Multilevel power converters have drawn a lot of attention recently. The modulation technique used in multilevel converters must have high efficiency, reduced passive filter cost, and fast transient response under different dynamic conditions. High efficiency is a critical metric for multilevel converters. Because low switching frequencies lead to low switching power losses, low switching frequency modulation techniques such as selective harmonic elimination-PWM (SHE-PWM), selective harmonic mitigation-PWM (SHM-PWM), and selective harmonic current mitigation-PWM (SHCM-PWM) are promising to increase converter efficiencies. In conventional SHE-PWM or SHM-PWM techniques, only the low order harmonics are eliminated or mitigated to meet voltage harmonic limits. Hence, the conventional SHE-PWM and SHM-PWM techniques cannot ensure that current harmonic limits are met, and these limits are more important than the voltage harmonic limits for the grid tied converters. In addition, the grid voltage harmonics can lead to unmitigated current harmonics for SHE-PWM and SHM-PWM techniques, but this information is not included in the equations of these modulation techniques.
These two problems can be considered by introducing a SHCM-PWM technique that can meet the current harmonic limits of IEEE-519 by including the effects of the grid voltage harmonics in the optimization process. In this technique, the coupling inductance between the converter and the grid can be significantly reduced in comparison to SHE-PWM and SHM-PWM techniques. Moreover, a higher number of current harmonics than SHE-PWM and SHM-PWM techniques can be mitigated with the same number of switching transitions. In He et al., based on the dynamic equations of the grid-tied converters, a high performance dynamic response can be achieved for a four-quadrant grid-tied converter. In addition, an indirect controller is used to change the active and reactive currents four times in each fundamental cycle. The modulation technique used in He et al. is phase-shift PWM (PSPWM), which uses a high switching frequency to control low order harmonics. It is important to note that the SHCM-PWM technique could not be used with the indirect controller technique to obtain high dynamic performance. Because SHCM-PWM is an offline modulation technique and the switching angles are calculated and stored in look-up tables, it needs to use fast Fourier transform (FFT), which results in time delays, to apply switching angles to the converters. In addition, the number of switching transitions is very low in SHCM-PWM, so it results in high ripple currents. As a result, it can cause intrinsic weak dynamic performance. When active or reactive power are controlled with SHCM-PWM in four-quadrant converters, because the switching angles need one fundamental cycle to get updated, a DC offset remains on the injected currents for several cycles under dynamic conditions.
A new selective harmonic mitigation-pulse amplitude modulation (SHM-PAM) was proposed to eliminate the triplet harmonics of the CHB converter by controlling the switching angles and the DC-link voltages of cells of the CHB. Also, low-order non-triplet harmonics of the CHB voltage are controlled to meet the power quality voltage requirements. However, this technique needs to change all DC-link voltages of the CHB converter for different modulation indices which can increase the complexity and the cost of the converter.
Recently, a fault-tolerant asymmetric selective harmonic elimination-PWM (asymmetric SHE-PWM) technique for the CHB inverter was proposed in to generate a balanced AC voltage with the three-phase CHB converter when one of the cells has a fault. A real-time selective harmonic elimination technique is also proposed in to find the solutions of switching angles of the low-frequency modulation technique in real-time. An indirect controller was proposed for having a transient-free dynamic response when the active and reactive current of the grid-tied converter is changed twice in a fundamental period. To reach this goal a high switching frequency modulation technique (PS-PWM) was used to change the AC voltage of a grid-tied converter. So similar to using the PS-PWM technique in the transient period, the active and reactive current is changed twice in a fundamental cycle. This leads to the lower speed of changing the AC current during dynamic conditions. So it is necessary to find a single time instant to change the active and reactive current at the same time. Also, the worst scenario for changing the active and reactive current is not discussed. Moreover, the effect of low-order harmonics on the DC transient offset of the grid-tied converter for both low- and high-switching frequency were not discussed.
Embodiments of the subject invention provide novel and advantageous hybrid Cascaded H-Bridge (CHB) converters that selectively use a selective harmonic current mitigation pulse width modulation (SHCM-PWM) unit and a phase shift pulse width modulation (PSPWM) unit.
In an embodiment, a hybrid CHB converter can include a selective harmonic current mitigation pulse width modulation (SHCM-PWM) unit coupled to an input current and providing an output signal SWSHCM, a phase shift pulse width modulation (PSPWM) unit coupled to the input current and providing an output signal SWPS, and a CHB converter selectively coupled to the SHCM-PWM and the PSPWM.
In another embodiment, a hybrid CHB converter can include a selective harmonic current mitigation pulse width modulation (SHCM-PWM) unit coupled to an input current and providing an output signal SWSHCM, a phase shift pulse width modulation (PSPWM) unit coupled to the input current and providing an output signal SWPS, a modulation selector coupled to the output signal SWSHCM of the SHCM-PWM unit and the output signal SWPS of the PSPWM unit and providing an output signal SW, and a CHB converter coupled to the output signal SW of the modulation selector.
In yet another embodiment, a four-quadrant CHB converter can include a selective harmonic current mitigation pulse width modulation (SHCM-PWM) unit receiving an active power and a reactive power from a power grid, a phase shift pulse width modulation (PSPWM) unit receiving the active power and the reactive power from the power grid, and a CHB converter selectively coupled to the SHCM-PWM unit at steady state and the PSPWM unit at transient state.
In another embodiment, the voltage harmonics due to the PS-PWM technique are mitigated with the harmonics generated from the low-frequency asymmetric SHCM-PWM technique. Consequently, the switching frequency is reduced.
In another embodiment, the best and worst scenarios for changing the active and reactive current of the grid-tied converter are derived. Using high-switching frequency modulation techniques such as PS-PWM can achieve a high-dynamic performance due to eliminating the low-order harmonics and simplicity of controlling the fundamental and low-order harmonics of the CHB.
In another embodiment, an asymmetric selective harmonic current mitigation pulse width modulation (ASHCM-PWM) unit coupled to an input current and providing an output signal SWASHCM; a phase shift pulse width modulation (PSPWM) unit coupled to the input current and providing an output signal SWPS; a P-cell H-Bridge coupled to the output signal SWASHCM of the ASHCM-PWM unit; and a N-cell H-Bridge coupled to the output signal SWPS of the PSPWM unit.
Embodiments of the subject invention provide novel and advantageous hybrid Cascaded H-Bridge (CHB) converters that selectively use a selective harmonic current mitigation pulse width modulation (SHCM-PWM) unit under steady state and a phase shift pulse width modulation (PSPWM) unit under transient state.
The SHCM-PWM technique can be used in cascaded multilevel converters to extend the harmonic reduction spectrum, reduce the coupling inductance and increase the efficiency. The offline SHCM-PWM technique has a low number of switching transitions, as its switching angles can only change once in a fundamental cycle, and relatively long time delays because it uses fast Fourier transform (FFT). As a result, its dynamic response leaves much to be desired. For the four-quadrant power converters to have good transient dynamic response, both active and reactive power must be controlled at least two times in a fundamental cycle. Thus, embodiments of the subject invention can use a hybrid modulation technique including SHCM-PWM under steady state and PSPWM under transient state. In addition, in order to extend the modulation index range and ensure that SHCM-PWM can process four-quadrant active and reactive power, the constraints of the switching angles for the SHCM-PWM can be modified.
A hybrid modulation technique of an embodiment of the subject invention, which combines a SHCM-PWM technique and a PSPWM technique, is able to achieve high dynamic performance for four-quadrant grid-tied converters. Under steady state condition, the SHCM-PWM technique is applied to achieve high efficiency. Under dynamic condition, the PSPWM technique is employed to update switching transitions several times in each fundamental cycle to achieve high dynamic response performance. Furthermore, a controller is designed to switch between these two modulations. In order to process four-quadrant active and reactive power, the modulation index range of the SHCM-PWM can be greatly extended by modifying the constraints of switching angles. The lowest number of switching transitions for the PSPWM technique is derived so that it does not reduce efficiency and the performance of the indirect controller.
Embodiments of the subject invention can be applied to grid-tied converters. Also, embodiments of the subject invention can be used for renewable energy sources, such as solar panels, to increase the efficiency and improve the dynamic performance. Moreover, embodiments of the subject invention can be used in ultra-fast charging stations of electrical vehicles to inject active and reactive powers to the grid.
In conventional selective harmonic elimination-PWM (SHE-PWM) or SHM-PWM techniques, only the low order harmonics are eliminated or mitigated to meet voltage harmonic limits. The conventional SHE-PWM and SHM-PWM techniques cannot ensure that the current harmonic limits are met, and these limits are more important than the voltage harmonic limits for the grid tied converters. In addition, the grid voltage harmonics can lead to unmitigated current harmonics for SHE-PWM and SHM-PWM techniques, but this information is not included in the equations of these modulation techniques. These two problems can be solved by introducing a SHCM-PWM technique. Hybrid modulation techniques of embodiments of the subject invention are able to achieve high dynamic performance for four-quadrant grid-tied converters by combining a SHCM-PWM technique and a PSPWM technique. Under steady state condition, the SHCM-PWM technique is applied in order to achieve high efficiency, and under dynamic condition, the PSPWM technique is applied to update switching transitions several times in each fundamental cycle to achieve high dynamic response performance. Further, a controller can be provided to switch between these two modulations. In order to process four-quadrant active and reactive power, the modulation index range of SHCM-PWM can be greatly extended by modifying the constraints of switching angles. The lowest number of switching transitions for PSPWM technique is derived so that it does not reduce efficiency and the performance of the indirect controller.
Grid-tied four-quadrant converters need large modulation index range to work with different active and reactive loads [8]. The modulation index range of low frequency modulation techniques depends on optimization constraints applied to the Fourier series equations. To increase modulation index range of low frequency modulation techniques, either an unequal DC link voltage technique or modified switching angle constraints can be used.
However, a hybrid modulation technique of an embodiment of the subject invention, which combines SHCM-PWM and PSPWM, achieves high dynamic performance for four-quadrant grid-tied converters, because the SHCM-PWM technique is applied under steady state to achieve high efficiency and the PSPWM technique is applied under dynamic condition to update switching transitions several times in each fundamental cycle to achieve high dynamic response performance. Further, a controller can be designed to selectively switch between these two modulations.
In equation (1), vac-Grid-h, vac-CHB-h, and iin-h are the hth harmonic order of the grid voltage, CHB voltage, and injected current, respectively. The relationship of fundamental frequency (60/50 Hz) component vac-Grid-1, vac-CHB-1, and iin-1 can be obtained in equation (1). The quarter period waveform of vac-CHB-h for the i-cell CHB converter in
where θ11, θ12, . . . , θi(n
The power quality standard that is used to meet both current and voltage harmonics is IEEE 519. The limits of both current and voltage harmonics at the point of common coupling (PCC) are provided in Table I below. In IEEE-519, IL is the maximum demand load current of the four-quadrant converter. Isc is the short circuit current at the PCC.
The key parameters, such as the switching frequency of each switch, the number of harmonics that can be mitigated with the SHCM-PWM, and the coupling inductance between the converter and the grid, can be considered. When the grid voltage harmonics (|Vac-Grid-h|) have the highest magnitudes under the worst scenario defined in Table I, the equation set that is used to find the solutions of SHCM-PWM to meet current harmonic limits of IEEE 519 in Table I is shown below,
where K is the number of switching transitions of the SHCM-PWM during a quarter fundamental period (K=n11+n12+ . . . ni(ni)), and Ch and CTDD are the current harmonics and TDD limits of iin in Table I. By using guidelines in Moeini et al. [6], which is hereby incorporated by reference herein in its entirety, the parameters can be calculated as shown in Table II.
To ensure that the SHCM-PWM modulation technique can properly work in steady state for four-quadrant active and reactive power, the limitations for the maximum and minimum modulation indices can be obtained based on equation (1). In equation (1), the modulation index of CHB voltage is,
The conventional constraints of the switching angles used to solve switching angles for the equation set in equation (3) are,
The constraints in equation (5) undesirably restrict the optimization techniques used to solve equation (3). The switching angle solution range of SHCM-PWM technique can be significantly improved by modifying the constraints to,
The multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) technique, as in Reyes-Sierra et al. [12] (which is hereby incorporated by reference herein in its entirety), can be used to solve equation (3). The modulation index ranges of using the switching angle constraints in equations (5) and (6) for equation (3) are compared in
By changing the modulation index, the magnitude of vac-CHB-1 in equation (2) can be controlled. However, in order to track desired active and reactive power for four-quadrant operations, the phase of CHB voltage should also be controlled. Because of this, if the phase of the CHB voltage is θ and 0<θ<2π, (2) can be rewritten as,
Because when the phases of both Iin-1 and Vac-CHB change from 0 to 2π, there are switching angle solutions, the CHB can handle four-quadrant active and reactive power.
The dq frame rotates counterclockwise with speed □. The injected current iin(t) is composed of dq components as,
in(t)=Iin-d sin(ωt)+Iin-q cos(ωt) (9)
ac-CHB(t)=Vac-CHB-d sin(ωt)+Vac-CHB-q cos(ωt),
in-q, (10)
In order to have the desired current in
In the time domain, if the changes of dq current references cause vac-CHB(t) to change by Δvac-CHB(t) from vac_CHB1(t) to vac_CHB2(t), and iin(t) to change by Δiin(t) from iin1(t) to iin2(t), the following equations hold,
ac-CHB2(t)=vac-CHB1(t)+Δvac-CHB(t), (12)
It is assumed that the grid voltage does not change under the transient condition so Δvac-Grid=0. Based on
Δvac-CHB(t)=ΔVac-CHB-d sin(ωt)+ΔVac-CHB-q cos(ωt)
Δiin(t)=ΔIin-d sin(ωt)+ΔIin-q cos(ωt) (13)
The differential equation under transient duration is,
If the current changes at t=t0, from equations (13) and (14), the Δiin can be solved as,
where c depends on both Δvac-CHB and the initial condition of Δiin. If the control signal of ΔIin-d and ΔIin-q change at t=t0 and Δiin(t0-)=0, c can be derived as,
The second term in equation (15) is the steady state term of Δiin. The first term in equation (15) is an undesirable transient current. In order to remove undesirable transient current, in equation (16), c should be always equal to zero. Because of this, ΔIin-d or ΔIin-q should only change when sin(ωt0) or cos(ωt0) are equal to zero. This indicates if dq currents in equation (16) change under the following conditions, iin will have no transient currents.
To have the fast transient response in practice, the active power, which is determined by ΔIin-d, and reactive power, which is determined by ΔIin-q, must change at times defined in equation (17). Therefore, the currents can have 2 to 4 changes within one cycle. At the same time, the existing technique uses only the PSPWM technique to improve the transient condition. However, the mitigation of low order current harmonics using the PSPWM technique needs more switching transitions than low frequency modulation techniques such as SHE-PWM. As a result, the PSPWM technique has a high switching power loss. Hybrid SHCM-PWM and PSPWM techniques of embodiments of the subject invention solve these issues. In embodiments of the subject invention, the SHCM-PWM technique is employed under the steady state condition and the PSPWM technique is employed under the transient condition.
If |ΔI*in-d|>0 & ωt=kπ, use PSPWM (SWPS) until ωt=(k+2)π If |ΔI*in-q|>0 & ωt=kπ+π/2, use PSPWM (SWPS) until ωt=(k+2)π Otherwise, use SHCM-PWM.
The switching frequency of the PSPWM technique must be designed to have both good dynamic response and low switching power loss. To reduce the switching power loss, the switching frequency of PSPWM must be chosen as low as possible when the dynamic response is greatly improved. However, reducing the switching frequency of PSPWM may lead to undesirably-high low-order voltage harmonics, which includes the fundamental vac-CHB-1. Because of this, the lowest PSPWM switching frequency, which does not affect vac-CHB-1, can be explored. The output voltage of an i-cell CHB converter with the PSPWM technique can be written as,
where, ω0=2πf0, f0 and θ0 are the fundamental frequency and phase of CHB voltage. M is the modulation index of each cell of CHB. The total modulation index Ma of the CHB converter is iM. ωc=2πfc and fc is the average carrier frequency of each cell. B is the baseband, and A is the sideband harmonics of each baseband harmonic as shown in
B≈2(iMBπ+2)f0 (19)
In equation (18), the switching frequency fs of the vac-CHB with PSPWM is equal to 2ifc. In order not to generate sideband harmonics overlapping and influencing vac-CHB-1, the carrier frequency of the CHB converter for the first baseband (B=1) can be derived based on following equation,
s>(2iMBπ+5)f0 (20)
Based on equation (20), when i=3, M=1 (the maximum modulation index for each cell) and in the worst scenario, the lowest fs and fc are therefore 1440 Hz and 240 Hz respectively.
The subject invention includes, but is not limited to, the following exemplified embodiments.
A hybrid Cascaded H-Bridge (CHB) converter, comprising:
a selective harmonic current mitigation pulse width modulation (SHCM-PWM) unit coupled to an input current and providing an output signal SWSHCM;
a phase shift pulse width modulation (PSPWM) unit coupled to the input current and providing an output signal SWPS; and
a CHB converter selectively coupled to the SHCM-PWM unit and the PSPWM unit.
The hybrid CHB converter according to embodiment 1, wherein the CHB converter is coupled to the SHCM-PWM unit under steady state condition and the CHB converter is coupled to the PSPWM unit under dynamic condition.
The hybrid CHB converter according to embodiment 2, wherein the CHB converter is coupled to the PSPWM unit under transient condition.
The hybrid CHB converter according to any of embodiments 2-3, wherein the input current includes an active current reference ΔI*in-d and a reactive current reference ΔI*in-q, and the CHB converter is selectively coupled to the SHCM-PWM unit and the PSPWM unit based on the active current reference ΔI*in-d and the reactive current reference ΔI*in-q.
The hybrid CHB converter according to embodiment 4, wherein the CHB converter is selectively coupled to the PSPWM unit in case the input current satisfies the following Formula 1:
|ΔI*in-d|>0 & ωt=kπ, until ωt=(k+2)π. Formula 1
The hybrid CHB converter according to embodiment 5, wherein the CHB converter is selectively coupled to the PSPWM unit in case the input current satisfies the following Formula 2:
|ΔI*in-q|>0 & ωt=kπ+π/2, until ωt=(k+2)π. Formula 2
The hybrid CHB converter according to embodiment 6, wherein the CHB converter is selectively coupled to the SHCM-PWM unit in all cases where the input current does not satisfy either of Formula 1 and Formula 2.
The hybrid CHB converter according to any of embodiments 2-7, further comprising an indirect controller coupled to the input current and providing an output current vac-CHB2 to the SHCM-PWM unit and the PSPWM unit.
A hybrid Cascaded H-Bridge (CHB) converter, comprising:
a selective harmonic current mitigation pulse width modulation (SHCM-PWM) unit coupled to an input current and providing an output signal SWSHCM;
a phase shift pulse width modulation (PSPWM) unit coupled to the input current and providing an output signal SWPS;
a modulation selector coupled to the output signal SWSHCM of the SHCM-PWM unit and the output signal SWPS of the PSPWM unit and providing an output signal SW; and
a CHB converter coupled to the output signal SW of the modulation selector.
The hybrid CHB converter according to embodiment 9, wherein the modulation selector is connected to the input current.
The hybrid CHB converter according to embodiment 10, wherein the modulation selector selects one of the output signal SWSHCM and the output signal SWPS as the output signal SW based on the input current.
The hybrid CHB converter according to embodiment 11, further comprising an indirect controller coupled to the input current and providing an output current vac-CHB2 to the SHCM-PWM unit and the PSPWM unit.
The hybrid CHB converter according to embodiment 12, wherein the input current includes an active current reference ΔI*in-d and a reactive current reference ΔI*in-q, and the modulation selector selects one of the output signal SWSHCM and the output signal SWPS based on the active current reference ΔI*in-d and the reactive current reference ΔI*in-q.
The hybrid CHB converter according to embodiment 13, wherein the modulation selector selects the output signal SWPS in case the input current satisfies the following Formulas 3 and 4:
|ΔI*in-d|>0 & ωt=kπ, until ωt=(k+2)π, Formula 3
|ΔI*in-q|>0 & ωt=kπ+π/2, until ωt=(k+2)π. Formula 4
The hybrid CHB converter according to embodiment 14, the modulation selector selects the output signal SWSHCM in all cases where the input current does not satisfy both Formula 3 and Formula 4.
The hybrid CHB converter according to any of embodiments 12-15, further comprising a phase lock loop (PLL) coupled to the modulation selector and an output of the CHB converter.
The hybrid CHB converter according to any of embodiments 9-16, wherein switch angles of the CHB converter are modified such that each of the switch angles has a range of 0 to π/2 (alternatively, or in addition, each of the switch angles is in a range of 0 to π/2).
The hybrid CHB converter according to embodiment 17, wherein the switch angles of the CHB are calculated and stored in a look up table.
The hybrid CHB converter according to embodiment 18, wherein the SHCM-PWM unit uses a FFT block.
The hybrid CHB converter according to embodiment 19, wherein the SHCM-PWM unit obtains a modulation index for checking the look up table.
A four-quadrant Cascaded H-Bridge (CHB) converter, comprising:
a selective harmonic current mitigation pulse width modulation (SHCM-PWM) unit receiving an active power and a reactive power from a power grid;
a phase shift pulse width modulation (PSPWM) unit receiving the active power and the reactive power from the power grid; and
a CHB converter selectively coupled to the SHCM-PWM unit at steady state and the PSPWM unit at transient state.
The four-quadrant CHB converter according to embodiment 21, wherein the active power and the reactive power are changed separately within one cycle.
The four-quadrant CHB converter according to any of embodiments 21-22, wherein a switching frequency of the PSPWM unit is 240 Hertz (Hz).
The four-quadrant CHB converter according to any of embodiments 21-23, wherein a modulation index with the SHCM-PWM unit is in a range of 0.8 to 2.495.
A grid-tied converter, comprising:
a selective harmonic current mitigation pulse width modulation (SHCM-PWM) unit coupled to an input current and providing an output signal SWSHCM;
a phase shift pulse width modulation (PSPWM) unit coupled to the input current and providing an output signal SWPS;
a modulation selector coupled to the output signal SWSHCM of the SHCM-PWM unit and the output signal SWPS of the PSPWM unit and providing an output signal SW; and
a H bridge converter coupled to the output signal SW of the modulation selector.
The grid-tied converter according to embodiment 25, wherein the modulation selector is connected to the input current.
The grid-tied converter according to any of embodiments 25-26, wherein the modulation selector selects one of the output signal SWSHCM and the output signal SWPS as the output signal SW based on the input current.
The grid-tied converter according to any of embodiments 25-27, further comprising an indirect controller coupled to the input current and providing an output current vac-CHB2 to the SHCM-PWM unit and the PSPWM unit.
The grid-tied converter according to any of embodiments 25-28, further comprising a phase lock loop (PLL) coupled to the modulation selector and an output of the grid-tied converter.
The grid-tied converter according to any of embodiments 25-29, further comprising an inductor connected to the H bridge converter.
A motor, comprising:
a selective harmonic current mitigation pulse width modulation (SHCM-PWM) unit coupled to an input current and providing an output signal SWSHCM;
a phase shift pulse width modulation (PSPWM) unit coupled to the input current and providing an output signal SWPS;
a modulation selector coupled to the output signal SWSHCM of the SHCM-PWM unit and the output signal SWPS of the PSPWM unit and providing an output signal SW;
a H bridge converter coupled to the output signal SW of the modulation selector; and
a motor connected to the H bridge converter.
The motor according to embodiment 31, wherein the motor is a single phase asynchronous motor or a three phase asynchronous motor.
A filter, comprising:
a selective harmonic current mitigation pulse width modulation (SHCM-PWM) unit coupled to an input current and providing an output signal SWSHCM;
a phase shift pulse width modulation (PSPWM) unit coupled to the input current and providing an output signal SWPS;
a modulation selector coupled to the output signal SWSHCM of the SHCM-PWM unit and the output signal SWPS of the PSPWM unit and providing an output signal SW;
a H bridge converter coupled to the output signal SW of the modulation selector; and
a passive filter connected to the H bridge converter.
The filter according to embodiment 33, wherein the passive filter includes at least one of an L filter, an LC filter, and an LCL filter.
A greater understanding of the present invention and of its many advantages may be had from the following examples, given by way of illustration. The following examples are illustrative of some of the methods, applications, embodiments, and variants of the present invention. They are, of course, not to be considered as limiting the invention. Numerous changes and modifications can be made with respect to the invention.
For performance evaluation of the hybrid SHCM-PWM and PSPWM technique, MATLAB Simulink was used for the simulations. The circuit parameters, which were used in both simulation and experimental results, are shown in Table II. The DC voltage of battery for each cell in the simulation and experimental results was 65V. The obtained solutions in
The purposes of the simulations and experiments were to: (a) validate whether iin can meet the IEEE 519 current harmonic limits with the extended solution range in equation (6); (b) validate whether the hybrid SHCM-PWM and PSPWM technique based on
A 7-level four-quadrant CHB converter according to an embodiment of the subject invention, having the same parameters as in the simulations, was fabricated and investigated.
Referring to
As demonstrated by both experimental and simulation results, with the hybrid techniques of embodiments of the subject invention, the CHB rectifier can process four-quadrant active and reactive power with the extended modulation index, achieve fast dynamic response, and meet IEEE-519 current harmonic limits.
The hybrid techniques of embodiments of the subject invention can achieve a transient free dynamic response because of the non-ideal component parameters, such as the variations of the DC link voltages, the resistance of the inductor, and the impedance of power grid (as well as possibly others), while maintaining a small DC offset during the transient condition. In addition, compared with conventional techniques, the hybrid techniques of embodiments of the subject invention significantly improve the dynamic response.
In addition to above described examples, a hybrid PS-PWM and asymmetric SHCM-PWM technique is developed to reduce the switching frequency and inductance of the PS-PWM technique and meet the limits of IEEE 519 2014. To reach this goal, the voltage harmonics due to the PS-PWM technique are mitigated with the harmonics generated from the low-frequency asymmetric SHCM-PWM technique. Consequently, the switching frequency is reduced. Moreover, a general equation set for the hybrid PS-PWM and asymmetric SHCM-PWM technique is derived based on the equations of the PS-PWM and asymmetric SHCM-PWM techniques.
Guidelines are developed for the design of critical parameters such as the coupling inductance and the switching frequency of the hybrid modulation technique. The hybrid modulation technique increases power efficiency, reduces inductance, meets the limits of IEEE 519, and can achieve four-quadrant operation for grid-tied CHB converters.
Moreover, the best and worst scenarios for changing the active and reactive current of the grid-tied converter are derived. So, instead of changing the active and reactive current twice in a fundamental cycle as discussed, the active and reactive current can be changed just once in each half-period. Also, the effects of low-order current harmonics of the grid-tied converter on the DC transient response will be discussed and the conditions which can cause the best and worst scenarios for the DC transient response will be derived. Using high-switching frequency modulation techniques such as PS-PWM can achieve a high-dynamic performance due to eliminating the low-order harmonics and simplicity of controlling the fundamental and low-order harmonics of the CHB. Also, using the asymmetric SHCM-PWM can increase the efficiency of the converter. So the hybrid technique can be used for different types of grid-tied converters such as electric vehicle charging stations and smart grids to have both advantages.
The configuration of a power grid-tied CHB converter is shown in
where B and A are the baseband and sideband harmonic orders, respectively. vac-CHB-PSPWM(t) is the voltage of the N-cell CHB with the PS-PWM technique, J is the Bessel function of the first kind. ωc=2πfc is the carrier frequency (radian) and fc is the carrier frequency (Hz). ωo=2πfo, θo, fo are the frequency (radian), phase and frequency (Hz) of the fundamental of vac-CHB-PSPWM(t). The total modulation index of the CHB converter is Ma=M(N+P), where M is the average modulation index of all cells. The DC links of these CHB cells can be connected to DC/DC converters.
The harmonic magnitudes of (21) are shown in
By shifting fundamental by −90° and harmonics by −(2A−1) 90°, the second term in (22) can be further written as,
The second term in (23) consists of the harmonic components of the CHB voltage. It can be decomposed into the sine and cosine components as;
As shown in (24), the magnitudes of the sine and cosine components depend on the phase θ0 of the fundamental. As a result, the magnitudes of the harmonics of the PS-PWM cannot be controlled if the fundamental is controlled. The asymmetric SHCM-PWM technique can control both the magnitude and phase of each harmonic, so it is employed in the hybrid modulation technique to mitigate the harmonics to meet IEEE 519. The magnitudes of the harmonics in (24) when B is less than or equal to 2 are shown in
B≈2(NMBπ+2)f0 (25)
1 (26)
For P cells that use the asymmetric SHCM-PWM in
where h is the harmonic order, K is the number of switching transitions in each half-period for the P-cell CHB. Because of the asymmetric waveform generated by the asymmetric SHCM-PWM in
In (28), the sine and cosine terms of the harmonics are decomposed. By controlling the switching angles θ1, θ2, and θK, the low-order harmonics due to the PS-PWM in N-cell CHBs can be compensated with the harmonics generated by the asymmetric SHCM-PWM in (28).
Derivation of Equations for Hybrid PS-PWM and Asymmetric SHCM-PWM Technique
where Vac-CHB-PSPWM-h, Vac-CHB-PSPWM-h, θPSPWM-h and θASHCM-h are the magnitudes and phases of the hth order voltage harmonic due to the PS-PWM and asymmetric SHCM-PWM respectively. Iin-h must meet the total demand distortion (TDD) and harmonic limits up to 50th order specified by IEEE 519 2014 in Table I. IL is the maximum demand load current and Isc is the short circuit current at the PCC. To meet the current limits of IEEE 519, the following equation must be met,
where Ch is the limit of the hth order current harmonic in Table I in the worst scenario based on the short circuit ratio. Based on IEEE519 2014, TDD must also meet the standard below,
where CTDD is the TDD limit of IEEE 519. It is worth to mention that the grid voltage harmonic requirements of IEEE-519 is not considered here.
Based on (24), (28), (30) and (31), the equation set which is going to be used to calculate switching angles using optimization techniques for the hybrid modulation technique is therefore becoming,
In (32), the first equation (31) is used to generate the desired fundamental CHB voltage. The second and the third equations are conditions to meet the limits of current harmonics and TDD, respectively. For the sideband harmonics outside the bandwidth defined in (25), because their magnitudes are small, they will be ignored. Only the sideband harmonics within the bandwidth will be considered in (32). Therefore, the number of sideband harmonics of each baseband harmonic in (32) is a function of its bandwidth (25). The switching angles in (32) can be solved using optimization technique such as particle swarm optimization technique, if critical parameters such as Vdc, IL, K, N, P, and L are determined first.
Parameter Design for the Hybrid Modulation Technique
In (32), Vdc, IL, K, N, P, and L must be designed for the hybrid modulation technique. To achieve reactive power compensation, the magnitude of the fundamental CHB voltage should be higher than the amplitude of the grid voltage Vac-Grid-1, so
IL is determined based on the maximum volt-ampere of the grid-tied CHB converter. IL is 14.14A, Vac-Grid-1 is 110V and volt-ampere is 1.555 kVA. Because N cells use the PS-PWM and P cells use the asymmetric SHCM-PWM, there is a trade-off between choosing N and P in different applications. If N≥P, the converter has better a dynamic performance as will be discussed later than N≤P [20], however, the switching power loss is higher than N≤P, and the inductance which can mitigate the current harmonics is bigger than N≤P. If N≤P, the converter can mitigate more number of current harmonics with lower switching loss than N≥P while the dynamic performance is not as good as N≥P. The objective is to use a 3-cell CHB converter to demonstrate that the hybrid modulation technique is better than the conventional PS-PWM technique in meeting harmonic limits with smaller switching frequency and L, so N=1 and P=2. In (25), because M=1, N=1 and B=1, BWB=10.28f0. Based on (6), fs>677 Hz, so fs is selected as 720 Hz. The switching transitions in each half-period is therefore 12.
To solve inductance and switching angles from equation set (32) for the desired fundamental and meeting both the current harmonic and TDD limits of IEEE 519, the range of K and L should be determined. In (30), in the worst scenario, the harmonic mitigation due to vac-CHB-ASHCM-h is ignored, so the worst inductance Lworst is given by (34). Because of the harmonic mitigation due to vac-CHB-ASHCM-h, the actual inductance is smaller than Lworst as shown in (34).
Also, to meet TDD limit without the contribution from the asymmetric SHCM-PWM, based on (31), inductance L should meet,
(34) and (35) give the range of the inductance L when solving equation set (32). In equation set (32), due to the fact that significant harmonics, which could be over the limit of the PS-PWM are within the sidebands of carrier fundamental and harmonics, the low-order voltage harmonics: 3rd, 5th, . . . , ((fs−BW1−60)/60)th, of the PS-PWM are very low in
The range of Vac-CHB-ASHCM-h, in which Iin-h can meet the harmonic limit, when |Vac-CHB-PSPWM-h|≥|jωohChLIL|, is given by the red circle which centers at the origin with the radius equal to max(|Vac-CHB-PSPWM-h|+|jωohChLIL|). The range is given by (36).
|Vac-CHB-ASHCM-h|≤max(|ωohLILCk|+|Vac-CHB-PSPWM-h|) (36)
At N=1, when the modulation index is within the PS-PWM's normal modulation index range [0, 0.785], the maximum magnitudes of the voltage harmonics of the PS-PWM in the normal modulation index range can be calculated from (34) and are shown in
Based on (36) and (37), when |vac-CHB-PSPWM-h|>|jωohChLIL|, for hth harmonic, the switching transitions K of the asymmetric SHCM-PWM in each half-period should meet the condition below,
(38) gives a maximum initial K to solve equation set (32).
After finding all of these important parameters for (32), for four-quadrant active and reactive power operation in
where θm is the desired phase of the fundamental AC current.
Due to the difficulties of showing all of the switching angle solutions for different current magnitudes and phases,
Dynamic Response Analysis of the Grid-Tied Converters
To analyze the dynamic response of the grid-tied converters when the active and reactive power is changed, the time-domain equation of the AC input current (iin(t)) which is derived during dynamic conditions is used as shown below,
where ΔIin-1-d and ΔIin-1-q are the change of the active and reactive current that is applied to the grid-tied converter. Also, L and R are the coupling inductance and the parasitic resistance of the coupling inductance. The term c1 is the transient response constant for the fundamental frequency and can be obtained by the following equation,
where to is the time instant that ΔIin-1-q and ΔIin-1-d are applied to the grid-tied converter. As analyzed in [18],[19], to have a transient-free dynamic response based on (42), when sin(ωt0) is equal to zero, the active current (ΔIin-1-d) should be changed, and when cos(ωt0) is zero, the reactive current (ΔIin-1-q) should be changed. These conditions can be summarized as,
The above conditions are not the general condition (it is just one solution of (42) which can be used to change the active and reactive current twice in a fundamental period for the grid-tied converters. However, this reduces the speed of changing the AC current. To find a single time instant, (42) should be equal to zero as shown in (44),
From (44) it can conclude that when the active and reactive current is decided to be changed by the controller, there is only a single time instant where the AC current can be changed. If the active and reactive current is changed at the time instant that is derived in (44), the current does not show any transient DC offset. Otherwise, a huge DC offset is generated which can saturate the coupling inductor or cause serious issues for the controller or damage solid-state switches. The conditions that are obtained in (43) can be derived from (44).
The solution of (44) gives the best scenario for changing the active and reactive current of the grid-tied converters. However, there is also the worst scenario for changing the active and reactive current for the grid-tied converters. To find the worst scenario of the transient response of the grid-tied converter, the maximum of (42) can be found based on the first derivative of (42),
By using some mathematical manipulation, the following time instant can be found for the worst scenario of changing the active and reactive current of the grid-tied converters,
To prove that (46) derives the worst scenario of the dynamic response of the grid-tied converters for the fundamental frequency, the second derivative of (42) also should be checked as follow,
From (47), it can conclude that the first and second lines are equal to zero based on (45). So, the second derivative of (47) when the first derivative in (45) is equal to zero can be simplified as,
Replacing ωt0 which is obtained in (46) in (48) and using some mathematical manipulations, the following equation can be obtained for the second derivative of c1,
As shown in (49), the second derivative of c1 is not equal to zero when the first derivative in (46) is equal to zero. As shown in Table II, when the second derivative in (49) is positive and the reactive and active current is changed based on (46), the transient DC response shows the maximum negative DC transient offset (local minimum). Otherwise, when the second derivative in (49) is negative and the reactive and active current is changed based on (46), the DC transient response shows the maximum positive DC transient offset (local maximum).
Table II below shows status of the worst scenario of the dynamic response for the fundamental frequency of the AC current based on the second derivative in (49).
The Dynamic Response of Low Frequency Modulation Techniques
The low-frequency modulation techniques have two issues during the dynamic conditions. The first issue is the time delays of the low-frequency modulation techniques to obtain the modulation index from the sinusoidal waveform by using the fast Fourier transform (FFT) as discussed. To solve this issue, the high-frequency modulation technique (PS-PWM) is used in for all of the cells of the CHB converter during the transient period. However, the normal solution range of the PS-PWM technique is lower than the asymmetric SHCM-PWM technique. So, in some ranges, the PS-PWM technique cannot control the active and reactive current. To solve this issue, a hybrid PS-PWM and asymmetric SHCM-PWM technique is presented. To estimate the modulation index of the low-frequency asymmetric SHCM-PWM technique when a dynamic response is required by the controller, the following equation which is derived from the phasor diagram can be used,
where ΔIin-1-d* and ΔIin-1-q* are the references of the active and reactive current and Ma-new and Ma-old are the modulation indices of the CHB converter after and before the dynamic response, respectively. Also, Vac-CHB-1-new and Vac-CHB-1-old are the fundamental CHB voltage after and before applying the dynamic response, respectively. Although the equations in (50-52) depend on the parameters of the passive filter, they estimate the new modulation index fast during dynamic conditions.
The second issue of the low-frequency modulation techniques (which is also existed for the high-frequency modulation techniques) is the DC offset which is generated due to the low-order harmonics of the AC current. For analyzing the effects of low-order current harmonics, the equations of (51) and (52) can also be rewritten for the harmonics of Δiin(t), when it is assumed that the changes of grid voltage harmonics are negligible when the dynamic response is applied to the grid-tied converter,
where ch is the constant for hth order of the transient component of the AC current and ΔIin-h-q and ΔIin-h-d are the changes of the hth order harmonic of the q and d components of the AC current. As analyzed in (54), for the hth order harmonic of the AC current, the best scenario for changing the current harmonic is obtained when the ch is equal to zero as follows,
Also, for the worst scenario of the DC transient response due to the current harmonics of the grid-tied converter, similar to (26) the following equation can be obtained by deriving (34) as follows,
The time instant that is obtained based on (56) gives the maximum and minimum DC offset of the hth order harmonic similar to (56) and (59). Similar to (59) and Table II, the following equation and Table III can be obtained based on the second derivative of (54) for the worst scenario of the dynamic response for the AC current harmonics,
Referring to
To verify the analysis and advantages of the hybrid PS-PWM and asymmetric SHCM-PWM technique, simulations were first conducted in MATLAB/Simulink for a grid-tied 3-cell, 7-level CHB converter. The circuit parameters are shown in Table IV. Three simulations were conducted. For the hybrid modulation, one cell uses PS-PWM with 12 switching transitions in a half-period as calculated. 2 cells use asymmetric SCHM-PWM with switching transitions K=10 (the switching angle solutions were found based on (32) when K is reduced from initial 12 to 10) in a half-period. The total number NPSPWM-ASHCM of switching transitions of the CHB converter is therefore 22. For conventional modulation, PS-PWM is used for three cells and the total number NPSPWM of switching transitions in half period is 24 (fs=24×60=1440 Hz) based on (45) and (46).
In the first simulation, the average modulation index M of all cells is 0.524 and because N+P=3, the total modulation index Ma of the converter is 1.572. The phase of the CHB fundamental voltage is −21.23°. The active and reactive power is 1395 W+635VAR.
In the second simulation, the average modulation index M of all cells is 0.698. The total modulation index Ma of the CHB converter is 2.096. Also, the phase of the CHB fundamental voltage is −3.2°. The active and reactive power is 570 W+32VAR.
In the last simulation results, the dynamic performance of the hybrid PS-PWM and asymmetric SHCM-PWM technique is shown in
A test 3-cell, 7-level grid-tied CHB converter with the same parameters as in Table IV is developed. In the first experiment, the average modulation index of all cells of the CHB converter is 0.524, and the total modulation index of the converter is 1.572. The phase of the CHB fundamental voltage is −21.23°. The active and reactive power is 1395 W+635VAR.
In the second experiment, the average modulation index M of all cells is 0.698 so the total modulation index Ma of the CHB converter is 2.096. The phase of the CHB fundamental voltage is −3.2°. The active and reactive power is 570 W+32VAR.
In the last experiment, the dynamic performance of the proposed hybrid PS-PWM and asymmetric SHCM-PWM technique is tested and compared in
In summary, a hybrid PS-PWM and asymmetric SHCM-PWM technique is disclosed for cascaded multilevel converters. The technique utilizes asymmetric SHCM to mitigate the harmonics generated from PS-PWM to meet harmonic limits with a smaller number of switching transitions and smaller inductance than the conventional PS-PWM technique. Technique and guideline were developed for the designing of critical parameters, such as coupling inductance and the number of switching transitions, for the hybrid PS-PWM and asymmetric SHCM-PWM technique. Moreover, the dynamic performance of the grid-tied converter was discussed. As shown there are the best and worst scenarios for changing the fundamental and harmonics of AC current. As proven by simulation and experimental results, if the converter could change the AC current in the best scenarios for the fundamental and harmonics, the AC current does not show any DC transient response. Finally, the hybrid PS-PWM and asymmetric SHCM-PWM technique can meet both harmonic and TDD limits of IEEE 519 with a smaller number of switching transitions and smaller inductance than the conventional PS-PWM technique.
It should be understood that the examples and embodiments described herein are for illustrative purposes only and that various modifications or changes in light thereof will be suggested to persons skilled in the art and are to be included within the spirit and purview of this application.
All patents, patent applications, provisional applications, and publications referred to or cited herein (including those in the “References” section, if present) are incorporated by reference in their entirety, including all figures and tables, to the extent they are not inconsistent with the explicit teachings of this specification.
This application is a Continuation-in-Part application of U.S. application Ser. No. 15/883,390 filed Jan. 30, 2018, which claims priority to U.S. Application Ser. No. 62/454,997 filed Feb. 6, 2017, all of which are incorporated herein by reference in their entireties, including any figures, tables, and drawings.
This invention was made with government support under grant number 1540118 awarded by the National Science Foundation. The government has certain rights in the invention.
Number | Date | Country | |
62454997 | Feb 2017 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | 15883390 | Jan 2018 | US |
Child | 16270180 | US |