Cool-tip radiofrequency thermosurgery electrode system for tumor ablation

This patent application is a continuation-in-part of the patent application of the present authors related to target volume ablation in the body using a cooled-tip tissue-heating probe such as a fluid cooled (perfusion cooled) high frequency electrode. The present application relates in part to examples of specific embodiments of high frequency and radiofrequency electrode designs and heating and cooling system designs. It further describes embodiments in conjunction with 3-D or 2-D image data and computer graphic workstions to control, monitor, and pre-plan the process of target ablation. Specific examples of cooled-tip electrode constructions will be given which have utility for percutaneous or intraoperative cancerous tumor ablation. Cooled tip electrode systems with modular or separable components involving an insertion cannula, a radiofrequency electrode element, a cooling element, and a thermo-monitoring and/or radiofrequency connection electrode will be given. A high frequency and cooling system which is controlled and regulated based on the “thermally clamped tip” concept together with control of power, current, or other high frequency power parameters to pre-plan and control lesion size will be shown. Pre- or contemporaneous monitoring methods using CT, MR, ultrasound, and acoustic imaging or monitoring modalities in conjugation with the cooled tip high frequency ablation system will be exemplified. Variations in electrode design for specific target sites in the body will be described and illustrated.


In the original parent patent application by the same authors, for which this is a continuation-in-part patent application, apparatus and method were described which included high frequency electrodes that are to be connected to a high frequency power source to heat bodily tissue when the electrode is inserted into the tissue, in conjugation with a cooling system which enables cooling of the electrode and the tissue just adjacent to the electrode so as to modify the thermal distribution of heat deposition in the tissue. Also described in the parent application were methods and apparatus for ablation of cancerous tumors by insertion of stiff electrodes into the body and creating an appropriately controlled lesion to engulf the tumor. Various configurations of electrodes and active, inactive, and boundary condition electrodes were shown for various geometric configurations in the body. Description of a complete control system integrated for controlling the temperature and power and other parameters associated with the heating and the cooling system were described, and the integration with the electrode system and patient related applicators with thermal sensing was detailed.

In the present continuation-in-part, we describe further designs of cooled-tip, high frequency electrodes well suited for percutaneous minimal invasive ablation of tumors or other structures within the tissue of the body. Specific apparatus embodiments are described that would be utilitarian in the thermo-surgical setting and which have physical characteristics to improve control and practical handling. Particular assemblies of cannulae, fluid cooling, irrigating and perfusion devices, radiofrequency cannulae, and thermal probes are given which make it possible to construct such a practical thermo-surgical applicator while preserving the integrity of control measurements, proper fluid seal joints, proper cleaning and flushing characteristics.

Further objectives of the present continuation-in-part is to describe cooled tip high frequency ablation electrode systems that are advantageous for ablation of cancerous tumors by percutaneous or intraoperative sticking of the electrode through the patient's skin or tissue so as to achieve the site of the tumor volume and practically ablate it.

Yet another objective of the present continuation-in-part is to show practical ways of constructing a thermo-surgical probe which is amenable to separability of function, cleaning and storing characteristics, manufacturer, disposability of certain parts, compatibility with imaging techniques during application, faithful temperature monitoring for control of lesion size, safety against degradation, damage, and transmission of disease, and other important functional characteristics, usable for cool-tip or non-cooled RF or other electrodes or probes.

A further object of this continuation-in-part is to describe various embodiments of control systems together with computer or computer graphic workstation devices to practically control the process of thermal ablation, to preplan the ablation using image scan data, to monitor the progress of the ablation with computer graphics, to regulate those parameters to which the lesion or ablation volume is sensitive, to provide controls for automatic handling of the ablation procedure, and to provide the appropriate preplanning parameters and parameter and image characteristic monitoring to assure desired ablation volume. These are claimed for use with a cooled RF electrode for a standard non-cooled electrode.

Another objective of the present invention is to provide a closed distal tip cannula or catheter with an open lumen other end (proximal) which can act as an electrode, and in various embodiments may accept a stiff stylet, or an RF connection element, or a cooling element, or combinations of these, so that such a cannula will reduce the spread of disease or cancer in its application, so that it may be made to penetrate tissue that is closed to coolant perfusion and flow, so that it is separable from more expensive RF coolant and other elements, and so it can be supplied in varying degrees of exposed or heating tip configurations.

It is another object of the present invention to provide separable cannula or catheter, RF element, coolant elements, temperature-sensing element(s), stylets, etc. so that any combination of such elements may be used together or separately or in pairs. For instance, a cannula may be used with an RF connection element only if ablation is done just using RF generator parameters to do thermosurgery (for example without cooling the tip or without temperature monitoring of any kind). Or, the cannula or catheter may be used with an RF connector and cooling element, but no temperature monitoring is done, and the ablation is carried out based on, for instance, control of the RF power or current delivered to the electrode, and possibly the temperature of the coolant fluid supply.

A further object of the invention is to provide an integrated system of RF (or other power type) generator and coolant supply system which can be connected to a probe, electrode, cannula, or catheter to enable easy, safe, convenient, and visible integration of control of the thermosurgery by the operator. We claim, for instance, an integrated console or workstation of these elements to be cooperatively connected to a probe or multiple probes, serially or sequentially, or in parallel to achieve a desired ablation (lesion) volume.

Yet another objective of this invention is to provide a system of RF generator (or other heating generator) with a computer to control, monitor, or feed back parameters of the thermosurgery, or to preplan the ablation, or to map, fuse, or update images from one or more image scanners before, during, or after the thermosurgery or ablation process, alternatively in another embodiment to control, monitor, feed back a cooling supply and flow to a cooled electrode(s) or boundary controlling elements which will be illustrated in the Figures below.


FIG. 1

shows a cooled tip thermal ablation electrode in section view with a closed, pointed tipped cannula which has coolant fluid inflow and outflow channels, and a separate radiofrequency connection and thermo-sensing probe which can be inserted into the cannula during thermo-surgery.






show a thermal ablation electrode system in section and partial section views which comprises an open lumen insulated cannula (in section view) with pointed insertion stylet, the stylet being removable, and an adjustable length radiofrequency electrode system in side view which can be inserted into the cannula with a closed end, and a third thermo-sensing/radiofrequency application probe which can be inserted into the radiofrequency cannula.

FIG. 3

shows a radiofrequency ablation probe in side view which has a “windowed” tip, including an exposed tip surface which is located on only one side surface of the electrode shaft.









, and



show a set or system of components in side view for a radiofrequency ablation system comprising a closed, pointed tipped, insulated cannula with stiff solid stylet for insertion into the body, a second fluid-flowing coolant cannula having inflow and outflow channels at the hub and a fluid flow channel to deliver fluid to the distal-most portion within the insulated cannula, and a radiofrequency and/or thermo-sensing probe which can be inserted into the fluid coolant cannula, the entire assembly being separable and re-assemblable for surgery.






show yet another variation of the present invention in side sectional view which comprises an open lumen, insulated insertion cannula with pointed solid stylet for insertion into the body; a second radiofrequency electrode cannula with thermo-sensing and radiofrequency connections plus a fluid input connection; and a third fluid-carrying cannula which can be inserted into the second cannula for return flow of fluid which is circulating through the second cannula.

FIG. 6

shows the arrangement of a power and cooling control system connected to a high frequency, cooled tip electrode for controlling critical parameters of tip temperature, power input, impedance, etc., and displaying those parameters on a computer graphics screen, in some cases together with image scan data that can be used to preplan and/or real-time monitor the RF heating ablation.

FIG. 7

shows a schematic diagram of a control system for RF heating ablation with a cooled tip electrode showing possible interconnections of the RF generator, coolant system, fluid bath source, and control system to display, monitor, and feed back critical parameters of temperature, power, fluid flow, etc.

FIG. 8

shows a schematic diagram which depicts a thermosurgical procedure with a probe, cooperatively coupled to an ultrasonic, real-time scanner plus a stethoscope monitor, an interconnection of the RF systems with a computer graphic workstation to monitor imaging, thermal ablation parameters and on-line ultrasonic and sonic imaging and detection. A cooling system is also shown connected to the computer.

FIG. 9

depicts an embodiment of a method and procedure using the thermosurgical equipment of the present invention, including the sequence from pre-ablation scanning, stereotactic electrode placement and planning, ablation control parameters, and possible post-ablation confirmational scanning which may include contrast enhancement or special image scanning or image data processing for detection of the thermal destruction region.

FIGS. 10





shows schematically in side elevation view a multiple function cannula and thermal ablation probe system which also includes provision for other functionality such as a tissue biopsy prior to, during, or after the ablation.

FIG. 11

shows a schematic arrangement of a thermosurgery probe in conjugation with other electrodes or probe, some of which may be cooled, which can be used to modify the thermal ablation volume while protecting delicate structures in the vicinity.


The present continuation-in-part relates to descriptions of the embodiments having to do with the parent invention and patent application of the present authors (U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/433,799, May 4, 1995). The various illustrations described in the text and the associated figures are specific examples of advantageous or preferred embodiments which have particular practicalities and novelty for specific thermo-surgical or tumor ablation usage. It is understood that those skilled in the art can make further extrapolations from the general concepts of the parent application as well as this continuation-in-part, and that what is claimed here is intended to cover all such variations.

Referring to

FIG. 1

, an embodiment of the cooled tip radiofrequency heat ablation electrode is shown involving a cannula


which is elongated and can be inserted into the tissue of the patient, either percutaneously or intraoperatively, for instance into an open wound site. It has a closed, pointed tip




which aids in penetration of the tissue upon pushing the shaft


. The shaft has an insulative coating


over a portion of its area and an unexposed distal tip portion


. The exposed tip, when in contact with target tissue within the body and when connected to a high frequency generator, as described in the parent application, will give rise to high frequency currents emanating from the exposed tip into the surrounding tissue, and this in turn will give rise to frictional heating or high frequency power deposited in the tissue to cause heating of the tissue in the surrounding volume near the exposed tip


. Such a high frequency heating circuit and heating mechanism has been described in the parent patent application and also in: (1) the article by Cosman et al., entitled “Theoretical Aspects of Radiofrequency Lesions in the Dorsal Root Entry Zone,”


15:945-950, 1984, and (2) Cosman E R, and Cosman B J: “Methods of Making Nervous System Lesions,” in Williams R H, Rengachary S S (eds):


. New York: McGraw-Hill, Vol. III, pp 2490-2498, 1984. The pointed cannula system further has a hub


with inlet tubes or channels




. Coolant fluid can be injected into or forced into, under pressure, the opening


and further along the internal channel


so as to emanate from the lumen


which is within the tip


. The coolant fluid can then circulate back up the shaft, as indicated by the arrow within the tip


and flow out from the exit port


in the hub


. Thus, this cooled tip electrode system in this embodiment has a closed construction and an internalized coolant circulation volume with input and exit ports for coolant fluid flow as indicated by the arrows in FIG.


. The flow of the fluid could be reversed, and the input port could be considered to be


, and the exit port considered to be


. In

FIG. 1

, the hub


has a proximal connector known as a luer connector, which is a tapered hole


. Into that female luer hole, the hub of a high frequency or thermo-sensing probe


can be inserted and sealed by its male luer configuration


. The thermo probe has a shaft


which ends in the region of its distal end


, and within the tip


there could be a thermal sensor which can sense the temperature of the coolant fluid at that point or, alternatively, could sense the temperature of the tip


. Since the tip


is contiguous and in contact on its external side with the target tissue within the patient's body, the temperature sensor at point


can give a measure of the coolant fluid and, depending on the thermal contact with the wall


, can get a measure of the temperature of the tissue immediately outside of the tip


. Connected to or within the hub of the high frequency and/or thermal-sensing electrode


there are connections indicated by the dashed lines which connect to a high frequency generator


and/or a thermal-sensing circuit


that may be outside the body. The high frequency generator can be the source of high frequency voltage which produces the high frequency current that emanates from the tip of the cannula


. For example, it may be a radiofrequency RF generator source similar to the RFG-3C RF Lesion Generator System of Radionics, Inc., Burlington, Mass. The temperature-measuring circuit


could be of a thermocouple type, and the temperature sensor could also be a bi-metal junction thermocouple such as copper constantan. This type of temperature sensing has been known in the state of the art for decades and is illustrated by the TC thermocouple radiofrequency electrodes of the Radionics, Inc., Burlington, Mass.

An advantage of the configuration of

FIG. 1

is that the cannula


could be a disposable cannula or a non-disposable cannula, and it houses the thermal circulation system in an intact, closed-ended, tissue-penetrating structure. Since the high frequency/thermo-sensing probe


can be removed from it, any failures of the high frequency or thermo-sensing device will not compromise the usage of the cannula


and vice versa. This modulization or compartmentalization of the functions represented by the cannula and the high frequency structure enables separate reusability or disposability of each of these elements in the surgical setting. The cannula


may be of tubular construction and may be made from a variety of materials including plastics, metals (such as stainless steel, titanium, non-magnetic alloys), or conducting composite materials. The insulation


can be made from a variety of satisfactory types such as Teflon, polyethylene, etc., and these are illustrated by the electrode designs of Radionics, Inc., Burlington, Mass. The hub


can be made of metal or can be made of plastic. A plastic hub is amenable to low artifact imaging by X-rays. The input ports




could be simple corrugated, rigid ports, or they may be flexible tubular coupling to minimize torque transmission to the electrode during usage. Tubular coupling could include PVC tubing with plastic luer connectors on the end for easy connection to the hydraulics of the cooling fluid system.

FIG. 2

shows another embodiment of the invention which comprises a set of instruments of different configuration from that of FIG.


. In the upper portion of

FIG. 2

, there is shown an open cannula


with insulation over a portion of its surface


. The cannula has an open lumen at its far (distal) end. It has a hub


which may be metal or plastic—plastic or a low radiopacity material being desirable for position confirmation by X-ray, CT, or MRI scans. The stylet shaft


occludes the cannula lumen and has a pointed tip


, which may be a trocar, conical, bevel, or other shape for easy penetration of tissue when the cannula and its stylet are introduced into the patient's body. The tapered (luer) hub


of the stylet secures, locks, and/or seals to the female luer tapered hub


of the cannula


in the usual fashion.

Once the cannula and stylet have been introduced into the tissue to the appropriate place near the target volume, the stylet can be removed and an RF/coolant cannula


can be introduced into the cannula


. This is shown in the lower portion of FIG.


. There is a sizing clamp


, with locking screw


which mates to the luer taper of hub


and secures to it. The cannula


can be slid to greater or lesser depth within the sizing clamp


so that the length L of extension of the tip


of the RF/coolant cannula can be made greater or lesser accordingly. A measure of the degree of extension L could be indicated to the operator by the scale markings


on the hub portion


of the RF/coolant cannula


. The RF/coolant cannula may have an exposed conductive tip


which extends beyond the insulated shaft of cannula


such that when an electrical high frequency connection is made to the cannula


via a connection means in its hub portion


, then high frequency current will emanate into surrounding tissue from the exposed tip


, thereby heating tissue in the environment of the exposed tip


. The size or length of the lesion or ablation volume so made will vary according to the degree of extension L. Thus the tip length L may be varied beforehand by the operator to gauge the length of the ablation volume that is desired from the thermo-surgery. Connection tubes




serve as the in-flow and exit ports for coolant fluid that is passed into the interior of the cannula


in the tip region of the cannula so as to cool the tip or “clamp” it to a desired temperature. This in turn cools the surrounding tissue near the tip, thus “throwing” the temperature distribution outward, away from the tip so as to achieve a larger ablation volume. This novel aspect of the invention has been described in the parent application. Furthermore in

FIG. 2

, there is RF/thermo-sensing probe


which is inserted into RF/coolant cannula


. Its hub


secures, in this example, by a luer lock


to the hub


of cannula


. The RF/thermo-sensing probe


in this example is shown connected to an external source of high frequency (viz., RF) power


. This high frequency generator then supplies high frequency voltage to the connections in hub


, and thus to the element


, which may be in contact through the hub or in the cannula region to the RF/coolant cannula


, thereby raising the high frequency potential of the exposed tip


to achieve heating in the nearby tissue. Furthermore, in the tip


of RF/thermo-sensing probe


, there may be a thermocouple or other type of temperature sensor which can sense the temperature of the coolant fluid or (if configured to touch the inner surface of the tip


) to detect the temperature of the tip itself which approximates the temperature of the tissue surrounding the exposed tip


. The RF/coolant cannula


has a closed hemispherical tip


A in this example. This means that the coolant has a closed chamber in which to flow. In this example, after the pointed stylet


has been removed, the RF/coolant cannula


when passing through the outer cannula


can push further into the tissue. Alternatively, the cannula


can be withdrawn back over the RF/coolant cannula


so as to expose the tip


in the tumor volume. The cannula


may have a sharpened point as an alternative to the rounded full radius point


A shown in FIG.



FIG. 3

shows another embodiment of the present invention in which the cannula


has insulated portion


, but has a “window” of exposed conductive surface area at its distal end. The exposed conductive surface


is shown on one side of the cannula, whereas on the back side of the tip there is insulation


A which prevents high frequency current from emanating from the back side. Thus there is a directionality of the high frequency current emanating into the tissue, and thus a directionality of the heating process accordingly. The tissue will therefore be heated up on the “window” side of the exposed tip, but not on the opposite insulated side in the proximity to the tip. This provides the possibility of making non-symmetrical lesions or azimuthally asymmetric lesions in tissue and the possibility of extending the ablation volume laterally in a given direction from the high frequency electrode tip, but not in an opposite direction. In this example, the hub has in-flow and out-flow tubes




and a radiofrequency connection means through hub


of an RF probe


which is inserted in the outer cannula


during the RF ablation process. The RF element


may contain connections for high frequency current carrying as well as thermo-sensing in its tip


. The thermo-sensing technique referred to here, as in all of the examples described in this application, may comprise multiple thermo-sensors which can be distributed longitudinally or azimuthally on the electrode shaft or tip and can be used to detect the temperature at various points in or around the exposed tip


. For example, there may be one sensor to sense the temperature of the coolant fluid by being in the main flow stream of the fluid, whereas another sensor may be pressed against the wall or connected to the wall of the cannula window


itself so as to measure more exactly the temperature of the wall of the electrode and therefore of the tissue immediately outside the electrode. In this way, a great deal of flexibility can be achieved in monitoring the status of the coolant and the heating process as the high frequency ablation proceeds, all this data may be used by a control or feedback system to govern the RF and coolant supplies.

FIG. 4

shows yet another embodiment, in side view, of the present invention with a different and useful implementation of the various elements involved. In the topmost portion of

FIG. 4

there is shown a closed, pointed, and partially insulated cannula


, with insulation


over a portion of its elongated length. The exposed tip


, as before, is the conductive surface through which high frequency current can pass to the tissue. In this example, a trocar or other beveled point


would enable penetration or self-penetration of the cannula into tissue of the patient to achieve the target volume or target tissue location. The hub


may be metal, plastic, or other material, and has a female luer shape


on its inner diameter for locking subsequent elements. The next element, shown second from the top in

FIG. 4

, is a stylet


which can be inserted into the sharpened cannula


at the time of insertion of the cannula into the body, and its hub


has a male luer shape


which matches with the female luer shape


, and thus secures to it. The stylet


within cannula


will then provide a stiffer structure for forceful manipulation of the electrode or penetration and pushing of the electrode into the bodily tissues.

The next element in

FIG. 4

is the coolant cannula represented by the elongated structure


which has an opening therethrough and connects to an inflow element


. The cannula also has a hub


with male luer shape


such that the entire assembly can be inserted into the cannula


at or about the time of heat ablation. The hub structure


has a channel


within it and an opening


at the front surface of the luer hub structure which communicates with the inner space between the coolant cannula


and the interior of insertion cannula


when the coolant cannula is inserted into the outer cannula. In this way, fluid which is injected through the input port


, as indicated by the arrow


A, can return flow by emanating out of the distal lumen as shown by the arrow


B and return back via the direction of the arrow


A through the internal channel


and out the exit port


, as indicated by the arrow


B. Also shown in the coolant cannula is a luer opening


. This matches to the male luer surface


of the RF cannula shown at the bottom-most figure in FIG.


. The RF cannula has an elongated element


which can be inserted into the channel


of the coolant cannula so that the tip end


is at the distal tip end of


or even at the most distal tip-interior region of tip


. Tip


may contain a thermo-sensor to detect the coolant fluid temperature, or it may be adapted to contact intimately the wall of tip


so as to detect the tissue temperature nearby. Hub


has a luer lock


to seal or electrically connect to female luer hole


of the coolant cannula. The RF cannula connects to an external RF generator


to provide RF power via the RF cannula to the outer cannula


, and thus to cause tissue heating during thermo-ablation.

The system of

FIG. 4

can be embodied in a more simple way. For instance, one may have only the cannula


with its uninsulated tip


and possibly the insulated portion


. If it is stiff enough, you do not need stylet


for penetration of tissue. Probe


may have only one channel such as


for fluid circulation and no channel


; i.e. it could simply have a male luer hub


with a single tube to insert into cannula proximal open end


, and have a fluid connection to a coolant fluid supply, such as a syringe of cool saline water. An exit fluid port, vent, or tube may be present either on the hub


(such as


) or on the proximal hub


of outer cannula


. Electrical connection to the cannula


, and/or to the tip


, could be made by an “alligator” or push-on pin connector on hub


or hub


. Also claimed herein is the embodiment where such outer cannula and inner probe are permanently sealed or bonded together at the factory as one integral unit.

Referring to

FIG. 5

, another embodiment of the present invention is shown, in section view, which has its own specific features and advantages. In the upper portion of

FIG. 5

, a cannula


is shown which has an open front end or distal end. It is insulated over a substantial portion of its surface area with insulation


, as in the above examples. The stylet


is inserted into the cannula


, and the stylet has a pointed tip


for penetration of tissue. Thus, when the stylet


is inserted to its hilt, represented by the luer portion


of its hub


into the cannula


, the assembly can be inserted conveniently into the patient's body, and the tip region


can approximate the target tissue volume. At this point, the stylet


may be removed, and a coolant/RF cannula, represented by cannula


in the lower portion of

FIG. 5

, can be inserted into the same cannula


such that the exposed tip (or distal) end


of the coolant/RF cannula emerges from the distal open lumen of cannula


so as to represent the high frequency conductive portion of the electrode with respect to the bodily tissue. In this example, the coolant/RF cannula


has a hub structure


which has an in-port


for coolant fluid, as indicated by the flow arrow


A. The hub


seals to the cannula hub


by the luer taper lock


. Also shown in cooperative connection to the coolant/RF cannula is the connection means to the RF or high frequency generator


external to the body. This connection means can take the form of a standard cable connector or a leader wire or a jack-type contact or other designs known in the high frequency engineering art. The temperature-sensing and/or radiofrequency electrical connection can be made schematically by the element


, which runs to the tip region


and is connected there by element


. This may be a weld, braze, or other type of secure electrical connection. If the thermo-sensor is a thermistor, or a thermocouple, or other type of sensor, it can be fused at the junction


so that it is reading the temperature of the wall of the tip


at its external surface or intimately on a thin wall surface of the tip


so as to give an excellent representation of the temperature of the tissue immediately outside and adjacent to the tip. The temperature sensor may be elsewhere and substantially inside of the volume of the tip and at various locations so as, for example, to measure the temperature distribution inside or at the surface of the tip


at different locations, either longitudinally or azimuthally. It may also measure the temperature of the coolant fluid at different positions along the flow path of the fluid so as to monitor the amount of power sinking into the fluid from the heating process in the tissue outside the tip as the heat convects or conducts back into the tip


. A third cannula element is shown by the structure


which may be tubular in nature and connect back to a proximal hub


that is connected again by a luer connection or lock to the hub


of the RF/coolant cannula. This third structure may be a fluid return inflow device having an inflow or alternatively an outflow port



FIG. 5

, the arrow


A showing outflow of fluid in this example. It could equally well be inflow, and thus the flow be reversed in direction. The outflow would the arise from inflow via port


down the RF coolant cannula


to the distal tip, where the flow indicated by the arrow


B returns back up the outflow fluid channel


and then emanates from


according to the arrow


A. The third structure


and its hub


may in fact have both inflow and outflow ports together in that one structure. Note also, that various locks or fluid sealing elements may be used rather than the luer locks used in the examples in










, and


, as such locks or seals are known to those skilled in the art.

The system of

FIG. 5

, then, shows an example of a three-element cooled tip electrode structure with an open cannula with stylet that could be disposable, a disposable or non-disposable RF coolant cannula with indwelling thermometry and high frequency connection wires or other means, but also having part of the coolant flow channel and passages within it, and a third structure, which may be disposable or non-disposable, being the remaining flow element indicated by the tubular cannula element


and other connected hub and fluid flow ports.

The embodiments of








, and


each have operational advantages in the clinical setting. There are further variations of these designs and details which could be devised by those skilled in the art. Without limitation, a few of these clinical advantages of the examples in






, will be mentioned here.


FIG. 1

, the insulated cannula


could be disposable or non-disposable, with a plastic radiolucent hub


and sharpened point


. The RF and thermometry element


, which may tend to be expensive and electronic in nature may be separable. The separability of the two elements means that spare pieces can be present in the event of failure or interchangeability of these elements is possible, one to the other, and storage and cleaning is safer.

In the embodiment of

FIG. 2

, the insulated cannula


, with its pointed stylet, is easy to prepare and can also be disposable or non-disposable. It has, therefore, the feature that it can be thrown away or separated from the rest of the more complicated parts. For example, if multiple cannula tracks are to be placed in a target volume, multiple such relatively simply constructed cannulae and stylet systems can be implanted, and one after another the coolant, RF, and thermometry devices can be inserted. The embodiment of

FIG. 2

has the advantage of an open lumen insertion cannula


with obdurating stylet


, which is particularly easy to construct. This could be a disposable element. Both cannula and stylet could have radiolucent plastic hubs, for example, which make it ideal for CT, X-ray, angiographic, or other scanning techniques. In all of the designs described in this continuation-in-part, as in the previous parent application, the use of MRI-compatible materials (viz., with low magnetic permeabilities relative to, say, steel) could be helpful so that if intraoperative pre-ablation, ablation-contemporaneous, or post-ablation scan studies are done in the MRI magnetic resonance imaging machine, that perturbations of the image from such MRI scanning will be reduced or eliminated to highly permeable or magnetic materials. Such materials as titanium or very low iron, high cobalt nickel alloys (viz., Inconel), or even plastics or carbon fiber can be used in this application. The use of the cannula of the irrigation or fluid perfusion cannula


with its sizing hub


is convenient since the separability of this relatively more complicated element means that it can be used interchangeably with the outer cannula


or can be used as a non-disposabe element and easily cleaned between cases. The further advantage of being able to size the length of the tip L means that the clinician can preplan for a given tumor size (viz., determined by pre-ablation images), and insert the coolant cannula to extend beyond the cannula


tip for the appropriate penetration and coverage of the target tissue and to make a lesion or ablation volume appropriate to engulf the entire tumor volume or other target structure volume. Further, the separable element


, which is the RF/thermometric device, is also conveniently configured. This device may be non-disposable and more elaborate than the other components. Thus, it can be reused for different thermosurgical episodes, or if several cannulae such as


are placed with coolant cannulae


, the RF thermometric probe


can be inserted serially within these in the same patient, at the same interventive session, and sequential RF ablations can be performed. Another advantage of the construction in

FIG. 2

is that the cooling irrigation elements and the RF elements are separate and can be separated and reassembled after thermosurgery, and therefore cleaning, sterilizing, and removal of surgical debris becomes easier.

With respect to the design of

FIG. 2

, the open cannula


may be disposable, and the RF coolant cannula


may be disposable or non-disposable. If it is non-disposable, it is then possible to easily clean the cannula


externally and by flushing out internal debris or ionic substances such as saline. It is noted that cooled or even ice-cold saline is a coolant fluid of advantage to be used here, and thus all traces of salt solution should be flushed away after use and before storage to prevent corrosion of the component parts. To be able to adjust the tip exposure L has the advantage that potentially, with one insertion cannula


, a variety of lesion size lengths can be achieved. Furthermore, the separability of the RF/thermometric element


makes it possible that this potentially expensive and delicate element can be held as non-disposable and less perishable by having it as a separable and cleanable element.

The design of

FIG. 3

has the advantage that the radiofrequency current and the heat deposition can be sent out into the tissue directionally or selectively in a given direction with respect to the tip of the insertion cannula


. This makes possible selective thermo-surgery with angular variability. For irregular shaped tumors or structures, this may be clinically important. Also, in the situation where a critical structure is near the tip, it is possible to shield it from heat emanation by facing the window


away from that critical structure.

Among the advantages of the embodiment in

FIG. 4

, the self-penetrating or pointed closed-end cannula


with its associated stylet


makes it possible that this element, whether disposable or non-disposable, is self-contained and is the only element which is exposed to the bodily tissue, the target structures which may be cancerous tumors or bodily fluids. Thus, in the effort to minimize transmission of disease from one patient to another, or indeed from one insertion tract to another in the same patient, this element could be, for example, disposable, or specially cleaned if non-disposable, to act as a mechanical barrier to the other electromechanical structures that are inserted inside it. Therefore, the cooling fluid element


and the RF thermometric element


will not be directly exposed and in contact with patient tissue, and thus there will be less risk of their producing contamination, and even spread of cancer, from one thermo-surgery event to another. Furthermore, the fluid coolant element


and the RF thermo-measuring element


can be cleaned easily after a procedure by separating them from the cannula


, giving full access to their complex structures. This separability means that they can be delicately stored and cared for, and make them, therefore, amenable to longer life and use in the non-disposable context.

With respect to the embodiment of

FIG. 5

, again it has the open cannula


with sharpened stylet


, making it possible as a self-contained, potentially disposable unit to penetrate directly through the skin and tough tissue of a patient's body into a target volume such as a cancerous tumor deep within the body. Examples of these target volumes are in the liver, thorax, prostate, bone, head and neck, cranium, etc. Once in place, the RF coolant structure represented by elements connected to




can be placed down into the cannula


and on into the target volume. Thus, their role is less subject to abuse than for the cannula/stylet




on initial insertion. Again, because they can be separated, they can be easily cleaned and stored separately. By their potentially delicate nature, this will increase their surgical lifetime and their probability of reliable use. As mentioned above and in the parent application, there is a variety of possibilities of measuring the coolant fluid, internal and surface temperatures of the thermo-surgery probes including multiple thermo-sensing elements over the interior of the probes at varying locations to fully monitor the process of heating. In addition, side-emitting or satellite thermometric probes or cooling elements can be put into place or built in conjugation with such embodiments as was described in the parent application. In the example of

FIG. 5

, the placement of the thermo-sensor


at the very surface or near the surface of the power radiating element


, whether it be microwave, radiofrequency, laser, or other type of heat deposition system, will enable a faithful, fast-acting, and accurate interrogation of temperature of the tissue just adjacent to the energy-sending tip


. This would make it possible to have a much tighter control of the entire thermo-surgery process, as it is at the surface of the tip where an important thermal boundary condition is set. That is, by proper fluid cooling of the tip, the tip becomes thermally “clamped,” and thus by knowing the corresponding power, current, energy, voltage, or other thermal-generating parameters from the external generator


, a prediction control diagnosis or real-time monitoring of the process and the extent of the thermal ablation is then feasible and possible in practical terms. For instance, by setting the tip temperature at 30° C. by coolant flow and thermometry monitoring, it might be determined that in liver ablation delivery of P watts of RF power from a tip of L mm length and D diameter will produce an ablation volume of length l and diameter d having the shape of a prolate ellipsoid. Such a paradigm or similar practical procedures are claimed herein and in the parent application.

The coolant RF cannula


is a more elaborate structure and potentially more expensive than the cannula


. Therefore, this may be, for example, non-disposable. Because of its physical separability, flushing, irrigation, and cleaning through the port


and out the exit tip


can be handled easily for this coolant RF cannula. Cleaning is very important, since the insertion into cancerous tissue may involve a very sick patient with potentially communicable diseases, and making it desirable to avoid any possibility of transmission of tumor cells, even within the same patient. Thus, sterility and cleansing of each element is paramount. The third element


, again, is separable and cleanable so that, for example, if the coolant element is liquid saline solution, which has a corrosive character if left to stand, can be washed out, rinsed, and de-ionized between surgeries to maintain the integrity of each element. Thus, in the design of

FIG. 5

, a practical set of instruments could be: a disposable cannula stylet set




with, for example, non-disposable RF coolant cannulae


and a non-disposable irrigating cannula



Thus, there are varying advantages and relative merits for the designs and embodiments of

FIGS. 1 through 5

, some of which have been elucidated and described in this continuation-in-part. Others skilled in the art can design variants of these examples and elaborate other advantages and functional features of such designs. All of these are intended to be covered by the parent application and this continuation-in-part. In the examples above and in the parent application, external elements such as





FIG. 1




FIG. 2






FIG. 3




FIG. 4




FIG. 5

, and similar elements in the parent patent application can be considered as complex control systems and delivery systems, both for heating power, coolant supply, control, and monitoring, feedback systems among these elements, computer graphic workstations to monitor previously taken, preplanned, or contemporaneous scanning data, monitors related to real-time monitoring or post- or pre-thermosurgery monitoring such as ultrasonic, sonic, angiographic, CT, MRI, PET, or other imaging and scanning or detecting means, algorithms built into such computer systems for prediction of thermal distribution, calculation of predicted or concurrent thermal-distributions, monitoring of thermal distributions, description or display of predicted, preplanned, or actually imaged isotherms or powertherms or other displays of lesioning or ablation parameters such as temperature, current, power, impedance, energy, tip geometry, etc. which are related to the overall thermo-surgery process.






, and


are examples or embodiments of such systems that may be used in conjunction with a thermo-surgery probe with cooling system which are useful and could be implemented to manage the overall ablation process.

Referring to

FIG. 6

, we take the example of a high frequency or RF thermo-ablation electrode to be placed in the body and having an insulated shaft


and an electrically exposed tip


, this shaft and tip being adapted to be inserted into the body of the patient so that the tip


is near a target volume such as a cancerous tumor or other tissue structure within the body. The hub or junction connector element illustrated schematically by


may be the connection devices such as jacks, hoses, ports, etc. which connect the RF electrode to, for example, a power source such as the radiofrequency (RF) generator


and the coolant supply device


. As described in the parent application, both of these elements




could be complex structures in and of themselves. For example, the RF generator


could be represented by a multi-parameter RF lesion generator, stimulator, impedance monitor, thermometric readout device such as the RFG-3C Lesion Generator System of Radionics, Inc. in Burlington, Mass. The coolant supply system


could consist of a complex system of fluid reservoir, pumping system, thermometry readout system, feedback and control system, reservoir input and output pressure control system for monitoring and safeguarding against overpressures, coolant fluid channel blockages, and other such untoward possibilities. These also may be coupled and fed back to the controls of the RF generator


so that the entire system




may be one integrated console unit system or concatenation of systems. Also shown is the control system


, which schematically may be a computer, microprocessor, or electromechanical device that has input of the parameters from the RF generator


and/or parameters from the coolant supply system


. For instance, the RF generator


may have readout of power, current, voltage, energy, time, impedance, and temperature from multiple temperature sensors in or around the thermal delivery tip


, and the coolant supply system


may have readout of temperature, multiple temperatures at different points, flow, pressure, pressure differentials, and similar parameters related to the activity, delivery, temperature, pressure in and around the cooling fluid or cooling fluid delivery system, these parameters feeding into the control system


together with the parameters from the RF generator


. These parameters can then be used as feedback control input parameters and the control system can deliver back to the generator


or supply


control parameters which modulate, moderate, or otherwise monitor their output response or course of action. The control system


may be the mediator for a preplan from, for example, a computer system illustrated by element


, and thus element


may control the power parameters or the feedback readout parameters so as to govern the course of the heating or cooling process. Many examples exist in electrical and mechanical engineering of control systems. Examples of writings on feedback control systems are everywhere in the literature and could be illustrated by the textbook

Modern Control Engineering

, by K. Ogata, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1970.

Also shown in

FIG. 6

is schematic element


, which might be, for example, a PC or computer graphic workstation. It may take the parameters of the RF generator


and coolant supply system


plus other geometric parameters regarding the electrode as well as image scan data taken before, during, or after thermo-surgery, assimilate all of these parameters, display them in various representations, slicings, time courses, reformattings, digital subtraction representations, graphical representations, digital representations, analog meter type representations as an interface to the operator or controller of the processor during the preplan process or during the process of ablation heating itself. To give a specific example of what this might entail, but in no way to limit the other possibilities of such display and control as could be thought of by those skilled in the art, the element


might represent an image scan machine or a computer processor of image scan data from such image scanners such as from CT, MRI, PET, or other tomographic or X-ray, plain film, or digitized image scan data. That data could be set into the computer system


and be represented as an array of raw data, slices, reconstructed slices, three-dimensional renderings, “slice and dice” three-dimensional or two-dimensional renderings, contoured or segmented anatomical structures; color-rendered, differentiated structures, both pathological and normal so that the surgeon may substantially visualize the anatomy and pathology of the patient prior to, during, or after the procedure. Data from CT or MRI may be taken days or even months prior, and could be put into stereotactic or non-stereotactic space by means of body localizers, immobilizers, fiducial marks, graphic reference means, etc. as is exemplified by the patent application of Russell Brown, U.S. Pat. No. 4,608,977, entitled “System Using Computed Tomography as for Selective Body Treatment, Sep. 2, 1986. The literature from Radionics, Inc. in Burlington, Mass., shows many other examples of input and indexing from stereotactic and non-stereotactic devices of such image scan data. Element


may represent ultrasound scan data or sonic monitoring data such as from a stethoscope or electronic microphone or sonic detector system which can visualize before, during, and after the thermo-surgery procedure the course of the electrode in the body, its position with respect to anatomy, and even the process of the heating mechanism and result thereof. This data could also be fed into the computer system


and represented in various ways alternatively on a graphics display screen. Furthermore, there may be calculation algorithms, look-up tables, heuristic algorithms, historical clinical data, mathematical calculations involving field and thermal distribution calculations by finite element methods, analytic form solutions, computer theoretic methods, etc. which can be used in a preplan setting and displayed, implemented, overlaid, and used to control the image data, course of RF generator output and coolant supply as well as the control system to tailor or preplan the results of the thermo-surgery that can be visualized again on the computer graphic workstation


and indeed computed and stored within that same computer


. Some illustrative examples useful displays from such inputs are shown schematically in

FIG. 6

as well. In the window


on the graphics display, one might see the real-time or preplanned trajectory of a probe path


and electrode tip as it makes its course into the body to a tumor structure represented by the cloud of dots. This might also be, for example, the display from an ultrasonic, CT, or MRI scanner which actually visualizes the probe


and a tumor


or a profused volume corresponding to the destructive ablation volume, perhaps represented or visualizable as volume


. It has been determined by the present authors that use of CT contrast agents can be used to “see” the ablation volume following thermosurgery, and this can give a direct view of the results immediately following the heating process. In window


, there may be shown a preplanned path of an electrode


in a particular slice or reconstructed slice plane of volumetric rendering in a three-dimensional aspect, and also shown isotherm surfaces or intersected surfaces or isotherm lines represented by


, which might represent a preplan or a calculation of the thermal distribution and ablation volume around the tip of the electrode


. In the window


, a view, slice, reconstructed slice, of three-dimensional rendering


of the patient's anatomy might be shown, and within it a preplanned or actual plan or post-thermosurgery path


representing the approach of a thermosurgical probe such as


into the patient's anatomy to achieve a target volume which might be seen on that image slice such as for example a tumor as seen on CT, MRI, angiographic, or other types of image scan data. In these representations, multiple electrode paths may be shown parallel, non-parallel, stereotactically placed, or in various locations within the body and also indifferent reference electrodes shown with possible boundary condition cooling electrodes such as was described in the parent application and further described below. In the display window


is shown a graph in time, or frozen in time, or preplanned representing, for example, the thermosensor readout of one or more temperature sensors associated with the coolant fluid, RF heating electrode, tissue around the heated electrode, tissue within the body, the reference electrode, temperature at various points within the electrode tip, temperatures within the cooling supply system, etc. A digital display or multiple digital display of these temperatures might be shown in a sub-window


. A graphical readout as a function of time could be displayed as a curve


representing one or more of the temperature readouts mentioned above. The temperature readouts could be differentiated by time sequence displays, color-coded displays, variations in the texture or nature of the displays themselves. A red curve might represent the tissue temperature, for example; a green curve could represent the temperature of the fluid within the tip; a yellow curve could represent the temperature of the fluid within the cooling supply; and an orange curve might represent the tissue temperature as measured by a satellite electrode nearby the heating process or by other indifferent or reference electrodes nearby. The window


might display, for example, a graph


of the power output of generator


as a function of time, and a sub-window could indicate a digital or analog representation of the power P. In window


, the curve


might represent the impedance of the heating electrode


or the tissue around said electrode as a function of the heating process. Impedance changes during the lesion process can be of significance. It is believed the impedance will drop as the tissue is heated as referenced by the paper of E. R. Cosman, et al. entitled, “Radiofrequency Lesion Generation and its Effect on Tissue Impedance,”

Applied Neurophysiology

, 51:230-242, 1988. As the impedance drops as the RF power heating begins, as illustrated within the window



FIG. 6

, there may be small intrangent spikes in impedance, as shown on the curve


, which would presage or indicate the onset of focal or massive boiling, gas formation, charring, and boiling of the tissue near to or surrounding the electrode or electrode tip. Such spikes or high frequency variations of the impedance can be used to control, monitor, and safeguard the process of the thermosurgery itself. The control system could, for example, be arranged to detect high frequency variations, spikes, discontinuities, or thresholds associated with the impedance, either at high levels or low levels and be used to shut off the lesion process if certain thresholds are exceeded or if certain spikes with narrow time characteristics are detected. There could be electronics to monitor the impedance, or, as a corollary, the power, voltage, current, and temperature (so as to automatically shut down the system, back off the power, modify the cooling supply, or otherwise vary and control the heating parameters for the safety and process of the procedure). Also shown in

FIG. 6

is element


, which may relate to display, chart output, or other recording medium of the various lesioning parameters or ablation parameters such as the temperature of the tip, the temperature of the lesion away from the tip, the current associated with the ablation process, the power of the ablation process, the voltage output at the electrode tip of the radiofrequency generator, the tip geometry of the electrode tip, the cooling flow, the amount of total energy deposited in the tissue, the time course of the ablation, any visualization of the procedure such as a camera readout or display of the electrode position in the patient's body, readout of an ultrasonic scan of the patient's body indicating the electrode position and any aspects of the lesion volume as it proceeds such as cavitation volume, perfusion volume, etc.

As a simple and explicit example of using a two-parameter control system such as


in conjugation with computer


and input data


and prediction or calculation


or ultrasonic data


, one may have a look-up table or function which defines the ablation volume, viz., length and width dimensions, as a function of the tip geometry and tip temperature. The tip temperature T


could be clamped at a fixed value by cooling fluid or if uncooled, the value T


is measured by thermosensors. Using tables such as described in the paper of Cosman, et al., entitled “Theoretical Aspects of Radiofrequency Lesions in the Dorsal Root Entry Zone,”


15:945-950, 1984, one could predict the width or minor diameter of the prolate ellipsoid of revolution which represents the ablation isotherm and corresponding to say a given power output level from the lesion generator at a given tip temperature near the electrode. This could either be derived empirically from experimental data or could be calculated from the equilibrium equation:











where k is the tissue thermal conductivity, σ is the tissue electrical conductivity, T is the temperature in the tissue, and dQ


/dt is the rate of heat loss due to blood circulation (taken from Cosman, et al., reference immediately above). Therefore, the surface of revolution corresponding to the ablation temperature of approximately 50° C. could be determined as a functional equation,





, R


, L


, P


,x, y, z


This might be the equation of a surface specifying the x, y, z coordinates relative to the tip of the electrode as a function of the tip radius parameter R


, tip length L


, the tip temperature T


, and the power P of the RF lesion generator. This surface S could be displayed in the coordinate system of the electrode or in the 3D coordinate system of the CT or MR data or in a stereotactic coordinate system space referenced to a localizer structure, or localizer marker(s), or external apparatus (arc, frame, etc.) near the patient. The surface could be displayed on the computer as a red prolate spheroid around the tip. Its relation to the defined lesion volume could be obvious by graphic rendering such as done for radiosurgery in the XKnife product of Radionics, Inc. of Burlington, Mass.

Referring to

FIG. 7

, again an insulated electrode shaft


with exposed tip


is present and can be inserted into the patient's body so that the tip


achieves a target volume to be ablated. Hub


has the connection means as described above with respect to

FIG. 6

, represented in element


there. A high frequency generator such as a radiofrequency generator


is present and supplying RF power to the electrode, as shown by the RF power P line. At the same time, the electrode, with its temperature sensor, feeds back to the RF generator or controller circuit


a temperature reading T


or multiple temperature readings of a similar nature of the tissue coolant fluid or tip arrangement. According to the temperature reading, a modulation of the RF output power P could be defined by the controller


by its modulating the RF voltage, current, and/or power level, accordingly, to stabilize the ablation volume or process. If temperature rises to boiling, as indicated by the temperature measurement T


, the power could be either shut off or severely cut back by the generator


or the controller


. Thus a feedback loop between power and temperature or any other set of parameters associated with the lesion process as described above can be implemented to make the process safer or to monitor the process altogether. Also shown in

FIG. 7

are the connections of a power measurement from generator


to the controller


and a feedback power control signal back to the generator


from the controller


. The entire process of the heating could be preplanned by the operator hours or days before based on the imaging and preplanned calculations of ablation volume with the tip geometry and ablation parameters described with respect to FIG.


and in the parent application. Thus, the controller


could basically mediate the entire process of supply of RF power P from the generator


. Similarly, the element


represents the coolant fluid supply and pump system with potential thermo-monitoring, pressure monitoring, flow monitoring, etc. Input flow from


to the electrode


and output flow are indicated by the arrows connecting




. Such in and out flow can be monitored by appropriate pressure or flow monitoring elements or detection devices. These are well known in the fluid control industry. According to the controller


and the course of the process as is monitored by the controller


, a signal of fluid flow and/or temperature of the coolant can be fed back between the controller


and coolant supply


so as to mediate the input and output flow. In conjugation, the combined mediation of flow, power, temperature, or other lesioning parameters could be integrated in the controller or regulator


, and the entire system of generator


, coolant supply


, and controller


could be one large feedback control network and system. Furthermore, element


could represent the reservoir of coolant fluid with a possible temperature regulation of the bath. Bath temperatures and control signals are fed back and forth to the controller system


, and these parameters also could be integrated in the overall control of the ablation process. Indwelling controller, electronics, microprocessors, or software could exist to govern the entire process or allow preplan parameters by the operator based on his selection of a tip geometry and overall ablation volume as selected according to a tumor or pathological volume to be destroyed. Many variants or interconnections of the block diagram shown in

FIG. 7

or additions of said diagram could be devised by those skilled in the art of fluid control power and regulation systems.

Turning to

FIG. 8

, there is shown an implementation of the present invention which involves, among other aspects, an interoperative ultrasonic and/or sonic monitoring, or other real-time monitoring such as image scanning to control, quality check, and monitor the course of the thermosurgery. The patient's body is represented schematically by element


, and there is a target volume represented by the dashed line


. A thermosurgery probe


is inserted into the patient's body such that the tip of the probe


is placed within the target volume


. Attached to or in conjugation with or cooperatively coupled with the probe (or probes)


is an ultrasonic scanner


which, when placed against the surface of the patient's skin or an organ within the patient's body, can be seen to visualize by ultrasonic image scanning a slice or a volume of the patient's body, including the probe and the target volume


or the environment around these elements. The probe


has cooling lines


which connect to fluid cooling element


that in turn connects to a control of computer graphic or planning workstation


. The radiofrequency, laser, high frequency, or other power-generating element is represented by


; and in the case of a high frequency generator, a return element to a reference electrode


attached to the patients body around the shoulder region is shown in FIG.


. This reference electrode might be a gel pad, large area, conductive pad or other type of standard reference electrode that is used in electrosurgery. This type of circuit for return current for a high frequency generator has been discussed by Cosman, et al. in “Theoretical Aspects of Radiofrequency Lesions in the Dorsal Root Entry Zone,”


15:945-950, 1984. The ultrasonic scanning head


is connected to a monitoring or control circuit


which can be used to visualize, analyze, filter, and monitor the image scan data or Doppler shift data or blood flow data or other type of data which is received from the detector


. This system


may also involve power source and processing for the ultrasonic-scanner. Such ultrasonic scanners are well known in the medical industry and are represented by, for instance, the product of the Aloka or Siemens medical corporations. Within the control monitoring, preplanning, and feedback unit represented schematically by the box


are various visualization windows which are used here as illustrations. For example, in window


there may be represented in 2D or 3D slice or volume representations image scan data taken from an image scanner such as CT, MR, PET, or ultrasound prior to, during, or after the thermal ablation. In this instance, the patient's skin


is defined, a target volume


is shown, and in the dashed line is a preplanned path for a thermal ablation high frequency electrode. By means of such visualization, the probe path


can be manipulated within the image or image stack of CT or MR slices, and an optimal path for placement can be achieved. This path could be achieved by criterion from the surgeon such as bringing the probe path along a principal axis of a tumor


or from a direction which avoids some critical structures such as arteries, lung, optic nerve, neural structures, etc. Thus, based on the historical image data, the surgeon can do a preplanned study and decide on the optimal positioning of his electrode which he ultimately will place within the patient's body. In addition, the electrode could be placed stereotactically and guided by either a stereotactic arc or a frameless stereotactic navigator or digitizer, these devices being represented by the product such as the CRW Stereotactic Frame and the OTS Optical Tracking System and OAS Operating Arm System by Radionics, Inc. in Burlington, Mass. In the second visualization window


, a thermal plan can be devised based on, for example, RF generator parameters and cooling parameters. Here a path or hypothetical or preplanned probe position and dimensions


are shown on the window approaching the tumor volume. By means of a calculation, algorithm, look-up table, or clinical experiential data, for given values of the cooled thermosurgical tip and power or current or voltage output of the RF generator, isothermal surfaces can be predicted within the patient's body around the high frequency electrode exposed tip. These might be represented graphically by the lines


. The lines can have varying colors depending on the temperature. For example, red lines being hottest and blue lines being coolest as one goes asymptotically to body temperature at larger distances. They can be a quantitative temperature scale to indicate the color coding, or digital thermal representations on each of the thermal isotherm surfaces can be rendered. Threshold temperatures set by the operator, for example at 50° or 60°, could be shown by red and blue surfaces or volumes. All such graphic manipulations could be done as a preplan for thermal surgery prior to insertion of the probe. In the window


is shown a real-time representation of the probe


as it is inserted into the patient's body. The margin


may be a reconstruction, either theoretical or actual, of what one would expect to see from either the tumor volume or the result of the RF heat ablation itself. For example, if the window represents an ultrasonic reconstruction, this could be a theoretically generated graphic representation within a preplanned ultrasonic slice direction and probe direction to show what the ecogenic or ultrasonic image would look like when certain cooled tip RF generator parameters are invoked or used. This window may alternatively represent real-time image data from the CT or MR or other type of scanning means, if the patient is within such a scanner during the RF heating process. It could represent the changes or modifications or digitally subtracted differential changes of the tissue volume as a result, directly or indirectly, of the ablation isotherms. Thus one may visualize directly the effect of heating on the patient's tissue, and this may be displayed in such a window. There may be a superposition of a preplanned or prescanned tumor volume, as compared to the actual volume of the tumor at the time of surgery or the ablation volume as one detects it during surgery. Also shown in the window


is a graphic display of the temperature at one or more of the thermal sensing positions associated with the heating probe and its tip


. A graphic rendering of the temperature graph


may give an exquisite temporal representation of variations or absolute values of the temperature on a graph plotting temperature as a function of time (temperature axis T and time axis t). Also shown is a representation of an analog meter


with a meter dial and scale as in a standard electronic meter which can show the time course of the temperature increase at the electrode tip of the surrounding tissue. Such a representation along with the graph may be important to visualize the time rate of change or temporal derivatives as the procedure goes forward in time, giving the surgeon an instantaneous sense of the correctness or possible problem with the heating such as transient boiling or runaway to higher temperatures. Further shown is a digital display


of the temperature which gives an instantaneous, easy to understand view of the temperature at one or more points in the tissue or electrode tip. In the panel


may be shown other important parameters associated with the RF generator or cooling fluid agent. Here is shown a graph


of, for example, the power output of the generator to the electrode on a graph with vertical axis P for RF power and a horizontal axis t for time. Thresholds may be set for either P or t in either of these graphs, and these set points may trigger control elements to shut the generator off, increase power, or other functionality. Also shown in the upper portion of this window


may be digital displays of many parameters such as power, current, voltage, energy, time associated with the thermal ablative process. In the window


is a representation of the impedance of the entire active electrode


and inactive electrode


, together with the intervening body tissue. This impedance Z is an overall or measure of the uniformity of heating, the change of the tissue characteristic in the ablation process, the onset of boiling, incipient or local boiling, gas formation, charring, etc. Any disconnection of the cable or electrode would also be represented as a dramatic change in the. impedance parameter Z. As shown in this graph, as the horizontal axis is t, and the vertical axis is Z, one sees as the power is increased and the temperature increases, the impedance decreases indicating the decrease in resistance or the increase in mobility of the ionic medium of the body tissue. This is understood from the paper of Cosman, et al., “Theoretical Aspects of Radiofrequency Lesions in the Dorsal Root Entry Zone,”


15:945-950, 1984. As the impedance decreases, transient or high frequency variations of the impedance may occur, as shown in the graph


, and indeed there may be a precipitous rise of the impedance indicating the onset of gross boiling or tissue charring or tissue characteristic changes. Such spiking or high frequency impedance changes could be an indication of focal boiling or erratic behavior of the process which could warn the operator to monitor the situation closely or abort the process.

Also shown in

FIG. 8

is real-time monitoring of the lesion process or target localization. This is represented, for example, by the ultransonic display in window


of the ultrasonic control and power system


. This system may have special frequency filtering and spectral analysis and other controls and data display circuitry so as to visualize an ultrasonic “fan” or slice in the body as the RF electrode is being placed and the RF thermal surgery is being done. Since ultrasonic detectors are well known in prenatal observation of fetuses within the woman for a diagnosis and visualization real time of structures within the body. Shown in panel


is the probe


within a tumor


, both of which may be visualized in ultrasound. The perimeter


may be a characteristic zone of thermal destruction which, for example, may have different ecogenic properties after heating and which also may have different blood perfusion characteristics as the heat process goes forward. For example, heating of tissue gives rise to closure of blood vessels which means that the perfusion or blood flow on a microscopic and semi-microscopic basis shuts down. If the ultrasonic detectors are very sensitive to perfusion and flow, this can be a characteristic change as seen on the ultrasound which is analogous to and representative of the ablation volume. Such real-time monitoring of the process could be extremely important in controlling and limiting the degree of heating and the borders of the thermosurgery. Such a panel could also represent real time, CT, or MRI images, which are done in a similar way and where characteristic changes can be seen. This will be explained below with respect to CT, for instance, where use with contrast medium during the procedure can exquisitely show the border of perfusion to non-perfusion and thus delineate the region of radiofrequency heating exactly. This is real-time imaging feedback at the thermosurgery process which is claimed here and in the parent application as an important adjunct to this technique and invention. Similarly in MRI, breakdown of the blood-brain barrier and shutoff of perfusion gives rise to characteristic changes that can be visualized during surgery, and these, too, can be used as mode of monitoring. Also shown in panel


is feedback from a stethoscope


that can be placed on the surface of the body or within the wound during a thermosurgery procedure. The graph


shows the amplitude or frequency analysis of a sonic signal from such a stethoscope. The stethoscope illustrated by element


can be a standard stethoscope, an electronic stethoscope, or a multiplicity of sonic detectors of any kind that can be placed on the body in the region or near the region where the thermosurgery electrode


is being placed. The element


can have radio amplifiers and filters to detect the signal from the stethoscope or microphone


so as to pick up audio or audible signals or noises from the depth of the body. Such stethoscopes are used regularly by physicians in listening to the chest cavity, bowel, and other areas of the body to detect very sensitively physiologic changes and activity. In the process of making a thermal ablation as described in the parent and this present continuation-in-part application, the heating process can induce changes with respect to blood flow or perfusion of blood within the ablation volume. This can give rise to detectable audio changes. Frequency analysis of the audio changes may also be possible within the unit


, and thus the frequency spectrum or differentiation of frequency response from such audio signals can be analyzed to pick up high frequency, low frequency, or broad band spectra. The graph


might indicate, as a function of time on the horizontal axis, the audio signal from such a microphone. At first, normal base line signals are heard. Variations from that, as the heat process continues, may indicate the onset of decreased perfusion within the tumor volume. Spiking or irregular, erratic high frequency signals could indicate the onset of cavitation or micro bubbles at the region of highest heat. As this continues, the amplitude may increase and frequency as well, signaling to the operator a potential avalanche towards microscopic boiling. Also indicated in

FIG. 8

is a speaker


or earphones


which can aid the operator in sensitively detecting any of these audio signals from the microphone


. The microphone could also be embedded within the probe


for very sensitive local recording of variations of audio signals from the lesion process. This has an even more sensitive pickup of local changes in blood circulation, especially with respect to arteries and perfusion within a target volume and with respect to microscopic cavitation due to gas formation and bubbles as the heating process goes on.

Thus, included within the scope of the present invention is the use of a computer graphic workstation, as illustrated in the example of

FIG. 8

in which preplanning with imaging is involved, planning of isotherms and prediction of such isotherms in the thermosurgery is done with respect to or not in respect to the 3D position of the electrode, comparison to historic, contemporaneous or post-image reconstructions of the anatomy, both differentially, before and after, and/or absolutely, and to detect the appropriate position and angulation of the electrode with respect to the target volume as well as any effects from they thermosurgery itself. Direct detection of changes in the physiology as a result of the heating to gauge the extent of the ablation volume can be done by ultrasound, CT, MRI, PET, and other imaging modalities, and can be displayed on the graphic means of the thermosurgery computer system or, indeed, on the graphics display of the ultrasound or CT, MR, or other scanning machine as supplied by standard manufacturers. Each of these scanning devices has a graphics display on a CRT, liquid crystal, or other means which can display the results of the tomographic or volumetric scanning. These can be used in conjugation with the thermosurgery to evaluate the effect of the thermosurgery itself. Use of ultrasound and standard sonic detection and scanning may be used in conjugation with the thermosurgery to evaluate the effect of the lesion or ablation process. Those skilled in the art can make variations of these concepts and make their own examples of systems and displays in conjugation with thermosurgery, and these are intended to be within the claim and scope of the present continuation-in-part and parent application.

It is noteworthy that the use of the ultrasonic detector


, which accumulates ultrasonic slices subtended between the dashed lines


A and


B, means that one can “watch” the ablation process as it occurs. Also, because the micro-bubbles formed prior to macroscopic boiling give rise to cavitation and are ecogenic, this gives a real-time view via the ultrasonic detection of the volume such as


to monitor the ongoing thermosurgery process, real-time.

It is noteworthy that in connection with




, and


the invention includes the measuring and/or the control or use of one, two, or more parameters such as the tip temperature of the clamped thermosurgery tip, and the power of the high frequency generator. These two parameters may act independently and can be selected by the operator so as to produce the appropriate kill isotherm or ablation volume. Other parameters may be invoked, all of which can be controlled in a multi-parameter space according to algorithms or experiential paradigms and models. For example, in

FIG. 6

the control system may manipulate the temperature T


of the tip


, the power P from the RF generator


, the current I from the RF generator


, the impedance Z of the electrode tip


in series with the surrounding tissue, and the indifferent electrode, which is not shown in the circuit of

FIG. 6

but is implicitly there as described above and in the parent application. Thus, beyond simple geometric factors such as the size and shape or configuration of the electrode itself, the control system such as




or the computer graphic workstation with its control circuitry and for software


may manipulate these parameters or control them as independent or semi-independent parameters to produce the appropriate lesion size, the rate of change of production of that lesion size, the growth of the ablation isotherms, the asymptotic size add shape of the ablation isotherms, etc.

We are also claiming and including the simpler case of controlling only one parameter such as RF current or RF power, and simply forcing enough coolant fluid into the electrode to assure that proper tip cooling is being done. For example, using nearly room temperture saline or water or ice water may serve this purpose. This is a simpler approach, but may be effective in some cases where criticality is less important.

FIG. 9

shows schematically another example of apparatus and method which can be used to illustrate the presents continuation-in-part invention and the parent patent application. The example will be to use tomographic imaging of any type in conjugation with the cooled tip or non-cooled tip, high frequency electrode thermal heating method (or thermosurgery), or in conjunction with other heat deposition methods such as laser, microwave, radiofrequency, etc. to menitor, preplan, and detect, real time or after the thermosurgery, the effect of the thermosurgery on the target volume and the possible further use of that imaging information to alter the course of the thermosurgery or augment it. In the upper left portion of

FIG. 9

is shown a schematic diagram of a tomographic image scanner


A. This may be an X-ray computer tomographic (CT) scanner, an MRI scanner, a PET scanner, an MEG (magnetic encephalography) scanner, a SPECT scanner, or any other tomographic scanner present today or devised in the future. Typically, these devices have an aperture


to which the patient's body


A can be inserted during the scan process. The patient is lying on a couch or table


A which can be inserted more or less into the aperture


so as to gain image data at different portions of the patient's body


A. Schematically, a set of image scan data represented as slices or tomographic cuts through the body will be acquired and stored in a computer system for access, rendering, graphic representation, and manipulation. Such slices are indicated schematically by the slice




. In these slices would be tomographic image of the patient's body such as


, and inside the body might be a target volume


such as a cancerous tumor, arteriovenous malformation, or other structure. Also included in the tomographic scan are representations of normal anatomy and critical structures which wish to be avoided during the passage of a thermal probe into the body or in the thermosurgery ablation. The image scan data from the image scanner can be transferred in the course of this invention to a computer graphic workstation


, which may have graphic representations on a display means such as a CRT, liquid crystal screen, or other graphic representation such as printouts, chart recordings, etc. In one of the windows


of the display of the computer graphic workstation


is shown the slice


, for example, so that this can be reviewed by the clinicians at the time of surgery. Catalogs of such image scan data can be taken from multi-image sources such as CT, MRI, etc., put on the same computer graphic workstation, the images can be fused together and overlaid (see the article by E. Alexander, et al.

J. Neurosurg

. 83:271-276, 1995.) and manipulated in 3D for graphic renderings of a variety of types. (Such graphic renderings and manipulations are illustrated by the XKnife Radiation Treatment Planning System of Radionics Software Applications, Inc. in Burlington, Mass.). Also shown in the scanning phase is element


, which may be a source of contrast medium that can be infused into the patient's body, as indicated by the infusion line into his arm. This is commonly done in CT scanning to enhance images, and such enhancement can also be present during or prior to scanning for other methods such as PET scathing, MRI scanning, and other tomographic image methodologies. It is also used for angiographic and X-ray scanning, if that is the means of imaging taking place which is also subsumed in this discussion. In the top middle portion of

FIG. 9

is a schematic rendering of the patient undergoing thermosurgery. Here the couch


B has been pulled out so that access can be made to a portion of the anatomy which is seen in the tomographic slice, for example


, when a patient was further inserted into the gantry, as in the position


A of the couch. A dotted volume


B would represent a target volume within the patient's body, seen in the image data, that must be approached and achieved by the thermosurgery probe


B. The probe may be inserted stereotactically into the body either through the skin (percutaneously) or intraoperatively into the target structure


B such that the exposed tip, if it is a radiofrequency electrode, is within the tumor or target volume. In this instance, a holder and/or stereotactic guidance device


A is secured to the probe


B so as to direct it and/or stabilize it in a given direction upon its path into the body. A clamp device or attachment


to the stereotactic holder


A may secure it stably to the couch


B. As will be discussed below and in the art of stereotactic instrumentation, such a device can be used to direct a probe into the body based on image scan data with or without reference indicia derived from that image scan data when the patient has been scanned using a graphic reference means or reference marks on or in the body, or natural landmarks referenced by a frameless stereotactic navigator. Reference, too, can be made to the patent of Russell Brown, U.S. Pat. No. 4,608,977, Sep. 2, 1986, for further details that exemplify this stereotactic usage with a reference localizer structure or to B. L. Guthrie and E. R. Cosman, U.S. Pat. No. 5,230,623, Jul. 27, 1993 in the case of a digitized navigator. Claimed within this invention is the use of the thermal ablation probe together with a stereotactic instrument, and together with the use of a computer and computer graphic guidance to preplan and implement the positioning of such a probe within the patient's body. Applicator


A and its base


may have translation scales in Cartesian, or polar, other arc coordinates so as to angulate and position the probe in a desired trajectory or path to achieve a target position or volume such as


B. Also shown is element


B, which may be a complex of radiofrequency generator, cooling fluid control system, feedback control system, etc., as has been exemplified by the embodiments above and in the parent application. There is a connection shown between the element


B and a computer graphic workstation


which may include a control system which may be used to mediate the power, cooling, flow, lesion parameters, and other factors associated with the ablation process as has been described above and in the parent application.

Referring to the upper right portion of

FIG. 9

, this may show the situation after the probe has been placed into the tumor volume and confirmed by scanning where the patient is returned back into the scanning volume and more imaging is done to confirm its position and/or to monitor the course of the heat ablation. Again, the RF generator and fluid control system, plus other controls described above, are schematically illustrated as element


C with the connection to the electrode


C which may be both an electrical and fluid-carrying means. The couch


C is shown drawn back into the gantry of the scanner


C so as to visualized by imaging the position of the electrode within the tumor volume. In this figure, the tumor volume may be represented by the dashed volume


C, and the electrode being


C. At this phase in the thermosurgery, information from


C may be transferred back and forth from a controller and data collection, computer, or computer graphic workstation such as



Turning to the images and representations that are possible in a computer graphic workstation/controller such as


, the image


may represent a preplanned, predicted, or calculated path of a probe which might be represented by the dashed line


shown in relation to the patient's anatomy on a display of a tomographic slice such as


with a representation of the target volume which, for example, may be a contoured region or a segmented region within the image. Window


may show a similar picture of the patient's body, but from a sagittal or coronal view or some other reconstructed plane which may, for example, include the line of the thermosurgery probe. In image


, there may be an image of the probe path, preplanned or actually imaged as in the upper right of

FIG. 9

during actual re-scanning of the patient, the tumor volume shown as the solid closed contour may be shown, and the dashed line may represent isotherms, either preplanned, calculated, or actually detected from contemporaneous or post-imaging following thermosurgery. The window


may show a variety of parameters related to the thermosurgery, including the temperature T of tissue, the tip, or the coolant, or multiple temperatures at different positions on the tip or nearby tissue, the power output P of the high frequency generator, the impedance Z of the tissue and electrode or electrodes, the current I of the output of the high frequency generator, the size of the electrode tip, or other parameters such as time, voltage, frequency, etc. In addition, it may display various coordinate or stereotactic coordinate positions, either preplan ned or actual, associated with the approach of the electrode to the target or the settings of a stereotactic frame, or the orientation of the probe as actually measured by a contemporaneous or post-scan, as shown in the upper figures. The coordinates X, Y, Z, for example, may represent Cartesian coordinates of the average position of the thermosurgical probe, theta and phi represent the polar coordinates corresponding to the angulation of the probe relative to a body-fixed or scanner-fixed coordinate system. The surgeon, therefore, by looking at the display of computer


may have an instant visual appreciation both of the image scan data, the preplanned calculation of approach, and the actual approach with real-time update from imaging, including the size of the heat ablation volume as seen during or just after heating. Thus, as part of the parent application and this continuation-in-part, there is claimed the use of such a computer graphic workstation to monitor and control the entire thermosurgery process.

The lower portion of

FIG. 9

gives more detailed illustrations of some of the possible windows or panels in the computer graphic workstation


that relates to the preplan and the course of the thermosurgery. The claim


may appear on the computer graphic workstation and may be a preplan or a contemporaneous view of the procedure. For example, in a tomographic slice or a reconstructed tomographic slice, the skin


of the patient's body is shown and could be automatically segmented. The tumor or target volume


may be automatically segmented or the surgeon may outline it himself. A path


may have been chosen by the surgeon or may be the actual path of the probe when it is inserted. An angle such as theta may schematically illustrate the polar coordinates or other angular coordinates represented by a stereotactic approach relative to the coordinate system, for example, of the CT scan slices such as


or a stereotactic coordinate system associated with a stereotactic frame such as


A and


. The positioning of the probe path


may be preplanned and optimized by a variety of methods. The surgeon may do it simply visually by inserting and manipulating the line position in the computer graphic workstation space. Alternatively, an automatic plan or “auto plan” may be invoked in which optimization or isotherms may be calculated by the computer by means of an algorithm, look-up table, or other methodology, and by varying the position of a preplan probe path


, an optimization of the probe position and thermal heating of the volume


may be achieved by a computer theoretic method, which for example may be to get desired or best coverage of the tumor volume with the ablation or “kill” volume, but minimizing the involvement of the heat ablation volume on normal surrounding tissue, especially critical structure which may have been outlined or segmented by the clinician beforehand. An example of such auto plan planning in another context of X-ray radiosurgery can be referenced to the product of XKnife by Radionics Software Applications, Inc. in Burlington, Mass. This illustrates how such automatic planning can be implemented, and it could be invoked for the neurosurgery technique described here, either for cool-tip or non-cool tip electrodes. The surgeon, for example, may invoke not only the geometric and physical parameters associated with thermosurgery, but also invoke an atlas of thermo-sensitivity of surrounding normal tissue so as to optimize, by means of a mathematical algorithm or software, the degree of involvement of the thermosurgery with the normal tissue and the degree of coverage of the thermosurgery isotherms to the target volume. Thus, other parameters may be invoked in optimizing a thermosurgery plan other than simple geometric, electrical, and temperature parameters. Thus this invention is intended to claim automatic planning and preplanning of thermosurgery based on thermal sensitivity, blood flow, biological characteristics, physiologic geometries associated with the anatomy of the patient in selecting an optimal set of isotherms or thermosurgery zones. Geometric parameters such as the dimension of the tumor, illustrated schematically by d in the frame


, may govern the selection of the exposed tip of a high frequency electrode or the diameter of said electrode. The depth from the patient's external skin to the position of the high frequency electrode in the target volume, illustrated schematically by D, may be a parameter which is used in the stereotactic approach and in determining the depth of penetration once the electrode is placed in the patient's body. Thus the frame


illustrates some of the parameters associated with the preplan. Also shown are dotted lines or zones


which represent various temperature isotherms which could be predicted or which can be actually seen and measured during the course of thermosurgery. The isotherms, for example, can be calculated knowing the clamped temperature T


of the high frequency tip together with the power, current, and/or impedance of the tissue and the electrode in the tissue so as to predict mathematically or heuristically, by means of an algorithm or software program, the spread of temperature and the fall-off of temperature as a function of distance and angle away from the tip. Thus, displaying such isotherms


could be very helpful to the surgeon in predicting the optimization of his probe position and the degree of high frequency power, the temperature of the tip, the flow of the coolant, etc., so as to optimize coverage of the target volume but to minimize the destruction of normal tissue nearby the ablation volume.

The window


may also be shown on a computer graphic display and may represent the next chronological step in the sequence of thermosurgery. Whereas the window


described above may relate to a preplan, the window


may relate to an actual visualization or placement of the thermoprobe


within the target volume


. This picture, for example, may be an actual imaged picture from CT, MR, ultrasound, PET, or other imaging modalities showing the electrode


in place. The hatched region of the electrode


may be its insulated shaft, and the tip


may be the exposed electrical active tip for emanation of high frequency current into the tissue. The tumor volume


is being lanced by the electrode


in preparation for thermosurgery. This patient's skin


is shown in this reconstructed image from tomographic scanning such as slices


. At this point, for example, confirmation of an electrode or an electrode's position or probe or probe's position within a target volume can be determined by contemporaneous scanning.



of a computer graphic workstation


may represent the next chronological phase in thermosurgery. Here the heat ablation is being applied, and a region of actual heating


may be visualized on the imaging apparatus as may be implemented by the schematic figure in the upper right of

FIG. 9

already described. The dashed line


may represent the position in space of the target volume or tumor volume. The patient's skin


is also manifest, and of course the electrode shaft


with its exposed tip


is also seen. It is claimed within this application and the parent application that actual real-time visualization of the lesion volume or representations which are proportional to the heat ablation volume as may be determined or detected during imaging or derived from image data and can be used to control the course of thermosurgery. To give one illustration of this, if during the image scanning or image data collection an infusion of contrast agent, viz. via the unit


, is delivered to the patient intravenously, then the degree of blood or contrast agent circulation or perfusion of tissue can be visualized. For example, a contrast agent, which in fluid form can be injected into the blood stream is carried to all portions of the body in a time sequence flow. If during thermosurgery the blood supply of small capillaries, arteries, and veins are shut off as they are by the elevated temperature, then the perfusion or inflow of such contrast agents into a tumor volume or into a thermal ablation volume will be severely reduced, if not brought to zero that means that there is a strong differential visibility of the ablation volume as seen in a CT tomographic scan or an X-ray radiographic image because of the effect of shutting down blood perfusion in the thermal ablation volume. This, therefore, gives a very sensitive means of visualizing the thermal ablation volume by infusing an X-ray contrast agent at or about the time of thermosurgery, and then doing an X-ray (CT) tomographic scan or an angiographic scanning of the patient's body to visualize the thermal ablation volume as a region of lack of contrast infusion. This is simply one example of how contemporaneous or post-scanning of the patient's body can directly visualize and monitor the size and extent of the thermal ablation volume. Claimed in this patent application is the use of such contrast agents or other methodologies which may be thought of by those skilled in the art to visualize the effect of thermal heating around the high frequency electrode or probe during thermosurgery. That volume as seen by such scanning may be illustrated by the ring


or a darkened region where no contrast is seen as a result of the heat ablation.

For point of other illustration, another means of visualizing directly the effect of thermal ablation and the extent of the isotherm corresponding to or substantially approximating the total ablation of cells can be performed with MRI imaging. It is known that MRI imaging is sensitive to blood flow, and indeed in some cases can measure high velocity and low velocity blood flow, as for example in the flow of large vessels or the perfusion of small vessels, respectively. Thus, it is possible, with certain T


and T


weighted images and/or spin echo and echo recovery sequences, to directly visualize the effect of blood flow in the body (reference to

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging—Basic Principles

, Stuart W. Young, Raven Press, New York, 1984). Therefore, by monitoring with MRI before, during, or after the thermosurgery, differential measurements can be made which are directly indicative of blood flow and therefore the shutting off of blood perfusion during the thermal ablation process. This, therefore, would be a very sensitive imaging method of determining directly the extent of the kill volume or the isotherm of death for ablation cells during thermosurgery. For example, the use of MRI-compatible thermosurgery probes such as


would enable artifact-free imaging during MRI, post-thermosurgery, or contemporaneous thermosurgery to determine the extent of the kill volume


or other isotherms. Also, the character of the cells themselves or the protein, DNA, cell microstructures, biochemical and chemical bonding environment, hydrogen bonding, etc. will be changed during thermosurgery, and this too may be detectable by the proper T




, spin sequenced, contrast enhanced, spin-echo, or differential image enhanced or other modality of MRI imaging. The advances in MRI and CT images are very rapid at this time in history, and therefore those skilled in the art may think of other sensitive detection means using CT or MRI which will further exquisitely show the extent of the thermal ablation volume. For example, in the case of CT, MRI, PET, SPECT, MEG, angio, or other imaging techniques, the breakdown of blood brain barrier, or the alteration of the character of cells and the DNA, or the interface between ablation kill and normal tissue with respect to differential blood diffusion, or biochemical uptake, or metabolic activity of normal versus dead or dying cells, or the differential between cancerous cells and non-cancerous cells or thermal sensitive effects such as chemical shift, frequency shift, metabolic processes, spin-spin relaxation or other relaxation phenomena, susceptibility changes, all of which can be sensitively affected by heating, or the molecular/atomic effects of heat may be invoked to show other aspects of the isotherms in great quantitative detail or in sufficient qualitative detail for the operator to determine, real time, the extent and effect of thermosurgery. These are all claimed as adjuncts to the thermosurgery method described herein.

We claim the use of image differential and/or image subtraction techniques to show the heat region or the effect during or after heating of the target volume. As an illustration, in the image


, or


, or



FIG. 9

, what might be shown here is the difference between a CT, MRI, or other scan image before and an image during (or after) heating. The two images or image slices may be in spatial registration and thus subtracted or otherwise added in a linear or non-linear manner to show small differences in the two images as a result of the thermo-ablation. We claim the use of such differential image data in connection with thermo-surgery to more sensitively bring out subtle or small changes which can represent the ablation kill volume or the change in the tissue environment. Here “image fusion” or special or stereotactic merging or co-registration of before-during-or after data sets could be handled in the computer, and displayed in various ways to bring out the thermo effects.

As a further note on the method and embodiment, ultrasound can be invoked, and ultrasonic imaging can be very sensitive to thermal effects. For example, the electrode


with its exposed tip


may have ecogenic or non-ecogenic materials on the insulation or the exposed tip so as to directly visualize the extent of the exposed tip or the insulative shaft. In this way, the electrode may be “seen” with ultrasound, and the exact position of the exposed tip may be differentiated from the insulative shaft. For example, the shaft


which is insulative may be made of a plastic material, whereas the tip


may be made of a metal material, and the metal surface of


may be made rough or eco-sensitive so that there is a clear visual differentiation between the insulative shaft and the exposed tip by means of ultrasonic imaging. This is claimed within the scope of the present invention. Ultrasonic imaging may be used to directly visualize an isotherm or iso-ablation volume


directly with respect to a target volume


, since the ecogenicity, Doppler effects, change of density, or other characteristics of the cells may be differentiated by advanced ultrasonic, three-dimensional, color-encoded ultrasonic imaging technology. Thus the example of

FIG. 9

shows an embodiment and method which is practical today for preplanning, guiding, controlling, and visualizing the exact effect of thermosurgery on a target or tissue volume.

It is claimed within this invention that the monitoring of ablation parameters such as tissue temperature, power, current, impedance, and the display relative to a three-dimensional representation of where the tip resides or is placed with respect to a target volume is a novel and unique aspect of the present invention. The computer graphic workstation and/or control systems mentioned above can make use of this and display real time for the surgeon how these parameters interplay to engulf the tumor. Representations of the lesion volume are possible as a preplan or post-image detection for this purpose.

FIG. 10

shows a system of thermosurgery cannulae and electrodes together with other instrumentation which can be used to complement and augment the process. As an illustration, in the upmost illustration in

FIG. 10

is shown a cannula


which is insulated over a substantial portion of its length. It has a hub


with a luer taper


. This cannula can be inserted into the body, freehand or stereotactically, percutaneously or intraoperatively, with, for example, a sharpened stylet in place as illustrated in connection with FIG.


. Then, a second cannula


may be inserted into cannula


, and the hub


of cannula


can match with the luer


to seal the two cannulae together at their hubs. The tip of cannula


is shown as


and has a side window


, as indicated in FIG.


. This window could actuate as a biopsy needle, or aspirating device, or suction tube device, or side-scanning ultrasonic detector or radar system. Such side-cutting or windowed type biopsy needles are known in the industry and illustrated by the NBN Nashold Biopsy Needle of Radionics, Inc., Burlington, Mass. Inside the cannula


, a third cannula


can be introduced which can give a radiofrequency connection via the connection unit


to an external radiofrequency, or high frequency generator, or laser generator


. Thus, this combination illustrates an example of a multi-purpose cannula, biopsy needle system, and high frequency lesioning system. Inside cannula


can also be a cooling device which would have connections (not shown) through the hub


to give a cooled-tip type radiofrequency heating electrode. The tip


may be in part uninsulated so that electric current lines emanating from it, once connected to an external high voltage generator, can give rise to ablative heating as described in the parent application and in this continuation-in-part application.

In the lower figure of

FIG. 10

is a variation of the apparatus and usage in the upper portion of

FIG. 10

wherein the same cannula


is depicted. Inserted as an alternative to the biopsy cannula


of the upper figure, there is inserted another cannula


which may be a pure heating or high frequency cannula with exposed tip


and hub


. The hub


matches to the hub


of the insertion cannula


via the luer structure or tapered hub structure


. Thus, connection means such as


to a coolant inflow and outflow system with coolant fluid control and supply and reservoir system indicated by structure


may be in place. Also, a connection


made to the hub


of the high frequency cannula


can connect to an external generator


of high frequency power to implement the heating process or the thermosurgical ablation. Thus,

FIG. 10

illustrates a multi-modal, or multi-structured, or separable-structured system which includes an insertion cannula, a biopsy or other surgical purpose device, and a high frequency probe, all illustrated in one multiple-purpose system.

It is noted in

FIG. 10

that the length L of the high-frequency tip exposed portion


affects the size of the ablation volume. Thus, by choosing the appropriate length of the shaft


in accordance with the shaft length of


, the exposed tip length L can be selected or adjusted by the operator, and this is claimed as part of the invention.

FIG. 11

shows an embodiment of a complex of heating and cooling electrodes which can be used to approach a complex structure within the body and define heat and cooling boundary conditions so as to shape the ablation volume. This example is meant to show the variability of approaches and embodiments possible with the parent application and this continuation-in-part. The bodily tissue might be represented by the masses




, and


B, and there may be orifices or channels such as




within or running into or through the tissue. For example,


may be the urethra of the patient, and


may be the rectum. Alternatively, these passages may be large blood vessels or channels such as the aorta or liver, arterial or venous supplies, or the pancreas or liver aqueducts, or the ventricular channels and aqueducts in the brain. Through these openings, whether they be manmade or natural, electrodes can be placed such as the electrode


in channel


, or the inflatable, conformal electrode


which has a surface against the wall


A where the electrode surface represented by


comes into electrical or thermal contact with the wall of


A. The rest of the structure


may, for example, be an inflatable, fluid-filled balloon-like structure or condom-like structure, possibly insulated over much of its surfaces Furthermore, a tissue-penetrating electrode structure such as


with insulative shaft represented by the hatched area may be inserted through the tissue percutaneously or intraoperatively into a target region


, with the exposed high frequency electrode being indicated by the tip


. Each of these electrodes may be connected to separate or common high frequency, RF, or laser sources or other forms of heat-sending or power-producing devices. For example, electrode


is connected back via the channel


, in this case a catheter-like structure to the cooling supply or control unit


, which in turn may be connected onto a high frequency source


. Similarly, electrode


may be connected back to a cooling supply


and radiofrequency supply


. The electrode contact


may be connected via electrical connection


to a high frequency source


. The high frequency sources




, and


may all be connected together, as via the dashed lines




, and


, or they may be at different poles of bipolar arrangements of the electrodes, or they may be connected in varying alternating phased relationship in time so that one is at high frequency potential at a different time or phase cycle than the others to create various heating effects at different times in different places. Each may or may not have a cooled tip electrode; for example with the structure


with its electrode structure


, there is an internal fluid-carrying channel shown by


which may produce circulation, as shown by the arrow, with a return duct so that the entire bag structure


may be cooled. Whereas although the heating power deposition is produced in the tissue of


nearest to or in proximity to


with a cooled boundary condition imposed by the coolant circulation in bag


to essentially keep the wall


A cool, the tissue on the wall


is not destroyed during the thermosurgery. A tumor or other anatomical structure, indicated by the solid line


, may be the target volume or tissue volume to be destroyed or ablated. By use of proper cooling boundary conditions and electromagnetic boundary conditions between this complex of electrodes shown, it may be that the heat ablation zone, indicated for example by the kill isotherm


as a dashed line, may engulf the target volume


, and yet the delicate tissues associated with the channel




A may not be destroyed because they are kept cool by the cooled tip character of electrode




, respectively. Also, the electrode tip


may have a cooled tip character so that the thermal distribution is thrown away from it to larger distances. For example, in the prostate, the electrode


may be a cooled tip catheter type electrode in the urethra, and the rectal probe


may also be cooled substantially. The electrode


may be pierced through the rectal wall, into the prostate, to the appropriate region of the prostate where a cancerous tumor has been visualized by imaging. By the appropriate cooling of the respective electrodes, a volume of ablation may be produced such as


which engulfs the cancerous prostate tumor and yet spares the delicate mucous membrane


A of the rectum and the delicate urethra


or seminal vesicles near


. By appropriate simultaneous or post heating imaging, the extent and volume of the lesion or ablation volume may be visualized directly, and the cancerous tumor can be engulfed and destroyed safely while assuring that the other delicate normal structures around the tumor are not damaged. The electrode


may be the reference or indifferent electrode associated with an RF circuit between the RF generator


and the reference electrode


, and the active electrode being


. Element or catheter tip


may also be an RF electrode for heat deposition to properly spread out the heat volume. A similar scenario could be devised in the internal organs such as the liver, pancreas, heart, brain, intestines, or other organs. A flexible catheter such as


can be inserted through a vessel, for example in the groin or percutaneously into the hepatic vessels or the duct within the pancreas, and a second electrode


can be pierced into a tumor which lies nearby. By cooling


, the delicate aqueduct or channel may be spared from ablation, whereas the tumor


may be totally destroyed under direct visualization and under appropriate preplanning to predict the amount of power and cooling necessary to do the appropriate ablation. Other scenarios such as in the pancreas can be devised by those skilled in the art where the electrode


may be the active electrode and may represent a stint or a balloon or a condom-like structure that can be put into the pancreatic duct, and by appropriate cooling in conjugation with RF heating, it can “throw” the heat into a pancreatic tumor while sparing the structure of the duct to preserve normal processing of biological fluids. Also noteworthy is the use of cooled boundary condition electrodes such as




in the presence of a heat-throwing electrode such as


can “repel” the heat from critical structures, and thus one can tailor the shape of the ablation volume as desired.

It is manifest in connection with the discussion of FIG.


and the parent application that the use of multiple radiofrequency or high frequency or laser electrodes, some of which have perfusion cooling and others which do not, or perfusion boundary condition electrodes which may or may not have high frequency power associated with them, can be used in conjugation. This methodology of multiple electrodes used in bipolar arrays, sequenced bipolar arrays, monopolar sequenced arrays, phased arrays are all included with the scope of this continuation-in-part application and the parent application.

Also included within the scope of this patent is the use of contrast agents, either for CT or MRI imaging. The time of administration of contrast agents can be varied by those skilled in the art. For example, it can be administered into the patient prior to the imaging and prior to the thermal ablation so as to watch the process thereafter, or it can be administered after thermal ablation to then observe the effect of the ablation seconds, minutes, or contemporaneously with the thermal ablation itself. Those skilled in the art in using contrast agent of various kinds and compositions and mixtures and with given chronological sequencing relative to the thermal ablation and various imaging stages can devise other variations, however, these are all claimed to be within the scope of the present continuation-in-part and parent applications for thermal surgery. Those skilled in the art can devise many variations of the cooled tip thermosurgery invention and other invention concepts which are described in this continuation-in-part and also the parent application by the present authors. For example, a variety of geometries of high frequency, laser, radiofrequency, boundary condition cooling devices, temperature clamped active electrodes, multi-polar and phased electrode arrays, characteristics of high frequency power generators, thermometric readout means, placement of multiple thermometric sensing devices of various kinds, varying geometries of active or inactive high frequency electrodes including off-axis electrodes such as the Zervas Hypophysectomy Kit of Radionics, Inc., Burlington, Mass., or inflatable electrodes or basket-type electrodes or flexible, large-area, tipped electrodes connected to-stiff-shafted or catheter-type electrodes, all of which can be devised by those skilled in the art are claimed within the scope of the present invention. A variety of usages of image scanning means in conjugation with this technology to perform preplanning, contemporaneous monitoring, or post-thermosurgery monitoring and evaluation can be devised by those skilled in the art. The use of CT, angiographic, MRI, PET, SPECT, MEG, ultrasonic, or sonic monitoring and imaging can all be used in conjugation with the present invention, examples of which are described here, and these are claimed as part of the method and apparatus associated with the present invention herein. Graphing of parameters and control parameters and system parameters associated with the thermal ablation process, both in analog, digital, or graphical form are included within the scope of the present invention. A variety of methods of preplanning and displaying or graphically rendering the estimated isotherms in one-, two-, or three-dimensional representations are time-dependent representations are all included within the present invention, including finite element methods, analytic methods, conformal mapping, time-dependent methods, relaxation methods, solutions to Laplace and Poisson's equation, etc., which are familiar to those skilled in mathematical physics and those skilled in the art. Graphic renderings of the control parameters, together or in sequence, are known to those skilled in computer art and are included within the scope of the present invention. Site-specific configurations of electrodes and electrode geometries, for example for the liver, prostate, brain, lung, pancreas, and appropriate geometry of electrodes together with consistent heating and cooling parameters can be devised by those skilled in the clinical or electromechanical art. Many of the system aspects and structures illustrated herein can be applied to cooled-tip RF electrodes or non-cooled-tip RF probes, and these are claimed here for either application or case. As an example, the systems, methods, and apparatus shown in








, and


are novel for cooled or non-cooled probes, and both situations are claimed here. It is also true that in all of the examples, the cooling fluid or agent may be turned off and on to suit the situation, and such sequential thermosurgery by, for instance, making a heat ablation without cooling, and then making a heat ablation with cooling may have clinical advantages. For instance, a local or near ablation may be done by the former, followed by a distant or far ablation done by the latter, in combination, to get full ablation coverage. This is also claimed herein. It is noted that although the Figures herein show us most cases, a straight, rigid, tubular shaped electrode, probe, shaft, cannulae, etc., these could be shown as flexible, catheter-like, steerable, contourable, inflatable balloon-like, or other shaped electrodes or probe structures—these other shapes are also claimed herein.

It is claimed in the invention, without limitation, that the cannula, RF probe, cooling element, thermosensing, stylet elements, etc., illustrative examples of which have been described here and in the parent application, may be used in any combination or grouping. For example, we claim the use of a separable cannula, as in

FIGS. 1 and 2

, with a separable RF probe element to supply connection to the RF generator, but without a cooling element or a thermo-sensing element. In such case, the operator may do an ablation while controlling only RF power and knowing the tip geometry. Another example claimed here is the use of a cannula with a separable cooling element and/or an RF element, or each of a separable RF and separable cooling elements to do an ablation. The operator may use the procedure of just controlling some RF generator parameter, such as power, current, voltage, impedance (or a combination of these), and use simple ice water or room temperature saline injected into the cooling element to cool the tip, but not monitor coolant temperature or tip or tissue temperature. There may or may not be measurement of tip, tissue, or coolant temperature. There may or may not be measurement of tip, tissue, or coolant temperature if the ablation is being done for example in a target area which is not critical or if real-time or post-image monitoring of the ablation volume is being done so as to check, limit, or incrementally increase the ablation volume by some other measurement or method.

We claim here the separability of cannula (or catheter) electrode (or probe), stylet or obdurator, power unit (RF, laser, etc.), cooling element (if used at all), temperature-sensing elements which have the novel advantages of reducing disease transmission (especially since one objective is cancer cell penetration in sick patients (many with AIDS, greater economy, disposability of less expensive elements, great flexibility in inventorying different cannula tip exposures, cleaning, storage, multiple serial or parallel usage in the same patient and for tumor volume, durability, reliability, factory sharpness (of tips for instance), use of stiff stylets during insertion for great accuracy (especially for deep or insertion-resistant targets), and other reasons mentioned herein or which can be elucidated by those skilled in the art.

We also claim the use of a high frequency probe with or without a cooling element in it for application against an organ, bodily opening, passageway, vessel, duct, etc, or against the external skin surface. This could then ablate by heating a tumor or other tissue near the electrode. If cooling were applied, then the tissue immediately near the electrode could be cooled and protected against ablation. For instance, a tumor below the skin or near an internal tissue could be destroyed by heat while the skin or tissue proximal to the electrode could be spared. Colon tumors might be destroyed by an inflatable or surface type electrode pressed or laid against the colon; and by cooling the electrode, the heat could be “thrown” into tumor, which might be in the colon wall, without completely destroying the colon wall itself. Similar arrangements could be devised and planned by those skilled in the art for other organs, and all these are claimed here and in the parent application.

It is also possible to both force fluid into the cooling element under positive pressure, and at the same time to pull the fluid out of the cooling element by a negative pressure. For instance, in

FIG. 1

a positive coolant fluid pressure applied on the inlet fluid could force the coolant into inlet port


, and a negative coolant fluid pressure applied on the outlet fluid could pull the fluid out of port


. The fluid supply system could thus include a “push” and a “pull” device to do this, all regulated by input and output pressure control. For instance, a peristaltic pump could both push the fluid in and pull the fluid out. Such a distal pressure system could increase the cooling fluid throughput to the electrode, and thus increase cooling efficiency. For small gauge or long length cannulae or catheters, this may be important for adequate cooling.

It is also noted and claimed in this and the parent application the method of making a two-stepped lesion; one which uses the cooled-tip electrode to make a large ablation, and combined with a second ablation step where the cool-tip is turned off, i.e. there is little or no cooling of the tip, in which case a standard lesion or ablation is made. The latter, smaller ablation will “fill-in” the entire ablation volume to include the near region (near the tip) as well as the distant region (farther away from the tip when the perfused or cool tip is on), so that no cancer cells, for instance, will survive anywhere in the volume.

It is also claimed in this and the parent application the use of the cooled-tip electrode in the heating in the spine. This could include heating facet joints, spinal nerves, and/or the intervertebral disc itself. In each case, a larger “lesion” can be made for a given electrode size than without a cooled-tip. In heating the disc, for example, it may be required to heat more extensively the entire disc space, and this can be done effectively with a cool-tip RF electrode. The cool-tip electrode could be inserted permanently into the disc space in the way described by Sluijter and Cosman, U.S. Pat. No. 5,433,739, Jul. 18, 1995, and more extended disc lesion could be made to more fully denervate the disc volume.

We claim also here the use of a closed radiofrequency or high frequency probe, having a closed distal tip that is used to penetrate or press or contact the patient's body, and which has an open proximal end for insertion of other probes or fluids. Referring to

FIG. 4

again, there is the cannula


which has the closed distal tip


A and has an opening at its proximal end


. This kind of radiofrequency (rf) or high frequency (hf) probe has never been seen before in prior art. Typically, previous rf probes either had a cannula with an open distal tip or the entire probe was closed on both of its distal and proximal ends. Thus we wish to claim here the kind of rf or hf cannula shown as one embodiment in FIG.


. Any of many kinds of secondary elements could be inserted into or coupled to the open proximal cannula end, such as the cooling elements, or rf thermosensing elements as illustrated in

FIG. 4

, or any other kind of function probe. The closed tip probe could either be rigid, straight, curved, flexible, and so on, as may be devised by those skilled in the art. The closed tip may be sharpened or non-sharp depending on the application—viz., used for tissue self-penetration or used for contact against non-cutting tissue penetration.

  • 1. A process for the controlled ablation of tissue in the body of a subject, comprising the steps of:providing a housing having a portion of its surface forming a high frequency electrode and defining an inner space; inserting an inner probe into the inner space to define a channel within the inner space; supplying high frequency electrical energy to the outer housing for the ablation of tissue in the body of the subject; providing circulating coolant through the channel; monitoring audio signals, positioning a microphone adjacent the tissue and detecting the audio signals emitted by the tissue using the microphone during an ablation procedure, emanating from the tissue in the body of the subject representative of physiological changes caused by the ablation; and dynamically controlling and maintaining a degree of high frequency electrical energy supplied to the outer housing, the degree being responsive to indications of the audio signals emanating from the body of the subject.
  • 2. The process in accordance with claim 1 further including the step of providing an insulation material over a substantial portion of the housing to prevent ablation of tissue in the body of a subject contiguous to the insulation material.
  • 3. The process in accordance with claim 1 wherein the step of providing includes incorporating the microphone in the housing.
  • 4. The process in accordance with claim 1 further including the step of displaying a graphic image of the audio signals.
  • 5. The process in accordance with claim 1 further including the step of imaging the tissue during the ablation procedure with imaging means selected from the group consisting of ultrasound, CT, MRI, and PET imaging modalities.
  • 6. The process in accordance with claim 5 further including the step of displaying a graphic image of the tissue produced by the imaging devices.
  • 7. The process in accordance with claim 6 further including the step of displaying a previously scanned image of a tumor's volume superimposed on the graphic image of the tissue.
  • 8. A process for the controlled ablation of tissue in the body of a subject, comprising the steps of:providing a housing having a portion of its surface forming a high frequency electrode and defining an inner space; inserting an inner probe into the inner space to define a channel within the inner space; supplying high frequency electrical energy to the outer housing for the ablation of tissue in the body of the subject; wherein the high frequency electrode further comprises a first hemispherical portion and a second opposed hemispherical portion wherein the first hemispherical portion is electrically conductive and the second hemispherical portion is electrically insulated and wherein, during the step of supplying, the first hemispherical portion causes ablation of tissue adjacent thereto that extends in a direction opposite the second hemispherical portion; providing circulating coolant through the channel; monitoring audio signals, during an ablation procedure, emanating from the tissue in the body of the subject representative of physiological changes caused by the ablation; and dynamically controlling and maintaining a degree of high frequency electrical energy supplied to the outer housing, the degree being responsive to indications of the audio signals emanating from the body of the subject.
  • 9. A process for the controlled ablation of tissue in the body of a subject, comprising the steps of:providing a housing having a portion of its surface forming a high frequency electrode and defining an inner space; inserting an inner probe into the inner space to define a channel within the innerspace; supplying high frequency electrical energy to the outer housing for the ablation of tissue in the body of the subject; wherein the housing comprises an outer cannula having a closed tip portion disposed at its distal end, the tip portion further comprising a first hemispherical portion and a second opposed hemispherical portion, the first hemispherical portion forming the high frequency electrode and the second hemispherical portion being insulated and wherein, during the step of supplying, the first hemispherical portion causes ablation of tissue adjacent thereto that extends in a direction opposite the second hemispherical portion; providing circulating coolant through the channel; monitoring audio signals, during an ablation procedure, emanating from the tissue in the body of the subject representative of physiological changes caused by the ablation; and dynamically controlling,.and maintaining a degree of high frequency electrical energy supplied to the outer housing, the degree being responsive to indications of the audio signals emanating from the body of the subject.
  • 10. The process in accordance with claim 9 wherein the insulated tip portion and the electrically conductive tip portion each comprise approximately one half the periphery of the tip portion.
  • 11. The process in accordance with claim 9, further including the step of displaying a graphic image of the audio signals.
  • 12. The process in accordance with claim 9, further including the step of imaging the tissue during the ablation procedure with imaging means selected from the group consisting of ultrasound, CT, MRI, and PET imaging modalities.
  • 13. The process in accordance with claim 12 further including the step of displaying a graphic image of the tissue produced by the imaging devices.
  • 14. The process in accordance with claim 13 further including the step of displaying a previously scanned image of a tumor's volume superimposed on the graphic image of the tissue.

The present application is a continuation of application Ser. No. 08/562,986, filed Nov. 24, 1995, now abandoned, which is a continuation-in-part of application Ser. No. 08/433,799 filed May 4, 1995 now abandoned by William J. Rittman, III and Eric R. Cosman for “A Cooled Radio Frequency Electrode System for Heat Ablation in the Body.”

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Continuations (1)
Number Date Country
Parent 08/562986 Nov 1995 US
Child 09/642309 US
Continuation in Parts (1)
Number Date Country
Parent 08/433799 May 1995 US
Child 08/562986 US