Morse et al.--Numerically Controlled Machine Tools; pp. 172-175, 1965--American Data Processing, Inc., Detroit. |
Wilson--Numerical Control in Manufacturing--McGraw-Hill, New York, pp. 118-129, 198-205, 302-315, 490-497; 1963. |
Heidenhain-TNC 121-Position and Linear Path Control-pp. 1-9, Heidenhain Corp. USA, Elk Grove Village, Illinois. |
Electronic Industries Association Publication-EIA Standard-Rs-273-A-"Interchangeable Perforated Tape Variable Block Format for Positioning and Straight Cut Numerically Controlled Machines", May--1967, pp. 1-13, Electronic Industries Association, Washington, D.C. |
ISO Recommendation R1056--"Punched Tape Block Formats for the Numerical Control of Machines-Coping of Prepatory Functions G and Miscellaneous Functions M", 1st Edition, Apr. 1969--pp. 1-15--International Organization for Standardization--printed in Switzerland. |
ISO Recommendation R1058--"Punched Tape Variable Block Format for Positioning and Straight Cut Numerically Controlled Machines--1st Edition, Apr. 1969--pp. 1-15, International Organization for Standardization--printed in Switzerland. |
Tschumi--"Tool Radius Correction for True Contour Programming"--Brown Boveri, rev. vol. 57, 11-70--pp. 456-459. |