Controlled release pharmaceutical dosage forms of a cholesteryl ester transfer protein inhibitor

The present invention relates to controlled release pharmaceutical dosage forms of a cholesteryl ester transfer protein inhibitor, (CETPI) methods of using and methods of making same. In particular, it relates to a controlled release form of the CETPI [2R,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-2-ethyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid ethyl ester.


[0002] This invention relates to controlled release pharmaceutical dosage forms of a cholesteryl ester transfer protein inhibitor (CETPI), methods of using and methods of making the same. In particular, it relates to a controlled release form of the CETPI [2R,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-2-ethyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (“Drug A”).


[0003] CETP inhibitors, particularly those that have high binding activity, are generally hydrophobic, have extremely low aqueous solubility and have low oral bioavailability when dosed conventionally. Such compounds have generally proven to be difficult to formulate for oral administration such that high bioavailabilities are achieved.

[0004] Atherosclerosis and its associated coronary artery disease is the leading cause of death in the industrialized world. Despite attempts to modify secondary risk factors (smoking, obesity, lack of exercise) and treatment of dyslipidemia with dietary modification and drug therapy, coronary heart disease (CHD) remains the most common cause of death in the U.S., where cardiovascular disease accounts for 44% of all deaths, with 53% of these associated with atherosclerotic coronary heart disease.

[0005] Risk for development of this condition has been shown to be strongly correlated with certain plasma lipid levels. While elevated LDL-cholesterol may be the most recognized form of dyslipidemia, it is by no means the only significant lipid associated contributor to CHD. Low HDL-cholesterol is also a known risk factor for CHD (Gordon, D. J., et al.,: “High-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol and Cardiovascular Disease”, Circulation, (1989), 79: 8-15).

[0006] High LDL-cholesterol and triglyceride levels are positively correlated, while high levels of HDL-cholesterol are negatively correlated with the risk for developing cardiovascular diseases. Thus, dyslipidemia is not a unitary risk profile for CHD but may be comprised of one or more lipid aberrations.

[0007] Among the many factors controlling plasma levels of these disease dependent principles, cholesteryl ester transfer protein activity affects all three. The role of this 70,000 dalton plasma glycoprotein found in a number of animal species, including humans, is to transfer cholesteryl ester and triglyceride between lipoprotein particles, including HDL, LDL, very low density lipoproteins (VLDL), and chylomicrons. The net result of CETP activity is a lowering of HDL cholesterol and an increase in LDL cholesterol. This effect on lipoprotein profile is believed to be pro-atherogenic, especially in subjects whose lipid profile constitutes an increased risk for CHD.

[0008] No wholly satisfactory HDL-elevating therapies exist. Niacin can significantly increase HDL, but has serious toleration issues, which reduce compliance. Fibrates and the HMG CoA reductase inhibitors raise HDL-cholesterol only modestly (±10-12%). As a result, there is a significant unmet medical need for a well-tolerated agent, which can significantly elevate plasma HDL levels, thereby reversing or slowing the progression of atherosclerosis.

[0009] CETP inhibitors have been developed which inhibit CETP activity, and thus, if present in the blood, will result in higher HDL cholesterol levels and lower LDL cholesterol levels. To be effective, such CETP inhibitors must be absorbed into the blood. Oral dosing of CETP inhibitors is preferred because to be effective such CETP inhibitors must be taken on a regular basis, such as daily. Therefore, it is preferred that patients be able to take CETP inhibitors by oral dosing rather than by injection.

[0010] However, it has proven to be difficult to formulate CETP inhibitors for oral administration such that therapeutic blood levels are achieved. CETP inhibitors in general possess a number of characteristics, which render them poorly bioavailable when dosed orally in a conventional manner. CETP inhibitors tend to be quite hydrophobic and extremely water insoluble, with solubility in aqueous solution of usually less than about 10 microgm/ml and typically less than 1 microgm/ml. Often, the aqueous solubility of CETP inhibitors is less than 0.1 microgm/ml. Indeed, the solubility of some CETP inhibitors is so low that it is in fact difficult to measure. Accordingly, when CETP inhibitors are dosed orally, concentrations of CETP inhibitor in the aqueous environment of the gastrointestinal tract tend to be extremely low, resulting in poor absorption from the GI tract to blood. The hydrophobicity of CETP inhibitors not only leads to low equilibrium aqueous solubility but also tends to make the drugs poorly wetting and slow to dissolve, further reducing their tendency to dissolve and be absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. This combination of characteristics has resulted in the bioavailability for orally dosed conventional crystalline or amorphous forms of CETP inhibitors generally to be quite low, often having absolute bioavailabilities of less than 1%.

[0011] Various attempts have been made to improve the aqueous concentration of CETP inhibitors, but generally have met with limited success. At the outset, most methods aimed at enhancing aqueous concentration and bioavailability of low-solubility drugs only offer moderate improvements. Such improvements generally lead to enhancements in aqueous concentration on the order of from one to seven fold. In addition, the enhancement may be short-lived, with the drug concentration returning to the equilibrium concentration within 10 to 40 minutes. Such small, short-lived concentration enhancements have led to even lower levels of bioavailability enhancement when tested in vivo via oral administration. Thus, when conventional dosage forms of low-solubility drugs are tested in vivo via oral administration, bioavailability enhancements are typically on the order of 2-fold to 4-fold or less. For CETP inhibitors having low absolute bioavailabilities, such small improvements are insufficient to allow convenient oral dosing of CETP inhibitors; that is, dosage forms having a convenient size and frequency of dosing.

[0012] Convenient oral administration of CETPIs, and in particular Drug A, to a patient is particularly difficult. Because CETPIs have such a low aqueous solubility, dosage forms of CETPIs advantageously contain a means to aid dissolution or solubility of the CETPI in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and to also inhibit precipitation of the CETPI in the GI tract. If the CETPI precipitates in the GI tract, then it is not available for absorption across the intestinal wall, and will not elicit its therapeutic effect. The inclusion of the dissolution-enhancing means increases the size of the dosage form, e.g. tablet or capsule. It is important that this oral dosage form be of a size, which is easily swallowed, particularly for elderly patients. It is also preferable that the number of dosage forms taken per dose be low, preferably one unit, because many patients take multiple drugs. Furthermore, it is important that dosing be convenient, i.e. once-per-day or twice-per-day, because patients who take multiple drugs may have a difficult time keeping track of which drugs to take at which time of day. Furthermore, some drugs such as CETPIs are advantageously taken with a meal, and it is preferable to minimize the number of times per day that the drug is taken, to simplify the logistics related to taking the drug with a meal.


[0013] Thus it is apparent that it is desirable to have a dosage form of a CETPI which:

[0014] (a) contains a dissolution- or solubility-enhancing means;

[0015] (b) comprises one or at most two units per dose;

[0016] (c) can be easily swallowed; and

[0017] (d) can be dosed once or twice per day.

[0018] Furthermore, it would be desirable to have a method of lowering the maximum CETPI concentration in the plasma (Cmax) after dosing while still providing good bioavailability, in order to decrease undesirable side effects, relative to an immediate release dosage form containing an equivalent amount of CETPI. This invention relates to pharmaceutical dosage forms that provide a controlled release of a low solubility cholesteryl ester transfer protein inhibitor (CETPI) to an environment of use.

[0019] In particular, in one preferred embodiment, the invention relates to controlled release of the CETPI [2R,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-2-ethyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (“Drug A”) (also known as torcetrapib). Drug A is shown below as Formula XX:

[0020] In one embodiment, the environment of use is the gastrointestinal tract of a human or other mammal.

[0021] This invention relates to controlled release pharmaceutical compositions containing a CETPI and the use of such compositions to elevate certain plasma lipid levels, including high density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol and to lower certain other plasma lipid levels, such as low density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol and triglycerides and accordingly to treat diseases which are affected by low levels of HDL cholesterol and/or high levels of LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides, such as atherosclerosis and cardiovascular. diseases in certain mammals (i.e., those which have CETP in their plasma), including humans.

[0022] The effective plasma terminal half-life (t1/2) of Drug A is in the range 30-70 hr, with an additional long terminal elimination half-life of 100-200 hr. Thus it is surprising that a CR dosage form of Drug A would be of utility.

[0023] In one aspect, the invention relates to a dosage form comprising:

[0024] (a) A CETPI in a solubility-enhanced form;

[0025] (b) An optional means to prevent precipitation of the CETPI in the use environment after delivery to this environment; and

[0026] (c) A controlled release (CR) means for delivering the CETPI slowly to the use environment.

[0027] In another aspect, the invention relates to a dosage form comprising:

[0028] (a) Drug A in a solubility-enhanced form;

[0029] (b) An optional means to prevent precipitation of Drug A in the use environment after delivery to this environment; and

[0030] (c) A controlled release (CR) means for delivering Drug A slowly to the use environment.

[0031] One preferred solubility-enhanced form of a CETPI is a solid amorphous dispersion, preferably a molecular dispersion, of the CETPI in a polymer termed a Concentration-Enhancing Polymer (CEP). This solid amorphous dispersion is a solid, which is further contained within a dosage form. The dosage form optionally additionally contains a precipitation-inhibiting polymer (PIP), which delays or prevents precipitation of the CETPI in the use environment for a period of time. When the solid amorphous dispersion is delivered to an environment of use, e.g. the human gastrointestinal tract, the CETPI supersaturates the GI lumenal fluid and this supersaturation is maintained for a period of time long enough for the drug to be absorbed across the GI wall into the blood stream. A more preferred solubility-enhanced form of the CETPI is a dispersion in which the CEP also serves the function of a PIP, thus decreasing the quantity of excipients in the dosage form because a PIP is not added to the CEP/CETPI dispersion.

[0032] Another preferred solubility-enhanced form of a CETPI is an amorphous CETPI powder, i.e. amorphous CETPI not in a solid amorphous dispersion.

[0033] The CR means comprises any solid dosage form which may be swallowed, and which slowly releases the solubility-enhanced form of the CETPI and the optional PIP. The CETPI and the optional PIP may be delivered into the use environment as a solution or as a suspension, that is as small particles, which then dissolve in the use environment. A preferred CR means is an osmotic tablet which is coated with a semipermeable membrane, and has one or more exit ports through this membrane through which the CETPI and optionally the PIP are released into the use environment. In one embodiment of an osmotic tablet, a “monolayer osmotic tablet”, the CETPI and various excipients are contained in a single layer, which possesses the ability to pump itself through the exit port(s) when hydrated. In another embodiment of an osmotic tablet, a “bilayer osmotic tablet”, the CETPI and optionally the PIP, are contained in one layer of a bilayer tablet which is accessible to the exit port(s), and another swelling layer contains a polymer which swells when hydrated thus aiding in delivery of the CETPI, and the optional PIP through the exit port(s).

[0034] Another preferred CR means is a matrix tablet, which releases the CETPI, and optionally the PIP, by diffusion or more preferably by erosion. For example, an eroding matrix tablet slowly erodes in the use environment, releasing particles of CETPI, and the optional PIP.

[0035] While it is certainly desirable to administer the entire dose in one dosage form unit, e.g. in one tablet, this may be difficult to achieve, and more than one dosage form unit may be dosed to achieve the therapeutic effect. For example, two 60 mg QD (once daily) CR dosage forms may be dosed to achieve a total dose of 120 mg. Likewise, two 120 mg QD CR dosage forms may be dosed to'achieve a total dose of 240 mg. Likewise, Two 120 mg BID (twice daily) CR dosage forms may be dosed to achieve a total dose of 240 mg.

[0036] The above doses are exemplary, and any dose in the range 5 mg to 500 mg may be used. Preferably, the dose of CETPI is from about 5 mg to about 240 mg.

[0037] In another aspect, the invention relates to a CR dosage form which releases the CETPI in the GI tract of a human at a rate which results in about 50% or more, preferably about 70% or more, more preferably about 80% or more, even more preferably about 90% or more inhibition of plasma CETP, for about 12 hours or more, preferably for about 16 hours or more. Said CR dosage form is dosed at most BID, preferably QD. The achievement of this aspect depends upon the CETPI dose and the CETPI release rate from the CR dosage form. Operational doses and release rates may be determined by pharmacokinetic modeling, as exemplified in the Examples of this application. Preferred doses and release rates are set out in the Detailed Description of the Invention below.

[0038] In another aspect, the invention relates to a CETPI CR dosage form which, when dosed to a human, results in about 50% or more, preferably about 70% or more, more preferably about 80% or more, even more preferably about 90% or more inhibition of plasma CETP, for a period of time which is greater than 30 minutes longer, preferably greater than 60 minutes longer, more preferably greater than 120 minutes longer, than the time period for inhibition elicited by dosing an immediate release dosage form at the same dose. A preferred CETPI CR dosage form will exhibit this effect at a lower dose than an immediate release dosage form. The achievement of this aspect depends upon the CETPI dose and the CETPI release rate from the CR dosage form. Operational doses and release rates may be determined by pharmacokinetic modeling, as exemplified in the Examples of this application.

[0039] In another aspect, the invention relates to a CR dosage form which releases Drug A in the GI tract of a human at a rate which results in a plasma CETPI concentration in excess of about 70 ng/ml, preferably in excess of about 110 ng/ml, more preferably in excess of about 150 ng/ml, even more preferably in excess of about 300 ng/ml for greater than about 12 hr, preferably for greater than about 16 hr. Said CR dosage form is dosed at most BID, preferably QD. The achievement of this aspect depends upon the Drug A dose and the Drug A release rate from the CR dosage form. Operational doses and release rates may be determined by pharmacokinetic modeling, as exemplified in the Examples of this application.

[0040] In another aspect, the invention relates to a CR dosage form which releases CETPI in the GI tract of a human at a rate which results in a mean increase in HDL cholesterol level of about 20% or greater, after dosing for 8 weeks. Preferred CR dosage forms of this invention also result in a mean decrease in LDL cholesterol levels of about 10% or greater.

[0041] In another aspect, the invention relates to a CR CETPI dosage form which is dosed twice-per-day (BID), which dosage form provides efficacious CETP inhibition at a total daily dose which is less than that of an equivalently efficacious BID immediate release (IR) dosage form or once-per-day (QD) IR dosage form.

[0042] In a preferred aspect, the Drug A dose is greater than about 5 mg/day. In a more preferred aspect, the Drug A dose is greater than about 5 mg/day and less than about 300 mg/day.

[0043] In another aspect, the invention relates to a controlled release dosage form of a CETPI which, after oral dosing, results in a 20% or greater decrease in plasma Cmax, relative to dosing an immediate release CETPI dosage form at the same dose.

[0044] In another aspect, the invention relates to a controlled release dosage form of Drug A which, after oral dosing, results in a 20% or greater decrease in plasma Cmax, relative to dosing an immediate release Drug A dosage form at the same dose.

[0045] Description of the CETPI release rate of a CETPI CR dosage form is complicated by the fact that such dosage forms may have initial delay periods during which little or no release occurs, and may release CETPI according to zero-order, first-order, mixed-order or other kinetics. To avoid confusion, we describe CR dosage form release rates in terms of the time duration between dosing the dosage form to an environment of use and the time at which 80% of the CETPI has left the dosage form. This description applies to all CR dosage forms, which release CETPI, regardless of the shape of the % released vs. time curve.

[0046] Reference to a “use environment” can either mean in vivo fluids, such as the fluid in the lumen of the GI tract of an animal, such as a mammal and particularly a human, or the in vitro environment of a test solution, such as phosphate buffered saline (PBS) or a Model Fasted Duodenal (MFD) solution. An appropriate PBS solution is an aqueous solution comprising 20 mM sodium phosphate (Na2HPO4), 47 mM potassium phosphate (KH2PO4), 87 mM NaCl, and 0.2 mM KCl, adjusted to pH 6.5 with NaOH. An appropriate MFD solution is the same PBS solution wherein additionally is present 7.3 mM sodium taurocholic acid and 1.4 mM of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine.

[0047] “Administration” to a use environment means, where the use environment is in vivo, delivery by ingestion or swallowing or other means to deliver the drugs. Where the use environment is in vitro, “administration” refers to placement or delivery of the dosage form to the in vitro test medium. Where release of drug into the stomach is not desired but release of the drug in the duodenum or small intestine is desired, the use environment may also be the duodenum or small intestine. In such cases, “introduction” to a use environment is that point in time when the dosage form leaves the stomach and enters the duodenum.


[0048] The current invention comprises CR dosage forms of CETPIs which, after oral dosing, elicit one or more of the following effects: (a) about 50% or more, preferably about 70% or more, more preferably about 80% or more, even more preferably about 90% or more inhibition of plasma CETP, for about 12 hours or more, preferably about 16 hours or more; more preferably about 24 hours or more; (b) a decrease of 20% or more in mean plasma Cmax; (c) a mean increase in HDL cholesterol level of about 20% or greater, after dosing for 8 weeks; (d) a mean decrease in LDL cholesterol levels of about 10% or greater, after dosing for 8 weeks. In other words, the dosage form, following administration to an in vivo use environment, provides at least one of: (i) at least 50% inhibition of plasma cholesteryl ester transfer protein for at least 12 hours; (ii) a maximum drug concentration in the blood that is less than or equal to 80% of the maximum drug concentration in the blood provided by an immediate release dosage form consisting of the same amount of the solubility-enhanced form of said CETPI; (iii) a mean HDL cholesterol level after dosing for 8 weeks that is at least about 1.2-fold that obtained prior to dosing; and (iv) a mean LDL cholesterol level after dosing for 8 weeks that is less than or equal to about 90% that obtained prior to dosing. CR CETPI dosage forms of this invention are dosed at most BID, preferably QD.

[0049] Preferred embodiments exhibit two of the above effects. More preferred embodiments exhibit three or four of the above effects.

[0050] Controlled release dosage forms of CETPIs may be dosed to a human subject in the fasted or fed state. It is preferred that they be dosed in the fed state.

[0051] Preferred CETPI doses and CETPI release rates from the controlled release dosage forms of this invention may be determined by pharmacokinetic (PK) modeling for individual CETPIs, or by clinical experimentation (i.e. in human subjects or patients) as familiar to those experienced in the art. The use of PK modeling for the purpose of optimizing plasma CETPI concentrations and %CETP inhibition is exemplified in the Examples below. PK modeling may also be used to predict Cmax for various CETPI doses and release rates, in order to identify those doses and release rates which will decrease Cmax by 20% or more, relative to an immediate release dosage form at the same dose.

[0052] In one aspect, the current invention comprises CR dosage forms of Drug A which, after oral dosing, elicit one or more of the following effects: (a) plasma concentrations of Drug A which exceed about 70 ng/ml, preferably about 110 ng/ml, more preferably about 160 ng/ml, even more preferably about 325 ng/ml for a period of around 12 hr or greater, preferably 16 hr or greater, more preferably about 24 hours or greater; (b) about 50% or more, preferably about 70% or more, more preferably about 80% or more, even more preferably about 90% or more inhibition of plasma CETP, for about 12 hours or more, preferably about 16 hours or more, more preferably about 24 hours or more; (c) a decrease of 20% or more in mean plasma Cmax; (d) a mean increase in HDL cholesterol level of about 20% or greater, after dosing for 8 weeks; (e) a mean decrease in LDL cholesterol levels of about 10% or greater, after dosing for 8 weeks. CR Drug A dosage forms of this invention are dosed at most BID, preferably QD.

[0053] Preferred embodiments exhibit two of the above effects. More preferred embodiments exhibit three or more of the above effects.

[0054] Controlled release dosage forms of Drug A may be dosed to a human subject in the fasted or fed state. It is preferred that they be dosed in the fed state.

[0055] Preferred Drug A doses and Drug A release rates from the controlled release dosage forms of this invention may be determined by pharmacokinetic (PK) modeling, or by clinical experimentation (i.e. in human subjects or patients) as familiar to those experienced in the art. The use of PK modeling for the purpose of optimizing plasma Drug A concentrations and %CETP inhibition is exemplified in the Examples below. PK modeling may also be used to predict Cmax for various Drug A doses and Drug A release rates, in order to identify those doses and release rates which will decrease Cmax by 20% or more, relative to an immediate release dosage form at the same Drug A dose.

[0056] Exemplary Drug A doses and Drug A release rates (as time to reach 80% release) for fasted state BID dosing include:

[0057] For 30 mg BID, from about 2 to about 8 hr release, preferably from about 2 to about 4 hr release,

[0058] For 40 mg BID, from about 2 to about 12 hr release, preferably from about 2 to about 6 hr release,

[0059] For 60 mg BID, from about 2 to about 8 hr release.

[0060] Exemplary Drug A doses and Drug A release rates (as time to reach 80% release) for fasted state QD dosing include:

[0061] For 40 mg QD, from about 2 to about 12 hr release, preferably from about 2 to about 6 hr release

[0062] For 60 mg QD, from about 2 to about 18 hr release, preferably from about 2 to about 8 hr release, more preferably from about 2 to about 6 hr release.

[0063] For 120 mg QD, from about 2 to about 18 hr release, preferably about 2 to 8 hr release.

[0064] Exemplary Drug A doses and Drug A release rates (as time to reach 80% release) for fed state QD dosing include:

[0065] For 30 mg, from about 2 hr to about 8 hr release,

[0066] For 40 mg, from about 2 hr to about 12 hr release,

[0067] For 60 mg, from about 2 hr to about 18 hr release.

[0068] These exemplary Drug A BID and QD doses and release rates are not limiting, and other doses and release rates are within the invention, and can be determined by further PK modeling.

[0069] The PK methodology utilized to determine exemplary CETPI and Drug A doses and release rates for humans may also be used in a similar fashion to do so for other mammals.

[0070] CR CETPI dosage forms of this invention comprise:

[0071] (a) A CETPI in a solubility-enhanced form;

[0072] (b) An optional means to prevent precipitation of the CETPI in the use environment after delivery to the use environment; and

[0073] (c) A controlled release (CR) means for delivering the CETPI slowly to the use environment.

[0074] CR Drug A dosage forms of this invention comprise:

[0075] (a) Drug A in a solubility-enhanced form;

[0076] (b) An optional means to prevent precipitation of the drug in the use environment after delivery to the use environment; and

[0077] (c) A controlled release (CR) means for delivering Drug A slowly to the use environment.

[0078] The solubility-enhanced form of the CETPI is any form which is capable of supersaturating, at least temporarily, an aqueous use environment by a factor of about 2-fold or more, preferably 10-fold or more, relative to the solubility of crystalline CETPI. That is, the solubility-enhanced form provides a maximum dissolved drug concentration of the CETPI that is at least 2-fold, more preferably at least 10-fold, the equilibrium drug concentration provided by the crystalline form of the CETPI alone. The determination of concentration-enhancement provided by the solubility-enhanced form is performed with the solubility-enhanced form alone, rather than in the CR dosage form. Alternatively, the solubility-enhanced form provides an area under the drug concentration versus time curve (AUC) that is at least 1.25-fold, preferably at least 5-fold and more preferably at least 25-fold that provided by the control composition. (Determination of AUCs is described in more detail below.) The control composition is conventionally the lowest-energy crystalline form of the drug alone without any solubilizing additives or any CEP or PIP.

[0079] Alternatively the solubility-enhanced form may consist of amorphous CETPI. The solubility-enhanced form may comprise a solid amorphous dispersion of the CETPI in a Concentration-Enhancing Polymer (CEP) or low molecular weight water-soluble material. Solid amorphous dispersions of CETPIs and Concentration-Enhancing Polymers are disclosed more fully in commonly assigned U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/918,127, filed Jul. 30, 2001, and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/066,091, filed Feb. 1, 2002, both of which are herein incorporated by reference. The solubility-enhanced form may comprise nanoparticles, i.e. solid drug particles of diameter less than approximately 900 nm, optionally stabilized by small quantities of surfactants or polymers, as described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,145,684. The solubility-enhanced form may comprise adsorbates of the drug in a crosslinked polymer, as described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,225,192. The solubility-enhanced form may comprise a nanosuspension, the nanosuspension being a disperse system of solid-in-liquid or solid-in-semisolid, the dispersed phase comprising pure drug or a drug mixture, as described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,858,410. The solubility-enhanced form may comprise drug that is in a supercooled form, as described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,197,349. The solubility-improved drug form may comprise a drug/cyclodextrin drug form, including those described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,134,127, 6,046,177, 5,874,418, and 5,376,645. The solubility-improved drug form may comprise a softgel form, such as a drug mixed with a lipid or colloidal protein (e.g., gelatin), including those described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,851,275, 5,834,022 and 5,686,133. The solubility-enhanced drug form may comprise a self-emulsifying form, including those described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,054,136 and 5,993,858. The solubility-enhanced drug form may comprise a three-phase drug form, including those described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,042,847. The above solubility-enhanced drug forms may also be mixed with a concentration-enhancing polymer to provide improved solubility enhancements, as disclosed in commonly assigned copending U.S. Provisional Patent Application Serial No. 60/300,314, filed Jun. 22, 2001, which is incorporated in its entirety by reference. The solubility-enhanced form may also comprise (1) a crystalline highly soluble form of the drug such as a salt; (2) a high-energy crystalline form of the drug; (3) a hydrate or solvate crystalline form of a drug; (4) an amorphous form of a drug (for a drug that may exist as either amorphous or crystalline); (5) a mixture of the drug (amorphous or crystalline) and a solubilizing agent; or (6) a solution of the drug dissolved in an aqueous or organic liquid. The above drug forms may also be mixed with a concentration-enhancing polymer to provide improved solubility enhancements, as disclosed in commonly assigned copending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/742,785 filed Dec. 20, 2000, which is incorporated in its entirety by reference. The solubility-enhanced drug form may also comprise (a) a solid dispersion comprising drug and a matrix, wherein at least a major portion of the drug in the dispersion is amorphous; and (b) a concentration-enhancing polymer, as disclosed in commonly assigned copending U.S. Provisional Patent Application Serial No. 60/300,261, filed Jun. 22, 2001, which is incorporated in its entirety by reference. The solubility-enhanced drug form may also comprise a solid adsorbate comprising a low-solubility drug adsorbed onto a substrate, the substrate having a surface area of at least 20 m2/g, and wherein at least a major portion of the drug in the solid adsorbate is amorphous. The solid adsorbate may optionally comprise a concentration-enhancing polymer. The solid adsorbate may also be mixed with a concentration-enhancing polymer. Such solid adsorbates are disclosed in commonly assigned copending U.S. Provisional Patent Application Serial No. 60/300,260, filed Jun. 22, 2001, which is incorporated in its entirety by reference.

[0080] The optional “means to prevent precipitation” comprises any excipient which maintains the supersaturation of a CETPI, e.g. Drug A, in an aqueous environment of use, e.g. the human GI tract. Preferable excipients for this purpose are polymers which are soluble at some pH in the pH range of the GI tract, i.e. pH 1-8, as described in detail below. For the purpose of description of this invention, these polymers are called “Concentration-Enhancing Polymers” (CEP) when they are incorporated into a CETPI dispersion, and may also be called “Precipitation-inhibiting Polymers” (PIP) when they are physically blended with amorphous CETPI or with a CETPI/CEP dispersion. As used herein, “QD” means once daily and “BID” means twice daily.

[0081] The Drug

[0082] The CR dosage forms of this invention deliver CETP inhibitors in an optimal manner. Exemplary CETP inhibitors are described in the following.

[0083] In the following, by “pharmaceutically acceptable forms” thereof is meant any pharmaceutically acceptable derivative or variation, including stereoisomers, stereoisomer mixtures, enantiomers, solvates, hydrates, isomorphs, polymorphs, salt forms and prodrugs.

[0084] U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,197,786 and 6,313,142 and WO 01/40190A1, WO 02/88085A2, WO 02/88069A2, and PCT/IB02/03423 disclose CETP inhibitors, in particular torcetrapib, 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarboxyl amino]-2-ethyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid ethyl ester, and methods for preparing such compounds.

[0085] Turning now to the chemical structures of specific CETP inhibitors, one CETP inhibitor comprises a compound of Formula I

[0086] a prodrug thereof, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt of said prodrug;

[0087] wherein R1 is hydrogen, Y, W-X or W-Y;

[0088] wherein W is a carbonyl, thiocarbonyl, sulfinyl or sulfonyl;

[0089] X is —O—Y, —S—Y, —N(H)—Y or —N—(Y)2;

[0090] wherein Y for each occurrence is independently Z or a fully saturated, partially unsaturated or fully unsaturated one to ten membered straight or branched carbon chain wherein the carbons, other than the connecting carbon, may optionally be replaced with one or two heteroatdms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen and said carbon is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with hydroxy, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with oxo, said sulfur is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, said nitrogen is optionally mono-, or di-substituted with oxo, and said carbon chain is optionally mono-substituted with Z;

[0091] wherein Z is a partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to eight membered ring optionally having one to four heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen, or a bicyclic ring consisting of two fused partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to six membered rings, taken independently, optionally having one to four heteroatoms selected independently from nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen;

[0092] wherein said Z substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, (C2-C6)alkenyl, (C1-C6) alkyl, hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino wherein said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino, said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is also optionally substituted with from one to nine fluorines;

[0093] R2 is a partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated one to six membered straight or branched carbon chain wherein the carbons, other than the connecting carbon, may optionally be replaced with one or two heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen wherein said carbon atoms are optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with oxo, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with hydroxy, said sulfur is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, said nitrogen is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo; or said R2 is a partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to seven membered ring optionally having one to two heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen, Wherein said R2 ring is optionally attached through (C1-C4)alkyl;

[0094] wherein said R2 ring is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, (C2-C6)alkenyl, (C1-C6) alkyl, hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino wherein said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, oxo or (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl;

[0095] with the proviso that R2 is not methyl;

[0096] R3 is hydrogen or Q;

[0097] wherein Q is a fully saturated, partially unsaturated or fully unsaturated one to six membered straight or branched carbon chain wherein the carbons other than the connecting carbon, may optionally be replaced with one heteroatom selected from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen and said carbon is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with hydroxy, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with oxo, said sulfur is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, said nitrogen is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, and said carbon chain is optionally mono-substituted with V;

[0098] wherein V is a partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to eight membered ring optionally having one to four heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen, or a bicyclic ring consisting of two fused partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to six membered rings, taken independently, optionally having one to four heteroatoms selected independently from nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen;

[0099] wherein said V substituent is optionally mono-, di-, tri-, or tetra-substituted independently with halo, (C1-C6)alkyl, (C2-C6)alkenyl, hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxamoyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6) alkylcarboxamoyl, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino wherein said (C1-C6)alkyl or (C2-C6)alkenyl substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino, said (C1-C6)alkyl or (C2-C6)alkenyl substituents are also optionally substituted with from one to nine fluorines;

[0100] R4 is Q1 or V1;

[0101] wherein Q1 a fully saturated, partially unsaturated or fully unsaturated one to six membered straight or branched carbon chain wherein the carbons, other than the connecting carbon, may optionally be replaced with one heteroatom selected from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen and said carbon is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with hydroxy, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with oxo, said sulfur is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, said nitrogen is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, and said carbon chain is optionally mono-substituted with V1;

[0102] wherein V1 is is a partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to six membered ring optionally having one to two heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen;

[0103] wherein said V1 substituent is optionally mono-, di-, tri-, or tetra-substituted independently with halo, (C1-C6)alkyl, (C1-C6)alkoxy, amino, nitro, cyano, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino wherein said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is optionally mono-substituted with oxo, said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is also optionally substituted with from one to nine fluorines;

[0104] wherein either R3 must contain V or R4 must contain V1;

[0105] R5, R6, R7 and R8 are each independently hydrogen, a bond, nitro or halo wherein said bond is substituted with T or a partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated (C1-C12) straight or branched carbon chain wherein carbon, may optionally be replaced with one or two heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen wherein said carbon atoms are optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with hydroxy, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with oxo, said sulfur is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, said nitrogen is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, and said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with T;

[0106] wherein T is a partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to eight membered ring optionally having one to four heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen, or, a bicyclic ring consisting of two fused partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to six membered rings, taken independently, optionally having one to four heteroatoms selected independently from nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen;

[0107] wherein said T substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, (C1-C6)alkyl, (C2-C6)alkenyl, hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino wherein said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino, said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is also optionally substituted with from one to nine fluorines; and

[0108] wherein R5 and R6, or R6 and R7, and/or R7 and R8 may also be taken together and can form at least one four to eight membered ring that is partially saturated or fully unsaturated optionally having one to three heteroatoms independently selected from nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen;

[0109] wherein said ring or rings formed by R5 and R6, or R6 and R7, and/or R7 and R8 are optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, (C1-C6)alkyl, (C1-C4)alkylsulfonyl, (C2-C6)alkenyl, hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino wherein said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino, said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is also optionally substituted with from one to nine fluorines;

[0110] with the proviso that when R2 is carboxyl or (C1-C4)alkylcarboxyl, then R1 is not hydrogen.

[0111] Yet another CETP inhibitor comprises a compound of Formula XX:

[0112] Generally, a class of CETP inhibitors that finds utility with the present invention consists of oxy substituted 4-carboxyamino-2-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinolines having the Formula IA

[0113] and pharmaceutically acceptable forms thereof;

[0114] wherein RI-1 is hydrogen, YI, WI-XI, WI-YI;

[0115] wherein WI is a carbonyl, thiocarbonyl, sulfinyl or sulfonyl;

[0116] XI is —O—YI, —S—YI, —N(H)—YI or —N—(YI)2;

[0117] wherein YI for each occurrence is independently ZI or a fully saturated, partially unsaturated or fully unsaturated one to ten membered straight or branched carbon chain wherein the carbons, other than the connecting carbon, may optionally be replaced with one or two heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen and said carbon is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with hydroxy, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with oxo, said sulfur is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, said nitrogen is optionally mono-, or di-substituted with oxo, and said carbon chain is optionally mono-substituted with ZI;

[0118] wherein ZI is a partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to eight membered ring optionally having one to four heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen, or, a bicyclic ring consisting of two fused partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to six membered rings, taken independently, optionally having one to four heteroatoms selected independently from nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen;

[0119] wherein said Zi substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, (C2-C6)alkenyl, (C1-C6) alkyl, hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxyl, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino wherein said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxyl, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino, said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is also optionally substituted with from one to nine fluorines;

[0120] R13 is hydrogen or QI;

[0121] wherein QI is a fully saturated, partially unsaturated or fully unsaturated one to six membered straight or branched carbon chain wherein the carbons, other than the connecting carbon, may optionally be replaced with one heteroatom selected from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen and said carbon is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with hydroxy, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with oxo, said sulfur is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, said nitrogen is optionally mono-, or di-substituted with oxo, and said carbon chain is optionally mono-substituted with VI;

[0122] wherein VI is a partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to eight membered ring optionally having one to four heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen, or a bicyclic ring consisting of two fused partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to six membered rings, taken independently, optionally having one to four heteroatoms selected independently from nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen;

[0123] wherein said VI substituent is optionally mono-, di-, tri-, or tetra-substituted independently with halo, (C1-C6)alkyl, (C2-C6)alkenyl, hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carbamoyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6) alkylcarbamoyl, carboxyl, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino wherein said (C1-C6)alkyl or (C2-C6)alkenyl substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxyl, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino, said (C1-C6)alkyl or (C2-C6)alkenyl substituents are also optionally substituted with from one to nine fluorines;

[0124] R14 is QI-1 or VI,

[0125] wherein QI-1 is a fully saturated, partially unsaturated or fully unsaturated one to six membered straight or branched carbon chain wherein the carbons, other than the connecting carbon, may optionally be replaced with one heteroatom selected from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen and said carbon is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with hydroxy, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with oxo, said sulfur is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, said nitrogen is optionally mono-, or di-substituted with oxo, and said carbon chain is optionally mono-substituted with VI-1;

[0126] wherein VI-1 is a partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to six membered ring optionally having one to two heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen;

[0127] wherein said VI-1 substituent is optionally mono-, di-, tri-, or tetra-substituted independently with halo, (C1-C6)alkyl, (C1-C6)alkoxy, amino, nitro, cyano, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino wherein said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is optionally mono-substituted with oxo, said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is also optionally substituted with from one to nine fluorines;

[0128] wherein either RI-3 must contain VI or RI-4 must contain VI-1; and RI-5, RI-6, RI-7 and RI-8 are each independently hydrogen, hydroxy or oxy wherein said oxy is substituted with TI or a partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated one to twelve membered straight or branched carbon chain wherein the carbons, other than the connecting carbon, may optionally be replaced with one or two heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen and said carbon is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with hydroxy, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with oxo, said sulfur is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, said nitrogen is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, and said carbon chain is optionally mono-substituted with TI;

[0129] wherein TI is a partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to eight membered ring optionally having one to four heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen, or a bicyclic ring consisting of two fused partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to six membered rings, taken independently, optionally having one to four heteroatoms selected independently from nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen;

[0130] wherein said TI substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, (C1-C6)alkyl, (C2-C6)alkenyl, hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino wherein said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino, said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is also optionally substituted with from one to nine fluorines.

[0131] Compounds of Formula IA are disclosed in commonly assigned U.S. Pat. No. 6,140,342, the complete disclosure of which is herein incorporated by reference.

[0132] In a preferred embodiment, the CETP inhibitor is selected from one of the following compounds of Formula IA:

[0133] [2R,4S] 4-[(3,5-dichloro-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-6,7-dimethoxy-2-methyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid ethyl ester;

[0134] [2R,4S] 4-[(3,5-dinitro-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-6,7-dimethoxy-2-methyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid ethyl ester;

[0135] [2R,4S] 4-[(2,6-dichloro-pyridin-4-ylmethyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-6,7-dimethoxy-2-methyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid ethyl ester;

[0136] [2R,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-6,7-dimethoxy-2-methyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid ethyl ester;

[0137] [2R,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-6-methoxy-2-methyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid ethyl ester;

[0138] [2R,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-7-methoxy-2-methyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid ethyl ester,

[0139] [2R,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-6,7-dimethoxy-2-methyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid isopropyl ester;

[0140] [2R,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-ethoxycarbonyl-amino]-6,7-dimethoxy-2-methyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid ethyl ester;

[0141] [2R,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-6,7-dimethoxy-2-methyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid 2,2,2-trifluoro-ethylester;

[0142] [2R,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-6,7-dimethoxy-2-methyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid propyl ester;

[0143] [2R,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-6,7-dimethoxy-2-methyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester;

[0144] [2R,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-2-methyl-6-trifluoromethoxy-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid ethyl ester,

[0145] [2R,4S] (3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-(1-butyryl-6,7-dimethoxy-2-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-quinolin-4-yl)-carbamic acid methyl ester;

[0146] [2R,4S] (3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-(1-butyl-6,7-dimethoxy-2-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-quinolin-4-yl)-carbamic acid methyl ester;

[0147] [2R,4S] (3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-[1-(2-ethyl-butyl)-6,7-dimethoxy-2-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-q uinolin-4-yl]-carbamic acid methyl ester, hydrochloride

[0148] Another class of CETP inhibitors that finds utility with the present invention consists of 4-carboxyamino-2-methyl-1,2,3,4,-tetrahydroquinolines, having the Formula II

[0149] and pharmaceutically acceptable forms thereof;

[0150] wherein RII-1 is hydrogen, YII, WII-XII, WII-YII;

[0151] wherein WII is a carbonyl, thiocarbonyl, sulfinyl or sulfonyl;

[0152] XII is —O—YII, —S—YII, —N(H)—YII or —N-(YII)2;

[0153] wherein YII for each occurrence is independently ZII or a fully saturated, partially unsaturated or fully unsaturated one to ten membered straight or branched carbon chain wherein the carbons, other than the connecting carbon, may optionally be replaced with one or two heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen and said carbon is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with hydroxy, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with oxo, said sulfur is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, said nitrogen is optionally mono-, or di-substituted with oxo, and said carbon chain is optionally mono-substituted with ZII;

[0154] ZII is a partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to twelve membered ring optionally having one to four heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen, or a bicyclic ring consisting of two fused partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to six membered rings, taken independently, optionally having one to four heteroatoms selected independently from nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen;

[0155] wherein said ZII substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, (C2-C6)alkenyl, (C1-C6) alkyl, hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino wherein said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino, said (C1-C6)alkyl is also optionally substituted with from one to nine fluorines;

[0156] RII-3 is hydrogen or QII;

[0157] wherein QII is a fully saturated, partially unsaturated or fully unsaturated one to six membered straight or branched carbon chain wherein the carbons, other than the connecting carbon, may optionally be replaced with one heteroatom selected from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen and said carbon is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with hydroxy, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with oxo, said sulfur is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, said nitrogen is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, and said carbon chain is optionally mono-substituted with VII;

[0158] wherein VII is a partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to twelve membered ring optionally having one to four heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen, or, a bicyclic ring consisting of two fused partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to six membered rings, taken independently, optionally having one to four heteroatoms selected independently from nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen;

[0159] wherein said VII substituent is optionally mono-, di-, tri-, or tetra-substituted independently with halo, (C1-C6)alkyl, (C2-C6)alkenyl, hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxamoyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6) alkylcarboxamoyl, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino wherein said (C1-C6)alkyl or (C2-C6)alkenyl substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino or said (C1-C6)alkyl or (C2-C6)alkenyl substituents are optionally substituted with from one to nine fluorines;

[0160] RII-4 is QII-1 or VII-1

[0161] wherein QII-1 a fully saturated, partially unsaturated or fully unsaturated one to six membered straight or branched carbon chain wherein the carbons, other than the connecting carbon, may optionally be replaced with one heteroatom selected from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen and said carbon is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with hydroxy, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with oxo, said sulfur is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, said nitrogen is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, and said carbon chain is optionally mono-substituted with VII-1;

[0162] wherein VII-1 is a partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to six membered ring optionally having one to two heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen;

[0163] wherein said VII-1 substituent is optionally mono-, di-, tri-, or tetra-substituted independently with halo, (C1-C6)alkyl, (C1-C6)alkoxy, amino, nitro, cyano, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino wherein said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is optionally mono-substituted with oxo, said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is optionally substituted with from one to nine fluorines;

[0164] wherein either RII-3 must contain VII or RII-4 must contain VII-1; and

[0165] RII-5, RII-6, RII-7 and RII-8 are each independently hydrogen, a bond, nitro or halo wherein said bond is substituted with TII or a partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated (C1-C12) straight or branched carbon chain wherein carbon may optionally be replaced with one or two heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen wherein said carbon atoms are optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with hydroxy, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with oxo, said sulfur is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, said nitrogen is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, and said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with TII;

[0166] wherein TII is a partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to twelve membered ring optionally having one to four heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen, or, a bicyclic ring consisting of two fused partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to six membered rings, taken independently, optionally having one to four heteroatoms selected independently from nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen;

[0167] wherein said TII substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, (C1-C6)alkyl, (C2-C6)alkenyl, hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino wherein said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino, said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is also optionally substituted with from one to nine fluorines; provided that at least one of substituents RII-5, RII-6, RII-7 and RII-8 is not hydrogen and is not linked to the quinoline moiety through oxy.

[0168] Compounds of Formula II are disclosed in commonly assigned U.S. Pat. No. 6,147,090, the complete disclosure of which is herein incorporated by reference.

[0169] In a preferred embodiment, the CETP inhibitor is selected from one of the following compounds of Formula II:

[0170] [2R,4S] 4-[(3,5-Bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-2-methyl-7-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid ethyl ester;

[0171] [2R,4S] 4-[(3,5-Bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-7-chloro-2-methyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid ethyl ester;

[0172] [2R,4S] 4-[(3,5-Bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-6-chloro-2-methyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid ethyl ester;

[0173] [2R,4S] 4-[(3,5-Bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-2,6,7-trimethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid ethyl ester

[0174] [2R,4S] 4-[(3,5-Bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-6,7-diethyl-2-methyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid ethyl ester;

[0175] [2R,4S] 4-[(3,5-Bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-6-ethyl-2-methyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid ethyl ester;

[0176] [2R,4S] 4-[(3,5-Bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-2-methyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid ethyl ester.

[0177] [2R,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-2-methyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid isopropyl ester.

[0178] Another class of CETP inhibitors that finds utility with the present invention consists of annulated 4-carboxyamino-2-methyl-1,2,3,4,-tetrahydroquinolines, having the Formula IIII

[0179] and pharmaceutically acceptable forms thereof;

[0180] wherein RIII-1 is hydrogen, YIII, WIII-XIII, WIII-YIII;

[0181] wherein WIII is a carbonyl, thiocarbonyl, sulfinyl or sulfonyl;

[0182] XIII is —O—YIII, —S—YIII, —N(H)—YIII or —N—(YIII)2;

[0183] YIII for each occurrence is independently ZIII or a fully saturated, partially unsaturated or fully unsaturated one to ten membered straight or branched carbon chain wherein the carbons, other than the connecting carbon, may optionally be replaced with one or two heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen and said carbon is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with hydroxy, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with oxo, said sulfur is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, said nitrogen is optionally mono-, or di-substituted with oxo, and said carbon chain is optionally mono-substituted with ZIII;

[0184] wherein ZIII is a partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to twelve membered ring optionally having one to four heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen, or a bicyclic ring consisting of two fused partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to six membered rings, taken independently, optionally having one to four heteroatoms selected independently from nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen;

[0185] wherein said ZIII substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, (C2-C6)alkenyl, (C1-C6) alkyl, hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino wherein said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino, said (C1-C6)alkyl optionally substituted with from one to nine fluorines;

[0186] RIII-3 is hydrogen or QIII;

[0187] wherein QIII is a fully saturated, partially unsaturated or fully unsaturated one to six membered straight or branched carbon chain wherein the carbons, other than the connecting carbon, may optionally be replaced with one heteroatom selected from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen and said carbon is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with hydroxy, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with oxo, said sulfur is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, said nitrogen is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, and said carbon chain is optionally mono-substituted with VIII;

[0188] wherein VIII is a partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to twelve membered ring optionally having one to four heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen, or a bicyclic ring consisting of two fused partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to six membered rings, taken independently, optionally having one to four heteroatoms selected independently from nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen;

[0189] wherein said VIII substituent is optionally mono-, di-, tri-, or tetra-substituted independently with halo, (C1-C6)alkyl, (C2-C6)alkenyl, hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxamoyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6) alkylcarboxamoyl, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino wherein said (C1-C6)alkyl or (C2-C6)alkenyl substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino or said (C1-C6)alkyl or (C2-C6)alkenyl are optionally substituted with from one to nine fluorines;

[0190] RIII-4 is QIII-1 or VIII-1;

[0191] wherein QIII-1 a fully saturated, partially unsaturated or fully unsaturated one to six membered straight or branched carbon chain wherein the carbons, other than the connecting carbon, may optionally be replaced with one heteroatom selected from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen and said carbon is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with hydroxy, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with oxo, said sulfur is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, said nitrogen is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, and said carbon chain is optionally mono-substituted with VIII-1;

[0192] wherein VIII-1 is a partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to six membered ring optionally having one to two heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen;

[0193] wherein said VIII-1 substituent is optionally mono-, di-, tri-, or tetra-substituted independently with halo, (C1-C6)alkyl, (C1-C6)alkoxy, amino, nitro, cyano, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino wherein said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is optionally mono-substituted with oxo, said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent optionally having from one to nine fluorines;

[0194] wherein either RIII-3 must contain VIII or RIII-4 must contain VIII-1; and RIII-5 and RIII-6, or RIII-6 and RIII-7, and/or RIII-7 and RIII-8 are taken together and form at least one four to eight membered-ring that is partially saturated or fully unsaturated optionally having one to three heteroatoms independently selected from nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen;

[0195] wherein said ring or rings formed by RIII-5 and RIII-6, or RIII-6 and RIII-7, and/or RIII-7 and RIII-8 are optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, (C1-C6)alkyl, (C1-C4)alkylsulfonyl, (C2-C6)alkenyl, hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino wherein said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino, said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent optionally having from one to nine fluorines;

[0196] provided that the RIII-5, RIII-6, RIII-7 and/or RIII-8, as the case may be, that do not form at least one ring are each independently hydrogen, halo, (C1-C6)alkoxy or (C1-C6)alkyl, said (C1-C6)alkyl optionally having from one to nine fluorines.

[0197] Compounds of Formula III are disclosed in commonly assigned pending U.S. Pat. No. 6,147,089, the complete disclosure of which is herein incorporated by reference.

[0198] In a preferred embodiment, the CETP inhibitor is selected from one of the following compounds of Formula III:

[0199] [2R, 4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-2-methyl-2,3,4,6,7,8-hexahydro-cyclopenta[g]quinoline-1-carboxylic acid ethyl ester;

[0200] [6R, 8S] 8-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-6-methyl-3,6,7,8-tetrahydro-1H-2-thia-5-aza-cyclopenta[b]naphthalene-5-carboxylic acid ethylester;

[0201] [6R, 8S] 8-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-6-methyl-3,6,7,8-tetrahydro-2H-furo[2,3-g]quinoline-5-carboxylic acid ethyl ester;

[0202] [2R,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-2-methyl-3,4,6,8-tetrahydro-2H-furo[3,4-g]quinoline-1-carboxylic acid ethyl ester;

[0203] [2R,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-2-methyl-3,4,6,7,8,9-hexahydro-2H-benzo[g]quinoline-1-carboxylic acid propyl ester;

[0204] [7R,9S] 9-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-7-methyl-1,2,3,7,8,9-hexahydro-6-aza-cyclopenta[a]naphthalene-6-carboxylic acid ethyl ester; and

[0205] [6S,8R] 6-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-8-methyl-1,2,3,6,7,8-hexahydro-9-aza-cyclopenta[a]naphthalene-9-carboxylic acid ethyl ester.

[0206] Another class of CETP inhibitors that finds utility with the present invention consists of 4-carboxyamino-2-substituted-1,2,3,4,-tetrahydroquinolines, having the Formula IV

[0207] and pharmaceutically acceptable forms thereof;

[0208] wherein RIV-1 is hydrogen, YIV, WIV-XIV or WIV-YIV;

[0209] wherein WIV is a carbonyl, thiocarbonyl, sulfinyl or sulfonyl;

[0210] XIV is —O—YIV, —S—YIV, —N(H)—YIV or —N—(YIV)2;

[0211] wherein YIV for each occurrence is independently ZIV or a fully saturated, partially unsaturated or fully unsaturated one to ten membered straight or branched carbon chain wherein the carbons, other than the connecting carbon, may optionally be replaced with one or two heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen and said carbon is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with hydroxy, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with oxo, said sulfur is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, said nitrogen is optionally mono-, or di-substituted with oxo, and said carbon chain is optionally mono-substituted with ZIV;

[0212] wherein ZIV is a partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to eight membered ring optionally having one to four heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen, or a bicyclic ring consisting of two fused partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to six membered rings, taken independently, optionally having one to four heteroatoms selected independently from nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen;

[0213] wherein said ZIV substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, (C2-C6)alkenyl, (C1-C6) alkyl, hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino wherein said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino, said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is also optionally substituted with from one to nine fluorines;

[0214] RIV-2 is a partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated one to six membered straight or branched carbon chain wherein the carbons, other than the connecting carbon, may optionally be replaced with one or two heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen wherein said carbon atoms are optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with oxo, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with hydroxy, said sulfur is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, said nitrogen is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo; or said RIV-2 is a partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to seven membered ring optionally having one to two heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen, wherein said RIV-2 ring is optionally attached through (C1-C4)alkyl;

[0215] wherein said RIV-2 ring is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, (C2-C6)alkenyl, (C1-C6) alkyl, hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino wherein said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, oxo or (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl;

[0216] with the proviso that RIV-2 is not methyl;

[0217] RIV-3 is hydrogen or QIV;

[0218] wherein QIV is a fully saturated, partially unsaturated or fully unsaturated one to six membered straight or branched carbon chain wherein the carbons other than the connecting carbon, may optionally be replaced with one heteroatom selected from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen and said carbon is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with hydroxy, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with oxo, said sulfur is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, said nitrogen is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, and said carbon chain is optionally mono-substituted with VIV;

[0219] wherein VIV is a partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to eight membered ring optionally having one to four heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen, or a bicyclic ring consisting of two fused partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to six membered rings, taken independently, optionally having one to four heteroatoms selected independently from nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen;

[0220] wherein said VIV substituent is optionally mono-, di-, tri-, or tetra-substituted independently with halo, (C1-C6)alkyl, (C2-C6)alkenyl, hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxamoyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6) alkylcarboxamoyl, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino wherein said (C1-C6)alkyl or (C2-C6)alkenyl substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino, said (C1-C6)alkyl or (C2-C6)alkenyl substituents are also optionally substituted with from one to nine fluorines;

[0221] RIV-4 is QIV-1 or VIV-1;

[0222] wherein QIV-1 a fully saturated, partially unsaturated or fully unsaturated one to six membered straight or branched carbon chain wherein the carbons, other than the connecting carbon, may optionally be replaced with one heteroatom selected from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen and said carbon is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with hydroxy, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with oxo, said sulfur is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, said nitrogen is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, and said carbon chain is optionally mono-substituted with VIV-1;

[0223] wherein VIV-1 is a partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to six membered ring optionally having one to two heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen;

[0224] wherein said VIV-1 substituent is optionally mono-, di-, tri-, or tetra-substituted independently with halo, (C1-C6)alkyl, (C1-C6)alkoxy, amino, nitro, cyano, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino wherein said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is optionally mono-substituted with oxo, said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is also optionally substituted with from one to nine fluorines;

[0225] wherein either RIV-3 must contain VIV or RIV-4 must contain VIV-1;

[0226] RIV-5, RIV-6, RIV-7 and RIV-8 are each independently hydrogen, a bond, nitro or halo wherein said bond is substituted with TIV or a partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated (C1-C12) straight or branched carbon chain wherein carbon, may optionally be replaced with one or two heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen wherein said carbon atoms are optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with hydroxy, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with oxo, said sulfur is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, said nitrogen is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, and said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with Tlv;

[0227] wherein TIV is a partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to eight membered ring optionally having one to four heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen, or, a bicyclic ring consisting of two fused partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to six membered rings, taken independently, optionally having one to four heteroatoms selected independently from nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen;

[0228] wherein said TIV substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, (C1-C6)alkyl, (C2-C6)alkenyl, hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino wherein said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino, said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is also optionally substituted with from one to nine fluorines; and

[0229] wherein RIV-5 and RIV-6, or RIV-6 and RIV-7, and/or RIV-7 and RIV-8 may also be taken together and can form at least one four to eight membered ring that is partially saturated or fully unsaturated optionally having one to three heteroatoms independently selected from nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen;

[0230] wherein said ring or rings formed by RIV-5 and RIV-6, or RIV-6 and RIV-7, and/or RIV-7 and RIV-8 are optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, (C1-C6)alkyl, (C1-C4)alkylsulfonyl, (C2-C6)alkenyl, hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino wherein said (C1-Q6)alkyl substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino, said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is also optionally substituted with from one to nine fluorines; with the proviso that when RIV-2 is carboxyl or (C1-C4) alkylcarboxyl, then RIV-1 is not hydrogen.

[0231] Compounds of Formula IV are disclosed in commonly assigned U.S. Pat. No. 6,197,786, the complete disclosure of which is herein incorporated by reference.

[0232] In a preferred embodiment, the CETP inhibitor is selected from one of the following compounds of Formula IV:

[0233] [2S,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-2-isopropyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid isopropyl ester;

[0234] [2S,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-6-chloro-2-cyclopropyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid isopropyl ester;

[0235] [2S,4S] 2-cyclopropyl-4-[(3,5-dichloro-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid isopropyl ester;

[0236] [2S,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-2-cyclopropyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester;

[0237] [2R,4R] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-2-cyclopropyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinaline-1-carboxylic acid isopropyl ester;

[0238] [2S,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-2-cyclopropyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid isopropyl ester;

[0239] [2S,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-2-cyclobutyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid isopropyl ester,

[0240] [2R,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-2-ethyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid isopropyl ester;

[0241] [2S,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-2-methoxymethyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid isopropyl ester;

[0242] [2R,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-2-ethyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid 2-hydroxy-ethyl ester;

[0243] [2S,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-2-cyclopropyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid ethyl ester;

[0244] [2R,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-2-ethyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid ethyl ester;

[0245] [2S,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-2-cyclopropyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid propyl ester; and

[0246] [2R,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-2-ethyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid propyl ester.

[0247] Another class of CETP inhibitors that finds utility with the present invention consists of 4-amino substituted-2-substituted-1,2,3,4,-tetrahydroquinolines, having the Formula V

[0248] and pharmaceutically acceptable forms thereof;

[0249] wherein RV-1 is YV, WV-XV or WV-YV;

[0250] wherein WV is a carbonyl, thiocarbonyl, sulfinyl or sulfonyl;

[0251] XV is —O—YV, —S—YV, —N(H)—YV or —N—(YV)2;

[0252] wherein YV for each occurrence is independently ZV or a fully saturated, partially unsaturated or fully unsaturated one to ten membered straight or branched carbon chain wherein the carbons, other than the connecting carbon, may optionally be replaced with one or two heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen and said carbon is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with hydroxy, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with oxo, said sulfur is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, said nitrogen is optionally mono-, or di-substituted with oxo, and said carbon chain is optionally mono-substituted with ZV;

[0253] wherein ZV is a partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to eight membered ring optionally having one to four heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen, or a bicyclic ring consisting of two fused partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to six membered rings, taken independently, optionally having one to four heteroatoms selected independently from nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen;

[0254] wherein said ZV substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, (C2-C6)alkenyl, (C1-C6) alkyl, hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino wherein said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino, said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is also optionally substituted with from one to nine fluorines;

[0255] RV-2 is a partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated one to six membered straight or branched carbon chain wherein the carbons, other than the connecting carbon, may optionally be replaced with one or two heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen wherein said carbon atoms are optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with oxo, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with hydroxy, said sulfur is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, said nitrogen is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo; or said RV-2 is a partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to seven membered ring optionally having one to two heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen, wherein said RV-2 ring is optionally attached through (C1-C4)alkyl;

[0256] wherein said RV-2 ring is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, (C2-C6)alkenyl, (C1-C6) alkyl, hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino wherein said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, oxo or (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl;

[0257] RV-3 is hydrogen or QV;

[0258] wherein QV is a fully saturated, partially unsaturated or fully unsaturated one to six membered straight or branched carbon chain wherein the carbons, other than the connecting carbon, may optionally be replaced with one heteroatom selected from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen and said carbon is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with hydroxy, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with oxo, said sulfur is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, said nitrogen is optionally mono-, or di-substituted with oxo, and said carbon chain is optionally mono-substituted with VV;

[0259] wherein VV is a partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to eight membered ring optionally having one to four heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen, or a bicyclic ring consisting of two fused partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to six membered rings, taken independently, optionally having one to four heteroatoms selected independently from nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen;

[0260] wherein said VV substituent is optionally mono-, di-, tri-, or tetra-substituted independently with halo, (C1-C6)alkyl, (C2-C6)alkenyl, hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxamoyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6) alkylcarboxamoyl, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino wherein said (C1-C6)alkyl or (C2-C6)alkenyl substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C0-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino, said (C1-C6)alkyl or (C2-C6)alkenyl substituents are also optionally substituted with from one to nine fluorines;

[0261] RV-4 is cyano, formyl, WV-1QV-1, WV-1VV-1, (C1-C4)alkyleneVV-1 or VV-2;

[0262] wherein WV-1 is carbonyl, thiocarbonyl, SO or SO2,

[0263] wherein QV-1 a fully saturated, partially unsaturated or fully unsaturated one to six membered straight or branched carbon chain wherein the carbons may optionally be replaced with one heteroatom selected from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen and said carbon is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with hydroxy, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with oxo, said sulfur is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, said nitrogen is optionally mono-, or di-substituted with oxo, and said carbon chain is optionally mono-substituted with VV-1;

[0264] wherein VV-1 is a partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to six membered ring optionally having one to two heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen, or a bicyclic ring consisting of two fused partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to six membered rings, taken independently, optionally having one to four heteroatoms selected independently from nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen;

[0265] wherein said VV-1 substituent is optionally mono-, di-, tri-, or tetra-substituted independently with halo, (C1-C6)alkyl, (C1-C6)alkoxy, hydroxy, oxo, amino, nitro, cyano, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino wherein said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is optionally mono-substituted with oxo, said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is also optionally substituted with from one to nine fluorines;

[0266] wherein VV-2 is a partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated five to seven membered ring containing one to four heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen;

[0267] wherein said VV-2 substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, (C1-C2)alkyl, (C1-C2)alkoxy, hydroxy, or oxo wherein said (C1-C2)alkyl optionally has from one to five fluorines; and

[0268] wherein RV-4 does not include oxycarbonyl linked directly to the C4 nitrogen;

[0269] wherein either RV-3 must contain VV or RV-4 must contain VV-1;

[0270] RV-5, RV-6, RV-7 and RV-8 are independently hydrogen, a bond, nitro or halo wherein said bond is substituted with TV or a partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated (C1-C12) straight or branched carbon chain wherein carbon may optionally be replaced with one or two heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen, wherein said carbon atoms are optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with hydroxy, said carbon is optionally mono-substituted with oxo, said sulfur is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, said nitrogen is optionally mono- or di-substituted with oxo, and said carbon chain is optionally mono-substituted with TV;

[0271] wherein TV is a partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to twelve membered ring optionally having one to four heteroatoms selected independently from oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen, or a bicyclic ring consisting of two fused partially saturated, fully saturated or fully unsaturated three to six membered rings, taken independently, optionally having one to four heteroatoms selected independently from nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen;

[0272] wherein said TV substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, (C1-C6)alkyl, (C2-C6)alkenyl, hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino wherein said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino, said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent also optionally has from one to nine fluorines;

[0273] wherein RV-5 and RV-6, or RV-6 and RV-7, and/or RV-7 and RV-8 may also be taken together and can form at least one ring that is a partially saturated or fully unsaturated four to eight membered ring optionally having one to three heteroatoms independently selected from nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen;

[0274] wherein said rings formed by RV-5 and RV-6, or RV-6 and RV-7, and/or RV-7 and RV-8 are optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with halo, (C1-C6)alkyl, (C1-C4)alkylsulfonyl, (C2-C6)alkenyl, hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino wherein said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent is optionally mono-, di- or tri-substituted independently with hydroxy, (C1-C6)alkoxy, (C1-C4)alkylthio, amino, nitro, cyano, oxo, carboxy, (C1-C6)alkyloxycarbonyl, mono-N- or di-N,N-(C1-C6)alkylamino, said (C1-C6)alkyl substituent also optionally has from one to nine fluorines.

[0275] Compounds of Formula V are disclosed in commonly assigned U.S. Pat. No. 6,140,343, the complete disclosure of which is herein incorporated by reference.

[0276] In a preferred embodiment, the CETP inhibitor is selected from one of the following compounds of Formula V:

[0277] [2S,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-formyl-amino]-2-cyclopropyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid isopropyl ester;

[0278] [2S,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-formyl-amino]-2-cyclopropyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid propyl ester;

[0279] [2S,4S] 4-[acetyl-(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-amino]-2-cyclopropyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester;

[0280] [2R,4S] 4-[acetyl-(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-amino]-2-ethyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid isopropyl ester;

[0281] [2R,4S] 4-[acetyl-(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-amino]-2-methyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid ethyl ester,

[0282] [2S,4S] 4-[1-(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-ureido]-2-cyclopropyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid isopropyl ester;

[0283] [2R,4S] 4-[acetyl-(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-amino]-2-ethyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid ethyl ester;

[0284] [2S,4S] 4-[acetyl-(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-amino]-2-methoxymethyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid isopropyl ester;

[0285] [2S,4S] 4-[acetyl-(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-amino]-2-cyclopropyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid propyl ester;

[0286] [2S,4S] 4-[acetyl-(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-amino]-2-cyclopropyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid ethyl ester;

[0287] [2R,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-formyl-amino]-2-ethyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid isopropyl ester;

[0288] [2R,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-formyl-amino]-2-methyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid ethyl ester;

[0289] [2S,4S] 4-[acetyl-(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-amino]-2-cyclopropyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid isopropyl ester;

[0290] [2R,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-formyl-amino]-2-ethyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid ethyl ester;

[0291] [2S,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-formyl-amino]-2-cyclopropyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid ethyl ester;

[0292] [2R,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-formyl-amino]-2-methyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid isopropyl ester; and

[0293] [2R,4S] 4-[acetyl-(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-amino]-2-methyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid isopropyl ester.

[0294] Another class of CETP inhibitors that finds utility with the present invention consists of cycloalkano-pyridines having the Formula VI

[0295] and pharmaceutically acceptable forms thereof;

[0296] in which AVI denotes an aryl containing 6 to 10 carbon atoms, which is optionally substituted with up to five identical or different substituents in the form of a halogen, nitro, hydroxyl, trifluoromethyl, trifluoromethoxy or a straight-chain or branched alkyl, acyl, hydroxyalkyl or alkoxy containing up to 7 carbon atoms each, or in the form of a group according to the formula —NRVI-3RVI-4, wherein

[0297] RVI-3 and RVI-4 are identical or different and denote a hydrogen, phenyl or a straight-chain or branched alkyl containing up to 6 carbon atoms,

[0298] DVI denotes an aryl containing 6 to 10 carbon atoms, which is optionally substituted with a phenyl, nitro, halogen, trifluoromethyl or trifluoromethoxy, or a radical according to the formula RVI-5-LVI-,

[0299] or RVI-9-TVI-VVI-XVI, wherein

[0300] RVI-5, RVI-6 and RVI-9 denote, independently from one another, a cycloalkyl containing 3 to 6 carbon atoms, or an aryl containing 6 to 10 carbon atom or a 5- to 7-membered, optionally benzo-condensed, saturated or unsaturated, mono-, bi- or tricyclic heterocycle containing up to 4 heteroatoms from the series of S, N and/or O, wherein the rings are optionally substituted, in the case of the nitrogen-containing rings also via the N function, with up to five identical or different substituents in the form of a halogen, trifluoromethyl, nitro, hydroxyl, cyano, carboxyl, trifluoromethoxy, a straight-chain or branched acyl, alkyl, alkylthio, alkylalkoxy, alkoxy or alkoxycarbonyl containing up to 6 carbon atoms each, an aryl or trifluoromethyl-substituted aryl containing 6 to 10 carbon atoms each, or an optionally benzo-condensed, aromatic 5- to 7-membered heterocycle containing up to 3 heteoatoms from the series of S, N and/or O, and/or in the form of a group according to the formula —ORVI-10, —SRVI-11, —SO2RVI-12 or —NRVI-13RVI-14, wherein

[0301] RVI-10, RVI-11 and RVI-12 denote, independently from one another, an aryl containing 6 to 10 carbon atoms, which is in turn substituted with up to two identical or different substituents in the form of a phenyl, halogen or a straight-chain or branched alkyl containing up to 6 carbon atoms,

[0302] RVI-13 and RVI-14 are identical or different and have the meaning of RVI-3 and RVI-4 given above, or

[0303] RVI-5 and/or RVI-6 denote a radical according to the formula

[0304] RVI-7 denotes a hydrogen or halogen, and

[0305] RVI-8 denotes a hydrogen, halogen, azido, trifluoromethyl, hydroxyl, trifluoromethoxy, a straight-chain or branched alkoxy or alkyl containing up to 6 carbon atoms each, or a radical according to the formula


[0306] wherein

[0307] RVI-15 and RVI-16 are identical or different and have the meaning of RVI-3 and RVI-4 given above, or

[0308] RVI-7 and RVI-8 together form a radical according to the formula ═O or ═NRVI-17, wherein

[0309] RVI-7 denotes a hydrogen or a straight-chain or branched-alkyl, alkoxy or acyl containing up to 6 carbon atoms each,

[0310] LVI denotes a straight-chain or branched alkylene or alkenylene chain containing up to 8 carbon atoms each, which are optionally substituted with up to two hydroxyl groups,

[0311] TVI and XVI are identical or different and denote a straight-chain or branched alkylene chain containing up to 8 carbon atoms, or

[0312] TVI or XVI denotes a bond,

[0313] VVI denotes an oxygen or sulfur atom or an —NRVI-18 group, wherein,

[0314] RVI-18 denotes a hydrogen or a straight-chain or branched alkyl containing up to 6 carbon atoms or a phenyl,

[0315] EVI denotes a cycloalkyl containing 3 to 8 carbon atoms, or a straight-chain or branched alkyl containing up to 8 carbon atoms, which is optionally substituted with a cycloalkyl containing 3 to 8 carbon atoms or a hydroxyl, or a phenyl, which is optionally substituted with a halogen or trifluoromethyl,

[0316] RVI-1 and RVI-2 together form a straight-chain or branched alkylene chain containing up to 7 carbon atoms, which must be substituted with a carbonyl group and/or a radical according to the formula

[0317] wherein

[0318] a and b are identical or different and denote a number equaling 1, 2 or 3,

[0319] RVI-19 denotes a hydrogen atom, a cycloalkyl containing 3 to 7 carbon atoms, a straight-chain or branched silylalkyl containing up to 8 carbon atoms, or a straight-chain or branched alkyl containing up to 8 carbon atoms, which is optionally substituted with a hydroxyl, a straight-chain or a branched alkoxy containing up to 6 carbon atoms or a phenyl, which may in turn be substituted with a halogen, nitro, trifluoromethyl, trifluoromethoxy or phenyl or tetrazole-substituted phenyl, and an alkyl that is optionally substituted with a group according to the formula —ORVI-22, wherein

[0320] RVI-22 denotes a straight-chain or branched acyl containing up to 4 carbon atoms or benzyl, or

[0321] RVI-19 denotes a straight-chain or branched acyl containing up to 20 carbon atoms or benzoyl, which is optionally substituted with a halogen, trifluoromethyl, nitro or trifluoromethoxy, or a straight-chain or branched fluoroacyl containing up to 8 carbon atoms,

[0322] RVI-20 and RVI-21 are identical or different and denote a hydrogen, phenyl or a straight-chain or branched alkyl containing up to 6 carbon atoms, or

[0323] RVI-20 and RVI-21 together form a 3- to 6-membered carbocyclic ring, and a the carbocyclic rings formed are optionally substituted, optionally also geminally, with up to six identical or different substituents in the form of trifluoromethyl, hydroxyl, nitrile, halogen, carboxyl, nitro, azido, cyano, cycloalkyl or cycloalkyloxy containing 3 to 7 carbon atoms each, a straight-chain or branched alkoxycarbonyl, alkoxy or alkylthio containing up to 6 carbon atoms each, or a straight-chain or branched alkyl containing up to 6 carbon atoms, which is in turn substituted with up to two identical or different substituents in the form of a hydroxyl, benzyloxy, trifluoromethyl, benzoyl, a straight-chain or branched alkoxy, oxyacyl or carboxyl containing up to 4 carbon atoms each and/or a phenyl, which may in turn be substituted with a halogen, trifluoromethyl or trifluoromethoxy, and/or the carbocyclic rings formed are optionally substituted, also geminally, with up to five identical or different substituents in the form of a phenyl, benzoyl, thiophenyl or sulfonylbenzyl, which in turn are optionally substituted with a halogen, trifluoromethyl, trifluoromethoxy or nitro, and/or optionally in the form of a radical according to the formula

[0324] —SO2—C6H5, —(CO)dNRVI-23RVI-24 or ═O,

[0325] wherein

[0326] c is a number equaling 1, 2, 3 or 4,

[0327] d is a number equaling 0 or 1,

[0328] RVI-23 and RVI-24 are identical or different and denote a hydrogen, cycloalkyl containing 3 to 6 carbon atoms, a straight-chain or branched alkyl containing up to 6 carbon atoms, benzyl or phenyl, which is optionally substituted with up to two identical or different substituents in the form of halogen, trifluoromethyl, cyano, phenyl or nitro, and/or the carbocyclic rings formed are optionally substituted with a spiro-linked radical according to the formula

[0329] wherein

[0330] WVI denotes either an oxygen atom or a sulfur atom,

[0331] YVI and Y′VI together form a 2- to 6-membered straight-chain or branched alkylene chain,

[0332] e is a number equaling 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7,

[0333] f is a number equaling 1 or 2,

[0334] RVI-25, RVI-26, RVI-27, RVI-28, RVI-29, RVI-30 and RVI-31 are identical or different and denote a hydrogen, trifluoromethyl, phenyl, halogen or a straight-chain or branched alkyl or alkoxy containing up to 6 carbon atoms each, or

[0335] RVI-25 and RVI-26 or RVI-27 and RVI-28 each together denote a straight-chain or branched alkyl chain containing up to 6 carbon atoms or

[0336] RVI-25 and RVI-26 or RVI-27 and RVI-28 each together form a radical according to the formula

[0337] wherein

[0338] WVI has the meaning given above,

[0339] g is a number equaling 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7,

[0340] RVI-32 and RVI-33 together form a 3- to 7-membered heterocycle, which contains an oxygen or sulfur atom or a group according to the formula SO, SO2 or —NRVI-34, wherein

[0341] RVI-34 denotes a hydrogen atom, a phenyl, benzyl, or a straight-chain or branched alkyl containing up to 4 carbon atoms, and salts and N oxides thereof, with the exception of 5(6H)-quinolones, 3-benzoyl-7,8-dihydro-2,7,7-trimethyl-4-phenyl.

[0342] Compounds of Formula VI are disclosed in European Patent Application No. EP 818448 A1, the complete disclosure of which is herein incorporated by reference.

[0343] In a preferred embodiment, the CETP inhibitor is selected from one of the following compounds of Formula VI:

[0344] 2-cyclopentyl-4-(4-fluorophenyl)-7,7-dimethyl-3-(4-trifluoromethylbenzoyl)-4,6,7,8-tetrahydro-1H-quinolin-5-one;

[0345] 2-cyclopentyl-4-(4-fluorophenyl)-7,7-dimethyl-3-(4-trifluoromethylbenzoyl)-7,8-dihydro-6H-quinolin-5-one;

[0346] [2-cyclopentyl-4-(4-fluorophenyl)-5-hydroxy-7,7-dimethyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydroquinolin-3-yl]-(4-trifluoromethylphenyl)-methanone;

[0347] [5-(t-butyldimethylsilanyloxy)-2-cyclopentyl-4-(4-fluorophenyl)-7,7-dimethyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydroquinolin-3-yl]-(4-trifluoromethylphenyl)-methanone;

[0348] [5-(t-butyldimethylsilanyloxy)-2-cyclopentyl-4-(4-fluorophenyl)-7,7-dimethyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydroquinolin-3-yl]-(4-trifluoromethylphenyl)-methanol;

[0349] 5-(t-butyldimethylsilanyloxy)-2-cyclopentyl-4-(4-fluorophenyl)-3-[fluoro-(4-trifluoromethylphenyl)-methyl]-7,7-dimethyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydroquinoline;

[0350] 2-cyclopentyl-4-(4-fluorophenyl)-3-[fluoro-(4-trifluoromethylphenyl)-methyl]-7,7-dimethyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydroquinolin-5-ol.

[0351] Another class of CETP inhibitors that finds utility with the present invention consists of substituted-pyridines having the Formula VII

[0352] and pharmaceutically acceptable forms thereof, wherein

[0353] RVII-2 and RVII-6 are independently selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, hydroxy, alkyl, fluorinated alkyl, fluorinated aralkyl, chlorofluorinated alkyl, cycloalkyl, heterocyclyl, aryl, heteroaryl, alkoxy, alkoxyalkyl, and alkoxycarbonyl; provided that at least one of RVII-2 and RVII-6 is fluorinated alkyl, chlorofluorinated alkyl or alkoxyalkyl;

[0354] RVII-3 is selected from the group consisting of hydroxy, amido, arylcarbonyl, heteroarylcarbonyl, hydroxymethyl —CHO, —CO2RVII-7, wherein RVII-7 is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, alkyl and cyanoalkyl; and

[0355] wherein RVII-15a is selected from the group consisting of hydroxy, hydrogen, halogen, alkylthio, alkenylthio, alkynylthio, arylthio, heteroarylthio, heterocyclylthio, alkoxy, alkenoxy, alkynoxy, aryloxy, heteroaryloxy and heterocyclyloxy, and

[0356] RVII-16a is selected from the group consisting of alkyl, haloalkyl, alkenyl, haloalkenyl, alkynyl, haloalkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl, and heterocyclyl, arylalkoxy, trialkylsilyloxy;

[0357] RVII-4 is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, hydroxy, halogen, alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkenyl, haloalkyl, haloalkenyl, haloalkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl, heterocyclyl, cycloalkylalkyl, cycloalkenylalkyl, aralkyl, heteroarylalkyl, heterocyclylalkyl, cycloalkylalkenyl, cycloalkenylalkenyl, aralkenyl, hetereoarylalkenyl, heterocyclylalkenyl, alkoxy, alkenoxy, alkynoxy, aryloxy, heteroaryloxy, heterocyclyloxy, alkanoyloxy, alkenoyloxy, alkynoyloxy, aryloyloxy, heteroaroyloxy, heterocyclyloyloxy, alkoxycarbonyl, alkenoxycarbonyl, alkynoxycarbonyl, aryloxycarbonyl, heteroaryloxycarbonyl, heterocyclyloxycarbonyl, thio, alkylthio, alkenylthio, alkynylthio, arylthio, heteroarylthio, heterocyclylthio, cycloalkylthio, cycloalkenylthio, alkylthioalkyl, alkenylthioalkyl, alkynylthioalkyl, arylthioalkyl, heteroarylthioalkyl, heterocyclylthioalkyl, alkylthioalkenyl, alkenylthioalkenyl, alkynylthioalkenyl, arylthioalkenyl, heteroarylthioalkenyl, heterocyclythioalkenyl, alkylamino, alkenylamino, alkynylamino, arylamino, heteroarylamino, heterocyclylamino, aryldialkylamino, diarylamino, diheteroarylamino, alkylarylamino, alkylheteroarylamino, arylheteroarylamino, trialkylsilyl, trialkenylsilyl, triarylsilyl, —CO(O)N(RVII-8aRVII-8b), wherein RVII-8a and RVII-8b are independently selected from the group consisting of alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl and heterocyclyl, —SO2RVII-9, wherein RVI-9 is selected from the group consisting of hydroxy, alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl and heterocyclyl, —OP(O)(ORVII-10a) (ORVII-10b), wherein RVII-10a and RVII-10b are independently selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, hydroxy, alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl and heterocyclyl, and —OP(S) (ORVII-11a) (ORVII-11b), wherein RVII-11a and RVII-11b are independently selected from the group consisting of alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl and heterocyclyl;

[0358] RVII-5 is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, hydroxy, halogen, alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkenyl, haloalkyl, haloalkenyl, haloalkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl, heterocyclyl, alkoxy, alkenoxy, alkynoxy, aryloxy, heteroaryloxy, heterocyclyloxy, alkylcarbonyloxyalkyl, alkenylcarbonyloxyalkyl, alkynylcarbonyloxyalkyl, arylcarbonyloxyalkyl, heteroarylcarbonyloxyalkyl, heterocyclylcarbonyloxyalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, cycloalkenylalkyl, aralkyl, heteroarylalkyl, heterocyclylalkyl, cycloalkylalkenyl, cycloalkenylalkenyl, aralkenyl, heteroarylalkenyl, heterocyclylalkenyl, alkylthioalkyl, cycloalkylthioalkyl, alkenylthioalkyl, alkynylthioalkyl, arylthioalkyl, heteroarylthioalkyl, heterocyclylthioalkyl, alkylthioalkenyl, alkenylthioalkenyl, alkynylthioalkenyl, arylthioalkenyl, heteroarylthioalkenyl, heterocyclylthioalkenyl, alkoxyalkyl, alkenoxyalkyl, alkynoxylalkyl, aryloxyalkyl, heteroaryloxyalkyl, heterocyclyloxyalkyl, alkoxyalkenyl, alkenoxyalkenyl, alkynoxyalkenyl, aryloxyalkenyl, heteroaryloxyalkenyl, heterocyclyloxyalkenyl, cyano, hydroxymethyl, —CO2RVII-14, wherein RVI-14 is selected from the group consisting of alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl and heterocyclyl;

[0359] wherein RVII-15b is selected from the group consisting of hydroxy, hydrogen, halogen, alkylthio, alkenylthio, alkynylthio, arylthio, heteroarylthio, heterocyclylthio, alkoxy, alkenoxy, alkynoxy, aryloxy, heteroaryloxy, heterocyclyloxy, aroyloxy, and alkylsulfonyloxy, and

[0360] RVII-16b is selected form the group consisting of alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl, heterocyclyl, arylalkoxy, and trialkylsilyloxy;

[0361] wherein RVII-17 and RVII-18 are independently selected from the group consisting of alkyl, cycloalkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl and heterocyclyl;

[0362] wherein RVII-19 is selected from the group consisting of alkyl, cycloalkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl, heterocyclyl, —SRVII-20, —ORVII-21, and —RVII-22CO2RVII-23, wherein

[0363] RVII-20 is selected from the group consisting of alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl, heterocyclyl, aminoalkyl, aminoalkenyl, aminoalkynyl, aminoaryl, aminoheteroaryl, aminoheterocyclyl, alkylheteroarylamino, arylheteroarylamino,

[0364] RVII-21 is selected from the group consisting of alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl, and heterocyclyl,

[0365] RVII-22 is selected from the group consisting of alkylene or arylene, and

[0366] RVII-23 is selected from the group consisting of alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl, and heterocyclyl;

[0367] wherein RVII-24 is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, alkyl, cycloalkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl, heterocyclyl, aralkyl, aralkenyl, and aralkynyl;

[0368] wherein RVII-25 is heterocyclylidenyl;

[0369] wherein RVII-26 and RVII-27 are independently selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, alkyl, cycloalkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl, and heterocyclyl;

[0370] wherein RVII-28 and RVII-29 are independently selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, alkyl, cycloalkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl, and heterocyclyl;

[0371] wherein RVII-30 and RVII-31 are independently alkoxy, alkenoxy, alkynoxy, aryloxy, heteroaryloxy, and heterocyclyloxy; and

[0372] wherein RVII-32 and RVII-33 are independently selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, alkyl, cycloalkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl, and heterocyclyl;

[0373] wherein RVII-36 is selected from the group consisting of alkyl, alkenyl, aryl, heteroaryl and heterocyclyl;

[0374] wherein RVII-37 and RVII-38 are independently selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, alkyl, cycloalkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl, and heterocyclyl;

[0375] wherein RVII-39 is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, alkoxy, alkenoxy, alkynoxy, aryloxy, heteroaryloxy, heterocyclyloxy, alkylthio, alkenylthio, alkynylthio, arylthio, heteroarylthio and heterocyclylthio, and

[0376] RVII-40 is selected from the group consisting of haloalkyl, haloalkenyl, haloalkynyl, haloaryl, haloheteroaryl, haloheterocyclyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkenyl, heterocyclylalkoxy, heterocyclylalkenoxy, heterocyclylalkynoxy, alkylthio, alkenylthio, alkynylthio, arylthio, heteroarylthio and heterocyclylthio;

[0377] —N=RVII-41,

[0378] wherein RVII-41 is heterocyclylidenyl;

[0379] wherein RVII-42 is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl, and heterocyclyl, and

[0380] RVII-43 is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl, heterocyclyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkenyl, haloalkyl, haloalkenyl, haloalkynyl, haloaryl, haloheteroaryl, and haloheterocyclyl;

[0381] wherein RVII-44 is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, alkyl, cycloalkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl and heterocyclyl;

[0382] —N═S═O;

[0383] —N C═S;

[0384] —N═C=O;

[0385] —N3;

[0386] —SRVII-45

[0387] wherein RVII-45 is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl, heterocyclyl, haloalkyl, haloalkenyl, haloalkynyl, haloaryl, haloheteroaryl, haloheterocyclyl, heterocyclyl, cycloalkylalkyl, cycloalkenylalkyl, aralkyl, heteroarylalkyl, heterocyclylalkyl, cycloalkylalkenyl, cycloalkenylalkenyl, aralkenyl, heteroarylalkenyl, heterocyclylalkenyl, alkylthioalkyl, alkenylthioalkyl, alkynylthioalkyl, arylthioalkyl, heteroarylthioalkyl, heterocyclylthioalkyl, alkylthioalkenyl, alkenylthioalkenyl, alkynylthioalkenyl, arylthioalkenyl, heteroarylthioalkenyl, heterocyclylthioalkenyl, aminocarbonylalkyl, aminocarbonylalkenyl, aminocarbonylalkynyl, aminocarbonylaryl, aminocarbonylheteroaryl, and aminocarbonylheterocyclyl,

[0388] —SRVII-46, and —CH2RVII-47,

[0389] wherein RVII-46 is selected from the group consisting of alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl and heterocyclyl, and

[0390] RVII-47 is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl and heterocyclyl; and

[0391] wherein RVII-48 is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, alkyl, cycloalkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl and heterocyclyl, and

[0392] RVII-49 is selected from the group consisting of alkoxy, alkenoxy, alkynoxy, aryloxy, heteroaryloxy, heterocyclyloxy, haloalkyl, haloalkenyl, haloalkynyl, haloaryl, haloheteroaryl and haloheterocyclyl;

[0393] wherein RVII-50 is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, alkyl, cycloalkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl, heterocyclyl, alkoxy, alkenoxy, alkynoxy, aryloxy, heteroaryloxy and heterocyclyloxy;

[0394] wherein RVII-51 is selected from the group consisting of alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl, heterocyclyl, haloalkyl, haloalkenyl, haloalkynyl, haloaryl, haloheteroaryl and haloheterocyclyl; and

[0395] wherein RVII-53 is selected from the group consisting of alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, heteroaryl and heterocyclyl;

[0396] provided that when RVII-5 is selected from the group consisting of heterocyclylalkyl and heterocyclylalkenyl, the heterocyclyl radical of the corresponding heterocyclylalkyl or heterocyclylalkenyl is other than □-lactone; and

[0397] provided that when RVII-4 is aryl, heteroaryl or heterocyclyl, and one of RVI-2 and RVII-6 is trifluoromethyl, then the other of RVII-2 and RVII-6 is difluoromethyl.

[0398] Compounds of Formula VII are disclosed in WO 9941237-A1, the complete disclosure of which is incorporated by reference.

[0399] In a preferred embodiment, the CETP inhibitor is selected from the following compounds of Formula VII:

[0400] dimethyl 5,5′-dithiobis[2-difluoromethyl-4-(2-methylpropyl)-6-(trifluoromethyl)-3-pyridine-carboxylate].

[0401] Another class of CETP inhibitors that finds utility with the present invention consists of substituted pyridines and biphenyls having the Formula VIII

[0402] and pharmaceutically acceptable forms thereof,

[0403] in which

[0404] AVIII stands for aryl with 6 to 10 carbon atoms, which is optionally substituted up to 3 times in an identical manner or differently by halogen, hydroxy, trifluoromethyl, trifluoromethoxy, or by straight-chain or branched alkyl, acyl, or alkoxy with up to 7 carbon atoms each, or by a group of the formula

—NVIII-1RVIII-2, wherein

[0405] RVIII-1 and RVIII-2 are identical or different and denote hydrogen, phenyl, or straight-chain or branched alkyl with up to 6 carbon atoms,

[0406] DVIII stands for straight-chain or branched alkyl with up to 8 carbon atoms, which is substituted by hydroxy,

[0407] EVIII and LVIII are either identical or different and stand for straight-chain or branched alkyl with up to 8 carbon atoms, which is optionally substituted by cycloalkyl with 3 to 8 carbon atoms, or stands for cycloalkyl with 3 to 8 carbon atoms, or

[0408] EVIII has the above-mentioned meaning and

[0409] LVIII in this case stands for aryl with 6 to 10 carbon atoms, which is optionally substituted up to 3 times in an identical manner or differently by halogen, hydroxy, trifluoromethyl, trifluoromethoxy, or by straight-chain or branched alkyl, acyl, or alkoxy with up to 7 carbon atoms each, or by a group of the formula

—NRVIII-3RVIII-4, wherein

[0410] RVIII-3 and RVIII-4 are identical or different and have the meaning given above for RVIII-1 and RVIII-2, or

[0411] EVIII stands for straight-chain or branched alkyl with up to 8 carbon atoms, or stands for aryl with 6 to 10 carbon atoms, which is optionally substituted up to 3 times in an identical manner or differently by halogen, hydroxy, trifluoromethyl, trifluoromethoxy, or by straight-chain or branched alkyl, acyl, or alkoxy with up to 7 carbon atoms each, or by a group of the formula

—NRVIII-5RVIII-6, wherein

[0412] RVIII-5 and RVIII-6 are identical or different and have the meaning given above for RVIII-1 and RVIII-2, and

[0413] LVIII in this case stands for straight-chain or branched alkoxy with up to 8 carbon atoms or for cycloalkyloxy with 3 to 8 carbon atoms,

[0414] TVIII stands for a radical of the formula



[0415] wherein

[0416] RVII-7 and RVIII-8 are identical or different and denote cycloalkyl with 3 to 8 carbon atoms, or aryl with 6 to 10 carbon atoms, or denote a 5- to 7-member aromatic, optionally benzo-condensed, heterocyclic compound with up to 3 heteroatoms from the series S, N and/or O, which are optionally substituted up to 3 times in an identical manner or differently by trifluoromethyl, trifluoromethoxy, halogen, hydroxy, carboxyl, by straight-chain or branched alkyl, acyl, alkoxy, or alkoxycarbonyl with up to 6 carbon atoms each, or by phenyl, phenoxy, or thiophenyl, which can in turn be substituted by halogen, trifluoromethyl, or trifluoromethoxy, and/or the rings are substituted by a group of the formula

—NRVIII-11RVIII-12, wherein

[0417] RVIII-11 and RVIII-12 are identical or different and have the meaning given above for

[0418] XVIII denotes a straight or branched alkyl chain or alkenyl chain with 2 to 10 carbon atoms each, which are optionally substituted up to 2 times by hydroxy,

[0419] RVIII-9 denotes hydrogen, and

[0420] RVIII-10 denotes hydrogen, halogen, azido, trifluoromethyl, hydroxy, mercapto, trifluoromethoxy, straight-chain or branched alkoxy with up to 5 carbon atoms, or a radical of the formula

—NRVIII-13RVIII-14, wherein

[0421] RVIII-13 and RVIII-14 are identical or different and have the meaning given above for RVIII-1 and RVIII-2, or

[0422] RVIII-9 and RVIII-10 form a carbonyl group together with the carbon atom.

[0423] Compounds of Formula VII are disclosed in WO 9804528, the complete disclosure of which is incorporated by reference.

[0424] Another class of CETP inhibitors that finds utility with the present invention consists of substituted 1,2,4-triazoles having the Formula IX

[0425] and pharmaceutically acceptable forms thereof;

[0426] wherein RIX-1 is selected from higher alkyl, higher alkenyl, higher alkynyl, aryl, aralkyl, aryloxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, alkylthioalkyl, arylthioalkyl, and cycloalkylalkyl;

[0427] wherein RIX-2 is selected from aryl, heteroaryl, cycloalkyl, and cycloalkenyl, wherein RIX-2 is optionally substituted at a substitutable position with one or more radicals independently selected from alkyl, haloalkyl, alkylthio, alkylsulfinyl, alkylsulfonyl, alkoxy, halo, aryloxy, aralkyloxy, aryl, aralkyl, aminosulfonyl, amino, monoalkylamino and dialkylamino; and

[0428] wherein RIX-3 is selected from hydrido, —SH and halo; provided RIX-2 cannot be phenyl or 4-methylphenyl when RIX-1 is higher alkyl and when RIX-3 is —SH.

[0429] Compounds of Formula IX are disclosed in WO 9914204, the complete disclosure of which is incorporated by reference.

[0430] In a preferred embodiment, the CETP inhibitor is selected from the following compounds of Formula IX:

[0431] 2,4-dihydro-4-(3-methoxyphenyl)-S-tridecyl-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione;

[0432] 2,4-dihydro-4-(2-fluorophenyl)-5-tridecyl-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione;

[0433] 2,4-dihydro-4-(2-methylphenyl)-5-tridecyl-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione;

[0434] 2,4-dihydro-4-(3-chlorophenyl)-5-tridecyl-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione;

[0435] 2,4-dihydro-4-(2-methoxyphenyl)-5-tridecyl-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione;

[0436] 2,4-dihydro-4-(3-methylphenyl)-5-tridecyl-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione;

[0437] 4-cyclohexyl-2,4-dihydro-5-tridecyl-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione;

[0438] 2,4-dihydro-4-(3-pyridyl)-5-tridecyl-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione;

[0439] 2,4-dihydro-4-(2-ethoxyphenyl)-5-tridecyl-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione;

[0440] 2,4-dihydro-4-(2,6-dimethylphenyl)-5-tridecyl-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione;

[0441] 2,4-dihydro-4-(4-phenoxyphenyl)-5-tridecyl-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione;

[0442] 4-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-2,4-dihydro-5-tridecyl-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione;

[0443] 4-(2-chlorophenyl)-2,4-dihydro-5-tridecyl-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione;

[0444] 2,4-dihydro-4-(4-methoxyphenyl)-5-tridecyl-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione;

[0445] 2,4-dihydro-5-tridecyl-4-(3-trifluoromethylphenyl)-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione;

[0446] 2,4-dihydro-5-tridecyl-4-(3-fluorophenyl)-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione;

[0447] 4-(3-chloro-4-methylphenyl)-2.4-dihydro-5-tridecyl-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione;

[0448] 2,4-dihydro-4-(2-methylthiophenyl)-5-tridecyl-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione;

[0449] 4-(4-benzyloxyphenyl)-2,4-dihydro-5-tridecyl-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione;

[0450] 2,4-dihydro-4-(2-naphthyl)-5-tridecyl-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione;

[0451] 2,4-dihydro-5-tridecyl-4-(4-trifluoromethylphenyl)-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione;

[0452] 2,4-dihydro-4-(1-naphthyl)-5-tridecyl-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione;

[0453] 2,4-dihydro-4-(3-methylthiophenyl)-5-tridecyl-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione;

[0454] 2,4-dihydro-4-(4-methylthiophenyl)-5-tridecyl-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione;

[0455] 2,4-dihydro-4-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-5-tridecyl-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione;

[0456] 2,4-dihydro-4-(2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-5-tridecyl-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione;

[0457] 2,4-dihydro-4-(2-methoxy-5-chlorophenyl)-5-tridecyl-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione;

[0458] 4-(4-aminosulfonylphenyl)-2,4-dihydro-5-tridecyl-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione;

[0459] 2,4-dihydro-5-dodecyl-4-(3-methoxyphenyl)-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione;

[0460] 2,4-dihydro-4-(3-methoxyphenyl)-5-tetradecyl-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione;

[0461] 2,4-dihydro-4-(3-methoxyphenyl)-5-undecyl-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione; and

[0462] 2,4-dihydro-(4-methoxyphenyl)-5-pentadecyl-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thione.

[0463] Another class of CETP inhibitors that finds utility with the present invention consists of hetero-tetrahydroquinolines having the Formula X

[0464] N-oxides of said compounds, and pharmaceutically acceptable forms thereof;

[0465] in which

[0466] AX represents cycloalkyl with 3 to 8 carbon atoms or a 5- to 7-membered, saturated, partially saturated or unsaturated, optionally benzo-condensed heterocyclic ring containing up to 3 heteroatoms from the series comprising S, N and/or O, that in case of a saturated heterocyclic ring is bonded to a nitrogen function, optionally bridged over it, and in which the aromatic systems mentioned above are optionally substituted up to 5-times in an identical or different substituents in the form of halogen, nitro, hydroxy, trifluoromethyl, trifluoromethoxy or by a straight-chain or branched alkyl, acyl, hydroxyalkyl or alkoxy each having up to 7 carbon atoms or by a group of the formula —NRX-3RX-4,

[0467] in which

[0468] RX-3 and RX-4 are identical or different and denote hydrogen, phenyl or straight-chain or branched alkyl having up to 6 carbon atoms, or

[0469] AX represents a radical of the formula

[0470] DX represents an aryl having 6 to 10 carbon atoms, that is optionally substituted by phenyl, nitro, halogen, trifluormethyl or trifluormethoxy, or it represents a radical of the formula



[0471] or RX-9-TX-VX-XX

[0472] in which

[0473] RX-5, RX-6 and RX-9 independently of one another denote cycloalkyl having 3 to 6 carbon atoms, or an aryl having 6 to 10 carbon atoms or a 5- to 7-membered aromatic, optionally benzo-condensed saturated or unsaturated, mono-, bi-, or tricyclic heterocyclic ring from the series consisting of S, N and/or O, in which the rings are substituted, optionally, in case of the nitrogen containing aromatic rings via the N function, with up to 5 identical or different substituents in the form of halogen, trifluoromethyl, nitro, hydroxy, cyano, carbonyl, trifluoromethoxy, straight straight-chain or branched acyl, alkyl, alkylthio, alkylalkoxy, alkoxy, or alkoxycarbonyl each having up to 6 carbon atoms, by aryl or trifluoromethyl-substituted aryl each having 6 to 10 carbon atoms or by an, optionally benzo-condensed, aromatic 5- to 7-membered heterocyclic ring having up to 3 heteroatoms from the series consisting of S, N, and/or 0, and/or substituted by a group of the formula —ORX-10, —SRX-11, SO2RX-12 or —NRX-13RX-14,

[0474] in which

[0475] RX-10, RX-11 and RX-12 independently from each other denote aryl having 6 to 10 carbon atoms, which is in turn substituted with up to 2 identical or different substituents in the form of phenyl, halogen or a straight-chain or branched alkyl having up to 6 carbon atoms,

[0476] RX-13 and RX-14 are identical or different and have the meaning of RX-3 and RX-4 indicated above, or

[0477] RX-5 and/or RX-6 denote a radical of the formula

[0478] RX-7 denotes hydrogen or halogen, and

[0479] RX-8 denotes hydrogen, halogen, azido, trifluoromethyl, hydroxy, trifluoromethoxy, straight-chain or branched alkoxy or alkyl having up to 6 carbon atoms or a radical of the formula —NRX-15RX-16, in which

[0480] RX-15 and RX-16 are identical or different and have the meaning of RX-3 and RX-4 indicated above, or

[0481] RX-7 and RX-8 together form a radical of the formula ═O or ═NRX-17,

[0482] in which

[0483] RX-17 denotes hydrogen or straight chain or branched alkyl, alkoxy or acyl having up to 6 carbon atoms,

[0484] LX denotes a straight chain or branched alkylene or alkenylene chain having up to 8 carbon atoms, that are optionally substituted with up to 2 hydroxy groups,

[0485] TX and XX are identical or different and denote a straight chain or branched alkylene chain with up to 8 carbon atoms or

[0486] TX or XX denotes a bond,

[0487] VX represents an oxygen or sulfur atom or an —NRX-18-group, in which

[0488] RX-18 denotes hydrogen or straight chain or branched alkyl with up to 6 carbon atoms or phenyl,

[0489] EX represents cycloalkyl with 3 to 8 carbon atoms, or straight chain or branched alkyl with up to 8 carbon atoms, that is optionally substituted by cycloalkyl with 3 to 8 carbon atoms or hydroxy, or represents a phenyl, that is optionally substituted by halogen or trifluoromethyl,

[0490] RX-1 and RX-2 together form a straight-chain or branched alkylene chain with up to 7 carbon atoms, that must be substituted by carbonyl group and/or by a radical with the formula

[0491] in which a and b are identical or different and denote a number equaling 1,2, or 3,

[0492] RX-19 denotes hydrogen, cycloalkyl with 3 up to 7 carbon atoms, straight chain or branched silylalkyl with up to 8 carbon atoms or straight chain or branched alkyl with up to 8 carbon atoms, that are optionally substituted by hydroxyl, straight chain or branched alkoxy with up to 6 carbon atoms or by phenyl, which in turn might be substituted by halogen, nitro, trifluormethyl, trifluoromethoxy or by phenyl or by tetrazole-substituted phenyl, and alkyl, optionally be substituted by a group with the formula —ORX-22,

[0493] in which

[0494] RX-22 denotes a straight chain or branched acyl with up to 4 carbon atoms or benzyl, or

[0495] RX-19 denotes straight chain or branched acyl with up to 20 carbon atoms or benzoyl, that is optionally substituted by halogen, trifluoromethyl, nitro or trifluoromethoxy, or it denotes straight chain or branched fluoroacyl with up to 8 carbon atoms and 9 fluorine atoms,

[0496] RX-20 and RX-21 are identical or different and denote hydrogen, phenyl or straight chain or branched alkyl with up to 6 carbon atoms, or

[0497] RX-20 and RX-21 together form a 3- to 6-membered carbocyclic ring, and the carbocyclic rings formed are optionally substituted, optionally also geminally, with up to six identical or different substituents in the form of triflouromethyl, hydroxy, nitrile, halogen, carboxyl, nitro, azido, cyano, cycloalkyl or cycloalkyloxy with 3 to 7 carbon atoms each, by straight chain or branched alkoxycarbonyl, alkoxy or alkylthio with up to 6 carbon atoms each or by straight chain or branched alkyl with up to 6 carbon atoms, which in turn is substituted with up to 2 identically or differently by hydroxyl, benzyloxy, trifluoromethyl, benzoyl, straight chain or branched alkoxy, oxyacyl or carbonyl with up to 4 carbon atoms each and/or phenyl, which may in turn be substituted with a halogen, trifuoromethyl or trifluoromethoxy, and/or the formed carbocyclic rings are optionally substituted, also geminally, with up to 5 identical or different substituents in the form of phenyl, benzoyl, thiophenyl or sulfonylbenzyl, which in turn are optionally substituted by halogen, trifluoromethyl, trifluoromethoxy or nitro, and/or optionally are substituted by a radical with the formula

—SO2—C6H5, —(CO)dNRX-23RX-24 or ═O,

[0498] in which

[0499] c denotes a number equaling 1, 2, 3, or 4,

[0500] d denotes a number equaling 0 or 1,

[0501] RX-23 and RX-24 are identical or different and denote hydrogen, cycloalkyl with 3 to 6 carbon atoms, straight chain or branched alkyl with up to 6 carbon atoms, benzyl or phenyl, that is optionally substituted with up to 2 identically or differently by halogen, trifluoromethyl, cyano, phenyl or nitro, and/or the formed carbocyclic rings are substituted optionally by a spiro-linked radical with the formula

[0502] in which

[0503] WX denotes either an oxygen or a sulfur atom

[0504] YX and Y′X together form a 2 to 6 membered straight chain or branched alkylene chain,

[0505] e denotes a number equaling 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7,

[0506] f denotes a number equaling 1 or 2,

[0507] RX-25, RX-26, RX-27, RX-28, RX-29, RX-30 and RX-31 are identical or different and denote hydrogen, trifluoromethyl, phenyl, halogen or straight chain or branched alkyl or alkoxy with up to 6 carbon atoms each, or

[0508] RX-25 and RX-26 or RX-27 and RX-28 respectively form together a straight chain or branched alkyl chain with up to 6 carbon atoms, or

[0509] RX-25 and RX-26 or RX-27 and RX-28 each together form a radical with the formula

[0510] in which

[0511] WX has the meaning given above,

[0512] g denotes a number equaling 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7,

[0513] RX-32 and RX-33 form together a 3- to 7-membered heterocycle, which contains an oxygen or sulfur atom or a group with the formula SO, SO2 or π-NRX-34, in which

[0514] RX-34 denotes hydrogen, phenyl, benzyl or straight or branched alkyl with up to 4 carbon atoms.

[0515] Compounds of Formula X are disclosed in WO 9914215, the complete disclosure of which is incorporated by reference.

[0516] In a preferred embodiment, the CETP inhibitor is selected from the following compounds of Formula X:

[0517] 2-cyclopentyl-5-hydroxy-7,7-dimethyl-4-(3-thienyl)-3-(4-trifluoromethylbenxoyl)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydroquinoline;

[0518] 2-cyclopentyl-3-[fluoro-(4-trifluoromethylphenyl)methyl]-5-hydroxy-7,7-dimethyl-4-(3-thienyl)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydroquinoline; and

[0519] 2-cyclopentyl-5-hydroxy-7,7-dimethyl-4-(3-thienyl)-3-(trifluoromethylbenxyl)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydroquinoline.

[0520] Another class of CETP inhibitors that finds utility with the present invention consists of substituted tetrahydro naphthalines and analogous compounds having the Formula XI

[0521] and pharmaceutically acceptable forms thereof, in which

[0522] AXI stands for cycloalkyl with 3 to 8 carbon atoms, or stands for aryl with 6 to 10 carbon atoms, or stands for a 5- to 7-membered, saturated, partially unsaturated or unsaturated, possibly benzocondensated, heterocycle with up to 4 heteroatoms from the series S, N and/or O, where aryl and the heterocyclic ring systems mentioned above are substituted up to 5-fold, identical or different, by cyano, halogen, nitro, carboxyl, hydroxy, trifluoromethyl, trifluoro-methoxy, or by straight-chain or branched alkyl, acyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkylthio, alkoxycarbonyl, oxyalkoxycarbonyl or alkoxy each with up to 7 carbon atoms, or by a group of the formula


[0523] in which

[0524] RXI-3 and RXI-4 are identical or different and denote hydrogen, phenyl, or straight-chain or branched alkyl with up to 6 carbon atoms

[0525] DXI stands for a radical of the formula

[0526] RXI-5-LXI-6,

[0527] or RXI-9-TXI-VXI-XXI

[0528] in which

[0529] RXI-5, RXI-6 and RXI-9, independent of each other, denote cycloalkyl with 3 to 6 carbon atoms, or denote aryl with 6 to 10 carbon atoms, or denote a 5- to 7-membered, possibly benzocondensated, saturated or unsaturated, mono-, bi- or tricyclic heterocycle with up to 4 heteroatoms of the series S, N and/or O, where the cycles are possibly substituted—in the case of the nitrogen-containing rings also via the N-function-up to 5-fold, identical or different, by halogen, trifluoromethyl, nitro, hydroxy, cyano, carboxyl, trifluoromethoxy, straight-chain or branched acyl, alkyl, alkylthio, alkylalkoxy, alkoxy or alkoxycarbonyl with up to 6 carbon atoms each. by aryl or trifluoromethyl substituted aryl with 6 to 10 carbon atoms each, or by a possibly benzocondensated aromatic 5- to 7-membered heterocycle with up to 3 heteroatoms of the series S, N and/or O, and/or are substituted by a group of the formula

—ORXI-10, —SRXI-11, —SO2RXI-12 or —NRXI-13RXI-14,

[0530] in which

[0531] RXI-10, RXI-11 and RXI-12, independent of each other, denote aryl with 6 to 10 carbon atoms, which itself is substituted up to 2-fold, identical or different, by phenyl, halogen, or by straight-chain or branched alkyl with up to 6 carbon atoms,

[0532] RXI-13 and RXI-14 are identical or different and have the meaning given above for RXI-3 and RXI-4, or

[0533] RXI-5 and/or RXI-6 denote a radical of the formula

[0534] RXI-7 denotes hydrogen, halogen or methyl, and

[0535] RXI-8 denotes hydrogen, halogen, azido, trifluoromethyl, hydroxy, trifluoromethoxy, straight-chain or branched alkoxy or alkyl with up to 6 carbon atoms each, or a radical of the formula —NRXI-15RXI-16,

[0536] in which

[0537] RXI-15 and RXI-16 are identical or different and have the meaning given above for RXI-3 and RXI-4, or

[0538] RXI-7 and RXI-8 together form a radical of the formula ═O or ═NRXI-17, in which

[0539] RXI-17 denotes hydrogen or straight-chain or branched alkyl, alkoxy or acyl with up to 6 carbon atoms each,

[0540] LXI denotes a straight-chain or branched alkylene- or alkenylene chain with up to 8 carbon atoms each, which is possibly substituted up to 2-fold by hydroxy,

[0541] TXI and XXI are identical or different and denote a straight-chain or branched alkylene chain with up to 8 carbon atoms, or

[0542] TXI and XXI denotes a bond,

[0543] VXI stands for an oxygen- or sulfur atom or for an —NRXI-18 group,

[0544] in which

[0545] RXI-18 denotes hydrogen or straight-chain or branched alkyl with up to 6 carbon atoms, or phenyl,

[0546] EXI stands for cycloalkyl with 3 to 8 carbon atoms, or stands for straight-chain or branched alkyl with up to 8 carbon atoms, which is possibly substituted by cycloalkyl with 3 to 8 carbon atoms or hydroxy, or stands for phenyl, which is possibly substituted by halogen or trifluoromethyl,

[0547] RXI-1 and RXI-2 together form a straight-chain or branched alkylene chain with up to 7 carbon atoms, which must be substituted by a carbonyl group and/or by a radical of the formula

[0548] in which

[0549] a and b are identical or different and denote a number 1, 2 or 3

[0550] RXI-19 denotes hydrogen, cycloalkyl with 3 to 7 carbon atoms, straight-chain or branched silylalkyl with up to 8 carbon atoms, or straight-chain or branched alkyl with up to 8 carbon atoms, which is possibly substituted by hydroxy, straight-chain or branched alkoxy with up to 6 carbon atoms, or by phenyl, which itself can be substituted by halogen, nitro, trifluoromethyl, trifluoromethoxy or by phenyl substituted by phenyl or tetrazol, and alkyl is possibly substituted by a group of the formula —ORXI-22,

[0551] in which

[0552] RXI-22 denotes straight-chain or branched acyl with up to 4 carbon atoms, or benzyl, or

[0553] RXI-19 denotes straight-chain or branched acyl with up to 20 carbon atoms or benzoyl, which is possibly substituted by halogen, trifluoromethyl, nitro or trifluoromethoxy, or denotes straight-chain or branched fluoroacyl with up to 8 carbon atoms and 9 fluorine atoms,

[0554] RXI-20 and RXI-21 are identical or different, denoting hydrogen, phenyl or straight-chain or branched alkyl with up to 6 carbon atoms, or

[0555] RXI-20 and RXI-21 together form a 3- to 6-membered carbocycle, and, possibly also geminally, the alkylene chain formed by RXI-1 and RXI-2, is possibly substituted up to 6-fold, identical or different, by trifluoromethyl, hydroxy, nitrile, halogen, carboxyl, nitro, azido, cyano, cycloalkyl or cycloalkyloxy with 3 to 7 carbon atoms each, by straight-chain or branched alkoxycarbonyl, alkoxy or alkoxythio with up to 6 carbon atoms each, or by straight-chain or branched alkyl with up to 6 carbon atoms, which itself is substituted up to 2-fold, identical or different, by hydroxyl, benzyloxy, trifluoromethyl, benzoyl, straight-chain or branched alkoxy, oxyacyl or carboxyl with up to 4 carbon atoms each, and/or phenyl—which itself can be substituted by halogen, trifluoromethyl or trifluoromethoxy, and/or the alkylene chain formed by RXI-1 and RXI-2 is substituted, also geminally, possibly up to 5-fold, identical or different, by phenyl, benzoyl, thiophenyl or sulfobenzyl—which themselves are possibly substituted by halogen, trifluoromethyl, trifluoromethoxy or nitro, and/or the alkylene chain formed by RXI-1 and RXI-2 is possibly substituted by a radical of the formula
 —SO2—C6H5, —(CO)dNRXI-23RXI-24 or ═O,

[0556] in which

[0557] c denotes a number 1, 2, 3 or 4,

[0558] d denotes a number 0 or 1,

[0559] RXI-23 and RXI-24 are identical or different and denote hydrogen, cycloalkyl with 3 to 6 carbon atoms, straight-chain or branched alkyl with up to 6 carbon atoms, benzyl or phenyl, which is possibly substituted up to 2-fold. identical or different, by halogen, trifluoromethyl, cyano, phenyl or nitro, and/or the alkylene chain formed by RXI-1 and RXI-2 is possibly substituted by a spiro-jointed radical of the formula

[0560] in which

[0561] WXI denotes either an oxygen or a sulfur atom,

[0562] YXI and Y′XI together form a 2- to 6-membered straight-chain or branched alkylene chain,

[0563] e is a number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7,

[0564] f denotes a number 1 or 2,

[0565] RXI-25, RXI-26, RXI-27, RXI-28, RXI-29, RXI-30 and RXI-31 are identical or different and denote hydrogen, trifluoromethyl, phenyl, halogen, or straight-chain or branched alkyl or alkoxy with up to 6 carbon atoms each, or

[0566] RXI-25 and RXI-26 or RXI-27 and RXI-28 together form a straight-chain or branched alkyl chain with up to 6 carbon atoms, or

[0567] RXI-25 and RXI-26 or RXI-27 and RXI-28 together form a radical of the formula

[0568] in which

[0569] WXI has the meaning given above,

[0570] g is a number 1,2,3,4,5, 6 or 7,

[0571] RXI-32 and RXI-33 together form a 3- to 7-membered heterocycle that contains an oxygen- or sulfur atom or a group of the formula SO, SO2 or —NRXI-34,

[0572] in which RXI-34 denotes hydrogen, phenyl, benzyl, or straight-chain or branched alkyl with up to 4 carbon atoms.

[0573] Compounds of Formula XI are disclosed in WO 9914174, the complete disclosure of which is incorporated by reference.

[0574] Another class of CETP inhibitors that finds utility with the present invention consists of 2-aryl-substituted pyridines having the Formula XII

[0575] and pharmaceutically acceptable forms thereof, in which

[0576] AXII and EXII are identical or different and stand for aryl with 6 to 10 carbon atoms which is possibly substituted, up to 5-fold identical or different, by halogen, hydroxy, trifluoromethyl, trifluoromethoxy, nitro or by straight-chain or branched alkyl, acyl, hydroxy alkyl or alkoxy with up to 7 carbon atoms each, or by a group of the formula —NRXII-1RXII-2, where

[0577] RXII-1 and RXII-2 are identical or different and are meant to be hydrogen, phenyl or straight-chain or branched alkyl with up to 6 carbon atoms,

[0578] DXII stands for straight-chain or branched alkyl with up to 8 carbon atoms, which is substituted by hydroxy,

[0579] LXII stands for cycloalkyl with 3 to 8 carbon atoms or for straight-chain or branched alkyl with up to 8 carbon atoms, which is possibly substituted by cycloalkyl with 3 to 8 carbon atoms, or by hydroxy,

[0580] TXII stands for a radical of the formula RXII-3-XXII- or

[0581] where

[0582] RXII-3 and RXII-4 are identical or different and are meant to be cycloalkyl with 3 to 8 carbon atoms, or aryl with 6 to 10 carbon atoms, or a 5- to 7-membered aromatic, possibly benzocondensated heterocycle with up to 3 heteroatoms from the series S, N and/or O, which are possibly substituted up to 3-fold identical or different, by trifluoromethyl, trifluoromethoxy, halogen, hydroxy, carboxyl, nitro, by straight-chain or branched alkyl, acyl, alkoxy or alkoxycarbonyl with up to 6 carbon atoms each or by phenyl, phenoxy or phenylthio which in turn can be substituted by halogen trifluoromethyl or trifluoromethoxy, and/or where the cycles are possibly substituted by a group of the formula —NRXII-7RXII-8, where

[0583] RXII-7 and RXII-8 are identical or different and have the meaning of RXII-1 and RXII-2 given above,

[0584] XXII is a straight-chain or branched alkyl or alkenyl with 2 to 10 carbon atoms each, possibly substituted up to 2-fold by hydroxy or halogen,

[0585] RXII-5 stands for hydrogen, and

[0586] RXII-6 means to be hydrogen, halogen, mercapto, azido, trifluoromethyl, hydroxy, trifluoromethoxy, straight-chain or branched alkoxy with up to 5 carbon atoms, or a radical of the formula —NRXII-9RXII-10,

[0587] where

[0588] RXII-9 and RXII-10 are identical or different and have the meaning of RXII-1 and RXII-2 given above, or

[0589] RXII-5 and RXI-6, together with the carbon atom, form a carbonyl group.

[0590] Compounds of Formula XII are disclosed in EP 796846-A1, the complete disclosure of which is incorporated by reference.

[0591] In a preferred embodiment, the CETP inhibitor is selected from the following compounds of Formula XII:

[0592] 4,6-bis-(p-fluorophenyl)-2-isopropyl-3-[(p-trifluoromethylphenyl)-(fluoro)-methyl]-5-(1-hydroxyethyl)pyridine;

[0593] 2,4-bis-(4-fluorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5-[4-(trifluoromethylphenyl)-fluoromethyl]-3-hydroxymethyl)pyridine; and

[0594] 2,4-bis-(4-fluorophenyl)-6-isopropyl-5-[2-(3-trifluoromethylphenyl)vinyl]-3-hydroxymethyl)pyridine.

[0595] Another class of CETP inhibitors that finds utility with the present invention consists of compounds having the Formula XIII

[0596] and pharmaceutically acceptable forms thereof, in which

[0597] RXIII is a straight chain or branched C1-10 alkyl; straight chain or branched C2-10 alkenyl; halogenated C1-4 lower alkyl; C3-10 cycloalkyl that may be substituted; C5-8 cycloalkenyl that may be substituted; C3-10 cycloalkyl C1-10 alkyl that may be substituted; aryl that may be substituted; aralkyl that may be substituted; or a 5- or 6-membered heterocyclic group having 1 to 3 nitrogen atoms, oxygen atoms or sulfur atoms that may be substituted,

[0598] XXIII-1, XXIII-2, XXIII-3, XXIII-4 may be the same or different and are a hydrogen atom; halogen atom; C1-4 lower alkyl; halogenated C1-4 lower alkyl; C1-4 lower alkoxy; cyano group; nitro group; acyl; or aryl, respectively;

[0599] YXIII is —CO—; or —SO2—; and

[0600] ZXIII is a hydrogen atom; or mercapto protective group.

[0601] Compounds of Formula XIII are disclosed in WO 98/35937, the complete disclosure of which is incorporated by reference.

[0602] In a preferred embodiment, the CETP inhibitor is selected from the following compounds of Formula XIII:

[0603] N,N′-(dithiodi-2,1-phenylene)bis[2,2-dimethyl-propanamide];

[0604] N,N′-(dithiodi-2,1-phenylene)bis[1-methyl-cyclohexanecarboxamide];

[0605] N,N′-(dithiodi-2,1-phenylene)bis[1-(3-methylbutyl)-cyclopentanecarboxamide];

[0606] N,N′-(dithiodi-2,1-phenylene)bis[1-(3-methylbutyl)-cyclohexanecarboxamide];

[0607] N,N′-(dithiodi-2,1-phenylene)bis[1-(2-ethylbutyl)-cyclohexanecarboxamide];

[0608] N,N′-(dithiodi-2,1-phenylene)bis-tricyclo[,7]decane-1-carboxamide;

[0609] propanethioic acid, 2-methyl-,S-[2-[[[1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexyl]carbonyl]amino]phenyl] ester;

[0610] propanethioic acid, 2,2-dimethyl-,S-[2-[[[1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexyl]carbonyl]amino]phenyl] ester; and

[0611] ethanethioic acid, S-[2-[[[1-(2-ethylbutyl)cyclohexyl]carbonyl]amino]phenyl] ester.

[0612] Another class of CETP inhibitors that finds utility with the present invention consists of polycyclic aryl and heteroaryl tertiary-heteroalkylamines having the Formula XIV

[0613] and pharmaceutically acceptable forms thereof, wherein:

[0614] nXIV is an integer selected from 0 through 5;

[0615] RXIV-1 is selected from the group consisting of haloalkyl, haloalkenyl, haloalkoxyalkyl, and haloalkenyloxyalkyl;

[0616] XXIV is selected from the group consisting of O, H, F, S, S(O),NH, N(OH), N(alkyl), and N(alkoxy);

[0617] RXIV-16 is selected from the group consisting of hydrido, alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, aralkyl, aryloxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, alkenyloxyalkyl, alkylthioalkyl, arylthioalkyl, aralkoxyalkyl, heteroaralkoxyalkyl, alkylsulfinylalkyl, alkylsulfonylalkyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, cycloalkylalkenyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkenylalkyl, haloalkyl, haloalkenyl, halocycloalkyl, halocycloalkenyl, haloalkoxyalkyl, haloalkenyloxyalkyl, halocycloalkoxyalkyl, halocycloalkenyloxyalkyl, perhaloaryl, perhaloaralkyl, perhaloaryloxyalkyl, heteroaryl, heteroarylalkyl, monocarboalkoxyalkyl, monocarboalkoxy, dicarboalkoxyalkyl, monocarboxamido, monocyanoalkyl, dicyanoalkyl, carboalkoxycyanoalkyl, acyl, aroyl, heteroaroyl, heteroaryloxyalkyl, dialkoxyphosphonoalkyl, trialkylsilyl, and a spacer selected from the group consisting of a covalent single bond and a linear spacer moiety having from 1 through 4 contiguous atoms linked to the point of bonding of an aromatic substituent selected from the group consisting of RXIV-4, RXIV-8, RXIV-9, and RXIV-13 to form a heterocyclyl ring having from 5 through 10 contiguous members with the provisos that said spacer moiety is other than a covalent single bond when RXIV-2 is alkyl and there is no RXIV-16 wherein X is H or F;

[0618] DXIV-1, DXIV-2, JXIV-1, JXIV-2 and KXIV-1 are independently selected from the group consisting of C, N, O, S and a covalent bond with the provisos that no more than one of DXIV-1, DXIV-2, JXIV-1, JXIV-2 and KXIV-1 is a covalent bond, no more than one of DXIV-1, DXIV-2, JXIV-1, JXIV-2 and KXIV-1 is O, no more than one of DXIV-1, DXIV-2, JXIV-1, JXIV-2 and KXIV-1 is S, one of DXIV-1, DXIV-2, JXIV-1, JXIV-2 and KXIV-1 must be a covalent bond when two of DXIV-1, DXIV-2, JXIV-1, JXIV-2 and KXIV-1 are O and S, and no more than four of DXIV-1, DXIV-2, JXIV-1, JXIV-2 and KXIV-1 are N;

[0619] DXIV-3, DXIV-4, JXIV-3, JXIV-4 and KXIV-2 are independently selected from the group consisting of C, N, O, S and a covalent bond with the provisos that no more than one of DXIV-3, DXIV-4, JXIV-3, JXIV-4 and KXIV-2 is a covalent bond, no more than one of DXIV-3, DXIV-4, JXIV-3, JXIV-4 and KXIV-2 is O, no more than one of DXIV-3, DXIV-4, JXIV-3, JXIV-4 and KXIV-2 is S, one of DXIV-3, DXIV-4, JXIV-3, JXIV-4 and KXIV-2 must be a covalent bond when two of DXIV-3, DXIV-4, JXIV-3, JXIV-4 and KXIV-2 are O and S, and no more than four of DXIV-3 DXIV-4, JXIV-3, JXIV-4 and KXIV-2 and KXIV-2 are N;

[0620] RXIV-2 is independently selected from the group consisting of hydrido, hydroxy, hydroxyalkyl, amino, aminoalkyl, alkylamino, dialkylamino, alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, aralkyl, aralkoxyalkyl, aryloxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, heteroaryloxyalkyl, alkenyloxyalkyl, alkylthioalkyl, aralkylthioalkyl, arylthioalkyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, cycloalkylalkenyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkenylalkyl, haloalkyl, haloalkenyl, halocycloalkyl, halocycloalkenyl, haloalkoxy, aloalkoxyalkyl, haloalkenyloxyalkyl, halocycloalkoxy, halocycloalkoxyalkyl, halocycloalkenyloxyalkyl, perhaloaryl, perhaloaralkyl, perhaloaryloxyalkyl, heteroaryl, heteroarylalkyl, heteroarylthioalkyl, heteroaralkylthioalkyl, monocarboalkoxyalkyl, dicarboalkoxyalkyl, monocyanoalkyl, dicyanoalkyl, carboalkoxycyanoalkyl, alkylsulfinyl, alkylsulfonyl, alkylsulfinylalkyl, alkylsulfonylalkyl, haloalkylsulfinyl, haloalkylsulfonyl, arylsulfinyl, arylsulfinylalkyl, arylsulfonyl, arylsulfonylalkyl, aralkylsulfinyl, aralkylsulfonyl, cycloalkylsulfinyl, cycloalkylsulfonyl, cycloalkylsulfinylalkyl, cycloalkylsufonylalkyl, heteroarylsulfonylalkyl, heteroarylsulfinyl, heteroarylsulfonyl, heteroarylsulfinylalkyl, aralkylsulfinylalkyl, aralkylsulfonylalkyl, carboxy, carboxyalkyl, carboalkoxy, carboxamide, carboxamidoalkyl, carboaralkoxy, dialkoxyphosphono, diaralkoxyphosphono, dialkoxyphosphonoalkyl, and diaralkoxyphosphonoalkyl;

[0621] RXIV-2 and RXIV-3 are taken together to form a linear spacer moiety selected from the group consisting of a covalent single bond and a moiety having from 1 through 6 contiguous atoms to form a ring selected from the group consisting of a cycloalkyl having from 3 through 8 contiguous members, a cycloalkenyl having from 5 through 8 contiguous members, and a heterocyclyl having from 4 through 8 contiguous members;

[0622] RXIV-3 is selected from the group consisting of hydrido, hydroxy, halo, cyano, aryloxy, hydroxyalkyl, amino, alkylamino, dialkylamino, acyl, sulfhydryl, acylamido, alkoxy, alkylthio, arylthio, alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, aralkyl, aryloxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, heteroarylthio, aralkylthio, aralkoxyalkyl, alkylsulfinylalkyl, alkylsulfonylalkyl, aroyl, heteroaroyl, aralkylthioalkyl,

[0623] heteroaralkylthioalkyl, heteroaryloxyalkyl, alkenyloxyalkyl, alkylthioalkyl, arylthioalkyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, cycloalkylalkenyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkenylalkyl, haloalkyl, haloalkenyl, halocycloalkyl, halocycloalkenyl, haloalkoxy, haloalkoxyalkyl, haloalkenyloxyalkyl, halocycloalkoxy,

[0624] halocycloalkoxyalkyl, halocycloalkenyloxyalkyl, perhaloaryl, perhaloaralkyl, perhaloaryloxyalkyl, heteroaryl, heteroarylalkyl, heteroarylthioalkyl, monocarboalkoxyalkyl, dicarboalkoxyalkyl, monocyanoalkyl, dicyanoalkyl, carboalkoxycyanoalkyl, alkylsulfinyl, alkylsulfonyl, haloalkylsulfinyl, haloalkylsulfonyl, arylsulfinyl, arylsulfinylalkyl, arylsulfonyl, arylsulfonylalkyl, aralkylsulfinyl, aralkylsulfonyl, cycloalkylsulfinyl, cycloalkylsulfonyl, cycloalkylsulfinylalkyl, cycloalkylsufonylalkyl, heteroarylsulfonylalkyl, heteroarylsulfinyl, heteroarylsulfonyl, heteroarylsulfinylalkyl, aralkylsulfinylalkyl, aralkylsulfonylalkyl, carboxy, carboxyalkyl, carboalkoxy, carboxamide, carboxamidoalkyl, carboaralkoxy, dialkoxyphosphono, diaralkoxyphosphono, dialkoxyphosphonoalkyl, and diaralkoxyphosphonoalkyl;

[0625] YXIV is selected from a group consisting of a covalent single bond,(C(RXIV-14)2)qXIV wherein qXIV is an integer selected from 1 and 2 and (CH(RXIV-14))gXIV-WXIV-(CH(RXIV-14))pXIV wherein gXIV and pXIV are integers independently selected from 0 and 1;

[0626] RXIV-14 is independently selected from the group consisting of hydrido, hydroxy, halo, cyano, aryloxy, amino, alkylamino, dialkylamino, hydroxyalkyl, acyl, aroyl, heteroaroyl, heteroaryloxyalkyl, sulfhydryl, acylamido, alkoxy, alkylthio, arylthio, alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, aralkyl, aryloxyalkyl, aralkoxyalkylalkoxy, alkylsulfinylalkyl, alkylsulfonylalkyl, aralkylthioalkyl, heteroaralkoxythioalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, heteroaryloxyalkyl, alkenyloxyalkyl, alkylthioalkyl, arylthioalkyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, cycloalkylalkenyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkenylalkyl, haloalkyl, haloalkenyl, halocycloalkyl, halocycloalkenyl, haloalkoxy, haloalkoxyalkyl, haloalkenyloxyalkyl, halocycloalkoxy, halocycloalkoxyalkyl, halocycloalkenyloxyalkyl, perhaloaryl, perhaloaralkyl, perhaloaryloxyalkyl, heteroaryl, heteroarylalkyl, heteroarylthioalkyl, heteroaralkylthioalkyl, monocarboalkoxyalkyl, dicarboalkoxyalkyl, monocyanoalkyl, dicyanoalkyl, carboalkoxycyanoalkyl, alkylsulfinyl, alkylsulfonyl, haloalkylsulfinyl, haloalkylsulfonyl, arylsulfinyl, arylsulfinylalkyl, arylsulfonyl, arylsulfonylalkyl, aralkylsulfinyl, aralkylsulfonyl, cycloalkylsulfinyl, cycloalkylsulfonyl, cycloalkylsulfinylalkyl, cycloalkylsufonylalkyl, heteroarylsulfonylalkyl, heteroarylsulfinyl, heteroarylsulfonyl, heteroarylsulfinylalkyl, aralkylsulfinylalkyl, aralkylsulfonylalkyl, carboxy, carboxyalkyl, carboalkoxy, carboxamide, carboxamidoalkyl, carboaralkoxy, dialkoxyphosphono, diaralkoxyphosphono, dialkoxyphosphonoalkyl, diaralkoxyphosphonoalkyl, a spacer selected from a moiety having a chain length of 3 to 6 atoms connected to the point of bonding selected from the group consisting of RXIV-9 and RXIV-13 to form a ring selected from the group consisting of a cycloalkenyl ring having from 5 through 8 contiguous members and a heterocyclyl ring having from 5 through 8 contiguous members and a spacer selected from a moiety having a chain length of 2 to 5 atoms connected to the point of bonding selected from the group consisting of RXIV-4 and RXIV-8 to form a heterocyclyl having from 5 through 8 contiguous members with the proviso that, when YXIV is a covalent bond, an RXIV-14 substituent is not attached to YXIV;

[0627] RXIV-14 and RXIV-14 when bonded to the different atoms, are taken together to form a group selected from the group consisting of a covalent bond, alkylene, haloalkylene, and a spacer selected from a group consisting of a moiety having a chain length of 2 to 5 atoms connected to form a ring selected from the group of a saturated cycloalkyl having from 5 through 8 contiguous members, a cycloalkenyl having from 5 through 8 contiguous members, and a heterocyclyl having from 5 through 8 contiguous members;

[0628] RXIV-14 and RXIV-14, when bonded to the same atom are taken together to form a group selected from the group consisting of oxo, thiono, alkylene, haloalkylene, and a spacer selected from the group consisting of a moiety having a chain length of 3 to 7 atoms connected to form a ring selected from the group consisting of a cycloalkyl having from 4 through 8 contiguous members, a cycloalkenyl having from 4 through 8 contiguous members, and a heterocyclyl having from 4 through 8 contiguous members;

[0629] WXIV is selected from the group consisting of O, C(O), C(S), C(O)N(RXIV-14), C(S)N(RXIV-14), (RXIV-14)NC(O), (RXIV-14)NC(S), S, S(O), S(O)2, S(O)2N(RXIV-14), (RXIV-14)NS(O)2, and N(RXIV-14) with the proviso that RXIV-14 is selected from other than halo and cyano;

[0630] ZXIV is independently selected from a group consisting of a covalent single bond, (C(RXIV-15)2)qXIV-2 wherein qXIV-2 is an integer selected from 1 and 2, (CH(RXIV-15))jXIV-W—(CH(RXIV-15))kXIV wherein jXIV and kXIV are integers independently selected from 0 and 1 with the proviso that, when ZXIV is a covalent single bond, an RXIV-15 substituent is not attached to ZXIV;

[0631] RXIV-15 is independently selected, when ZXIV is (C(RXIV-15)2)qXIV wherein qXIV is an integer selected from 1 and 2, from the group consisting of hydrido, hydroxy, halo, cyano, aryloxy, amino, alkylamino, dialkylamino, hydroxyalkyl, acyl, aroyl, heteroaroyl, heteroaryloxyalkyl, sulfhydryl, acylamido, alkoxy, alkylthio, arylthio, alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, aralkyl, aryloxyalkyl, aralkoxyalkyl, alkylsulfinylalkyl, alkylsulfonylalkyl, aralkylthioalkyl, heteroaralkylthioalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, heteroaryloxyalkyl, alkenyloxyalkyl, alkylthioalkyl, arylthioalkyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, cycloalkylalkenyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkenylalkyl, haloalkyl, haloalkenyl, halocycloalkyl, halocycloalkenyl, haloalkoxy, haloalkoxyalkyl, haloalkenyloxyalkyl, halocycloalkoxy, halocycloalkoxyalkyl, halocycloalkenyloxyalkyl, perhaloaryl, perhaloaralkyl, perhaloaryloxyalkyl, heteroaryl, heteroarylalkyl, heteroarylthioalkyl, heteroaralkylthioalkyl, monocarboalkoxyalkyl, dicarboalkoxyalkyl, monocyanoalkyl, dicyanoalkyl, carboalkoxycyanoalkyl, alkylsulfinyl, alkylsulfonyl, haloalkylsulfinyl, haloalkylsulfonyl, arylsulfinyl, arylsulfinylalkyl, arylsulfonyl, arylsulfonylalkyl, aralkylsulfinyl, aralkylsulfonyl, cycloalkylsulfinyl, cycloalkylsulfonyl, cycloalkylsulfinylalkyl, cycloalkylsufonylalkyl, heteroarylsulfonylalkyl, heteroarylsulfinyl, heteroarylsulfonyl, heteroarylsulfinylalkyl, aralkylsulfinylalkyl, aralkylsulfonylalkyl, carboxy, carboxyalkyl, carboalkoxy, carboxamide, carboxamidoalkyl, carboaralkoxy, dialkoxyphosphono, diaralkoxyphosphono, dialkoxyphosphonoalkyl, diaralkoxyphosphonoalkyl, a spacer selected from a moiety having a chain length of 3 to 6 atoms connected to the point of bonding selected from the group consisting of RXIV-4 and RXIV-8 to form a ring selected from the group consisting of a cycloalkenyl ring having from 5 through 8 contiguous members and a heterocyclyl ring having from 5 through 8 contiguous members, and a spacer selected from a moiety having a chain length of 2 to 5 atoms connected to the point of bonding selected from the group consisting of RXIV-9 and RXIV-13 to form a heterocyclyl having from 5 through 8 contiguous members;

[0632] RXIV-15 and RXIV-15, when bonded to the different atoms, are taken together to form a group selected from the group consisting of a covalent bond, alkylene, haloalkylene, and a spacer selected from a group consisting of a moiety having a chain length of 2 to 5 atoms connected to form a ring selected from the group of a saturated cycloalkyl having from 5 through 8 contiguous members, a cycloalkenyl having from 5 through 8 contiguous members, and a heterocyclyl having from 5 through 8 contiguous members;

[0633] RXIV-15 and RXIV-15, when bonded to the same atom are taken together to form a group selected from the group consisting of oxo, thiono, alkylene, haloalkylene, and a spacer selected from the group consisting of a moiety having a chain length of 3 to 7 atoms connected to form a ring selected from the group consisting of a cycloalkyl having from 4 through 8 contiguous members, a cycloalkenyl having from 4 through 8 contiguous members, and a heterocyclyl having from 4 through 8 contiguous members;

[0634] RXIV-15 is independently selected, when ZXIV is (CH(RXIV-15))jxiv-W—(CH(RXIV-15))kXIV wherein jXIV and kXIV are integers independently selected from 0 and 1, from the group consisting of hydrido, halo, cyano, aryloxy, carboxyl, acyl, aroyl, heteroaroyl, hydroxyalkyl, heteroaryloxyalkyl, acylamido, alkoxy, alkylthio, arylthio, alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, aryl, aralkyl, aryloxyalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, heteroaryloxyalkyl, aralkoxyalkyl, heteroaralkoxyalkyl, alkylsulfonylalkyl, alkylsulfinylalkyl, alkenyloxyalkyl, alkylthioalkyl, arylthioalkyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, cycloalkylalkenyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkenylalkyl, haloalkyl, haloalkenyl, halocycloalkyl, halocycloalkenyl, haloalkoxy, haloalkoxyalkyl, haloalkenyloxyalkyl, halocycloalkoxy, halocycloalkoxyalkyl, halocycloalkenyloxyalkyl, perhaloaryl, perhaloaralkyl, perhaloaryloxyalkyl, heteroaryl, heteroarylalkyl, heteroarylthioalkyl, heteroaralkylthioalkyl, monocarboalkoxyalkyl, dicarboalkoxyalkyl, monocyanoalkyl, dicyanoalkyl, carboalkoxycyanoalkyl, alkylsulfinyl, alkylsulfonyl, haloalkylsulfinyl, haloalkylsulfonyl, arylsulfinyl, arylsulfinylalkyl, arylsulfonyl, arylsulfonylalkyl, aralkylsulfinyl, aralkylsulfonyl, cycloalkylsulfinyl, cycloalkylsulfonyl, cycloalkylsulfinylalkyl, cycloalkylsufonylalkyl, heteroarylsulfonylalkyl, heteroarylsulfinyl, heteroarylsulfonyl, heteroarylsulfinylalkyl, aralkylsulfinylalkyl, aralkylsulfonylalkyl, carboxyalkyl, carboalkoxy, carboxamide, carboxamidoalkyl, carboaralkoxy, dialkoxyphosphonoalkyl, diaralkoxyphosphonoalkyl, a spacer selected from a linear moiety having a chain length of 3 to 6 atoms connected to the point of bonding selected from the group consisting of RXIV-4 and RXIV-8 to form a ring selected from the group consisting of a cycloalkenyl ring having from 5 through 8 contiguous members and a heterocyclyl ring having from 5 through 8 contiguous members, and a spacer selected from a linear moiety having a chain length of 2 to 5 atoms connected to the point of bonding selected from the group consisting of RXIV-9 and RXIV-13 to form a heterocyclyl ring having from 5 through 8 contiguous members;

[0635] RXIV-4, RXIV-5, RXIV-6, RXIV-7, RXIV-8, RXIV-9, RXIV-10, RXIV-11, RXIV-12, and RXIV-13 are independently selected from the group consisting of perhaloaryloxy, alkanoylalkyl, alkanoylalkoxy, alkanoyloxy, N-aryl-N-alkylamino, heterocyclylalkoxy, heterocyclylthio, hydroxyalkoxy, carboxamidoalkoxy, alkoxycarbonylalkoxy, alkoxycarbonylalkenyloxy, aralkanoylalkoxy, aralkenoyl, N-alkylcarboxamido, N-haloalkylcarboxamido, N-cycloalkylcarboxamido, N-arylcarboxamidoalkoxy, cycloalkylcarbonyl, cyanoalkoxy, heterocyclylcarbonyl, hydrido, carboxy, heteroaralkylthio, heteroaralkoxy, cycloalkylamino, acylalkyl, acylalkoxy, aroylalkoxy, heterocyclyloxy, aralkylaryl, aralkyl, aralkenyl, aralkynyl, heterocyclyl, perhaloaralkyl, aralkylsulfonyl, aralkylsulfonylalkyl, aralkylsulfinyl, aralkylsulfinylalkyl, halocycloalkyl, halocycloalkenyl, cycloalkylsulfinyl, cycloalkylsulfinylalkyl, cycloalkylsulfonyl, cycloalkylsulfonylalkyl, heteroarylamino, N-heteroarylamino-N-alkylamino, heteroarylaminoalkyl, haloalkylthio, alkanoyloxy, alkoxy, alkoxyalkyl, haloalkoxylalkyl, heteroaralkoxy, cycloalkoxy, cycloalkenyloxy, cycloalkoxyalkyl, cycloalkylalkoxy, cycloalkenyloxyalkyl, cycloalkylenedioxy, halocycloalkoxy, halocycloalkoxyalkyl, halocycloalkenyloxy, halocycloalkenyloxyalkyl, hydroxy, amino, thio, nitro, lower alkylamino, alkylthio, alkylthioalkyl, arylamino, aralkylamino, arylthio, arylthioalkyl, heteroaralkoxyalkyl, alkylsulfinyl, alkylsulfinylalkyl, arylsulfinylalkyl, arylsulfonylalkyl, heteroarylsulfinylalkyl, heteroarylsulfonylalkyl, alkylsulfonyl, alkylsulfonylalkyl, haloalkylsulfinylalkyl, haloalkylsulfonylalkyl, alkylsulfonamido, alkylaminosulfonyl, amidosulfonyl, monoalkyl, amidosulfonyl, dialkyl amidosulfonyl, monoarylamidosulfonyl, arylsulfonamido, diarylamidosulfonyl, monoalkyl monoaryl amidosulfonyl, arylsulfinyl, arylsulfonyl, heteroarylthio, heteroarylsulfinyl, heteroarylsulfonyl, heterocyclylsulfonyl, heterocyclylthio, alkanoyl, alkenoyl, aroyl, heteroaroyl, aralkanoyl, heteroaralkanoyl, haloalkanoyl, alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, alkenyloxy, alkenyloxyalky, alkylenedioxy, haloalkylenedioxy, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkanoyl, cycloalkenyl, lower cycloalkylalkyl, lower cycloalkenylalkyl, halo, haloalkyl; haloalkenyl, haloalkoxy, hydroxyhaloalkyl, hydroxyaralkyl, hydroxyalkyl, hydoxyheteroaralkyl, haloalkoxyalkyl, aryl, heteroaralkynyl, aryloxy, aralkoxy, aryloxyalkyl, saturated heterocyclyl, partially saturated heterocyclyl, heteroaryl, heteroaryloxy, heteroaryloxyalkyl, arylalkenyl, heteroarylalkenyl, carboxyalkyl, carboalkoxy, alkoxycarboxamido, alkylamidocarbonylamido, arylamidocarbonylamido, carboalkoxyalkyl, carboalkoxyalkenyl, carboaralkoxy, carboxamido, carboxamidoalkyl, cyano, carbohaloalkoxy, phosphono, phosphonoalkyl, diaralkoxyphosphono, and diaralkoxyphosphonoalkyl with the proviso that there are one to five non-hydrido ring substituents RXIV-4, RXIV-5, RXIV-6, RXIV-7 and RXIV-8 present, that there are one to five non-hydrido ring substituents RXIV-9, RXIV-10, RXIV-11, RXIV-12, and RXIV-13 present, and RXIV-4, RXIV-5, RXIV-6, RXIV-7, RXIV-8, RXIV-9, RXIV-10, RXIV-11, RXIV-12, and RXIV-13 are each independently selected to maintain the tetravalent nature of carbon, trivalent nature of nitrogen, the divalent nature of sulfur, and the divalent nature of oxygen;

[0636] RXIV-4 and RXIV-5, RXIV-5 and RXIV-6, RXIV-6 and RXIV-7, RXIV-7 and RXIV-8, RXIV-8 and RXIV-9, RXIV-9 and RXIV-10, RXIV-10 and RXIV-11, RXIV-11 and RXIV-12, and RXIV-12 and RXIV-13 are independently selected to form spacer pairs wherein a spacer pair is taken together to form a linear moiety having from 3 through 6 contiguous atoms connecting the points of bonding of said spacer pair members to form a ring selected from the group consisting of a cycloalkenyl ring having 5 through 8 contiguous members, a partially saturated heterocyclyl ring having 5 through 8 contiguous members, a heteroaryl ring having 5 through 6 contiguous members, and an aryl with the provisos that no more than one of the group consisting of spacer pairs RXIV-4 and RXIV-5, RXIV-5 and RXIV-6, RXIV-6 and RXIV-7, and RXIV-7 and RXIV-8 are used at the same time and that no more than one of the group consisting of spacer pairs RXIV-9 and RXIV-10, RXIV-10 and RXIV-11, RXIV-11 and RXIV-12, and RXIV-12 and RXIV-13 are used at the same time;

[0637] RXIV-4 and RXIV-9, RXIV-4 and RXIV-13, RXIV-8 and RXIV-9, and RXIV-8 and RXIV-13 are independently selected to form a spacer pair wherein said spacer pair is taken together to form a linear moiety wherein said linear moiety forms a ring selected from the group consisting of a partially saturated heterocyclyl ring having from 5 through 8 contiguous members and a heteroaryl ring having from 5 through 6 contiguous members with the proviso that no more than one of the group consisting of spacer pairs RXIV-4 and RXIV-9, RXIV-4 and RXIV-13, RXIV-8 and RXIV-9, and RXIV-8 and RXIV-13 is used at the same time.

[0638] Compounds of Formula XIV are disclosed in WO 00/18721, the entire disclosure of which is incorporated by reference.

[0639] In a preferred embodiment, the CETP inhibitor is selected from the following compounds of Formula XIV:

[0640] 3-[[3-(3-trifluoromethoxyphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)-phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0641] 3-[[3-(3-isopropylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0642] 3-[[3-(3-cyclopropylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0643] 3-[[3-(3-(2-furyl)phenoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]-methyl]amino]1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0644] 3-[[3-(2,3-dichlorophenoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0645] 3-[[3-(4-fluorophenoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0646] 3-[[3-(4-methlylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0647] 3-[[3-(2-fluoro-5-bromophenoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0648] 3-[[3-(4-chloro-3-ethylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0649] 3-[[3-[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenoxy]phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0650] 3-[[3-[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenoxy]phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)-phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0651] 3-[[3-(3,5-dimethylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0652] 3-[[3-(3-ethylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy) phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0653] 3-[[3-(3-t-butylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]-methyl]amino] 1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0654] 3-[[3-(3-methylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0655] 3-[[3-(5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-2-naphthoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0656] 3-[[3-(phenoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy) phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0657] 3-[[3-[3-(N,N-dimethylamino)phenoxy]phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0658] 3-[[[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3-(trifluoromethoxy)-phenyl]methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0659] 3-[[[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0660] 3-[[[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3,5-dimethylphenyl]-methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0661] 3-[[[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3-(trifluoromethylthio)-phenyl]methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0662] 3-[[[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3,5-difluorophenyl]-methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0663] 3-[[[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl][3-[cyclohexylmethoxy]-phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0664] 3-[[3-(2-difluoromethoxy-4-pyridyloxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)-phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0665] 3-[[3-(2-trifluoromethyl-4-pyridyloxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0666] 3-[[3-(3-difluoromethoxyphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0667] 3-[[[3-(3-trifluoromethylthio)phenoxy]phenyl][[3-(1, 1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)-phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0668] 3-[[3-(4-chloro-3-trifluoromethylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1,-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0669] 3-[[3-(3-trifluoromethoxyphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethymethyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0670] 3-[[3-(3-isopropylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl) phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0671] 3-[[3-(3-cyclopropylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl) phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0672] 3-[[3-(3-(2-furyl)phenoxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl) phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0673] 3-[[3-(2,3-dichlorophenoxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl) phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0674] 3-[[3-(4-fluorophenoxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl) phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0675] 3-[[3-(4-methylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl) phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0676] 3-[[3-(2-fluoro-5-bromophenoxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl) phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0677] 3-[[3-(4-chloro-3-ethylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl) phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0678] 3-[[3-[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenoxy]phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl)-phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0679] 3-[[3-[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenoxy]phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0680] 3-[[3-(3,5-dimethylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl) phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0681] 3-[[3-(3-ethylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl) phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0682] 3-[[3-(3-t-butylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl) phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0683] 3-[[3-(3-methylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-pentafluoroethyl) phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0684] 3-[[3-(5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-2-naphthoxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0685] 3-[[3-(phenoxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0686] 3-[[3-[3-(N,N-dimethylamino)phenoxy]phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0687] 3-[[[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3-(trifluoromethoxy)phenyl]-methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0688] 3-[[[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0689] 3-[[[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3,5-dimethylphenyl]methoxy]-phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0690] 3-[[[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3-(trifluoromethylthio)phenyl]-methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0691] 3-[[[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3,5-difluorophenyl]methoxy]-phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0692] 3-[[[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[cyclohexylmethoxy]phenyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0693] 3-[[3-(2-difluoromethoxy-4-pyridyloxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0694] 3-[[3-(2-trifluoromethyl-4-pyridyloxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0695] 3-[[3-(3-difluoromethoxyphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl) phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0696] 3-[[[3-(3-trifluoromethylthio)phenoxy]phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0697] 3-[[3-(4-chloro-3-trifluoromethylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0698] 3-[[3-(3-trifluoromethoxyphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0699] 3-[[3-(3-isopropylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl) phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0700] 3-[[3-(3-cyclopropylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl) phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0701] 3-[[3-(3-(2-furyl)phenoxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl) phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0702] 3-[[3-(2,3-dichlorophenoxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl) phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0703] 3-[[3-(4-fluorophenoxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl) phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0704] 3-[[3-(4-methylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl) phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0705] 3-[[3-(2-fluoro-5-bromophenoxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl) phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifiuoro-2-propanol;

[0706] 3-[[3-(4-chloro-3-ethylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl) phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0707] 3-[[3-[3-(1,1,2,-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenoxy]phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl)-phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0708] 3-[[3-[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenoxy]phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0709] 3-[[3-(3,5-dimethylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl) phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0710] 3-[[3-(3-ethylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl) phenyl]methyl]amino]-1, 1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0711] 3-[[3-(3-t-butylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl) phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0712] 3-[[3-(3-methylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl) phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0713] 3-[[3-(5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-2-naphthoxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0714] 3-[[3-(phenoxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0715] 3-[[3-[3-(N,N-dimethylamino)phenoxy]phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0716] 3-[[[3-(heptafluoropropyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3-(trifluoromethoxy)phenyl]-methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0717] 3-[[[3-(heptafluoropropyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0718] 3-[[[3-(heptafluoropropyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3,5-dimethylphenyl]methoxy]-phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0719] 3-[[[3-(heptafluoropropyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3-(trifluoromethylthio)phenyl]-methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0720] 3-[[[3-(heptafluoropropyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3,5-difluorophenyl]methoxy]-phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0721] 3-[[[3-(heptafluoropropyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[cyclohexylmethoxy]phenyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0722] 3-[[3-(2-difluoromethoxy-4-pyridyloxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0723] 3-[[3-(2-trifluoromethyl-4-pyridyloxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0724] 3-[[3-(3-difluoromethoxyphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl) phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0725] 3-[[[3-(3-trifluoromethylthio)phenoxy]phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0726] 3-[[3-(4-chloro-3-trifluoromethylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl)-phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0727] 3-[[3-(3-trifluoromethoxyphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)-phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0728] 3-[[3-(3-isopropylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0729] 3-[[3-(3-cyclopropylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0730] 3-[[3-(3-(2-furyl)phenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0731] 3-[[3-(2,3-dichlorophenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0732] 3-[[3-(4-fluorophenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl) phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0733] 3-[[3-(4-methylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0734] 3-[[3-(2-fluoro-5-bromophenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0735] 3-[[3-(4-chloro-3-ethylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0736] 3-[[3-[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenoxy]phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0737] 3-[[3-[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenoxy]phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)-phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0738] 3-[[3-(3,5-dimethylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0739] 3-[[3-(3-ethylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl) phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0740] 3-[[3-(3-t-butylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl) phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0741] 3-[[3-(3-methylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl) phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0742] 3-[[3-(5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-2-naphthoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)-phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0743] 3-[[3-(phenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl) phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0744] 3-[[3-[3-(N,N-dimethylamino)phenoxy]phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)-phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0745] 3-[[[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3-(trifluoromethoxy)phenyl]methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0746] 3-[[[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0747] 3-[[[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3,5-dimethylphenyl]-methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0748] 3-[[[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3-(trifluoromethylthio)-phenyl]methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0749] 3-[[[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3,5-difluorophenyl]-methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0750] 3-[[[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[cyclohexylmethoxy]-phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0751] 3-[[3-(2-difluoromethoxy-4-pyridyloxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)-phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0752] 3-[[3-(2-trifluoromethyl-4-pyridyloxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)-phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0753] 3-[[3-(3-difluoromethoxyphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0754] 3-[[[3-(3-trifluoromethylthio)phenoxy]phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0755] 3-[[3-(4-chloro-3-trifluoromethylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0756] 3-[[3-(3-trifluoromethoxyphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0757] 3-[[3-(3-isopropylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0758] 3-[[3-(3-cyclopropylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0759] 3-[[3-(3-(2-furyl)phenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0760] 3-[[3-(2,3-dichlorophenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0761] 3-[[3-(4-fluorophenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl) phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0762] 3-[[3-(4-methylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl) phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0763] 3-[[3-(2-fluoro-5-bromophenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0764] 3-[[3-(4-chloro-3-ethylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0765] 3-[[3-[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenoxy]phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0766] 3-[[3-[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenoxy]phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0767] 3-[[3-(3,5-dimethylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0768] 3-[[3-(3-ethylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl) phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0769] 3-[[3-(3-t-butylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl) phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0770] 3-[[3-(3-methylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl) phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0771] 3-[[3-(5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-2-naphthoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0772] 3-[[3-(phenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl) phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0773] 3-[[3-[3-(N,N-dimethylamino)phenoxy]phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)-phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0774] 3-[[[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3-(trifluoromethoxy)phenyl]methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0775] 3-[[[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0776] 3-[[[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3,5-dimethylphenyl]-methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0777] 3-[[[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3-(trifluoromethylthio)-phenyl]methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0778] 3-[[[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3,5-difluorophenyl]-methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0779] 3-[[[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[cyclohexylmethoxy]-phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0780] 3-[[3-(2-difluoromethoxy-4-pyridyloxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)-phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0781] 3-[[3-(2-trifluoromethyl-4-pyridyloxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)-phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0782] 3-[[3-(3-difluoromethoxyphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0783] 3-[[[3-(3-trifluoromethylthio)phenoxy]phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)-phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol; and

[0784] 3-[[3-(4-chloro-3-trifluoromethylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol.

[0785] Another class of CETP inhibitors that finds utility with the present invention consists of substitued N-Aliphatic-N-Aromatic tertiary-Heteroalkylamines having the Formula XV

[0786] and pharmaceutically acceptable forms thereof, wherein:

[0787] nXV is an integer selected from 1 through 2;

[0788] AXV and QXV are independently selected from the group consisting of —CH2(CRXV-37RXV-38)vXV—(CRXV-33RXV-34)uXV-TXV-(CRXV-35RXV-36)wXV-H,

[0789] with the provisos that one of AXV and QXV must be AQ-1 and that one of AXV and QXV must be selected from the group consisting of AQ-2 and —CH2(CRXV-37RXV-38)vXV-(CRXV-33RXV-34)uXV-TXV-(CRXV-35RXV-36)wXV—H;

[0790] TXV is selected from the group consisting of a single covalent bond, O, S, S(O), S(O)2, C(RXV-33)=C(RXV-35) and

[0791] C≡C;


is an integer selected from 0 through 1 with the proviso that vXV is 1 when any one of RXV-33, RXV-34, RXV-35, and RXV-36 is aryl or heteroaryl;

[0793] uXV and wXV are integers independently selected from 0 through 6;

[0794] AXV-1 is C(RXV-30);

[0795] DXV-1, DXV-2, JXV-1, JXV-2, and KXV-1 are independently selected from the group consisting of C, N, O, S and a covalent bond with the provisos that no more than one of DXV-1, DXV-2, JXV-1, JXV-2, and KXV-1 is a covalent bond, no more than one of DXV-1, DXV-2, JXV-1, JXV-2, and KXV-1 is O, no more than one of DXV-1, DXV-2, JXV-1, JXV-2, and KXV-1 is S, one of DXV-1, DXV-2, JXV-1, JXV-2, and KXV-1 must be a covalent bond when two of DXV-1, DXV-2, JXV-1, JXV-2, and KXV-1 are O and S, and no more than four of DXV-1, DXV-2, JXV-2, and KXV-1 are N;

[0796] BXV-1, BXV-2, DXV-3, JXV-3, JXV-4, and KXV-2 are independently selected from the group consisting of C, C(RXV-30), N, O, S and a covalent bond with the provisos that no more than 5 of BXV-1, BXV-2, DXV-3, DXV-4, JXV-3, JXV-4, and KXV-2 are a covalent bond, no more than two of BXV-1, BXV-2, DXV-3, DXV-4, JXV-3, JXV-4, and KXV-2 are O, no more than two of BXV-1, BXV-2, DXV-3, DXV-4, JXV-3, JXV-4, and KXV-2 are S, no more than two of BXV-1 BXV-2, DXV-3, DXV-4, JXV-3, JXV-4, and KXV-2 are simultaneously O and S, and no more than two of BXV-1, BXV-2, DXV-3, DXV-4, JXV-3, JXV-4, and KXV-2 are N;

[0797] BXV-1 and DXV-3, DXV-3 and JXV-3, JXV-3 and KXV-2, KXV-2 and JXV-4, JXV-4 and DXV-4, and DXV-4 and BXV-2 are independently selected to form an in-ring spacer pair wherein said spacer pair is selected from the group consisting of C(RXV-33)═C(RXV-35) and N═N with the provisos that AQ-2 must be a ring of at least five contiguous members, that no more than two of the group of said spacer pairs are simultaneously

[0798] C(RXV-33)=C(RXV-35) and that no more than one of the group of said spacer pairs can be N═N unless the other spacer pairs are other than C(RXV-33)═C(RXV-35), O, N, and S;

[0799] RXV-1 is selected from the group consisting of haloalkyl and haloalkoxymethyl;

[0800] RXV-2 is selected from the group consisting of hydrido, aryl, alkyl, alkenyl, haloalkyl, haloalkoxy, haloalkoxyalkyl, perhaloaryl, perhaloaralkyl, perhaloaryloxyalkyl and heteroaryl;

[0801] RXV-3 is selected from the group consisting of hydrido, aryl, alkyl, alkenyl, haloalkyl, and haloalkoxyalkyl;

[0802] YXV is selected from the group consisting of a covalent single bond, (CH2)q wherein q is an integer selected from 1 through 2 and (CH2)j—O—(CH2)k wherein j and k are integers independently selected from 0 through 1;

[0803] ZXV is selected from the group consisting of covalent single bond, (CH2)q wherein q is an integer selected from 1 through 2, and (CH2)j—O—(CH2)k wherein j and k are integers independently selected from 0 through 1;

[0804] RXV-4, RXV-8, RXV-9 and RXV-13 are independently selected from the group consisting of hydrido, halo, haloalkyl, and alkyl;

[0805] RXV-30 is selected from the group consisting of hydrido, alkoxy, alkoxyalkyl, halo, haloalkyl, alkylamino, alkylthio, alkylthioalkyl, alkyl, alkenyl, haloalkoxy, and haloalkoxyalkyl with the proviso that RXV-30 is selected to maintain the tetravalent nature of carbon, trivalent nature of nitrogen, the divalent nature of sulfur, and the divalent nature of oxygen;

[0806] RXV-30, when bonded to AXV-1, is taken together to form an intra-ring linear spacer connecting the AXV-1-carbon at the point of attachment of RXV-30 to the point of bonding of a group selected from the group consisting of RXV-10, RXV-11, RXV-12, RXV-31, and RXV-32 wherein said intra-ring linear spacer is selected from the group consisting of a covalent single bond and a spacer moiety having from 1 through 6 contiguous atoms to form a ring selected from the group consisting of a cycloalkyl having from 3 through 10 contiguous members, a cycloalkenyl having from 5 through 10 contiguous members, and a heterocyclyl having from 5 through 10 contiguous members;

[0807] RXV-30, when bonded to AXV-1, is taken together to form an intra-ring branched spacer connecting the AXV-1-carbon at the point of attachment of RXV-30 to the points of bonding of each member of any one of substituent pairs selected from the group consisting of subsitituent pairs RXV-10 and RXV-11, RXV-10 and RXV-31, RXV-10 and RXV-32, RXV-10 and RXV-12, RXV-11 and RXV-31, RXV-11 and RXV-32 RXV-11 and RXV-12, RXV-31 and RXV-32, RXV-31 and RXV-12, and RXV-32 and RXV-12 and wherein said intra-ring branched spacer is selected to form two rings selected from the group consisting of cycloalkyl having from 3 through 10 contiguous members, cycloalkenyl having from 5 through 10 contiguous members, and heterocyclyl having from 5 through 10 contiguous members;

[0808] RXV-4, RXV-5, RXV-6, RXV-7, RXV-8, RXV-9, RXV-10, RXV-11, RXV-12, RXV-13, RXV-31, RXV-32, RXV-33, RXV-34, RXV-35, and RXV-36 are independently selected from the group consisting of hydrido, carboxy, heteroaralkylthio, heteroaralkoxy, cycloalkylamino, acylalkyl, acylalkoxy, aroylalkoxy, heterocyclyloxy, aralkylaryl, aralkyl, aralkenyl, aralkynyl, heterocyclyl, perhaloaralkyl, aralkylsulfonyl, aralkylsulfonylalkyl, aralkylsulfinyl, aralkylsulfinylalkyl, halocycloalkyl, halocycloalkenyl, cycloalkylsulfinyl, cycloalkylsulfinylalkyl, cycloalkylsulfonyl, cycloalkylsulfonylalkyl, heteroarylamino, N-heteroarylamino-N-alkylamino, heteroarylaminoalkyl, haloalkylthio, alkanoyloxy, alkoxy, alkoxyalkyl, haloalkoxylalkyl, heteroaralkoxy, cycloalkoxy, cycloalkenyloxy, cycloalkoxyalkyl, cycloalkylalkoxy, cycloalkenyloxyalkyl, cycloalkylenedioxy, halocycloalkoxy, halocycloalkoxyalkyl, halocycloalkenyloxy, halocycloalkenyloxyalkyl, hydroxy, amino, thio, nitro, lower alkylamino, alkylthio, alkylthioalkyl, arylamino, aralkylamino, arylthio, arylthioalkyl, heteroaralkoxyalkyl, alkylsulfinyl, alkylsulfinylalkyl, arylsulfinylalkyl, arylsulfonylalkyl, heteroarylsulfinylalkyl, heteroarylsulfonylalkyl, alkylsulfonyl, alkylsulfonylalkyl, haloalkylsulfinylalkyl, haloalkylsulfonylalkyl, alkylsulfonamido, alkylaminosulfonyl, amidosulfonyl, monoalkyl amidosulfonyl, dialkyl amidosulfonyl, monoarylamidosulfonyl, arylsulfonamido, diarylamidosulfonyl, monoalkyl monoaryl amidosulfonyl, arylsulfinyl, arylsulfonyl, heteroarylthio, heteroarylsulfinyl, heteroarylsulfonyl, heterocyclylsulfonyl, heterocyclylthio, alkanoyl, alkenoyl, aroyl, heteroaroyl, aralkanoyl, heteroaralkanoyl, haloalkanoyl, alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, alkenyloxy, alkenyloxyalky, alkylenedioxy, haloalkylenedioxy, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkanoyl, cycloalkenyl, lower cycloalkylalkyl, lower cycloalkenylalkyl, halo, haloalkyl, haloalkenyl, haloalkoxy, hydroxyhaloalkyl, hydroxyaralkyl, hydroxyalkyl, hydoxyheteroaralkyl, haloalkoxyalkyl, aryl, heteroaralkynyl, aryloxy, aralkoxy, aryloxyalkyl, saturated heterocyclyl, partially saturated heterocyclyl, heteroaryl, heteroaryloxy, heteroaryloxyalkyl, arylalkenyl, heteroarylalkenyl, carboxyalkyl, carboalkoxy, alkoxycarboxamido, alkylamidocarbonylamido, alkylamidocarbonylamido, carboalkoxyalkyl, carboalkoxyalkenyl, carboaralkoxy, carboxamido, carboxamidoalkyl, cyano, carbohaloalkoxy, phosphono, phosphonoalkyl, diaralkoxyphosphono, and diaralkoxyphosphonoalkyl with the provisos that RXV-4, RXV-5, RXV-6, RXV-7, RXV-8, RXV-9, RXV-10, RXV-11, RXV-12, RXV-13, RXV-31 RXV-32 RXV-33, RXV-34, RXV-35 and RXV-36 are each independently selected to maintain the tetravalent nature of carbon, trivalent nature of nitrogen, the divalent nature of sulfur, and the divalent nature of oxygen, that no more than three of the RXV-33 and RXV-34 substituents are simultaneously selected from other than the group consisting of hydrido and halo, and that no more than three of the RXV-35 and RXV-36 substituents are simultaneously selected from other than the group consisting of hydrido and halo;

[0809] RXV-9, RXV-10, RXV-11, RXV-12 RXV-13, RXV-31 and RXV-32 are independently selected to be oxo with the provisos that BXV-1, BXV-2, DXV-3, DXV-4, JXV-3, JXV-4, and KXV-2 are independently selected from the group consisting of C and S, no more than two of RXV-9 RXV-10, RXV-11, RXV-12, RXV-13, RXV-31 and RXV-32 are simultaneously oxo, and that RXV-9. RXV-10, RXV-11, RXV-12 RXV-13 RXV-31, and RXV-32 are each independently selected to maintain the tetravalent nature of carbon, trivalent nature of nitrogen, the divalent nature of sulfur, and the divalent nature of oxygen;

[0810] RXV-4 and RXV-5, RXV-5 and RXV-6, RXV-6 and RXV-7 RXV-7 and RXV-8, RXV-9 and RXV-10, RXV-10 and RXV-11, RXV-11 and RXV-31 RXV-31 and RXV-32 RXV-32 and RXV-12 and RXV-12 and RXV-13 are independently selected to form spacer pairs wherein a spacer pair is taken together to form a linear moiety having from 3 through 6 contiguous atoms connecting the points of bonding of said spacer pair members to form a ring selected from the group consisting of a cycloalkenyl ring having 5 through 8 contiguous members, a partially saturated heterocyclyl ring having 5 through 8 contiguous members, a heteroaryl ring having 5 through 6 contiguous members, and an aryl with the provisos that no more than one of the group consisting of spacer pairs RXV-4 and RXV-5, RXV-5 and RXV-6 RXV-6 and RXV-7, RXV-7 and RXV-8 is used at the same time and that no more than one of the group consisting of spacer pairs RXV-9 and RXV-10, RXV-10 and RXV-11 RXV-11 and RXV-31 RXV-31 and RXV-32, RXV-32 and RXV-12, and RXV-12 and RXV-13 are used at the same time;

[0811] RXV-9 and RXV-11, RXV-9 and RXV-12, RXV-9 and RXV-13 RXV-9 and RXV-31, RXV-9 and RXV-32, RXV-10 and RXV-12, RXV-10 and RXV-13, RXV-10 and RXV-31, RXV-10 and RXV-32, RXV-11 and RXV-12, RXV-11 and RXV-13, RXV-11 and RXV-32, RXV-12 and RXV-31, RXV-13 and RXV-31, and RXV-13 and RXV-32 are independently selected to form a spacer pair wherein said spacer pair is taken together to form a linear spacer moiety selected from the group consisting of a covalent single bond and a moiety having from 1 through 3 contiguous atoms to form a ring selected from the group consisting of a cycloalkyl having from 3 through 8 contiguous members, a cycloalkenyl having from 5 through 8 contiguous members, a saturated heterocyclyl having from 5 through 8 contiguous members and a partially saturated heterocyclyl having from 5 through 8 contiguous members with the provisos that no more than one of said group of spacer pairs is used at the same time;

[0812] RXV-37 and RXV-38 are independently selected from the group consisting of hydrido, alkoxy, alkoxyalkyl, hydroxy, amino, thio, halo, haloalkyl, alkylamino, alkylthio, alkylthioalkyl, cyano, alkyl, alkenyl, haloalkoxy, and

[0813] haloalkoxyalkyl.

[0814] Compounds of Formula XV are disclosed in WO 00/18723, the entire disclosure of which is incorporated by reference.

[0815] In a preferred embodiment, the CETP inhibitor is selected from the following compounds of Formula XV:

[0816] 3-[[3-(4-chloro-3-ethylphenoxy)phenyl](cyclohexylmethyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0817] 3-[[3-(4-chloro-3-ethylphenoxy)phenyl](cyclopentylmethyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0818] 3-[[3-(4-chloro-3-ethylphenoxy)phenyl](cyclopropylmethyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0819] 3-[[3-(4-chloro-3-ethylphenoxy)phenyl][(3-trifiuoromethyl)cyclohexyl-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0820] 3-[[3-(4-chloro-3-ethylphenoxy)phenyl][(3-pentafluoroethyl) cyclohexyl-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0821] 3-[[3-(4-chloro-3-ethylphenoxy)phenyl][(3-trifluoromethoxy) cyclohexyl-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0822] 3-[[3-(4-chloro-3-ethylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)cyclo-hexylmethyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0823] 3-[[3-(3-trifluoromethoxyphenoxy)phenyl](cyclohexylmethyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0824] 3-[[3-(3-trifluoromethoxyphenoxy)phenyl](cyclopentylmethyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0825] 3-[[3-(3-trifluoromethoxyphenoxy)phenyl](cyclopropylmethyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0826] 3-[[3-(3-trifluoromethoxyphenoxy)phenyl][(3-trifluoromethyl)cyclohexylmethyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0827] 3-[[3-(3-trifluoromethoxyphenoxy)phenyl]](3-pentafluoroethyl)cyclohexylmethyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0828] 3-[[3-(3-trifluoromethoxyphenoxy)phenyl][(3-trifluoromethoxy)cyclohexyl-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0829] 3-[[3-(3-trifluoromethoxyphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)cyclohexyl-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0830] 3-[[3-(3-isopropylphenoxy)phenyl](cyclohexylmethyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifiuoro-2-propanol:

[0831] 3-[[3-(3-isopropylphenoxy)phenyl](cyclopentylmethyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0832] 3-[[3-(3-isopropylphenoxy)phenyl](cyclopropylmethyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0833] 3-[[3-(3-isopropylphenoxy)phenyl][(3-trifluoromethyl) cyclohexyl-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0834] 3-[[3-(3-isopropylphenoxy)phenyl][(3-pentafluoroethyl) cyclohexyl-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0835] 3-[[3-(3-isopropylphenoxy)phenyl][(3-trifluoromethoxy) cyclohexyl-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0836] 3-[[3-(3-isopropylphenoxy)phenyl][3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)cyclohexylmethyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0837] 3-[[3-(2,3-dichlorophenoxy)phenyl](cyclohexylmethyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0838] 3-[[3-(2,3-dichlorophenoxy)phenyl](cyclopentylmethyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0839] 3-[[3-(2,3-dichlorophenoxy)phenyl](cyclopropylmethy)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0840] 3-[[3-(2,3-dichlorophenoxy)phenyl][(3-trifluoromethyl)cyclohexyl-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0841] 3-[[3-(2,3-dichlorophenoxy)phenyl][(3-pentafluoroethyl) cyclohexyl-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0842] 3-[[3-(2,3-dichlorophenoxy)phenyl][(3-trifluoromethoxy) cyclohexyl-methyl]amino]-1,1,-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0843] 3-[[3-(2,3-dichlorophenoxy)phenyl][3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)cyclo-hexylmethyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0844] 3-[[3-(4-fluorophenoxy)phenyl](cyclohexylmethyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0845] 3-[[3-(4-fluorophenoxy)phenyl](cyclopentylmethyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0846] 3-[[3-(4-fluorophenoxy)phennyl](cyclopropylmethyl)amino]-1,1,1-triflouro-2-propanol;

[0847] 3-[[3-(4-fluorophenoxy)phenyl][(3-trifluoromethyl)cyclohexyl-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0848] 3-[[3-(4-fluorophenoxy)phenyl][(3-pentafluoroethyl)cyclohexyl-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0849] 3-[[3-(4-fluorophenoxy)phenyl][(3-trifluoromethoxy)cyclohexyl-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0850] 3-[[3-(4-fluorophenoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)cyclohexylmethyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0851] 3-[[3-(3-trifluoromethoxybenzyloxy]phenyl](cyclohexylmethyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0852] 3-[[3-(3-trifluoromethoxybenzyloxy)phenyl](cyclopentylmethyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0853] 3-[[3-(3-trifluoromethoxybenzyloxy)phenyl](cyclopropylmethyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0854] 3-[[3-(3-trifluoromethoxybenzyloxy)phenyl][(3-trifluoromethyl)cyclohexyl-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0855] 3-[[3-(3-trifluoromethoxybenzyloxy)phenyl][(3-pentafluoroethyl)cyclohexyl-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0856] 3-[[3-(3-trifluoromethoxybenzyloxy]phenyl][(3-trifluoromethoxy)cyclohexyl-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0857] 3-[[3-(3-trifluoromethoxybenzyloxy)phenyl][3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)-cyclohexylmethyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0858] 3-[[3-(3-trifluoromethylbenzyloxy)phenyl](cyclohexylmethyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0859] 3-[[3-(3-trifluoromethylbenzyloxy)phenyl](cyclopentylmethyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0860] 3-[[3-(3-trifluoromethylbenzyloxy)phenyl](cyclopropylmethyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0861] 3-[[3-(3-trifluoromethylbenzyloxy)phenyl][(3-trifluoromethyl)cyclohexylmethyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0862] 3-[[3-(3-trifluoromethylbenzyloxy)phenyl][(3-pentafluoroethyl)cyclohexylmethyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0863] 3-[[3-(3-trifluoromethylbenzyloxy)phenyl][(3-trifluoromethoxy)cyclohexyl-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0864] 3-[[3-(3-trifluoromethylbenzyloxy)phenyl][3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)cyclohexyl-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0865] 3-[[[(3-trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl](cyclohexyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0866] 3-[[[(3-pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]methyl](cyclohexyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0867] 3-[[[(3-trifluoromethoxy)phenyl]methyl](cyclohexyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0868] 3-[[[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl](cyclohexyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0869] 3-[[[(3-trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl](4-methylcyclohexyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0870] 3-[[[(3-pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]methyl](4-methylcyclohexyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0871] 3-[[[(3-trifluoromethoxy)phenyl]methyl](4-methylcyclohexyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0872] 3-[[[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl](4-methylcyclohexyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0873] 3-[[[(3-trifluoromethyl]phenyl]methyl](3-trifluoromethylcyclohexyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0874] 3-[[[(3-pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]methyl](3-trifluoromethylcyclohexyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0875] 3-[[[(3-trifluoromethoxy)phenyl]methyl](3-trifluoromethylcyclohexyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0876] 3-[[[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl](3-trifluoromethylcyclohexyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0877] 3-[[[(3-trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-(4-chloro-3-ethylphenoxy)cyclohexyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0878] 3-[[[(3-pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-(4-chloro-3-ethylphenoxy)cyclohexyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0879] 3-[[[(3-trifluoromethoxy)phenyl]methyl][3-(4-chloro-3-ethylphenoxy)cyclo-hexyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0880] 3-[[[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl][3-(4-chloro-3-ethylphenoxy)cyclohexyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0881] 3-[[[(3-trifluoromethyl]phenyl]methyl](3-phenoxycyclohexyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0882] 3-[[[(3-pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]methyl](3-phenoxycyclohexyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0883] 3-[[[(3-trifluoromethoxy)phenyl]methyl](3-phenoxycyclohexyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0884] 3-[[[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl](3-phenoxycyclohexyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0885] 3-[[[(3-trifloromethyl)phenyl]methyl](3-isopropoxycyclohexyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0886] 3-[[[(3-pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]methyl](3-isopropoxycyclohexyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0887] 3-[[[(3-trifluoromethoxy)phenyl]methyl](3-isopropoxycyclohexyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0888] 3-[[[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl](3-isopropoxycyclohexyl)-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0889] 3-[[[(3-trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl](3-cyclopentyloxycyclohexyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0890] 3-[[[(3-pentafluoroethyl]phenyl]methyl](3-cyclopentyloxycyclohexyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0891] 3-[[[(3-trifluoromethoxy)phenyl]methyl](3-cyclopentyloxycyclohexyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0892] 3-[[[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl](3-cyclopentyloxycyclohexyl)-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0893] 3-[[[(2-trifluoromethyl)pyrid-6-yl]methyl](3-isopropoxycyclohexyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0894] 3-[[[(2-trifluoromethyl)pyrid-6-yl]methyl](3-cyclopentyloxycyclohexyl)-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0895] 3-[[[(2-trifluoromethyl)pyrid-6-yl]methyl](3-phenoxycyclohexyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0896] 3-[[[(2-trifluoromethyl)pyrid-6-yl]methyl](3-trifluoromethylcyclohexyl)amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0897] 3-[[[(2-trifluoromethyl)pyrid-6-yl]methyl][3-(4-chloro-3-ethylphenoxy)cyclohexyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0898] 3-[[[(2-trifluoromethyl)pyrid-6-yl]methyl][3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)cyclo-hexyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0899] 3-[[[(2-trifluoromethyl)pyrid-6-yl]methyl](3-pentafluoroethylcyclohexyl)-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0900] 3-[[[(2-trifluoromethyl)pyrid-6-yl]methyl](3-trifluoromethoxycyclohexyl)-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0901] 3-[[[(3-trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-(4-chloro-3-ethylphenoxy)propyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0902] 3-[[[(3-pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-(4-chloro-3-ethylphenoxy)propyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0903] 3-[[[(3-trifluoromethoxy)phenyl]methyl][3-(4-chloro-3-ethylphenoxy)propyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0904] 3-[[[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl][3-(4-chloro-3-ethylphenoxy)propyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0905] 3-[[[(3-trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-(4-chloro-3-ethyl phenoxy)-2,2,-difluropropyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0906] 3-[[[(3-pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-(4-chloro-3-ethylphenoxy)-2,2-difluropropyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0907] 3-[[[(3-trifluoromethoxy)phenyl]methyl][3-(4-chloro-3-ethylphenoxy)-2,2,-difluropropyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0908] 3-[[[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl][3-(4-chloro-3-ethylphenoxy)-2,2,-difluropropyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0909] 3-[[[(3-trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-(isopropoxy)propyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0910] 3-[[[(3-pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-(isopropoxy)propyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0911] 3-[[[(3-trifluoromethoxy)phenyl]methyl][3-(isopropoxy)propyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0912] 3-[[[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl]]3-(isopropoxy)propyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol; and

[0913] 3-[[[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl][3-(phenoxy)propyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol.

[0914] Another class of CETP inhibitors that finds utility with the present invention consists of (R)-chiral

[0915] halogenated 1-substituted amino-(n+1)-alkanols having the Formula XVI

[0916] and pharmaceutically acceptable forms thereof, wherein:

[0917] nXVI is an integer selected from 1 through 4;

[0918] XXVI is oxy;

[0919] RXVI-1 is selected from the group consisting of haloalkyl, haloalkenyl, haloalkoxymethyl, and haloalkenyloxymethyl with the proviso that RXVI-1 has a higher Cahn-Ingold-Prelog stereochemical system ranking than both RXVI-2 and (CHRXVI-3)n-N(AXVI)QXVI wherein AXVI is Formula XVI-(II) and Q is Formula XVI-(II);

[0920] RXVI-16 is selected from the group consisting of hydrido, alkyl, acyl, aroyl, heteroaroyl, trialkylsilyl, and a spacer selected from the group consisting of a covalent single bond and a linear spacer moiety having a chain length of 1 to 4 atoms linked to the point of bonding of any aromatic substituent selected from the group consisting of RXVI-4, RXVI-8, RXVI-9, and RXVI-13 to form a heterocyclyl ring having from 5 through 10 contiguous members;

[0921] DXVI-1, DXVI-2, JXVI-1, JXVI-2 and KXVI-1, are independently selected from the group consisting of C, N, O, S and covalent bond with the provisos that no more than one of DXVI-1, DXVI-2, JXVI-1, JXVI-2 and KXVI-1 is a covalent bond, no more than one DXVI-1, DXVI-2, JXVI-1, JXVI-2 and KXVI-1, is be O, no more than one of DXVI-1, DXVI-2, JXVI-1, JXVI-2 and KXVI-1 is S, one of DXVI-1, DXVI-2, JXVI-1, JXVI-2 and KXVI-1 must be a covalent bond when two of DXVI-1, DXVI-2, JXVI-1, JXVI-2 and KXVI-1 are O and S, and no more than four of DXVI-1, DXVI-2, JXVI-1, JXVI-2 and KXVI-1 is N;

[0922] DXVI-3, DXVI-4, JXVI-3, JXVI-4 and KXVI-2 are independently selected from the group consisting of C, N, O, S and covalent bond with the provisos that no more than one is a covalent bond, no more than one of DXVI-3, DXVI-4, JXVI-3, JXVI-4 and KXVI-2 is O, no more than one of DXVI-3, DXVI-4, JXVI-3, JXVI-4 and KXVI-2 is S, no more than two of DXVI-3, DXVI-4, JXVI-3, JXVI-4 and KXVI-2 is O and S, one of DXVI-3, DXVI-4, JXVI-3, JXVI-4 and KXVI-2 must be a covalent bond when two of DXVI-3, DXVI-4, JXVI-3, JXVI-4 and KXVI-2 are O and S, and no more than four of DXVI-3, DXVI-4, JXVI-3, JXVI-4 and KXVI-2 are N;

[0923] RXVI-2 is selected from the group consisting of hydrido, aryl, aralkyl, alkyl, alkenyl, alkenyloxyalkyl, haloalkyl, haloalkenyl, halocycloalkyl, haloalkoxy, haloalkoxyalkyl, haloalkenyloxyalkyl, halocycloalkoxy, halocycloalkoxyalkyl, perhaloaryl, perhaloaralkyl, perhaloaryloxyalkyl, heteroaryl, dicyanoalkyl, and carboalkoxycyanoalkyl, with the proviso that RXVI-2 has a lower Cahn-Ingold-Prelog system ranking than both RXVI-1 and (CHRXVI-3)r—N(AXVI)QXVI;

[0924] RXVI-3 is selected from the group consisting of hydrido, hydroxy, cyano, aryl, aralkyl, acyl, alkoxy, alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxyalkyl, heteroaryl, alkenyloxyalkyl, haloalkyl, haloalkenyl, haloalkoxy, haloalkoxyalkyl, haloalkenyloxyalkyl, monocyanoalkyl, dicyanoalkyl, carboxamide, and carboxamidoalkyl, with the provisos that (CHRXVI-3)n—N(AXVI)QXVI has a lower Cahn-Ingold-Prelog stereochemical system ranking than RXVI-1 and a higher Cahn-Ingold-Prelog stereochemical system ranking than RXVI-2;

[0925] YXVI is selected from a group consisting of a covalent single bond, (C(RXVI-14)2)q wherein q is an integer selected from 1 and 2 and (CH(RXVI-14))g-WXVI-(CH(RXVI-14))p wherein g and p are integers independently selected from 0 and 1;

[0926] RXVI-14 is selected from the group consisting of hydrido, hydroxy, cyano, hydroxyalkyl, acyl, alkoxy, alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, alkoxyalkyl, haloalkyl, haloalkenyl, haloalkoxy, haloalkoxyalkyl, haloalkenyloxyalkyl, monocarboalkoxyalkyl, monocyanoalkyl, dicyanoalkyl, carboalkoxycyanoalkyl, carboalkoxy, carboxamide, and carboxamidoalkyl;

[0927] ZXVI is selected from a group consisting of a covalent single bond, (C(RXVI-15)2)q, wherein q is an integer selected from 1 and 2, and (CH(RXVI-15))j-WXVI-(CH(RXVI-15))k wherein j and k are integers independently selected from 0 and 1;

[0928] WXVI is selected from the group consisting of O, C(O), C(S),C(O)N(RXVI-14), C(S)N(RXVI-14),(RXVI-14)NC(O), (RXVI-14)NC(S), S, S(O), S(O)2, S(O)2N(RXVI-14), (RXVI-14)NS(O)2, and N(RXVI-14) with the proviso that RXVI-14 is other than cyano;

[0929] RXVI-15 is selected, from the group consisting of hydrido, cyano, hydroxyalkyl, acyl, alkoxy, alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, alkoxyalkyl, haloalkyl, haloalkenyl, haloalkoxy, haloalkoxyalkyl, haloalkenyloxyalkyl, monocarboalkoxyalkyl, monocyanoalkyl, dicyanoalkyl, carboalkoxycyanoalkyl, carboalkoxy, carboxamide, and carboxamidoalkyl;

[0930] RXVI-4, RXVI-5, RXVI-6 RXVI-7 RXVI-8 RXVI-9, RXVI-10, RXVI-11, RXVI-12, and RXVI-13 are independently selected from the group consisting of hydrido, carboxy, heteroaralkylthio, heteroaralkoxy, cycloalkylamino, acylalkyl, acylalkoxy, aroylalkoxy, heterocyclyloxy, aralkylaryl, aralkyl, aralkenyl, aralkynyl, heterocyclyl, perhaloaralkyl, aralkylsulfonyl, aralkylsulfonylalkyl, aralkylsulfinyl, aralkylsulfinylalkyl, halocycloalkyl, halocycloalkenyl, cycloalkylsulfinyl, cycloalkylsulfinylalkyl, cycloalkylsulfonyl, cycloalkylsulfonylalkyl, heteroarylamino, N-heteroarylamino-N-alkylamino, heteroaralkyl, heteroarylaminoalkyl, haloalkylthio, alkanoyloxy, alkoxy, alkoxyalkyl, haloalkoxylalkyl, heteroaralkoxy, cycloalkoxy, cycloalkenyloxy, cycloalkoxyalkyl, cycloalkylalkoxy, cycloalkenyloxyalkyl, cycloalkylenedioxy, halocycloalkoxy, halocycloalkoxyalkyl, halocycloalkenyloxy, halocycloalkenyloxyalkyl, hydroxy, amino, thio, nitro, lower alkylamino, alkylthio, alkylthioalkyl, arylamino, aralkylamino, arylthio, arylthioalkyl, heteroaralkoxyalkyl, alkylsulfinyl, alkylsulfinylalkyl, arylsulfinylalkyl, arylsulfonylalkyl, heteroarylsulfinylalkyl, heteroarylsulfonylalkyl, alkylsulfonyl, alkylsulfonylalkyl, haloalkylsulfinylalkyl, haloalkylsulfonylalkyl, alkylsulfonamido, alkylaminosulfonyl, amidosulfonyl, monoalkyl amidosulfonyl, dialkyl, amidosulfonyl, monoarylamidosulfonyl, arylsulfonamido, diarylamidosulfonyl, monoalkyl monoaryl amidosulfonyl, arylsulfinyl, arylsulfonyl, heteroarylthio, heteroarylsulfinyl, heteroarylsulfonyl, heterocyclylsulfonyl, heterocyclylthio, alkanoyl, alkenoyl, aroyl, heteroaroyl, aralkanoyl, heteroaralkanoyl, haloalkanoyl, alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, alkenyloxy, alkenyloxyalky, alkylenedioxy, haloalkylenedioxy, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkanoyl, cycloalkenyl, lower cycloalkylalkyl, lower cycloalkenylalkyl, halo, haloalkyl, haloalkenyl, haloalkoxy, hydroxyhaloalkyl, hydroxyaralkyl, hydroxyalkyl, hydoxyheteroaralkyl, haloalkoxyalkyl, aryl, heteroaralkynyl, aryloxy, aralkoxy, aryloxyalkyl, saturated heterocyclyl, partially saturated heterocyclyl, heteroaryl, heteroaryloxy, heteroaryloxyalkyl, arylalkenyl, heteroarylalkenyl, carboxyalkyl, carboalkoxy, alkoxycarboxamido, alkylamidocarbonylamido, arylamidocarbonylamido, carboalkoxyalkyl, carboalkoxyalkenyl, carboaralkoxy, carboxamido, carboxamidoalkyl, cyano, carbohaloalkoxy, phosphono, phosphonoalkyl, diaralkoxyphosphono, and diaralkoxyphosphonoalkyl with the proviso that RXVI-4, RXVI-5, RXVI-6 RXVI-7, RXVI-8, RXVI-9, RXVI-10, RXVI-11, RXVI-12, and RXV-13 are each independently selected to maintain the tetravalent nature of carbon, trivalent nature of nitrogen, the divalent nature of sulfur, and the divalent nature of oxygen;

[0931] RXVI-4 and RXVI-5 RXVI-5 and RXVI-6 RXVI-6 and RXVI-7 RXVI-7 and RXVI-8, RXVI-9 and RXVI-10, RXVI-10 and RXVI-11, RXVI-11 and RXVI-12, and RXVI-12 and RXIV-13 are independently selected to form spacer pairs wherein a spacer pair is taken together to form a linear moiety having from 3 through 6 contiguous atoms connecting the points of bonding of said spacer pair members to form a ring selected from the group consisting of a cycloalkenyl ring having 5 through 8 contiguous members, a partially saturated heterocyclyl ring having 5 through 8 contiguous members, a heteroaryl ring having 5 through 6 contiguous members, and an aryl with the provisos that no more than one of the group consisting of spacer pairs RXVI-4 and RXVI-5, RXVI-5 and RXVI-6, RXVI-6 and RXVI-7, and RXVI-7 and RXVI-8 is used at the same time and that no more than one of the group consisting of spacer pairs RXIV-9 and RXVI-10, RXVI-10 and RXVI-11, RXVI-11 and RXVI-12, and RXVI-12 and RXVI-13 can be used at the same time;

[0932] RXVI-4 and RXVI-9, RXVI-4 and RXVI-13, RXVI-8 and RXVI-9, and RXVI-8 and RXVI-13 is independently selected to form a spacer pair wherein said spacer pair is taken together to form a linear moiety wherein said linear moiety forms a ring selected from the group consisting of a partially saturated heterocyclyl ring having from 5 through 8 contiguous members and a heteroaryl ring having from 5 through 6 contiguous members with the proviso that no more than one of the group consisting of spacer pairs RXVI-4 and RXVI-9, RXVI-4 and RXVI-13, RXVI-8 and RXVI-9, and RXVI-8 and RXVI-13 is used at the same time.

[0933] Compounds of Formula XVI are disclosed in WO 00/18724, the entire disclosure of which is incorporated by reference.

[0934] In a preferred embodiment, the CETP inhibitor is selected from the following compounds of Formula XVI:

[0935] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-trifluoromethoxyphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0936] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-isopropylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0937] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-cyclopropylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0938] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-(2-furyl)phenoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0939] (2R)-3-[[3-(2,3-dichlorophenoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0940] (2R)-3-[[3-(4-fluorophenoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0941] (2R)-3-[[3-(4-methylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0942] (2R)-3-[[3-(2-fluoro-5-bromophenoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0943] (2R)-3-[[3-(4-chloro-3-ethylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0944] (2R)-3-[[3-[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenoxy]phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-ethoxy)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0945] (2R)-3-[[3-[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenoxy]phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0946] (2R)-3-[[3-(3,5-dimethylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0947] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-ethylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0948] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-t-butylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol:

[0949] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-methylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0950] (2R)-3-[[3-(5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-2-naphthoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0951] (2R)-3-[[3-(phenoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0952] (2R)-3-[[3-[3-(N,N-dimethylamino)phenoxy]phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0953] (2R)-3-[[[3-(1,1,2,2,-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3-(trifluoromethoxy)phenyl]methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0954] (2R)-3-[[[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0955] (2R)-3-[[[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3,5-dimethylphenyl]-methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0956] (2R)-3-[[[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3-(trifluoromethylthio)phenyl]methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0957] (2R)-3-[[[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3,5-difluorophenyl]-methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0958] (2R)-3-[[[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl][3-[cyclohexylmethoxy]-phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0959] (2R)-3-[[3-(2-difluoromethoxy-4-pyridyloxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0960] (2R)-3-[[3-(2-trifluoromethyl-4-pyridyloxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0961] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-difluororhethoxyphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)-phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0962] (2R)-3-[[[3-(3-trifuoromethylthio)phenoxy]phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0963] (2R)-3-[[3-(4-chloro-3-trifluoromethylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)-phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0964] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-trifluoromethoxyphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0965] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-isopropylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0966] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-cyclopropylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0967] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-(2-furyl)phenoxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0968] (2R)-3-[[3-(2,3-dichlorophenoxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0969] (2R)-3-[[3-(4-fluorophenoxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0970] (2R)-3-[[3-(4-methylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0971] (2R)-3-[[3-(2-fluoro-5-bromophenoxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0972] (2R)-3-[[3-(4-chloro-3-ethylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0973] (2R)-3-[[3-[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenoxy]phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0974] (2R)-3-[[3-[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenoxy]phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0975] (2R)-3-[[3-(3,5-dimethylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl) phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0976] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-ethylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl) phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0977] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-t-butylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl) phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0978] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-methylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl) phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0979] (2R)-3-[[3-(5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-2-naphthoxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0980] (2R)-3-[[3-(phenoxy)phenyl][[3(pentafluoroethyl) phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0981] (2R)-3-[[3-[3-(N,N-dimethylamino)phenoxy]phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0982] (2R)-3-[[[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3-(trifluoromethoxy)phenyl]-methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0983] (2R)-3-[[[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3-(trifluoromethyl)-phenyl]-methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0984] (2R)-3-[[[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3,5-dimethylphenyl]methoxy]-phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0985] (2R)-3-[[[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3-(trifluoromethylthio)phenyl]-methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0986] (2R)-3-[[[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3,5-difluorophenyl]methoxy]-phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0987] (2R)-3-[[[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[cyclohexylmethoxy]phenyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0988] (2R)-3-[[3-(2-difluoromethoxy-4-pyridyloxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0989] (2R)-3-[[3-(2-trifluoromethyl-4-pyridyloxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0990] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-difluoromethoxyphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0991] (2R)-3-[[[3-(3-trifluoromethylthio)phenoxy]phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0992] (2R)-3-[[3-(4-chloro-3-trifluoromethylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(pentafluoroethyl)-phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0993] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-trifluoromethoxyphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0994] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-isopropylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl)phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0995] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-cyclopropylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl)phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0996] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-(2-furyl)phenoxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl) phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0997] (2R)-3-[[3-(2,3-dichlorophenoxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl) phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0998] (2R)-3-[[3-(4-fluorophenoxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl) phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[0999] (2R)-3-[[3-(4-methylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl) phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1,-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1000] (2R)-3-[[3-(2-fluoro-5-bromophenoxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1001] (2R)-3-[[3-(4-chloro-3-ethylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl)phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1002] (2R)-3-[[3-[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenoxy]phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1003] (2R)-3-[[3-[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenoxy]phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1004] (2R)-3-[[3-(3,5-dimethylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl) phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1005] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-ethylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl) phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1006] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-t-butylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl) phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1007] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-methylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl) phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1008] (2R)-3-[[3-(5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-2-naphthoxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1009] (2R)-3-[[3-(phenoxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl) phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1010] (2R)-3-[[3-[3-(N,N-dimethylamino)phenoxy]phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1011] (2R)-3-[[[3-(heptafluoropropyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3-(trifluoromethoxy)phenyl]-methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1012] (2R)-3-[[[3-(heptafluoropropyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1013] (2R)-3-[[[3-(heptafluoropropyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3,5-dimethylphenyl]methoxy]-phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1014] (2R)-3-[[[3-(heptafluoropropyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3-(trifluoromethylthio)phenyl]-methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1015] (2R)-3-[[[3-(heptafluoropropyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3,5-difluorophenyl]methoxy]-phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1016] (2R)-3-[[[3-(heptafluoropropyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[cyclohexylmethoxy]phenyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1017] (2R)-3-[[3-(2-difluoromethoxy-4-pyridyloxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1018] (2R)-3-[[3-(2-trifluoromethyl-4-pyridyloxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1019] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-difluoromethoxyphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1020] (2R)-3-[[[3-(3-trifluoromethylthio)phenoxy]phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1021] (2R)-3-[[3-(4-chloro-3-trifluoromethylphenoxy)phenyl][[3-(heptafluoropropyl)-phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1022] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-trifluoromethoxyphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)-phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1023] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-isopropylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1024] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-cyclopropylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1025] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-(2-furyl)phenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1026] (2R)-3-[[3-(2,3-dichlorophenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1027] (2R)-3-[[3-(4-fluorophenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-3-propanol;

[1028] (2R)-3-[[3-(4-methylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1029] (2R)-3-[[3-(2-fluoro-5-bromophenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1030] (2R)-3-[[3-(4-chloro-3-ethylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1031] (2R)-3-[[3-[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenoxy]phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoro-methyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1032] (2R)-3-[[3-[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenoxy]phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1033] (2R)-3-[[3-(3,5-dimethylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1034] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-ethylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1035] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-t-butylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1036] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-methylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1037] (2R)-3-[[3-(5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-2-naphthoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1038] (2R)-3-[[3-(phenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl) phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1039] (2R)-3-[[3-[3-(N,N-dimethylamino, phenoxy]phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1040] (2R)-3-[[[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3-(trifluoromethoxy)-phenyl]methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-3-propanol;

[1041] (2R)-3-[[[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3-(trifluoromethyl)-phenyl]methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1042] (2R)-3-[[[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3,5-dimethylphenyl]-methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1043] (2R)-3-[[[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3-(trifluoromethylthio)phenyl]methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1044] (2R)-3-[[[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3,5-difluorophenyl]-methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1045] (2R)-3-[[[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[cyclohexylmethoxyl-phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1046] (2R)-3-[[3-(2-difluoromethoxy-4-pyridyloxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1047] (2R)-3-[[3-(2-trifluoromethyl-4-pyridyloxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1048] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-difluoromethoxyphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1049] (2R)-3-[[[3-(3-trifluoromethylthio)phenoxy]phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1050] (2R)-3-[[3-(4-chloro-3-trifluoromethylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-5-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1051] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-trifluoromethoxyphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)-phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1052] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-isopropylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1053] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-cyclopropylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-flouro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1054] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-(2-furyl)phenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1055] (2R)-3-[[3-(2,3-dichlorophenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1056] (2R)-3-[[3-(4-fluorophenoxy)phenyl[[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1057] (2R)-3-[[3-(4-methylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1058] (2R)-3-[[3-(2-fluoro-5-bromophenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)-phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1059] (2R)-3-[[3-(4-chloro-3-ethylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)-phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1060] (2R)-3-[[3-[3-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)phenoxy]phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1061] (2R)-3-[[3-[3-(pentafluoroethyl)phenoxy]phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1062] (2R)-3-[[3-(3,5-dimethylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1063] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-ethylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1064] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-t-butylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1065] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-methylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]-amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1066] (2R)-3-[[3-(5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-2-naphthoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1067] (2R)-3-[[3-(phenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl) phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1068] (2R)-3-[[3-[3-(N,N-dimethylamino)phenoxy]phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1069] (2R)-3-[[[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3-(trifluoromethoxy)phenyl]methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1070] (3R)-3-[[[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1071] (2R)-3-[[[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3,5-dimethylphenyl]-methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1072] (2R)-3-[[[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3-(trifluoromethylthio)-phenyl]methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1073] (2R)-3-[[[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[[3,5-difluorophenyl]-methoxy]phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1074] (2R)-3-[[[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl][3-[cyclohexylmethoxy]-phenyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1075] (2R)-3-[[3-(2-difluoromethoxy-4-pyridyloxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1076] (2R)-3-[[3-(2-trifluoromethyl-4-pyridyloxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1077] (2R)-3-[[3-(3-difluoromethoxyphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)-phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol;

[1078] (2R)-3-[[[3-(3-trifluoromethylthio)phenoxy]phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol; and

[1079] (2R)-3-[[3-(4-chloro-3-trifluoromethylphenoxy)phenyl][[2-fluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]methyl]amino]-1,1,1-trifluoro-2-propanol.

[1080] Another class of CETP inhibitors that finds utility with the present invention consists of quinolines of Formula XVII

[1081] and pharmaceutically acceptable forms thereof, wherein:

[1082] AXVII denotes an aryl containing 6 to 10 carbon atoms, which is optionally substituted with up to five identical or different substituents in the form of a halogen, nitro, hydroxyl, trifluoromethyl, trifluoromethoxy or a straight-chain or branched alkyl, acyl, hydroxyalkyl or alkoxy containing up to 7 carbon atoms each, or in the form of a group ac1cording to the formula —NRXVII-4RXVII-5, wherein

[1083] RXVII-4 and RXVII-5 are identical or different and denote a hydrogen, phenyl or a straight-chain or branched alkyl containing up to 6 carbon atoms,

[1084] DXVII denotes an aryl containing 6 to 10 carbon atoms, which is optionally substituted with a phenyl, nitro, halogen, trifluoromethyl or trifluoromethoxy, or a radical according to the formula

[1085] RXVII-6-LXVII-,


[1087] wherein

[1088] RXVII-1, RXVII-7, RXVII-10 denote, independently from one another, a cycloalkyl containing 3 to 6 carbon atoms, or an aryl containing 6 to 10 carbon atom or a 5- to 7-membered, optionally benzo-condensed, saturated or unsaturated, mono-, bi- or tricyclic heterocycle containing up to 4 heteroatoms from the series of S, N and/or O, wherein the rings are optionally substituted, in the case of the nitrogen-containing rings also via the N function, with up to five identical or different substituents in the form of a halogen, trifluoromethyl, nitro, hydroxyl, cyano, carboxyl, trifluoromethoxy, a straight-chain or branched acyl, alkyl, alkylthio, alkylalkoxy, alkoxy or alkoxycarbonyl containing up to 6 carbon atoms each, an aryl or trifluoromethyl-substituted aryl containing 6 to 10 carbon atoms each, or an optionally benzo-condensed, aromatic 5- to 7-membered heterocycle containing up to 3 heteoatoms from the series of S, N and/or O, and/or in the form of a group according to the formula —ORXVII-11, —SRXVII-12, —SO2RXVII-13, or —NRXVII-14RXVII-15;

[1089] RXVII-11, RXVII-12, and RXVII-13 denote, independently from one another, an aryl containing 6 to 10 carbon atoms, which is in turn substituted with up to two identical or different substituents in the form of a phenyl, halogen or a straight-chain or branched alkyl containing up to 6 carbon atoms,

[1090] RXVII-14 and RXVII-15 are identical or different and have the meaning of RXVII-4 and RXVII-5 given above, or

[1091] RXVII-6 and/or RXVII-7 denote a radical according to the formula

[1092] RXVII-8 denotes a hydrogen or halogen, and

[1093] RXVII-9 denotes a hydrogen, halogen, azido, trifluoromethyl, hydroxyl, trifluoromethoxy, a straight-chain or branched alkoxy or alkyl containing up to 6 carbon atoms each, or a radical according to the formula NRXVI-16RXVI-17:

[1094] RXVI-16 and RXVII-17 are identical or different and have the meaning of RXVII-4 and RXVII-5 above; or RXVII-8 and RXVII-9 together form a radical according to the formula ═O or ═NRXVII-18;

[1095] RXVII-18 denotes a hydrogen or a straight-chain or branched alkyl, alkoxy or acyl containing up to 6 carbon atoms each;

[1096] LXVII denotes a straight-chain or branched alkylene or alkenylene chain containing up to 8 carbon atoms each, which are optionally substituted with up to two hydroxyl groups;

[1097] TXVII and XXVII are identical or different and denote a straight-chain or branched alkylene chain containing up to 8 carbon atoms; or

[1098] TXVII and XXVII denotes a bond;

[1099] VXVII denotes an oxygen or sulfur atom or —NRXVII-19;

[1100] RXVII-19 denotes a hydrogen or a straight-chain or branched alkyl containing up to 6 carbon atoms or a phenyl;

[1101] EXVII denotes a cycloalkyl containing 3 to 8 carbon atoms, or a straight-chain or branched alkyl containing up to 8 carbon atoms, which is optionally substituted with a cycloalkyl containing 3 to 8 carbon atoms or a hydroxyl, or a phenyl, which is optionally substituted with a halogen or trifluoromethyl;

[1102] RXVII-1 and RXVII-2 are identical or different and denote a cycloalkyl containing 3 to 8 carbon atoms, hydrogen, nitro, halogen, trifluoromethyl, trifluoromethoxy, carboxy, hydroxy, cyano, a straight-chain or branched acyl, alkoxycarbonyl or alkoxy with up to 6 carbon atoms, or NRXVII-20RXVI-21;

[1103] RXVI-20 and RXVII-21 are identical or different and denote hydrogen, phenyl, or a straight-chain or branched alkyl with up to 6 carbon atoms; and or

[1104] RXVII-1 and/or RXVII-2 are straight-chain or branched alkyl with up to 6 carbon atoms, optionally substituted with halogen, trifluoromethoxy, hydroxy, or a straight-chain or branched alkoxy with up to 4 carbon atoms, aryl containing 6-10 carbon atoms optionally substituted with up to five of the same or different substituents selected from halogen, cyano, hydroxy, trifluoromethyl, trifluoromethoxy, nitro, straight-chain or branched alkyl, acyl, hydroxyalkyl, alkoxy with up to 7 carbon atoms and NRXVII-22RXVI-23;

[1105] RXVII-22 and RXVII-23 are identical or different and denote hydrogen, phenyl or a straight-chain or branched akyl up to 6 carbon atoms; and/or

[1106] RXVII-1 and RXVI-2 taken together form a straight-chain or branched alkene or alkane with up to 6 carbon atoms optionally substituted with halogen, trifluoromethyl, hydroxy or straight-chain or branched alkoxy with up to 5 carbon atoms;

[1107] RXVII-3 denotes hydrogen, a straight-chain or branched acyl with up to 20 carbon atoms, a benzoyl optionally substituted with halogen, trifluoromethyl, nitro or trifluoromethoxy, a straight-chained or branched fluoroacyl with up to 8 carbon atoms and 7 fluoro atoms, a cycloalkyl with 3 to 7 carbon atoms, a straight chained or branched alkyl with up to 8 carbon atoms optionally substituted with hydroxyl, a straight-chained or branched alkoxy with up to 6 carbon atoms optionally substituted with phenyl which may in turn be substituted with halogen, nitro, trifluoromethyl, trifluoromethoxy, or phenyl or a tetrazol substitued phenyl, and/or an alkyl that is optionally substituted with a group according to the formula —ORXVII-24;

[1108] RXVII-24 is a straight-chained or branched acyl with up to 4 carbon atoms or benzyl.

[1109] Compounds of Formula XVII are disclosed in WO 98/39299, the entire disclosure is incorporated by reference.

[1110] Another class of CETP inhibitors that finds utility with the present invention consists of 4-Phenyltetrahydroquinolines of Formula XVIII

[1111] N oxides thereof, and pharmaceutically acceptable forms thereof, wherein:

[1112] AXVIII denotes a phenyl optionally substituted with up to two identical or different substituents in the form of halogen, trifluoromethyl or a straight-chain or branched alkyl or alkoxy containing up to three carbon atoms;

[1113] DXVIII denotes the formula

[1114]  or RXVIII-8-CH2—O—CH2—;

[1115] RXVII-5 and RXVIII-6 are taken together to form ═O; or

[1116] RXVII-5 denotes hydrogen and RXVII-6 denotes halogen or hydrogen; or

[1117] RXVIII-5 and RXVIII-6 denote hydrogen;

[1118] RXVIII-7 and RXVIII-8 are identical or different and denote phenyl, naphthyl, benzothiazolyl, quinolinyl, pyrimidyl or pyridyl with up to four identical or different substituents in the form of halogen, trifluoromethyl, nitro, cyano, trifluoromethoxy, —SO2—CH3 or NRXVIII-9RXVIII-10;

[1119] RXVIII-9 and RXVIII-10 are identical or different and denote hydrogen or a straight-chained or branched alkyl of up to three carbon atoms;

[1120] EXVIII denotes a cycloalkyl of from three to six carbon atoms or a straight-chained or branched alkyl of up to eight carbon atoms;

[1121] RXVIII-1 denotes hydroxy;

[1122] RXVIII-2 denotes hydrogen or methyl;

[1123] RXVIII-3 and RXVIII-4 are identical or different and denote straight-chained or branched alkyl of up to three carbon atoms; or

[1124] RXVIII-3 and RXVIII-4 taken together form an alkenylene made up of between two and four carbon atoms.

[1125] Compounds of Formula XVIII are disclosed in WO 99/15504, the entire disclosure of which is incorporated by reference.

[1126] In a preferred embodiment, the CR dosage forms of this invention deliver the drug [2R,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-2-ethyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (Drug A) (also known as torcetrapib) in an optimal manner. Drug A is an inhibitor of cholesterol ester transfer protein (CETP).

[1127] Drug A is shown by the following Formula

[1128] Drug A has an unusually low solubility in aqueous environments such as the lumenal fluid of the human GI tract. The aqueous solubility of Drug A is about 0.04 microgm/ml. Drug A must be presented to the GI tract in a solubility-enhanced form in order to achieve a sufficient Drug A concentration in the GI tract in order to achieve sufficient absorption into the blood to elicit the desired therapeutic effect.

[1129] Solubility-Enhanced Form of the Drug

[1130] As used herein, a “solubility-enhanced” form of a drug is a form, which, when dissolved in an aqueous environment, provides a drug concentration in excess of the equilibrium concentration of the non-solubility-enhanced (e.g., crystalline) form of the drug. One type of solubility-enhanced form of CETPI, e.g. Drug A, is a solid amorphous dispersion of CETPI, e.g. Drug A, in a concentration-enhancing polymer. The composition, characteristics, and performance of said solid amorphous dispersions are described in commonly assigned U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/223,279, filed Aug. 3, 2000, now U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/918,127 filed Jul. 30, 2001, incorporated herein by reference, and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/066,091 filed Feb. 1, 2002, also incorporated by reference.

[1131] More than one concentration-enhancing polymer may be incorporated in the formulations of this invention.

[1132] Preferably, at least a major portion of the CETPI in the solid amorphous dispersion is amorphous. By “amorphous” is meant simply that the CETPI is in a non-crystalline state. As used herein, the term “a major portion” of the CETPI means that at least 60% of the CETPI in the solid amorphous dispersion is in the amorphous form, rather than the crystalline form. Preferably, the CETPI in the dispersion is substantially amorphous. As used herein, “substantially amorphous” means that the amount of the CETPI in crystalline form does not exceed about 25%. More preferably, the CETPI in the dispersion is “almost completely amorphous” meaning that the amount of CETPI in the crystalline form does not exceed about 10%. Amounts of crystalline CETPI may be measured by powder X-ray diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) analysis, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), or any other standard quantitative measurement.

[1133] The solid amorphous dispersion may contain from about 1 to about 80 wt % CETPI, depending on the dose of the CETPI and the effectiveness of the concentration-enhancing polymer. Enhancement of aqueous CETPI concentrations and relative bioavailability are typically best at low CETPI levels, typically less than about 25 to 40 wt %. However, due to the practical limit of the dosage form size, higher CETPI levels are often preferred and in many cases perform well.

[1134] The amorphous CETPI can exist within the solid amorphous dispersion as a pure phase, as a solid solution of CETPI homogeneously distributed throughout the polymer or any combination of these states or those states that lie intermediate between them. The dispersion is preferably substantially homogeneous so that the amorphous CETPI is dispersed as homogeneously as possible throughout the polymer. As used herein, “substantially homogeneous” means that the fraction of CETPI that is present in relatively pure amorphous domains within the solid dispersion is relatively small, on the order of less than 20%, and preferably less than 10% of the total amount of CETPI.

[1135] While the dispersion may have some CETPI-rich domains, it is preferred that the dispersion itself have a single glass transition temperature (Tg) which demonstrates that the dispersion is substantially homogeneous. This contrasts with a simple physical mixture of pure amorphous CETPI particles and pure amorphous polymer particles which generally display two distinct Tgs, one that of the CETPI and one that of the polymer. Tg as used herein is the characteristic temperature where a glassy material, upon gradual heating, undergoes a relatively rapid (e.g., 10 to 100 seconds) physical change from a glass state to a rubber state. The Tg of an amorphous material such as a polymer, drug or dispersion can be measured by several techniques, including by a dynamic mechanical analyzer (DMA), a dilatometer, dielectric analyzer, and by a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). The exact values measured by each technique can vary somewhat but usually fall within 10° to 30° C. of each other. Regardless of the technique used, when an amorphous dispersion exhibits a single Tg, this indicates that the dispersion is substantially homogeneous. Dispersions of the present invention that are substantially homogeneous generally are more physically stable and have improved concentration-enhancing properties and, in turn improved bioavailability, relative to nonhomogeneous dispersions.

[1136] The solid amorphous dispersions comprising the CETPI and concentration-enhancing polymer provide enhanced concentration of the dissolved CETPI in in vitro dissolution tests. It has been determined that enhanced drug concentration in in vitro dissolution tests in Model Fasted Duodenal (MFD) solution or Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) is a good indicator of in vivo performance and bioavailability. An appropriate PBS solution is an aqueous solution comprising 20 mM sodium phosphate (Na2HPO4), 47 mM potassium phosphate (KH2PO4), 87 mM NaCl, and 0.2 mM KCl, adjusted to pH 6.5 with NaOH. An appropriate MFD solution is the same PBS solution wherein additionally is present 7.3 mM sodium taurocholic acid and 1.4 mM of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine. In particular, a dispersion of the present invention can be dissolution-tested by adding it to MFD or PBS solution and agitating to promote dissolution. Generally, the amount of dispersion added to the solution in such a test is an amount that, if all the drug in the dispersion dissolved, would produce a CETPI concentration that is at least about 10-fold and preferably at least 100-fold the equilibrium solubility of the CETPI alone in the test solution. To demonstrate even higher levels of dissolved CETPI concentration, addition of even larger amounts of the dispersion is desirable.

[1137] In one aspect, the solid amorphous dispersions of the present invention provide a Maximum Drug Concentration (MDC) that is at least about 10-fold the equilibrium concentration of a control composition consisting essentially of an equivalent quantity of CETPI but free from the polymer. In other words, if the equilibrium concentration provided by the control composition is 1 microgm/mL, then a dispersion of the present invention provides an MDC of at least about 10 microgm/mL. The control composition is conventionally the undispersed CETPI alone (e.g., typically, the crystalline CETPI alone in its most thermodynamically stable crystalline, form). Preferably, the MDC of CETPI achieved with the dispersions of the present invention is at least about 1.25-fold-relative to a control composition. Often greater enhancement is observed, such as 10-fold, preferably at least 50-fold, more preferably at least about 200-fold and even more preferably at least about 500-fold, the equilibrium concentration of the control composition.

[1138] Alternatively, the solid amorphous dispersions of the present invention provide an MDC that is greater than the MDC of the control composition.

[1139] Alternatively, the solid amorphous dispersions of the present invention provide in an aqueous use environment a concentration versus time AUC, for any period of at least 90 minutes between the time of introduction into the use environment and about 270 minutes following introduction to the use environment, that is at least about 1.25-fold relative to a control composition. The AUC may be at least 5-fold, preferably at least about 25-fold, more preferably at least about 100-fold and even more preferably at least about 250-fold that of a control composition as described above. Such large enhancements in aqueous concentration versus time AUC values are surprising given the extremely low aqueous solubility and hydrophobicity of CETPIs.

[1140] A typical in vitro test to evaluate enhanced drug concentration in aqueous solution can be conducted by (1) adding with agitation a sufficient quantity of control composition, typically the CETPI alone, to the in vitro test medium, typically MFD or PBS solution, to achieve equilibrium concentration of the CETPI; (2) adding with agitation a sufficient quantity of test dispersion (e.g., the CETPI and polymer) in an equivalent test medium, such that if all the CETPI dissolved, the theoretical concentration of CETPI would exceed the equilibrium concentration of the CETPI by a factor of at least 10, and preferably a factor of at least 100; and (3) comparing the measured MDC and/or aqueous concentration versus time AUC of the test dispersion in the test medium with the equilibrium concentration, and/or the aqueous concentration versus time AUC of the control composition. In conducting such a dissolution test, the amount of test dispersion or control composition used is an amount such that if all of the CETPI dissolved the CETPI concentration would be at least 10-fold and preferably at least 100-fold that of the equilibrium concentration. If the CETPI concentration is greater than the equilibrium concentration in either PBS or MFD, then the dispersion is a solubility-enhanced form of CETPI.

[1141] The concentration of dissolved CETPI is typically measured as a function of time by sampling the test medium and plotting CETPI concentration in the test medium vs. time so that the MDC can be ascertained. The MDC is taken to be the maximum value of dissolved CETPI measured over the duration of the test. The aqueous concentration of the CETPI versus time AUC is calculated by integrating the concentration versus time curve over any 90-minute time period between the time of introduction of the dispersion into the aqueous use environment (time equals zero) and 270 minutes following introduction to the use environment (time equals 270 minutes). Typically, when the dispersion reaches its MDC rapidly, less than about 30 minutes, the time interval used to calculate AUC is from time equals zero to time equals 90 minutes. However, if the AUC over any 90-minute time period described above of a dispersion meets the criterion of this invention, then the dispersion is a part of this invention.

[1142] To avoid large CETPI particulates which would give an erroneous determination, the test solution is either filtered or centrifuged. “Dissolved CETPI” is typically taken as that material that either passes a 0.45 μm syringe filter or, alternatively, the material that remains in the supernatant following centrifugation. Filtration can be conducted using a 13 mm, 0.45 μm polyvinylidine difluoride syringe filter sold by Scientific Resources under the trademark TITAN®). Centrifugation is typically carried out in a polypropylene microcentrifuge tube by centrifuging at 13,000 G for 60 seconds. Other similar filtration or centrifugation methods can be employed and useful results obtained. For example, using other types of microfilters may yield values somewhat higher or lower (±10-40%) than that obtained with the filter specified above but will still allow identification of preferred dispersions. It is recognized that this definition of “dissolved CETPI” encompasses not only monomeric solvated CETPI molecules but also a wide range of species such as polymer/CETPI assemblies that have submicron dimensions such as CETPI aggregates, aggregates of mixtures of polymer and CETPI, micelles, polymeric micelles, colloidal particles or nanocrystals, polymer/CETPI complexes, and other such CETPI-containing species that are present in the filtrate or supernatant in the specified dissolution test.

[1143] Another type of solubility-enhanced form of CETPI is amorphous CETPI, which has a higher initial solubility in an aqueous environment of use than does crystalline CETPI. In this case, amorphous CETPI is not in a dispersion with a polymer. Amorphous CETPI may be prepared by a variety of methods known in the art, such as precipitation from an organic solvent. A preferred method is spray-drying from a solution of the crystalline form of CETPI an organic solvent, e.g. from acetone.

[1144] Concentration-Enhancing Polymers

[1145] Concentration-enhancing polymers suitable for use in the compositions of the present invention should be inert, in the sense that they do not chemically react with the CETP inhibitor in an adverse manner, are pharmaceutically acceptable, and have at least some solubility in aqueous solution at physiologically relevant pHs (e.g. 1-8). The polymer can be neutral or ionizable, and should have an aqueous-solubility of at least 0.1 mg/mL over at least a portion of the pH range of 1-8.

[1146] The polymer is a “concentration-enhancing polymer,” meaning that it meets at least one, and more preferably both, of the following conditions. The first condition is that the concentration-enhancing polymer, when incorporated into a dispersion with a CETPI, increases the MDC of the CETPI in the environment of use relative to a control composition consisting of an equivalent amount of the CETPI but no polymer. That is, once the composition is introduced into an environment of use, the polymer increases the aqueous concentration of CETPI relative to the control composition. Preferably, the polymer increases the MDC of the CETPI in aqueous solution by at least 1.25-fold. Often greater enhancement is observed, such as 10-fold relative to a control composition, preferably by at least 50-fold, and more preferably by at least 200-fold. Even more preferably, the polymer increases the MDC of the CETPI in aqueous solution by at least 500-fold, and most preferably by at least 1000-fold. Such large enhancements may be necessary in order for some extremely water insoluble CETP inhibitors such as Drug A to achieve effective blood levels through oral dosing. The second condition is that the concentration-enhancing polymer increases the AUC of the CETPI in the environment of use relative to a control composition consisting of a CETPI but no polymer as described above. That is, in the environment of use, the composition comprising the CETPI and the concentration-enhancing polymer provides an area under the concentration versus time curve (AUC) for any period of 90 minutes between the time of introduction into the use environment and about 270 minutes following introduction to the use environment that is at least 1.25-fold that of a control composition comprising an equivalent quantity of CETPI but no polymer. The AUC provided by the composition may be at least 5-fold, preferably at least 25-fold, more preferably at least 100-fold, and even more preferably at least 250-fold that of the control composition.

[1147] Concentration-enhancing polymers suitable for use with the present invention may be cellulosic or non-cellulosic. The polymers may be neutral or ionizable in aqueous solution. Of these, ionizable and cellulosic polymers are preferred, with ionizable cellulosic polymers being more preferred.

[1148] A preferred class of polymers comprises polymers that are “amphiphilic” in nature, meaning that the polymer has hydrophobic and hydrophilic portions. The hydrophobic portion may comprise groups such as aliphatic or aromatic hydrocarbon groups. The hydrophilic portion may comprise either ionizable or non-ionizable groups that are capable of hydrogen bonding such as hydroxyls, carboxylic acids, esters, amines or amides.

[1149] Amphiphilic and/or ionizable polymers are preferred because it is believed that such polymers may tend to have relatively strong interactions with the CETP inhibitor and may promote the formation of the various types of polymer/drug assemblies in the use environment as described previously. In addition, the repulsion of the like charges of the ionized groups of such polymers may serve to limit the size of the polymer/drug assemblies to the nanometer or submicron scale. For example, while not wishing to be bound by a particular theory, such polymer/drug assemblies may comprise hydrophobic CETP inhibitor clusters surrounded by the polymer with the polymer's hydrophobic regions turned inward towards the CETP inhibitor and the hydrophilic regions of the polymer turned outward toward the aqueous environment. Alternatively, depending on the specific chemical nature of the CETP inhibitor, the ionized functional groups of the polymer may associate, for example, via ion pairing or hydrogen bonds, with ionic or polar groups of the CETP inhibitor. In the case of ionizable polymers, the hydrophilic regions of the polymer would include the ionized functional groups. Such polymer/drug assemblies in solution may well resemble charged polymeric micellar-like structures. In any case, regardless of the mechanism of action, such amphiphilic polymers, particularly ionizable cellulosic polymers, have been shown to improve the MDC and/or AUC of CETP inhibitor in aqueous solution relative to control compositions free from such polymers (described in commonly assigned U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/223,279, filed Aug. 3, 2000, which is incorporated herein by reference).

[1150] Surprisingly, such amphiphilic polymers can greatly enhance the maximum concentration of CETP inhibitor obtained when CETP inhibitor is dosed to a use environment. In addition, such amphiphilic polymers interact with the CETP inhibitor to prevent the precipitation or crystallization of the CETP inhibitor from solution despite its concentration being substantially above its equilibrium concentration. In particular, when the preferred compositions are solid amorphous dispersions of the CETP inhibitor and the concentration-enhancing polymer, the compositions provide a greatly enhanced drug concentration, particularly when the dispersions are substantially homogeneous. The maximum drug concentration may be 10-fold and often more than 50-fold the equilibrium concentration of the crystalline CETP inhibitor. Such enhanced CETP inhibitor concentrations in turn lead to substantially enhanced relative bioavailability for the CETP inhibitor.

[1151] One class of polymers suitable for use with the present invention comprises neutral non-cellulosic polymers. Exemplary polymers include: vinyl polymers and copolymers having substituents of hydroxyl, alkylacyloxy, or cyclicamido; polyvinyl alcohols that have at least a portion of their repeat units in the unhydrolyzed (vinyl acetate) form; polyvinyl alcohol polyvinyl acetate copolymers; polyvinyl pyrrolidone; polyoxyethylene-polyoxypropylene copolymers, also known as poloxamers; and polyethylene polyvinyl alcohol copolymers.

[1152] Another class of polymers suitable for use with the present invention comprises ionizable non-cellulosic polymers. Exemplary polymers include: carboxylic acid-functionalized vinyl polymers, such as the carboxylic acid functionalized polymethacrylates and carboxylic acid functionalized polyacrylates such as the EUDRAGITS® manufactured by Rohm Tech Inc., of Malden, Mass.; amine-functionalized polyacrylates and polymethacrylates; proteins; and carboxylic acid functionalized starches such as starch glycolate.

[1153] Non-cellulosic polymers that are amphiphilic are copolymers of a relatively hydrophilic and a relatively hydrophobic monomer. Examples include acrylate and methacrylate copolymers, and polyoxyethylene-polyoxypropylene copolymers. Exemplary commercial grades of such copolymers include the EUDRAGITS, which are copolymers of methacrylates and acrylates, and the PLURONICS supplied by BASF, which are polyoxyethylene-polyoxypropylene copolymers.

[1154] A preferred class of polymers comprises ionizable and neutral cellulosic polymers with at least one ester- and/or ether-linked substituent in which the polymer has a degree of substitution of at least 0.1 for each substituent.

[1155] It should be noted that in the polymer nomenclature used herein, ether-linked substituents are recited prior to “cellulose” as the moiety attached to the ether group; for example, “ethylbenzoic acid cellulose” has ethoxybenzoic acid substituents. Analogously, ester-linked substituents are recited after “cellulose” as the carboxylate; for example, “cellulose phthalate” has one carboxylic acid of each phthalate moiety ester-linked to the polymer and the other carboxylic acid unreacted.

[1156] It should also be noted that a polymer name such as “cellulose acetate phthalate” (CAP) refers to any of the family of cellulosic polymers that have acetate and phthalate groups attached via ester linkages to a significant fraction of the cellulosic polymer's hydroxyl groups. Generally, the degree of substitution of each substituent group can range from 0.1 to 2.9 as long as the other criteria of the polymer are met. “Degree of substitution” refers to the average number of the three hydroxyls per saccharide repeat unit on the cellulose chain that have been substituted. For example, if all of the hydroxyls on the cellulose chain have been phthalate substituted, the phthalate degree of substitution is 3. Also included within each polymer family type are cellulosic polymers that have additional substituents added in relatively small amounts that do not substantially alter the performance of the polymer.

[1157] Amphiphilic cellulosics comprise polymers in which the parent cellulosic polymer has been substituted at any or all of the 3 hydroxyl groups present on each saccharide repeat unit with at least one relatively hydrophobic substituent. Hydrophobic substituents may be essentially any substituent that, if substituted to a high enough level or degree of substitution, can render the cellulosic polymer essentially aqueous insoluble. Examples of hydrophobic substituents include ether-linked alkyl groups such as methyl, ethyl, propyl, butyl, etc.; or ester-linked alkyl groups such as acetate, propionate, butyrate, etc.; and ether- and/or ester-linked aryl groups such as phenyl, benzoate, or phenylate. Hydrophilic regions of the polymer can be either those portions that are relatively unsubstituted, since the unsubstituted hydroxyls are themselves relatively hydrophilic, or those regions that are substituted with hydrophilic substituents. Hydrophilic substituents include ether- or ester-linked nonionizable groups such as the hydroxy alkyl substituents hydroxyethyl, hydroxypropyl, and the alkyl ether groups such as ethoxyethoxy or methoxyethoxy. Particularly preferred hydrophilic substituents are those that are ether- or ester-linked ionizable groups such as carboxylic acids, thiocarboxylic acids, substituted phenoxy groups, amines, phosphates or sulfonates.

[1158] One class of cellulosic polymers comprises neutral polymers, meaning that the polymers are substantially non-ionizable in aqueous solution. Such polymers contain non-ionizable substituents, which may be either ether-linked or ester-linked. Exemplary ether-linked non-ionizable substituents include: alkyl groups, such as methyl, ethyl, propyl, butyl, etc.; hydroxy alkyl groups such as hydroxymethyl, hydroxyethyl, hydroxypropyl, etc.; and aryl groups such as phenyl. Exemplary ester-linked non-ionizable substituents include: alkyl groups, such as acetate, propionate, butyrate, etc.; and aryl groups such as phenylate. However, when aryl groups are included, the polymer may need to include a sufficient amount of a hydrophilic substituent so that the polymer has at least some water solubility at any physiologically relevant pH of from 1 to 8.

[1159] Exemplary non-ionizable polymers that may be used as the polymer include: hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose acetate, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose, hydroxypropyl cellulose, methyl cellulose, hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose, hydroxyethyl cellulose acetate, and hydroxyethyl ethyl cellulose.

[1160] A preferred set of neutral cellulosic polymers are those that are amphiphilic. Exemplary polymers include hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose and hydroxypropyl cellulose acetate, where cellulosic repeat units that have relatively high numbers of methyl or acetate substituents relative to the unsubstituted hydroxyl or hydroxypropyl substituents constitute hydrophobic regions relative to other repeat units on the polymer.

[1161] A preferred class of cellulosic polymers comprises polymers that are at least partially ionizable at physiologically relevant pH and include at least one ionizable substituent, which may be either ether-linked or ester-linked. Exemplary ether-linked ionizable substituents include: carboxylic acids, such as acetic acid, propionic acid, benzoic acid, salicylic acid, alkoxybenzoic acids such as ethoxybenzoic acid or propoxybenzoic acid, the various isomers of alkoxyphthalic acid such as ethoxyphthalic acid and ethoxyisophthalic acid, the various isomers of alkoxynicotinic acid such as ethoxynicotinic acid, and the various isomers of picolinic acid such as ethoxypicolinic acid, etc.; thiocarboxylic acids, such as thioacetic acid; substituted phenoxy groups, such as hydroxyphenoxy, etc.; amines, such as aminoethoxy, diethylaminoethoxy, trimethylaminoethoxy, etc.; phosphates, such as phosphate ethoxy; and sulfonates, such as sulphonate ethoxy. Exemplary ester linked ionizable substituents include: carboxylic acids, such as succinate, citrate, phthalate, terephthalate, isophthalate, trimellitate, and the various isomers of pyridinedicarboxylic acid, etc.; thiocarboxylic acids, such as thiosuccinate; substituted phenoxy groups, such as amino salicylic acid; amines, such as natural or synthetic amino acids, such as alanine or phenylalanine; phosphates, such as acetyl phosphate; and sulfonates, such as acetyl sulfonate. For aromatic-substituted polymers to also have the requisite aqueous solubility, it is also desirable that sufficient hydrophilic groups such as hydroxypropyl or carboxylic acid functional groups be attached to the polymer to render the polymer aqueous soluble at least at pH values where any ionizable groups are ionized. In some cases, the aromatic group may itself be ionizable, such as phthalate or trimellitate substituents.

[1162] Exemplary cellulosic polymers that are at least partially ionized at physiologically relevant pHs include: hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose acetate succinate, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose succinate, hydroxypropyl cellulose acetate succinate, hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose succinate, hydroxyethyl cellulose acetate succinate, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose phthalate, hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose acetate succinate, hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose acetate phthalate, carboxyethyl cellulose, carboxymethyl cellulose, carboxymethyl ethyl cellulose, cellulose acetate phthalate, methyl cellulose acetate phthalate, ethyl cellulose acetate phthalate, hydroxypropyl cellulose acetate phthalate, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose acetate phthalate, hydroxypropyl cellulose acetate phthalate succinate, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose acetate succinate phthalate, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose succinate phthalate, cellulose propionate phthalate, hydroxypropyl cellulose butyrate phthalate, cellulose acetate trimellitate, methyl cellulose acetate trimellitate, ethyl cellulose acetate trimellitate, hydroxypropyl cellulose acetate trimellitate, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose acetate trimellitate, hydroxypropyl cellulose acetate trimellitate succinate, cellulose propionate trimellitate, cellulose butyrate trimellitate, cellulose acetate terephthalate, cellulose acetate isophthalate, cellulose acetate pyridinedicarboxylate, salicylic acid cellulose acetate, hydroxypropyl salicylic acid cellulose acetate, ethylbenzoic acid cellulose acetate, hydroxypropyl ethylbenzoic acid cellulose acetate, ethyl phthalic acid cellulose acetate, ethyl nicotinic acid cellulose acetate, and ethyl picolinic acid cellulose acetate.

[1163] Exemplary cellulosic polymers that meet the definition of amphiphilic, having hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions include polymers such as cellulose acetate phthalate and cellulose acetate trimellitate where the cellulosic repeat units that have one or more acetate substituents are hydrophobic relative to those that have no acetate substituents or have one or more ionized phthalate or trimellitate substituents.

[1164] A particularly desirable subset of cellulosic ionizable polymers are those that possess both a carboxylic acid functional aromatic substituent and an alkylate substituent and thus are amphiphilic. Exemplary polymers include cellulose acetate phthalate, methyl cellulose acetate phthalate, ethyl cellulose acetate phthalate, hydroxypropyl cellulose acetate phthalate, hydroxylpropyl methyl cellulose phthalate, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose acetate phthalate, hydroxypropyl cellulose acetate phthalate succinate, cellulose propionate phthalate, hydroxypropyl cellulose butyrate phthalate, cellulose acetate trimellitate, methyl cellulose acetate trimellitate, ethyl cellulose acetate trimellitate, hydroxypropyl cellulose acetate trimellitate, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose acetate trimellitate, hydroxypropyl cellulose acetate trimellitate succinate, cellulose propionate trimellitate, cellulose butyrate trimellitate, cellulose acetate terephthalate, cellulose acetate isophthalate, cellulose acetate pyridinedicarboxylate, salicylic acid cellulose acetate, hydroxypropyl salicylic acid cellulose acetate, ethylbenzoic acid cellulose acetate, hydroxypropyl ethylbenzoic acid cellulose acetate, ethyl phthalic acid cellulose acetate, ethyl nicotinic acid cellulose acetate, and ethyl picolinic acid cellulose acetate.

[1165] Another particularly desirable subset of cellulosic ionizable polymers are those that possess a non-aromatic carboxylate substituent. Exemplary polymers include hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose acetate succinate, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose succinate, hydroxypropyl cellulose acetate succinate, hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose acetate succinate, hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose succinate, hydroxyethyl cellulose acetate succinate, and carboxymethyl ethyl cellulose.

[1166] While, as listed above, a wide range of polymers may be used to form dispersions of CETP inhibitors, the inventors have found that relatively hydrophobic polymers have shown the best performance as demonstrated by high MDC and AUC values. In particular, cellulosic polymers that are aqueous insoluble in their nonionized state but are aqueous soluble in their ionized state perform particularly well. A particular subclass of such polymers are the so-called “enteric” polymers which include, for example, certain grades of hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose phthalate and cellulose acetate trimellitate. Dispersions formed from such polymers generally show very large enhancements, on the order of 50-fold to over 1000-fold, in the maximum drug concentration achieved in dissolution tests relative to that for a crystalline drug control. In addition, non-enteric grades of such polymers as well as closely related cellulosic polymers are expected to perform well due to the similarities in physical properties within the CETP inhibitor class.

[1167] Thus, especially preferred polymers are hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose acetate succinate (HPMCAS), hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose phthalate (HPMCP), cellulose acetate phthalate (CAP), cellulose acetate trimellitate (CAT), methyl cellulose acetate phthalate, hydroxypropyl cellulose acetate phthalate, cellulose acetate terephthalate, cellulose acetate isophthalate, and carboxymethyl ethyl cellulose. The most preferred ionizable cellulosic polymers are hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose acetate succinate, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose phthalate, cellulose acetate phthalate, cellulose acetate trimellitate, and carboxymethyl ethyl cellulose.

[1168] One particularly effective polymer for forming dispersions of the present invention is carboxymethyl ethyl cellulose (CMEC). Dispersions made from CETP inhibitors and CMEC typically have high glass-transition temperatures at high relative humidities, due to the high glass-transition temperature of CMEC. As discussed below, such high Tgs result in solid amorphous dispersions with excellent physical stability. In addition, because all of the substituents on CMEC are attached to the cellulose backbone through ether linkages, CMEC has excellent chemical stability. Additionally, commercial grades of CMEC, such as that provided by Freund Industrial Company, Limited (Tokyo, Japan), are amphiphilic, leading to high degrees of concentration enhancement. Finally, hydrophobic CETP inhibitors often have a high solubility in CMEC allowing for formation of physically stable dispersions with high drug loadings.

[1169] A particularly effective CEP for use with CETPI is HPMCAS.

[1170] While specific polymers have been discussed as being suitable for use in the compositions of the present invention, blends of such polymers may also be suitable. Thus the term “polymer” is intended to include blends of polymers in addition to a single species of polymer.

[1171] To obtain the best performance, particularly upon storage for long times prior to use, it is preferred that the CETP inhibitor remain, to the extent possible, in the amorphous state. This is best achieved when the glass-transition temperature, Tg, of the amorphous CETPI material is substantially above the storage temperature of the composition. In particular, it is preferable that the Tg of the amorphous state of the CETPI be at least 40° C. and preferably at least 60° C. However, this is not always the case. For example, the Tg of amorphous Drug A is about 30° C. For those aspects of the invention in which the composition is a solid, substantially amorphous dispersion of a CETPI in the concentration-enhancing polymer, it is preferred that the concentration-enhancing polymer have a Tg of at least 40° C., preferably at least 70° C. and more preferably greater than 100° C. Exemplary high Tg polymers include HPMCAS, HPMCP, CAP, CAT, CMEC and other cellulosics that have alkylate or aromatic substituents or both alkylate and aromatic substituents.

[1172] In addition, the preferred polymers listed above, that is amphiphilic cellulosic polymers, tend to have greater concentration-enhancing properties relative to the other polymers of the present invention. Generally those concentration-enhancing polymers that have ionizable substituents tend to perform best. In vitro tests of compositions with such polymers tend to have higher MDC and AUC values than compositions with other polymers of the invention.

[1173] Preparation of Dispersions

[1174] Dispersions of a CETPI, e.g. Drug A, and concentration-enhancing polymer may be made according to any known process which results in at least a major portion (at least 60%) of the CETP inhibitor being in the amorphous state. Exemplary mechanical processes include milling and extrusion; melt processes include high temperature fusion, solvent modified fusion and melt-congeal processes; and solvent processes include non-solvent precipitation, spray coating and spray-drying. See, for example, U.S. Pat. No. 5,456,923, U.S. Pat. No. 5,939,099 and U.S. Pat. No. 4,801,460 which describe formation of dispersions via extrusion processes; U.S. Pat. No. 5,340,591 and U.S. Pat. No. 4,673,564 which describe forming dispersions by milling processes; and U.S. Pat. No. 5,684,040, U.S. Pat. No. 4,894,235 and U.S. Pat. No. 5,707,646 which describe the formation of dispersions via melt/congeal processes, the disclosures of which are incorporated by reference. Although the dispersions of the present invention may be made by any of these processes, the dispersions generally have their maximum bioavailability and stability when the CETP inhibitor is dispersed in the polymer such that it is substantially amorphous and substantially homogeneously distributed throughout the polymer.

[1175] In general, as the degree of homogeneity of the dispersion increases, the enhancement in the aqueous concentration of the CETP inhibitor and relative bioavailability increases as well. Given the extremely low aqueous solubility and bioavailability of CETPIs in general and Drug A in particular, it is highly preferred for the dispersions to be as homogeneous as possible to achieve therapeutically effective levels of the CETP inhibitor. Thus, most preferred are dispersions having a single glass transition temperature, which indicates a high degree of homogeneity.

[1176] In one embodiment, the solid amorphous dispersion of CETP inhibitor and concentration-enhancing polymer may be formed via a melt-congeal or extrusion process. Such processes are preferred when the CETP inhibitor has a relatively low melting point, typically less than about 200° C. and preferably less than about 150° C. In such processes, a molten mixture comprising the CETP inhibitor and concentration-enhancing polymer is rapidly solidified to form a solid amorphous dispersion. By “rapidly solidify”, it is meant solidify before the phases separate, in order to form a solid amorphous dispersion. By “molten mixture” is meant that the mixture comprising the CETP inhibitor and concentration-enhancing polymer is about 10° C. or more above the melting point of the lowest melting point excipient in the composition. The CETP inhibitor can exist in the molten mixture as a pure phase, as a solution of CETP inhibitor homogeneously distributed throughout the molten mixture, or any combination of these states or those states that lie intermediate between them. The molten mixture is preferably substantially homogeneous so that the CETP inhibitor is dispersed as homogeneously as possible throughout the molten mixture.

[1177] As indicated above, the temperature of the molten mixture should be about 10° C. or more above the melting point of the lowest melting point excipient in the composition. Generally, the processing temperature may vary from 50° C. up to about 200° C. or higher, depending on the melting point of the CETP inhibitor and polymer, which is a function of the polymer grade selected. However, the processing temperature should not be so high that degradation of the drug or polymer occurs. In some cases, the molten mixture should be formed under an inert atmosphere to prevent degradation of the drug and/or polymer at the processing temperature.

[1178] The molten mixture may also comprise an excipient that will reduce the melting temperature of the composition (either the drug and/or the polymer), allowing processing at lower temperature. These excipients can comprise up to 30 wt % of the molten mixture. For example, a plasticizer may be added to the composition to reduce the melting temperature of the polymer. Examples of plasticizers include water, triethylcitrate, triacetin, and dibutyl sebacate. Swelling agents for the polymer, such as acetone, methanol, and ethyl acetate, may also be added in low quantities to reduce the melting point of the composition. Examples of other excipients that can be added to the composition to reduce the processing temperature include low molecular weight polymers or oligomers, such as polyethylene glycol, polyvinylpyrrolidone, and poloxamers; fats and oils, including mono-, di-, and triglycerides; natural and synthetic waxes, such as carnauba wax, beeswax, microcrystalline wax, castor wax, and paraffin wax; long-chain alcohols, such as cetyl alcohol and stearyl alcohol; and long-chain fatty acids, such as stearic acid. When the excipient added is volatile, it may be removed from the solid amorphous dispersion after solidification.

[1179] Virtually any process may be used to form the molten mixture. One method involves melting the concentration-enhancing polymer in a vessel and then adding the CETP inhibitor to the molten polymer. Another method involves melting the CETP inhibitor in a vessel and then adding the concentration-enhancing polymer. In yet another method, a solid blend of the CETP inhibitor and concentration-enhancing polymer may be added to a vessel and the blend heated to form the molten mixture.

[1180] Once the molten mixture is formed, it may be mixed to ensure the CETP inhibitor is homogeneously distributed throughout the molten mixture. Such mixing may be done using mechanical means, such as overhead mixers, magnetically driven mixers and stir bars, planetary mixers, and homogenizers. Optionally, when the molten mixture is formed in a vessel, the contents of the vessel can be pumped out of the vessel and through an in-line or static mixer and then returned to the vessel. The amount of shear used to mix the molten mixture should be sufficiently high to ensure uniform distribution of the drug in the molten mixture. The molten mixture can be mixed from a few minutes to several hours, the mixing time being dependent on the viscosity of the mixture and the solubility of the drug and any optional excipients in the concentration-enhancing polymer.

[1181] An alternative method of preparing the molten mixture is to use two vessels, melting the CETP inhibitor in the first vessel and the concentration-enhancing polymer in a second vessel. The two melts are then pumped through an in-line static mixer or extruder to produce the molten mixture that is then rapidly solidified.

[1182] Alternatively, the molten mixture can be generated using an extruder, such as a single-screw or twin-screw extruder, both well known in the art. In such devices, a solid feed of the composition is fed to the extruder whereby the combination of heat and shear forces produce a uniformly mixed molten mixture, which can then be rapidly solidified to form the solid amorphous dispersion. The solid feed can be prepared using methods well known in the art for obtaining solid mixtures with high content uniformity. Alternatively, the extruder may be equipped with two feeders, allowing the CETP inhibitor to be fed to the extruder through one feeder and the polymer through the other. Other excipients to reduce the processing temperature as described above may be included in the solid feed, or in the case of liquid excipients, such as water, may be injected into the extruder using methods well-known in the art.

[1183] The extruder should be designed such that it produces a molten mixture with the drug uniformly distributed throughout the composition. The various zones in the extruder should be heated to appropriate temperatures to obtain the desired extrudate temperature as well as the desired degree of mixing or shear, using procedures well known in the art.

[1184] When the drug has a high solubility in the concentration-enhancing polymer, a lower amount of mechanical energy will be required to form the dispersion. In such cases, the processing temperature may be below the melting temperature of the undispersed CETP inhibitor but greater than the melting point of the polymer, since the CETP inhibitor will dissolve into the molten polymer.

[1185] When the CETP inhibitor has a low solubility in the polymer, a higher amount of mechanical energy may be required to form the dispersion. Here, the processing temperature may need to be above the melting point of the CETP inhibitor and the polymer. A high amount of mechanical energy may be needed to mix the molten CETP inhibitor with the polymer to form a dispersion. Typically, the lowest processing temperature and an extruder design that imparts the lowest amount of mechanical energy (e.g., shear) that produces a satisfactory dispersion (substantially amorphous and substantially homogeneous) is chosen in order to minimize the exposure of the CETP inhibitor to harsh conditions.

[1186] Once the molten mixture of CETP inhibitor and concentration-enhancing polymer is formed, the mixture should be rapidly solidified to form the solid amorphous dispersion. By “rapidly solidified” is meant that the molten mixture is cooled sufficiently fast such that substantial phase separation of the drug and polymer does not occur. Typically, this means that the mixture should be solidified in less than about 10 minutes, preferably less than about 5 minutes, more preferably less than about 1 minute. If the mixture is not rapidly solidified, phase separation can occur, resulting in the formation of CETP inhibitor-rich phases and polymer-rich phases. Over time, the drug in the CETP inhibitor-rich phases can crystallize. Such compositions are therefore not substantially amorphous or substantially homogeneous and tend not to perform as well as those compositions that are rapidly solidified and are substantially amorphous and substantially homogeneous.

[1187] Another method for forming substantially amorphous and substantially homogeneous dispersions is by “solvent processing,” which consists of dissolution of the CETPI, e.g. Drug A, and one or more polymers in a common solvent. “Common” here means that the solvent, which can be a mixture of compounds, will simultaneously dissolve the drug and the polymer(s). After both the CETP inhibitor and the polymer have been dissolved, the solvent is rapidly removed by evaporation or by mixing with a non-solvent. Exemplary processes are spray-drying, spray-coating (pan-coating, fluidized bed coating, etc.), and precipitation by rapid mixing of the polymer and drug solution with CO2, water, or some other non-solvent. Preferably, removal of the solvent results in a solid dispersion which is substantially homogeneous. As described previously, in such substantially homogeneous dispersions, the CETP inhibitor is dispersed as homogeneously as possible throughout the polymer and can be thought of as a solid solution of CETP inhibitor dispersed in the polymer(s). When the resulting dispersion constitutes a solid solution of CETP inhibitor in polymer, the dispersion may be thermodynamically stable, meaning that the concentration of CETP inhibitor in the polymer is at or below its equilibrium value, or it may be considered a supersaturated solid solution where the CETP inhibitor concentration in the dispersion polymer(s) is above its equilibrium value.

[1188] The solvent may be removed through the process of spray-drying. The term spray-drying is used conventionally and broadly refers to processes involving breaking up liquid mixtures into small droplets (atomization) and rapidly removing solvent from the mixture in a container (spray-drying apparatus) where there is a strong driving force for evaporation of solvent from the droplets. The strong driving force for solvent evaporation is generally provided by maintaining the partial pressure of solvent in the spray-drying apparatus well below the vapor pressure of the solvent at the temperature of the drying droplets. This is accomplished by either (1) maintaining the pressure in the spray-drying apparatus at a partial vacuum (e.g., 0.01 to 0.50 atm); (2) mixing the liquid droplets with a warm drying gas; or (3) both. In addition, at least a portion of the heat required for evaporation of solvent may be provided by heating the spray solution.

[1189] Solvents suitable for spray-drying can be any organic compound in which the CETPI and polymer are mutually soluble. Preferably, the solvent is also volatile with a boiling point of 150° C. or less. In addition, the solvent should have relatively low toxicity and be removed from the dispersion to a level that is acceptable according to The International Committee on Harmonization (ICH) guidelines. Removal of solvent to this level may require a processing step such as tray-drying subsequent to the spray-drying or spray-coating process. Preferred solvents include alcohols such as methanol, ethanol, n-propanol, iso-propanol, and butanol; ketones such as acetone, methyl ethyl ketone and methyl iso-butyl ketone; esters such as ethyl acetate and propylacetate; and various other solvents such as acetonitrile, methylene chloride, toluene, and 1,1,1-trichloroethane. Lower volatility solvents such as dimethyl acetamide or dimethylsulfoxide can also be used. Mixtures of solvents, such as 50% methanol and 50% acetone, can also be used, as can mixtures with water as long as the polymer and CETPI are sufficiently soluble to make the spray-drying process practicable. Generally, due to the hydrophobic nature of CETPIs, non-aqueous solvents are preferred meaning that the solvent comprises less than about 10 wt % water, and preferably less than 1 wt % water.

[1190] Generally, the temperature and flow rate of the drying gas is chosen so that the polymer/drug-solution droplets are dry enough by the time they reach the wall of the apparatus that they are essentially solid, and so that they form a fine powder and do not stick to the apparatus wall. The actual length of time to achieve this level of dryness depends on the size of the droplets. Droplet sizes generally range from 1 μm to 500 μm in diameter, with 5 μm to 100 μm being more typical. The large surface-to-volume ratio of the droplets and the large driving force for evaporation of solvent leads to actual drying times of a few seconds or less, and more typically less than 0.1 second. This rapid drying is often critical to the particles maintaining a uniform, homogeneous dispersion instead of separating into drug-rich and polymer-rich phases. As above, to get large enhancements in concentration and bioavailability it is often necessary to obtain as homogeneous of a dispersion as possible. Solidification times should be less than 100 seconds, preferably less than a few seconds, and more preferably less than 1 second. In general, to achieve this rapid solidification of the CETP inhibitor/polymer solution, it is preferred that the size of droplets formed during the spray-drying process are less than about 100 μm in diameter. The resultant solid particles thus formed are generally less than about 100 μm in diameter.

[1191] Following solidification, the solid powder typically stays in the spray-drying chamber for about 5 to 60 seconds, further evaporating solvent from the solid powder. The final solvent content of the solid dispersion as it exits the dryer should be low, since this reduces the mobility of CETP inhibitor molecules in the dispersion, thereby improving its stability. Generally, the solvent content of the dispersion as it leaves the spray-drying chamber should be less than 10 wt % and preferably less than 2 wt %. In some cases, it may be preferable to spray a solvent or a solution of a polymer or other excipient into the spray-drying chamber to form granules, so long as the dispersion is not adversely affected.

[1192] Spray-drying processes and spray-drying equipment are described generally in Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, Sixth Edition (R. H. Perry, D. W. Green, J. O. Maloney, eds.) McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1984, pages 20-54 to 20-57. More details on spray-drying processes and equipment are reviewed by Marshall “Atomization and Spray-Drying,” 50 Chem. Eng. Prog. Monogr. Series 2 (1954).

[1193] For CETPIs, spray-drying is a preferred method for forming a dispersion in a CEP. For CETPIs, a preferred CEP is HPMCAS and a preferred solvent for spray-drying is acetone.

[1194] For Drug A, spray-drying is a preferred method for forming a dispersion in a CEP. For Drug A, a preferred CEP is HPMCAS and a preferred solvent for spray-drying is acetone.

[1195] The amount of concentration-enhancing polymer relative to the amount of CETP inhibitor present in the dispersions of the present invention depends on the CETP inhibitor and polymer and may vary widely from a CETP inhibitor-to-polymer weight ratio of from 0.01 to about 4 (e.g., 1 wt % CETP inhibitor to 80 wt % CETP inhibitor). However, in most cases it is preferred that the CETP inhibitor-to-polymer ratio is greater than about 0.05 (4.8 wt % CETP inhibitor) and less than about 2.5 (71 wt % CETP inhibitor). Often the enhancement in CETP inhibitor concentration or relative bioavailability that is observed increases as the CETP inhibitor-to-polymer ratio decreases from a value of about 1 (50 wt % CETP inhibitor) to a value of about 0.11 (10, wt % CETP inhibitor). In some cases it has been found that the bioavailability of dispersions with a CETP-inhibitor-to-polymer ratio of about 0.33 (25 wt % CETP inhibitor) have higher bioavailability when dosed orally than dispersions with a CETP-inhibitor-to-polymer ratio of 0.11 (10 wt % CETP inhibitor). The CETP inhibitor:polymer ratio that yields optimum results varies from CETP inhibitor to CETP inhibitor and is best determined in in vitro dissolution tests and/or in vivo bioavailability tests.

[1196] For CETPIs, it is preferred that the CETPI-to-polymer ratio is greater than about 0.05 (4.8 wt % CETPI) and less than about 2.5 (71 wt % CETPI).

[1197] For Drug A, it is preferred that the Drug A-to-polymer ratio is greater than about 0.05 (4.8 wt % Drug A) and less than about 2.5 (71 wt % Drug A).

[1198] In addition, the amount of concentration-enhancing polymer that can be used in a dosage form is often limited by the total mass requirements of the dosage form. For example, when oral dosing to a human is desired, at low CETP inhibitor-to-polymer ratios the total mass of drug and polymer may be unacceptably large for delivery of the desired dose in a single tablet or capsule. Thus, it is often necessary to use CETP inhibitor-to-polymer ratios that are less than optimum in specific dosage forms to provide a sufficient CETP inhibitor dose in a dosage form that is small enough to be easily delivered to a use environment.

[1199] Means to Prevent Precipitation

[1200] The optional “means to prevent precipitation” refers to any material which is added to the composition which slows the precipitation of the CETPI in an environment of use, after the CETPI has supersaturated that environment of use relative to an equilibrium concentration of crystalline CETPI.

[1201] The concentration-enhancing polymers (CEPs) of the dispersions described above may serve two purposes. First, in a dispersion with a CETPI, they provide a CETPI form which is capable of supersaturating an environment of use. Second, they inhibit precipitation of the CETPI once the CETPI has supersaturated an environment of use. In other words, the concentration-enhancing polymers described and enumerated in detail above may also serve as precipitation-inhibiting polymers, once the CETPI/polymer dispersion supersaturates the environment of use with CETPI.

[1202] These same precipitation-inhibiting polymers may be physically mixed with a solubility-enhanced form of the CETPI. This solubility-enhanced form may be a dispersion of the CETPI in a concentration-enhancing polymer or low molecular weight material (MW<2000 daltons), which may then be blended with a precipitation-inhibiting polymer. The solubility-enhanced form may be substantially pure amorphous CETPI, which may be blended with a precipitation-inhibiting polymer. The solubility-enhanced form may comprise nanoparticles, i.e. solid drug particles of diameter less than approximately 900 nm, optionally stabilized by small quantities of surfactants or polymers, as described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,145,684 (incorporated herein by reference). The solubility-enhanced form may comprise adsorbates of the drug in a crosslinked polymer, as described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,225,192 (incorporated herein by reference). The nanoparticles or adsorbates of these disclosures are physically blended with a PIP. The solubility-enhanced form to be mixed with a PIP may also comprise forms of the type disclosed in commonly assigned copending U.S. provisional Patent Application No. 60/300,314, filed Jun. 22, 2001, which is incorporated in its entirety by reference. The solubility enhanced form may also comprise high energy crystalline forms mixed with the precipitation inhibiting polymer, as described more fully in commonly assigned U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/742,785, filed Dec. 20, 2000, herein incorporated by reference.

[1203] The preferred precipitation-inhibiting polymers of this invention are the same as the preferred concentration-enhancing polymers of this invention.

[1204] More than one precipitation-inhibiting polymer may be incorporated in the formulations of this invention.

[1205] Controlled Release Means

[1206] Matrix Tablets

[1207] Compositions of this invention are administered in a controlled release dosage form. In one such dosage form, the composition of the CETP inhibitor and polymer is incorporated into an erodible polymeric matrix device. By an erodible matrix is meant aqueous-erodible or water-swellable or aqueous-soluble in the sense of being either erodible or swellable or dissolvable in pure water or requiring the presence of an acid or base to ionize the polymeric matrix sufficiently to cause erosion or dissolution. When contacted with the aqueous environment of use, the erodible polymeric matrix imbibes water and forms an aqueous-swollen gel or “matrix” that entraps the solubility-enhanced form, such as a solid amorphous dispersion of CETP inhibitor and polymer. The aqueous-swollen matrix gradually erodes, swells, disintegrates or dissolves in the environment of use, thereby controlling the release of the dispersion to the environment of use. Examples of such dosage forms are disclosed more fully in commonly assigned pending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/495,059 filed Jan. 31, 2000 which claimed the benefit of priority of provisional patent application Serial No. 60/119,400 filed Feb. 10, 1999, the relevant disclosure of which is herein incorporated by reference.

[1208] The erodible polymeric matrix into which the solubility-enhanced form, such as a solid dispersion, is incorporated may generally be described as a set of excipients that are mixed with the dispersion following its formation that, when contacted with the aqueous environment of use imbibes water and forms a water-swollen gel or “matrix” that entraps the dispersion. Drug release may occur by a variety of mechanisms: the matrix may disintegrate or dissolve from around the dispersion particles or granules; or the drug may dissolve in the imbibed aqueous solution and diffuse from the tablet, beads or granules of the dosage form. A key ingredient of this water-swollen matrix is the water-swellable, erodible, or soluble polymer, which may generally be described as a osmopolymer, hydrogel or water-swellable polymer. Such polymers may be linear, branched, or crosslinked. They may be homopolymers or copolymers. Although they may be synthetic polymers derived from vinyl, acrylate, methacrylate, urethane, ester and oxide monomers, they are most preferably derivatives of naturally occurring polymers such as polysaccharides or proteins.

[1209] Such materials include naturally occurring polysaccharides such as chitin, chitosan, dextran and pullulan; gum agar, gum arabic, gum karaya, locust bean gum, gum tragacanth, carrageenans, gum ghalti, guar gum, xanthan gum and scleroglucan; starches such as dextrin and maltodextrin; hydrophilic colloids such as pectin; phosphatides such as lecithin; alginates such as ammonia alginate, sodium, potassium or calcium alginate, propylene glycol alginate; gelatin; collagen; and cellulosics.

[1210] A preferred class of cellulosics for the erodible matrix comprises aqueous-soluble and aqueous-erodible cellulosics such as ethyl cellulose (EC), methylethyl cellulose (MEC), carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), CMEC, hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC), hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC), cellulose acetate (CA), cellulose propionate (CP), cellulose butyrate (CB), cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB), CAP, CAT, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC), HPMCP, HPMCAS, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose acetate trimellitate (HPMCAT), and ethylhydroxy ethylcellulose (EHEC). A particularly preferred class of such cellulosics comprises various grades of low viscosity (MW less than or equal to 50,000 daltons) and high viscosity (MW greater than 50,000 daltons) HPMC. Commercially available low viscosity HPMC polymers include the Dow METHOCEL series E5, E15LV, E50LV and K100LY, while high viscosity HPMC polymers include E4MCR, E10MCR, K4M, K15M and K100M; especially preferred in this group are the METHOCEL (Trademark) K series. Other commercially available types of HPMC include the Shin Etsu METOLOSE 90SH series.

[1211] Although the primary role of the erodible matrix material is to control the rate of release of drug to the environment of use, the inventors have found that the choice of matrix material can have a large effect on the maximum drug concentration attained by the controlled-release dosage form as well as the maintenance of a high drug concentration. The proper choice of polymer in turn affects the bioavailability of the drug. It has been found that water-soluble cellulosics such as certain grades of methyl cellulose (MC) or HPMC, when used as the primary rate-controlling matrix material, can result in higher maximum drug concentrations in vitro relative to other conventional matrix polymers such as polyoxamers (e.g., PEO or PEG) or carboxylic acid polymers such as CMC or calcium CMC or polyacrylic acids such as Carbopol. Thus, an especially preferred embodiment of the invention comprises a solid substantially amorphous dispersion of drug in a cellulosic polymer incorporated into controlled-release beads, granules, or tablets wherein the matrix polymer comprises an aqueous-soluble cellulosic. Exemplary of such cellulosics are MC, HEC, HPC, hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose, HPMC, and other closely related water-soluble polymers. Preferably, the matrix material comprises MC or HPMC.

[1212] Other materials useful as the erodible matrix material include, but are not limited to, pullulan, polyvinyl pyrrolidone, polyvinyl alcohol, polyvinyl acetate, glycerol fatty acid esters, polyacrylamide, polyacrylic acid, copolymers of ethacrylic acid or methacrylic acid (EUDRAGIT®), Rohm America, Inc., Piscataway, N.J.) and other acrylic acid derivatives such as homopolymers and copolymers of butylmethacrylate, methylmethacrylate, ethylmethacrylate, ethylacrylate, (2-dimethylaminoethyl)methacrylate, and (trimethylaminoethyl) methacrylate chloride.

[1213] The erodible matrix polymer may contain concentration-enhancing dispersion polymers and precipitation-inhibiting polymers of the type discussed above. In addition, the erodible matrix polymer may contain a wide variety of the same types of additives and excipients known in the pharmaceutical arts and discussed above, including osmopolymers, osmagens, solubility-enhancing or -retarding agents and excipients that promote stability or processing of the dosage form.

[1214] Alternatively, the compositions of the present invention may be administered by or incorporated into a non-erodible matrix device.

[1215] Osmotic Tablets

[1216] Alternatively, the compositions of the invention may be delivered using a coated osmotic controlled release dosage form. This dosage form has two components: (a) the core which contains an osmotic agent and the solubility-enhanced form of the CETPI, such as a solid amorphous dispersion of CETP inhibitor and concentration-enhancing polymer, or amorphous CETPI blended with a PIP; and (b) a non-dissolving and non-eroding coating surrounding the core, the coating controlling the influx of water to the core from an aqueous environment of use so as to cause drug release by extrusion of some or all of the core to the environment of use. The osmotic agent contained in the core of this device may be an aqueous-swellable hydrophilic polymer, osmogen, or osmagent. The coating is preferably polymeric, aqueous-permeable, and has at least one delivery port. Examples of such dosage forms are disclosed more fully in commonly assigned pending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/495,061 filed Jan. 31, 2000 which claimed the benefit of priority of provisional Patent Application Serial No. 60/119,406 filed Feb. 10, 1999, the relevant disclosure of which is herein incorporated by reference.

[1217] Osmotic Tablets—the Osmotic Agent

[1218] In addition to the solubility-enhanced form, such as solid amorphous drug dispersions, the core of the osmotic tablet of the present invention includes an “osmotic agent.” By “osmotic agent” is meant any agent which creates a driving force for transport of water from the environment of use into the core of the device. Exemplary osmotic agents are water-swellable hydrophilic polymers, and osmogens (or osmagens). Thus, the core may include water-swellable hydrophilic polymers, both ionic and nonionic, often referred to as “osmopolymers” and “hydrogels.” The amount of water-swellable hydrophilic polymers present in the core may range from about 5 to about 80 wt %, preferably 10 to 50 wt %. Exemplary materials include hydrophilic vinyl and acrylic polymers, polysaccharides such as calcium alginate, polyethylene oxide (PEO), polyethylene glycol (PEG), polypropylene glycol (PPG), poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate), poly(acrylic) acid, poly(methacrylic) acid, polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and crosslinked PVP, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), PVA/PVP copolymers and PVA/PVP copolymers with hydrophobic monomers such as methyl methacrylate, vinyl acetate, and the like, hydrophilic polyurethanes containing large PEO blocks, sodium croscarmellose, carrageenan, hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC), hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC), hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC), carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and carboxyethyl cellulose (CEC), sodium alginate, polycarbophil, gelatin, xanthan gum, and sodium starch glycolate. Other materials include hydrogels comprising interpenetrating networks of polymers which may be formed by addition or by condensation polymerization, the components of which may comprise hydrophilic and hydrophobic monomers such as those just mentioned. Preferred polymers for use as the water-swellable hydrophilic polymers include PEO, PEG, PVP, sodium croscarmellose, HPMC, sodium starch glycolate, polyacrylic acid and crosslinked versions or mixtures thereof. In one embodiment of the invention the osmotic agent and the concentration-enhancing polymer can comprise the same polymeric material.

[1219] The core may also include an osmogen or osmagent. The amount of osmogen present in the core may range from about 2 to about 70 wt %, preferably 10 to 50 wt %. Typical classes of suitable osmogens are water-soluble organic acids, salts and sugars that are capable of imbibing water to thereby effect an osmotic pressure gradient across the barrier of the surrounding coating. Typical useful osmogens include magnesium sulfate, magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, sodium chloride, lithium chloride, potassium sulfate, sodium carbonate, sodium sulfite, lithium sulfate, potassium chloride, sodium sulfate, mannitol, xylitol, urea, sorbitol, inositol, raffinose, sucrose, glucose, fructose, lactose, citric acid, succinic acid, tartaric acid, and mixtures thereof. Particularly preferred osmogens are glucose, lactose, sucrose, mannitol, xylitol and sodium chloride.

[1220] Osmotic Tablets—Other Core Components

[1221] The core may include a wide variety of additives and excipients that enhance drug solubility or that promote stability, tableting or processing. Such additives and excipients include tableting aids, surfactants, water-soluble polymers, pH modifiers, fillers, binders, pigments, disintegrants, antioxidants, lubricants and flavorants. Exemplary of such components are microcrystalline cellulose; metallic salts of acids such as aluminum stearate, calcium stearate, magnesium stearate, sodium stearate, and zinc stearate; fatty acids, hydrocarbons and fatty alcohols such as stearic acid, palmitic acid, liquid paraffin, stearyl alcohol, and palmitol; fatty acid esters such as glyceryl (mono- and di-) stearates, triglycerides, glyceryl (palmiticstearic) ester, sorbitan monostearate, saccharose monostearate, saccharose monopalmitate, and sodium stearyl fumarate; alkyl sulfates such as sodium lauryl sulfate and magnesium lauryl sulfate; polymers such as polyethylene glycols, polyoxethylene glycols, and polytetrafluoroethylene; and inorganic materials such as talc and dicalcium phosphate; sugars such as lactose and xylitol; and sodium starch glycolate. Examples of disintegrants are sodium starch glycolate (e.g., Explotab™), microcrystalline cellulose (e.g., Avicel™), microcrystalline silicified cellulose (e.g., ProSolv™) and croscarmellose sodium (e.g., Ac-Di-Sol™).

[1222] The core may also include solubility-enhancing agents that promote the water solubility of the drug, present in an amount ranging from about 5 to about 50 wt %. Examples of suitable solubility-enhancing agents include surfactants; pH control agents such as buffers, organic acids and organic acid salts and organic and inorganic bases; glycerides; partial glycerides; glyceride derivatives; polyoxyethylene and polyoxypropylene ethers and their copolymers; sorbitan esters; polyoxyethylene sorbitan esters; carbonate salts; alkyl sulfonates; and cyclodextrins.

[1223] When the solubility-enhanced form is a solid amorphous dispersion formed by a solvent process, such solubility-enhancing and other additives may be added directly to the spray-drying solution when forming the CETPI/CEP dispersion such that the additive is dissolved or suspended in the solution as a slurry. Alternatively, such additives may be added following the spray-drying process to aid in forming the final dosage form.

[1224] Osmotic Tablets—the Coating

[1225] The essential constraints on the coating for the osmotic tablet embodiment are that it be water-permeable, have at least one port for the delivery of drug, and be non-dissolving and non-eroding during release of the drug formulation, such that drug is substantially entirely delivered through the delivery port(s) or pores as opposed to delivery primarily via permeation through the coating material itself. By “delivery port” is meant any passageway, opening or pore whether made mechanically, by laser drilling, by pore formation either during the coating process or in situ during use or by rupture during use. The coating should be present in an amount ranging from about 5 to 30 wt %, preferably 10 to 20 wt % relative to the core weight.

[1226] A preferred form of coating is a semipermeable polymeric membrane that has the port(s) formed therein either prior to or during use. Thickness of such a polymeric membrane may vary between about 20 and 800 μm, and is preferably in the range of 100 to 500 μm. The delivery port(s) should generally range in size from 0.1 to 3000 μm or greater, preferably on the order of 50 to 3000 μm in diameter. Such port(s) may be formed post-coating by mechanical or laser drilling or may be formed in situ by rupture of the coatings; such rupture may be controlled by intentionally incorporating a relatively small weak portion into the coating. Delivery ports may also be formed in situ by erosion of a plug of water-soluble material or by rupture of a thinner portion of the coating over an indentation in the core. In addition, delivery ports may be formed during coating, as in the case of asymmetric membrane coatings of the type disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,612,059 and 5,698,220, the disclosures of which are incorporated by reference.

[1227] When the delivery port is formed in situ by rupture of the coating, a particularly preferred embodiment is a collection of beads that may be of essentially identical or of a variable composition. Drug is primarily released from such beads following rupture of the coating and, following rupture, such release may be gradual or relatively sudden. When the collection of beads has a variable composition, the composition may be chosen such that the beads rupture at various times following administration, resulting in the overall release of drug being sustained for a desired duration.

[1228] Coatings may be dense, microporous or “asymmetric,” having a dense region supported by a thick porous region such as those disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,612,059 and 5,698,220. When the coating is dense the coating is composed of a water-permeable material. When the coating is porous, it may be composed of either a water-permeable or a water-impermeable material. When the coating is composed of a porous water-impermeable material, water permeates through the pores of the coating as either a liquid or a vapor.

[1229] Examples of osmotic devices that utilize such dense coatings include U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,995,631 and 3,845,770, the disclosures of which pertaining to dense coatings are incorporated herein by reference. Such dense coatings are permeable to the external fluid such as water and may be composed of any of the materials mentioned in these patents as well as other water-permeable polymers known in the art.

[1230] The membranes may also be porous as disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,654,005 and 5,458,887 or even be formed from water-resistant polymers. U.S. Pat. No. 5,120,548 describes another suitable process for forming coatings from a mixture of a water-insoluble polymer and a leachable water-soluble additive, the pertinent disclosures of which are incorporated herein by reference. The porous membranes may also be formed by the addition of pore-formers as disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,612,008, the pertinent disclosures of which are incorporated herein by reference.

[1231] In addition, vapor-permeable coatings may even be formed from extremely hydrophobic materials such as polyethylene or polyvinylidene difluoride that, when dense, are essentially water-impermeable, as long as such coatings are porous.

[1232] Materials useful in forming the coating include various grades of acrylics, vinyls, ethers, polyamides, polyesters and cellulosic derivatives that are water-permeable and water-insoluble at physiologically relevant pHs, or are susceptible to being rendered water-insoluble by chemical alteration such as by crosslinking.

[1233] Specific examples of suitable polymers (or crosslinked versions) useful in forming the coating include plasticized, unplasticized and reinforced cellulose acetate (CA), cellulose diacetate, cellulose triacetate, CA propionate, cellulose nitrate, cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB), CA ethyl carbamate, CAP, CA methyl carbamate, CA succinate, cellulose acetate trimellitate (CAT), CA dimethylaminoacetate, CA ethyl carbonate, CA chloroacetate, CA ethyl oxalate, CA methyl sulfonate, CA butyl sulfonate, CA p-toluene sulfonate, agar acetate, amylose triacetate, beta glucan acetate, beta glucan triacetate, acetaldehyde dimethyl acetate, triacetate of locust bean gum, hydroxiated ethylene-vinylacetate, EC, PEG, PPG, PEG/PPG copolymers, PVP, HEC, HPC, CMC, CMEC, HPMC, HPMCP, HPMCAS, HPMCAT, poly(acrylic) acids and esters and poly-(methacrylic) acids and esters and copolymers thereof, starch, dextran, dextrin, chitosan, collagen, gelatin, polyalkenes, polyethers, polysulfones, polyethersulfones, polystyrenes, polyvinyl halides, polyvinyl esters and ethers, natural waxes and synthetic waxes.

[1234] A preferred coating composition comprises a cellulosic polymer, in particular cellulose ethers, cellulose esters and cellulose ester-ethers, i.e., cellulosic derivatives having a mixture of ester and ether substituents.

[1235] Another preferred class of coating materials are poly(acrylic) acids and esters, poly(methacrylic) acids and esters, and copolymers thereof.

[1236] A more preferred coating composition comprises cellulose acetate. An even more preferred coating comprises a cellulosic polymer and PEG. A most preferred coating comprises cellulose acetate and PEG.

[1237] Coating is conducted in conventional fashion, typically by dissolving the coating material in a solvent and then coating by dipping, spray-coating or preferably by pan-coating. A preferred coating solution contains 5 to 15 wt % polymer. Typical solvents useful with the cellulosic polymers mentioned above include acetone, methyl acetate, ethyl acetate, isopropyl acetate, n-butyl acetate, methyl isobutyl ketone, methyl propyl ketone, ethylene glycol monoethyl ether, ethylene glycol monoethyl acetate, methylene dichloride, ethylene dichloride, propylene dichloride, nitroethane, nitropropane, tetrachloroethane, 1,4-dioxane, tetrahydrofuran, diglyme, and mixtures thereof. Pore-formers and non-solvents (such as water, glycerol and ethanol) or plasticizers (such as diethyl phthalate) may also be added in any amount as long as the polymer remains soluble at the spray temperature. Pore-formers and their use in fabricating coatings are described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,612,059, the pertinent disclosures of which are incorporated herein by reference.

[1238] Coatings may also be hydrophobic microporous layers wherein the pores are substantially filled with a gas and are not wetted by the aqueous medium but are permeable to water vapor, as disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,798,119, the pertinent disclosures of which are incorporated herein by reference. Such hydrophobic but water-vapor permeable coatings are typically composed of hydrophobic polymers such as polyalkenes, polyacrylic acid derivatives, polyethers, polysulfones, polyethersulfones, polystyrenes, polyvinyl halides, polyvinyl esters and ethers, natural waxes and synthetic waxes. Especially preferred hydrophobic microporous coating materials include polystyrene, polysulfones, polyethersulfones, polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, polyvinylidene fluoride and polytetrafluoroethylene. Such hydrophobic coatings can be made by known phase inversion methods using any of vapor-quench, liquid quench, thermal processes, leaching soluble material from the coating or by sintering coating particles. In thermal processes, a solution of polymer in a latent solvent is brought to liquid-liquid phase separation in a cooling step. When evaporation of the solvent is not prevented, the resulting membrane will typically be porous. Such coating processes may be conducted by the processes disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,247,498; 4,490,431 and 4,744,906, the disclosures of which are also incorporated herein by reference.

[1239] Another embodiment of sustained release osmotic dosage forms of this invention comprises an osmotic drug-containing tablet which is surrounded by an asymmetric membrane, where said asymmetric membrane possesses one or more thin dense regions in addition to less dense porous regions. This type of membrane, similar to those used in the reverse-osmosis industry, generally allows higher osmotic fluxes of water than can be obtained with a dense membrane. When applied to a drug formulation, e.g. a tablet, such an asymmetric membrane allows high drug fluxes and well-controlled sustained drug release. This asymmetric membrane comprises a semipermeable polymeric material, that is, a material which is permeable to water, and substantially impermeable to salts and organic solutes such as drugs.

[1240] Materials useful for forming such an asymmetric semipermeable membrane include polyamides, polyesters and cellulose derivatives. Preferred are cellulose ethers and esters. Especially preferred are CA, CAB and EC. Especially useful materials include those which spontaneously form one or more exit passageways, either during manufacturing or when placed in an environment of use. These preferred materials comprise porous polymers, the pores of which are formed by phase inversion during manufacturing, as described above, or by dissolution of a water-soluble component present in the membrane.

[1241] The asymmetric membrane is formed by a phase-inversion process. The coating polymer, e.g., EC or CA, is dissolved in a mixed solvent system comprising a mixture of solvents (e.g., acetone) and non-solvents (e.g., water) for the polymer. The components of the mixed solvent are chosen such that the solvent (e.g. acetone) is more volatile than the non-solvent (e.g. water). When a tablet is contacted with such a solution and dried, the solvent component of the solvent mixture evaporates more quickly than the non-solvent. This change in solvent composition during drying causes the solution to separate into two phases so that, when solid, the polymer on the tablet is a porous solid with a thin dense outer region. This outer region possesses multiple pores through which drug can be delivered as a solution or a suspension of drug particles, which particles may be crystalline, amorphous or a drug/polymer dispersion.

[1242] In a preferred embodiment of an asymmetric membrane-coated tablet, the polymer/solvent/non-solvent mixture is sprayed onto a bed of tablets in a tablet-coating apparatus such as a Freund HCT-60 tablet coater. In this process, the tablet is coated with thick porous regions, and with a final outer thin dense region.

[1243] In the environment of use such as the GI tract, water is imbibed through the semipermeable asymmetric membrane into the tablet core. As soluble material in the tablet core dissolves, an osmotic pressure gradient across the membrane builds. When the hydrostatic pressure within the membrane enclosed core exceeds the pressure of the environment of use, the drug-containing solution is “pumped” out of the dosage form via the delivery port(s) through the semipermeable membrane. In addition the hydrostatic pressure may cause the formation of pores or even large delivery port(s) by rupture of a portion of the coating. The relatively constant osmotic pressure difference across the membrane results in a constant, well-controlled delivery of drug to the use environment. A portion of the drug dissolved in the tablet also exits via diffusion.

[1244] In this asymmetric-membrane-coated tablet embodiment, the drug may be incorporated into the dispersion in its neutral form or as a salt. It is often desirable to include one or more solubilizing excipients, such as ascorbic acid, erythorbic acid, citric acid, tartaric acid, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, glycerides, partial glycerides, glyceride derivatives, PEG, PEG esters, PPG esters, polyhydric alcohol esters, polyoxyethylene ethers, sorbitan esters, polyoxyethylene sorbitan esters, saccharide esters, phospholipids, polyethylene oxide-polypropylene oxide block co-polymers. Most preferred are the solubilizing excipients ascorbic acid, aspartic acid, citric acid, tartaric acid, glyceryl monocaprylate, glyceryl monostearate, glycerol monolaurate, and C8-C10 partial glycerides.

[1245] Osmotic Tablets—Use and Fabrication

[1246] In use, the core imbibes water through the coating from the environment of use such as the GI tract so as to increase the pressure within the core. The pressure difference between the core and the device's exterior drives the delivery of the core's contents. Because the coating remains intact, the drug formulation is extruded out of the core through the delivery port(s) into the environment of use, either primarily as a solution of drug or as a suspension of drug; when delivered as a suspension, the drug formulation subsequently dissolves in the GI tract.

[1247] Bilayer Osmotic Tablets

[1248] A preferred embodiment of osmotic delivery devices consists of a drug layer containing the solubility-enhanced form of the CETPI, such as a solid amorphous drug/polymer dispersion, and a sweller layer that comprises a water-swellable polymer, with a coating surrounding the drug layer and sweller layer. Each layer may contain other excipients such as tableting aids, osmagents, surfactants, water-soluble polymers and water-swellable polymers.

[1249] Such osmotic delivery devices may be fabricated in various geometries including bilayer, wherein the core comprises a drug layer and a sweller layer adjacent to each other; trilayer, wherein the core comprises a sweller layer “sandwiched” between two drug layers; and concentric, wherein the core comprises a central sweller composition surrounded by the drug layer.

[1250] The coating of such a tablet comprises a membrane permeable to water but substantially impermeable to drug and excipients contained within. The coating contains one or more exit passageways or ports in communication with the drug-containing layer(s) for delivering the drug composition. The drug-containing layer(s) of the core contains the drug composition (including optional osmagents and hydrophilic water-soluble polymers), while the sweller layer consists of an expandable hydrogel, with or without additional osmotic agents.

[1251] When placed in an aqueous medium, the tablet imbibes water through the membrane, causing the composition to form a dispensable aqueous composition, and causing the hydrogel layer to expand and push against the drug-containing composition, forcing the composition out of the exit passageway. The composition can swell, aiding in forcing the drug out of the passageway. Drug can be delivered from this type of delivery system either dissolved or dispersed in the composition that is expelled from the exit passageway.

[1252] The rate of drug delivery is controlled by such factors as the permeability and thickness of the coating, the osmotic pressure of the drug-containing layer, the degree of hydrophilicity of the hydrogel layer, and the surface area of the device. Those skilled in the art will appreciate that increasing the thickness of the coating will reduce the release rate, while any of the following will increase the release rate: increasing the permeability of the coating; increasing the hydrophilicity of the hydrogel layer; increasing the osmotic pressure of the drug-containing layer; or increasing the device's surface area.

[1253] Exemplary materials useful in forming the drug-containing composition, in addition to the solubility-enhanced form of the drug itself (such as a solid amorphous dispersion), include HPMC, PEO and PVP and other pharmaceutically acceptable carriers. In addition, osmagents such as sugars or salts, especially sucrose, lactose, xylitol, mannitol, or sodium chloride, may be added. Materials which are useful for forming the hydrogel layer include sodium CMC, PEO, poly (acrylic acid), sodium (polyacrylate), sodium croscarmellose, sodium starch glycolate, PVP, crosslinked PVP, and other high molecular weight hydrophilic materials. Particularly useful are PEO polymers having an average molecular weight from about 5,000,000 to about 7,500,000 daltons.

[1254] In the case of a bilayer geometry, the delivery port(s) or exit passageway(s) may be located on the side of the tablet containing the drug composition or may be on both sides of the tablet or even on the edge of the tablet so as to connect both the drug layer and the sweller layer with the exterior of the device. The exit passageway(s) may be produced by mechanical means or by laser drilling, or by creating a difficult-to-coat region on the tablet by use of special tooling during tablet compression or by other means. The rate of drug delivery from the device may be optimized so as to provide a method of delivering drug to a mammal for optimum therapeutic effect.

[1255] Monolayer Osmotic Tablets

[1256] Osmotic systems can also be made with a homogeneous core surrounded by a semipermeable membrane coating, as in U.S. Pat. No. 3,845,770. The solubility-enhance form of the drug, such as a solid amorphous dispersion, can be incorporated into a tablet core that also contains other excipients that provide sufficient osmotic driving force and optionally solubilizing excipients such as acids or surfactant-type compounds. A semipermeable membrane coating can be applied via conventional tablet-coating techniques such as using a pan coater. A drug delivery passageway can then be formed in this coating by drilling a hole in the coating, either by use of a laser or mechanical means. Alternatively, the passageway may be formed by rupturing a portion of the coating or by creating a region on the tablet that is difficult to coat, as described above.

[1257] A particularly useful embodiment of a monolayer osmotic tablet is an osmotic tablet, which comprises:(a) a single-layer compressed core comprising: (i) the solubility-enhanced form of the CETPI, (ii) a hydroxyethylcellulose having a weight-average, molecular weight from about 300,000 to about 1,500,000, and (iii) an osmagent, wherein the hydroxyethylcellulose is present in the core from about 2.0% to about 35% by weight (preferably from about 3% to about 20%, more preferably from about 3% to about 15%, most preferably from about 3% to about 10%) and the osmagent is present from about 15% to about 70% by weight (preferably from about 30% to about 65%, more preferably from about 40% to about 60%, most preferably from about 40% to about 55%); (b) a water-permeable layer surrounding the core; and at least one passageway within the layer (b) for delivering the drug to a fluid environment surrounding the tablet. In a preferred embodiment, the combination of the solubility-enhanced form of the drug and the osmagent have an average ductility from about 100 to about 200 Mpa, an average tensile strength from about 0.8 to about 2.0 Mpa, and an average brittle fracture index less than about 0.2. The single-layer core may optionally include a disintegrant (preferably, a non-swelling, non-gelling disintegrant, more preferably, an ion exchange resin, most preferably, a polacrin potassium resin, such as Amberlite™ IRP-88), a bioavailability enhancing additive, and/or a pharmaceutically acceptable excipient, carrier or diluent.

[1258] Entrainment of particles of the solubility-enhanced form of the drug in the extruding fluid during operation of the monolayer osmotic tablet device is highly desirable. For the particles to be well entrained, the drug form is preferably well dispersed in the fluid before the particles have an opportunity to settle in the tablet core. One means of accomplishing this is by adding a disintegrant that serves to break up the compressed core into its particulate components. Examples of standard disintegrants included materials such as sodium starch glycolate (e.g., Explotab™ CLV), microcrystalline cellulose (e.g., Avicel™), microcrystalline silicified cellulose (e.g., ProSolv™) and croscarmellose sodium (e.g., Ac-DiSol™), and other disintegrants known to those skilled in the art. Depending upon the particular formulation, some disintegrants work better than others. Several disintegrants tend to form gels as they swell with water, thus hindering drug delivery from the device. Non-gelling, non-swelling disintegrants provide a more rapid dispersion of the drug particles within the core as water enters the core. Preferred non-gelling, non-swelling disintegrants are resins, preferably ion-exchange resins. A preferred resin is Amberlite™ IRP 88 (available from Rohm and Haas, Philadelphia, Pa.). When used, the disintegrant is present in amounts ranging from about 1-25% of the core composition; more preferably from about 1-15%; still more preferably from about 1-10%.

[1259] Water-soluble polymers are added to keep particles of the solubility-enhanced drug form suspended inside the dosage form before they can be delivered through the passageway(s) (e.g., an orifice). High viscosity polymers are useful in preventing settling. However, the polymer in combination with the drug is extruded through the passageway(s) under relatively low pressures. At a given extrusion pressure, the extrusion rate typically slows with increased viscosity. Certain polymers in combination with particles of the solubility-enhanced drug form high viscosity solutions with water but are still capable of being extruded from the tablets with a relatively low force. In contrast, polymers having a low weight-average, molecular weight (<about 300,000) do not form sufficiently viscous solutions inside the tablet core to allow complete delivery due to particle settling. Settling of the particles is a problem when monolayer osmotic tablets are prepared with no polymer added, which leads to poor drug delivery unless the tablet is constantly agitated to keep the particles from settling inside the core. Settling is also problematic when the particles are large and/or of high density such that the rate of settling increases.

[1260] Preferred water-soluble polymers for monolayer osmotic tablets do not interact with the drug. Non-ionic polymers are preferred. An example of a non-ionic polymer forming solutions having a high viscosity yet still extrudable at low pressures is Natrosol™ 250H (high molecular weight hydroxyethylcellulose, available from Hercules Incorporated, Aqualon Division, Wilmington, Del.; MW equal to about 1 M and a degree of polymerization equal to about 3,700). Natrosol™ 250H provides effective drug delivery at concentrations as low as about 3% by weight of the core when combined with an osmagent. Natrosol™ 250H NF is a high-viscosity grade nonionic cellulose ether which is soluble in hot or cold water. The viscosity of a 1% solution of Natrosol™ 250H using a Brookfield LVT (30 rpm) at 25° C. is between about 1,500 and about 2,500 cps.

[1261] Preferred hydroxyethylcellulose polymers for use in these monolayer osmotic tablets have a weight-average, molecular weight from about 300,000 to about 1.5 million. The hydroxyethylcellulose polymer is typically present in the core in an amount from about 2.0% to about 35% by weight, preferably from about 3% to about 20%, more preferably from about 3% to about 15%, most preferably from about 3% to about 10%.

[1262] Osmotic Multiparticulates

[1263] Another embodiment of sustained release osmotic dosage forms of the invention includes multiparticulates comprising the solubility-enhanced form of the CETPI (such as a solid amorphous dispersion), coated with a water-permeable membrane; the coating polymer may be dense, porous or asymmetric as described above. Such multiparticulates are prepared by, for example, melt-congealing from a spinning disk, extrusion/spheronization or fluid bed granulation, or by coating seed cores with a mixture of drug and a water-soluble polymer, as described above. Drug-containing multiparticulates may be homogeneous or layered with a drug-containing solid amorphous dispersion surrounding the seed core. Following formation, such multiparticulates are then spray-coated with a substantially water-permeable coating comprising a solution or suspension of a polymer in a mixture of a solvent and, depending on the coating type desired, a non-solvent, as described above. This spray-coating operation is preferably carried out in a fluid bed coating apparatus, for example, a Glatt GPCG-5 fluid bed coater (Glatt Air, Ramsey, N.J.). The polymer used for forming the semipermeable membrane is chosen as described above.

[1264] Osmotic Capsules

[1265] Osmotic capsules can be made using the same or similar components to those described above for osmotic tablets and multiparticulates. The capsule shell or portion of the capsule shell can be semipermeable and made of materials described above. The capsule can then be filled either by a powder or liquid consisting of drug dispersion, excipients that imbibe water to provide osmotic potential, and/or a water-swellable polymer, or optionally solubilizing excipients. The capsule core can also be made such that it has a bilayer or multilayer composition analogous to the bilayer, trilayer or concentric geometries described above.

[1266] Coated Swellable Tablets

[1267] Another class of sustained release dosage forms useful in this invention comprises coated swellable tablets, as described in EP 378 404, incorporated herein by reference. Coated swellable tablets comprise a tablet core comprising the solubility-enhance form of the drug, such as a solid amorphous dispersion, and a swelling material, preferably a hydrophilic polymer, coated with a membrane, which contains holes, or pores through which, in the aqueous use environment, the hydrophilic polymer can extrude and carry out the drug composition. Alternatively, the membrane may contain polymeric or low molecular weight water-soluble “porosigens”. Porosigens dissolve in the aqueous use environment, providing pores through which the hydrophilic polymer and drug may extrude. Examples of porosigens are water-soluble polymers such as HPMC, PEG, and low molecular weight compounds such as glycerol, sucrose, glucose, and sodium chloride. In addition, pores may be formed in the coating by drilling holes in the coating using a laser or other mechanical means. In this class of sustained release dosage forms, the membrane material may comprise any film-forming polymer, including polymers which are water permeable or impermeable, providing that the membrane deposited on the tablet core is porous or contains water-soluble porosigens or possesses a macroscopic hole for water ingress and drug release. Embodiments of this class of sustained release dosage forms may also be multilayered, as described in EP 378 404 A2.

[1268] Multiparticulates

[1269] Alternatively, the compositions may be administered as multiparticulates. Multiparticulates generally refer to dosage forms that comprise a multiplicity of particles that may range in size from about 10 μm to about 2 mm, more typically about 100 μm to 1 mm in diameter. Such multiparticulates may be packaged, for example, in a capsule such as a gelatin capsule or a capsule formed from an aqueous-soluble polymer such as HPMCAS, HPMC or starch or they may be dosed as a suspension or slurry in a liquid.

[1270] Such multiparticulates may be made by any known process, such as wet- and dry-granulation processes, extrusion/spheronization, roller-compaction, or by spray-coating seed cores. For example, in wet- and dry-granulation processes, the composition of the solubility-enhanced form of the CETP inhibitor and optional precipitation inhibiting polymer is prepared as described above. This composition is then granulated to form multiparticulates of the desired size. Other excipients, such as a binder (e.g., microcrystalline cellulose), may be blended with the composition to aid in processing and forming the multiparticulates. In the case of wet granulation, a binder such as microcrystalline cellulose may be included in the granulation fluid to aid in forming a suitable multiparticulate.

[1271] In any case, the resulting particles may themselves constitute the multiparticulate dosage form or they may be coated by various film-forming materials such as enteric polymers or water-swellable or water-soluble polymers, or they may be combined with other excipients or vehicles to aid in dosing to patients.

[1272] For any of the controlled or sustained-release dosage forms mentioned above, the dosage form may additionally comprise an immediate-release layer of the same or a different drug in crystalline, amorphous or dispersion form.

[1273] Determination of Release Rates

[1274] The CR dosage forms of the present invention may be evaluated in an in vitro test to determine whether a dosage form provides a release profile within the scope of the present invention. In vitro tests are well known in the art. An example is a “residual test,” which is performed as follows. The dosage form is first placed into a stirred USP type 2 dissoette flask containing 900 mL of a buffer solution at 37° C. simulating the contents of the small intestine. Preferably the buffer consists of 50 mM KH2PO4 at pH 6.8. The dosage form is placed in a wire support to keep the dosage form off of the bottom of the flask, so that all surfaces are exposed to the moving release solution and the solutions are stirred using paddles that rotate at a rate of 75 rpm. At each time interval, a single dosage form is removed from the solution, released material is removed from the surface, and the dosage form cut in half and placed in 100 mL of a recovery solution as follows. For the first two hours, the dosage form is stirred in 25 mL acetone or other solvent suitable to dissolve any coating on the dosage form. Next, 125 mL of methanol is added and stirring continued overnight at ambient temperature to dissolve the drug remaining in the dosage form. Approximately 2 mL of the recovery solution is removed and centrifuged, and 250 mL of supernatant added to an HPLC vial and diluted with 750 mL methanol. Residual drug is then analyzed by HPLC. The amount remaining in the tablets is subtracted from the total drug initially present in the tablet to obtain the amount released at each time interval.

[1275] An alternative in vitro test is a direct test, in which samples of the dosage form are placed into a stirred USP type 2 dissoette flask containing 900 mL of a receptor solution at 37° C. simulating the contents of the small intestine but with a surfactant added to provide a sink for the drug. Preferably the receptor solution consists of 6 mM KH2PO4, 30 mM NaCl, 60 mM KCl, and 27 mL polyoxyethylene sorbitan monooleate (Tween 80) at pH 6.8. Dosage forms are placed in a wire support as above, and the receptor solution stirred 50 rpm. Samples of the receptor solution are taken at periodic intervals and the drug concentration is analyzed by HPLC.

[1276] Alternatively, an in vivo test may be used to determine whether a dosage form provides a drug release profile within the scope of the present invention. However, due to the inherent difficulties and complexity of the in vivo procedure, it is preferred that in vitro procedures be used to evaluate dosage forms even though the ultimate use environment is often the human GI tract. Dosage forms are dosed to a group of test subjects, such as humans, and drug release and drug absorption is monitored either by (1) periodically withdrawing blood and measuring the serum or plasma concentration of drug or (2) measuring the amount of drug remaining in the dosage form following its exit from the anus (residual drug) or (3) both (1) and (2). In the second method, residual drug is measured by recovering the tablet upon exit from the anus of the test subject and measuring the amount of drug remaining in the dosage form using the same procedure described above for the in vitro residual test. The difference between the amount of drug in the original dosage form and the amount of residual drug is a measure of the amount of drug released during the mouth-to-anus transit time. This test has limited utility since it provides only a single drug release time point but is useful in demonstrating the correlation between in vitro and in vivo release.

[1277] In one in vivo method of monitoring drug release and absorption, the serum or plasma drug concentration is plotted along the ordinate (y-axis) against the blood sample time along the abscissa (x-axis). The data may then be analyzed to determine drug release rates using any conventional analysis, such as the Wagner-Nelson or Loo-Riegelman analysis. See also Welling, “Pharmacokinetics: Processes and Mathematics” (ACS Monograph 185, Amer. Chem. Soc., Washington, D.C., 1986). Treatment of the data in this manner yields an apparent in vivo drug release profile.

[1278] The dosage forms of the present invention release the CETPI slowly to the use environment. As used here and in the claims, the average rate of release of CETPI per hour for a time period is defined as the wt % of CETPI present in the dosage form released during the time period divided by the duration (in hours) of the time period. For example, if the dosage form releases 80 wt % of the CETPI initially present in the dosage form in 16 hours, the average rate of release of CETPI is 5 wt %/hr (80 wt %/16 hours). Average rates of release of CETPI from a dosage form may be determined using the in vitro or in vivo tests described above.

[1279] The CR dosage forms of the present invention release CETPI at a rate that is slower than the release rate provided by an immediate release (IR) dosage form. By “immediate release dosage form” is meant a dosage form that releases 80 wt % of the CETPI initially present in the dosage form within 1 hour or less following introduction to an environment of use. Thus, an IR dosage form releases CETPI at an average rate of 80 wt %/hr or more.

[1280] Preferably, the CR dosage forms of the present invention release CETPI at an average rate that is about 40 wt %/hr or less, more preferably about 30 wt %/hr or less, and even more preferably about 25 wt %/hr or less. However, the release of CETPI from the dosage form should not be too slow. Thus, it is also preferred that the CR dosage forms of the present invention release CETPI at an average rate that is about 2.5 wt %/hr or more, preferably about 3 wt %/hr or more, more preferably about 3.5 wt %/hr or more, most preferably about 4 wt %/hr or more.

[1281] In one separate aspect, the CR dosage form provides controlled release relative to an immediate release control dosage form consisting of an equivalent amount of the CETPI in the same solubility-enhanced form dosed as an oral powder for constitution. In one embodiment, the CR dosage form has a time to reach maximum drug concentration (Tmax) in the in vivo use environment following administration that is least 1.25-fold longer than the immediate release control dosage form, preferably at least 2-fold longer, and more preferably at least 3-fold longer. In addition, the maximum concentration of drug in the in vivo use environment (Cmax) is less than or equal to 80%, and may be less than or equal to 65%, or even less than or equal to 50% of the Cmax provided by the immediate release control dosage form. Both Tmax and Cmax may be compared in either the fed or fasted state, and the CR dosage form meets the above criteria for at least one of, and preferably both, the fed and fasted state.

[1282] In another separate aspect, the CR dosage form provides an improvement in bioavailability compared with the immediate release dosage form. The CR dosage forms, when dosed orally to a human or other animal, provide an area under the curve (AUC) in drug concentration in the blood that is at least about 1.25-fold, preferably at least about 2-fold, and more preferably at least about 3-fold, that observed when an immediate release control composition is dosed. It is noted that such compositions can also be said to have a relative bioavailability of from about 1.25-fold to about 3-fold that of the control composition. Relative bioavailability may be compared in either the fed or fasted state, and meets the above criteria in at least one of, and preferably both, the fed and fasted state.

[1283] Relative bioavailability of the drug in the dosage forms can be tested in vivo in animals or humans using conventional methods for making such a determination. An in vivo test, such as a crossover study, may be used to determine whether a composition provides an enhanced relative bioavailability compared with a control composition as described above. In an in vivo crossover study a test composition is dosed to half a group of test subjects and, after an appropriate washout period (e.g., one week) the same subjects are dosed with a control composition. The other half of the group is dosed with the control composition first, followed by the test composition. The relative bioavailability is measured as the concentration in the blood (serum or plasma) versus time area under the curve (AUC) determined for the test group divided by the AUC in the blood provided by the control composition. Preferably, this test/control ratio is determined for each subject, and then the ratios are averaged over all subjects in the study. In vivo determinations of AUC can be made by plotting the serum or plasma concentration of drug along the ordinate (y-axis) against time along the abscissa (x-axis). To facilitate dosing, a dosing vehicle may be used to administer the dose. The dosing vehicle is preferably water, but may also contain materials for suspending the test or control composition, provided these materials do not dissolve the composition or change the drug solubility in vivo.

[1284] Compositions of the present invention may be used to treat any condition, which is subject to treatment by administering a CETP inhibitor.

[1285] One aspect of this invention is directed to a method for treating atherosclerosis in a mammal (including a human being) by administering to a mammal in need of such treatment an atherosclerotic treating amount of a composition of the present invention.

[1286] Yet another aspect of this invention is directed to a method for treating peripheral vascular disease in a mammal (including a human being) by administering to a mammal in need of such treatment a peripheral vascular disease treating amount of a composition of the present invention.

[1287] Yet another aspect of this invention is directed to a method for treating dyslipidemia in a mammal (including a human being) by administering to a mammal in need of such treatment a dyslipidemia treating amount of a composition of the present invention.

[1288] Yet another aspect of this invention is directed to a method for treating hyperbetalipoproteinemia in a mammal (including a human being) by administering to a mammal in need of such treatment a hyperbetalipoproteinemia treating amount of a composition of the present invention.

[1289] Yet another aspect of this invention is directed to a method for treating hypoalphalipoproteinemia in a mammal (including a human being) by administering to a mammal in need of such treatment a hypoalphalipoproteinemia treating amount of a composition of the present invention.

[1290] Yet another aspect of this invention is directed to a method for treating hypercholesterolemia in a mammal (including a human being) by administering to a mammal in need of such treatment a hypercholesterolemia treating amount of a composition of the present invention.

[1291] Yet another aspect of this invention is directed to a method for treating hypertriglyceridemia in a mammal (including a human being) by administering to a mammal in need of such treatment a hypertriglyceridemia treating amount of a composition of the present invention.

[1292] Yet another aspect of this invention is directed to a method for treating familial-hypercholesterolemia in a mammal (including a human being) by administering to a mammal in need of such treatment a familial-hypercholesterolemia treating amount of a composition of the present invention.

[1293] Yet another aspect of this invention is directed to a method for treating cardiovascular disorders in a mammal (including a human being) by administering to a mammal in need of such treatment a cardiovascular disorder treating amount of a composition of the present invention.

[1294] Yet another aspect of this invention is directed to a method for treating angina in a mammal (including a human being) by administering to a mammal in need of such treatment an angina treating amount of a composition of the present invention.

[1295] Yet another aspect of this invention is directed to a method for treating ischemia in a mammal (including a human being) by administering to a mammal in need of such treatment an ischemic disease treating amount of a composition of the present invention.

[1296] Yet another aspect of this invention is directed to a method for treating cardiac ischemia in a mammal (including a human being) by administering to a mammal in need of such treatment a cardiac ischemic treating amount of a composition of the present invention.

[1297] Yet another aspect of this invention is directed to a method for treating stroke in a mammal (including a human being) by administering to a mammal in need of such treatment a stroke treating amount of a composition of the present invention.

[1298] Yet another aspect of this invention is directed to a method for treating a myocardial infarction in a mammal (including a human being) by administering to a mammal in need of such treatment a myocardial infarction treating amount of a composition of the present invention.

[1299] Yet another aspect of this invention is directed to a method for treating reperfusion injury in a mammal (including a human being) by administering to a mammal in need of such treatment a reperfusion injury treating amount of a composition of the present invention.

[1300] Yet another aspect of this invention is directed to a method for treating angioplastic restenosis in a mammal (including a human being) by administering to a mammal in need of such treatment an angioplastic restenosis treating amount of a composition of the present invention.

[1301] Yet another aspect of this invention is directed to a method for treating hypertension in a mammal (including a human being) by administering to a mammal in need of such treatment a hypertension treating amount of a composition of the present invention.

[1302] Yet another aspect of this invention is directed to a method for treating the vascular complications of diabetes in a mammal (including a human being) by administering to a mammal in need of such treatment a vascular complications of diabetes treating amount of a composition of the present invention.

[1303] Yet another aspect of this invention is directed to a method for treating obesity in a mammal (including a human being) by administering to a mammal in need of such treatment an obesity treating amount of a composition of the present invention.

[1304] Yet another aspect of this invention is directed to a method for treating endotoxemia in a mammal (including a human being) by administering to a mammal in need of such treatment an endotoxemia treating amount of a composition of the present invention.

[1305] The documents cited herein, including patents and patent applications are all hereby incorporated by reference.

[1306] Other features and embodiments of the invention will become apparent from the following examples, which are given for illustration of the invention rather than for limiting its intended scope.


Examples 1-2

[1307] Examples 1-2 demonstrate the utility of the amorphous dispersions of the present invention with a CETP inhibitor, [2R,4S] 4-[(3,5-bis-trifluoromethyl-benzyl)-methoxycarbonyl-amino]-2-ethyl-6-trifluoromethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (“Drug A”), which has a solubility in water of <1 μg/ml, and a Clog P value of 7.5. (ClogP is the log of the calculated octanol-water partition coefficient.) To prepare Example 1, an amorphous solid dispersion of 25 wt % Drug A and 75 wt % polymer was made by mixing Drug A in the solvent acetone together with a “medium fine” (AQUOT-MF) grade of the cellulosic ester polymer HPMCAS (manufactured by Shin Etsu) to form a solution. The solution comprised 2.5 wt % Drug A, 7.5 wt % HPMCAS, and 90 wt % acetone. This solution was then spray-dried by directing an atomizing spray using a two-fluid external-mix spray nozzle at 2.7 bar (37 psig) at a feed rate of 150 g/min into the stainless-steel chamber of a Niro PSD-1 spray-dryer, maintained at a temperature of 155° C. at the inlet and 70° C. at the outlet. The preparation parameters are summarized in Table 1. The resulting amorphous solid spray-dried dispersion was collected via a cyclone and then dried in a Gruenberg solvent tray-dryer by spreading the spray-dried particles onto polyethylene-lined trays to a depth of not more than 1 cm and then drying them at 40° C. for 24 hours.

[1308] Example 2 was prepared following the general procedure described in Example 1 except that the dispersion contained 10 wt % Drug A and the spray solution comprised 1.0 wt % Drug A, 9.0 wt % HPMCAS-MF, and 90 wt % acetone. The preparation parameters are summarized in Table 1.
1TABLE 1Poly-Drug AAqueous-merSolventSprayMassSolubleMassMassAppa-Example(g)Polymer(g)Solvent(g)ratus1100HPMCAS-MF300acetone3600PSD-12100HPMCAS-MF900acetone9000PSD-1Control 10.0018none

[1309] Comparative composition Control 1 consisted of 1.8 mg of the crystalline form of Drug A alone.

Example 3

[1310] The spray-dried solid amorphous dispersions of Examples 1 and 2 were evaluated in an in vitro dissolution test using a microcentrifuge method. In this test, the spray-dried solid amorphous dispersion was added to a microcentrifuge tube for a Drug A dose of about 1000 μg/mL (7.2 mg for Example 1, 18 mg for Example 2). The tube was placed in a 37° C. sonicating bath, and 1.8 mL phosphate buffered saline (PBS) at pH 6.5 and 290 mOsm/kg was added. The samples were quickly mixed using a vortex mixer for about 60 seconds. The samples were centrifuged at 13,000 G at 37° C. for 1 minute. The resulting supernatant solution was then sampled and diluted 1:6 (by volume) with methanol and then analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The contents of the tubes were mixed on the vortex mixer and allowed to stand undisturbed at 37° C. until the next sample was taken. Samples were collected at 4, 10, 20, 40, 90, and 1200 minutes. The concentrations of drug obtained in these samples are shown in Table 2.

[1311] For Control 1, an in vitro dissolution test was performed using the procedures described above except that 1.8 mg of crystalline Drug A was used. The concentrations of drug obtained in in vitro dissolution tests are shown in Table 2.
2TABLE 2Drug ATimeConcentrationAUCExample(min)(μg/mL)(min-μg/mL)10004328660107013,7002078111,2004080527,0009078066,6001200439743,200200049251,900109237,4002091016,6004089034,6009085878,3001200623900,200Control 10004<1<210<1<820<1<1840<1<3890<1<881200<1<1,200

[1312] The results of dissolution tests for Examples 1 and 2, and Control 1 are summarized in Table 3, which shows the maximum concentration of Drug A in solution during the first 90 minutes of the test (Cmax,90), the area under the aqueous concentration versus time curve after 90 minutes (AUC90), and the concentration at 1200 minutes (C1200).
3TABLE 3Drug AConc.Auqeous-in theAUC90SolubleDispersionReceptorCmax,90(min-C1200ExamplePolymer(wt %)Solution(μg/mL)μg/mL)(μg/mL)1HPMCAS-MF25PBS80566,6004392HPMCAS-MF10PBS92578,300623Control 1NoneNAPBS <1<88 <1(crystallinedrug)

[1313] The results summarized in Table 3 show that the dissolution results for the compositions of Examples 1 and 2 were much better than that of the crystalline drug alone, providing Cmax,90 values that were greater than 805-fold and 925-fold that of the crystalline drug (Control 1), respectively, and AUC90 values that were greater than 756-fold and 889-fold that of the crystalline drug (Control 1), respectively. Accurate measurements of the solubility of crystalline Drug A yield a value of about 0.01 μg/ml. Thus, the actual Cmax,90 for Drug A in Control 1 is believed to be about 0.01 μg/ml. Using this value, the compositions of Examples 1 and 2 provided Cmax,90 values that were about 80,000-fold to 92,500-fold that of the crystalline drug, and AUC90 values that were about 70,000- to 80,000-fold that of the crystalline drug, respectively.

Example 4

[1314] The following process was used to form a spray-dried solid amorphous dispersion containing 25 wt % Drug A and 75 wt % HPMCAS-MG. First, a 10,000 g spray solution was formed containing 2.5 wt % Drug A, 7.5 wt % HPMCAS-MG, and 90% acetone as follows. The HPMCAS-MG and acetone were combined in a container and mixed for at least 2 hours, allowing the HPMCAS to dissolve. The resulting mixture had a slight haze after the entire amount of polymer had been added. Next, Drug A was added directly to this mixture, and the mixture stirred for an additional 2 hours. This mixture was then filtered by passing it through a filter with a screen size of 250 μm to remove any large insoluble material from the mixture, thus forming the spray solution.

[1315] The spray-dried solid amorphous dispersion was then formed using the following procedure. The spray solution was pumped using a high-pressure pump (a Zenith Z-Drive 2000 High-Pressure Gear Pump), to a spray drier (a Niro type XP Portable Spray-Dryer with a Liquid-Feed Process Vessel) (“PSD-1”), equipped with a pressure nozzle (Spraying Systems Pressure Nozzle and Body) (SK 71-16). The PSD-1 was equipped with a 9-inch chamber extension. The 9-inch chamber extension was added to the spray dryer to increase the vertical length of the dryer. The added length increased the residence time within the dryer, which allowed the product to dry before reaching the angled section of the spray dryer. The spray drier was also equipped with a gas-dispersing means for introduction of the drying gas to the spray drying chamber. The gas-dispersing means consisted of a plate coextensive with the interior of the drying chamber (about 0.8 m diameter) and bearing a multiplicity of 1.7 mm perforations occupying about 1% of the surface area of the plate. The perforations were uniformly distributed across the plate, except that the density of perforations at the center 0.2 m of the diffuser plate was about 40% of the density of perforations in the outer part of the diffuser plate. The use of the diffuser plate resulted in organized plug flow of drying gas through the drying chamber and dramatically decreased product re-circulation within the spray dryer. The nozzle sat flush with the diffuser plate during operation. The spray solution was pumped to the spray drier at about 195 gm/min at a pressure of about 100 psig. Drying gas (e.g., nitrogen) was delivered to the diffuser plate at an inlet temperature of about 106° C. The evaporated solvent and drying gas exited the spray drier at a temperature of 45±4° C. The spray-dried dispersion formed by this process was collected in a cyclone, and had have a bulk specific volume of about 5 cm3/gm, with a mean particle size of about 80 μm. The concentration of residual acetone in the dispersion was 3 wt %.

[1316] The solid amorphous dispersion formed using the above procedure was post-dried using a Gruenberg single-pass convection tray dryer operating at 40° C. for 25 hours. Following drying, the dispersion was equilibrated with ambient air and humidity (e.g., 20° C./50% RH).

[1317] The properties of the dispersion after secondary drying were as follows:
4TABLE 4Bulk PropertiesTray Dried(After Secondary Drying)@ 40° C.Bulk Specific Volume (cc/g)5.0Tapped Specific Volume (cc/g)3.2Mean Particle Diameter (μm)80D10, D50, D90 * (μm)25, 73, 143Span (D90 − D10)/D501.60* 10 vol % of the particles had a diameter that was smaller than D10; 50 vol % of the particles had a diameter that was smaller than D50, and 90 vol % of the particles had a diameter that was smaller than D90.

Example 5

[1318] This example demonstrates the controlled release of a solid amorphous dispersion of Drug A using a bi-layer osmotic tablet controlled-release dosage form of the present invention.

[1319] Preparation of the Dispersion

[1320] A solid amorphous dispersion of Drug A in HPMCAS was prepared using the procedures outlined in Example 4 with the following exceptions. The spray solution consisted of 2.3 wt % Drug A, 6.8 wt % HPMCAS-MG, and 90.9 wt % acetone. The spray solution was pumped to the spray drier at 185 gm/min at a pressure of about 225 psig. Drying gas (nitrogen) was circulated through the diffuser plate at an inlet temperature of about 96° C. The evaporated solvent and wet drying gas exited the spray drier at a temperature of 33° C. The spray-dried solid amorphous dispersion formed by this process was collected in a cyclone.

[1321] The solid amorphous dispersion formed using the above procedure was post-dried using a Gruenberg single-pass convection tray dryer operating at 40° C. for about 3 hours. Following drying, the dispersion was then equilibrated with ambient air and humidity (e.g., 20° C./50% RH).

[1322] Preparation of the Drug-Containing Composition

[1323] To form the drug-containing composition, the following materials were blended: 48 wt % Drug A dispersion (25 wt % Drug A/75 wt % HPMCAS), 23 wt % polyethylene oxide (PEO) having an average molecular weight of 600,000, 23 wt % xylitol (trade name XYLITAB 200), 5 wt % sodium starch glycolate (trade name EXPLOTAB), and 1 wt % magnesium stearate. The drug-containing composition ingredients were first combined without the magnesium stearate and blended for 20 minutes in a TURBULA mixer. This blend was pushed through a screen (screen size of 0.065 inch), then blended again for 20 minutes in the same mixer. Next, magnesium stearate was added and the drug-containing composition was blended again for 4 minutes in the same mixer.

[1324] Preparation of the Water-Swellable Composition

[1325] To form the water-swellable composition, the following materials were blended: 75 wt % sodium croscarmellose (trade name AcDiSol), 24.4 wt % of the tableting aid silicified microcrystalline cellulose (trade name PROSOLV 90), 0.5 wt % magnesium stearate, and 0.1 wt % Red Lake #40. The AcDiSol and PROSOLV were combined and blended for 20 minutes in a TURBULA mixer. Next, the magnesium stearate and Red Lake dye were mixed together. All ingredients were pushed through a screen (screen size of 0.033 inch), then blended again for 20 minutes in the same mixer.

[1326] Preparation of Tablet Cores

[1327] Tablet cores were formed by placing 375 mg of the drug-containing composition in a standard {fraction (13/32)}-inch standard round concave (SRC) die and gently leveling with the press. Then, 125 mg of the water-swellable composition was placed in the die on top of the drug-containing composition. The tablet core was then compressed to a hardness of about 14 kiloponds (Kp). The resulting bi-layer tablet core had a total weight of 500 mg and contained a total of 9.0 wt % Drug A (45 mg), 27.0 wt % HPMCAS-MG, 17.25 wt % XYLITAB 200,17.25 wt % PEO 600,000, 3.75 wt % EXPLOTAB, 18.75 wt % AcDiSol, 6.1 wt % PROSOLV 90, 0.87 wt % magnesium stearate, and 0.03 wt % Red Lake dye.

[1328] Application of the Coating

[1329] Coatings were applied in a Vector LDCS-20 pan coater. The coating solution contained cellulose acetate (CA 398-10 from Eastman Fine Chemical, Kingsport, Tennessee), polyethylene glycol (PEG 3350, Union Carbide), water, and acetone in a weight ratio of 3.5/1.5/3/92 (wt %). The flow rate of the inlet heated drying gas of the pan coater was set at 40 ft3/min with the outlet temperature set at 25° C. Nitrogen at 20 psi was used to atomize the coating solution from the spray nozzle, with a nozzle-to-bed distance of 2 inches. The pan rotation was set to 20 rpm. The so-coated tablets were dried at 50° C. in a convection oven. The final dry coating weight amounted to about 15 wt % of the tablet core. One 900 μm diameter hole was then mechanically drilled in the coating on the drug-containing composition side of the tablet to provide one delivery port per tablet.

Example 5A

In vitro Dissolution Tests

[1330] In vitro tests were performed using residual drug analysis as follows. A sample of the dosage form was first placed into a stirred USP type 2 dissoette flask containing 1000 mL of a buffer solution simulating the contents of the small intestine (50 mM KH2PO4, pH 6.8, 37° C.). In the flasks, the dosage form was placed in a wire support to keep the dosage form off of the bottom of the flask, so that all surfaces were exposed to the moving release solution and the solutions were stirred using paddles at a rate of 75 rpm. At each time interval, a single dosage form was removed from the solution, released material was rinsed from the surface, the dosage form cut in half and placed in a recovery solution as follows. For the first two hours, the tablet was stirred in 25 mL acetone to dissolve the tablet coating. Next, 125 mL of methanol was added and stirring continued overnight at ambient temperature to dissolve the drug remaining in the dosage form. Approximately 2 mL of the solution was removed and centrifuged, and 250 VtL of supernatant added to an HPLC vial and diluted with 750 μL methanol. Residual drug was analyzed by HPLC at a UV absorbance of 256 nm using a Waters Symmetry C8 column and a mobile phase consisting of 15% (0.2% H3PO4)/85% methanol. Drug concentration was calculated by comparing UV absorbance of samples to the absorbance of drug standards. The amount of drug remaining in the tablets was subtracted from the total drug initially present in the tablet to obtain the amount released at each time interval. Results are shown in Table 5.
5TABLE 5Residual AnalysisResidual AnalysisTimeDrug ADrug A(hours)(mg released)(wt % released)00061943123680204192

[1331] The data demonstrate that the dosage form provided controlled release of Drug A, releasing 80 wt % of the drug over a 12 hour period.

Example 5B

In vivo Tests

[1332] The controlled release dosage forms were tested in in vivo tests using male beagle dogs. Each dog was dosed with two of the tablets of Example 5, resulting in a total amount dosed of 90 mgA Drug A. For one set of 6 dogs, the dogs were fasted for at least 12 hours prior to dosing. For another set of 6 dogs, the dogs were fed a meal prior to dosing. Whole blood samples of 6 ml were taken from the jugular vein using a plasma serum separator tube containing sodium heparin with a 20 gauge needle at 0, ½, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, and 28 hours post dosing. Samples were spun in a refrigerated (5° C.) centrifuge at 3000 rpm for 5 minutes. The resultant plasma samples were poured into 2 ml cryogenic plastic tubes and stored in a freezer (−20° C.) within ½ hour post sampling time. Samples were then analyzed for Drug A using an HPLC method.

[1333] For Control 1, 90 mgA of crystalline Drug A was dosed as an oral powder for constitution (OPC) as follows. The OPC was dosed as a suspension in a solution containing 0.5 wt % Methocel® (Dow Chemical Co.), and was prepared as follows. First, 7.5 g of Methocel® was weighed out and added slowly to approximately 490 ml of water at 90° to 100° C. to form a Methocel® suspension. After all the Methocel® was added, the suspension was placed in a beaker of ice water. Next, 1000 ml of chilled water was added with stirring. When all of the Methocel® had been suspended, 2.55 g Tween 80 was added and the mixture stirred until all had dissolved. A 400 mL sample of this solution was then placed in a 500 mL container. Next, 90 mgA of crystalline Drug A was added in a mortar. About 20 mL of the Methocel® suspension was added to the mortar and the drug mixture was ground with a pestle until a uniform suspension had formed. Additional Methocel® suspension was added gradually with grinding until all of the 400 mL sample of the Methocel® suspension solution was in the mortar. The suspension was then transferred back to the 500 mL container.

[1334] As Control 2, an OPC was prepared as above using 90 mgA of the dispersion described in Example 4.

[1335] Table 6 summarizes the results of these tests, which show that the dosage forms of Example 5 provided controlled-release of Drug A. The dosage forms of Example 5 provided a Tmax that was significantly longer than that provided by either of the immediate release controls. In addition, the Cmax values obtained with the controlled-release dosage forms of Example 5 were lower than the corresponding Cmax values obtained with the Example 4 OPC. Additionally, the dosage forms of Example 5 provided concentration enhancement of Drug A over the crystalline control.
6TABLE 6AUC0-24 hrDosage FormCondition(ng-hr/mL)Cmax (ng/mL)Tmax (hr)Example 5Fasted (N = 6)4209 ± 3088376 ± 22515.3 ± 8.5 Fed (N = 6)5623 ± 1774535 ± 85 9.3 ± 3.0Control 1Fasted (N = 6)<LOQ*<LOQ<LOQ(crystalline Drug A)Fed (N = 6)928 ± 641191 ± 55 2.3 ± 1.3Control 2 (Example 4Fasted (N = 24)1725 ± 780 481 ± 1791.4 ± 1.1dispersion as an OPC)Fed (N = 6)6673 ± 12551281 ± 610 1.0 ± 0  *LOQ = level of quantification

Examples 6-8

[1336] These examples demonstrate controlled release of an amorphous dispersion of Drug A in a concentration-enhancing polymer from an erodible matrix dosage form of the present invention.

[1337] Matrix tablets containing 90 mgA of Drug A were formed by combining an amorphous solid dispersion of 25 wt % Drug A in 75 wt % HPMCAS-MG (prepared using a process similar to the processes described for Example 4), hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (METHOCEL K100LV), xylitol (XYLITAB 200), and magnesium stearate using the following process. First, 7.5 g 25 wt % Drug A/HPMCAS-MG, 3.375 g METHOCEL, and 3.975 g XYLITAB were combined and blended for 20 minutes in a TURBULA mixer. This blend was pushed through a 20 mesh screen, then blended again for 20 minutes in the same mixer. Next, 0.15 g magnesium stearate was added and the composition was blended again for 4 minutes in the same mixer. Tablet cores were then formed by placing 720 mg of this blend into a caplet die (0.3300×0.6585 inch) and compressing to a hardness of about 8 Kp. Table 7 summarizes the composition of the tablets of Example 6. The tablets of Examples 7 and 8 where made using the same process but with the compositions shown in Table 7. Each of the dosage forms of Examples 6, 7, and 8 contained 90 mgA Drug A.
7TABLE 7Composition (wt %)Dispersion (25%Drug A/75%MagnesiumExampleHPMCAS-MG)METHOCELXYLITABStearateExample 650.022.526.51.0Example 750. 850.

[1338] In vitro tests were performed by placing a single dosage form into a dissoette flask stirred at 50 rpm with 900 mL of receptor solution containing 6 mM KH2PO4, 30 mM NaCl, 60 mM KCl, and 27 mL polyoxyethylene sorbitan monooleate (Tween 80) (pH 6.8, 37° C.). The autosampler dissoette device removed a sample of the receptor solution at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, and 12 hours. Samples were centrifuged for 1 minute, and 0.5 mL of supernatant was removed and placed in an HPLC vial with 0.5 mL methanol. The concentration of Drug A released was analyzed by HPLC. The results are shown in Table 8.
8TABLE 8TimeExample 6 Drug AExample 7 Drug AExample 8 Drug A(hours)(wt % released)(wt % released)(wt % released)0000119.126.427.7227.339.045.5334.346.465.3440.055.888.7547.063.199.4651.870.4101.0758.177.9102.2863.984.6101.31071.893.0102.21280.5102.4101.4

[1339] The data demonstrate controlled delivery of a dispersion of Drug A from dosage forms of this invention. Increasing the amount of XYLITAB and decreasing the amount of METHOCEL in the tablets resulted in faster release of Drug A. The dosage form of Example 6 released 80% of the drug in about 12 hours, while the dosage form of Example 7 released 80% of the drug in about 7.5 hours, and the dosage form of Example 8 released 80% of the drug in about 3.5 hours.

Example 9

[1340] Human subjects were dosed 120 mg Drug A, plasma was collected at multiple times post-dose, plasma Drug A concentrations were determined, and a single-dose plasma Drug A concentration vs. time curve was prepared. Pharmacokinetic (PK) constants were derived by fitting this curve to a 2-compartment PK model, assuming a small intestinal transit time of 4 hr, and a gastric emptying time of 15 min. The fitted derived constants were:

[1341] Absorption Ka=2.27 (1/hr)

[1342] K12=0.017 (1/hr)

[1343] K21=0.002 (1/hr)

[1344] Clearance (Cl)=13.05 (liters/hr)

[1345] Volume of distribution (Vd)=173.7 (liters)

[1346] Kel (Elimination Rate Constant) was calculated from Cl/Vd=0.042 (1/hr)

[1347] This mathematical model was used to explore Drug A input rates (Drug A release rates from controlled release Drug A dosage forms) which would meet certain in vivo criteria. Drug A input into the body was modeled as a zero order (constant rate) input and, in the tables below is described as time to reach 80% release of Drug A from the controlled release dosage form. Drug A plasma concentrations were computed for each 0.5 hr after dosing for 500 hr post-dose. These computed data were superimposed for 14 days of dosing to give the predicted plasma Drug A vs. time curve for day 14 (at steady state). The model was run for Drug A input rates and doses.

[1348] Drug A release rates are described in terms of the time duration between dosing the dosage form to an environment of use and the time at which 80% of the Drug A has left the dosage form.

[1349] For once daily (QD) dosing, the model was run utilizing three assumptions about colonic bioavailability: colonic bioavailability is 0%, 30%, or 80% relative to oral bioavailability. It is likely that colonic absorption of Drug A will be poor, due to its low solubility and the small quantity of water available in the colon for drug dissolution. This was approximated in the model by varying the colonic absorption rate constant. In vivo in humans, CR dosage forms reach the colon about 4-6 hr after dosing when the subject is fasted, and about 6-8 hr after dosing when the subject is fed, depending on the size of the meal. The model was run assuming a 4 hr small intestinal transit time and a 15 min gastric emptying time, which models fasted state dosing. The model assumes that the dosage form itself exits the stomach at 1 hr after dosing. The model may also be run with a longer gastric emptying time, e.g. 2-4 hr, to simulate dosing in the fed state. The modeled data below are for fasted state dosing of controlled release Drug A dosage forms, unless otherwise indicated.

[1350] The model was used to model twice daily (BID) dosing of doses from 5-60 mg Drug A, at various drug release rates from the CR dosage form. Table 9 shows which doses and release rates would achieve plasma Drug A concentrations above 70 ng/ml for at least about 12 hr. Table 9 also shows which doses and release rates would achieve 50% or greater inhibition of plasma CETP for at least 12 hr.
9TABLE 9Determination of which Drug A doses and release rates, when dosed BID,will achieve plasma Drug A concentrations above 70 ng/ml and 50% orgreater CETP inhibition for at least about 12 hr, on the 14th day ofdosing. It is assumed that no colonic absorption occurs.Time to ReachPlasma Drug A Conc.Plasma CETP inhibitionDose80% Releasegreater than 70 ng/mlgreater than 50%(mg)hrfor 12 hr?for 12 hr?52NoNo102YesYes104YesYes106NoNo108NoNo302YesYes304YesYes306YesYes308YesYes402YesYes404YesYes406YesYes408YesYes602YesYes604YesYes606YesYes608YesYes

[1351] The model was used to model once daily dosing of doses from 10-60 mg Drug A, at various drug release rates from the CR dosage form. Table 10 shows which doses and release rates would achieve plasma Drug A concentrations above 70 ng/ml for at least about 16 hr. Table 10 also shows which doses and release rates would achieve 50% or greater inhibition of plasma CETP for at least about 16 hr. It is assumed that the colonic bioavailability is about 30%.
10TABLE 10Determination of which Drug A doses and release rates, when dosed QD,will achieve plasma Drug A concentrations above 70 ng/ml and 50% orgreater CETP inhibition for at least about 16 hr, on the 14th day ofdosing. It is assumed that the colonic bioavailability constant isabout 30%.Time to ReachPlasma Drug A Conc.Plasma CETP inhibitionDose80% Releasegreater than 70 ng/mlgreater than 50%(mg)(hr)for 16 hr?for 16 hr?102NoNo104NoNo106NoNo108NoNo302YesYes304YesYes306YesYes308YesYes3012NoNo402YesYes404YesYes406YesYes408YesYes4012YesYes602YesYes604YesYes606YesYes608YesYes6012YesYes6018YesYes

[1352] Although the modeling in Table 10 was only carried out up to 60 mg, it follows that doses higher than 60 mg, dosed QD at 80% released in 2-18 hr, will achieve the stated plasma Drug A concentration and CETP inhibition targets of Table 10.

[1353] The model was used to model once daily dosing of doses from 10-60 mg Drug A, at various drug release rates from the CR dosage form. Table 11 shows which doses and release rates would achieve plasma Drug A concentrations above 70 ng/ml for at least about 16 hr. Table 11 also shows which doses and release rates would achieve 50% or greater inhibition of plasma CETP for at least about 16 hr. It is assumed that the colonic bioavailability constant is about 80%.
11TABLE 11Determination of which Drug A doses and release rates, when dosed QD,will achieve plasma Drug A concentrations above 70 ng/ml and 50% orgreater CETP inhibition for at least about 16 hr, on the 14th day ofdosing. It is assumed that the colonic bioavailability constantis about 80%.Time to ReachPlasma Drug A Conc.Plasma CETP inhibitionDose80% Releasegreater than 70 ng/mlgreater than 50%(mg)hrfor 16 hr?for 16 hr?102NoNo104NoNo106NoNo108NoNo302YesYes304YesYes306YesYes308YesYes3012YesYes3016YesYes402YesYes404YesYes406YesYes408YesYes602YesYes604YesYes606YesYes608YesYes

[1354] The model was used to model once daily dosing of doses from 10-60 mg Drug A, at various drug release rates from the CR dosage form. Table 12 shows which doses and release rates would achieve plasma Drug A concentrations above 70 ng/ml for at least about 16 hr. Table 12 also shows which doses and release rates would achieve 50% or greater inhibition of plasma CETP for at least about 16 hr. It is assumed that the colonic bioavailability constant is zero.
12TABLE 12Determination of which Drug A doses and release rates, when dosed QD,will achieve plasma Drug A concentrations above 70 ng/ml and 50% orgreater CETP inhibition for at least about 16 hr, on the 14th day ofdosing. It is assumed that the colonic bioavailability constantis zero.Time to ReachPlasma Drug A Conc.Plasma CETP inhibitionDose80% Releasegreater than 70 ng/mlgreater than 50%(mg)(hr)for 16 hr?for 16 hr?102NoNo104NoNo106NoNo108NoNo302YesYes304YesYes306NoNo308NoNo402YesYes404YesYes406YesYes408NoNo4012NoNo602YesYes604YesYes606YesYes608YesYes6012NoNo6018NoNo

[1355] The model was used to model BID dosing of doses from 10-60 mg Drug A, at various drug release rates from the CR dosage form. Table 13 shows which doses and release rates would achieve plasma Drug A concentrations above 160 ng/ml for at least about 12 hr. Table 13 also shows which doses and release rates would achieve 80% or greater inhibition of plasma CETP for at least about 12 hr. It is assumed that the colonic bioavailability constant is zero.
13TABLE 13Determination of which Drug A doses and release rates, when dosed BID,will achieve plasma Drug A concentrations above 160 ng/ml and 80% orgreater CETP inhibition for at least about 12 hr, on the 14thday of dosing. It is assumed that the colonic bioavailability constantis zero.Time to ReachPlasma Drug A Conc.Plasma CETP inhibi-Dose80% Releasegreater than 160 ng/mltion greater than 80%(mg)(hr)for 12 hr?for 12 hr?102NoNo104NoNo106NoNo108NoNo302YesYes304YesYes306NoNo308NoNo402YesYes404YesYes406YesYes408NoNo602YesYes604YesYes606YesYes608YesYes

[1356] The model was used to model QD dosing of doses from 10-120 mg Drug A, at various drug release rates from the CR dosage form. Table 14 shows which doses and release rates would achieve plasma Drug A concentrations above 160 ng/ml for at least about 16 hr. Table 14 also shows which doses and release rates would achieve 80% or greater inhibition of plasma CETP for at least about 16 hr. It is assumed that the colonic bioavailability constant is 30%.
14TABLE 4Determination of which Drug A doses and release rates, when dosed QD,will achieve plasma Drug A concentrations above 160 ng/ml and 80% orgreater CETP inhibition for at least about 16 hr, on the 14thday of dosing. It is assumed that the colonic bioavailability constantis 30%.Time to ReachPlasma Drug A Conc.Plasma CETP inhibi-Dose80% Releasegreater than 160 ng/mltion greater then 80%(mg)(hr)for 16 hr?for 18 hr?102NoNo104NoNo106NoNo108NoNo302NoNo304NoNo306NoNo308NoNo3012NoNo402NoNo404NoNo406NoNo408NoNo4012NoNo602YesYes604YesYes606YesYes608NoNo6012NoNo6018NoNo802YesYes8012NoNo10012YesYes10018NoNo1206YesYes1208YesYes12012YesYes12018YesYes

[1357] The model was used to model QD dosing of doses from 10-120 mg Drug A, at various drug release rates from the CR dosage form. Table 15 shows which doses and release rates would achieve plasma Drug A concentrations above 160 ng/ml for at least about 16 hr. Table 15 also shows which doses and release rates would achieve 80% or greater inhibition of plasma CETP for at least about 16 hr. It is assumed that the colonic bioavailability constant is 80%.
15TABLE 15Determination of which Drug A doses and release rates, when dosed QD,will achieve plasma Drug A concentrations above 160 ng/ml and 80% orgreater CETP inhibition for at least about 16 hr, on the 14thday of dosing. It is assumed that the colonic bioavailability constantis 80%.Time to ReachPlasma Drug A Conc.Plasma CETP inhibi-Dose80% Releasegreater than 160 ng/mltion greater than 80%(mg)(hr)for 16 hr?for 16 hr?102NoNo104NoNo106NoNo108NoNo302NoNo304NoNo306NoNo308NoNo402NoNo404NoNo406NoNo408YesYes602YesYes604YesYes608YesYes608YesYes1206YesYes1208YesYes

[1358] The model was used to model QD dosing of doses from 10-120 mg Drug A, at various drug release rates from the CR dosage form. Table 16 shows which doses and release rates would achieve plasma Drug A concentrations above 160 ng/ml for at least about 16 hr. Table 16 also shows which doses and release rates would achieve 80% or greater inhibition of plasma CETP for at least about 16 hr. It is assumed that the colonic bioavailability constant is zero.
16TABLE 16Determination of which Drug A doses and release rates, when dosed QD,will achieve plasma Drug A concentrations above 160 ng/ml and 80% orgreater CETP inhibition for at least about 16 hr, on the 14thday of dosing. It is assumed that the colonic bioavailability constantis zero.Time to ReachPlasma Drug A Conc.Plasma CETP inhibi-Dose80% Releasegreater than 160 ng/mltion greater than 80%(mg)(hr)for 16 hr?for 16 hr?102NoNo104NoNo106NoNo108NoNo302NoNo304NoNo306No No308NoNo402NoNo404NoNo406NoNo408NoNo602YesYes604YesYes606NoNo608NoNo802YesYes804Yes Yes806YesYes808NoNo1202YesYes1204YesYes1206YesYes1208YesYes

[1359] The model was used to model BID dosing of doses from 5-60 mg Drug A, at various drug release rates from the CR dosage form. Table 17 shows which doses and release rates would achieve plasma Drug A concentrations above 325 ng/ml for at least about 12 hr. Table 17 also shows which doses and release rates would achieve 90% or greater inhibition of plasma CETP for at least about 12 hr. It is assumed that the colonic bioavailability constant is zero.
17TABLE 17Determination of which Drug A doses and release rates, when dosed BID,will achieve plasma Drug A concentrations above 325 ng/ml and 90% orgreater CETP inhibition for at least about 12 hr, on the 14thday of dosing. It is assumed that the colonic bioavailabilityis zero.Time to ReachPlasma Drug A Conc.Plasma CETP inhibi-Dose80% Releasegreater than 325tion greater than 90%(mg)(hr)ng/ml for 12 hr?for 12 hr?52NoNo102NoNo302NoNo402NoNo602YesYes604YesYes606NoNo608NoNo1204YesYes1206YesYes1208YesYes

Example 10

[1360] The modeling methodology of Example 9 was used to identify controlled release Drug A release rates for CR Drug A dosage forms which, when dosed QD in the fed state, result in plasma Drug A concentrations above 70 ng/ml and 50% or greater CETP inhibition for at least about 16 hr, on the 14th day of dosing. It is assumed that the colonic bioavailability constant is 30%. To model fed state dosing, it is assumed that the CR dosage form exits the stomach (enters the duodenum) at 4 hr post dosing. Table 18 presents the results.
18TABLE 18Determination of which Drug A doses and release rates, when dosed QDto a fed human, will achieve plasma Drug A concentrations above 70 ng/ml and 50% or greater CETP inhibition for at least about 16 hr, on the14th day of dosing. It is assumed that the colonic bioavailabilityconstant is 30%.Plasma CETPPlasma Drug Ainhibition greaterTime to ReachConc greater thanthan 50% for 16Dose (mg)80% Release (hr)70 ng/ml for 16 hr?hr?102NoNo104NoNo106NoNo108NoNo302YesYes304YesYes306YesYes308YesYes402YesYes404YesYes406YesYes408YesYes4012YesYes602YesYes604YesYes606YesYes608YesYes6012Yes Yes6018YesYes

Example 11

[1361] The modeling methodology of Example 9 was used to identify controlled release Drug A release rates for CR Drug A dosage forms which, when dosed QD or BID in the fasted state, result in plasma Drug A concentrations above 70 ng/ml and 50% or greater CETP inhibition for greater than about 30 minutes longer than that predicted for an immediate release Drug A dosage form at the same dose, on the 14th day of dosing. It is assumed that the colonic bioavailability constant is 30%. Table 19 presents the results.
19TABLE 19Determination of which Drug A doses and release rates, when dosed QDor BID to a fasted human, will achieve plasma Drug A concentrationsabove 70 ng/ml and 50% or greater CETP inhibition for greater thanabout 30 minutes longer than that predicted for an immediate releaseDrug A dosage form at the same dose, on the 14th day of dosing.It is assumed that the colonic bioavailability constant is 30%.Time thatPlasna DrugAconcentrationis above 70ng/ml (andgreater thanDosing50% CETPMeetsDose (mg)FormulationFrequencyinhibition)Criterion10IRQDNever102 hr CR*QD 2 hrYes10IRBID 5 hr102 hr CRBID12 hrYes104 hr CRBID12 hrYes106 hr CRBID 4 hrYes108 hr CRBIDneverNo30IRQD20 hr302 hr CRQD24 hrYes304 hr CRQD24 hrYes306 hr CRQD21.5 hrYes308 hr CRQD17.5 hrNo*2 hr CR means 80% Drug A release in 2 hr.

  • 1. A controlled release dosage form comprising: (a) a solubility-enhanced form of a cholesteryl ester transfer protein inhibitor (CETPI); and (b) a controlled release means for delivering said CETPI; wherein following administration to an in vivo use environment said controlled release dosage form provides at least one of: (i) at least 50% inhibition of plasma cholesteryl ester transfer protein for at least 12 hours; (ii) a maximum drug concentration in the blood that is less than or equal to 80% of the maximum drug concentration in the blood provided by an immediate release dosage form consisting of the same amount of the solubility-enhanced form of said CETPI; (iii) a mean HDL cholesterol level after dosing for 8 weeks that is at least about 1.2-fold that obtained prior to dosing; and (iv) a mean LDL cholesterol level after dosing for 8 weeks that is less than or equal to 90% that obtained prior to dosing.
  • 2. A controlled release dosage form comprising: (a) a solubility-enhanced form of a cholesteryl ester transfer protein inhibitor (CETPI); and (b) a controlled release means for delivering said CETPI; wherein following administration to a use environment said controlled release dosage form releases at least 80 wt % of said CETPI after about at least 2 hours.
  • 3. The controlled release dosage form of claim 1 or 2 further comprising a concentration-enhancing polymer.
  • 4. The controlled release dosage form of claim 3 wherein said solubility-enhanced form is a solid amorphous dispersion of said CETPI in said concentration-enhancing polymer.
  • 5. The controlled release dosage form of claim 4, wherein said solid amorphous dispersion is substantially homogeneous.
  • 6. The controlled release dosage form of claim 1 or 2 further comprising a means to prevent precipitation of said CETPI in said use environment.
  • 7. The controlled release dosage form of claim 6 wherein said means to prevent precipitation is a precipitation-inhibiting polymer.
  • 8. The controlled release dosage form of claim 7 wherein said solubility-enhanced form is amorphous drug.
  • 9. The controlled release dosage form of claim 7 wherein said solubility-enhanced form comprises nanoparticles of drug.
  • 10. The controlled release dosage form of claim 1 or 2 wherein said solubility-enhanced form provides, when administered alone to a use environment, a maximum drug concentration that is at least 2-fold that provided by a control composition consisting of an equivalent amount of CEPTI in crystalline form alone.
  • 11. The controlled release dosage form of claim 10 wherein said solubility-enhanced form provides a maximum drug concentration that is at least 10-fold that provided by said control composition.
  • 12. The controlled release dosage form of claim 1 or 2, wherein said solubility-enhanced form provides, when administered alone to a use environment, a concentration versus time area under the curve (AUC), for any period of at least 90 minutes between the time of introduction into the use environment and about 270 minutes following introduction to the use environment that is at least about 1.25-fold that of a control composition consisting of an equivalent quantity of CETPI in crystalline form alone.
  • 13. The controlled release dosage form of claim 12, wherein said solubility enhanced form provides a concentration versus time AUC that is at least about 5-fold that of said control composition.
  • 14. The controlled release dosage form of claim 1 or 2 wherein said dosage form is selected from the group consisting of a tablet, a capsule, and a multiparticulate.
  • 15. The controlled release dosage form of claim 14 wherein said dosage form is an osmotic tablet.
  • 16. The controlled release dosage form of claim 15 wherein said osmotic tablet is coated with a semi-permeable membrane, said membrane having at least one exit port.
  • 17. The controlled release dosage form of claim 15 wherein said osmotic tablet comprises a homogeneous core.
  • 18. The controlled release dosage form of claim 15 wherein said osmotic tablet is a bilayer osmotic tablet.
  • 19. The controlled release dosage form of claim 14 wherein said dosage form is a matrix tablet.
  • 20. The controlled release dosage form of claim 19 wherein said matrix tablet is an erodible polymeric matrix device.
  • 21. The controlled release dosage form of claim 14 wherein said dosage form is a multparticulate form.
  • 22. The dosage form of claim 14 wherein said dosage form is a coated swellable form.
  • 23. The controlled release dosage form of claim 1 or 2 wherein said dosage form, when administered to a human, has a rate of release into the gastrointestinal tract of said human that results in at least about 50% inhibition of plasma CETP in said human for a time period of at least about 12 hours from the time of administration.
  • 24. The controlled release dosage form of claim 23 wherein said time period is at least about 16 hours
  • 25. The controlled release dosage form of claim 23 wherein said time period is at least about 24 hours.
  • 26. The controlled release dosage form of claim 23 wherein said dosage form results in said 50% inhibition at a dose that is lower than an immediate release dose that results in equivalent inhibition.
  • 27. The controlled release dosage form of claim 1 or 2, wherein said dosage form, when administered to a human, has a rate of release into the gastrointestinal tract of said human that results in at least about 70% inhibition of plasma CETP for a time period of at least about 12 hours from the time of administration.
  • 28. The controlled release dosage form of claim 27 wherein said time period is at least about 16 hours.
  • 29. The controlled release dosage form of claim 27 wherein said time period is at least about 24 hours.
  • 30. The controlled release dosage form of claim 1 or 2, wherein said dosage form, when administered to a human, has a rate of release into the gastrointestinal tract of said human that results in at least about 80% inhibition of plasma CETP for a time period of at least about 12 hours from the time of administration.
  • 31. The controlled release dosage form of claim 30 wherein said time period is at least about 16 hours.
  • 32. The controlled release dosage form of claim 30 wherein said time period is at least about 24 hours.
  • 33. The controlled release dosage form of claim 1 or 2, wherein said dosage form, when administered to a human, has a rate of release into the gastrointestinal tract of said human that results in at least about 90% inhibition of plasma CETP for a time period of at least about 12 hours from the time of administration.
  • 34. The controlled release dosage form of claim 33 wherein said time period is at least about 16 hours.
  • 35. The controlled release dosage form of claim 33 wherein said time period is at least about 24 hours.
  • 36. The controlled release dosage form of claim 1 or 2, wherein said dosage form, when administered to a human, has a rate of release into the gastrointestinal tract of said human that results in at least about 50% inhibition of plasma CETP in said human for a period of time that is greater than 30 minutes longer than the inhibition time period for an immediate release dosage form containing the same amount of the active drug.
  • 37. The controlled release dosage form of claim 36 wherein said period of time is greater than one hour.
  • 38. The controlled release dosage form of claim 41 wherein said period of time is greater than 2 hours.
  • 39. The controlled release dosage form claim 1 or 2 wherein said dosage form, when administered to a human, has a rate of release into the gastrointestinal tract of said human that results in a mean HDL cholesterol level after dosing 8 weeks in said human of at least 1.2-fold that obtained prior to dosing.
  • 40. The controlled release dosage form of claim 1 or 2 wherein said dosage form, when administered to a human has a rate of release into the gastrointestinal tract of said human that results in a mean LDL cholesterol level after dosing 8 weeks in said human that is less than or equal to 90% that obtained prior to dosing.
  • 41. The controlled release dosage form of claim 1 or 2 wherein said dosage form, when administered to a human, provides a Tmax in the blood that is at least 1.25-fold that provided by an immediate release dosage form consisting of an equivalent amount of said CETPI in the same solubility-enhanced form.
  • 42. The controlled release dosage form of claim 41 wherein said Tmax is at least 2-fold that provided by said immediate release dosage form.
  • 43. The controlled release dosage form of claim 41 wherein said Tmax is at least 3-fold that provided by said immediate release dosage form.
  • 44. The controlled release dosage form of claim 1 or 2 wherein said dosage form, when administered to a human, provides a Cmax in the blood that is less than or equal to 80% that provided by an immediate release dosage form consisting of an equivalent amount of said CETPI in the same solubility-enhanced form.
  • 45. The controlled release dosage form of claim 44 wherein said Cmax is less than or equal to 65% that provided by said immediate release dosage form.
  • 46. The controlled release dosage form of claim 44 wherein said Cmax less than or equal to 50% that provided by said immediate release dosage form.
  • 47. The controlled release dosage form of claim 1 or 2 wherein said dosage form, when administered to a human, provides a relative bioavailiability of at least 1.25 relative to an immediate release dosage form consisting of an equivalent amount of said CETPI in the same solubility-enhanced form.
  • 48. The controlled release dosage form of claim 1 or 2 wherein said dosage form, when administered to a human provides a relative bioavailiability of at least 2 relative to an immediate release dosage form consisting of an equivalent amount of said CETPI in the same solubility-enhanced form.
  • 49. The controlled release dosage form of claim 1 or 2 wherein said dosage form following administration to an in vitro use environment has a release rate of less than 40 wt %/hour.
  • 50. The controlled release dosage form of claim 49 wherein said release rate is less than 30 wt %/hour.
  • 51. The controlled release dosage form of claim 49 wherein said release rate is less than 25 wt %/hour.
  • 52. The dosage form of any one of claims 27-39 comprising a once daily dose.
  • 53. The controlled release dosage form of claim 1 or 2 comprising a dose of between about 40 mg/day and about 300 mg/day.
  • 54. The controlled release dosage form of claim 1 or 2 wherein said CETPI is selected from the group consisting of the compounds of Formula I, Formula II, Formula II, Formula IV, Formula V, Formula VI, Formula VII, Formula VIII, Formula IX, Formula X, Formula XI, Formula XII, Formula XIII, Formula XIV, Formula XV, Formula XVI, Formula XVII, and Formula XVIII.
  • 55. The controlled release dosage form of claim 42 wherein said CETPI is a compound of Formula IV.
  • 56. The controlled release dosage form of claim 1 or 2 wherein said CETPI is torcetrapib.
  • 57. The controlled release dosage form of claim 56 wherein said dosage form, when administered to a human, has a rate of release into the gastrointestinal tract of said human that results in a drug plasma concentration in said human in excess of about 70 ng/ml for a time period of at least about 12 hours from administration.
  • 58. The controlled release dosage form of claim 57 which results in a drug plasma concentration in excess of about 110 ng/ml for a time period of at least about 12 hours from administration.
  • 59. The controlled release dosage form of claim 57 which results in a drug plasma concentration in excess of about 150 ng/ml for a time period of at least about 12 hours from administration.
  • 60. The controlled release dosage form of claim 57 which results in a drug plasma concentration in excess of about 300 ng/ml for a time period of at least about 12 hours from administration.
  • 61. A method for treating atherosclerosis, peripheral vascular disease, dyslipidemia, familialhypercholesterolemia, cardiovascular disorders, angina, ischemia, cardiac ischemia, stroke, myocardial infarction, reperfusion injury, angioplastic restenosis, hypertension, vascular complications of diabeters, obesity or endotoxemia; the method comprising administering to a mammal in need of treatment, a atherosclerosis, peripheral vascular disease, dyslipidemia, familialhypercholesterolemia, cardiovascular disorders, angina, ischemia, cardiac ischemia, stroke, myocardial infarction, reperfusion injury, angioplastic restenosis, hypertension, vascular complications of diabetes, obesity or endotoxemia comprising administering to a mammal in need of such treatment, a therapeutically effective amount of a composition of any one of claims 1-2.
  • 62. A method for increasing HDL-cholesterol blood plasma level, the method comprising administering to a mammal in need of increased HDL cholesterol a therapeutically effective amount of a dosage form of any one of claims 1-2.
  • 63. A method for decreasing LDL-cholesterol blood plasma level, the method comprising administering to a mammal in need of decreased LDL cholesterol comprising administering to a mammal in need of decreased LDL cholesterol a therapeutically effective amount of a dosage form of any one of claims 1-2.
Parent Case Info

[0001] This application claims the benefit of priority of U.S. provisional patent application serial No. 60/353,719 filed Feb. 1, 2002.

Provisional Applications (1)
Number Date Country
60353719 Feb 2002 US