Cryptographic authorization with prioritized and weighted authentication


  • Patent Grant
  • 6687823
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Wednesday, May 5, 1999
    25 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, February 3, 2004
    20 years ago
A system and associated method for authorizing, or withholding authorization of, user access to a selected computer application or other resource, based on the user's response to one or more user authentication tests. If the user is presented with two or more authentication tests, each with an associated test weight, the system optionally sums the weights of the tests satisfied by the user; and if this sum is greater than a selected test score threshold, the user is granted access to the resource. Alternatively, the user is granted access to selected subsets of the application, including an empty or non-empty default subset, depending upon the sum of the weights of the tests satisfied by the user. An authentication test or its associated weight may change at a selected time, and the selected time may be determined with reference to a time at which the resource changes. A smartcard may be used to respond to one or more authentication tests.


This invention relates to use of more than one authentication mechanism in secure communications.


During the last decade of the Twentieth Century, the Internet has become a vital communication medium for a variety of application domains, including simple e-mail, home banking, electronic trading of stocks, net-based telephonic communications and many other electronic commerce applications. Authentication of a user is becoming a key requirement in allowing or authorizing a legitimate user to execute the user's privileges in a particular network or sub-network.

Presently, many user authentication mechanisms are available, including simple user name/password, one-time password (e.g., S/Key), RSA-based digital signature authentication, Kerberos, challenge-and-response, and Secure Socket Layer SSL v3.0 with user/client authentication. Bruce Schneier, in

Applied Cryptography

, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, Second Edition, 1996, pp. 34-74 and 566-572, discusses and characterizes several user and/or key authentication tests that are often based on, or associated with, an underlying encryption procedure.

One interesting authentication scheme is the Sun Pluggable Authentication Mechanism (PAM), discussed in more detail in the following, which facilitates integration of several authentication packages or tests without requiring change of the underlying application (e.g., login). Although a system such as PAM provides a framework for integration, such a system often deals with the plurality of authentication mechanisms as if all have the same cryptographic or authentication strength or priority. For example, one enterprise might require both Kerberos (relatively strong) and user password (relatively weak) to be used for user authentication. Use of several authentication modules can be accommodated within PAM, through the use of stacking. If the user fails to pass one of the authentication tests, among many that are applied in stacking, authentication is denied, without indicating which of the many tests the user has failed to pass. PAM treats all authentication tests in an integrated package as equally strong and equally suitable.

What is needed is a system that integrates one or more authentication tests but allows assignment of a priority or strength to each of such tests and allows authentication to be treated as a necessary, but not a sufficient, condition for user authorization. Preferably, where authentication tests are integrated, these tests should be executed based on an indicium that is a measure of priority and/or strength for each authentication test. Preferably, the system should allow identification of, and take account of, which authentication test or tests the user has failed to pass. Preferably, the system should be flexible enough to allow assignment of different priorities and/or strengths to tests within an integrated authentication package, based on the application and the current circumstances.


These needs are met by the invention, which provides a system that integrates one or more authentication tests and allows assignment of arbitrary (and changeable) relative priority and/or relative strength to each of these tests. In one embodiment, the system allows an integrated electronic authentication system to accept physical objects, such as drivers licenses, birth certificates, passports, social security cards and the like for partial or full authentication of a user, although each of these documents is used for a different primary purpose, and the purposes seldom overlap.

In a first embodiment, the system applies one or more authentication tests with increasing numerical priority or strength and requires the user to pass all or a majority of these tests up to at least a selected priority or strength, before access to the application is granted. The system requires the user to obtain a weighted average of the authentication test priorities or strengths at least equal to one or more selected threshold values before access to the application, or a subset of the application, is granted. In another embodiment, the system applies one or more authentication tests with possibly differing priority or strength, applies the user's test results to produce a weighted average of the authentication test priorities or strengths, and grants access to a subset of the application, depending upon how the user's weighted average compares with one or more of a sequence of threshold values.

The invention has the following advantages: (1) the invention strengthens an association or linkage between authentication and the authorization process; (2) the invention allows identification of which authentication test(s) is being used; (3) the invention extends an integration procedure, such as PAM, without distorting the procedure; (4) the invention enhances total security of the authorization process; (5) the invention preserves and deals with authentication mechanisms based on their relative merits and can allocate relative priority based on relative cryptographic strength; and (6) the invention allows an entity to classify those with whom it deals (customers, suppliers, etc.) for authorization purposes.


FIG. 1

illustrates the architecture of a resource access system that requires user authentication.








C are flow charts of procedures for practicing single-threshold and multiple-threshold embodiments of the invention, respectively.


are a flow chart for practicing a “top down” embodiment of the invention.


In the invention, user authentication is treated as a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for user authorization in this system. Authorization level varies from user to user, based on the user's role, group membership, privileges, past behavior and the like. If the user satisfies or passes all authentication tests, the user is allowed access to a maximal set, consistent with the user's status, of domains or privileges. If the user passes some, but not all, of the authentication tests, the user is allowed access to a selected subset of the maximal domain, where the selected subset may be a proper subset or may be the maximal set and will vary according to the tests passed, or not passed.

Strength of an authentication test can be objectively evaluated. For example, SSL v3.0 with authentication is believed by many to be a stronger authentication test than is Kerberos, discussed in Schneier, op cit, pp. 566-572; and Kerberos is considered to be a stronger test than a simple user/password test. If these three authentication test are integrated, an assessment of authentication relative strength for use in the invention might run as follows.

Authentication test

Relative strength

SSL v3.0






A weight w




≦1) may be assigned to each authentication test, with a higher weight being assigned to a test with higher relative strength. In one embodiment, relative priority of an authentication test is equated with the relative strength of a test. In another embodiment, relative priority is assigned to each of several tests, independently of their relative strengths, based on the circumstances in which the tests will be used in an integrated approach.

The Pluggable Authentication Mechanism (PAM) is discussed in detail by Vipin Samar and Charles Lai in “Making Login Services Independent of Authentication Technologies”, presented at the Third ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, March 1996, is useful as a guide in implementing the invention. The Samar et al. article notes that most UNIX systems presently use a login procedure based on a modified Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm, which assumes that the password cannot be guessed and that the password does not pass over the communications channel in cleartext. These assumptions are acceptable when communications occur only within a trusted network. However, an open network, such as an internet, requires use of more restrictive and stronger authentication mechanisms. Examples of these stronger mechanisms include Kerberos, RSA digital signature, Diffie-Hellman, S/Key and other one-time passwords, and challenge-and-response and smart card authentication systems.

One goal of a PAM system is to require a possibly-different methods of authentication, depending upon the application. For example, a site may require S/Key password authorization for telnetd access but allow console login access after presentation of a UNIX password. Another goal of a PAM system is a requirement that a user pass more than one authentication test, such as Kerberos and RSA digital signature tests, to obtain access to a particular resource or application. Another goal is that system-access services should not have to change when an underlying authentication mechanism changes.

Core components of a suitable authentication framework include: (1) one or more applications or resources, such as login, telnetd and ftpd, to which a user seeks access; (2) an authentication mechanism library, such as a PAM Application Programming Interface (API) or library (the front end); and (3) specific authentication modules, such as Kerberos, S/Key and UNIX user password (the back end).

FIG. 1

illustrates a relationship between these three components. When a user seeks access to a particular application or resource, the application calls a PAM API, which in turn calls one or more authentication modules that are required for access to that application. The appropriate authentication module(s), as determined by the API, is/are loaded and presented to the user. If the user responds correctly to the authentication test(s) in a PAM, access is granted. If the user responds incorrectly, access is denied and, optionally, the user is given another opportunity to respond correctly to the test(s).

A resource access system may be divided into four areas of management functionality: authentication, account, session and password. Authentication management authenticates the user and refreshes, upgrades or destroys the user credentials. Account management checks user account expiration and access hour restrictions, if any, and determines whether a user has access to the resource at that particular date and at that particular time. Session management is used for accounting and billing purposes and, optionally, to determine the amount of time the user has had access to the resource in the current session (useful where the user's contact time is restricted). Password management is used to change the password from time to time. The PAM implements each of these four management items as a separate, pluggable module. A particular user may not need to be interrogated or monitored by all four modules. Alternatively, the user's access request may be processed in parallel by two or more of the four modules.

According to the invention, the authentication system may allocate a strength and/or a priority to each of several authentication mechanisms associated with a particular application or resource, may apply these mechanisms in a particular order, and/or may require that the user satisfy or pass at least a selected number of these tests in order to gain access to the application. Each associated authentication test may have an assigned weight value w




≦1; i=1, . . . , I; I≧1), which may increase with increasing strength or priority for the associated test, and the system may assign to the user a “test score”









where ATS(i)=1 if the user passes authentication test number i and ATS(i)=0 otherwise. The system optionally denies user access to the application unless the user's test score is at least equal to a selected threshold test score value TS


(i.e., TS≧TS


), even if the user passes at least one of the associated authentication tests. The threshold test score TS


may vary with the particular application for which access is sought.


present a flow chart illustrating a procedure that incorporates this approach. In step


, the user seeks access to a particular application or resource. In step


, the system determines which authentication mechanisms (i=1, . . . , I) are associated with access to the chosen application. In step


, the system determines the test score threshold associated with the chosen re source. In step


, the system is initialized, with i=1 and TS(


)=0. In step


, the system presents the user with authentication mechanism number i, and the user responds to this test number i in step


. In step


, the system determines whether the user has passed authentication test number i. If the answer to the query in step


is “yes,” the system sets ATS(i)=1, in step


, and passes to step




B). If the answer to the query in step


is “no,”, the system sets ATS(i)=0, in step


, and passes to step


. In step




B), the system multiplies ATS(i) by a weight w


assigned to the test number i, adds the quantity w


ATS(i) to the old sum TS(i−1) to form a new sum TS(i), and increments the index i (i→i+1), in step


. In step


, the system determines whether i satisfies the condition i≧I+1. If the answer to the query in step


is “no,” the system returns to step


and repeats steps












at least once. If the answer to the query in step


is “yes,” the system moves to step


and compares the sum TS(I) with the associated threshold test score TS


. If TS(I)≧TS


, user access to the application is granted, in step


. If TS(I)<TS


, user access to a default subset of the application is granted, in step


, where the default subset may be the empty set.

Alternatively, the system may set a strictly monotonic sequence of test score threshold values, TS


, TS


, . . . , TS


with TS




<. . . <TS


and N≧1, and may allow the user access to a selected subset of the full resource, depending upon which threshold values the user's test score equals or exceeds. As the user's test score TS(I) increases, the user is granted access to more and more subsets of the target application.







C illustrate the procedure according to this alternative embodiment. Steps




in FIGS.






C are performed as in


to compute the sum TS(I). In step




B), the system provides a monotonic sequence of N threshold values (N≧2), TS




<. . . <TS


, that will be used to determine what access, if any, the user may be granted within the application or resource. In step


, the system is initialized by setting a counting index n=1. In step


, the system determines whether the sum TS(I) satisfies the condition TS(I)≧TS


. If the answer to the question in step


is “no”, the system determines whether n=1, in step





If the answer to the question in step


is “yes”, the system grants the user access to a first default subset S


of the application, in step


. This first default subset can be the empty subset, which effectively denies the user access to any part of the application. If the answer to the question in step


is “no”, corresponding to n>1, the system grants the user access to a selected subset S


of the application.

If the answer to the question in step


is “yes”, the system increments the count index n (n→n+1), in step


, and determines whether n satisfies the condition n≧N+1, in step


. If the answer to the question in step


is “no”, the system returns to and repeats step


at least once. If the answer to the question in step


is “yes”, the system grants the user access to another default subset S


, which is optionally the entire application, in step



The preceding embodiments may be characterized as “bottom up” approaches, in which the system allows user access to a default subset of the application or resource, which may be the empty set, initially. The system also allows access by the user to more and more of the application or resource as the user satisfies or passes more and more of the authentication tests.

In an alternative “top down” approach, illustrated in a flow chart in


, the user begins with potential access to the entire resource or application and loses access to particular subsets of the resource as the user fails to satisfy or pass one or more of the authentication tests. In step


, the user seeks access to a resource, or to a subset thereof. In step


, the system provides I authentication mechanisms, numbered i=1, 2, . . . , I (I≧1) associated with that application. In step


, the system is initialized at i=1. In step


, the user is presented with authentication test number i, and the user responds to test number i in step


. In step


, the system determines whether the user has passed test number i.

If the answer to the query in step


is “yes”, the system grants the user access to a selected resource subset S


, in step




B). The system then moves to step


and increments the count index i (i→i+1). In step


, the system determines whether the count index i satisfies the condition i≧I+1. If the answer to the query in step


is “yes”, the system moves to step


and grants the user access to the full resource set, or a modified or default version thereof. If the answer to the query in step


is “no”, the system returns and repeats steps






at least once.

If the answer to the query in step


is “no”, the system grants the user access to a selected default subset S


of the resource subset S


, in step


, and optionally continues with step


, where the count index i is incremented and tested against I+1 (Step


);. The default subset S


is optionally the empty set.

At the end of the procedure(s) shown in


, if the user has failed to satisfy or pass the authentication tests number i=i




, . . . , iM, among the total number I of authentication tests (0≦M≦I; I≧1), the system allows the user access to one or more of certain default subsets, S


, S


, . . . , S


, so that the user now has access the union of these default subsets of the original “whole” resource or application set S. Each time the user satisfies or passes an authentication test, the subset of the resource to which the user has access is unchanged (no loss at this stage).

Where multiple users are present, first and second users who seek access to different portions of a resource are optionally presented with different sequences of authentication tests to determine the portion of the resource to which each user will be granted access. For example, the first user may be presented with authentication tests number one, two and four for access to a first selected portion of the resource; and the second user may be presented with authentication tests number two, three, four and five for access to a second selected portion of the resource. Alternatively, where the first and second users pass the same authentication test (e.g., test number two), the portion of the resource to which each is granted access may be different for each user. For example, the first and second users may be granted access to different portions of a given confidential document affecting national security, because these two users have different “needs to know.”

The resource or application to which a user seeks access may change from time to time. For example, a resource may include a collection of documents of various levels of classification (e.g., company private and confidential, secret and top secret at the federal level), and the level of authentication required for access may be set by the document(s) with the highest level of confidentiality. The federal government downgrades the classification of selected documents from time to time, and the authentication level required may be correspondingly reduced as a result of this downgrade, or as a result of removal of one or more documents from the resource. Conversely, one or more additional documents with a higher classification level may be added to the resource, and this upgrade in classification may require an increase in authentication level for access to the resource.

In another alternative embodiment, one or more authentication levels or tests associated with a given resource optionally changes at a given time, possibly as a result of change of characterization of the resource, or of one of more documents or other objects that are part of or associated with the resource. This change would be implemented at a time that is approximately contemporaneous with the change in characterization and would be subject to subsequent changes in characterization.

The preceding embodiments may be implemented by presenting the user with a sequence of one or more authentication tests and requiring the user to affirmatively “pass” one or more of these tests, in order to obtain access to part or all of the resource.

Alternatively, the user may be issued a smartcard containing cleartext and/or (preferably) encrypted responses or “keys” to I authentication tests (I≧2), where each response may, but need not, correspond to passage of an authentication test. In this approach, the user presents his/her smartcard to the system, the system reads the card and determines which, if any, of the entries on the smartcard correspond to passage of an authentication test, and which test. The smartcard is read by a computer, which tracks which authentication tests the smartcard has “passed” and thereby determines a corresponding subset of the resource (which may the whole resource, a proper subset of the whole resource, or the empty set) to which the user has access, based on the user's smartcard score. Preferably, the smartcard requires specification of a card owner's PIN, which must correspond to the smartcard presented, in order to read the smartcard and determine its score on one or more authentication tests. This approach requires possession of both the smartcard and special knowledge (the PIN) before access to (portions of) a resource is granted.

The Pluggable Authentication Mechanism (PAM), which provides integration of one or more authentication tests, is compatible with the invention. The PAM need not be altered, only enhanced, in order to implement the invention.

  • 1. A method of authorization of user access to a selected resource, the method comprising the steps of:providing I user authentication mechanisms, numbered i=1, 2, . . . , I (I≧1), for authenticating a user who seeks access to a resource, where the ith authentication mechanism has an associated authentication weight wi; providing a user response for each of the authentication mechanisms; computing a sum TS of all the weights wi for which the user satisfies authentication test number i; and when the sum TS is not at least equal to a threshold value TSthr,1, granting the user access to a selected default subset of the resource, and including the step of associating a numerical cryptographic strength with each of said authentication mechanisms.
  • 2. The method of claim 1, further comprising the step of selecting said default subset to be an empty set.
  • 3. The method of claim 1, further comprising the step of granting said user access to said resource when said sum TS is at least equal to said threshold value TSthr,1.
  • 4. The method of claim 1, further comprising the step of granting said user access to a second selected subset of said resource when said sum TS is at least equal to said threshold value TSthr,1 and is not at least equal to a second selected threshold value TSthr,2, where TSthr,1≦TSthr,2 and said first selected subset is contained in said second selected subset.
  • 5. The method of claim 1, further comprising the step of selecting a sequence of said associated weights wi that increases monotonically with an increase of said cryptographic strength of said associated authentication mechanism i, for at least one value of i (i=1, . . . , I).
  • 6. A method of authorization of user access to a selected resource, the method comprising the steps of:providing I user authentication mechanisms, numbered i=1, 2, . . . , I (I≧1), for authenticating a user who seeks access to a resource, where the ith authentication mechanism has an associated authentication weight wi; providing a user response for each of the authentication mechanisms; computing a sum TS of all the weights wi for which the user satisfies authentication test number i; and when the sum TS is not at least equal to a threshold value TSthr,1, granting the user access to a selected default subset of the resource, and including the step of causing a change in at least one of said test and said weight associated with at least one of said authentication mechanisms at a selected time.
  • 7. The method of claim 6, further comprising the step of choosing said selected time to be approximately equal to a selected time at which said resource changes.
  • 8. The method of claims 1, wherein at least one of said responses from said user is provided by a smartcard that is programmed to provide said user response in response to receiving a selected electronic command.
  • 9. A method of authorization of user access to a selected resource, the method comprising the steps of:providing I user authentication mechanisms, numbered i=1, 2, . . . , I (I≧1), for authenticating a user who seeks access to a resource, where the ith authentication mechanism has an associated authentication weight wi; providing a user response for each of the authentication mechanisms; computing a sum TS of all the weights wi for which the user satisfies the ith authentication test; providing a sequence of threshold values TSthr,j (j=1, 2, . . . J; J≧1)) satisfying TSthr,1<TSthr,2<. . .<TSthr,J; and when the sum TS satisfies the condition TSthr,j≦TS<TSthr,j+1 for some integer j in the range 1≦j≦J−1, allowing the user access to a selected subset of the resource corresponding to the value TSthr,j, and including the step of associating a numerical cryptographic strength with each of said authentication mechanisms.
  • 10. The method of claim 9, further comprising the step of delaying said user access to said resource when said sum TS is less than said threshold value TSthr,1.
  • 11. The method of claim 9, further comprising the step of granting said user access to a selected default subset of said resource when said sum TS is less than said threshold value TSthr,1.
  • 12. The method of claim 9, further comprising the step of selecting a sequence of said associated weights wi that increases monotonically with an increase of said cryptographic strength of said associated authentication mechanism i, for at least one value of i (i=1, . . . , I).
  • 13. A method of authorization of user access to a selected resource, the method comprising the steps of:providing I user authentication mechanisms, numbered i=1, 2, . . . , I (I>1), for authenticating a user who seeks access to a resource, where the ith authentication mechanism has an associated authentication weight wi; providing a user response for each of the authentication mechanisms; computing a sum TS of all the weights wi for which the user satisfies the ith authentication test; providing a sequence of threshold values TSthr,j (j=1, 2, . . . J; J>1)) satisfying TSthr,1<TSthr,2<. . .<TSthr,J; and when the sum TS satisfies the condition TSthr,j≦TS≦TSthr,j+1 for some integer j in the range 1<j<J−1, allowing the user access to a selected subset of the resource corresponding to the value TSthr,j, further including the step of causing a change in at least one of said test and said weight associated with at least one of said authentication mechanisms at a selected time.
  • 14. The method of claim 13, further comprising the step of choosing said selected time to be approximately equal to a selected time at which said selected resource changes.
  • 15. The method of claim 9, wherein at least one of said responses from said user is provided by a smartcard that is programmed to provide said user response in response to receiving a selected electronic command.
  • 16. A system for authorization of user access to a selected resource, the system comprising a computer that is programmed:to provide I user authentication mechanisms, numbered i=1, 2, . . . , I (I≧1) for authenticating a user who seeks access to a resource, where the ith authentication mechanism has an associated authentication weight wi; to receive or provide a user response for each or the authentication mechanisms; to compute a sum TS of all the weights wi for which the user satisfies the ith authentication test; and when the sum TS is not at least equal to a threshold value TSthr,1, to grant the user access to a selected default subset of the resource, wherein said computer is further programmed to associate a numerical cryptographic strength with each of said authentication mechanisms.
  • 17. The system of claim 16, wherein said computer is further programmed to select said default subset to be an empty set.
  • 18. The system of claim 16, wherein said computer is further programmed to grant said user access to said resource when said sum TS is at least equal to said threshold value TSthr,1.
  • 19. The system of claim 18, wherein said computer is further programmed to grant said user access to a second selected subset of said resource when said sum TS is at least equal to said threshold value TSthr,1 and is not at least equal to a second selected threshold value TSthr,2, where TSthr,1<TSthr,2 and said first selected subset is contained in said second selected subset.
  • 20. The system of claim 16, wherein said computer is further programmed to select a sequence of said associated weights wi that increases monotonically with an increase of said cryptographic strength of said associated authentication mechanism i, for at least one value of i (i=1, . . . , I).
  • 21. A system for authorization of user access to a selected resource, the system comprising a computer that is programmed:to provide I user authentication mechanisms, numbered i=1, 2, . . . , I (I>1) for authenticating a user who seeks access to a resource, where the ith authentication mechanism has an associated authentication weight wi; to receive or provide a user response for each or the authentication mechanisms; to compute a sum TS of all the weights wi for which the user satisfies the ith authentication test; and when the sum TS is not at least equal to a threshold value TSthr,1, to grant the user access to a selected default subset of the resource, wherein said computer is further programmed to cause a change in at least one of said test and said weight associated with at least one of said authentication mechanisms at a selected time.
  • 22. The system of claim 21, wherein said computer is further programmed to choose said selected time to be approximately equal to a selected time at which said resource changes.
  • 23. The system of claim 16, further comprising a smartcard, associated with said user, that communicates with said computer and that is programmed to provide said user response in response to receiving at least one selected electronic command.
  • 24. A system for authorization of user access to a selected resource, the system comprising a computer that is programmed:to provide I user authentication mechanisms, numbered i=1, 2, . . . , I (I≧1) for authenticating a user who seeks access to a resource, where the ith authentication mechanism has an associated authentication weight wi; to receive or provide a user response for each of the authentication mechanisms; to compute a sum TS of all the weights wi for which the user satisfies the ith authentication test; providing a sequence of threshold values TSthr,j (j=1, 2, . . . , J; J≧1)) satisfying TSthr,1<TSthr,2<. . .<TSthr,J; and when the sum TS satisfies the condition TSthr,j≦TS<TSthr,j+1 for some integer j in the range 1≦j≦J−1, to allow the user access to a selected subset of the resource corresponding to the value TSthr,j, wherein said computer is further programmed to associating a numerical cryptographic strength with each of said authentication mechanisms.
  • 25. The system of claim 24, wherein said computer is further programmed to deny said user access to said resource when said sum TS is less than said threshold value TSthr,1.
  • 26. The system of claim 24, wherein said computer is further programmed to grant said user access to a default subset of said resource when said sum TS is less than said threshold value TSthr,1.
  • 27. The system of claim 24, wherein said computer is further programmed to select a sequence of said associated weights wi that increases monotonically with an increase of said cryptographic strength of said associated authentication mechanism i, for at least one value of i (I=1, . . . , I).
  • 28. A system for authorization of user access to a selected resource, the system comprising a computer that is programmed:to provide I user authentication mechanisms, numbered i=1, 2, . . . , I (I≧1) for authenticating a user who seeks access to a resource, where the ith authentication mechanism has an associated authentication weight wi; to receive or provide a user response for each of the authentication mechanisms; to compute a sum TS of all the weights wi for which the user satisfies the ith authentication test; providing a sequence of threshold values TSthr,j (j=1, 2, . . . , J; J>1)) satisfying TSthr,1<TSthr,2<. . .<TSthr,J; and when the sum TS satisfies the condition TSthr,j<TS<TSthr,j+1 for some integer j in the range 1<j<J−1, to allow the user access to a selected subset of the resource corresponding to the value TSthr,j, wherein said computer is further programmed to cause a change in at least one of said test and said weight associated with at least one of said authentication mechanisms at a selected time.
  • 29. The system of claim 28, wherein said computer is further programmed to choosing said selected time to be approximately equal to a selected time at which said resource changes.
  • 30. The system of claim 24, further comprising a smartcard, associated with said user, that communicates with said computer and that is programmed to provide said user response in response to receiving at least one selected electronic command.
  • 31. An article of manufacture comprising:a computer usable medium having computer readable program code means embodied in the medium for authorizing access to a resource, the computer readable program code means in the article of manufacture comprising: computer readable program code means for providing I user authentication mechanisms, numbered i=1, 2, . . . , I (I≦1) for authenticating a user who seeks access to a resource, where the ith authentication mechanism has an associated authentication weight wi; computer readable program code means for receiving or providing a user response for each of the authentication mechanisms; computer readable program code means for computing a sum TS of all the weights wi for which the user satisfies authentication test number i; and when the sum TS is not at least equal to a selected threshold value TSthr,1, computer readable program code means for denying the user access to the resource, and further comprising computer readable program code means for associating a numerical cryptographic strength with each of said authentication mechanisms.
  • 32. The article of manufacture of claim 31, further comprising computer readable program code means for granting said user access to said resource when said sum TS is at least equal to said threshold value TSthr,1.
  • 33. The article of manufacture of claim 31, further comprising computer readable program code means for granting said user access to a second selected subset of said resource when said sum TS is at least equal to said threshold value TSthr,1 and is not at least equal to a second selected threshold value TSthr,2, where TSthr,1<TSthr,2 and said first selected subset is contained in said second selected subset.
  • 34. The article of manufacture of claim 31, further comprising computer readable program code means for selecting a sequence of said associated weights wi that increases monotonically with an increase of said cryptographic strength of said associated authentication mechanism i, for at least one value of i (i=1, . . . , I).
  • 35. An article of manufacture comprising:a computer usable medium having computer readable program code means embodied in the medium for authorizing access to a resource, the computer readable program code means in the article of manufacture comprising: computer readable program code means for providing I user authentication mechanisms, numbered i=1, 2, . . . , I (I<1) for authenticating a user who seeks access to a resource, where the ith authentication mechanism has an associated authentication weight wi; computer readable program code means for receiving or providing a user response for each of the authentication mechanisms; computer readable program code means for computing a sum TS of all the weights wi for which the user satisfies authentication test number i; and when the sum TS is not at least equal to a selected threshold value TSthr,1, computer readable program code means for denying the user access to the resource, and further comprising computer readable program code means for causing a change in at least one of said test and said weight associated with at least one of said authentication mechanisms at a selected time.
  • 36. The article of manufacture of claim 35, further comprising computer readable program code means for choosing said selected time to be approximately equal to a selected time at which said selected resource changes.
  • 37. The article of manufacture of claim 31, further comprising computer readable program means, contained in a smartcard, associated with said user, that communicates with said computer and that is programmed to provide said user response in response to receiving at least one selected electronic command.
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0 534 679 Sep 1992 EP
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V. Samar, “Unified Login with Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM)”, XP 000620972, p. 1-10, Publ. Mar. 14, 1996, SunSoft, Inc., Mountain View, CA.