- 1. A coupling device for attaching to an anchor member, the coupling device comprising:
a frame having a distal end defining a mouth configured to receive the anchor member; a lever movably mounted to said frame and having an open position to allow the anchor member to be received within the mouth and a closed position to retain the anchor member within the mouth; a biasing member urging the lever toward the closed position; and wherein the lever includes a manipulation portion to move the lever to the open position.
- 2. The coupling device of claim 1 wherein the lever pivots about a mounting member provided on said frame moving between said closed position and said open position.
- 3. The coupling device of claim 2 wherein the lever has a distal end that substantially covers the mouth in the closed position and a proximate end.
- 4 The coupling device of claim 2 wherein the mounting member mounts the lever to the frame substantially toward the proximate end of the lever.
- 5. The coupling device of claim 2 wherein the mounting member mounts the lever to the frame at a point between the distal end and the proximal end of the lever.
- 6. The coupling device of claim 3 wherein the biasing member acts between the frame and the lever to urge the lever into the closed position.
- 7. The coupling device of claim 1 wherein the biasing member acts between the frame and the proximate end of the lever to urge the lever into the closed position.
- 8. The coupling device of claim 1 wherein the biasing member acts between the frame and a point between the proximate end and the distal end of the lever to urge the lever into the closed position.
- 9. The coupling device of claim 1 wherein the biasing member acts between the frame and the distal end of the lever to urge the lever into the closed position.
- 10. The coupling device of claim 1 wherein the biasing member is a spring.
- 11. The coupling device of claim 1 further comprising a cover.
- 12. The coupling device of claim 1 further comprising a cover formed in a recognizable shape.
- 13. The coupling device of claim 1 further comprising a cover formed in a recognizable shape resembling at least a portion of an animal's body.
- 14. The coupling device of claim 1 further comprising a cover formed in a recognizable shape resembling an animal's head having a mouth configured to receive the anchor member and having ears configured to be gripped by a user.
- 15. The coupling device of claim 1 further comprising a cover formed in a recognizable shape resembling a dog's head, wherein the dog's head is selected from the group consisting of a Labrador retriever, a Golden retriever, a Beagle, a German shepherd, a Dachshund, a Yorkshire terrier, a Boxer, a Poodle, a Shih Tzu, a Chihuahua, a Schnauzer, a Pug, a Pomeranian, a Cocker spaniel, a Rottweiler, a Greyhound, a Great Dane, a Saint Bernard, a Collie, a Mixed breed, a Cross breed, a Mongrel, and a Mutt.
- 16. The coupling device of claim 1 further comprising a cover formed in a recognizable shape resembling the head of a fictional character, the head having a mouth configured to receive the anchor member and having ears configured to be gripped by a user.
- 17. The coupling device of claim 16 wherein the fictional character is chosen from the group consisting of amusement park characters, cartoon characters, comic book characters, movie characters, literary characters, and TV characters.
- 18. The coupling device of claim 1 further comprising an anchorage carried by the frame.
- 19. The coupling device of claim 18 wherein the anchorage is detachable from the coupling device.
- 20. The coupling device of claim 18 wherein the anchorage is movable.
- 21. The coupling device of claim 1 further comprising an anchorage carried by the frame and an elongated member coupled to the anchorage.
- 22. The coupling device of claim 21 wherein the elongated member is a leash.
- 23. The coupling device of claim 1 further comprising a cover, wherein the cover snaps onto the frame.
- 24. The coupling device of claim 1 further comprising a cover, wherein the cover is attached to the frame by a fastener.
- 25. The coupling device of claim 1 further comprising a cover, wherein the frame and the cover comprise a unitary device.
- 26. The coupling device of claim 1 further comprising a cover having a sound chip.
- 27. The coupling device of claim 1 further comprising a cover having an illumination device.
- 28. The coupling device of claim 1 further comprising a cover formed in the shape of a head, at least a portion of the head being configured to be gripped by a user.
- 29. The coupling device of claim 1 further comprising a cover formed in a recognizable shape resembling a dog's head, wherein the dog's head is selected from the group consisting of a Labrador retriever, a Golden retriever, a Beagle, a German shepherd, a Dachshund, a Yorkshire terrier, a Boxer, a Poodle, a Shih Tzu, a Chihuahua, a Schnauzer, a Pug, a Pomeranian, a Cocker spaniel, a Rottweiler, a Greyhound, a Great Dane, a Saint Bernard, a Collie, a Mixed breed, a Cross breed, a Mongrel, and a Mutt.
- 30. The coupling device of claim 1 wherein the lever is substantially S-shaped.
- 31. A coupling device for attaching to an anchor member, the coupling device comprising:
a housing formed to resemble the head of a mammal, the head including anatomically representative protrusions and defining a mouth configured to receive the anchor member; a lever movably mounted relative to said housing and having an open position to allow the anchor member to be received within the mouth and a closed position to retain the anchor member within the mouth; a biasing member urging the lever toward the closed position; and the lever including a direct manipulation portion configured to move the lever between the closed position and the open position.
- 32. The coupling device of claim 31, wherein the cover resembles the head of a dog selected from the group consisting of an Aberdeen Terrier, an Affenpinscher, an Afghan Hound, an African Lion Hound, an African Wild Dog, an Aidi, an Ainu, an Airedale Terrier, an Akita, an Alaskan Malamute, an Alsatian, an American Black and Tan Coonhound, an American Bulldog, an American Cocker Spaniel, an American Foxhound, an American Pit Bull, an American Pit Bull Terrier, an American Staffordshire Terrier, an American Toy Terrier, an Anglo-Francais, de Petite Vénerio, an Appensell Mountain Dog, an Appenzeller Sennenhund, an Arabian Greyhound, an Arctic Fox, an Arctic Husky, an Argentinian Grey Fox, an Argentinian Mastiff, Artesian Norman Bassett, an Australian Cattle-Dog, an Australian Kelpie, an Australian Queensland Heeler, an Australian Shepherd, an Australian Terrier, an Austrian Pinscher, an Auvergne Pointer, an Azawakh Hound, a Balkan Hound, a Balkasaki Gonic, a Barb, a Barbet, a Barbone, a Basenji, a Bas Rouge, a Basset Artésian Norsmand, Basset Bleu de Gascogne, a Basset Fauve de Bretagne, a Basset Hound, a Bavarian Mountain Hound, a Bayrischer Gebirgsschweisshund, a Beagle, a Bearded Collie, a Beauceron, a Bedlington Terrier, a Belgian Cattle Dog, a Belgian Griffon, a Bergamasco, a Berger de Beauce, a Berger de Brie, a Berger de Picard, a Berner Laufhund, a Berner Sennenhund, a Bernese Hound, Bernese Mountain Dog, a Bichon Bolognese, a Bichon Friese, a Bichon Havanais, a Bichon Maltiase, a Billy, a Bingley Terrier, Björnhund, a Black and Tan Coonhound, a Black and Tan Terrier, a Black Fell Terrier, a Black Norwegian Elkhound, Bloodhound, a Blue Gascony Basset, a Blue Heeler, a Blue Picardy Spaniel, a Bluetick Coonhound, a Bobtail, a bohemian Terrier, a Bolgnese, a Border Collie, a Border Terrier, a Borzoi, a Boston Terrier, a Bouledogue Franais, a Bourbonnais Pointer, a Bouvier des Flandres, a Boxer, a Bracco Italiano, a Braque d'Auvergne, a Braque Franais de Grande Taille, a Braque St. Germain, a Brazilian Mastiff, a Briard, a Briquet, a Briquet Griffon Vendéen, a Brittany, a Broken-haired Scottish Terrier, a Brushwood Dog, a Brussels Griffon, a Bulldog, a Bullmastiff, a Bull Terrier, a Bush Dog, a Ca de Bestiar, a Ca de Bou, a Cairn Terrier, a Canaan Dog, a Canary Dog, a Cane da Pastore Bergamasco, a Cane de Quirinale, a Caniche, a Canidae, a Cão da Serra de Aires, a Cão da Serra da Estrela, a Cão de Agua, a Cão de Castro Laboreiro, a Cape Fox, a Cardigan Welsh Cori, a Carlin, a Carolina Dog, a Catahoula Hog Dog, a Catahoula Leopard Dog, a Catalan Sheepdog, a Cavalier Kin Charles, a Chesky Terrier, a Chesapeake Bay Retriever, a Chien d'Artois, a Chien de Franche-Comte, a Chien de l'Atlas, a Chien de Pays, Chien des Pyrénées, a Chien Loup, a Chihuahua, a Chin, a Chinese Crested Dog, a Chinook, a Chow Chow, a Chrysanthemum Dog, Cirneco dell'Etna, Clumber Spaniel, Cocker Spaniel, a Colpeo Fox, a Congo Dog, a Continental Phalene, a Continental Toy Spaniel: Phalene, a Corsac Fox, a Coton de Tulear, a Coyote, a Crab-eating Fox, a Cruft, Charles, a Curley-coated Retriever, a Czesky, a Czesky Fousek, a Dalmatian, a Dandie Dinmont Terrier, a Deerhound, a Deutsche Dogge, a Deutcher Drahthaariger Vorstehhund, a Deutscher Gross Spitz, a Deutscher Jagdterrier, a Deutscher Mittel Spitz, a Deutscher Schäferhund, a Deutscher Wachtelhund, a Deutsche Spitz, a Dhokhi Apso, a Dhole, a Dingo, A Dobermann, a Doberman Pinscher, a Dogo Argentino, a Dogue de Bordeaux, a Drentse Partijshond, a Drever, a Drótszörü Magyar Vizsla, a Dunker, a Dutch Partridge Dog, a Dutch Sheepdog, a Dutch Shepherd Dog, a Dutch Spaniel, an East Siberian Laika, an Elkhound, an English Beagle, an English Bull Terrier, an English Cocker Spaniel, an English Coonhound, an English Foxhound, an English Setter, an English Springer Spaniel, an English Toy Terrier, an Entelbucher, an Entelbuch Mountain Dog, an Epagneul Bleu de Picardie, an Epagneul Breton, an Epagneul Franais, an Epagneul Nain, an Epagneul Picard, an Epagneul Pont-Audemer, an Eskimo Dog, an Esquimaux, an Estrela Mountain Dog, an Eurasian, an Eurasier, a Fennee Fox, a Field Spaniel, a Fila Brasileiro, a Finnish Hound, a Finnish Lapphund, a Finnish Spitz, a Finsk Spets, Flat-coated Retriever, French Bulldog, French Mastiff, French Spaniel, Friaar Dog, a Galgo Español, a Gammel Dansk Honsehund, a Gazelle Hound, a German Hunting Terrier, a German Pinscher, a German Shepherd Dog, a German Spaniel, a German Spitz: Klein, a German Spitz: Mittel, a German Wire-haired Pointer, a Giant German Spitz, a Giant Schnauzer, a Glen of Imaal Terrier, a Golden Jackal, a Golden Retriever, a Gordon Setter, a Gos d'Atura Catala, a Grand Basset Griffon Vendéen, a Grand Bleu de Gascogne, a Grand Gascon Saintongeois, a Grand Griffon Vendéen, a Great Dane, a Great Pyrenees, a Great Swiss Mountain Dog, a Greenland Dog, a Gray Fox, a Greyhound, a Gray Wolf, a Griffon Belge, a Griffon Bruxellois, a Griffon d'Arrêt á Poil Laineux, a Griffon Fauve de Bretagne, a Griffon Nivernais, a Groenendael, a Grønlandshund, a Grosser Münsterländer Vorstehhund, a Grosser Schweizer Sennenhund, a Grülandshund, a Halden Hound, a Haldenstövare, a Hamilton Hound, a Hamiltonstövare, a Hanoverian Mountain Hound, a Hanoverian Schweisshund, a Harrier, a Havanese, a Heidewachtel, a Hoary Fox, a Hokkaido Dog, a Hollandse Herdershond, a Hovawart, a Hungarian Greyhound, a Hungarian Mudi, a Hungarian Puli, a Hungarian Vizsla, a Husky, a Hygenhound, a Hygenhund, an Ibizan Hound, an Iceland Dog, an Icelandic Sheepdog, an Illyrian Sheepdog, an Inca Hairless, an Indian Fox, an Irish Red and White Setter, an Irish Red Terrier, an Irish Setteran Irish Terrier, an Irish Water Spaniel, an Irish Wolfhound, an Island Gray Fox, an Istrian Sheepdog, an Italian Greyhound, an Italian Hound, an Italian Pointer, and Italian Spinone, a Jack Russell Terrier, a Jädmthund, a Japanese Akita, a Japanese Chin, a Japanese Small-sized Dog, a Japanese Spaniel, a Japanese Spitz, a Japanese Terrier, a Jugoslavenski Planinski Gonic, a Jugoslavenski Tribarvni Gonic, a Jura Hound, a Jura Laufhund: Bruno, a Jura Laufhund: St. Hubert, a Kai Dog, a Karelian Bear Dog, a Karelian Bear Laika, a Karjalankarhukoira, a Karst Sheepdog, a Keeshond, a Kelb Tal-fenek, a Kelef K'naani, a Kelpie, a Kennel Club, a Kerry Beagle, a Kerry Blue Terrier, a King Charles Spaniel, a Kit Fox, a Kleiner Münsterländer, a Komondor, a Kooiker Dog, a Kooikerhondje, a Korthals Griffon, a Krasky Ovcar, a Kromfohrländer, a Kuvasz, a Kyi Leo, a Labrador Retriever, a Lackense, a Laekenois, a Lakeland Terrier, a Lancashire Heeler, a Landseer, a Lapinkoira, a Lapinporokoira, a Lapland Reindeer Dog, a Lapplandska Spets, a Large Blue Gascony Hound, a Large French Pointer, a Large Münsterländer, a Large Vendéen Griffon, a Leonberger, a Lhasa Apso, a Little Lion Dog, a Löwchen, a Lucernese Hound, a Lundehund, a Lurcher, a Luzerner Laufhund, a Magyar Agár, a Magyar Vizsla, a Malinois, a Maltese, a Manchester Terrier, a Maned Wolf, a Maremma Sheepdog, a Mastiff, a Mastin Español, a Mastino Napoletano, a Medium Portuguese Hounds, a Medium Vendéen Griffon, a Mexican Hairless, a Miniature Bull Terrior, a Miniature Dachshund, a Miniature Pinscher, a Miniature Poodle, a Miniature Schnauzer, a Mops, a Mudi, a Neapolitan Mastiff, a Newfoundland, a New Guinea Singing Dog, a Nordic Spitz, a Norfolk Terrier, a Norrbottenspets, a Norsk Buhund, a Norsk Elghund (Grå), a Norsk Elghund (Sort), a Norwegian Buhund, a Norwegian Elkhound, a Norwegian Hound, a Norwegian Puffin Dog, a Norwich Terrier, a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, an Ogar Polski, an Old Country Bulldog, an Old Danish Pointer, an Olde English Bulldogge, an Old English Sheepdog, an Ormskirk Terrier, an Österreichischer Kurzhaariger Pinscher, an Otterhoun, an Otter Hound, an Owczarek Podhalanski, a Pale Fox, a Papillon, a Pampas Fox, a Parson Jack Russell Terrier, a Pastore Abruzzese, a Patterdale Terrier, a Pekingese, a Pekingese Palasthund, a Pembroke Welsh Corgi, a Perdiguero de Burgos, a Perdiguero Portugueso, a Perro de Pastor Mallorquin, a Perro de Presa Canario, a Perro de Presa Mallorquin, a Perro Mastin del Pireneo, a Peruvian Inca Orchid, a Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen, a Petit Bleu de Gascogne, a Petite Brabancon, a Petit Griffon Bleu de Gascogne, a Pharaoh Hound, a Picardy Shepherd, a Picardy Spaniel, a Piccolo Levrieri Italiani, a Pit Bull Terrier, a Plott Hound, a Pocadan, a Podenco Ibicenco, a Podengo Portugueso Medio, a Podengo Portugueso Pequeño, a Pohjanpystykorva, a Pointer, a Polish Hound, a Polish Lowland Sheepdog, a Polski Owezarek Nizinny, a Pomeranian, a Pont-Audemer Spaniel, a Porcelaine, a Portuguese Cattle Dog, a Portuguese Pointer, a Portuguese Sheepdog, a Portuguese Watchdog, a Portuguese Water Dog, a Posavac Hound, a Posavski Gonic, a Pug, a Puli, a Pumi, a Pyrenean Mastiff, a Pyrenean Mountain Dog, a Raccoon Dog, a Rafeiro do Alentejo, a Redbone Coonhound, a Red Fox, a Red Setter, a Redtick Coonhound, a Red Wolf, a Reh Pinscher, a Rhodesian Ridgeback, a Riesenschnauzer, a Rothbury Terrier, a Rottweiler, a Rough Collie a Rüppell's Fox, a Russo European Laika, a Russian Retriever, a Russian Wolfhound, a Saarloos Wolfhound, a Sabueso Español, a St. Bernard, a St. Bernhardshund, a St. Germain Pointer, a St. Hubert Hound, a Saluki, a Samoyed, a Samoyedskaja, a Sar Planina, a Sarplaninac, a Schapendoes, a Schiller Hound, a Shcillerstövare, a Schipperke, a Schweizer Laufhund, a Scottish Deerhound, a Scottish Terrier, a Sealyham Terrier, a Sechura Fox, a Segugio Italiano, a Shar Pei, a Shetland Sheepdog, a Shiba Inu, a Shih Tzu, a Siberian Husky, a Sicilian Greyhound, a Side-striped Jackal, a Silky Terrier, a Silver-backed Jackal, a Simien Jackal, a Skye Terrier, a Sloughi, a Smålands Hound, a Smålandstövare, a Small-eared Dog, a Small-eared Fox, a Small French-English Hound, a Small Münsterländer, a Small Portuguese Hound, a Smooth Collie, a Smooth Fox Terrier, a Smooth-haired Collie, a Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier, a South American Fox, a Spanish Greyhound, a Spanish Hound, a Spanish Mastiff, a Spanish Pointer, a Spinone, a Spion, a Stabyhoun, a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, a Standard Pinscher, a Standard Poodle, a Suomenajokoira, a Suomenpystykorva, a Sussex Spaniel, a Swedish Dachsbracker, a Swedish Elkhound, a Swedish Lapphund, a Swedish Vallhund, a Swift Fox, a Swiss Hound, a Sydney Silky, a Tatta Mountain Sheepdog, a Tawny Brittany Basset, a Tawny Britanny Griffon, a Tazi, a Tencrife Dog, a Tepeizeulntli, a Tervuren, a Tibetan Mastiff, a Tibetan Sand Fox, a Tibetan Spaniel, a Tibetan Terrier, a Tora Dog, a Tosa Fighting Dog, a Tosa Inu, a Toy American Eskimo, a Toy Fox Terrier, a Toy Manchester Terrier, a Toy Poodle, a Treeing Walker Coonhound, a Tuareg Sloughi, a Väg{haeck over (o)}taspets, Virelade, a Volpino Italiano, a Vorstehhund, a Waterside Terrier, a Weimaraner, a Weimaraner Vorstehhund, a Welsh Springer Spaniel, a Welsh Terrier, a West Highland White Terrier, a West Siberian Laika, a Wetterhoun, a Whippet, a Wire Fix Terrier, a Wire-haired Pointing Griffon, a Wire-haired Vizsla, a Wolf Spitz, a Xoloitzcuintli, a Yellow Retriever, a Yorkshire Terrier, a Yugoslavian Mountain Hound, a Yugoslavian Tricolor Hound, a Zwergpinscher, a Zwergschnauzer, a Zwergteckel, and a mongrel.
- 33. The coupling device of claim 31, further comprising a frame assembly coupled to the housing and additionally defining the mouth.
- 34. A coupling device for attaching to an anchor member, the coupling device comprising:
a housing formed to resemble the head of a dog, the head including anatomically representative protrusions and a mouth configured to receive the anchor member, and the head is selected from the group consisting of a Labrador retriever, a Golden retriever, a Beagle, a German shepherd, a Dachshund, a Yorkshire terrier, a Boxer, a Poodle, a Shih Tzu, a Chihuahua, a Schnauzer, a Pug, a Pomeranian, a Cocker spaniel, a Rottweiler, a Greyhound, a Great Dane, a Saint Bernard, a Collie, a Mixed breed, a Cross breed, a Mongrel, and a Mutt; a lever movably mounted relative to said cover and having an open position to allow the anchor member to be received within the mouth and a closed position to retain the anchor member within the mouth.
- 35. The coupling device of claim 34 wherein the lever includes a direct manipulation portion configured to move the lever to the open position.
- 36. The coupling device of claim 34 further comprising an anchorage carried by the cover, the anchorage configured to mount to the coupling device an elongate member.
- 37. The coupling device of claim 34 further comprising an elongate member coupled to the cover.
- 38. The coupling device of claim 34 further comprising a sound chip carried by the cover.
- 39. The coupling device of claim 34 wherein the cover is colored.
- 40. The coupling device of claim 39 wherein the color is selected from the group consisting of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, black, brown, white, magenta, cyan, violet, purple, tan, pink, and beige.
Parent Case Info
[0001] This application claims the benefit of and priority to U.S. provisional patent application No. 60/463,838, filed 18 Apr. 2003.
Provisional Applications (1)
Number |
Date |
Country |
60463838 |
Apr 2003 |
US |