Cotton somaclonal variants

A somaclonal variant cotton plant. The somaclonal cotton plant is produced by a method comprising providing a cotton explant, culturing the explant in a callus growth medium supplemented with glucose as a primary carbon source until secretion of phenolic compounds has ceased and undifferentiated callus is formed from the explant, culturing the undifferentiated callus in callus growth medium supplemented with sucrose as a primary carbon source until embryogenic callus is formed from the undifferentiated callus, transferring the embryogenic callus to a plant germination medium, culturing the embryogenic callus on the plant germination medium until a plantlet is formed from the embryogenic callus, transferring the plantlets to soil, growing the plantlets to produce seeds from self pollination, collecting the seeds, planting the seeds, growing the seeds under conditions to select for a desired characteristic and collecting the plants with the desired characteristics.

This invention relates to the production of new strains of cotton.
This invention is directed to plant regeneration and transformation of cotton, particularly cotton of the species Gossypium hirsutum L.
In recent years many tissues of diverse origin from plants belonging to different taxonomic groups have been established as in vitro tissue culture. Some of the factors controlling growth and differentiation of such cultures have also been determined. The establishment of subtle interactions among the different groups of plant hormones, and plant growth regulators operating either directly or indirectly, alone or in synergistic combination, have given to some degree an insight into certain interrelationships that may exist among cells, tissues and organs. The information is however by no means complete.
For some time it has been known that plant cell cultures can be maintained in a non-differentiating proliferative state indefinitely. It has, however, only been recently found that redifferentiation of tissues, organs or whole plant organisms can be experimentally induced. Since the demonstrations by Skoog et al. �"Chemical regulation of growth and organ formation in plant tissues cultured in vitro" Symp. Soc. Exp. Biol. 11 18-130 (1958), incorporated herein by reference! that the relative ratio of a cytokinin to an auxin determines the nature of organogenesis in tobacco pith tissue. Reorganization or regeneration from callus cultures includes the formation of shoot primordia or embryos, both of which ultimately lead to plantlet development in vitro.
The tendency for organogenesis vs. embryogenesis still depends upon the species involved and the presence of certain triggering factors which are chemical and/or physical in nature.
In 1902, Haberlandt �"Kulturversuche mit isolierten pflanzenzellen," Mat. KI. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien 111 62, incorporated herein by reference! postulated that plant cells possessed the ability to produce entire plants and predicted that this would someday be demonstrable in cell cultures. In 1965, Reinert �"Untersuchungen uber die morphogenese an Gewebekulturen, " Ber. dt. Bot. Ges. 71 15! and Steward et al. �"Growth and organized development of cultured cells/II. Organization in cultures grown from freely suspended cells," Am. J. Bot. 45 705-708! working independently, confirmed the occurrence of in vitro somatic embryogenesis. (Both references are incorporated herein by reference.) In experimentally manipulating somatic embryogenesis it is believed that two components of the culture media, an auxin and the nitrogen source, play crucial roles.
It has also been shown that the process of somatic embryogenesis takes place in two stages: first, the induction of cells with embryogenic competence in the presence of a high concentration of auxin; and second, the development of embryonic cell masses into embryos in the absence of or at a low concentration of auxin.
The induction of organogenesis or embryogenesis leads to distinct structural patterns in the callus. Detailed study of several plant species has enabled certain generalizations to be made about the developmental pathways leading to shoot, bud or embryo development.
The application of tissue culture techniques to the regeneration of plants via organogenesis or embryogenesis remains perhaps the most important contribution of basic studies in morphogenesis to commercial application.
Beasley reported the formation of callus in ovule cultures of cotton in 1971 �"In vitro culture of fertilized cotton ovules," Bioscience 21 906-907 (1971), incorporated herein by reference! . Later, Hsu et al. �"Callus induction by (2-chlorethyl) phosphoric (CPA) acid in cultured cotton ovules," Physiol. Plant 36 150-153 (1976), incorporated herein by reference! observed a stimulation of growth of calli obtained from ovules due to the addition of CPA and gibberellic acid to the medium. Callus cultures from other explants such as (a) leaf �Davis et al. "In vitro culture of callus tissues and cell suspensions from okra (Hibiscus esculentus) and cotton (Gossypium hirsutum)," In vitro 9 395-398 (1974), both incorporated herein by reference! (b) hypocotyl �Schenk et al. "Medium and technique for induction and growth of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plant cell cultures," Can. J. Bot. 50 199-204 (1972), incorporated herein by reference! and (c) cotyledons �Rani et al. "Establishment of Tissue Cultures of Cotton," Plant Sci. Lett. 7 163-169 (1976), incorporated herein by reference! have been established for Gossypium hirsutum and G. arboreum.
Katterman et al. �"The influence of a strong reducing agent upon initiation of callus from the germinating seedlings of Gossypium barbadense," Physiol. Plant 40 98-101 (1977), incorporated herein by reference! observed that the compact callus from cotyledons of G. barbadense formed roots, and in one instance regeneration of a complete plant was also obtained. Smith et al. �"Defined conditions for the initiation and growth of cotton callus in vitro, Gossypium arboreum," In vitro 13 329-334 (1977), incorporated herein by reference! determined conditions for initiation and subculture of hypocotyl-derived callus of G. arboreum. Subsequently, Price et al. �"Callus cultures of six species of cotton (Gossypium L) on defined media," Pl. Sci. Lett. 8 115-119 (1977), and "Tissue culture of Gossypium species and its potential in cotton genetics and crop improvement," Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conference Proc. pp. 51-55 (1977), of the National Cotton Council, Memphis, each incorporated herein by reference! defined conditions for the initiation and subculture of callus from five species of Gossypium.
One of the common problems in establishing cultures of many plant species is the "browning" of the explant in the culture medium. In cotton, this leaching of polyphenols was overcome by replacing sucrose with glucose, and by transferring the cultures to a fresh medium every 10 days. After 3 or 4 passages on glucose supplemented medium, the browning completely disappeared and the cultures could be transferred back to sucrose-supplemented media. Although difficulties with the induction, browning and maintenance of calli during subcultures have been overcome with certain Gossypium species, all attempts to regenerate plants from callus cultures have been either unsuccessful or have involved several time-consuming steps. Davidonis et al. �"Plant Regeneration from Callus Tissue of Gossypium hirsutum, " L. Plant Sci. Lett. 32 89-93 (1983), incorporated herein by reference! reported the eventual formation of embryos two years after the initiation of culture.
Although many growth substances, such as natural phytohormones and synthetic growth regulating compounds have been utilized in tissue culture media to bring about plant regeneration in vitro, no generalization, much less specifics, of the effects of different substances on plant regeneration has been arrived at. Indeed, the same substances, when applied to different plant species, may either inhibit growth, enhance growth, or have no effect whatsoever. Therefore, aside from certain standard procedures, it remains necessarily a difficult task to arrive at a working protocol for plant regeneration for any new species and by many orders of magnitude a more difficult task to achieve plant transformation.
The present invention provides a method for the rapid regeneration of cotton plants from segments excised from seedlings. The method described offers a high degree of repeatability and reliability and it enables genetic transformation of cotton plants.
The present invention relates to somaclonal variant cotton plant. The somaclonal cotton plant is produced by a method comprising providing a cotton explant and culturing the explant in a callus growth medium supplemented with glucose as a primary carbon source until secretion of phenolic compounds has ceased and undifferentiated callus is formed from the explant. The undifferentiated callus is then cultured in callus growth medium supplemented with sucrose as a primary carbon source until embryogenic callus is formed from the undifferentiated callus. The embryogenic callus is transferred to a plant germination medium and it is cultured on the plant germination medium until plantlets are formed. The plantlets are transferred to soil and grown to produce seeds from self pollination. The seeds collecting the seeds, planting the seeds, growing the seeds are collected and grown under conditions to select for a desired characteristic. The plants with the desired characteristics are collected.

FIG. 1 presents diagrammatically preferred procedures for development of cotton plants from seed by tissue culture techniques with a showing of establishing zones of transformation.
FIG. 2 is a photo illustration of embryogenic callus (10) of cotton with somatic embryos (12) at various stages of development including leaf (14) and root (16).
FIG. 3 is a photo illustration of a somatic cotton embryo at a late globular stage isolated to form the embryogenic callus culture as depicted in FIG. 2.
FIG. 4, as with reference to FIG. 2, is a photo illustration of embryos and young plantlets (18) of cotton developing on an embryo germination medium.
FIG. 5 is a photo illustration of small clumps of embryogenic cells from suspension cultures of cotton.
FIG. 6 is a photo illustration of a globular stage embryo from a suspension culture.
FIG. 7 illustrates germinating embryos obtained from suspension cultures showing emerging leaves (14) and roots (16).
FIG. 8 illustrates the development of plantlets of cotton growing on the embryo germination medium.
FIGS. 9 to 15 depict the genetic transformation of cotton, with FIG. 9 showing the development of cell colonies (20) from transformed cotton cells containing a gene for kanamycin resistance.
FIG. 10 shows somatic embryos developing from the selected antibiotic resistance cells of FIG. 9 on an antibiotic-supplemented medium.
FIG. 11 shows germinating embryos of transformed somatic embryos containing a gene conferring resistance to the herbicide glyphosate.
FIG. 12 shows cotton plantlets developed from the embryos of FIG. 11.
FIG. 13 shows germinating somatic embryos transformed to confer resistance to Lepidopterous insects with leaf 14 and root 16 development.
FIG. 14 shows plantlets developed from the embryos of FIG. 13.
FIG. 15 shows a plantlet of the variety Siokra developed from transformed embryos exhibiting a resistance to kanamycin.
FIG. 16 shows the construction of mp19/bt, a plasmid containing the 5' end of the Bt protoxin gene.
FIG. 17 shows the construction of mp19/bt ca/del, a plasmid containing the CaMV gene VI promotor fused to the 5' end of Bt protoxin coding sequence.
FIG. 18 shows the construction of p702/bt, a plasmid having the 3' coding region of the protoxin fused to the CaMV transcription termination signals.
FIG. 19 shows the construction of PBR322/bt 14, containing the complete protoxin coding sequence flanked by CaMV promotor and terminator sequences.
FIG. 20 shows the construction of pRK252/Tn903/BglII.
FIG. 21 shows the construction of pCIB5.
FIGS. 22 & 23 shows the construction of pCIB4.
FIG. 24 shows the construction of pCIB2.
FIG. 25 shows the construction of pCIB10, a broad host range plasmid containing T-DNA borders and gene for plant selection.
FIG. 26 shows the construction of pCIB10/19Sbt.
FIG. 27 shows the construction of pCIB710.
FIG. 28 shows the construction of pCIB10/710.
FIG. 29 shows the construction of pCIB10/35Sbt.
FIG. 30 shows the construction of pCIB10/35Sbt(KpnI).
FIG. 31 shows the construction of pCIB10/35Sbt(BclI).
FIG. 32 shows the construction of pCIB10/35Sbt(607)
FIG. 33 depicts the vector DEI PEP10.
FIG. 34 is a photo showing a field trial made up of cotton regenerants planted in a Verticillium infested field.
FIG. 35 is a photo showing progeny of a regenerated SJ4 plant in the field trial shown in FIG. 33. A somaclonal variant with improved tolerance to Verticillium fungus is indicated by the arrow.

The present invention is directed to the regeneration by tissue culture of cotton plants particularly plants of the genus Gossypium hirsutum from somatic cells for propagation in the field. Optionally, the cells may be transformed to include foreign genetic information.
The various growth medium useful in accordance with this invention are as follows:
______________________________________SEED GERMINATION GROWTH MEDIUMCOMPOSITION OF MODIFIED WHITE'S STOCK SOLUTION�Phytomorphology 11 109-127 (1961)incorporated herein by reference! Concentra- tion perComponent 1000 ml. Comments______________________________________MgSO.sub.4.7H.sub.2 O 3.6 g Dissolve and make upNa.sub.2 SO.sub.4 2.0 g the final volume toNaH.sub.2 PO.sub.4.H.sub.2 O 1.65 g 1000 ml. Label White's A Stock. Use 100 ml/l of final medium.Ca(NO.sub.3).sub.2.4H.sub.2 O 2.6 g Dissolve and make upKNO.sub.3 800 mg the final volume toKCl 650 mg 1000 ml. Label White's B Stock. Use 100 ml/l of final medium.Na.sub.2 MoO.sub.4.2H.sub.2 O 2.5 mg Dissolve and make upCOCl.sub.2.6H.sub.2 O 2.5 mg the final volume toMnSO.sub.4.H.sub.2 O 300 mg 100 ml. Label White'sZnSO.sub.4.7H.sub.2 O 50 mg C Stock. Use 1.0 ml/lCuSO.sub.4.5H.sub.2 O 2.5 mg of final medium.H.sub.3 BO.sub.3 50 mgFe EDTA Use 10 ml/l of MSFe EDTA.Organic Use 10 ml/l of MS organic.______________________________________CALLUS GROWTH/MAINTENANCE MEDIUMCOMPOSITION OF MURASHIGE & SKOOG (MS)STOCK SOLUTIONS�Physiol. Plant 15 473-497 (1962)incorporated herein by reference! Concentra- tion per 1000 ml.Component of Stock Comments______________________________________NH.sub.4 NO.sub.3 4417.26 g Dissolve and make upKNO.sub.3 47.50 g the final volume toCaCl.sub.2.2H.sub.2 O 11.00 g 1000 ml. Use 40 ml/lMgSO.sub.4.7H.sub.2 O 9.25 g of final medium.KH.sub.2 PO.sub.4 4.25 gKI 83 mg Dissolve and make upH.sub.3 BO.sub.3 620 mg the final volume toMnSO.sub.4.H.sub.2 O 1690 mg 1000 ml. Label MS -ZnSO.sub.4.7H.sub.2 O 860 mg Minor. Use 10 ml/l ofNa.sub.2 MoO.sub.4.2H.sub.2 O 25 mg final medium.CuSO.sub.4.5H.sub.2 O 2.5 mgCoCl.sub.2.6H.sub.2 O 2.5 mgNicotinic acid 50 mg Dissolve and make upPyridoxin HCl 50 mg the final volume toThiamine HCl 10 mg 1000 ml. Label MS - Organic. Freeze in 10 ml aliquots. Use 10 ml/l of final medium.Fe EDTA 2.78 g Dissolve 2.78 g ofFe SO.sub.4.7H.sub.2 O 3.73 9 FeSO.sub.4.7H.sub.2 O in aboutNa.sub.2 EDTA.2H.sub.2 O 200 ml of deionized water. Dissolve 3.73 g of Na.sub.2 EDTA.2H.sub.2 O (disodium salt of ethylenedi- aminetetraacetic acid dihydrate) in 200 ml of deionized water in another beaker. Heat the Na.sub.2 EDTA solution on a hot plate for about 10 minutes. While constantly stirring, add FeSO.sub.4 solution to Na.sub.2 EDTA solution. Cool the solution to room temperature and make up the volume to 1000 ml. Label MS EDTA. Cover bottle with foil and store in refrigerator. Use 10 ml/l of final medium.Thiamine HCl 50 mg Dissolve and make up the volume to 500 ml. Label MS - Thiamine. Use 4.0 ml/l of final medium. As if required.Inositol 10 g Dissolve and make upGlycine 0.2 g the final volume to 1000 ml. Label MS - glycine/inositol. Use 10 ml/l of final medium.______________________________________PLANT GERMINATION MEDIUMCOMPOSITION OF BEASLEY AND TING'S STOCK SOLUTIONS�Am. J. Bot. 60 130-139 (1973)incorporated herein by reference! Conc. perComponent 1000 ml. Comments______________________________________KH.sub.2 PO.sub.4 2.72 g Dissolve and make upH.sub.3 BO.sub.3 61.83 mg the volume to 100 ml.Na.sub.2 MoO.sub.4.2H.sub.2 O 2.42 mg Label B & T - A Stock. Use 10 ml/l of final medium.CaCl.sub.2.2H.sub.2 O 4.41 g Dissolve and make upKI 8.3 mg the volume to 100 ml.CoCl.sub.2.6H.sub.2 O 0.24 mg Label B & T - B Stock. Use 10 ml/l of final medium.MgSO.sub.4.7H.sub.2 O 4.93 g Dissolve and make upMnSO.sub.4.H.sub.2 O 169.02 mg the volume to 100 ml.ZnSO.sub.4.7H.sub.2 O 86.27 mg Label B & T - C Stock.CuSO.sub.4.5H.sub.2 O O.25 mg Use 10 ml/l of final medium.KNO.sub.3 25.275 g Dissolve and make up the volume to 200 ml. Label B & T - D Stock. Use 40 ml/l of final medium.Nicotinic acid 4.92 mg Dissolve and make upPyridoxin HCl 8.22 mg the final volume toThiamine HCl 13.49 mg 100 ml. Label B & T - Organics. Use 10 ml/l of final medium.Fe EDTA Use 10 ml/l of MS Fe EDTA.Inositol 100 mg/l of final medium.NH.sub.4 NO.sub.3 (15 .mu.M) 1200.6 mg/l of final medium.______________________________________
With any of the above solutions, the following procedure is used to prepare one liter of the medium. There is provided as a base, 200 ml of deionized water and the various stock solutions are added in the amounts stated for 1 liter. For example, if there is to be employed 10 ml of a stock in the final medium, then 10 ml of the stock are added to the 200 ml of the distilled water. To ensure the salts stay in solution, stock solutions are normally added in the order shown in the formulations above. After thoroughly mixing additional deionized water is added to the mixture to bring it to, as required 500 ml, and the mixture adjusted in pH to a value of from about 5.8 to 6.0. The final volume is brought to 1,000 ml and there is normally added tissue culture Agar, or its equivalent to a level of about 0.8% by weight. This is to provide some solidity to solution to reduce flow. The mixture is then autoclaved for about 5 to 20 minutes at a pressure 15-21 lbs/in.sup.2 to kill any contaminating organism, and suitably labeled and stored as a sterile medium.
Briefly, cotton seeds are sterilized and germinated on a suitable seed germination medium such as a basal agar medium in the dark for a time sufficient to produce seedlings. The normal period of growth is up to about 4 weeks, typically 7 to 14 days.
Segments of explants are excised from the seedling. It is preferred that the explant come from the hypocotyl or cotyledon. In the alternative, one can equally use immature embryos obtained from the developing fruits of greenhouse or field grown cotton plants as the explant. The explant segments are cultured on a suitable first callus growth medium, preferably a or full Murashige and Skoog (MS) nutrient medium containing glucose. Growth occurs by culturing at a temperature of from about to about C. in a light/dark cycle of about 16 hours of light and above 8 hours of dark. Culturing is the procedure whereby the medium is replaced at periodic intervals as the nutrients are consumed and continued for approximately about 3 to about 4 weeks, or until undifferentiated callus are formed. The callus are transferred to a second callus growth medium, preferably an MS medium supplemented with naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and sucrose as the carbon source and cultured for three to four months to produce embryos.
The embryos may then be maintained in the second callus growth medium to maintain an embryo supply or transferred to a plant germination medium such as Beasley and Ting's medium preferably containing casein hydrolysate and source of ammonium cultured for 2 to 3 weeks to produce plantlets.
The plantlets are transferred to soil under high humidity conditions, then transplanted to larger pots in a greenhouse and finally transferred to the field for growth to maturity.
The methods briefly described herein have been successfully employed to induce somatic embryo formation in cotton of the species Gossypium hirsutum by tissue and suspension cultures and, ultimately, to obtain mature plants from hypocotyl and cotyledon derived callus cultures of Acala varieties of Gossypium hirsutum including Acala SJ2, Acala SJ4, Acala SJ5, Acala SJ-C1, Acala B1644, Acala B165426, Acala B1654-43, Acala B3991, Acala GC356 (plants not obtained), Acala GC510, Acala GAM1, Acala Royale, Acala Maxxa (callus only formed), Acala Prema, Acala B638 (plants not formed), Acala B1810, Acala B2724, Acala B4894, Acala B5002 (plants not formed), non Acala "picker" Siokra, "stripper" variety FC2017, Coker 315, STONEVILLE 506, STONEVILLE 825 (plants not formed), DP50 (callus only formed), DP61 (callus only formed), DP90 (callus only formed), DP77 (callus only formed), DES119 (callus only formed), McN235 (callus only formed), HBX87 (plants not formed), HBX191 (callus only formed), HBX107 (callus only formed), FC 3027, CHEMBRED A1 (callus only formed), CHEMBRED A2 (callus only formed), CHEMBRED A3 (callus only formed), CHEMBRED A4 (callus only formed), CHEMBRED B1 (callus only formed), CHEMBRED B2, CHEMBRED B3 (callus only formed), CHEMBRED C1 (callus only formed), CHEMBRED C2 (callus only formed), CHEMBRED C3 (callus only formed), CHEMBRED C4, PAYMASTER 145 (callus only formed), HS26 (callus only formed), HS46 (callus only formed), SICALA (plants not formed), PIMA S6 (plants not formed) and ORO BLANCO PIMA (plants not formed) . Cultures have been transformed to normal plants with novel traits or properties.
The Acala SJ2 was obtained from a the cross AXTE1 x NM 2302. The Acala SJ4, SJ5, SJ-C1, B1644, B1654-26, B1654-43, B3991, GC356, GC510, GAM1 were obtained from the cross C6TE x NM B3080. Acala Royale was obtained from the cross �C6TE x NM B3080! x �AXTE 1-57 x TEX E364!. Acala Maxxa was obtained from the cross �S196 x 1900-1! x �12302-4 x (CGTE x B7378)!. Acala Prema was obtained from the cross �ATE-11 x NM49-2! x �C6TE x NM B3080!.
More particularly, the procedure involves first the sterilizing of the cotton seeds. Suitable sterilization may be achieved by immersing the seeds in 95% ethanol for 2 to 3 minutes, rinsing in sterile water one or more times, then soaking the seeds in a 15% solution of sodium hypochlorite for 15 to 20 minutes, and rinsing several times with sterile water.
The sterilized seeds are then transferred to a first medium, termed a seed germination medium. A seed germination medium is one of normal salt content. A suitable germination medium is a basal agar medium, including White's medium or half-strength MS medium. (One-half ingredient strength). Germination normally occurs in the dark over an about 12 to about 14 day period.
Hypocotyl and/or cotyledons are preferably excised from the germinated seed, subdivided or cut into segments and cultured on a first callus growth medium such as an MS medium supplemented with growth substances. The presently preferred medium is the MS medium supplemented with about 0.4 mg/l thiamine hydrochloride, about 30 g/l glucose, about 2 mg/l NAA, about 1 mg/l kinetin, a common growth regulator, and about 100 mg/l inositol and agar. Thiamine hydrochloride can generally range in concentration from 0.1 to about 0.5 mg/l, glucose about 20 to about 30 g/l, about 1 to about 10 mg/l NAA, about 1 to about 2 mg/l kinetin and about 50 to about 100 mg/l inositol.
The cultures are maintained at a temperature of about to about C., preferably about C. and with a light/dark cycle of about 16 hours of light and about 8 hours of dark. It is preferred to have a light intensity of about 2000 to 4000 lux, more preferably about 3000 to 4000 lux.
The calli formed are periodically subcultured at 3 to 4 week intervals and transferred to a fresh first callus growth medium. In the culturing of the explants, secretions of phenolic compounds from the explants can occur as evidenced by darkening of the cultured medium. In this instance, the medium is changed more regularly. Darkening has been avoided by changing the culture medium every 10 days. Normally, after three to five medium changes, phenolic secretions will disappear. When this occurs, the first callus growth medium can be replaced by fresh callus growth medium containing sucrose or supplemented with sucrose as a carbon source.
After 3 to 4 weeks of culture, active calli develop on the cut surfaces of the explants. The calli are then transferred to a fresh second callus growth maintenance medium which is preferably an MS medium combined with about 1 to about 10 mg/l, preferably about 1 to about 5 mg/l NAA. Cytokinin is employed at a concentration of from 0 to about 1 g/l. A callus growth medium is characterized as a high salt content medium containing as much as 10 times more salt than the seed germination medium. The essential difference between first and second callus growth medium is the carbon source. Glucose is used during period of phenolic secretions. Sucrose is used when secretion have stopped. The balance of the callus growth medium can remain the same or changed.
The calli are transferred in regular intervals to a fresh callus growth medium and, after generally about 5 to 7 passages or until an anthocyanin pigmentation becomes evident in a portion of the calli, which is followed by development of a yellowish-white embryogenic callus.
The embryogenic callus are then selectively subcultured and maintained by regular subculturing. The embryogenic callus contain somatic embryos at various stages of development. Some may have reached the point of development that enables growth into small plantlets. Most, however, require further development. Some may be advanced to germination. Other may be maintained as a source of embryos for future use.
With reference to FIG. 2, there is illustrated this stage of development showing calli of Acala cotton 10 with somatic embryos 12 of differing size with some having emerging leaves 14 and roots 16. FIG. 3 illustrates a somatic embryo isolated at a late globular stage.
With reference to FIG. 4, further development may be achieved by transferring the somatic embryos to a third growth medium termed herein an embryo germination medium, a medium rich in nitrogen usually in the form of ammonia or its equivalent. Suitable media include Beasley and Ting's medium, preferably supplemented with up to about 500 mg/l casein hydrolysate.
Germination occurs from somatic embryos and, within 2 to 3 weeks, a well developed plantlet 18 of up to 6 leaves and good root system is generally formed.
At this stage, the plantlets are transferred to soil in small clumps and grown in a standard incubator under conditions of high humidity. Temperature is normally maintained at about to C. (See FIG. 7).
After a period of growth, the small plants are transferred to larger pots in a greenhouse and thereafter transferred to field and grown to maturity. All the regenerated plants are preferably self-pollinated either while growing in the green house or in field conditions and the seeds collected. Seeds are then germinated and 4 to 5 week old seedlings transferred to the field for progeny row trials and other standard plant breeding procedures. Practicing the above procedure produces viable cotton plants from about 35% of the explants in the period of time from about 6 to about 8 months.
Proliferation of Embryogenic Cotton Cells In Suspension Cultures
As an alternative to allowing the growing embryogenic calli to be developed into a plant, the callus may be cut into smaller pieces and further developed using suspension culture techniques.
In this procedure, suspension concentration is normally from about 750 to 1000 mg of callus parts to 8 ml callus growth medium such as the second callus growth medium (MS medium supplemented with NAA), and allowed to grow in suspension. In a preferred embodiment, the suspension of the callus is inserted in T-tubes and placed on a roller drum rotating at about 1.5 rpm under a light regime of about 16 hours of light and about 8 hours of dark. Growth is for about 3 to 4 weeks.
After about every 3 to 4 weeks, the suspension is filtered to remove large cell clumps of embryogenic callus depicted in groups in FIG. 5 and as isolated at late globular stages as shown in FIG. 6. The filtrate is returned to a nutrient medium for a 3 to 4 week period of growth. This procedure is repeated over and over with harvesting of large clumps at about 3 to 4 week intervals, at which time the medium is supplanted in whole or in part with fresh callus growth medium. Preferably, about 4 volumes or more of the fresh medium are added to about one volume of residual suspension. It is presently preferred that the filter employed have a mesh size greater than about 600 microns, preferably greater than 800 microns, as it has been observed the cell masses of a particle size less than 600 microns will not develop into plants, whereas cell masses greater than 600 microns and preferably greater than 800 microns have undergone sufficient differentiation so as to become embryogenic and capable of developing into viable plants.
Suspension cultures can also be initiated by transferring of embryogenic calli to a flask, such as a DeLong or Erlenmeyer flask, containing the liquid embryo growth medium in an amount of about 20 ml of MS and NAA at a concentration of 2.0 mg/l. The flask is placed on a gyrotory shaker and is shaken at about 100-110 strokes per minute. After 3 to 4 weeks the suspension is suitable for filtration as described above to remove the large cell clumps for plant development.
More typically, after the third or fourth subculture, the cell suspension from the "T" tube or De Long or Erlenmeyer flask is plated onto agar-solidified MS medium containing NAA (2.0 mg/l) or Beasley & Ting's medium containing casein hydrolysate (500 mg/l) media and a source of nitrogen. Within 3-4 weeks embryogenic calli with developing embryos become visible. Likewise, the larger cell clumps when plated on the above media give rise to embryogenic clumps with developing embryos.
In both suspension growth methods, the MS media is used to promote and/or sustain embryos whereas the germination medium is employed for rapid plant development.
The seedling explants, if desired, can be transformed. In this procedure, cotyledon and/or hypocotyl segments of the sterilized seed can be used. Cotyledons are preferred.
The segments are placed in a medium containing an Agrobacterium vector containing a code (genetic marker) such as resistance to an antibiotic, such as for instance kanamycin for a time sufficient for the vector to transfer the gene to the cells of the explant. Generally, contact times ranging from 1 minute to 24 hours may be used and may be accompanied with intermittent or gentle agitation. The explants are then removed and placed on agar-solidified callus growth medium such as a MS medium supplemented with NAA (2 mg/l) and incubated about 15 to 200 hours at to C., preferably C., on a 16:8 hour light:dark regime.
After incubation, the explants are transferred to the same medium supplemented with the antibiotic cefotaxime preferably in a concentration of 200 mg/l. Cefotaxime is included to prevent any remaining Agrobacterium from proliferating and overgrowing the plant tissues. Alternatively, the explants can be rinsed with MS medium supplemented with NAA (2 mg/l) and incubated an additional 4 to 28 days before rinsing, then incubating the same medium containing cefotaxime. At the end of 4-5 weeks of culture on fresh medium, the developing callus, i.e., primary callus, is separated from the remainder of the primary explant tissue and transferred to MS medium containing NAA (2 mg/l), cefotaxime (200 mg/l) and an antibiotic such as kanamycin sulfate (50 mg/l). Transformed primary callus, identified by virtue of its ability to grow in the presence of the antibiotic (kanamycin), is selected and embryos developed, germinated and plants obtained following the procedure set forth above.
It is also feasible to achieve transformation of a cell suspension. Following a normal subculture growth cycle of 7 to 14 days, usually 7 to 10 days, cells are allowed to settle leaving a supernatant which is removed. The remaining concentrated suspended cells may be centrifuged at 4000.times.g for 5 minutes and the excess medium is discarded. The concentrated suspension cultures are resuspended in the 8 ml of the same medium which contains the Agrobacterium. The suspension is transferred to "T" tubes and suitably agitated for incubation.
Following about 2 to 24 hours, preferably 3 to 5 hours, of incubation to allow for bacterial attachment and DNA transfer, the suspension is removed and allowed to settle. The supernatant containing the bacteria is discarded and the cells are washed with fresh medium. The suspension may, if desired, be centrifuged for about 5 minutes and the supernatant removed. In either event, the cells are resuspended in the same medium and transferred to a "T" tube or flask and suspension subculture resumed. The object is to minimize the amount of unattached Agrobacterium vector left in the cell suspension.
After about 15 to about 200 hours, typically 15 to about 72 hours, preferably 18 to 20 hours, the suspension is filtered to remove large clumps and washed with fresh liquid medium and allowed to settle. The suspension is resuspended in the fresh liquid medium containing cefotaxime (200 mg/l) plated on a solidified medium in Petri dishes.
Alternatively, the suspension may be resuspended in fresh medium containing cefotaxime and allowed to grow an additional 4 to 28 days prior plating on solidified medium in Petri dishes. Cell concentration is 1 vol. of suspension cells plus 3 vol. of medium with cefotaxime. Kanamycin at 10 to 300 mg/l preferably about 20 to 200 mg/l more preferably about 40 to 80 mg/l is included in the medium for selection of transformed cells expressing the neomycin phosphotransferase (NPT) gene. Cells and embryos proliferating in the selective concentration of kanamycin are further grown as set forth above to mature somatic embryos capable of germinating and regenerating into whole plants according to the procedures described herein.
Using the above procedure and with reference to FIG. 9, there is shown variable cell colonies which is consequence of transformation. There exists cotton cells 20 exhibiting resistance to the antibiotic kanamycin. With reference to FIG. 10, transformed calli are shown developing into somatic embryos on an antibiotic MS medium. FIG. 11 shows transformed somatic embryos established to have kanamycin resistance and transformed to have resistance to the herbicide glyphosate. FIG. 12 shows plants from the embryos of FIG. 11. FIG. 13 shows cells transformed to have resistance to lepidopterous insects growing on an MS medium and in FIG. 14 transferred to a Beasley and Ting's medium whereas FIG. 15 shows further development of the plantlets of FIG. 14 to more mature plantlets.
Example 1
Regeneration of plants starting from cotyledon explants
Seeds of Acala cotton variety SJ2 of Gossypium hirsutum were sterilized by contact with 95% alcohol for three minutes, then twice rinsed with sterile water and immersed with a 15% solution of sodium hypochlorite for 15 minutes, then rinsed in sterile water. Sterilized seeds were germinated on a basal agar medium in the dark for approximately 14 days to produce a seedling. The cotyledons of the seedlings were cut into segments of 2-4 mm.sup.2 which were transferred aseptically to a callus inducing medium consisting of Murashige and Skoog (MS) major and minor salts supplemented with 0.4 mg/l thiamine-HCl, 30 g/l glucose, 2.0 mg/l NAA, 1 mg/l kinetin, 100 mg/l of m-inositol, and agar (0.8% w/v). The cultures were incubated at about C. under conditions of 16 hours light and 8 hours darkness in a Percival incubator with fluorescent lights (cool daylight) providing a light intensity of about 2000-4000 lux.
Calli were formed on the cultured tissue segments within 3 to 4 weeks and were white to gray-greenish in color. The calli formed were subcultured every three to four weeks onto a callus growth medium comprising MS medium containing 100 mg/l m-inositol, 20 g/l sucrose, 2 mg/l NAA and agar. Somatic embryos formed four to six months after first placing tissue explants on a callus inducing medium. The callus and embryos were maintained on a callus growth medium by subculturing onto fresh callus growth medium every three to four weeks.
Somatic embryos which formed on tissue pieces were explanted either to fresh callus growth medium, or to Beasley & Ting's medium (embryo germination medium).
The somatic plantlets which were formed from somatic embryos were transferred onto Beasley and Ting's medium which contained 1200 mg/l ammonium nitrate and 500 mg/l casein hydrolysate as an organic nitrogen source. The medium was solidified by a solidifying agent (Gelrite) and plantlets were placed in Magenta boxes.
The somatic embryos developed into plantlets within about three months. The plantlets were rooted with six to eight leaves and about three to four inches tall and were transferred to soil and maintained in an incubator under high humidity for three to four weeks and then transferred to a greenhouse. After hardening, plants were also transferred to open tilled soil.
Example 2
The procedure of Example 1 was repeated using instead half-strength MS medium in which all medium components have been reduced to one-half the specified concentration. Essentially the same results were obtained.
Example 3
The procedures of Examples 1 and 2 were repeated except that the explant was the hypocotyl segments. The same results were obtained.
Example 4
The procedure of Examples 1 and 2 were repeated except that the explant was the immature zygotic embryo. Essentially the same results were obtained.
Example 5
The procedure of Examples 1 and 2 was repeated with Acala cotton varieties SJ4, SJ5, SJ2C-1, GC510, B1644, B 2724, B1810, the picker variety Siokra and the stripper variety FC2017. All were successfully regenerated.
Example 6
The procedure of Example 1 was repeated to the extent of obtaining callus capable of forming somatic embryos. Pieces of about 750-1000 mg of actively growing embryogenic callus was suspended in 8 ml units of liquid suspension culture medium comprised of MS major and minor salts, supplemented with 0.4 mg/l thiamine HCl, 20 g/l sucrose, 100 mg/l of inositol and naphthaleneacetic acid (2 mg/l) in T-tubes and placed on a roller drum rotating at 1.5 rpm under 16:8 light:dark regime. Light intensity of about 2000-4500 lux was again provided by fluorescent lights (cool daylight).
After four weeks, the suspension was filtered through an 840 micron size nylon mesh to remove larger cell clumps. The fraction smaller than 840 microns were allowed to settle, washed once with about 20-25 ml of fresh suspension culture medium. This suspension was transferred to T-tubes (2 ml per tube) and each tube diluted with 6 ml of fresh suspension culture medium. The cultures were maintained by repeating the above procedure at 10-12 day intervals. Namely, the suspension was filtered and only the fraction containing cell aggregates smaller than 840 microns was transferred to fresh suspension culture medium. In all instances, the fraction containing cell clumps larger than 840 microns was placed onto the callus growth medium to obtain mature somatic embryos.
The somatic embryos that were formed on callus growth medium were removed and transferred to embryo germination medium and using the protocol of Example 1 were germinated, developed into plantlets and then field grown plants.
Example 7
The procedure of Example 6 was repeated except that suspension cultures were formed by transferring 750-1000 mg of embryogenic calli to a DeLong flask containing 15-20 ml of the MS liquid medium containing 2 mg/l NAA. The culture containing flask was placed on a gyrotory shaker and shaken at 100-110 strokes/minute. After three weeks the suspension was filtered through an 840 micron nylon mesh to remove the large cell clumps for plant growth, as in Example 4. The less than 840 micron suspension was allowed to settle, washed once in the MS liquid medium and resuspended in 2 to 5 ml of the MS liquid medium. The suspension was subcultured by transfer to fresh medium in a DeLong flask containing 1-2 ml of suspension and 15 ml of fresh MS liquid medium. The cultures are maintained by repeating this procedure at seven to ten day intervals. At each subculture only the less than 840 micron suspension was subcultured and the large clumps (840 microns or greater) were used for plant growth.
Example 8
After three or four subcultures using the suspension growth procedure of Examples 6 and 7, 1.5 to 2.0 ml of cell suspension from the T-tube and DeLong flask were in each instance plated onto agar-solidified MS medium containing 2 mg/l NAA and Beasley & Ting medium containing 500 mg/l casein hydrolysate. Within three to four weeks embryogenic calli with developing embryos became visible. Again, the 840 micron or greater cell clumps were plated on the callus growth medium giving rise to embryogenic clumps with developing embryos which ultimately grew into plants.
Example 9
The method of Example 1 was repeated with cotton varieties B1654-26, B1654-43, B3991, Acala Royale, B4894, COKER 315, STONEVILLE 506, FC 3027, CHEMBRED B2 and CHEMBRED C4.
Example 10
The method of Example 1 was repeated with cotton varieties GC356, GAM1, B638, B5002, STONEVILLE 825, HBX87, SICALA, PIMA S6, ORO BLANCO PIMA except plants were not obtained from the somatic embryos.
Example 11
The method of Example 1 was repeated with cotton varieties Acala Maxxa, Acala Prema, B2086, FC 3027, DP50, DP61, DP90, DP77, DES119, McN235, HBX191, HBX107, CHEMBRED A1, CHEMBRED A2, CHEMBRED A3, CHEMBRED A4, CHEMBRED B1, CHEMBRED B3, CHEMBRED C1, CHEMBRED C2, CHEMBRED C3, PAYMASTER 145, HS26 and HS46 except embryos and plants were not developed from the callus.
Below is a summary of the varieties which have been grown regenerated and the stage to which they have been:
______________________________________ REGENERATIONExample No. VARIETY C.sup.1 E.sup.2 P.sup.3______________________________________Example 1 Acala SJ2 .sup. +.sup.4 + +Example 5 Acala SJ4 + + +Example 5 Acala SJ5 + + +Example 5 Acala SJ-C1 + + +Example 10 Acala GC356 + + .sup. -.sup.5Example 5 Acala CG510 + + +Example 5 Acala B1644 + + +Example 9 Acala B1654-26 + + +Example 9 Acala B1654-43 + + +Example 9 Acala B3991 + + +Example 10 Acala GAM1 + + -Example 9 Acala Royale + + +Example 11 Acala Maxxa + - -Example 11 Acala Prema + - -Example 10 Acala B638 + + -Example 5 Acala B1810 + + +Example 5 Acala B2724 + + +Example 12 Acala B2086 + - -Example 9 Acala B4894 + + +Example 10 Acala B5002 + + -Example 9 COKER 315 + + +Example 9 STONEVILLE 506 + + +Example 10 STONEVILLE 825 + + -Example 11 DP50 + - -Example 11 DP61 + - -Example 11 DP90 + - -Example 11 DP77 + - -Example 11 DES119 + - -Example 11 McN235 + - -Example 10 HBX87 + + -Example 11 HBX191 + - -Example 11 HBX107 + - -Example 9 FC 3027 + + +Example 5 FC 2017 + - -Example 11 FC 2005 + - -Example 11 FC C1042-R-9-1 + - -Example 11 CHEMBRED A1 + - -Example 11 CHEMBRED A2 + - -Example 11 CHEMBRED A3 + - -Example 11 CHEMBRED A4 + - -Example 11 CHEMBRED B1 + - -Example 9 CHEMBRED B2 + + +Example 11 CHEMBRED B3 + - -Example 11 CHEMBRED C1 + - -Example 11 CHEMBRED C2 + - -Example 11 CHEMBRED C3 + - -Example 9 CHEMBRED C4 + + +Example 11 PAYMASTER 145 + - -Example 11 HS26 + - -Example 11 HS46 + - -Example 5 SIOKRA + + +Example 10 SICALA + + -Example 10 PIMA S6 + + -Example 10 ORO BLANCO PIMA + + -______________________________________ .sup.1 Callus .sup.2 Embryos .sup.3 Plants .sup.4 + indicates that the indicated tissue was obtained .sup.5 - indicates that the indicated tissue was not obtained
Example 12
Transformation To Form Tumorous-Phenotype With Acrobacteria LBA 4434
An Acala cotton suspension culture was subcultured for three to four months in T-tubes with the medium (MS medium containing 2 mg/l NAA) being changed every seven to ten days. After any medium change thereafter the cells can be allowed to settle and harvested for transformation. The supernatant was removed by pipeting and cells transformed 30 with the Agrobacterium strain LBA 4434. The Agrobacterium strain LEA 4434 �described in Hoekema et al., Nature 303 179-180 (1983), incorporated herein by reference! contains a Ti plasmid-derived binary plant transformation system. In such binary systems, one plasmid contains the T-DNA of a Ti-plasmid, the second plasmid contains the vir-region of a Ti-plasmid. The two plasmids cooperate to effect plant transformation. In the strain LBA 4434, the T-DNA plasmid, pAL1050, contains TL of pTiAch5, an octopine Ti-plasmid and the vir-plasmid in strain LBA4434, pAL4404, contains the intact virulence regions of pTiAch5 �Ooms et al., Plasmid 7 15-29 (1982), incorporated herein by reference! . Strain LBA 4434 is available from Dr. Robert Schilperoort of the Department of Biochemistry, University of Leiden, The Netherlands.
The transforming Agrobacterium strain was taken from a glycerol stock, inoculated in a small overnight culture, from which a 50-ml culture was inoculated the following day. Agrobacteria was grown on YEB medium containing per liter in water adjusted to pH 7.2 with NaOH, 5 g beef extract, 1 g yeast extract, 5 g peptone, 5 g sucrose. After autoclaving, 1 ml of 2M MgCl.sub.2 is added after which antibiotics, as required to kill other strains. The absorbance at 600 nm of the 50 ml overnight culture is read, the culture centrifuged and the formed pellet resuspended in the plant cell growth medium (MS medium plus NAA at 2 mg/l) to a final absorbance at 600 nm of 0.5.
Eight ml of this bacterial suspension of Agrobacterium LBA 4434 was added to each T-tube containing the suspension plant cells after removal of the supernatant liquid. The T-tube containing the plant and bacteria cells was agitated to resuspend the cells and returned to a roller drum for three hours to allow the Agrobacteria to attach to the plant cells. The cells were then allowed to settle and the residual supernatant removed. A fresh aliquot of growth medium was added to the T-tube and the suspension allowed to incubate on a roller drum for a period of 18 to 20 hours in the presence of any residual Agrobacteria which remained. After this time, the cells were again allowed to settle, the supernatant removed and the cells washed twice with a solution of growth medium containing cefotaxime (200 .mu.g/ml). After washing, the cells from each T-tube were resuspended in 10 ml growth medium containing cefotaxime (200 .mu.g/ml in all cases) and 1 ml aliquots of the suspension plated on petri dishes.
Infected cells grew on the growth medium to which no phytohormones were added establishing the tissue had received the wild-type phytohormone genes in T-DNA. The cells developed tumors, further indicating transformation of the cultures.
Example 13
Transformation of Cotton To Form a Kanamycin-Resistant Non-Tumorous Phenotype
The suspension culture as obtained in Example 12 was transformed using an Agrobacteria which contained the T-DNA containing binary vector pCIB10 �Rothstein et al., Gene 53 153-161 (1987), incorporated herein by reference! as well as the pAL4404 vir-plasmid. The T-DNA of pCIB10 contains a chimeric gene composed of the promoter from nopaline synthase, the coding region from Tn5 encoding the enzyme neomycin phosphotransferase, and the terminator from nopaline synthase. The Agrobacteria containing pCIB10 were grown on YEB medium containing kanamycin (50 .mu.g/ml). Transformation was accomplished in the same manner as in Example 13 except that the 1 ml aliquots resulting in cells and Agrobacteria were immediately plated on selective media containing either kanamycin (50 .mu.g/ml) or G418 (25 .mu.g/ml). Expression of the nos/neo/nos chimeric gene in transformed plant tissue allows the selection of this tissue in the presence of both antibiotics. The existence in two to four weeks of transformed tissue became apparent on the selection plates. Uninfected tissue as well as added control tissue showed no signs of growth, turned brown and died. Transformed tissue grew very well in the presence of both kanamycin and G418.
At this time, tissue pieces which were growing well were subcultured to fresh selection medium. Somatic embryos formed on these tissue pieces and were explanted to fresh non-selective growth media. When the embryos began to differentiate and germinate, i.e., at the point where they were beginning to form roots and had two or three leaves, they were transferred to Magenta boxes containing growth medium described in Example 1. Growth was allowed to proceed until a plantlet had six to eight leaves, at which time it was removed from the agar medium.
The plantlets were now placed in potting soil, covered with a beaker to maintain humidity and placed in a Percival incubator for four to eight weeks. At this time, the plant was removed from the beaker and transferred to a greenhouse. The plants grew in the greenhouse, flowered and set seed.
Example 14
The procedure of Example 13 was followed, except that the transforming Agrobacteria used contained the T-DNA vector DEI PEP10 as well as the pAL4404 vir plasmid. DEI PEP10, shown in FIG. 33, utilizes two T-DNA PstI cleaved right border sequences from A. tumefaciens (strain C-58) which had been further subdivided with BamHI for integration in the plant genome, a passenger maize phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase gene (Pepcase gene), and a chimeric gene (NOS/NPT/TK) capable of expression in plants and conferring resistance to the antibiotics kanamycin and G418. This chimeric gene utilizes a nopaline synthetase promoter, the neomycin phosphotransferase II coding region from Tn5, and the terminator from the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase gene. Following transformation, embryogenic callus and embryos were obtained by selection on kanamycin (50 mg/l). No resistant callus was obtained from the control (non-transformed callus) plated on kanamycin at this level (50 mg/l).
Example 15
Transformation of Cotton Suspension Culture Cells To A Glyphosate-Tolerant Phenotype
The procedure of Example 13 was followed, except that the transforming Agrobacteria used contained the T-DNA vector pPMG85/587 �Fillatti et al., Mol. Gen. Genet. 206 192-199 (1987) incorporated herein by reference! as well as the pAL4404 vir plasmid. The plasmid pPMG85/587 carries three chimeric genes capable of expression in plants. Two genes code for neomycin phosphotransferase (NPT) which confers resistance to the antibiotics kanamycin and G418. The third chimeric gene, containing the coding sequence from a mutant aroA gene of S. typhimurium, confers tolerance to the herbicide glyphosate �Comai et al., Science 221 370-371 (1983), incorporated herein by reference!. The Agrobacteria containing pPMG85/587 were grown on medium containing kanamycin (100 .mu.g/ml). Transformation is accomplished as detailed in Example 13 except that the suspension is allowed to grow for 28 days at which time 1 ml aliquots were plated on medium containing selective antibiotics. Expression of the NPT chimeric gene in transformed plant tissue allowed selection of this tissue on both antibiotics. In this instance the selective antibiotic was kanamycin (50 .mu.g/ml).
In two to four weeks, transformed tissue became apparent on the selection plates. Plant tissue, individual embryos and callus were then placed on growth medium containing the herbicide glyphosate 1 mM and transformed tissue continued to grow well. Extraction and analysis of the proteins of both callus and embryos confirmed the presence of the product of the glyphosate tolerance gene.
Example 16
Transformation of Cotton Suspension Culture Cells To a Hygromycin-Resistant Non-Tumorous Phenotype
The transformation procedure of Example 13 was followed except there was used as the transforming Agrobacteria one containing the T-DNA binary vector pCIB715 �Rothstein et al. Gene 53 153-161 (1987)! as well as the vir plasmid. The TDNA of pCIB715 contains a chimeric gene composed of the promoter and terminator from the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S transcript �Odell et al., Nature 313 810-812 (1985), incorporated herein by reference! and the coding sequence for hygromycin B phosphotransferase �Gritz et al., Gene 25 179-188 (1983) incorporated herein by reference!. Agrobacteria containing pCIB715 was grown on YEB containing kanamycin (50 .mu.g/ml).
Transformation was accomplished as detailed in Example 14 again with the change that the 1 ml aliquots were plated immediately on medium containing as the selective antibiotic 50 .mu.g/ml hygromycin. Expression of the chimeric hygromycin gene in transformed plant tissue allows the selection of this tissue on the medium containing hygromycin. Transformed tissue was grown in the manner described in Example 8 on the selection growth medium establishing transformation had occurred.
Example 17
Transformation of Cotton Suspension Culture Cells To Confer Resistance To Lepidopteran Insects
The procedure of Example 14 was followed except where changes are noted below. Different transforming Agrobacteria were used. Also, after plant tissue was selected on an antibiotic for the selection of transformed material, it was further selected for expression of the BT gene as defined herein.
The Agrobacteria used contained the T-DNA vector pCIB10 �Rothstein et al., Gene 53 153-161 (1987) incorporated herein by reference! into which had been inserted the following chimeric Bacillus thuringiensis endotoxin genes ("BT Genes"):
To prepare the Agrobacterium vector there was fused the CaMV gene VI promotor and protoxin coding sequences. A derivative of phage vector mp19 �Yanish-Perron et al., 1985! was first constructed. The steps are shown in FIGS. 16 and 17. First, a DNA fragment containing approximately 155 nucleotides 5' to the protoxin coding region and the adjacent approximately 1346 nucleotides of coding sequence are inserted into mp19. Phage mpl9 ds rf (double-stranded replicative form) DNA was digested with restriction endonucleases SacI and SmaI and the approximately 7.2-kb (kilobase pairs) vector fragment was purified after electrophoresis through low-gelling temperature agarose by standard procedures. Plasmid pKU25/4, containing approximately 10 kb of Bacillus thuringiensis DNA, including the protoxin gene, was obtained from Dr. J. Nueesch, CIBA-Geigy Ltd., Basle, Switzerland. The nucleotide sequence of the protoxin gene present in plasmid pKU25/4 is shown in SEQ ID NO: 1 below. Plasmid pKU25/4 DNA was digested with endonucleases HpaI and SacI, and a 1503 bp fragment containing nucleotides 2 to 1505 of SEQ ID NO: 1 and purified. This fragment contains approximately 155 bp of bacteria promotor sequences and approximately 1346 bp of the start of the protoxin coding sequence. Approximately 100 ng of each fragment is then mixed, T4 DNA ligase added, and incubated at C. overnight. The resulting mixture was transformed into E. coli strain HB101, mixed with indicator bacteria E. coli JM101 and plated. One phage (mp19/bt) was used for further construction below.
Next, a fragment of DNA containing the CaMV gene VI promotor, and some of the coding sequences for gene VI, was inserted into mp19/bt. Phage mp19/bt ds rf DNA is digested with BamHI, treated with the large fragment of DNA polymerase to create flush ends and recleaved with endonuclease PstI. The larger vector fragment was purified by electrophoresis as described above. Plasmid pABD1 �described in Paszkowski et al., EMBO J. 3 2717-2722 (1984) incorporated herein by reference!. Plasmid pABD1 DNA is digested with PstI and HindIII. The fragment approximately 465 bp long containing the CaMV gene VI promotor and approximately 75 bp of gene VI coding sequence was purified. The two fragments were ligated and plated as described above. One of the resulting recombinant phages, mp19/btca contained the CaMV gene VI promotor sequences, a portion of the gene VI coding sequence, approximately 155 bp of Bacillus thuringiensis DNA upstream of the protoxin coding sequence, and approximately 1346 bp of the protoxin coding sequence. To fuse the CaMV promotor sequences precisely to the protoxin coding sequences, the intervening DNA was deleted using oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis of mp19/btca DNA. A DNA oligonucleotide with the sequence 5'-TTCGGATTGTTATCCATGGTTGGAGGTCTGA-3' was synthesized by routine procedures using an Applied Biosystems DNA Synthesizer. This oligonucleotide is complimentary to those sequences in phage mp19/btca DNA at the 3' end of the CaMV promotor �nucleotides 5762 to 5778 see Hohn Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology 96 193-235 (1982) incorporate herein by reference! and the beginning of the protoxin coding sequence (nucleotides 156 to 172 in formula I above). The general procedure for the mutagenesis is that described in Zoller et al. �Methods in Enzymology 100 468-500 (1983) incorporated herein by reference!. Approximately five micrograms of single-stranded phage mp19/btca DNA was mixed with 0.3 mg of phosphorylated oligonucleotide in a volume of 40 .mu.l. The mixture was heated to C. for 5 min, cooled to C., and slowly cooled to C. Next, buffer, nucleotide triphosphates, ATP, T.sub.4 DNA ligase and large fragment of DNA polymerase were added and incubated overnight at C. as described by Zoller et al. �Methods in Enzymology 100 468-500 (1983) incorporated herein by reference!. After agarose gel electrophoresis, circular double-stranded DNA was purified and transfected into E. coli strain JM101. The resulting plaques are screened for sequences that hybridize with 32P-labeled oligonucleotide, and phage are analyzed by DNA restriction endonuclease analysis. Among the resulting phage clones were ones which have correctly deleted the unwanted sequences between the CaMV gene VI promotor and the protoxin coding sequence. This phage is called mp19/btca/del (see FIG. 17).
Next, a plasmid was constructed in which the 3' coding region of the protoxin gene was fused to CaMV transcription termination signals. The steps are shown in FIG. 18. First, plasmid PABDI DNA was digested with endonucleases BamHI and BglII and a 0.5 kb fragment containing the CaMV transcription terminator sequences isolated. Next plasmid pUC19 �Yanisch-Perron et al., Gene 33 103-119 (1985) incorporated herein by reference! was digested with BamHI, mixed with the 0.5 kb fragment and incubated with T.sub.4 DNA ligase. After transformation of the DNA into E. coli strain HB101, one of the resulting clones, called plasmid p702, was obtained which has the structure shown in FIG. 18. Next, plasmid p702 DNA was cleaved with endonucleases SacI and SmaI, and the larger, approximately 3.2 kb fragment isolated by gel electrophoresis. Plasmid pKU25/4 DNA was digested with endonucleases AhaIII and SacI, and the 2.3-kb fragment (nucleotides 1502 to 3773 of SEQ ID NO: 1) containing the 3' portion of the protoxin coding sequence (nucleotides 1504 to 3773 of SEQ ID NO: 1) was isolated after gel electrophoresis. These two DNA fragments are mixed, incubated with T.sub.4 DNA ligase and transformed into E. coli strain HB101. The resulting plasmid was p702/bt (FIG. 18).
Finally, portions of phage mp19/btca/del ds rf DNA and plasmid p702/bt were joined to create a plasmid containing the complete protoxin coding sequence flanked by CaMV promoter and terminator sequences (see FIG. 18). Phage mp19/btca/del DNA was digested with endonucleases SacI and SphI, and a fragment of approximately 1.75 kb is purified following agarose gel electrophoresis. Similarly, plasmid p702/bt DNA is digested with endonucleases SacI and SalI and a fragment of approximately 2.5 kb is isolated. Finally, plasmid pBR322 DNA �Bolivar et al., Gene 2 95-113 (1977) incorporated herein by reference! was digested with SalI and SphI and the larger 4.2-kb fragment isolated. All three DNA fragments were mixed and incubated with T4 DNA ligase and transformed into E. coli strain HB101. The resulting plasmid, pBR322/bt14 is a derivative of PBR322 containing the CaMV gene VI promoter and translation start signals fused to the Bacillus thuringiensis crystal protein coding sequence, followed by CaMV transcription termination signals (shown in FIG. 19).
The vector pCIB10 is a Ti-plasmid-derived vector useful for transfer of the chimeric gene to plants via Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The vector is derived from the broad host range plasmid pRK252, which may be obtained from Dr. W. Barnes, Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. The vector also contains a gene for kanamycin resistance in Agrobacterium, from Tn903, and left and right T-DNA border sequences from the Ti plasmid pTiT37. Between the border sequences are the polylinker region from the plasmid pUC18 and a chimeric gene that confers kanamycin resistance in plants.
First, plasmid pRK252 was modified to replace the gene conferring tetracycline-resistance with one conferring resistance to kanamycin from the transposon Tn903 �Oka et al., J. Mol. Biol. 147 217-226 (1981) incorporated herein by reference!, and was also modified by replacing the unique EcoRI site in pRK252 with a BglII site (see FIG. 20 for a summary of these modifications). Plasmid pRK252 was first digested with endonucleases SalI and SmaI, then treated with the large fragment of DNA polymerase I to create flush ends, and the large vector fragment purified by agarose gel electrophoresis. Next, plasmid p368 was digested with endonuclease BamHI, treated with the large fragment of DNA polymerase, and an approximately 1050-bp fragment isolated after agarose gel electrophoresis; this fragment containing the gene from transposon Tn903 which confers resistance to the antibiotic kanamycin �Oka et al., J. Mol. Biol. 147 217-226 (1981) incorporated herein by reference!. Both fragments were then treated with the large fragment of DNA polymerase to create flush ends. Both fragments are mixed and incubated with T4 DNA ligase overnight at C. After transformation into E. coli strain HB101 and selection for kanamycin resistant colonies, plasmid pRK252/Tn903 is obtained (see FIG. 19).
Plasmid pRK252/Tn903 was digested at its EcoRI site, followed by treatment with the large fragment of E. coli DNA polymerase to create flush ends. This fragment was added to synthetic BglII restriction site linkers, and incubated overnight with T.sub.4 DNA ligase. The resulting DNA was digested with an excess of BglII restriction endonuclease and the larger vector fragment purified by agarose gel electrophoresis. The resulting fragment was again incubated with T4 DNA ligase to recircularize the fragment via its newly-added BglII cohesive ends. Following transformation into E. coli strain HB101, plasmid pRK252/Tn903/BglII is obtained (see FIG. 20).
A derivative of plasmid pBR322 was constructed which contains the Ti plasmid T-DNA borders, the polylinker region of plasmid pUC19, and the selectable gene for kanamycin resistance in plants (see FIG. 21). Plasmid pBR325/Eco29 contains the 1.5-kb EcoRI fragment from the nopaline Ti plasmid pTiT37. This fragment contains the T-DNA left border sequence �Yadav et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 79 6322-6326 (1982) incorporated herein by reference!. To replace the EcoRI ends of this fragment with HindIII ends, plasmid pBR325/Eco29 DNA was digested with EcoRI, then incubated with nuclease Sl , followed by incubation with the large fragment of DNA polymerase to create flush ends, then mixed with synthetic HindIII linkers and incubated with T4 DNA ligase. The resulting DNA was digested with endonucleases ClaI and an excess of HindIII, and the resulting 1.1-kb fragment containing the T-DNA left border purified by gel electrophoresis. Next, the polylinker region of plasmid pUC19 was isolated by digestion of the plasmid DNA with endonucleases EcoRI and HindIII and the smaller fragment (approximately 53 bp) isolated by agarose gel electrophoresis. Next, plasmid pBR322 was digested with endonucleases EcoRI and ClaI, mixed with the other two isolated fragments, incubated with T4 DNA ligase and transformed into E. coli strain HB101. The resulting plasmid, pCIB5, contains the polylinker and T-DNA left border in a derivative of plasmid pBR322 (see FIG. 21).
A plasmid containing the gene for expression of kanamycin resistance in plants was constructed (see FIGS. 22 and 23). Plasmid Bin6 obtained from Dr. M. Bevan, Plant Breeding Institute, Cambridge, UK. This plasmid is described in the reference by Bevan �Nucl. Acids Res. 12 8711-8721 (1984) incorporate herein by reference!. Plasmid Bin6 DNA was digested with EcoRI and HindIII and the fragment approximately 1.5 kb in size containing the chimeric neomycin phosphotransferase (NPT) gene is isolated and purified following agarose gel electrophoresis. This fragment was then mixed with plasmid pUC18 DNA which had been cleaved with endonucleases EcoRI and HindIII. Following incubation with T4 DNA ligase, the resulting DNA was transformed into E. coli strain HB101. The resulting plasmid is called pUC18/neo. This plasmid DNA containing an unwanted BamHI recognition sequence between the neomycin phosphotransferase gene and the terminator sequence for nopaline synthase �see Bevan Nucl. Acids Res. 12 8711-8721 (1984) incorporated herein by reference!. To remove this recognition sequence, plasmid pUC18/neo was digested with endonuclease BamHI, followed by treatment with the large fragment of DNA polymerase to create flush ends. The fragment was then incubated with T4 DNA ligase to recircularize the fragment, and transformed into E. coli strain HB101. The resulting plasmid, pUC18/neo(Bam) has lost the BamHI recognition sequence.
The T-DNA right border sequence was then added next to the chimeric NPT gene (see FIG. 24). Plasmid pBR325/Hind23 contains the 3.4-kb HindIII fragment of plasmid pTiT37. This fragment contains the right T-DNA border sequence �Bevan et al., Nucl. Acids Res. 11 369-385 (1983) incorporated herein by reference!. Plasmid pBR325/Hind23 DNA was cleaved with endonucleases SacII and HindIII, and a 1.0 kb fragment containing the right border isolated and purified following agarose gel electrophoresis. Plasmid pUC18/neo (Bam) DNA was digested with endonucleases SacII and HindIII and the 4.0 kb vector fragment isolated by agarose gel electrophoresis. The two fragments were mixed, incubated with T4 DNA ligase and transformed into E. coli strain HB101. The resulting plasmid, pCIB4 (shown in FIG. 23), contains the T-DNA right border and the plant-selectable marker for kanamycin resistance in a derivative of plasmid pUC18.
Next, a plasmid was constructed which contains both the T-DNA left and right borders, with the plant selectable kanamycin-resistance gene and the polylinker of pUC18 between the borders (see FIG. 28). Plasmid pCIB4 DNA was digested with endonuclease HindIII, followed by treatment with the large fragment of DNA polymerase to create flush ends, followed by digestion with endonuclease EcoRI. The 2.6-kb fragment containing the chimeric kanamycin-resistance gene and the right border of T-DNA was isolated by agarose gel electrophoresis. Plasmid pCIB5 DNA was digested with endonuclease AatII, treated with T4 DNA polymerase to create flush ends, then cleaved with endonuclease EcoRI. The larger vector fragment was purified by agarose gel electrophoresis, mixed with the pCIB4 fragment, incubated with T4 DNA ligase, and transformed into E. coli strain HB101. The resulting plasmid, pCIB2 (shown in FIG. 24) is a derivative of plasmic pBR322 containing the desired sequences between the two T-DNA borders.
The following steps complete construction of the vector pCIB10, and are shown in FIG. 25. Plasmid pCIB2 DNA was digested with endonuclease EcoRV, and synthetic linkers containing BglII recognition sites are added as described above. After digestion with an excess of BglII endonuclease, the approximately 2.6-kb fragment was isolated after agarose gel electrophoresis. Plasmid pRK252/Tn903/BglII, described above (see FIG. 20) was digested with endonuclease BglII and then treated with phosphatase to prevent recircularization. These two DNA fragments are mixed, incubated with T4 DNA ligase and transformed into E. coli strain HB101. The resulting plasmid is the completed vector, pCIB10.
Insertion of the chimeric protoxin gene into vector pCIB10 is by the steps shown in FIG. 26. Plasmid pBR322/bt14 DNA was digested with endonucleases PvuI and SalI, and then partially digested with endonuclease BamHI. A BamHI-SalI fragment approximately 4.2 kb in size, containing the chimeric gene, was isolated following agarose gel electrophoresis, and mixed with plasmid pCIB10 DNA which had been digested with endonucleases BamHI and SalI. After incubation with T4 DNA ligase and transformation into E. coli strain HB101, plasmid shown in FIG. 26 and contained the chimeric protoxin gene in the plasmid vector pCIB10.
In order to transfer plasmid pCIB10/19Sbt from E. coli HB101 to Agrobacterium, an intermediate E. coli host strain S17-1 was used. This strain, obtainable from Agrigenetics Research Corp., Boulder, Colo. contains mobilization functions that transfer plasmid pCIB10 directly to Agrobacterium via conjugation, thus avoiding the necessity to transform naked plasmid DNA directly into Agrobacterium �reference for strain S17-1 is Simon et al., "Molecular Genetics of the Bacteria-Plant Interaction", A Puhler, ed., Springer Verlag, Berlin, pages 98-106 (1983) incorporated herein by reference!. First, plasmid pCIB10/19Sbt DNA is introduced into calcium chloride-treated S17-1 cells. Next, cultures of transformed S17-1 cells and Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404 �Ooms et al., Gene 14 33-50 (1981) incorporated herein by reference! were mixed and mated on an N agar (Difco) plate overnight at room temperature. A loopful of the resulting bacteria are streaked onto AB minimal media �Chilton et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 77 7347-7351 (1974) incorporated herein by reference! plated with 50 .mu.g/ml kanamycin and incubated at C. Colonies were restreaked onto the same media, then restreaked onto NB agar plates. Slow-growing colonies were picked, restreaked onto AB minimal media with kanamycin and single colonies isolated. This procedure selects for Agrobacteria containing the pCIB10/19SBt plasmid.
Construction of a Bacillus thuringiensis protoxin chimeric gene with the CaMV 35S promoter was achieved by construction of a CaMV 35S Promoter Cassette Plasmid pCIB710 was constructed as shown in FIG. 27. This plasmid contained CaMV promoter and transcription termination sequences for the 35S RNA transcript �Covey et al., Nucl. Acids Res. 9 6735-6747 (1981) incorporated herein by reference! . A 1149-bp BglII restriction fragment of CaMV DNA �Hohn et al. In: Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology 96 194-220 and Appendices A to G (1982) incorporated herein by reference! was isolated from plasmid pLVlll (obtained from Dr. S. Howell Univ. California-San Diego; alternatively, the fragment can be isolated directly from CaMV DNA) by preparative agarose gel electrophoresis as described earlier and mixed with BamHI-cleaved plasmid pUC19 DNA, treated with T4 DNA ligase, and transformed into E. coli. The BamHI restriction site in the resulting plasmid has been destroyed by ligation of the BglII cohesive ends to the BamHI cohesive ends. The resulting plasmid, called pUC19/35S, was then used in oligonucleotide-directed in vitro mutagenesis to insert the BamHI recognition sequence GGATCC immediately following CaMV nucleotide 7483 in the Hohn reference. The resulting plasmid, pCIB710, contains the CaMV 35S promotor region and transcription termination region separated by a BamHI restriction site. DNA sequences inserted into this BamHI site will be expressed in plants by the CaMV transcription regulation sequences. pCIB710 does not contain any ATG translation initiation codons between the start of transcription and the BamHI site.
Insertion of the CaMV 35S promoter/Terminator Cassette into pCIB10 occurred by the steps outlined in FIG. 28. Plasmids pCIB10 and pCIB710 DNAs were digested with EcoRI and SalI, mixed and ligated. The resulting plasmid, pCIB10/710 has the CaMV 35S promoter/terminator cassette inserted into the plant transformation vector pCIB10. The CaMV 35S sequences are between the T-DNA borders in pCIB10, and thus will be inserted into the plant genome in plant transformation.
Insertion of the Bacillus thuringiensis protoxin gene into pCIB10/710 occurred by the steps outlined in FIG. 29. As a source of the protoxin gene, plasmid pCIB10/19Sbt was digested with BamHI and NcoI, and the 3.6-kb fragment containing the protoxin gene was isolated by preparative gel electrophoresis. The fragment was then mixed with synthetic NcoI-BamHI adapter with the sequence 5'-CATGGCCGGATCCGGC-3', then digested with BamHI. This step creates BamHI cohesive ends at both ends of the protoxin fragment. This fragment was then inserted into BamHI-cleaved pCIB10/710. The resulting plasmid, pCIB10/35Sbt, shown in FIG. 29, contains the protoxin gene between the CaMV 35S promoter and transcription termination sequences.
Transfer of the plasmid pCIB10/35Sbt into Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404 was as described above.
Construction of a deleted Bacillus thuringiensis protoxin gene containing approximately 725 amino acids, and construction of a chimeric gene containing this deleted gene with the CaMV 35S promoter was made by removing the COOH-terminal portion of the gene by cleaving at the KpnI restriction endonuclease site at position 2325 in the sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 1. Plasmid pCIB10/35Sbt (FIG. 29) was digested with BamHI and KpnI, and the approximately 2.2-kb BamHI/KpnI fragment containing the deleted protoxin gene isolated by preparative agarose gel electrophoresis. To convert the KpnI site at the 3' end to a BamHI site, the fragment was mixed with a KpnI/BamHI adapter oligonucleotide and ligated. This fragment is then mixed with BamHI-cleaved pCIB10/710 (FIG. 28).
A deleted protoxin gene containing approximately 645 amino acids was made by removing the COOH-terminal portion of the gene by cleaving at the BclI restriction endonuclease site at position 2090 in the sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 1. Plasmid pCIB10/35Sbt (FIG. 29) was digested with BamHI and BclI, and the approximately 1.9-kb BamHI/BclI fragment containing the deleted protoxin gene isolated by preparative agarose gel electrophoresis. Since BclI creates a cohesive end compatible with BamHI, no further manipulation is required prior to ligating this fragment into BamHI-cleaved pCIB10/710 (FIG. 28). The resulting plasmid, which has the structure pCIB10/35Sbt(BclI) shown in FIG. 31 was selected on kanamycin.
The resulting transformants, designated pCIB10/35Sbt(KpnI) and shown in FIG. 30, contain the deleted protoxin gene of approximately 725 amino acids. These transformants are selected on kanamycin.
A deleted protoxin gene was made by introducing a BamHI cleavage site (GGATCC). This is done by cloning the BamHI fragment containing the protoxin sequence from pCIB10/35Sbt into mp18, and using standard oligonucleotide mutagenesis procedures described above. After mutagenesis, double-stranded replicative form DNA is prepared from the M13 clone, which is then digested with BamHI. The approximately 1.9-kb fragment containing the deleted protoxin gene is inserted into BamHI-cleaved pCIB10/710. The resulting plasmid, which the structure pCIB10/35Sbt(607) shown in FIG. 32 is selected for on kanamycin.
The pCIB10/Sbt 607 was used. Transformation was accomplished as detailed in Example 7 with the change that the 1 ml aliquots were plated immediately on medium containing selective antibiotics. This selection medium contained kanamycin (50 .mu.g/ml) or G418 (25 .mu.g/ml). Expression of the NPT chimeric gene in both transformed plant tissue allows the selection of this tissue on either antibiotic.
In 2-4 weeks, transformed tissue became apparent on the selection plates. Plant material was selected on kanamycin or G418. Plant tissue (either individual embryos or callus) was then extracted with buffer and assayed for expression of the BT gene product by ELISA assay. The conditions of extraction are as follows: per 100 mg of tissue, homogenize in 0.1 ml of extraction buffer containing 50 mM NaCO.sub.3 (pH 9.5) , 0.05% Triton, 0.05% Tween, 100 mM NaCl, 10 mM EDTA, 1 mM leupeptine, and 1 mM PMSF. The leupeptine and PMSF are added immediately prior to use from 100.times.stock solutions. The tissue was ground with a motor driven pestle. After extraction, 2M Tris pH 7 was added to adjust pH to 8.0-8.5 then centrifuged at 12,000 RPM in a Beckman microfuge 12 (10 minutes at C.), and the supernatant saved for enzyme linked immunosorbent assay ("ELISA" ) . ELISA techniques are a general tool �described by Clark et al., Methods in Enzymology 118 742-766 (1986) incorporated by reference!.
An ELISA for the Bt toxin was developed using standard procedures and used to analyze transgenic plant material for expression of Bt sequences. For this procedure, an ELISA plate is pretreated with ethanol and affinity-purified rabbit anti-Bt antiserum (50 .mu.l) at a concentration of 3 .mu.g/ml in borate-buffered saline (see below) is added to the plate. This was allowed to incubate overnight at C. Antiserum was produced in response to immunizing rabbits with gradient-purified Bt crystals �Ang et al., Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 36 625-626 (1978)), incorporated herein by reference! solubilized with sodium dodecyl sulfate and washed with ELISA Wash Buffer (see below). It was then treated for 1 hour at room temperature with Blocking Buffer (see below) washed with ELISA Wash Buffer. Plant extract was added in an amount to give 50 .mu.g of protein (this is typically about 5 microliters of extract). Leaf extraction buffer as protein is determined by the Bradford method �Bradford Anal. Biochem. 72 248 (1976) incorporated herein by reference! using a commercially available kit obtained from Bio-Rad, Richmond, Calif. If dilution of the leaf extract is necessary, ELISA Diluent (see below)! is used. Allow this to incubate overnight at C. After a wash with ELISA Wash Buffer, 50 .mu.l affinity-purified goat anti-Bt antiserum is added at a concentration of 3 .mu.g/ml protein in ELISA Diluent. This is allowed to incubate for 1 hour at C., then washed with ELISA Wash Buffer. 50 .mu.l rabbit anti-goat antibody bound to alkaline phosphatase �commercially available from Sigma Chemicals, St. Louis, Mo.! is diluted 1:500 in ELISA Diluent and allowed to incubate for 1 hour at C., then washed with ELISA Wash Buffer. 50 microliters substrate �0.6 mg/ml p-nitrophenyl phosphate in ELISA Substrate Buffer (see below) are added and incubated for 30 minutes at room temperature. Reaction is terminated by adding 50 .mu.l of 3M NaOH. Absorbance is read at 405 nm in modified ELISA reader �Hewlett Packard, Stanford, Calif.!.
Plant tissue transformed with the pCIB10/35SBt(BclI) when assayed using this ELISA procedure showed a positive reaction, indicating expression of the Bt gene.
EPBS (ELISA Phosphate Buffered Saline)
10 mM NaPhosphate: Na.sub.2 HPO.sub.4 4.68 grams/4 liters NaH.sub.2 PO.sub.4.H2O 0.976 grams/4 liters
140 mM NaCl NaCl 32.7 grams/4 liters
pH should be approximately 7.4
Borate Buffered Saline
100 mM Boric acid
25 mM Na Borate
75 mM NaCl
Adjust pH to 8.4-8.5 with HCl or NaOH as needed.
ELISA Blocking Buffer
1% BSA
0.02% Na azide
ELISA Wash Buffer
10 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0
0.05% Tween 20
0.02% Na Azide
ELISA Diluent
0.05% Tween 20
1% BSA
0.02% Na Azide
ELISA Substrate Buffer
In 500 ml,
48 ml Diethanolamine,
24.5 mg MgCl.sub.2 ;
adjust to pH 9.8 with HCl.
ELISA Substrate
15 mg p-nitrophenyl phosphate in 25 ml Substrate Buffer.
For bioassays, cell suspensions from antibiotic-resistant cell cultures obtained from transformations with these Agrobacteria were initiated. Suspensions were grown in medium supplemented with G418 (25 mg/l), and subcultured into fresh antibiotic-containing medium on 7-10 day intervals. Samples of these cultures were then used in bioassays to test for toxicity to lepidopterous insects. Twenty ml aliquots of these cultures were allowed to settle (cell volume is about 3-4 ml), and resuspended in medium lacking antibiotics. Suspensions were then allowed to grow for an additional two days in this medium to deplete the cells of any residual antibiotic. Two circles of wet Whatman 2.3 cm filter paper were placed in the bottom of a 3/4 oz portion cup. A layer of transformed suspension culture cells 0.2 cm deep was placed onto the filter paper disk. A newly-hatched Manduca sexta or Heliothis virescens larva was placed into each portion cup. Controls were made up of larvae fed on non-transformed suspension culture cells. Discs were replenished on 2-day intervals or as needed. Manduca larvae generally require more plant material. The growth rate and mortality of the larvae feeding on transformed cells compared with the growth rate of larvae feeding on untransformed cells was scored after 5 days, and clearly affirmed the toxicity of the BT gene product in transformed cotton cells.
Example 18
Transformation of Cotton Plants
Plant segments were placed in a medium containing an Agrobacterium vector containing a selectable marker such as resistance to an antibiotic, kanamycin, for 1 minute to 24 hours to transfer the gene to the cells of the explant. The explants were then removed and placed on agar-solidified callus growth medium (MS medium supplemented with 2 mg/l NAA and incubated for 15 to 200 hours at C., on a 16:8 hour light:dark regime.
After incubation, the explants were transferred to the same medium supplemented with 200 mg/l cefotaxime to kill any Agrobacterium present in the culture. At the end of 4-5 weeks of culture on fresh medium, the developing callus was separated from the remainder of the primary explant tissue and transferred to MS medium containing 2 mg/l NAA, 200 mg/ml cefotaxime and 50 mg/l kanamycin sulfate. Transformed primary callus was selected.
Example 19
Transformation of Cotton Embryos
Embryos were placed in a medium containing an Agrobacterium vector containing resistance to kanamycin for 1 minute to 24 hours to transfer the gene to the cells of the embryos. The embryos were then removed and placed on agar-solidified callus growth medium (MS medium supplemented with 2 mg/l NAA and incubated for 15 to 200 hours at C., on a 16:8 hour light:dark regime.
After incubation, the embryos were transferred to the same medium supplemented with 200 mg/l cefotaxime. At the end of 4-5 weeks of culture on fresh medium, the embryos were transferred to MS medium containing 2 mg/l NAA, 200 mg/ml cefotaxime and 50 mg/l kanamycin sulfate. Transformed embryos were selected.
Example 20
Transformation of Cotton Callus
Callus was placed in a medium containing an Agrobacterium vector containing resistance to kanamycin for 1 minute to 24 hours to transfer the gene to the cells of the embryos. The callus was then removed and placed on agar-solidified callus growth medium (MS medium supplemented with 2 mg/l NAA and incubated for 15 to 200 hours at C., on a 16:8 hour light:dark regime.
After incubation, the callus is transferred to the same medium supplemented with 200 mg/l cefotaxime. At the end of 4-5 weeks of culture on fresh medium, the developing callus was transferred to MS medium containing 2 mg/l NAA, 200 mg/ml cefotaxime and 50 mg/l kanamycin sulfate. Transformed callus was selected.
Example 21
The method of Examples 18, 19 and 20 were used to transform plants, embryos and callus of the following cotton varieties: SJ2, SJ5, SJ-C1, GC510, B1644, B1654-26, B1654-43, B1810, B2724, COKER 315, STONEVILLE 506, CHEMBRED B2, CHEMBRED C4 and SIOKRA.
Example 22
The method of Examples 19 and 20 were used to transform embryos and callus of the following cotton varieties: Acala Royale, FC 3027 and SICALA.
Example 23
The method of Example 20 was used to transform callus of the following cotton varieties: GC356, Acala Maxxa, Acala Prema, B4894, DP50, DP61, DP90 and ORO BLANCO PIMA.
Example 24
The method of Example 18 was repeated except kanamycin was used at a concentration of 5 mg/l.
Example 25
The method of Example 18 was repeated except kanamycin was added when the explants were transferred to the MS medium supplemented with 200 mg/l cefotamine.
Example 26
The method of Example 18 was repeated except G418 at a concentration of 25 mg/l was used in place of kanamycin.
The transformations are summarized in the Table below.
______________________________________ TRANSFORMATION VARIETY C.sup.1 E.sup.2 P.sup.3______________________________________Example 18 Acala SJ2 + + +Example 18 Acala SJ5 + + +Example 18 Acala SJ-C1 + + +Example 20 Acala GC356 + - -Example 18 Acala CG510 + + +Example 18 Acala B1644 + + +Example 18 Acala B1654-26 + + +Example 18 Acala B1654-43 + + +Example 19 Acala Royale + + -Example 20 Acala Maxxa + - -Example 21 Acala Prema + - -Example 18 Acala B1810 + + +Example 18 Acala B2724 + + +Example 20 Acala B4894 + - -Example 18 COKER 315 + + +Example 18 STONEVILLE 506 + + +Example 20 DP50 + - -Example 20 DP61 + - -Example 20 DP90 + - -Example 19 FC 3027 + + -Example 18 CHEMBRED B2 + + +Example 18 CHEMBRED C4 + + +Example 18 SIOKRA + + +Example 19 SICALA + + -Example 20 ORO BLANCO PIMA + - -______________________________________ .sup.1 Callus .sup.2 Embryos .sup.3 Plants .sup.4 + indicates that transformation of the tissue was performed .sup.5 + indicates that transformation of the tissue was not obtained
Example 27
Heliothis virescens eggs laid on sheets of cheesecloth are obtained from the Tobacco Insect Control Laboratory at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, N.C. The cheesecloth sheets are transferred to a large covered glass beaker and incubated at C. with wet paper towels to maintain humidity. The eggs hatched within three days. As soon as possible after hatching, the larvae (one larva per cup) are transferred to covered 3/4 oz. plastic cups. Each cup contains cotton leaf discs. Larvae are transferred using a fine bristle paint brush.
Leaf discs one centimeter in diameter are punched from leaves of cotton plants and placed on a circle of wet filter paper in the cup with the larva. At least 6-10 leaf discs, representing both young and old leaves, are tested from each plant. Leaf discs are replaced at two-day intervals, or as necessary to feed the larvae. Growth rates �size or combined weight of all replica worms! and mortality of larvae feeding on leaves of transformed plants are compared with those of larva feeding on untransformed cotton leaves.
Larvae feeding on discs of cotton transformed with pCIB10/35SB5 (BclI) show a decrease in growth rate and increase in mortality compared with controls.
It was observed that a certain number of our regenerated plants (5-10%) appeared to have acquired genetically heritable phenotypic variations as a consequence of the process of regeneration. This variation is known as somaclonal variation. The following examples illustrate how somaclonal variation as a consequence of our regeneration procedure has been used to introduce commercially useful new traits into cotton varieties.
Example 28
Cotton Regenerants Tolerant to Fungal Pathogens
The procedure of Example 1 was followed, and regenerated cotton plants obtained of the variety SJ5 and SJ4 were hardened and placed in the soil. These plants were self-pollinated and the seed, representing the F1 generation, collected.
To obtain regenerants (somaclonal variants) more tolerant to Verticillium, the F1 generation was planted in a Verticillium infested field for progeny row analysis. Seed of the varieties SJ4 and SJ5 were planted in the field as controls. Somaclonal variants more tolerant than the parental varieties to the Verticillium fungus were identified in a few of the progeny rows (5%) by assessing overall plant vigor, yield, and the absence of foliar symptoms associated with the disease. FIG. 33 shows the progeny rows of regenerants planted in a Verticillium infested field. FIG. 34 shows a Verticillium tolerant somaclonal variant of variety SJ4. This improvement in tolerance to the fungal pathogen was found to be genetically stable and passed on to subsequent generations.
Example 29
Cotton Regenerants with altered growth habits
The procedure of Example 28 was followed except that, rather than planting in disease-infested soil, the F1 generation was planted in a cotton breeding nursery. The overall growth habit of the F1 regenerated progeny was compared to that of the control varieties. Somaclonal variants were identified which were more uniform in growth habit and shorter in stature than the parental variety. One SJ5 regenerant, identified in our trials as Phy 6, was 20% shorter in stature than the parental variety. This kind of growth habit is desirable in cotton grown under narrow row (30" row spacing) cultural conditions. These traits were found to be genetically stable and passed on to subsequent generations.
Example 30
Cotton regenerants with improved fiber traits
The procedure of Example 28 was followed except that the F1 progeny of regenerants were planted in a cotton breeding nursery and allowed to set fruit. When the bolls were mature, the cotton was harvested and subjected to an analysis of several fiber quality traits including length, uniformity, tensile strength, elasticity, and micronaire. Somaclonal variants were identified which were improved significantly over the parental variety in one or more of these traits. Representative data from F2 progeny (cell pollination of the F1) are included in the following Table 1. Values marked with an asterisk represent improvements in SJ5 regenerants which are statistically significant and have been found to breed true in subsequent generations.
TABLE 1______________________________________ Fiber PropertiesVariety Length Uniformity Tensileor strain Index Strength Elasticity Micronaire______________________________________SJ5 1.13 48.7 24.7 6.8 4.273SP16 1.27* 51.2 24.6 8.0* 4.10*3SP20 1.28* 53.1* 23.1 7.6* 4.13*5SP10 1.11 53.2* 25.7* 6.2 4.555SP17 1.18 51.7 26.7* 7.1 4.43______________________________________
Example 31
Cotton regenerants with improved yield
The procedure of Example 28 was followed except that the F1 progeny of regenerants of the variety SJ4 were planted in replicated yield trials along with nonregenerated controls. One variant, which exhibited a more uniform growth habit and more vigorous growth habit, yielded 4% more cotton than the parental variety in the same trial. The data are given in Table 2 below.
TABLE 2______________________________________Variety or Ave Yield per Ave YieldStrain plot (lb) lbs/Acre % Increase______________________________________SJ4 Control 28.0 3049Phy 4 29.1 3169 4%*______________________________________ *This difference was significant at the 95% confidence level.
A 4% increase in yield would represent a return of almost $20 per acre to the average cotton grower in California, where over one million acres of cotton are grown annually.
Example 32
Cotton Regenerants tolerant to a herbicide (kanamycin)
Suspension cultures of the cotton variety B1644 were developed according to the method of Example 5. Suspension cultures were then plated onto an agar medium as described in Example 6, but supplemented with the herbicide (antibiotic) kanamycin (25 mg/l). Most of the cells in the population died, but a few (1 to 5%) were tolerant and survived. These were selectively subcultured onto agar-solidified media supplemented with increasing concentrations of kanamycin, until the final concentration reached 50 mg/l. Embryos were then developed from this callus, and those resistant embryos were germinated into kanamycin resistant plants.
  • 1. A somaclonal variant cotton plant comprising a phenotype of improved resistance to fungal pathogens to which wild type cotton plants are sensitive.
  • 2. A somaclonal variant cotton plant comprising a phenotype of resistance to Verticillium.
  • 3. A somaclonal variant cotton plant comprising a phenotype with a plant height which is different from the plant height of the cotton plant from which the somaclonal variant was derived.
  • 4. A somaclonal variant cotton plant comprising a phenotype for cotton produced which is different from the phenotype of cotton produced by wild type cotton plants wherein the phenotype is selected from the group consisting of cotton length, cotton uniformity, cotton tensile strength, cotton elasticity and cotton micronaire.
  • 5. A somaclonal variant cotton plant comprising a phenotype of increased cotton yield of at least 4% over a cotton plant from which the somaclonal variant was derived.
  • 6. A somaclonal variant cotton plant produced by a method comprising:
  • providing a cotton explant;
  • culturing the explant in a callus growth medium supplemented with glucose as a primary carbon source until secretion of phenolic compounds has ceased and undifferentiated callus is formed from the explant;
  • culturing the undifferentiated callus in callus growth medium supplemented with sucrose as a primary carbon source until embryogenic callus is formed from the undifferentiated callus;
  • transferring the embryogenic callus to a plant germination medium;
  • culturing the embryogenic callus on the plant germination medium until a plantlet is formed from the embryogenic callus;
  • transferring the plantlets to soil;
  • growing the plantlets to produce seeds from self pollination;
  • collecting the seeds;
  • planting the seeds;
  • growing the seeds under conditions to select for a desired characteristic, wherein the desired characteristic is selected from the croup consisting of Verticillium resistance, a stature different from that of cotton plants from which the somaclonal variant was derived, a cotton length which different from that produced by a cotton plant from which the somaclonal variant was derived, a cotton uniformity which is different from that produced by a cotton plant from which the somaclonal variant was derived, cotton of tensile strength different from that of a cotton plant from which the somaclonal variant was derived, cotton with elasticity which different from that of a cotton plant from which the somaclonal variant was derived, cotton with micronair which is different from that of a cotton plant from which the somaclonal variant was derived and increased cotton yields compared to a cotton Plant from which the somaclonal variant was derived; and
  • collecting the plants with the desired characteristic.
  • 7. A somaclonal variant cotton plant as recited in claim 6 wherein the somaclonal variant cotton plant produces about 4% more cotton than a cotton plant from which the somaclonal variant was derived.
  • 8. A somaclonal variant cotton plant as recited in claim 6 wherein the wild type cotton plants are derived from cotton plants selected from the group consisting of Acala SJ2, Acala SJ4, Acala SJ5, Acala SJ-C1, Acala B1644, Acala B1654-26, Acala B1654-43, Acala B3991, Acala GC356, Acala GC510, Acala GAM1, Acala C1, Acala Royale, Acala Maxxa, Acala Prema, Acala B638, Acala B1810, Acala B2724, Acala B4894, Acala B5002, non Acala "picker" Siokra, "stripper" variety FC2017, Coker 315, STONEVILLE 506, STONEVILLE 825, DP50, DP61, DP90, DP77, DES119, McN235, HBX87, HBX191, HBX107, FC 3027, CHEMBRED A1, CHEMBRED A2, CHEMBRED A3, CHEMBRED A4, CHEMBRED B1, CHEMBRED B2, CHEMBRED B3, CHEMBRED C1, CHEMBRED C2, CHEMBRED C3, CHEMBRED C4, PAYMASTER 145, HS26, HS46, SICALA, PIMA S6 and ORO BLANCO PIMA.
  • 9. A somaclonal variant cotton plant as recited in claim 8 wherein the cotton plants are derived from crosses of plants selected from the group consisting of AXTE1, NM2302, C6TE, NM B3080, C6TE, NM B3080, AXTE 1-57, TEX E364, S196, 1900-1, 12302-4, C6TE, B7378, ATE-11, NM49-2, C6TE and NM B3080.
  • 10. A somaclonal variant cotton plant as recited in claim 6 wherein the process further comprises:
  • sterilizing a cotton seed;
  • transferring the seed to a seed germination medium;
  • growing the seed in the seed germination medium until a seedling is produced; and
  • preparing explants from the seedling.
  • 11. A somaclonal variant cotton plant as recited in claim 6 wherein the explant is selected from the group consisting of hypocotyl, cotyledon immature zygstic embryos and mixtures thereof.
  • 12. A somaclonal variant cotton plant as recited in claim 6 wherein the explants are grown in light-dark cycles of about 16 hours of light and about 8 hours of darkness at a temperature from about C. to about C.
  • 13. A somaclonal variant cotton plant as recited in claim 12 wherein the light intensity during the hours of light is about 2,000 to about 4,000 lux during the light portion of the illumination cycle.
  • 14. A somaclonal variant cotton plant as recited in claim 12 in which the light intensity during the hours of light is about 3,000 to about 4,000 lux during the light portion of the illumination cycle.
  • 15. A somaclonal variant cotton plant as recited in claim 6 wherein the callus growth medium supplemented with glucose is changed at least every 10 days.
  • 16. A somaclonal variant cotton plant as recited in claim 6 wherein the callus growth medium supplemented with glucose is Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with glucose.
  • 17. A somaclonal variant cotton plant as recited in claim 6 wherein the callus growth medium supplemented with glucose is further supplemented with agar.
  • 18. A somaclonal variant cotton plant as recited in claim 6 wherein the callus growth medium supplemented with sucrose is Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with sucrose.
  • 19. A somaclonal variant cotton plant as recited in claim 18 wherein the callus growth medium is further supplemented with from about 1 to about 10 mg/l naphthaleneacetic acid.
  • 20. A somaclonal variant cotton plant as recited in claim 18 wherein the callus growth medium supplemented with glucose is further supplemented with agar.
  • 21. A somaclonal variant cotton plant as recited in claim 18 wherein the callus growth medium is supplemented with about 0.4 mg/l thiamine hydrochloride, about 30 g/l sucrose, about 2 mg/l naphthaleneacetic acid, about 1 mg/l kinetin and about 100 mg/l inositol.
  • 22. A somaclonal variant cotton plant as recited in claim 6 wherein the germination medium is Beasley and Ting's medium.
  • 23. A somaclonal variant cotton plant as recited in claim 22 wherein the embryo germination medium is supplemented with up to about 500 mg/l casein hydrolysate and up to about 1,200 mg/l ammonium nitrate.
  • 24. A somaclonal variant cotton plant produced by a method comprising:
  • providing a cotton explant;
  • culturing the explant in a callus growth medium supplemented with glucose as a primary carbon source until secretion of phenolic compounds has ceased and undifferentiated callus is formed from the explant;
  • culturing the undifferentiated callus in callus growth medium supplemented with sucrose as a primary carbon source until embryogenic callus is formed from the undifferentiated callus;
  • suspending the embryogenic callus in a suspension medium to form a suspension culture;
  • growing the embryogenic callus in the suspension culture;
  • transferring the embryogenic callus to a plant germination medium;
  • culturing the embryogenic callus on the plant germination medium until a plantlet is formed from the embryogenic callus;
  • transferring the plantlets to soil;
  • growing the plantlets to produce seeds from self pollination;
  • collecting the seeds;
  • planting the seeds;
  • growing the seeds under condition to select for a desired characteristic, wherein the desired characteristic is selected from the group consisting of Verticillium resistance, a stature different from that of cotton plants from which the somaclonal variant was derived, a cotton length which different from that produced by a cotton plant from which the somaclonal variant was derived, a cotton uniformity which is different from that produced by a cotton plant from which the somaclonal variant was derived, cotton of tensile strength different from that of a cotton plant from which the somaclonal variant was derived, cotton with elasticity which different from that of a cotton plant from which the somaclonal variant was derived, cotton with micronair which is different from that of a cotton plant from which the somaclonal variant was derived and increased cotton yields compared to a cotton plant from which the somaclonal variant was derived; and
  • collecting the plants with the desired characteristic.
  • 25. A somaclonal variant cotton plant as recited in claim 24 wherein embryogenic callus is cut into clumps of less than 600 microns in size prior to suspension in callus growth medium.
  • 26. A somaclonal variant cotton plant as recited in claim 24 wherein the condition to select for a desired characteristics comprises plating the suspension culture on a selective medium.
  • 27. A somaclonal variant cotton plant as recited in claim 24 wherein the selective medium comprises a herbicide.
  • 28. A somaclonal variant cotton plant as recited in claim 24 wherein the selective medium comprises kanamycin.
  • 29. A somaclonal variant cotton plant as recited in claim 24 wherein the somaclonal variant cotton plant produces about 4% more cotton than a cotton plant from which the somaclonal variant was derived.

This is a continuation of application Ser. No. 08/122,353, filed Sep. 14, 1993, now abandoned is a divisional now U.S. Pat. No. 5,244,802, of 07/680,048 filed Mar. 29, 1991 which was a continuation of 07/122,200 filed Nov. 18, 1987, now abandoned, both of which are incorporated herein by reference.

US Referenced Citations (3)
Number Name Date Kind
4672035 Davidonis et al. Jun 1987
4774381 Chaleff et al. Sep 1988
4827079 Evans et al. May 1989
Foreign Referenced Citations (1)
Number Date Country
A-2568088 May 1989 AUX
Divisions (1)
Number Date Country
Parent 680048 Mar 1991
Continuations (2)
Number Date Country
Parent 122353 Sep 1993
Parent 122200 Nov 1987