The present invention relates to crop quality. In particular, the present invention relates to providing insurance for crop quality.
Harvested crops, such as grain or cellulose materials are not necessarily completely fungible commodities. In particular, it is known that some grain or cellulose material may be of higher value for particular end uses than other grain or cellulose material. The quality of the crop is based in part on the genetics of the crop. Higher quality crops create increased value.
Crop quality may be measured differently and of differing importance depending upon the particular end use, including uses such as but not limited to livestock feed, ethanol production, and food production. One use where crop quality can be of particular importance is in ethanol production. Ethanol is generally blended with gasoline at various levels to fuel motor vehicles. Due to limited supplies of crude oil and limitations in refining capacity, concerns over environmental degradation, and the resulting increase in gasoline prices, there appears to be a good outlook for further growth in the ethanol market. Ethanol can be produced from various sources, including grains such as corn, barley, and wheat, as well as cellulose feedstocks.
In ethanol production, higher quality crops result in improved efficiency in that less crop of a higher quality is needed to produce a particular amount of ethanol than would be required if the crop was of an average quality. Thus, receiving higher quality creates higher value for an ethanol producer. Ethanol production is merely one example where higher quality crops create value for a processor.
What is needed is a method which identifies and addresses the value created by higher quality crops, provides incentives to producers to use seed products having the appropriate genetics to yield higher quality crops, and allocates the value of higher quality crops to stakeholders while minimizing risks for producers.
According to one aspect of the present invention, a method for providing insurance includes providing a bundle of products and services to a crop producer, the bundle of products and services comprising seed products and insurance. The insurance provides a benefit to the crop producer if the crop grown from the seed products does not meet or exceed a crop quality threshold. The method further includes determining if the crop grown from the seed products meet or exceed the crop quality threshold. If the seed products do not meet or exceed the crop quality threshold, the method provides the benefit to the crop producer according to the insurance.
Methods and systems for creating or capturing value for crop producers, processors, and/or input suppliers are provided. The methods may provide an incentive to a producer for using a particular type of seed product. The methods may assist a producer in insuring against loss if a seed product does not grow a crop that meets a particular quality threshold. The methods may provide an opportunity to the producer to capture premiums for crops as well as to increase a processor's access to crops meeting a desired quality threshold. In addition, the methods provide an opportunity for a seed supplier to convey to customers the quality of their seed products, including for particular end uses. In addition, the methods allow for bundling of crop production inputs with insurance.
It should be appreciated that there are numerous types of crops and measures of quality for the crops. Crops can may be silage and forage type crops, grain crops, or other types of crops. Often times throughout this specification reference is made to corn or other grains and sometimes the term “grain quality” is used to refer to the quality of grain. Such disclosure is merely representative and it is to be understood that grain is merely one type of crop product.
Next, in step 12, a producer grows the seed to harvest. After which, the producer delivers harvested crop to a processor in step 14. In step 16, the processor evaluates the delivered crop to determine if the grain quality meets or exceeds a desired threshold. Examples of quality-related traits for field crops include traits related to ethanol yield, traits related to predicted digestible energy levels, protein content, starch content, extractable starch content, oil content, and extractable oil content. Quality-related traits may include whether or not the crop is of a variety having a particular gene or set of genes. Quality-related traits may be based on amino acid content, fiber content, enzyme content, fatty acid content, oil profile, or other types of content or composition. Quality-related traits may relate to the desired end use. For example, where the crop is used for feed, quality-related traits may include nutrient content, amino acid content, and more specifically, amino acid content of one or more essential dietary amino acids such as arginine, histidine, isoleucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine.
Any number of means can be used to measure its composition or other quality-related traits. Knowledge of quality leads to an understanding of the inherent value of the crop to the processor or other user of the crop. The inherent value of the crop to the processor may vary according to the specific processes used by the processor. Because of the varying value of grain to a processor, the processor is willing to pay the producer differentially based on crop quality.
For example in ethanol processing, where grain to be harvested is known to have a particularly high potential ethanol yield, an ethanol processor will know that less grain will be required which creates significant value for the ethanol processor. Of course, various types of processing operations may be performed by a processor. The processor may provide for ethanol processing, sugars processing, starch processing, beverage alcohol processing, or snack/cereal processing. In different types of processing, different characteristics for the crop may be at a premium. The processing may result in products used in food manufacturing. Of course, little processing may be required such as where the crop is used for feed in livestock production. A livestock feeder is considered to be a processor for purposes of this application.
Depending upon the particular use for the crop, quality may be measured in different ways. Where the quality-related trait is not directly measured, predictive models may be used as is known in the art. Quality-related traits which may be determined by predictive models include, without limitation, high extractable starch (HES), high total fermentables (HTF), high available energy (HAE), amino acid content, and enzymatic content. Other examples of quality-related traits for the production of dry-grind ethanol include high total fermentables, low stress cracks, and low occurrence of molds and diseases. Total fermentables is the sum of all starches and simple sugars that ferment in the typical dry-grind process.
It should further be understood that grain quality may also be based at least in part on genetic traits, including genetic traits that are not just simple generation traits, such as starch genotype. Genetic traits such as herbicide resistant traits or insect resistant traits may be used in determining crop quality. Examples of herbicide resistant traits include, without limitation, glyphosate resistance traits, sulfonylurea (SU) resistance traits, dicamba resistance traits, imidazolinone resistance traits, LIBERTYLINK traits, and other types of herbicide resistant traits. Examples of insect resistance traits include, without limitation, corn borer resistance traits, HERCULEX traits, and other types of traits which may be used in determining crop quality.
Other types of crop quality traits include grain footprint, variations in native enzymes, kernel shape and density, test weight, hardness of endosperm, and other characteristics indicative of quality. With respect to soybeans, crop quality may include, without limitation, oil content, oil profile, fatty acid profile, polyunsaturated fatty acid content, omega-3 content, amino acid profile, flavor, protein content, and whether the grain quality is of food grade or not. With respect to corn forage, examples of crop quality traits may include, without limitation, dry matter content, starch content, protein content, crude protein content, ash content, whole plant (WP) moisture, whole plant (WP) digestibility, NDF digestibility, starch digestibility, and sugars content. With respect to corn silage, examples of crop quality traits may include, without limitation, dry matter content, starch content, protein content, ash content, oil content, lactic acid content, acetic acid content, propionic content, pH level, nitrogen content, acid detergent fiber (ADF) content, neutral detergent fiber (NDF) content, NDF digestibility, crude fiber content, mold or toxin presence, and volatile fatty acid profile. The examples of types of crops and types of crop quality related traits are merely representative.
One way of measuring traits is through the use of a near-infrared analyzer. Near-infrared analyzers may be used to indicate grain types or grain constituents as well as other indicators of crop quality. Examples of crops where near-infrared analyzer measurements may assist in determining crop quality include, without limitation, alfalfa, legume hay, grass hay, mixed grass and alfalfa hay, small grain hay, straw, millet hay, sorghum hay, alfalfa haylage, grass haylage, alfalfa and grass mixed haylage, corn silage, sorghum silage, small grain silage, shelled corn, ear corn, high moisture corn, earlage, and soybeans.
The present invention contemplates that crop quality can be measured using other types of technologies. For example, grain quality can be determined through imaging the grain and applying appropriate image processing techniques to the image to extract information about the grain.
Another type of technology that can be used for measuring grain quality is the ACURUM system available from DuPont Acurum. The ACURUM system is based on a visual measurement (CCD camera operating in the visible spectral region). This system has currently been used for wheat and barley. Examples of grain quality traits include wheat contamination in barley, fungi in wheat, and staining in wheat. Of course, other types of grain quality measurements are contemplated. There are numerous technologies which may yield measures of grain quality such as, but not limited to gas chromatography, acoustical technologies, imaging techniques, and combinations of techniques. The imaging techniques may also include those associated with remote sensing.
These and other technologies can determine numerous types of grain quality traits. For example, NIR or a combination of NIR and UV-visible spectroscopy can report for whole grain and include oil, protein, total starch, extractable starch, fermentability, individual fatty acid levels, and animal feed value in corn. Of course, different types of grains will have different grain quality measurements of interest. In addition, the grain quality measurements of interest may vary depending on the particular end use of the grain, or other factors. Other types of technologies include x-ray diffraction as well as other types of electromagnetic technologies.
Examples of other technologies that can be used for determining crop quality include automated methods of measuring enzymes such as through scalar flow-injection analysis equipment or other types of automated methods or assays.
The crop quality measurements are preferably performed at harvest or delivery. The crop quality measurements may be taken using remote sensing techniques and an aerial view of a field prior to harvest. The crop quality measurements may be taken using an appropriately equipped combine or other grain harvesting machine. The grain quality measurements may be taken at any appropriate auger or chute used in the grain handling process associated with harvesting or delivery. As previously explained, the grain quality measurements may also be taken prior to harvest, or can also be taken after delivery. Various types of methods may be used to increase the likelihood that consistent crop quality determinations are made. This can include following of procedures for the calibration of crop quality determination equipment, sampling of crops for additional or independent testing, or other procedures.
If the quality of the crop meets or exceeds the threshold, then in step 18, the producer is paid for the grain by the processor. The payment includes a premium because the grain meets or exceeds the threshold. The premium may also be considered a non-discounted price depending on the pricing structure for the crop. Returning to step 16, if it is determined that the crop quality does not meet the threshold, then in step 20 the producer is compensated through the terms of the crop quality insurance. The compensation may be a direct cash payment. Alternatively, the payment may be credit for future products or services. For example, the credit may be a seed credit to be used for purchases of seed in the future.
Various crops and various end uses may be used. One example of a crop and its end use is the use of corn for ethanol production, and generally dry-mill ethanol production. Of course, various other end uses, including food uses, livestock use, and others are contemplated. In addition, other grains may be used.
Next, in step 52, the producer grows the hybrid seed corn to harvest. In step 54, the grain producer delivers the harvested grain to an ethanol processor. In step 56, the ethanol processor verifies seed purchases on the grain contract. This step of verification can be used to verify that the grain being delivered was produced from the hybrid seed corn which formed a part of the bundle in step 50. Other types of information that the ethanol processor may verify include quantity, type of hybrid, acreage estimate, or other information. Such information is of independent value to the processor in that such information assists the processor in their analysis of which seed products result in the highest quality grain, and for which seed products they would be willing to contract for in future years. Next, in step 58, the ethanol processor evaluates grain quality, preferably high total fermentables, and/or other grain quality attributes which relate to the value of the grain to the ethanol processor. The present invention contemplates that grain quality can be valuated in numerous ways, and need not be evaluate based upon a single physical quality. Instead, an overall grain quality may be based on a combination of quality factors as may be appropriate for a particular ethanol processor and their specific ethanol production process.
Next, in step 60, grain quality is compared to a grain quality threshold value. If the grain quality exceeds the threshold, then in step 64, the producer is paid by the ethanol processor for the high quality grain. If in step 60, the grain quality does not exceed the grain quality threshold, then in step 62, the producer is paid based upon the terms of the insurance provided in step 50. The terms of the insurance may provide for the producer to receive a fraction of the ethanol premium which has been insured. The financial benefit of higher quality grain to an ethanol processor may vary. For example, grain having HTF may provide a dry grind ethanol processor a significant benefit. The benefit provided may be a 2-5 percent benefit, a 5-10 percent benefit or even an 8-12 percent benefit. The benefit is increased, for example, when the total starch increases and the availability of starch for hydrolysis increases. Depending upon the ethanol price, this may be, for example, a 5 to 30 cent per bushel of corn advantage. Thus, this is a significant advantage.
Next, in step 72, a producer grows the seed to harvest. After which, the producer delivers harvested crop to a processor in step 74. In step 76, the processor evaluates the delivered crop to determine if the crop quality meets or exceeds a desired threshold. If the crop quality does meet the threshold requirement, then in step 78, the producer's crop is discounted by the processor. In step 80, however, because the crop quality was lower than the threshold requirement, the crop quality insurance provides a payment to the producer in the form of cash, a product or service credit, or otherwise. The payment may be the same or less than the amount that the crop of the producer was discounted depending on the terms of the crop quality insurance. Returning to step 76, if the crop quality meets or exceeds the threshold requirement, then in step 82, the processor pays the producer for the high quality crop.
In order to participate in such a program, the present invention contemplates that additional requirements may be made. For example, such a program may only be eligible for seed customers of the supplier. The producers may be required to carry other types of crop insurance, use particular management practices, use seed product recommendations from the seed supplier, engage in only approved crop production management practices, or other requirements that reduce production risks.
Based on the processor quality specification 90, agricultural input selections 92 and production practice specifications 94 are determined. It is to be understood that agricultural input selections 92 and production practice specifications 94 may be inter-related. An agricultural input supplier may make the determinations of the agricultural input selections 92 and the production practice specifications 94 based on the processor quality requirements 90 as well as an understanding of interactions between one or more agricultural inputs, production practices, other relevant information including producer-specific information and information regarding the agricultural input supplier's products and services. Based on the information regarding the processor quality specification 90, the agricultural input selection 92, production practice specification 94, a crop quality insurance policy may be underwritten.
The multi-year commitment information 110 contemplates that a producer may be asked to commit to a crop quality insurance program over multiple years. Having a multiple year program may reduce risk or at least spread the risk out over multiple years. A multi-year program also may also help in adapting the agricultural inputs and production practice information to a particular producer's land base to better manage production risks involved. A multi-year commitment requirement may be required to be made by producers to participate in this program. Under such an agreement, in order to receive the guaranteed minimum premium on every bushel delivered to the processor, the producer must agree to purchase the same amount or more seed from the seed supplier for a given time period.
As previously discussed, the indemnity may be paid in seed credits for the next year rather than in cash. In such an arrangement, the seed supplier need not pay cash to the producer, yet the producer still receives a significant benefit. Such an arrangement provides incentive for the producer to purchase seed products from the seed supplier in the future. Where such a crop quality insurance program requires a multi-year commitment, the seed credit may apply only to the purchase of seed products outside of the program.
The premium information 112 may include information regarding how much it costs to receive the benefit of crop quality insurance. The cost of the insurance may be funded by an agricultural input supplier, such as, but not limited to a seed supplier. Or alternatively, the agricultural input supplier may fund a portion of the premium with the producer funding the rest of the premium. The processor may also fund a portion of the premium. An agricultural input supplier, such as seed supplier may be willing to pay all or a portion of the premium in order to communicate to producers their confidence in their agricultural products and the agricultural input supplier may build the premium into the price for their products or services. A processor may be willing to pay a portion of the premium as one tool for managing their supply of high quality crops.
It should be understood that the manner in which crop quality insurance is provided, the manner in which premiums are paid for, and the manner in which payment is made if adequate crop quality is not obtained can vary in numerous ways. Where there is a producer, one or more processors, and one or more agricultural input suppliers, all are stakeholders. For example, for the method shown in
Thus, methods for a crop quality insurance program have been described. It is to be understood that the present invention is not to be limited by the particular type of crop, the particular type of inputs of products and services being supplied, or the end use of the crop. Instead, the present invention is to be understood to encompass numerous variations as may be appropriate for a particular end use, a particular type of crop, or particular agricultural inputs.
This application claims priority to provisional application Ser. No. 60/828,079 filed Oct. 4, 2006, herein incorporated by reference in its entirety.
Number | Date | Country | |
60828079 | Oct 2006 | US |