Cooper Union's School of Engineering Leadership in Engineering Advancing the Profession (LEAP),addresses the issue of leadership in engineering today and cultivates the so-called "soft skills" encouraged by ABET 2000 criteria. In a series of innovative, learner-centered LEAP workshops, recommended courses, and selected experiences, undergraduates are provided a structured, yet flexible, "menu" of participatory leadership opportunities in six key areas: diversity and gender, communication, experiential learning, professional and global experiences, arts and humanities perspectives, teaching and service. Culminating in a LEAP Certificate or experienced through a LEAP Passport, LEAP focuses on interactive experiential workshop approaches to learning. In addition to the exemplary educational products of the LEAP menu, Certificate, Passport, and workshops, LEAP is documented digitally on videotape to use for review, instruction, curriculum integration, and dissemination. Six workshop video modules, an informational videotape, a handbook (combining worksheets, readings, improvisations, film and literature modules, role-playing scenarios, physical challenges, problem-solving initiatives, case studies, and evaluation tools), and a downloadable website are planned to provide short- and long-term electronic and hard copy portfolios for students and faculty, program evaluation, dissemination and learner assessment. Substantial curriculum integration has already taken place and is planned for the future, with unanimous faculty and administration support. Overseen by an Advisory Panel, LEAP collaborates with Outward Bound7, NACME, FIPSE, NCIIA, Con Edison, NSF's Gateway Coalition, and the Engineering Information Foundation.