- 1. A mattress consisting of two hollow layers filled with an elastic medium:
(A) The top layer of the mattress consists of the plurality of a closely-packed-low friction-elastic-hollow vertical columns,
(a) each vertical column has an open base facing the bottom layer of the mattress and a closed base that forms the resting surface of the mattress, (b) the vertical columns are arranged into rows, the rows are divided into two row sets in such a way that no two immediate neighboring rows belong to the same row set. (B) The bottom layer of the mattress:
(a) is divided into chambers, each located under one row of the vertical columns of the top layer forming one mattress unit, (b) each mattress unit is connected to the other mattress units corresponding to the same row set, (b) each mattress unit set is connected to a pressure chamber, together forming one air-tight pressure unit, (e) change of the volume in the pressure units results into the massaging action of the mattress onto a resting body.
[0001] This application is entitled to the benefit of Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 60/312194 filled Aug. 14, 2001.