Cool-tip electrode thermosurgery system

For heat ablating living tissue of a body, an ablation electrode, contacting a surface of the tissue or within tissue, is coupled to an RF power supply referenced to a second electrode contacting the body. Fluid coolant is circulated to cool the contact surface extending the ablation to an increased volume of tissue. Temperature may be sensed contiguous to the surface to control the flows of RF heating energy and fluid coolant. Computer capability implements control and provides graphics of data, preplans, or controls relative to the ablation. Several forms of electrode structures accommodate specific objectives.


Therapeutic lesions in living bodies have been accomplished for many decades using radio-frequency (RF) and other forms of energy. The procedures have been particularly useful in the field of neurosurgery, typically where RF ablation electrodes (usually of elongated cylindrical geometry) are inserted into a living body. A typical form of such ablation electrodes incorporates an insulated sheath from which an exposed (uninsulated) tip extends.

Generally, the ablation electrode is coupled between a grounded RF power source (outside the body) and a reference ground or indifferent electrode for contacting a large surface of the body. When an RF voltage is provided between the reference electrode and the inserted ablation electrode, RF current flows from the ablation electrode through the body. Typically, the current density is very high near the tip of the ablation electrode, which heats and destroys the adjacent tissue.

Ablation electrode techniques, including the theory behind the techniques and many applications of the techniques are described in various papers, specifically see, (1) Cosman et al, “Theoretical Aspects of Radiofrequency Lesions in the Dorsal Root Entry Zone”


15:945-950, 1984 and (2) Cosman E. R. and Cosman B. J.: “Methods of Making Nervous System Lesions, in Wilkins R H, Rengachary S S (EDS):


, New York, McGraw-Hill, Vol. III, pp. 2490-2498, 1984.

In the past, RF ablation electrodes have incorporated temperature sensors, for example, in the form of a thermistor or thermocouple. In that regard, see U.S. Pat. No. 4,411,266 (1983, Eric R. Cosman). Typically, the sensor is connected to a monitoring apparatus for indicating temperature to assist in accomplishing a desired lesion. As generally known, for a given tip geometry and tip temperature, lesions of a prescribed size can be made quite consistently. In that regard also, see U.S. Pat. No. 4,411,266, (1983, Eric R. Cosman).

Over the years, a wide variety of RF electrode shapes and configurations have been used, for example, several current forms are available from Radionics, Inc., located in Burlington, Mass. Such electrodes have been used to accomplish lesions in a wide variety of targets within the body, including the brain, the spinal column and the heart.

However, a limitation of prior electrode ablation systems relates to the temperature of the tip. Specifically, prior ablation electrodes of a given tip geometry never should effectively exceed a temperature of 100° C. At that temperature, the surrounding tissue will boil and char. Also, uncontrolled disruption, such as hemorrhage and explosive gas formation, may cause extremely hazardous and clinically dangerous effects on the patient. Consequently, the lesion size for a given electrode geometry generally has been considered to be somewhat limited by the fact that the tissue near the tip must not exceed 100° C.

Essentially, during RF ablation, the electrode temperature is highest near the tip, because the current density is the highest at that location. Accordingly, temperature falls off as a function of distance from the electrode tip, and except for possible abnormalities in tissue conductivity and so on, in a somewhat predictable and even calculable pattern. As an attendant consequence, the size of RF lesions for a given electrode geometry have been somewhat limited.

One proposed solution to the limitation of lesion's size has been to employ “off-axis” electrodes, for example the so called Zervas Hypophysectomy Electrode or the Gildenberg Side-Outlet electrode, as manufactured by Radionics, Inc., Burlington, Mass. However, such systems in requiring multiple tissue punctures, increase the risk of hemorrhage, severely the prolong the time of surgery and increase the level of delicacy. Also, an umbrella of off-axis lesions may not produce a desired homogenous or uniform lesion. Accordingly, a need exists for an ablation electrode system capable of accomplishing enlarged lesions (radius and volume).

Considering lesion size, the papers of Cosman et al. (cited above) describe producing lesions in the brain of up to 10 to 12 millimeters by using very large electrodes. Yet, a need exists to attain much larger lesions. For example, in the liver, cancerous tumors may exceed 20 or 30 millimeters and may be clearly visible, as by tomographic scanning. Accordingly, a need exists for the capability to heat such tumors destructively with a minimum number of electrode insertions and heating episodes.

In general, the system of the present invention is directed to an improved system for accomplishing ablations in the body. The system offers a capability for controlled and modified temperature distribution as a function of distance from the ablation electrode so as to “throw out” or extend the heat to much larger distances while generally preserving the safety and control of the lesion process. The system enables controlling the temperature at a heating terminal, as for example the tip of an ablation electrode. For example, in disclosed embodiments, the temperature of the electrode tip (heat device) is controlled by incorporating a mechanism to cool the tip so as to reduce the excessive temperatures of the ablation process adjacent to the tip. For example, by the incorporation of a controllable, externally modulated agent (fluid) for secondary cooling of the tip, control is accomplished and in that regard, excessive heating of tissue near or adjacent the tip is reduced. Specifically, disclosed embodiments incorporate a cooling component which enables cooling of the ablation electrode and the tissue just adjacent to the electrode so as to modify the thermo distribution of heat disposition in the tissue and attain larger lesions. Essentially, the ablation energy dissipated in the tissue as heat can be effectively increased as a result of cooling at the working surface. As a result, the ablation volume is increased. Forms of cooled-tip, high frequency, electrodes as disclosed herein are well suited for percutaneous minimal invasive ablation of tumors. Specific embodiments are disclosed to be useful in thermo surgical settings which possess physical characteristics affording improved control and handling. Particular assemblies of cannula, fluid handling structures, irrigating and perfusion devices, radiofrequency cannula, and thermo probes are disclosed which afford the possibility of constructing various practical thermo-surgical applicators capable of effective operation. Additionally, as disclosed herein, control may be enhanced by the utilization of a computer, as with graphics and display capability to control, monitor or feedback parameters of the thermo surgery, also to preplan the ablation, or map, fuse or update images from one or more image scanners before, during or after the ablation process.


In the drawings, which constitute a part of the specification, exemplary embodiments exhibiting various objectives and features hereof are set forth, specifically:

FIG. 1

is a block and sectional diagram of a system constructed in accordance with the present invention;

FIG. 2

is a fragmentary enlarged block and sectional diagram illustrating portions of the system of

FIG. 1

in greater structural detail with slight modification;


is a sectional and elevational view of disengaged components representative of an alternative embodiment in accordance with the present invention;


is a fragmentary view showing another alternative embodiment from that of




is a fragmentary view showing still another alternative embodiment from that of




is a sectional and elevation view of unassembled components of one other alternative form of the electrode component of the system of

FIG. 2


FIG. 3

is a rectangular coordinate graph illustrating temperature distributions associated with RF electrodes;

FIG. 4

is a block and schematic diagram of an alternative form of a system in accordance with the present inventions

FIG. 5

is a block and elevation of still another alternative form of the present invention;

FIG. 6

is a block and elevation view of still another alternative form of the present invention;

FIG. 7

is a diagrammatic illustration of a system in accordance herewith in still anther modified form hereof;

FIG. 8

is a block and schematic diagram of an extended embodiment of the system of the present invention;

FIG. 9

is a computer program flow chart illustrating operations within the system of

FIG. 8


FIG. 10

is a pictorial view of exemplary displays by the system of

FIG. 8

; and

FIG. 11

is a sectional view illustrating an exemplary procedure utilizing a form of system of the present invention.


The following embodiments illustrate and exemplify the present invention and concepts thereof, yet in that regard, they are deemed to afford the best embodiments for purposes of disclosure and to provide a basis for the claims herein which define the scope of the present invention.

Referring somewhat concurrently to

FIGS. 1 and 2

, the illustrated ablation system generally incorporates an elongate shaft or cannula body C for insertion, either percutaneously or intraoperatively into an open wound site. As illustrated the cannula body C is integral with a head or hub element H coupled to remote support components, collectively designated S.

Structurally, the cannula body C incorporates an elongated hollow ablative electrode



FIG. 2

) formed of conductive material, e.g. metal such as stainless steel, titanium, etc. At the distal end of the cannula body C, the electrode


defines a tip


which may be radiused at its end or which may be pointed. In one form, the tip


may define a trocar point and may be of robust metal construction to facilitate insertion or penetration of tissue. In operation when using an R.F. power supply


, electrical current spreads from the tip


to pass through the surrounding tissue causing the tissue to heat up. That is, when the tip


is positioned contiguous (near, touching or within) to a tissue, energy from the R.F. power supply


is dissipated into heat within the tissue.

Over most of its length, the electrode


carries an insulative coating


for selectively preventing the flow of electrical current from the shaft


of electrode


into surrounding tissue. Thus, the insulative coating


shields the intervening tissue from RF current, so that such tissue is not substantially heated along the length of the shaft


except by the heating effect from the exposed tip



The proximal end (left) of the electrode



FIG. 2

) is integral with an enlarged housing


of the hub H which carries electrical and coolant connections as explained in greater detail below. Outside the patient's body, the housing


is of cylindrical configuration, defining ports for connections to the support components S, i.e., electrical and fluid couplings. As suggested, the housing


may be integral with the electrode


, formed of metal, or it may constitute a separate subassembly as described below. Alternatively, the housing


can be of plastic, accommodating separate electrical connections. In that regard, a plastic housing


is amenable to low artifact imaging by X-rays CT, MRI, etc. as may be desirable in some situations.

The housing


mates with a block



FIG. 2

) defining a luer taper lock


sealing the block


to the housing


. Thus, fluid and electrical couplings are provided. Specifically, connection to a regulated RF supply


(variable) can take the form of a standard cable connector, a leader wire, a jack-type contact or other designs known in the high frequency art. The temperature-sensing and radiofrequency electrical connections can be made through the housing


and extend to the region of the tip


, where an RF line


is connected by junction


(a weld, braze, or other secure electrical connection). With sensor lines


extending to a thermo-sensor


, as in the form of a thermistor, or a thermocouple, or other type of sensor, the thermo sensor


may be fused or in thermal contact with the wall of the tip


to sense the temperature of the tip



Recapitulating, the RF power supply


may be referenced to reference potential as illustrated (FIG.


), and coupled through the block


affixed to the hub H. Specifically, the RF power supply


provides RF voltage through the block


with an electrical connection to the electrode


as indicated by the line


, to the connection junction


. The power supply


may take the form of an RF generator as exemplified by the RFG-3C RF Lesion Generator System available from Radionics, Inc., Burlington, Mass.

As indicated above and in accordance with common practice, when the ablation electrode


is in a patient's body, an electrical circuit is completed through the body to a reference or dispersive electrode R (symbolically represented in

FIG. 2

) that is connected elsewhere to the body. Consequently the RF power supply


heats body tissue by current from the tip


. In that regard, a temperature monitor



FIG. 2

left, center) may be electrically connected by lines




to a temperature sensor


as in the form of a thermocouple or thermistor typically within or contacting the tip


. As illustrated, the sensor


is connected to the tip


. The sensed temperature may be utilized to control either or both of the flow of RF energy or the flow of coolant to attain the desired ablation while maintaining the maximum temperature substantially below 100° C. Note that a plurality of sensors could be utilized including units extending outside the tip


to measure temperatures existing at various locations in the proximity of the tip


. The temperature monitor


may be as exemplified by the TC thermocouple temperature monitoring devices available from; Radionics, Inc., Burlington, Mass.

In accordance herewith, temperatures at, or near the tip


(manifest by the monitor


) may be controlled by controlling the flow of fluid coolant through the ablation electrode


. Accordingly, the temperature of the tissue contacting or near the tip


is controlled. In the disclosed embodiment, fluid from a fluid source FS is carried the length of the ablation electrode



FIG. 2

) through a tube


extending from the housing H to the distal end of the electrode


terminating in an open end


at the tip


. At the opposite end of the electrode


, within the housing H, the tube


is connected to receive fluid. As illustrated in the detailed structure of

FIG. 1

, the fluid source FS includes a source unit


coupled through a control


utilizing a hypodermic syringe


to actuate fluid flow (arrow


) through a coupling


. Thus, fluid flow is regulated in accordance with observed temperature, allowing increased flow of RF energy.

The fluid coolant may take the form of water or saline for the convection removal of heat from the tip


. The reservoir or source unit



FIG. 1

) might be a large reservoir of cooled water, saline or other fluid. As a simplistic example, a tank of water with ice cubes can function to maintain the coolant at a temperature of approximately 0° C. As another example, the fluid source FS could incorporate a peristaltic pump or other fluid pump, or could merely be a gravity feed for supplying fluid from a bag or rigid tank.

Flow away from the tip


is back to the hub H (

FIG. 2

) to exit the hub H through an exit port


as illustrated by arrows




. Note that the ports may take the form of simple couplings, rigid units or may comprise flexible tubular couplings to reduce torque transmission to the electrode


. Also, the coolant flow members may simply take the form of PVC tubes with plastic luer connectors for ease of use.

As a result of the coolant flow, the interior of the electrode


, in particular the electrode tip


, can be held to a temperature near that of the fluid source FS. The coolant can circulate in a closed system as illustrated in FIG.


. Also, in some situations, it may be desirable to reverse the direction of fluid flow from that depicted in the figures. As treated in detail below, coordinated operation, involving RF heating along with the cooling may be accomplished by a microprocessor




). In that regard, the microprocessor


is coupled to the RF power supply


, the temperature monitor


and the fluid source FS to receive data on flow rates and temperatures and exercise control. Accordingly, an integrated operation is provided with feedback from the temperature monitor


in a controlled format and various functions can be concurrently accomplished. Thus, facilitated by the cooling, the ablation electrode


is moderated, changed, controlled or stabilized. Such controlled operation can effectively reduce the temperature of tissue near the tip


to accomplish an equilibrium temperature distribution tailored to the desired size of the desired lesion.

The temperature distribution in the tissue near the tip


depends on the RF current from the tip


and depends on the temperature of the tissue which is adjacent to the tip


and that tip temperature can be controlled to approach the temperature of the fluid from the source FS. Thus, a thermal boundary condition is established, holding the temperature of the tissue (near the tip


) to approximately the temperature of the tip itself, e.g. the temperature of the fluid inside the tip


. Accordingly, by temperature control, a surgeon may impose a defined temperature at the boundary of the electrode tip


which can be somewhat independent of the RF heating process and in fact, dramatically modify the temperature distribution in the tissue.

To consider temperature distributions from the tip


, reference now will be made to the graph of FIG.


. The nominal radial distance R from the central axis of an electrode tip is plotted against temperature T. In the illustrated example, a nominal radius R


of the tip is depicted. A body temperature of 37° C. is the base reference line in the graph. Also, a temperature level of 100° C. is indicated; the boiling point of water and essentially that of body tissue. As explained above, such a temperature is highly undesirable in any controlled clinical setting. Accordingly, it is important to maintain the temperature of the electrode substantially below 100° C.

Generally, the curves of

FIG. 3

illustrate somewhat idealized characteristics of exemplary electrodes, indicating tissue temperature T as a function of distance R from the electrode. Though idealized, the curves are calculable and can serve to indicate lesion size. In that regard, see the papers identified above, Cosman et al. (both 1984).

The curve


represents the operation of a traditional ablation electrode, whereby at the electrode surface (R


) the tissue is elevated to a safe temperature T


. However, from that location, the temperature rapidly falls off and approaches body temperature (37° C.) asymptotically as the distance R increases from the electrode.

It is generally accepted that most bodily tissue across most cell lines will permanently die if held at a temperature in the range of 45° C. to 60° C. for a sustained period, e.g. 60 seconds. Accordingly, the ablation radius for a lesion generally corresponds to the radius associated with temperatures in a range of 45° C. to 60° C. Thus, ablation by the electrode as depicted by the curve


would be effective only to the radius of a point



The curve


illustrates the characteristic of an electrode or ablation system in accordance with the present invention. The improved electrode (e.g. electrode



FIG. 2

) can be maintained at an approximate temperature, e.g. temperature T


, as indicated, substantially lower than the body temperature of 37° C. In

FIG. 3

, the representation is that the temperature T


can approach 0° C., the freezing point of water. Of course, it is not necessary to employ such a low temperature; however, the graph of

FIG. 3

is illustrative. Consequently, a substantially horizontal section


of the curve


indicates a constant temperature T


within the radius R


. The section


represents a situation in which the interior of the improved electrode tip is held at a temperature T


by circulating coolant. Such operation imposes the boundary condition at R


such that the tissue outside the tip is also substantially at the temperature T



Considering further representations of the curve


, the RF current causes energy dissipation in the tissue immediately adjacent to and distanced from the electrode radius R


, but the equilibrium temperature distribution of the tissue is controlled by the equation of heat disposition, conduction and convection throughout the space. The fact that the improved electrode tip (tip



FIG. 2

) is held at the temperature T


means that the temperature curve


must be continuous and meet the point T


at radius R


. As a result, the heating causes higher temperatures at greater distances from the tip as shown by the rise of the curve


to a maximum temperature T


at a radius R


substantially greater than the radius R


. The actual ablation radius is indicated at a point


, substantially displaced from the point



Beyond the radius R


, blood convection dominates to a larger radius and as illustrated, the curve


falls off to its asymptotic limit approximating 37° C.

The curve


illustrates that by cooling in the improved electrode tip, the radius R


corresponding to a temperature T


is much larger than the radius corresponding to the same temperature T


for traditional electrodes. In essence, by cooling the electrode tip, the zone of highest temperature is “thrown out” or extended to a larger radius, in the illustrated case to a radius R


, further away from the electrode than the radius R


of traditional electrodes; similarly the ablation radii as indicated by the points





Summarily, the consequence of the larger radius of elevated temperature is a larger kill radius. That is, the kill radius or volume of the ablation zone can be made substantially larger for a cooled electrode of essentially identical geometry. This may be illustrated by the radius for the point


on the curve


compared to the point


on the curve


. As a consequence, a quantum leap is represented in the capability of making RF lesions and in making larger lesions with greater control for a particular electrode geometry. Implementations in accordance with the disclosed embodiments in actual living tissue, indicate that with an electrode of 20 gauge (a radius of under 1 mm) lesion sizes can be expanded from a limited range of approximately 10 mm in diameter to diameters of 20 to 30 mm. The consequences are considerable.

In a clinical setting, systems hereof offer a very material advantage. For example, for a tumor volume in the range of 20 mm or more, a single electrode can be used to engulf the volume in a lethal temperature zone. Conversely, with traditional electrodes, multiple passes or multiple off-access electrode passes would be required with all of the incumbent disadvantages and hazards of hemorrhage, discomfort, risk of hitting critical structures, inhomogeneities of temperature distributions, and the risk of not ablating the entire volume of concern. Thus, in accordance herewith, significant clinical advantages are offered in the ablation of tissue volumes.

From the above description, it will be apparent to persons skilled in the art that the present invention may be embodied in a number of various forms. In that regard, the embodiment of

FIGS. 1 and 2

may be implemented variously, for example to be either disposable or non-disposable. The thermal circulation system may or may not be an intact closed end, tissue-penetrating structure. Temperature sensors and monitors may or may not be used in the electrode or applicator.

By providing the temperature sensor


in a removable form, its failure will rot likely compromise the specific operation of the cannula body C. Generally, modulization may involve separate units involving the heating, cooling and sensing operations to enable separate and distinct reusability or disposability.

Various forms of plastics, metals and composite materials may be utilized to accomplish specific objectives. For example, the insulation coating


may take the form of Teflon, polyethylene, and so on as has been utilized in past electrode designs available from Radionics, Burlington, Mass.

Turning now to specific alternative forms,


illustrates a dual component structure. At the top, a cannula sheath CS is illustrated telescopically receiving an occluding stylet shaft SS, the two being mated for placement, as in body tissue. Subsequently, the procedure involves removing the stylet shaft SS from the cannula sheath CS and inserting a cooled RF cannula RC as illustrated separately. Accordingly, somewhat greater flexibility of operation is attained.

The cannula shaft CS may incorporate an elongated tubular insulated structure (for example in the form of a plastic sheath or insulation coating a metal tube)


affixed to a hub


. Generally, the insulated structure


constitutes an electrically insulating substance as a surface while the hub


may be either metal or plastic; the latter possibly of a low radiopacity material that is desirable for position confirmation by x-ray, CT, MRI and so on.

The stylet shaft SS is loosely received within the insulated structure


for free telescopic movement, and may have a pointed tip


which may be a trocar, conical, bevel or other penetrating shape for introducing the noted combination into a patient's body. During insertion, the hub


mates with the block


to lock and seal the cannula sheath CS with the stylet shaft SS for effective insertion.

Once the combination or composite cannula sheath CS and stylet shaft SS are appropriately positioned within the tissue, the stylet shaft SS is withdrawn and the cooled cannula RC is introduced. Accordingly, as indicated by the double ended arrow


, the positions of the stylet shaft SS and the cooled RF cannula RC are reversed from that illustrated. With the cooled cannula RC received in the cannula sheath CS, a tip


extends from the insulation


by the lengths L as indicated. Accordingly, the unit is mobilized for effective heat ablation.

Considering the cooled cannula RC in somewhat greater detail, both heating and cooling capabilities are provided as described with respect to earlier embodiments. In that regard, full details of the cooled RF cannula RC are not repeated in FIG.


A. Rather, component parts are generally indicated. Specifically, from the tip


, the hollow electrode


(of substantially uniform section) continues (left) to mate with a sizing clamp


accommodating various lengths in accordance with well known structures. That is, with a traditional sizing clamp


, the length L of the extending tip


can be varied to accommodate specific desired objectives. The sizing clamp


is secured by a lock screw



In using the structure of


, a measure of the effective tip length (degree of extension L) is indicated by scale markings


on a cylindrical portion


(left) extending from the sizing clamp


. Remote from the clamp


, the portion


engages a coupling


, which in turn receives a connector block


which carries an electrical connection


from the electrode tip


or cannula RC to a source


of RF power as explained above with respect to FIG.



Coolant, to be circulated through the tip


, is provided through tubes




. Thus, as described in detail with respect to

FIGS. 1 and 2

, the tubes




accommodate the passage of coolant fluid through the RF/cooling cannula RC to the tip


thereby cooling the tip or “clamping” it to the desired temperature, which may be below 37° C. Accordingly, as explained above, the structure “throws” the temperature distribution outward to achieve a larger ablation volume.


is slightly enlarged and shows a modification of FIG.


A. Specifically, a directional electrode




has an insulated sheath


; however, the full annulus of the sheath


terminates at a belt


. From the belt


, the sheath


covers only one half of the electrode tip


in the form of an elongate half dome extension


. Accordingly, an exposed conductive surface of the tip


(somewhat an arcuate half cylindrical surface) is illustrated at the top of the tip while the other half of the tip is insulated to block the emanation of RF current. As a consequence, the RF current emanates directionally into the tissue and accordingly ablation is directional. Thus, the tissue is heated at a “window” in the insulation by the exposed-tip (upper) side of the tip


but not on the opposite insulation shielded side (lower). Using the embodiment of


, non symmetrical lesions are possible.

Another variation is illustrated by the fragmentary modified view of


, again, a variation of the structure as illustrated in FIG.


A. The tip


has a side window


to function as described with reference to


with the tip end covered, or in part covered. The variation may be useful as a biopsy needle, an aspirating device, a suction tube device, a side-scanning ultrasonic detector or a radar system, for example where biopsies, aspirations, etc. can be taken through the window


. Such side-cutting or windowed type biopsy needles are known in the industry as represented by the NBA Nashhold biopsy needle as produced by Radionics, Inc., Burlington, Mass.

Still another variation of the system as depicted in

FIGS. 1 and 2

is illustrated in FIG.


D. Essentially, the structure of


involves four separate components (separately illustrated) that are sequentially mated to accomplish an ablation. Specifically, as indicated by dashed lines L


, L


and L


, the interrelated components are telescopically mated to accomplish an integrated system.

Basically, an insulated cannula IC (top) receives an electrode stylet ES which then in turn receives a coolant cannula CC, and which in turn receives a RF element RE. Although the component parts are somewhat similar to parts as described above, they are distinct as will now be described. However, to the extent appropriate, similar reference numerals are employed.

An ablation electrode




upper right) which can be coupled to an RF source (not shown) defines a pointed tip


extending from an insulation coating


that covers the electrode


away from the tip to a hub H


. As previously explained, the tip


, enables penetration.

Remote from the tip


, the hub H




) as the other hubs of


, may comprise various materials including metal or plastic and defines a female luer shape


(dash line) coaxial with the electrode


to lockingly receive a male member. Specifically, as illustrated the female shape


of the hub H


receives the male luer shape


of a hub H


, a part of the electrode stylet ES.

With the insulated cannula IC positioned in tissue, the electrode stylet ES is telescopically inserted so that an elongate coaxial stylet


extends substantially the length of the hollow electrode


. The lockingly engaged members provide a somewhat stiffer structure for effective manipulation and penetration of tissue or passage into bodily openings.

With the composite (the insulated cannula IC and the electrode stylet ES) matingly engaged and placed, a coolant cannula CC is placed in the stylet ES. The coolant cannula CC incorporates a hub H


defining a male luer shape


for locking the entire assembly telescopically within the stylet


during the interval of heat ablation.

Considering the structure in greater detail, the hub H


defines axially parallel passages for accommodating the flow of coolant. A radially-extending tube


enters the hub H


(bottom) to provide a coolant flow passage from the hub H


to a coolant tube


extending substantially the length of the stylet



Another fluid passage


(top) passing through the hub H


turns axially from a port


to accommodate the exit flow of coolant as indicated by the arrow


. Accordingly, coolant is received through a tube


, travels the length of the unit and emerges from the tube


. As a consequence, cooling is accomplished in accordance herewith.

The hub H


also defines a coaxial luer opening


for mating engagement with a male luer shape


in a hub H


of the RF element RE (


bottom). Accordingly, the element RE can be inserted so that an elongated sensing element


is coaxially received in the elongate tube


of the coolant cannula CC. Accordingly, an end


of the element RE is positioned at the distal tip of the tube


. The tip


(RF element RE) may incorporate a thermo sensor to detect the coolant fluid temperature, or it may be adapted to contact the wall of the tip


so as to detect the tissue temperature nearby. The hub H


has a male luer lock


to seal with the female luer opening


. Also, through the hub H


, the element RE connects to an external electrical unit


by a cable


, as described in other embodiments; the unit


for example being a power supply for electrical current or other energy source to produce heating in the tissue near the tip



The system of


can be embodied in a simpler form. For instance, the insulated cannula IC, if sufficiently stiff may not require the stylet


for penetration. The coolant cannula CC may employ only a single channel such as the tube


for fluid circulation without the tube


. The connection to the power supply


may be made directly to the hub H


and thus to the tip


without separate RF element RE.

Turning now to other embodiments more distinct from the structure of

FIG. 2


FIG. 4

shows a flexible electrode which incorporates a cooled tip as disclosed above. Specifically, the electrode


is elongated and insulated over most of its length. The electrode


could take the form of a catheter formed of plastic, a spiral wound or braided structure, or various other flexible tube configuration of insulating an and non-insulating material.

Essentially, the electrode


defines a flexible, hollow, externally insulated structure terminated at its distal end in a tip


with a conductive surface. Utilizing techniques well known in the art, the electrode


may incorporate control elements to attain various curvatures. In that regard, the curvature of the electrode


(as well as the tip


) can be controlled at a hub


by utilizing a control


that may be variously implemented as a lever, button or knob. That is, in accordance with prior technology, the control


is connected to mechanisms within the electrode


, as by push-pull wires to control the degree of curvature, the direction of curvature or the position. As indicated, such mechanisms are known and utilized in the field of cardiac electrode physiology as well as endoscopy for targetry throughout the body.

The electrode


further incorporates electrical conduction means and fluid flow means internally mounted as described above with respect to

FIGS. 1 and 2

. Accordingly, RF power is provided from a power supply


so as to provide ablation heat as described above. Also as described above, conduits


supply a stream of fluid coolant from a source


. Just as in the structures described above, the coolant is channeled to the tip


to cool the tip.

The structure of

FIG. 4

may be particularly useful for cardiac ablation. Generally, cardiac ablation catheters are well known; however, the improved form of the present invention offers enhanced possibilities. Incidentally, forms of flexible electrodes as disclosed with respect to

FIG. 4

also may incorporate or include side-outlet electrodes as for example the Zervas type; however, with cooled tips as described herein.

FIG. 5

shows an embodiment of the present invention including a satellite temperature monitoring electrode(s) used to monitor the size of a lesion, specifically in terms of volume or distance away from the lesion marking tip. A main electrode shaft


is constructed somewhat in accordance with the previously described embodiments. Specifically, a hollow electrode


carries an insulating coating


and has an exposed tip


as previously disclosed, and also is similar to the structure of

FIGS. 1 and 2

with respect to heating and cooling. However, an extension tip


extends from the distal end of the electrode tip


, and it may contain a thermosensor at or near its end


which has similar structure to the sensor


and a related connection line


(e.g. cable) as shown in FIG.


. Accordingly, the distal end of the shaft



FIG. 5

) is terminated by an exposed length L of the electrode tip


, and the extension


may sense ablation heating at a distance S from the tip


, this giving added control to the ablation. Thus, the shaft


incorporating the electrode tip


(along with the interior cooling and heating members) is generally similar to the cannula C (FIG.


). The shaft extension distance S may be varied or set by the operator as by structures similar to that in


for adjusting tip exposure L. Shaft extension


may have similar structures to that of FIG.


and also may contain heating and cooling members.

Somewhat similar to previously described embodiments, the electrode shaft



FIG. 5

is affixed to a hub


affording connection through a pair of couplings


to a controller unit


and an ancillary computer system


. Detailed forms of the computer control and display structures are described with reference to later embodiments herein.

From the controller unit


, a cable


extends to a secondary hub


carrying a secondary probe


which will enable ancillary thermosensing (or, heating or cooling) at a position near the tip


offset at a distance D from electrode tip


. Recapitulating, the shaft


affords a controlled heating structure along with the capability to monitor temperature along the length of the extension


. The secondary probe


is offset by a fixed distance D (see line


representing a mechanical connection or an insertion separation of shafts




with respect to tissue placement) Accordingly, based on readings of temperature, power, voltage, current, and/or other lesioning parameters (as well as the cooling), control is by the control unit


in combination with the computer


. In that regard, as illustrated, displays


are provided by the control unit


that may include graphic images and meter indications.

As an aid to control, the probe


may be coated with insulation material so as not to perturb substantially the flow of current from the tip


. The probe has a sensor


at its tip to indicate temperature in the tissue as generally indicated by the arrow



As heating by the structure of

FIG. 5

proceeds, an isotherm or region of constant temperature develops, as represented by a dashed line


which represents a surface of constant temperature within the tissue. Again, by monitoring the temperatures at various locations (as at tips




, and


), a quantitative indication of the lesion size can be determined. Such information can be displayed, monitored, and/or controlled (as by controller


and computer


), and as indicated and automatic control can be implemented.

FIG. 6

shows another embodiment of the present invention incorporating surface/mounted electrodes. Such structures are suited to the ablation of certain specific anatomy. For example, a portion


of anatomy is depicted to contain a tumor to be destroyed. The active electrode system


as illustrated incorporates a flat-area ablation electrode or ablation applicator


shown in contact with the body portion


. The electrode


takes the form of a plate-like configuration formed of metal mesh. Alternatively, the electrode


may take the form of a balloon or bag-like structure incorporating an electrically conductive mesh, wire or surface material to accommodate a good RF contact with the body portion



The ablation electrode


is coupled through an RF cable


to a power source


. As alternatives, the source


might take the form of a microwave, laser, ultrasound, or other direct or alternating current power source, and accordingly connection


is a conveyor of that energy from source


, so that ablation energy is provided from the electrode


to the body portion


. As illustrated in FIG.


,: the electrode


also is coupled to a coolant source


which may take any of the forms indicated herein for supplying coolant to the electrode


through passages





Assume for example, a desire to accomplish a lesion volume of isotherms in the tissue portion


as indicated by the dashed line loop


. In that regard, a temperature measuring satellite sensor


is depicted extending into the loop


. As illustrated, the sensor


is electrically coupled through a cable


to the source


. Accordingly, a tip


of the sensor


provides pertinent temperature indications to the source


for controlling the passage of electrical energy to the electrode


as well as the flow of coolant from the source



To complete the electrical path for ablation energy, a reference electrode


is provided in the form of a flat plate contacting another surface of the anatomy portion


. The reference electrode


is electrically connected by a cable


to the power source


. Accordingly, an electrical circuit is completed from the ablation electrode


through the body portion


to the reference electrode


. Consequently, the established electrical current flow heats the tissue causing a lesion as explained above. Again, as the electrode


is cooled, its temperature is limited and therefore as explained above, the tissue just beneath it will tend to remain relatively cool, and the lesion heat essentially is “thrown out” a distance from the electrode


and be effective for the volume of the loop


. As somewhat apparent from the above, it should be recognized that electrodes with a variety of cooling agents, elements and structures can be utilized. In that regard, disclosed embodiments are exemplary, however, still other means for cooling an electrode tip are possible. For example, thermal electric cooling by the Seebeck effect may be used, where a solid state assembly within the tip of the electrode can be powered by electrical current and voltage from external apparatus, and this in turn can cause cooling of the agent or element within the tip. Cryogenic agents such as liquid nitrogen can be imagined to be flowed inside the electrode. Combined cryogenics, freezing with radio frequency heating can be considered as dual agents to alter and change the thermal distribution near the tip of the cooling device. Cooled gas may be injected into the electrode and heat carried away by forced convection as explained above.

It is to be noted that the cooling fluid, such as illustrated in the above examples may flow out from an electrode as by holes in the tip into the tissue or bodily region near the tip. For example, if the tip were in blood, CSF, or other body or surgical fluid then the cooling fluid could be injected into that external region and not be returned through the electrodes to the source or controller as in the above examples. For example, if the electrode is in a surgical wound, then cooled saline could be sent out through the holes near the tip and thus cooling the tip and irrigating the surgical area. The cooled saline could be aspirated away from the heating site by other tubes, suction elements or channels which are not directly part of the electrode or heating structure.

Referring next to

FIG. 7

, still another embodiment (again, not to scale) is represented, here in a form to treat a portion


of a patient's anatomy, specifically to ablate a volume designated by a dashed line


. The system of

FIG. 7

also involves surface-mounted electrodes and includes a coolant source


which supplies coolant to both an electrode structure


and a surface-mounted reference electrode


. Additionally, electrical energy is provided from an electrical power source


. Specifically supplied energy is through a cable


to a hub


which is electrically connected to the electrode structure


. In that regard, the electrode structure


incorporates a balloon tip


(shown inflated or enlarged) as known in the art and which can expand within the portion


of body tissue. The surface of the tip


is conductive to deliver electric power to tissue in the case of an RF power source



The hub


also incorporates fluid conduits including a passage


for supplying coolant to the balloon tip


from which fluid returns to exit from the hub as indicated at a port


and explained above, flow being in accordance with an arrow



The electrical source


also is connected through a cable


establishing electrical contact with the reference electrode structure


. Accordingly, both the electrode structures




receive coolant in accordance with the systems as described above. Another cooling element


is included to modify the overall thermal distribution. This element


may or may not have connection to the power source


and this may or may not serve to provide heating power but only impose a thermal boundary to control the extend or shape of the ablation volume. Ports




respectively receive and discharge coolant. Accordingly, further thermal boundary conditions may be provided within the body portion



In the operation of the system of

FIG. 7

, electrical energy is supplied to the ablation electrode structure


emanating to the volume of the dashed line


to accomplish the desired ablation. Tissues near the electrode


are cooled and spared from the heating process. For example, if a RF ablation electrode is inserted into the prostate to treat a cancerous tumor, an inflatable cooled balloon, e.g. balloon tip


can be employed by insertion into the rectum in proximity to the rectal wall near the prostate and a cooled reference electrode


can be placed into the urethra. Alternatively, a cooled RF electrode can be placed in the urethra to preserve the integrity of the tissue walls of the urethra and the rectum during percutaneous or open electrode insertion into the prostate so as to ablate the prostate.

Another possible application of a cooling reference electrode is for use near to, in conjunction with, or combined with a secondary ablation electrode, would be in conjunction with heat ablation of tumors in the liver where a cooling electrode could be placed into one of the large vessels supplying the liver, with an RF electrode being placed within the tissue of the liver. Thus, the heating process can be delivered by the RF electrode and the cooling process or thermal boundary conditions can be imposed by the cooling electrode.

A similar situation can occur in the pancreas where an expandable RF ablation electrode, as the electrode structure


, can be put into the pancreas duct and expanded against the tissue of the pancreas and the duct wall. Thus, the RF heating can throw the heat into the pancreas where a tumor or other anomaly may be present. At the same time, the electrode can have cooling circulation so that the tissue immediately adjacent to the electrode in the duct wall can be kept sufficiently cool that it is not destroyed. A ring of annular lesions made by RF heating can be done in this way, where an inner annulus can be spared heating and destruction, whereas smaller annuli, at larger radius from the electrode or the balloon or stent electrode can be thermally destroyed.

It is also possible that large cooled RF ablation electrodes, microwave electrodes, or laser ablation systems can be imposed on or placed in contact with the tissue of the surface of the body or on tissue inside the body such as in open surgical fields or in bodily cavities, vessels, which other reference or indifferent electrodes, cooled or not cooled, can be placed nearby or in a specific orientation relative to them.

As still another consideration, in accordance herewith, a variety of RF electrodes can be employed as explained above that are either electrically activated or inactive so as to set up specific thermal and electrical boundary conditions within tissue and to thereby spare regions of tissue from heat ablation while at the same time destroying other regions of tissue under the control of the configuration electrode and thermal elements and the operator.

As indicated above, a computer system may be effectively used as to calculate the thermal and electrical distribution and attain a desired thermo distribution within the tissue. In that regard, account is taken of thermo, convective and conductive properties of the tissue and fluids as well as Maxwell's equations to determine the density and the distribution of the tissue, all being considered by computer workstation and with a relevant graphics display.

Further in relation to graphics displays, in accordance herewith it may be useful to monitor real time or interactive images as from CT, MRI, PET, etc. in relation to the time-course and spacial distributions of thermo ablation. Controller means such as computers can predict and control the process of such heating. In that regard, CT and MRI imaging is sensitive to thermal effects and to tissue changes associated with RF heatings, and these can be monitored during or just after the heating process. For example, tissue necrosis edema break down of the blood brain barrier, etc. and thus is visible immediately or very soon after heat ablation. Such manifestations can be used to monitor the ablation size and to feedback and control the heating process. Such changes can be observed and monitored using computer graphics techniques.

Next, consider embodiments of the system implemented with computer assisted control and also to provide graphics displays as with real-time components. Such an embodiment is shown in FIG.


and will now be described. Essentially, parameters of the situation are reduced to representative signals that are processed to provide displays. Computed data showing an electrode in a tissue environment may be combined with scanned image data (stored for example) to provide a variety of composite displays.

FIG. 8

shows an ablation electrode structure


(right) which may take any of multiple forms including the embodiments described above. The electrode structure


is energized by an RF generator


and cooled by coolant supplied from a source


. A control system


(left) regulates various parameters (energy and coolant flows) in accordance with a predetermined plan that is programmed into a computer system


(lower center). Note that various forms of feedback control systems are well known and satisfactory for implementation in the system


. Specifically, the literature on feedback control systems is exceedingly well known as exemplified in the textbook, MODERN CONTROL ENGINEERING, by K. Ogata, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1970.

Functionally, the computer system


receives parameters through a bus


from the control system


to in turn control and accomplish the desired program. That is, the computer system


implements a monitoring and feedback program with respect to the parameters attendant operation of the ablation structure


. Such operations are accomplished through the bus


in accordance with well known data processing and control techniques.

A simple two-parameter control system can be implemented by the control system


in conjugation with the computer


and input data (units




) involving a thermal distribution calculation by the computer


as illustrated. A look-up table or function generator defines the ablation volume, viz., length and width dimensions, as a function of the tip geometry and tip temperature. The tip temperature T


could be clamped at a fixed value by cooling fluid or if uncooled, the value T


is measured by thermosensors. Using tables such as described in the paper of Cosman, et al., entitled “Theoretical Aspects of Radiofrequency Lesions in the Dorsal Root Entry Zone,”


15:945-950, 1984, one could predict the width or minor diameter of the prolate ellipsoid of revolution which represents the ablation isotherm and corresponding to say a given power output level from the lesion generator at a given tip temperature near the electrode. This could either be derived empirically from experimental data or could be calculated from the equilibrium equation where:

K is the tissue thermal conductivity,

σ is the tissue electrical conductivity,

T is the temperature in the tissue, and dQ


/dt is the rate of heat loss due to blood circulation (taken from Cosman, et al., reference immediately above).

Therefore, the surface of revolution corresponding to the ablation temperature of approximately 50° C. could be determined as a functional equation,













This might be the equation of a surface specifying the x,y,z coordinates relative to the tip of the electrode as a function of the tip radius parameter R


, tip length L


, the tip temperature T


, and the power P of the RF lesion generator. This surface S could be displayed in the coordinate system of the electrode or in the 3D coordinate system of the CT or MR data or in a stereotactic coordinate system space referenced to a localizer structure, or localizer marker(s), or external apparatus (arc, frame, etc.) near the patient. The surface could be displayed on the computer as a red spheroid around the tip. Its relation to the defined lesion volume could be obvious by graphic rendering such as done for radiosurgery in the XKnife product of Radionics, Inc. of Burlington, Mass.

A simple specific illustrative program for implementation by the computer system


is illustrated in FIG.


. Essentially, it depicts an initializing operation of setting parameters as indicated (block


). Specifically, ablation time, power, electrode temperature, and allowable impedance are all initialized. Thereafter, the process is initiated with the established parameters as indicated by the block


. From that stage, the data is monitored. Specifically, the temperature is measured as indicated in the various disclosed embodiments. As indicated by the query block


, if a temperature in excess of 100° C. is measured, the procedure is terminated (block



If temperatures are below the critical level, the maximum allowable impedance is next of concern. That is, as indicated by the query block


, if the temperature is exceeded, the RF power is reduced, see block


. In that regard note that temperature is indicated to be frequently checked in the program. In fact, the system may maintain a continual observation of temperature with an override to terminate the procedure at any time excessive values are observed. However, for illustrative purposes, the program is described in a step process.

With the establishment of acceptable levels of temperature and impedance (blocks




) the power is measured with respect to the desired level (block


). An excessive level again results in a power reduction (block


), otherwise, if power is low, it is increased (block


). Thus, power is adjusted to attain the desired level.

With the desired level of power established, the tip temperature is measured, as indicated by the block


. An excessive level of tip temperature actuates an increase in the flow of coolant (block


) and a check of the other parameters as indicated in FIG.


. Otherwise, the final query is represented by a block


, specifically, has the desired ablation volume been attained. If so, the procedure is terminate (block


) otherwise, as indicated by the line


, the operation is cycled, returning to the block



Returning to the computer related representation of

FIG. 8

, the system also receives data from other sources, specifically a scan data unit


, a sound data unit


and a remote temperature unit


operating with ablation and distribution software


A. Accordingly, in addition to implementing a basic ablation control program, the computer system


provides raw display data to a graphics display drive


(image generator) for actuating a display unit


. Thus, multiple displays are available on a screen


, for example, slicings, time courses, reformattings, and digital subtraction representations, as well as digital and analog meter representations. Exemplary forms of displays are shown in

FIG. 10

as will be treated at a later point.

With regard to data sources, the scan data unit


stores two or three dimensional graphics data relating to the surgery target to be provided selectively so that a surgeon may visualize the anatomy prior to, during and after the procedure. The data stored by the scan unit


may take the form of CT or MRI data developed prior to the surgical event as well known. The data may be either stereotactic or non stereotactic involving immobilizers, fiducial marks, graphic reference means and so on. Forms of such data and its processing are disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,608,977, Brown, entitled System Using Computed Tomography As For Selective Body Treatment, Sep. 2, 1968. The literature of Radionics, Inc. of Burlington, Mass. also is relevant.

The sonic/ultrasound unit


may take a form well known in the art to provide sonic data, as from a stethoscope, electronic microphone or sonic detector to visualize tissue. For example, the data is provided and processed to display the electrode structure


with respect to anatomy. In that regard, signal represented data from the sonic data (unit


) and the scan data (unit


) may be combined by the computer system


to provide display signals for composite displays.

Various other displays may be provided to inform and guide the procedure as it is somewhat controlled with respect to the flows of energy and coolant. In that regard, the program may be implemented to include calculation algorithms, look-up tables, heuristic algorithms, historical clinical data, mathematical calculations involving field and thermal distribution calculations by finite element methods, analytical form solutions, computer theoretic methods, any or all of which may be used to preplan and variously control image data as well as operation procedures.

FIG. 10

illustrates exemplary displays that may be provided on the screen


in the operation of the embodiment of

FIG. 10. A



A depicts a real time or preplanned trajectory of a probe path


indicating the course of an electrode tip into the body, specifically a tumor structure as represented by a cloud of dots


. Note that CT contrast agents can be used to “see” the ablation volume during or following thermo surgery with the consequence that the display provides a direct view of the results immediately following the heating process.

Another screen display


B, depicts a preplanned electrode path


in a slice


of a three-dimensional aspect of course, the slice


may be depicted on the basis of scanned data provided from the unit




). Display of the electrode geometry (viz., tip length and diameter, and shape) can be given here as well as 3D or stereotactic views relative to other anatomy.

Another represented screen display


C, shows a rendering


of a slice of patient anatomy with a path


depicted for a thermo surgical probe. Multiple electrode paths may be shown which are either parallel or non parallel, stereotactically placed or in various locations within the body.

In a display


D, a graph line


is represented frozen in time or preplanned, for example indicating the thermo sensor readout of temperature sensors associated with the coolant fluid electrode tip, accessory probes or cooling or heating applicators, multiple sensor data, etc. as described previously. A digital display, designation, or multiple digital displays might be shown in a subwindow


. Accordingly, various graphic curves might be shown, for example, a red curve might represent tissue temperature while a green curve represents fluid temperature and a yellow curve represents fluid temperature at another location. In such a format, an orange curve might represent tissue temperature as measured by a satellite electrode.

Considering a display


E, a graph line


shows the output of the RF generator as a function of time. Concurrently, a subwindow


indicates a digital or analog representation of the instant power, current, voltage, or other power output or monitored ablation parameters.

In a display


F, a curve


indicates the impedance of the electrode-structure circuit and the tissue being heated. Generally, an impedance drop is anticipated as tissue is heated with a rise of impedance if tissue charring or boiling is approached or reached; in that regard, see a paper of E. R. Cosman, et al. entitled “Radiofrequency Lesion Generation And Its Effects On Tissue Impedance”, Applied Neurophysiology, 51:230-242, 1988. The system could give a control or indication of the extent of the ablation volume and safeguard against exceeding boiling and uncontrolled gas formation.

Referring now to

FIG. 11

, a compound embodiment is represented with respect to body tissues, shown as the regions marked by




, and


B. Natural orifices or channels in the body are shown as




. These channels may be external openings (viz. rectum, urethra, throat, bronchae, etc.) or may be internal channels (viz., blood vessels or duct ways, as the aorta, arterial or venous vessels, liver, pancreatic, etc. ducts or vessels, aqueducts of the liver, pancreas, kidney, or other organs, ventricular aqueducts in the brain, the intestines, throat, bronchae, etc.). Catheter type electrode


is in channel


, and inflatable electrode


has a surface against wall


A so as to be in electrical and/or thermal contact. Applicator electrode


may be inflatable as a balloon or condom, and may be insulated over much of its surface, and internal coolant circulation by interior channels (as


). Tissue penetrating electrode


is in the tissue region


, so its electrode tip


is at a target volume represented by line


. The electrodes may have structures as described previously herein, and accordant heating supplies (as




, and


which may be connected together or separate) and cooling supplies (as




, and


), as described herein. The power sources




, and


may be RF sources, and they can be connected, as by lines




, and


, and be at different poles and varying phased relationships in time (as sequenced or phased arrays) between the electrode tips




, and


to create various heating effects and different times and places. Each electrode may or may not have cooling supply (as




, and


) which may be inter-controlled, also with heating controls (as represented by dashed lines




, and


), and these all may be controlled by a computer (viz., in


); in that regard exemplified below. By use of proper cooling and electromagnetic boundary conditions between one or more electrodes, the ablation zone (as dashed line


) may engulf the target volume (viz., a tumor, as line


), and not destroy delicate tissues in channels




because they are kept cool. One, all, or more of such electrodes may be used, dependent on the clinical case.

An application is the prostate. The electrode


may be a cooled catheter type electrode (also steerable as needed) in the urethra


, and


may be a cooled probe in the rectum


. Electrode


may pierce through the rectal wall into the prostate where a tumor (


) has been seen by imaging. Appropriate electrode cooling provides an ablation zone (illustrated by


) to engulf the prostate tumor (viz., as line


), but not destroying delicate mucous membranes on wall


A of the rectum and urethra (as illustrated by


) or seminal vesicles (not shown). Simultaneous or post-ablation imaging can confirm or control the ablation extent.

Another application is the liver, pancreas, or kidney (tissue


may represent these organs). Catheter electrode


is inserted percutaneously through a vessel (viz. in the groin) or directly through the abdomen if the electrode is as in

FIG. 1

so that electrode tip


lies in a hepatic or pancreatic vessel and/or duct. A second electrode


may be inserted so its tip


lies in tumor


. Cooling tip


spares the vessel or duct while tumor


is ablated. In these examples, electrode


may be also actively RF heated, and it may be inflatable or expandable as a balloon, condom, or a stent (a wire mesh flexible structure commonly used in medical practice and for instance sold by Cook, Inc.) to fill the channel


and conform and contact the walls (viz. surface


A). Part of its surface


may “throw” heat into the tumor and also be cooled to prevent damaging the duct so that the duct can continue to process normally biological material.

FIG. 11

may also depict the situation where passage


is the colon, and electrode


is inflated to press against the colon wall, and by cooling plus RF heating it enables ablation of a tumor (viz. volume


) in or near the colon wall without totally destroying the colon wall itself.

As well be apparent to those skilled in the art, the system may take many forms with the multitude of variations. However, recapitulating to some extent, note that various energy sources could be employed as alternatives to RF energy. As examples, the energy could take the form of microwave energy, an ultrasonic heater providing sonic waves into tissue or a direct power source. Also as indicated, heating could be directed by various shapes of structures or variously apertured structures.

Alternative electrodes may take the form of cannula with fiber optic channels to transmit laser light into the tissue for the generation of heat at a depth. Various geometries (curved or straight) of laser systems may be employed. As noted, one form of RF power supply may comprise the RFG-3C Lesion Generator as produced by Radionics, Inc., but other electrical power sources such as electrosurgical RF power supplies, bipolar cautery supplies, etc. could be used.

Also as indicated in disclosed embodiments, various graphics displays may be incorporated in accordance herewith along with the cooling system as disclosed. As indicated, various controls may be provided as for the cooling system and the heating system coordinated by observed phenomena as may be displayed.

As explained with respect to the disclosed embodiments, many variations of electrodes or body terminals are practical including tubular shafts, square shafts and so on. Flat electrodes, area electrodes, multiple electrodes, arrays of electrodes, electrodes with side-outlet or side-issued-tips, electrodes with balloon tips, expandable tips or conformable tips can be considered within the system. Electrodes with steerable tips and electrode shafts which can be conformed or shaped or that can be malleable can be considered within the system. Electrodes which are designed to be placed within the body tissue or on the surface of the body or within cavities within the bodies can be devised which are encompassed herewith. Electrodes may or may not have temperature sensors within them or near them, and for instance the ablation process can be done by supplying heating power and applicator cooling without temperature monitoring or control but merely using empirical parameters such as heating power and cooling fluid temperature/flow. In view of these considerations, and as will be appreciated by persons skilled in the art, implementations and systems should be considered broadly and with reference to the claims as set forth below.

  • 1. An electrical structure for use with a source of electrical energy to ablate tissue in a living subject, the electrical structure comprising:an elongated tissue-penetrating electrode including a thermal-conductive rigid tubular member with a closed distal end and defining an interior cavity extending from the closed distal end to a proximal end of the rigid tubular member, the rigid tubular member defining an external, electrically conductive surface, the elongated tissue-penetrating electrode further including an insulation layer disposed on the external, electrically conductive surface and defining an exposed portion of the external electrically conductive surface disposed at the distal end; an electrical connection to provide electrical energy from the source of electrical energy to the external, electrically conductive surface; a fluid conduit sized to extend into the interior cavity of the rigid tubular member and adapted to be connected to a source of coolant to supply coolant for cooling tissue contiguous to the exposed portion of the external, electrically conductive surface; an extension tip having a closed distal end and defining an interior cavity extending from the closed distal end to a proximal end of the extension tip, the proximal end being mounted to the distal end of the tubular member and wherein the fluid conduit is sized to extend into the cavity of the extension tip; a thermosensor disposed within the interior cavity of the extension tip adjacent the distal end of the extension tip for detecting a temperature; and an adjustable source of coolant for adaptively providing coolant to the fluid conduit according to the measured temperature.
  • 2. The electrical structure according to claim 1 wherein the rigid tubular member is formed of metal.
  • 3. The electrical structure according to claim 1 wherein the closed distal end is integral with the tubular member.
  • 4. The electrical structure according to claim 1 further including:a temperature sensor mounted proximate the exposed portion; and a temperature indicator coupled to the temperature sensor to display temperature.
  • 5. The electrical structure according to claim 1 further including:at least one satellite electrode connected to the source of electrical energy to establish secondary current flow.
  • 6. The electrical structure according to claim 1, wherein the proximal end of the extension tip is slidably engaged with the distal end of the tubular member.
  • 7. A system for targeting and ablating a predetermined volume of tissue to maximize the formation of a lesion, the electrical structure including:an electrical energy generator; an adjustable fluid source that adaptively provides coolant to a fluid conduit; a hollow electrode formed with a continuous electrically and thermally conductive wall and having a closed distal end and an external surface in electrical communication with the electrical energy generator, the external surface having an insulation coating selectively applied thereto to define at least one electrical current conducting portion for establishing primary current flow adjacent the tissue to form the lesion, the electrode wall defining a sealed interior cavity; a fluid conduit sized to extend into the interior cavity of the hollow electrode, the fluid conduit having a first end joined in fluid communication with the adjustable fluid source, and an opposite end connected in fluid communication with the electrode wall and having an open ended return line for connecting to the electrode wall to form a fluid exit path; an extension tip having a closed distal end and defining an interior cavity extending from the closed distal end to a proximal end of the extension tip, the proximal end being mounted to the distal end of the hollow electrode, wherein the fluid conduit is sized to extend into the cavity of the extension tip; and a temperature sensor mounted proximate the distal end of the extension tip and generating an output signal representative of a temperature proximate the distal end of the extension tip, the adjustable fluid source adaptively providing coolant according to the measured temperature.
  • 8. The system according to claim 7 wherein the hollow electrode is formed of metal.
  • 9. The system according to claim 7 wherein the closed distal end is integral with the tubular member.
  • 10. The system according to claim 7 and further including:at least one satellite electrode adapted to be connected to the source of electrical energy to establish secondary current flow.
  • 11. The system according to claim 7 wherein the adjustable fluid source maintains the tissue contiguous to the electrically and thermally conductive wall at a temperature below 100° C.
  • 12. The system according to claim 7 wherein the adjustable fluid source maintains the tissue contiguous to the electrically and thermally conductive wall at a temperature below 37° C.
  • 13. The system according to claim 7 wherein the closed distal end of the hollow electrode is defined as a hemispherical shape.
  • 14. The system according to claim 7 wherein the electrical energy generator comprises an RF power supply.
  • 15. The system according to claim 7 wherein an electrical insulation material is disposed on the extension tip that prevents current flow to tissue contiguous the extension tip.
  • 16. The system according to claim 7 further comprising a current conducting portion temperature sensor mounted proximate the current conducting portion and generating an output signal representative of a temperature proximate the current conducting portion, the adjustable fluid source adaptively providing coolant according to the temperature proximate the current conducting portion.
  • 17. The system according to claim 7 wherein the proximal end of the extension tip is slidably engaged with the distal end of the tubular member.
Parent Case Info

This is a continuation application of application Ser. No. 08/634,005, filed Apr. 15, 1996 (now abandoned), and a continuation-in-part of application Ser. No. 08/433,799, filed May 4, 1995 (now abandoned), and entitled “A Cooled Radio Frequency Electrode System For Heat Ablation In The Body,” and application Ser. No. 08/562,986 (now abandoned), filed Nov. 24, 1995, and entitled “Cool-Tip Radiofrequency Thermosurgery Electrode System For Tumor Ablation.”

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Continuations (1)
Number Date Country
Parent 08/634005 Apr 1996 US
Child 09/642404 US
Continuation in Parts (2)
Number Date Country
Parent 08/433799 May 1995 US
Child 08/634005 US
Parent 08/562986 Nov 1995 US
Child 08/433799 US