The proposed project would support the key goals of the NSF Convergence Accelerator program as stated in the March 15, 2019 Dear Colleague Letter: "to accelerate use-inspired convergence research in areas of national importance, and (ii) initiate convergence team-building capacity around exploratory, potentially high-risk proposals in three convergence topics (tracks)." <br/><br/>The EAGER proposal represents an exploratory effort to work with NSF and the 43 Convergence Accelerator Pilot teams to explore and develop new customized curriculum suitable for multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional convergence research teams doing use-inspired research on grand challenge problems of national importance. Cross-cohort collaboration is essential to assuring that the end deliverables are not just the efforts of a single project working in isolation.<br/><br/>The proposed project would support team building capacity among Phase I pilot teams around solutions in areas of high national importance in the Convergence Accelerator including Open Knowledge Network, Artificial Intelligence and the reskilling and upskilling of workers, and the National Talent Ecosystem. This project will also identify best practices and lessons learned that will inform NSF's future work in this and potentially other programs, enhancing the impact of the Convergence Accelerator model to achieve desired impacts on future areas of national importance.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.