The present invention relates to counter flow regenerative heat exchangers for heat recovery in low capacity prime movers. This includes distributed electric generation and vehicle use, and pertains particularly to an improved regenerator for small gas turbine engines. Low capacity gas turbines are generally considered to be impractical, especially in variable speed automotive use, due to very high turbine speed, inefficient turn-down during deceleration and idling, and high exhaust temperature. The rotary regenerator of the present invention with heat transfer enhancing features resolves these issues, enabling efficient low compression operation with effectiveness greater than 95%. Low stress and compact low cost metallic construction withstands high turbine outlet temperature associated with low compression. As a result, cycle efficiency is high within turbine stress limitations imposed by the pressure-speed relation, wherein rotor speed is directly proportional to working fluid flow rate and compression ratio and indirectly proportional to turbine diameter. Additional benefits of enhanced heat transfer in low compression application are reduced leakage of intake air into exhaust gas, improved flow distribution through the heat transfer surface and closer balance between intake air and exhaust gas pressure drop. Estimated cost is 40 $/kW engine capacity
The regenerator of the present invention employs a rotating matrix of corrugated heat transfer tubes, which absorb heat on both inner and outer surfaces from the lower pressure exhaust gas side for transfer to the pressurized intake air side of the regenerator. Heat transfer in the laminar flow range provides a compact and high effectiveness design. Compactness is further improved using either pre-fabricated honeycomb or packed tubular cell construction in a hexagonal array. Each cell contains one or more corrugated tubes with enhanced heat storage and heat transfer capability. Further compactness is achieved in the tubular type matrix by meshing the ridges and grooves of corrugated tubes in hexagonal groups within the cells. This arrangement provides positive tube positioning in a relatively low stress unconstrained matrix. Heat transfer may be further enhanced in both matrix types by insertion of longitudinal strip-fins within the corrugated tubes. The stainless steel or nickel alloy matrix operates well within recommended service temperature limits approaching normal micro-turbine inlet gas temperature of 1150 K in this low stress application. The honeycomb matrix may be mass produced using a relatively inexpensive automatic welding process and the alternate cell tube matrix is non-welded. The corrugated tubes are readily available and installed without welding at minimal cost.
The matrix is supported on bearings at each end of a central shaft and rotates through seals having minimal working fluid leakage. Two factors lower seal leakage; low compression ratio of the application and an elongated matrix due to enhanced heat transfer. Matrix length to diameter is reduced from a ratio of about 5 to a ratio of 1 in the regenerator of the present invention. Seal leakage may be further reduced by a purge system, drawing fluid from a turbine bearing air supply or a rotor cooling water supply for distribution along matrix support bars. An electric motor provides rotation of the matrix via a pinion and ring gear.
Current practice for small gas turbines utilizing heat recovery to increase thermal efficiency is to employ recuperators with fixed surface area for stationary use and rotary regenerators for automotive use. In the former case micro-turbines for distributed electric generation are gaining wide acceptance, while in the latter case gas turbine development is ongoing and limited to constant speed proto-types. The state-of-the-art micro-turbine heat exchanger is a counter-flow recuperator, which operates in the laminar flow range for acceptable heat transfer and effectiveness in a plate type matrix with numerous parallel flow passages fitted with strip-fins. It is the most expensive component of the gas turbine system, constructed of high temperature alloys with a large number of closely spaced brazed joints and complex header arrangements. Efforts are ongoing to develop a less expensive heat exchanger. The state-of-the-art automotive heat exchanger is a more advanced rotary regenerator, which also relies on laminar flow, but in a ceramic disk matrix, It must withstand thermal cycling to nearly turbine inlet gas temperature during deceleration and idling. Both fixed and rotary heat exchangers are subject to design compromise to limit thermal stresses. The fixed metallic recuperator is constrained by thermal expansion and maximum service temperature is limited to about 950 K. Estimated cost is 160 $/kW engine capacity. The ceramic rotary regenerator matrix can withstand elevated turbine exhaust temperature, but off-design operating conditions may impose excessive thermal stress. In addition, the latter is subject to erosion/corrosion due to seal leakage and is not conducive to heat transfer enhancement geometry and ring gear attachment. Estimated cost is 80 $/kW engine capacity
Accordingly, objects and advantages of the rotary regenerator of the present invention are:
(a) to provide a rotary regenerator for increasing thermodynamic cycle efficiency of expansion engines;
(b) to provide a rotary regenerator having high effectiveness;
(c) to provide a rotary regenerator with a low constraint metallic heat transfer matrix to withstand thermal stresses at highest service temperature;
(d) to provide a rotary regenerator having a compact assembly using a hexagonal matrix;
(e) to provide a rotary regenerator having low seal leakage or increased pressure capability;
(f) to provide a rotary regenerator having heat recovering purge flow for matrix lubrication and low seal leakage without loss of engine efficiency;
(g) to provide a rotary regenerator having uniform matrix flow distribution;
(h) to provide a rotary regenerator constructed of readily available components including enclosure and heat transfer cells; and
(i) to provide a rotary regenerator with tube matrix accessibility contained in a quickly detachable enclosure.
Further objects and advantages are to provide an inexpensive and reliable regenerator, which will enable widespread application of expansion engines including low capacity gas turbines. Still further objects and advantages will become apparent from a consideration of the following description and drawings.
In the drawings, closely related figures have the same number but different alphabetical suffixes.
The corrugated heat transfer tubes, with both inside and outside active surfaces, enable low hydraulic diameter of the matrix and high conductive heat transfer coefficient in the laminar flow range. Heat transfer coefficient and friction factor are comparable to that of a fixed plate type recuperator operating in similar flow conditions, but at about one-third of the cost. This is accomplished by elimination of headers and associated welds in conjunction with automated honeycomb matrix production. Performance of the exemplary regenerator is estimated at operating conditions applicable to a compact motor vehicle at a cruising speed of 120 km/h (75 mph). Turbine inlet gas temperature is 1110 K (2000 R) and compression ratio is 3 with exhaust and pressurized side losses limited to 2.5% and 1%, respectively. At these conditions cycle efficiency and regenerator effectiveness are approximately 30% and 92%, respectively. The regenerator is configured as a hexagonal group of 7 corrugated tubes per cell, with sizing based on turbine exhaust temperature of 900 K (1620 R) and heat duty of 460,000 kJ/h (436,000 Btu/h). Heat duty is based on the assumption that a portion of the exhaust is bypassed around the regenerator to avoid surface area penalty during infrequent high power operation. The resulting matrix geometry is; surface area per cell=300 cm2(46 in2), flow area per cell=0.65 cm2(0.10 in2), total cells=230, hydraulic diameter=0.21 cm (.084 in.), cell and corrugated tube length=30.5 cm (12 in.), and matrix mass per cell=0.045 kg (0.10 lb.).
Working fluid leakage across a non-purged matrix is low because of low compression ratio and high length to diameter ratio of the matrix. The purge system is adaptable in high temperature gas turbines employing a water cooled turbine rotor while reducing surface area of the matrix. This is because of two factors; zero working fluid leakage and enhanced heat transfer with non-luminous water vapor radiation.
While I have illustrated and described my invention by means of specific embodiments, it is to be understood that numerous changes and modifications may be made therein without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention as defined in the appended claims. For example, prime mover heat input may include solar, the regenerator may be oriented with downward exhaust requiring only one tube retainer plate at the bottom, and fin strips with various cross-section configurations may be inserted in the corrugated tubes.