A. Nienow, D. Wisdom, J. Middleton, The Effect of Scale and Geometry on Flooding, Recirculation, and Power in Gassed Stirred Vessels, 2nd European Conference, Mar. 30-Apr. 1, 1977. |
C. Chapman, A. Nienow, M. Cooke, and J. Middleton, Particle-Gas-Liquid Mixing in Stirred Vessels, Chem Eng. Res Des. vol. 61 Mar. 1983, pp. 82-95. |
M. Warmoeskerken and J. Smith, The Flooding Transition with Gassed Rushton Turbines, Symposium Series No. 89, 1984, pp. 59-66. |
A. Nienow, M. Warmoeskerken, J. Smith and M. Konno, On the Flooding/Loading Transition and the Complete Dispersal Condition in Airated Vessels Agitated by a Rushton-Turbine, 5th European. |
Conference on Mixing, Wurzburg, West Germany, Jun. 10-12, 1985, paper 15, p. 143154. |
W. Bujalski, M. Konno and A. Nienow, Scale-Up of 45° Pitch Blade Agitators for Gas Dispersion and Solid Suspension, 6th European Conference on Mixing, Pavia, Italy, May 24-26, 1988, pp. 389-398. |