional constraint that the coordinates of the transformed vector are in descending order, mapping the transformed vector to another vector using a second linear transformation to form an intermediate vector, transforming the intermediate vector into a code vector using a transformation that is the inverse of the first linear transformation, and mapping the code vector a binary codeword having a constant weight.
The present disclosure, like the disclosure in the '550 application, constructs a bijection in order to define an encoder, but its processing time is potentially on the order of w·log w (w being the weight of the code) which, of course, is smaller than the w2 in the '550 application.
As depicted in
For exposition purposes a constant weight code of length 22 and weight 5 is employed and, to that end, the input data that is applied to element 21 is pre-encoded to form 5-element code vectors, where each element is limited in value to the length of the code minus the weight of the code, i.e., to 17, and also satisfies the above-mentioned constraint.
There are numerous ways by which element 21 may carry out the necessary pre-coding. One way, for example, is to partition the input stream into 12 bit blocks and partition each block into bit vectors b1, b2, b3, b4 and b5, consisting of 4, 1, 2, 2, and 3 bits, respectively. Let i(b1) be the integer value of bit vectors b1 and i(b2) be the integer value of vector b2, and so on. Bit vector b1 is mapped to x1=i(b1), bit vector b2 is mapped according to equation x2=5i(b2)+(x1)mod 5, bit vector b3 is mapped according to equation x3=4i(b3)+(x2)mod 4, bit vector b4 is mapped according to equation x4=3i(b4)+(x3), and bit vector b5 is mapped according to equation x5=2i(b5)+(x4)mod 2.
It may be noted that the approach of partitioning the 12-bit block into five non-overlapping vectors is easy to implement, but it does lose some capacity.
As depicted in
A note about notations. Given a representation of a matrix, Π, and a set X that lies in the domain of this mapping, the following exposition uses ΠX to denote the set of all vectors obtained by applying Π to every element of X, i.e., if Y=ΠX then we mean Y=(Πx, xεX).
The sorting operation can be represented by a permutation matrix Π−1 that pre-multiples the code vector x. The sorted vector x↓ results from the product Π−1 x. Since the permutation matrix is dependent on x, it may be expressed by Π−1(x) when necessary. For the above example, the sorting yields the vector (17, 15, 11, 10, 5) from the vector (10, 15, 11, 5, 17), which corresponds to the permutation matrix
For illustrative purposes, the w-dimensional cube of W is depicted by the square in the drawing that points to the signal line between elements 21 and 22 in
In other words, index the w! different w×w permutation matrices by i, i=0,1, . . . , w!−1, with the identity permutation having index equal to zero, We may then tag information vector x with a label i, if i is the smallest index for which the permutation matrix (Πi)−1 sorts the components of x in descending order. If we denote the set of all such vectors Wi, it can be shown that {Wi=0,1, . . . w!−1} is a dissection of W.
In connection with
In the exposition that follows, a simplex X is represented by a w×w matrix X each column of which is an extreme non-zero point of the simplex. It is assumed that one extreme point is at the origin and is not represented (though understood to be included). Thus, in matrix notation one can state that
W0=Πi1Wi =0,1,2, . . . w!−1. (2)
It may be noted that Π−1(x) and Πi−1 are the same matrix if x, lies in Wi.
The symbols mapped by element 22 are applied to element 23, where they are transformed by transformation Δ, as described in more detail below, to form transformed symbols that are contained in a different polytope, depicted by hatched triangle V0. The transformed symbols at the output of element 23 are applied to element 24, where the mapping Πi is performed—precisely the inverse of the mapping performed in element 23—to map the transformed symbols from polytope V0 into polytope Vi. In matrix notation, this is expressed by,
Vi=ΠiV0 i=0,1,2, . . . w!−1. (3)
It may be noted that the inverse of Π is its transpose; i.e., Π−1=ΠT.
Lastly, the transformed and mapped symbol developed by element 24, which lies generally in polytope V and in particular in some polytopal subset Vi, is applied to element 25 that develops the constant weight codewords through mapping Γ. The output of element 24 is a set of numbers each of which specifies the number of 0's between adjacent 1's in the final constructed code, and mapping Γ within element 25 computes the absolute position of the placement of !'s in the final constructed code. For example, relative to an input to element 25 of (5,1,1,10,0), the number 10 specifies 10 0's between the 3rd and the 4th 1 counting, for example, from the left. Thus, for this example the mapping of element 35 produces the codeword 0000010101000000000011.
The vectors that are sorted in descending order as described above are contained in the simplex that is represented by the matrix
That is, a vector with elements (α1, α2, . . . , αw), where αi is positive, after pre-multiplication by W0 in equation (4), results in a vector whose elements are in descending order.
In accord with this disclosure, the polytopal subset V0 is represented by the matrix
and the observation can be made that the columns of the matrix of equation (7), together with the w-dimensional zero-vector defines a simplex, where any point belonging to the simplex has coordinates arranged in ascending order.
Based on the above, and in accord with the depiction in
Δ=V0W0−1, (6)
and carrying out the calculations for equation (6) based on equations (4) and (5) yields
Based on the above, the encoding algorithm for real numbers is as follows:
The decoding algorithm is as follows:
The above-disclosed algorithm is for real numbers, in the sense that although the elements of input vector x are limited to integer values, the elements of output vector z are not limited to integer values because transformation matrix Δ contains non-integer (rational) numbers. In the practical real-life coding applications, however, it is generally necessary for the coded results to have integer values.
It can be shown that the product Δx↓ results in a vector of integer element values if and only if x↓ is a vector of integers that satisfies the modular constraints
(xi−xi+1)=0 mod (w−i+1), i=1,2, . . . , w−1, (8)
where xi is the ith component of vector x↓. It can he shown that this constraint restricts the values of x to a lattice. For example, for w=2, if xi=a, xi+1 can only be a+2k, where k is any (positive or negative) integer. For sake of simplicity, the modular constraint in equation (8) is referred to herein simply as the Modular Constraint, and vectors that satisfy the Modular Constraint are labeled with a prime, e.g., x′ is a vector whose components satisfy the Modular Constraint.
Keeping in mind that, ultimately, what is desired is a sorted vector x↓ with components that satisfy the Modular Constraint, i.e., x′↓, it is necessary to have an unsorted vector that also satisfies the Modular constraint; but pre-coding of the input signal in a manner that does not initially impose this constraint is not likely to yield a sorted vector with components that satisfy the Modular Constraint. What is needed, then, is a pre-coded (by element 21) vector that satisfies the Modular Constraint and from that vector a modified vector is developed which approximates the coded vector in a manner that can later be reversed (to undo the approximation) and which, when sorted, results in a vector of elements that satisfy the modular constraint. This is accomplished by focusing on a vector that represents the differences between adjacent elements of the pre-coded vector and on a vector that represents the differences between adjacent elements of the sorted vector, progressively constructing the differences of the modified vector such that the Modular Constraint is satisfied after sorting, and developing the final desired sorted vector and the modified vector from the constructed differences. To that end, a w×w matrix D is constructed of the form
allowing the creation of difference vectors
v=Dx, (10)
δ=Dx↓ (11).
Given that x↓ is developed by x↓=Π−1(x)x where Π−1(x) is the permutation matrix that sorts vector x in descending order, it follows that
δ=DΠ−1(x)D−1v, (12)
δ=T(x)v, (13)
T(x)=DΠ−1(x)D−1. (14)
As indicated above, it is not expected that the difference vector δ satisfies the Modular Constraint, so in accord with the principles disclosed herein a different differences vector {tilde over (δ)} is constructed, concurrently with an modified vector {tilde over (x)}′ that also satisfies the Modular Constraint, so that D−1{tilde over (δ)} is a sorted vector that satisfies the Modular Constraint.
To achieve the above, select the order (w−1) leading principal sub-matrix of T(x′), Tw−1#, and perform an LU decomposition of this matrix, multiplied by whatever (w−1)×(w−1) permutation matrix P is necessary in order to be able to do the decomposition. In other words, develop the elements of L−1 and of U in PTw−1#=L−1U. The structure of Tw−1# develops an L−1 matrix that has +1 entries on the main diagonal, and a U matrix that has ±1 entries on the main diagonal. It may be noted, however, that the LU decomposition is not a unique decomposition.
Based on this factorization, elements of the modified vector {tilde over (δ)} are constructed as follows:
where Ui,j and Li,j are elements of U and L, respectively, and └•┘ is the integer portion of •. Note that when computing {tilde over (δ)}1 the second summation in equation (15) is a null.
The transformed vector {tilde over (x)}′↓=({tilde over (x)}′1, {tilde over (x)}′2, . . . , {tilde over (x)}′w) is computed by
and, of course, the modified vector corresponds to {tilde over (x)}′=Π(x){tilde over (x)}′↓.
In order to reverse the steps, we start with {tilde over (x)}′↓ and assuming that Π(x) is known, we compute the matrix T using equation (14) and then obtain lower and upper triangular matrices, as before. The first (w−1) components of v are then recovered from
where Li1 is the ith row of L, Ui,j is the (i,j) entry of U, and ┌•┐ is • rounded up to the next integer. From here, the vector x can be easily recovered since the position of the largest component of x is known and its value is the same as the largest value of {tilde over (x)}′↓. A similar technique involving successive rounding is used for constructing perfect inversion transforms in the signal processing literature, such as Bruckers et al, “New networks for perfect inversion and perfect reconstruction,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Comm., vol. 10, pp. 130-137, January, 1993.
Based on the above, the encoding process that was summarized above in a 5-step method is augmented as depicted in
For the above example of an input vector of x=(10,15,11,5,17), the permutation matrix, Π−1(x) is
which based on equation (10) yields
Computing D and D−1 yields the transforming matrix
The resulting {tilde over (δ)} vector that is (0,4,0,8), and according to equation (16)
or x′↓=(17,17,13,13,5). Multiplying by the matrix Δ(w=5) defined by equation (7) yields vector z=(0,1,1,5,20). Multiplying by the inverse of the sorting matrix Π−1(x), (Π−1(x))−1=Π(x)=(Π−1(x))T, results in vector (5,1,1,10,0). Finally, mapping Γ yields 0000010101000000000011.
Number | Name | Date | Kind |
6029264 | Kobayashi et al. | Feb 2000 | A |
7526710 | Sawaguchi | Apr 2009 | B2 |
7584400 | Gray et al. | Sep 2009 | B2 |