
  • Patent Application
  • 20150067340
  • Publication Number
  • Date Filed
    September 04, 2014
    10 years ago
  • Date Published
    March 05, 2015
    9 years ago
To generate a group signature on a message, a processor generates a two-level signature on an identity of the group member at the first level and the message at the second level; generates a commitment to the identity of the group member, commitments to each group element and a proof that the identity and the group elements satisfy a predetermined equation; encodes the identity of the group member in the group signature in a bit-wise manner using an identity-based encryption scheme where the message serves as the identity of the identity-based encryption scheme to produce a ciphertext; generates a first proof that the ciphertext encrypts the identity of the group member; generates a second proof that the encoded identity is an identity of a group member in a certificate signed by a group manager and that the certificate was used to generate the signature on the message at the second level; and outputs the group signature comprising the two-level signature, the commitments, the encoded identity of the group member and the proofs

The present invention relates generally to cryptography, and in particular to group signatures.


This section is intended to introduce the reader to various aspects of art, which may be related to various aspects of the present invention that are described and/or claimed below. This discussion is believed to be helpful in providing the reader with background information to facilitate a better understanding of the various aspects of the present invention. Accordingly, it should be understood that these statements are to be read in this light, and not as admissions of prior art.

Group Signatures

Group signatures, introduced at EUROCRYPT 1991 by David Chaum and Eugene van Heyst in “Group Signatures”, allow members of a group to sign messages anonymously on behalf of the whole group. The group is controlled by a group manager who handles the enrolment of the group members, and who has the ability to open a group signature generated by a member of its group in order to determine who generated this group signature.

Group signatures are useful in contexts where it is desirable to preserve the signer's anonymity with the possibility to retrieve, by some authority, the signer's identity, for example in case of abuse. An illustrative example are employees equipped with badges that open the doors to certain protected areas. The badges use group signatures to prove the right to enter the protected areas, but a log of entries does not show who entered at what time (as legal reasons may preclude this). However, it should still be possible, e.g. in case of theft, to find out the identity of a signing group member.

A group signature with message-dependent opening (GS-MDO) is a group signature where an opening authority (OA) should not be able to open all messages by itself. To do this, the OA needs the cooperation of another authority, called admitter, that generates a trapdoor tM associated with the message M. In order to identity the author of a signature, the OA has to use both its private key and the trapdoor tM. Formally, a GS-MDO scheme is a tuple (Keygen, Sign, Verify, TrapGen, Open) of efficient algorithms with the following specification:

Keygen(λ, N): given a security parameter λεcustom-character and a maximal number of group members Nεcustom-character, this randomized algorithm outputs a group public key gpk, a vector

gsk=(gsk[0], . . . , gsk[N−1]) of group members' private keys as well as private keys mskADM and ok for the admitter and the opening authority, respectively.

Sign: takes as input a message M, a private key gsk[i] and the group public key gpk. It outputs a signature σ.

Verify: is a deterministic algorithm taking as input a signature a, a message M and a group public key gpk. It returns either 1 or 0 depending on whether or not the signature is successfully verified or not.

TrapGen: is a possibly randomized algorithm that takes as input the admitter's private key mskADM and outputs a trapdoor tM allowing the OA to open all signatures on the message M.

Open: takes as input a message M, a valid signature a with regard to gpk, the opening authority's private key ok and a trapdoor tM for the message M. It outputs custom-characterε{0, . . . , N−1}∪{⊥}, which is either the index of a group member or a symbol indicating an opening failure.

Sakai et al. considered [see Y. Sakai, K. Emura, G. Hanaoka, Y. Kawai, T. Matsuda, and K. Omote. Group Signatures with Message-Dependent Opening. In 5th International Conference on Pairing-Based Cryptography (Pairing 2012), Lecture Notes on Computer Science series, Springer, 2013.] three security properties in a model that can be seen as an extension of the Bellare-Micciancio-Warinschi [M. Bellare, D. Micciancio, B. Warinschi. Foundations of group signatures: Formal definitions, simplified requirements, and a construction based on general assumptions. In Eurocrypt '03, Lecture Notes on Computer Science 2656, pp. 614-629, 2003.]. The first one, called full traceability, captures that no coalition of dishonest group members should be able to create a non-trivial signature that cannot be traced to one of them. This should remain true even if the adversary can invoke an oracle that returns signatures on behalf of honest group members.

Definition 1

A GS-MDO scheme provides full traceability if, for any λεcustom-character, any Nεpoly(λ) and any Probabilistic Polynomial Time (PPT) adversary A involved in the experiment hereafter, it holds that the advantage for the adversary A


is a negligible function in the security parameter if the experiment ExpAtrace(λ,N) proceeds as follows, where C denotes a dynamically growing set of corrupted users.

(gpk, ok, mskADM, gsk) ← Keygen(λ,N)

st ← (ok, mskADM, gpk)

C ← Ø ; K ← ε ; Cont ← true

while (Cont = true) do

(Cont, st, j) ← ASign(gsk[·],·)(st,K)

if Cont = true then C ← C ∪ {j} ; K ← gsk[j] end if

end while

(M*, σ*) ← ASign(gsk[·],·)(guess; st)

if Verify(gpk, M*, σ*) = 0 then Return 0

if Open(gpk, TrapGen(gpk, mskADM, M*), M*, σ*, , ok) = ⊥ then Return


if ∃j* ∈ {1, ..., N} such that

(j*=Open(gpk, M*, σ*, tM*, ok) custom-character  (j* ∉ C) custom-character  ((j*, M*) was not

queried to

the Sign(gsk[.],.) oracle ) with tM* ← TrapGen(gpk, mskADM, M*)

then Return 1

else Return 0

In a GS-MDO scheme, neither the OA or the admitter should be able to identify the author of a signature alone. First, the notion of anonymity against the admitter captures that, without the private key of the OA, the admitter is unable to distinguish signatures created by two distinct group members. This remains true even if the admitter has access to the private keys of all group members and to an oracle that opens adversarially-chosen signatures (as long as these differ from the challenge signature σ*).

Definition 2

A GS-MDO scheme provides full anonymity against the admitter if, for any λεcustom-character, any Nεpoly(λ) and any Probabilistic Polynomial Time (PPT) adversary A, the function


is a negligible function in the security parameter if the experiment ExpAanon-adm(λ,N) proceeds as follows

(gpk, ok, mskADM, gsk) ← Keygen(λ,N)

(st, j0, j1, M*) ← AOracle-ok(gpk, gsk, mskADM)

σ* ← Sign(gpk, gsk[jb], M*)

b′← AOracle-ok(st, σ*)

Return 1 if b′ = b

In the above, Oracle-ok denotes an oracle that takes as input any adversarially chosen signature σ≠σ* and uses ok and mskADM to determine and return the identity of the signer.

The notion of anonymity against the opener models the inability of the OA to open signatures without having obtained an appropriate message-related trapdoor from the admitter. Formally, the adversary has access to the OA's private key as well as the private keys of all group members and to an oracle returning trapdoors for arbitrary messages as long as they differ from the message of the challenge signature σ*.

Definition 3

A GS-MDO scheme provides full anonymity against the opener if, for any λεcustom-character, any Nεpoly(λ) and any Probabilistic Polynomial Time (PPT) adversary A, the function


is a negligible function in the security parameter if the experiment ExpAanon-oa(λ,N) goes as follows

(gpk, ok, mskADM, gsk) ← Keygen(λ,N)

(st, j0, j1, M*) ← AOracle-ADM(gpk, gsk, ok)

σ* ← Sign(gpk, gsk[jb], M*)

b′ ← AOracle-ADM (st, σ*)

Return 1 if b′ = b

In the above notation, Oracle-ADM is an oracle that returns trapdoors for arbitrary messages M≠M* chosen by the adversary.

The first practical and collusion-resistant group signature was given by Ateniese et al. [G. Ateniese, J. Camenisch, M. Joye, G. Tsudik. A practical and provably secure coalition-resistant group signature scheme. In Crypto '00, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1880, pp. 255-270, 2000.] while schemes with short signatures were presented by Boneh et al. [D. Boneh, X. Boyen, H. Shacham. Short Group Signatures. In Crypto '04, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3152, pp. 41-55. Springer, 2004.].

Simplified security models for group signatures were put forth in various papers [see for example M. Bellare, D. Micciancio, B. Warinschi. Foundations of group signatures: Formal definitions, simplified requirements, and a construction based on general assumptions. In Eurocrypt '03, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2656, pp. 614-629, 2003. M. Bellare, H. Shi, C. Zhang. Foundations of group signatures: The case of dynamic groups. In CT-RSA '05, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3376, pp. 136-153, 2005. A. Kiayias, M. Yung. Secure scalable group signature with dynamic joins and separable authorities. International Journal of Security and Networks (IJSN) Vol. 1, No. 1/2, pp. 24-45, 2006. Earlier version appeared as Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2004/076, 2004.]

Group signatures with security proofs in the standard model are described different publications [see for example G. Ateniese, J. Camenisch, S. Hohenberger, B. de Medeiros. Practical group signatures without random oracles. Cryptology ePrint Archive: Report 2005/385, 2005. X. Boyen, B. Waters. Compact Group Signatures Without Random Oracles. In Eurocrypt '06, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4004, pp. 427-444, Springer, 2006. X. Boyen, B. Waters. Full-Domain Subgroup Hiding and Constant-Size Group Signatures. In PKC '07, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4450, pp. 1-15, 2007. J. Groth. Simulation-Sound NIZK Proofs for a Practical Language and Constant Size Group Signatures. In Asiacrypt'06, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4284, pp. 444-459, Springer, 2006. J. Groth. Fully anonymous group signatures without random oracles. In Asiacrypt 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4833, pp. 164-180. Springer, 2007.]

However, the problem of restricting the power of the opening authority was only considered very recently by Sakai et al. [already mentioned].

The primitive called “group signature with message-dependent opening” was suggested for the first time by Sakai et al., where a theoretical (inefficient) construction was described. Sakai et al. also suggested a relatively efficient construction based on specific assumptions and an Identity-Based Encryption (IBE) scheme described by Heng et al. [S.-H. Heng, K. Kurosawa. k-Resilient Identity-Based Encryption in the Standard Model. In CT-RSA '04, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2964, pp. 67-80, 2004.]. However, this concrete construction only provides a weak flavor of anonymity against the opening authority (cf. Definition 3). Specifically, it only achieves anonymity against the opener as long as the adversary does not obtain more than a pre-determined number d of message-specific tokens. Moreover, the public key has size O(d).

In the general construction of Sakai et al., the signing algorithm proceeds by choosing two random session keys KPKE and KIBE which are separately encrypted using a CCA2-secure public-key encryption scheme and an IBE scheme, respectively. These two keys KPKE and KIBE are then used to hide the group member's credential in the fashion of multiple encryptions while adding a proof that the hidden value is a valid and properly encrypted credential.

Identity-Based Encryption (IBE)

As the invention makes use of identity-based encryption (IBE), some background information on this will now be presented.

Definition 4

[see further A. Shamir. Identity-Based Cryptosystems and Signature Schemes. In Crypto '84, Lecture Notes on Computer Science 196, pp. 47-53, 1984. and D. Boneh and M. Franklin. Identity-Based Encryption from the Weil Pairing. In SIAM Journal of Computing 32(3), pp. 586-615, 2003, earlier version in Crypto '01, Lecture Notes on Computer Science 2139, pp. 213-229, 2001.] An Identity-Based Encryption scheme (IBE) is a tuple (Setup, Keygen, Encrypt, Decrypt) of probabilistic polynomial-time algorithms (PPT) such that:

    • Setup takes as input a security parameter λεcustom-character and outputs a master public key mpk and a matching master secret key msk.
    • Keygen takes as input an identity ID and a master secret key msk. It outputs a private key dID for the identity ID.
    • Encrypt takes as input the master public key mpk, an identity ID and a message M and outputs a ciphertext C.
    • Decrypt takes as input the master public key mpk, a decryption key dID and a ciphertext C and outputs a message M.

Correctness requires that, for any λεcustom-character, any outputs (mpk, msk) of Setup(λ), any plaintext M and any identity ID, whenever dID←Keygen(msk, ID), then Decrypt(mpk, dID, Encrypt(mpk, ID, M))=M.

Definition 5

[see further Boneh and Franklin] An IBE system is semantically secure (or IND-ID-CPA secure) if no PPT adversary A has non-negligible advantage in this game:

    • 1. The challenger generates a master key pair (mpk, msk)←Setup(λ) and gives mpk to A.
    • 2. A issues a number of key extraction queries for identities ID of its choice. The challenger responds with dID←Keygen(msk, ID).
    • 3. When the adversary A decides that phase 2 is over, it chooses distinct equal-length messages M0, M1 and an identity ID* that has never been queried to the key extraction oracle at step 2. The challenger flips a coin






and returns a challenge ciphertext C*=Encrypt(mpk, ID, Md*).

    • 4. A issues new queries but cannot ask for the private key of ID*.
    • 5. A finally outputs a bit d′ε{0,1} and wins if d′=d. A's advantage is defined as the distance Advind-id-cpa(A):=|Pr[d′=d]−½.

Waters [see B. Waters. Efficient Identity-Based Encryption Without Random Oracles. In Eurocrypt '05, Lecture Notes on Computer Science 3494, pp. 114-127, 2005.] described the following IBE scheme that allows encrypting any message in custom-characterT.

Setup(λ): Choose bilinear groups (custom-character, custom-characterT) of prime order p>2λ. Then:

1. Choose










and set g1=gα.

2. Choose









for some Lεpoly(λ). These will be used to implement a number-theoretic hash function Hcustom-character: {0,1}Lcustom-character such that any L-bit string

Σ=Σ[1] . . . τ[L]ε{0,1}L is mapped to the value HU(τ)=u0·Πi=1Luiτ[i].

The master public key is defined as


and the master secret key is msk:=g2α.

Keygen(msk, ID): given the master secret key msk=g2α and an identity IDε{0,1}L, compute and return dID=(d1,d2)=(g2α·HU(ID)r,gr), with





Encrypt(mpk, ID, M): to encrypt a message Mεcustom-characterT, choose




and compute


Return the ciphertext C=(C0, C1, C2custom-characterT×custom-character2.

Decrypt(mpk, dID, C): parse the ciphertext C as C=(C0, C1, C2). Compute and return M=C0·e(C2, d2)/e(C1, d1).

Waters' IBE is known to be IND-ID-CPA secure assuming that the Decision Bilinear Diffie-Hellman (DBDH) problem is hard. Moreover, a private key dID can be seen as a signature on the message ID. Each signature (S1, S2) satisfies e(S1, g)=e(g1, g2)·e(HU(ID), S2).

In some cases, the description of the scheme can be simplified by replacing public elements (g1, g2custom-character2 by e(g, g)ω=e(g1, g2), so that the private key becomes gω.

In the following, a two-level hierarchical extension of Waters signatures will be used. Specifically, the public key contains the description of two distinct number theoretic hash functions HU: {0,1}L1custom-character and Hv: {0,1}L2custom-character. A signature on a two-block mesage (M1, M2) consists of (S1, S2, S3)=(gw·HU(M1)r·HV(M2)s, gr, gs) and satisfies the verification equation


Groth-Sahai Proof Systems

Groth and Sahai have described efficient non-interactive proof systems allowing a prover to convince a verifier that committed group elements satisfy certain algebraic relations [see J. Groth, A. Sahai. Efficient non-interactive proof systems for bilinear groups. In Eurocrypt'08, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4965, pp. 415-432, 2008.]. These non-interactive proofs are said witness indistinguishable (WI) because, if several sets of committed variables (called witnesses) satisfy the proved relation, the proof does not reveal any information about which specific witnesses were used by the prover.

The Groth-Sahai non-interative witness indistinguishable (NIWI) proof systems can be based on the Decision Linear Problem (DLIN) assumption. In this case, they use prime order groups and a common reference string (CRS, i.e. a set of common public parameters that are trusted to have the appropriate distribution; it is produced by some trusted party and used by both the prover and the verifier) consisting of three vectors {right arrow over (f)}1, {right arrow over (f)}2, {right arrow over (f)}3εcustom-character3, where {right arrow over (f)}1=(f1, 1, g) and {right arrow over (f)}2=(1, f2, g) for some f1, f2, gεcustom-character. To commit to a group element Xεcustom-character, the prover chooses





and computes {right arrow over (C)}=(1,1,X)·{right arrow over (f)}tr·{right arrow over (f)}2s·{right arrow over (f)}3t. On a perfectly sound CRS, {right arrow over (f)}3={right arrow over (f)}1ξ1·{right arrow over (f)}2ξ2, where ξ1, ξ2εcustom-characterp*. Commitments {right arrow over (C)}=(f1r+ξ1t, f2s+ξ2t, X·gr+s+t(ξ12)) are extractable commitments whose distribution is that of Boneh-Boyen-Shacham (BBS) ciphertexts [see D. Boneh, X. Boyen, H. Shacham. Short Group Signatures. In Crypto'04, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3152, pp. 41-55. Springer, 2004.]: committed values can be extracted using β1=logg(f1), β2=logg(f2). In the witness indistinguishability (WI) setting, vector {right arrow over (f)}3 is chosen outside the span of ({right arrow over (f)}1, {right arrow over (f)}2), so that {right arrow over (C)} is a perfectly hiding commitment. Under the DLIN assumption, the two kinds of CRS are computationally indistinguishable.

To commit to an exponent xεcustom-characterp, one computes {right arrow over (C)}={right arrow over (φ)}x·{right arrow over (f)}1r·{right arrow over (f)}2s, with





using a CRS comprising vectors {right arrow over (φ)},{right arrow over (f)}1,{right arrow over (f)}2. In the soundness setting, {right arrow over (φ)},{right arrow over (f)}1,{right arrow over (f)}2 are linearly independent vectors (typically, one chooses {right arrow over (φ)}={right arrow over (f)}3·(1,1,g) where {right arrow over (f)}3={right arrow over (f)}1ξ1·{right arrow over (f)}2ξ2) whereas, in the WI setting, choosing {right arrow over (φ)}={right arrow over (f)}1ξ1·{right arrow over (f)}2ξ2 gives a perfectly hiding commitment since {right arrow over (C)} is always a BBS encryption of 1custom-character. On a perfectly sound CRS (where {right arrow over (f)}3={right arrow over (f)}1ξ1·{right arrow over (f)}2ξ2 and {right arrow over (φ)}={right arrow over (f)}3·(1,1,g)), commitments to exponents are not fully extractable since the trapdoor (α1, α2) only allows recovering gx from {right arrow over (C)}={right arrow over (φ)}x·{right arrow over (g)}1r·{right arrow over (g)}2s.

To provide evidence that committed group elements satisfy a set of relations, the prover computes one commitment per variable and one proof element per relation. Such efficient NIWI proofs are available for pairing-product equations, which are relations of the type
























for variables χ1, . . . , χnεcustom-character and constants tTεcustom-characterT, A1, . . . , Anεcustom-character, ai,jεcustom-characterp, for i, jε{1, . . . , n}.

In pairing-product equations, proofs for quadratic equations require 9 group elements whereas linear equations (i.e., where ai,j=0 for all i,j in the equation only cost 3 group elements each.

Efficient NIWI proofs also exist for multi-exponentiation equations which are equations of the form



















for variables χ1, . . . , χnεcustom-character, y1, . . . , ymεcustom-characterp and constants T, A1, . . . , Amεcustom-character, b1, . . . , bnεcustom-characterp, and γijεcustom-character, for iε{1, . . . , m}, jε{1, . . . , n}.

Multi-exponentiation equations admit non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proofs, i.e. proofs that can be perfectly simulated (using a simulation trapdoor) without knowing the witnesses on a simulated CRS.

For linear equations (i.e., when γij=0 for all i,j), the size of the proofs depends on the form of the considered equation. Namely, linear multi-exponentiation equations of the type Πj−1nχjbj j=T (resp. Πi=1mAiyi=T) demand 3 (resp. 2) group elements.

Kiltz's Cryotosystem

Kiltz has described a chosen-ciphertext-secure public-key encryption scheme based on the DLIN assumption [see E. Kiltz. Chosen-ciphertext security from tag-based encryption. In TCC '06, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3876, pp. 581-600, 2006.]. The public key is (X, Y, U, V)=(gβx,gβy,gβu,gβv) if gεcustom-character is part of the public parameters. To encrypt mεcustom-character, the sender generates a one-time signature key pair (SK, VK)←G(λ), picks






and computes


where σ is a signature of (Ψ12, Ψ3, Ψ4, Ψ5). To decrypt ψ, the receiver first checks that Ψ31(VK+βu)/βx, Ψ42(VK+βv)/βy and that σ is a valid one-time signature on the message (Ψ12345). If so, the receiver outputs the plaintext m=Ψ5/(Ψ11/βxΨ21/βy).

It will be appreciated that there is a need for a more efficient scheme than the ones in the prior art. The present invention provides such a scheme.


In a first aspect, the invention is directed to a method of generating a group signature on a message. A processor generates a two-level signature on an identity of the group member at the first level and the message at the second level; generates a commitment to the identity of the group member, commitments to group elements which form a certificate for the identity and a proof that the identity and the group elements satisfy a predetermined equation; encodes the identity of the group member in the group signature in a bit-wise manner where a given bit value corresponds to a given group element using an identity-based encryption scheme where the message serves as the identity of the identity-based encryption scheme to produce a ciphertext; generates a first proof that the ciphertext encrypts the identity of the group member; generates a second proof that the encoded identity is an identity of a group member in the certificate signed by a group manager and that the certificate was used to generate the signature on the message at the second level; and outputs the group signature comprising the two-level signature, the commitments, the encoded identity of the group member and the proofs.

In a first embodiment, the processor further generates a further signature on the two-level signature, the commitments, the encoded identity of the group member and the proofs using a one-time signature key; and the group signature further comprises the further signature. It is advantageous that the processor further generates, using a private key of the group member, a one-time signature key pair comprising the one-time signature key.

In a second embodiment, the two-level signature is a two-level Waters signature.

In a second aspect, the invention is directed to a device for generating a group signature on a message. The device comprises a processor configured to: generate a two-level signature on an identity of the group member at the first level and the message at the second level; generate a commitment to the identity of the group member, commitments to group elements which form a certificate for the identity and a proof that the identity and the group elements satisfy a predetermined equation; encode the identity of the group member in the group signature in a bit-wise manner where a given bit value corresponds to a given group element using an identity-based encryption scheme where the message serves as the identity of the identity-based encryption scheme to produce a ciphertext; generate a first proof that the ciphertext encrypts the identity of the group member; generate a second proof that the encoded identity is an identity of a group member in the certificate signed by a group manager and that the certificate was used to generate the signature on the message at the second level; and output the group signature comprising the two-level signature, the commitments, the encoded identity of the group member and the proofs.

In a first embodiment, the processor is further configured to generate a further signature on the two-level signature, the commitments, the encoded identity of the group member and the proofs using a one-time signature key; and the group signature further comprises the further signature. It is advantageous that the processor is further configured to generate, using a private key of the group member, a one-time signature key pair comprising the one-time signature key.

In a second embodiment, the two-level signature is a two-level Waters signature.

In a third aspect, the invention is directed to a method of verifying a group signature on a message, the group signature comprising a two-level signature on an identity of a group member at the first level and the message at the second level, a commitment to the identity, commitments to group elements which form a certificate for the identity, a ciphertext comprising an encoded identity of the group member, a proof that the identity and the group elements satisfy a predetermined equation, a proof that the ciphertext encrypts the identity of the group member, a proof that the encoded identity is an identity of a group member in the certificate signed by a group manager and that the certificate was used to generate the signature on the message at the second level. A processor verifies that the ciphertext is a valid ciphertext, that the commitments verify properly and that the proofs verify properly; and validates the group signature upon successful verifications.

In a first embodiment, the group signature further comprises a further signature on the two-level signature, the commitment to the identity, the commitments to the group elements, the ciphertext, the proof that the identity and the group elements satisfy the predetermined equation, the proof that the ciphertext encrypts the identity of the group member, the proof that the encoded identity is an identity of a group member in the certificate and that the certificate was used to generate the signature on the message at the second level. The processor further verifies the further signature and validates the group signature upon successful verification of the further signature.

In a second embodiment, the two-level signature is a two-level Waters signature.

In a fourth aspect, the invention is directed to a device for verifying a group signature on a message, the group signature comprising a two-level signature on an identity of a group member at the first level and the message at the second level, a commitment to the identity, commitments to group elements which form a certificate for the identity, a ciphertext comprising an encoded identity of the group member, a proof that the identity and the group elements satisfy a predetermined equation, a proof that the ciphertext encrypts the identity of the group member, a proof that the encoded identity is an identity of a group member in the certificate signed by a group manager and that the certificate was used to generate the signature on the message at the second level. The device comprises a processor configured to: verify that the ciphertext is a valid ciphertext, that the commitments verify properly and that the proofs verify properly; and validate the group signature upon successful verifications.

In a first embodiment, the group signature further comprises a further signature on the two-level signature, the commitment to the identity, the commitments to the group elements, the ciphertext, the proof that the identity and the group elements satisfy the predetermined equation, the proof that the ciphertext encrypts the identity of the group member, the proof that the encoded identity is an identity of a group member in the certificate and that the certificate was used to generate the signature on the message at the second level; and the processor is further configured to verify the further signature and to validate the group signature upon successful verification of the further signature.

In a second embodiment, the two-level signature is a two-level Waters signature.

In a fifth aspect, the invention is directed to a non-transitory computer program product having stored thereon instructions that, when executed by a processor, perform the method of the first aspect.

In a sixth aspect, the invention is directed to a non-transitory computer program product having stored thereon instructions that, when executed by a processor, perform the method of the third aspect.


Preferred features of the present invention will now be described, by way of non-limiting example, with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which:

FIG. 1 illustrates a group signature system according to a preferred embodiment of the invention.


The present invention is directed to a group signature scheme with message-dependent opening and logarithmic-size signature.

The present invention uses a different approach than Sakai et al. Instead of encrypting two random session keys which are used to conceal the group member's credential, the method of the present invention directly encrypts the bits of the group member's identity as if it were the session key K in the structure-preserving IBE scheme described hereinafter. This allows reducing the number of bit-carrying IBE ciphertext components from O(λ) to O(log N). In order to make sure that neither the admitter or the opening authority will be able to individually open any signature, the invention adds a second encryption layer and additionally encrypts—under the admitter's public key—the IBE ciphertext components which depend on the bits of the group member's identity.

In the present invention, each group member is assigned a l-bit identifier, where l=log N, and obtains a Waters signature on this identifier as a private key gsk[i]. Then, as in the Boyen-Waters group signature [see “Compact Group Signatures Without Random Oracles” already mentioned], each member signs messages using a two-level hierarchical extension of Waters signatures at step 1 of the signing algorithm described hereinafter. The group member does not let the resulting signature appear in the clear (since this would reveal its identity) but rather generates commitments to this signature and to its identity along with non-interactive proofs that these commitments contain a valid signature on some hidden message.

In order to make the proofs that the group member has correctly encoded the bits of its identity within a set of l IBE ciphertexts {(Cj,1, Cj,2, Cj,3, Cj,4)}i=1l (all of which are encrypted using the message to sign as an identity) NIZK (and not just NIWI), extra auxiliary variables (with their own commitments) are introduced and used to simulate the adversary's view in the proofs of anonymity.

In order to prevent the admitter from opening signatures without knowing the private key of the opening authority, the signer additionally encrypts each IBE ciphertext (Cj,1, Cj,2, Cj,3, Cj,4) (or, more precisely, its component Cj,3) under the public key of the opening authority using Kiltz's encryption scheme.

Preferred Embodiment

Keygen(λ,N): given a security parameter λεcustom-character and N=2l,

1. Choose bilinear groups (custom-character, custom-characterT) of prime order p>2λ with




2. As a Common Reference String for the Groth-Sahai NIWI proof system (already described), select vectors f=({right arrow over (f)}1, {right arrow over (f)}2, {right arrow over (f)}3) such that {right arrow over (f)}1=(f1,1,g)εcustom-character3, {right arrow over (f)}2=(1,f2,g)εcustom-character3 and {right arrow over (f)}3={right arrow over (f)}1ξ1·{right arrow over (f)}2ξ2, where f1=gβ1,

















In addition, {right arrow over (Φ)}={right arrow over (f)}3·(1,1,g).

3. Generate a master key pair (mskIBE, mpkIBE) for the IBE scheme described hereinafter. These consist of mskIBE=(g2α0,g2α1) and mPkIBE=(g0=gα0,g1=gα1,g2{ui}i=0L), where Lεpoly(λ) denotes the length of (hashed) messages to be signed. For a message Mε{0,1}L, the function HU(M)εcustom-character defined as











where M[i]ε{0,1} denotes the i-th bit of M.

4. Generate a key pair (skW, pkW) for a two-level hierarchical Waters signature (described hereinbefore). At level 1 (resp. level 2), messages will be of length l (resp. L). This key pair consists of skW=gω and


where ωεRcustom-characterp. Analogously to step 3, HW(M) denotes the function that maps the message Mε{0,1}L to HW(M)=ω0·Πi=0LωiM[i], where M[i]ε{0,1} denotes the i-th bit of M.

5. For each iε0, . . . , N−1) generate the private key gsk[i] of member i as a Waters signature
























on the message idi=idi[1] . . . idi[l]ε{0,1}l which is obtained as the binary expansion of iε0, . . . , N−1). The private key skW is not needed beyond this point and can be erased after the generation of the vector of private keys gsk=(gsk[0], . . . , gsk[N−1]).

6. Choose a key pair (X,Y,U,V)=(gβx,gβy,gβu,gβv) with













for Kiltz's CCA2-secure encryption scheme (already described).

7. Select a strongly unforgeable one-time signature scheme Σ=(G,S,V). Any suitable prior art one-time signature scheme provided that it is strongly unforgeable. A definition of strongly unforgeable may be found in J. H. An, Y. Dodis and T. Rabin: On the Security of Joint Signature and Encryption. Eurocrypt 2002.

The admitter's message specification key consists of mskADM:=mskIBE. The private key ok of the opening authority is defined as ok:=(βxyuv). The private key of member i is gsk[i] (as defined in step 5) while the group public key is defined to be

gpk:=((custom-character,custom-characterT),p,g,f=({right arrow over (f)}1,{right arrow over (f)}2,{right arrow over (f)}3),mpkIBE,pkW,(X,Y,U,V),Σ)

Sign(gpk, gsk[i], M): to sign a message Mε{0,1}L using the i-th group member's private key gsk[i]=(Si,1Si,2)=(gωv0·Πj=1lvjidi[j])r,gr), generate a one-time signature key pair (SK,VK)←Σ·G(λ) and:

1. Generate a two-level Waters signature where the message is idiε{0,1}l at the first level and Mε{0,1}L at level 2. The signature comprises


























































where r″=r+r′.

2. Generate a Groth-Sahai commitment {right arrow over (C)}HV to HV=v0·Πj=0lvjidi[j]. Then, for each jε{0, . . . , l}, generate a commitment {right arrow over (C)}Fj to the group element Fj=gidi[l] and generate a NIWI proof {right arrow over (π)}HVεcustom-character3 that e(HV,g)·Πj=1le(uj,Fj)−1=e(v0, g).

Since this is a linear equation, {right arrow over (π)}HV only requires 3 group elements.

3. Choose















For i=1 to l, compute




Then encrypt Cj,3 using Kiltz's encryption scheme by choosing








and computing


The next step is to prove that the ciphertexts {Ψj}j=1l encrypt {Cj,3}j=1l, such that {(Cj,1, Cj,2, Cj,3, Cj,4)}j=1l are of the form given in this step with idi[j]ε{0,1}.

4. Generate NIZK proofs for the statements mentioned at the end of step 3 by generating commitments {right arrow over (C)}θ={right arrow over (φ)}θ·{right arrow over (f)}1rθ·{right arrow over (f)}2sθ as well as {right arrow over (C)}Γ and {right arrow over (C)}Γ2 to the variables


and a non-interactive proof {right arrow over (π)}Γ for these five equalities, which requires 9 group elements (3 for each equation). Then, for each jε{1, . . . , l}, generate Groth-Sahai commitments {right arrow over (C)}Gj, {right arrow over (C)}Θj, {right arrow over (C)}Zj,1 and {right arrow over (C)}Zj,2 to the variables Gj=g1idi[j]·g01-idi[j], Θj=gsjj, Zj,1=gzj,1 and Zj,2=gzj,2. Then, generate NIZK proofs {right arrow over (π)}j, {right arrow over (π)}Gj, {right arrow over (π)}Θj, {{right arrow over (π)}Ψj,k}k=13 for the following relations







This is done by proving that







It should be noted that the first relation guarantees that idi[j] is indeed a bit. The first and sixth relations are quadratic equations and thus require 9 elements each whereas relations 2-5 only cost 12 group elements together. It should also be noted that the same variable θεcustom-characterp can be reused for each jε{1, . . . , l} so that the equalites of step 4 (which are guaranteed by {right arrow over (π)}Γ) only need to be proved once.

6. Generate a commitment {right arrow over (C)}Ω1 to Ω1 with a NIWI proof {right arrow over (π)}Wεcustom-character3 that variables (Ω1, HU) satisfy the verification equation


of the two-level Waters signature.

7. Finally, use the one-time private key SK to generate a one-time signature σots on the entire set of commitments and NIWI/NIZK proofs in order to achieve anonymity in the CCA2 sense.

The whole signature a comprises

σ=(VK,{right arrow over (C)}HV,{right arrow over (C)}θ,{right arrow over (C)}Γ,{right arrow over (C)}Γ2,{right arrow over (π)}HU,{right arrow over (π)}W,{right arrow over (π)}Γ

{{right arrow over (C)}Fj,(Cj,1,Cj,2Cj,4Ψj),{right arrow over (C)}Gj,{right arrow over (π)}G,j,{right arrow over (π)}Θj,{right arrow over (C)}Θj,{right arrow over (C)}Zj,1,{right arrow over (C)}Zj,2,{right arrow over (π)}j,{{right arrow over (π)}Ψj,k}k=13}j=1l,{right arrow over (C)}Ω123ots)

Verify(gpk, M, σ): parse σ as indicated. Return 1 if and only if: (i) σots is a valid one-time signature on the whole bundle; (ii) {Ψj}j=1l. are all valid ciphertexts for Kiltz's cryptosystem (i.e. by testing if e(Ψj,4,X)=e(Ψj,1,gVK·U) and e(Ψj,5,Y)=e(Ψj,2,gVK·V); (iii) For each jε{1, . . . , l}, (Cj,1,Cj,2) satisfies e(Cj,1,HU(M))=e(g,Cj,2); (iv) All proofs properly verify.

Trapgen(gpk, mskADM, M): given the admitter's key mskADM=(g2α0,g2α1) and a message Mε{0,1}L, compute and return









Open(gpk, M, σ, tM, ok): return ⊥ if σ is not a valid signature with regard to gpk and M. Otherwise, parse tM as in described in Trapgen. For i=1 to l:

1. Decrypt Ψj=(Ψj,1j,2j,3j,4j,5) using ok=(βxyuv) to obtain Cj,3εcustom-character.

2. Use tM to determine the bit id[i]ε{0,1} for which the equalities Cj,1,Cj,2,Cj,3,Cj,4 (see Sign, step 3) are satisfied.

Return the identifier id=id[1] . . . id[l]ε{0,1}l.

Overall, each signature comprises 53l+35 group elements if the scheme is instantiated with Groth's one-time signature [see “Simulation-Sound NIZK Proofs for a Practical Language and Constant Size Group Signatures”].

From a security point of view, the traceability property of the scheme relies on the standard Computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH) assumption whereas the anonymity against the opening authority relies on the Decision 3-party Diffie-Hellman (C3DH) and the anonymity against the admitter relies on the Decision Linear Problem (DLIN) assumption. In the proof of anonymity against the admitter, it is also needed to assume that the one-time signature is strongly unforgeable (i.e. it should be unfeasible to publicly compute a new signature on a previously signed message).

FIG. 1 illustrates a group signature system 100 according to a preferred embodiment of the present invention. For ease of illustration and comprehension, the connections between the devices in the system have been omitted.

The system 100 comprises a signer 110 and a verifier 120, each comprising at least one interface unit 111, 121 configured for communication with the other device, at least one processor (“processor”) 112, 122 and at least one memory 113, 123 configured for storing data, such as accumulators and intermediary calculation results. The system 100 further comprises an admitter 130 and an opening authority; although not illustrated for the sake of clarity, each of these devices comprises the necessary hardware such as processors and memory.

The processor 112 of the signer 110 is configured to perform the Sign part of the present group signature scheme, and the processor 122 of the verifier 120 is adapted to verify a received group signature, i.e. perform Verify. The admitter 130 is configured to perform the TrapGen part. The opening authority 140 is configured to perform the Open part. A first non-transitory computer program product 114 such as a CD-ROM or a DVD comprises stored instructions that, when executed by the processor 112 of the sender 110, performs the Sign parts according to the invention. A non-transitory second computer program product 124 comprises stored instructions that, when executed by the processor 122 of the receiver 120, performs Verify according to the invention.

A Structure-Preserving IBE Scheme

Setup(λ): Choose bilinear groups (custom-character,custom-characterT) of prime order p>2λ. Then:

1. Choose












and set g0=gα0,g1=gα1.

2. Choose








for some Lεpoly(λ). These are used to implement a number-theoretic hash function Hcustom-character:{0,1}Lcustom-character that maps any L-bit string τ=τ[1] . . . τ[L]ε{0,1}L to and Hcustom-character(τ)=u0·Πi=1Luiτ[i].

3. Choose group elements









where l=2 log2(p)>2λ.

The master public key mpk is defined as


and the master secret key msk is msk:=(g2α0,g2α1).

Keygen(msk, ID): given the master secret key msk=(g2α0,g2α1) and an identity IDε{0,1}L, compute and return









Encrypt(mpk, ID, M): to encrypt a message Mεcustom-character:

1. Choose







where l=2 log2(p).

2. Choose















3. Parse K as K[1], . . . K[l]ε{0,1}l. For i=1 to l, compute




4. Compute C0=M·Πi=1lZiK[i].

Return the ciphertext C=(C0,{Ci,1,Ci,2,Ci,3,Ci,4}i=1lcustom-character4l+1.

Decrypt(mpk, dID, C): parse the ciphertext C as C=(C0,{Ci,1,Ci,2,Ci,3,Ci,4}i=1l) and

    • 1. For i, =1 to l, compute μb=e(Ci,1,db,1)/e(Ci,2,db,2) for each bε{0,1}. If μb=e(Ci,3,Ci,4) for some bε{0,1}, set K[i]=b. Otherwise, return ⊥.
    • 2. Compute and return M=C0/(Πi=1lZiK[i]).

Each feature disclosed in the description and (where appropriate) the claims and drawings may be provided independently or in any appropriate combination. Features described as being implemented in hardware may also be implemented in software, and vice versa. Reference numerals appearing in the claims are by way of illustration only and shall have no limiting effect on the scope of the claims.

  • 1. A method of generating a group signature on a message, the method comprising the steps, at a device comprising a hardware processor, of: generating a two-level signature on an identity of the group member at the first level and the message at the second level;generating a commitment to the identity of the group member, commitments to group elements which form a certificate for the identity and a proof that the identity and the group elements satisfy a predetermined equation;encoding the identity of the group member in the group signature in a bit-wise manner where a given bit value corresponds to a given group element using an identity-based encryption scheme where the message serves as the identity of the identity-based encryption scheme to produce a ciphertext;generating a first proof that the ciphertext encrypts the identity of the group member;generating a second proof that the encoded identity is an identity of a group member in the certificate signed by a group manager and that the certificate was used to generate the signature on the message at the second level; andoutputting the group signature comprising the two-level signature, the commitments, the encoded identity of the group member and the proofs.
  • 2. The method of claim 1, further comprising the step of generating a further signature on the two-level signature, the commitments, the encoded identity of the group member and the proofs using a one-time signature key; wherein the group signature further comprises the further signature.
  • 3. The method of claim 2, further comprising the step of generating, using a private key of the group member, a one-time signature key pair comprising the one-time signature key.
  • 4. The method of claim 1, wherein the two-level signature is a two-level Waters signature.
  • 5. A device for generating a group signature on a message, the device comprising a hardware processor configured to: generate a two-level signature on an identity of the group member at the first level and the message at the second level;generate a commitment to the identity of the group member, commitments to group elements which form a certificate for the identity and a proof that the identity and the group elements satisfy a predetermined equation;encode the identity of the group member in the group signature in a bit-wise manner where a given bit value corresponds to a given group element using an identity-based encryption scheme where the message serves as the identity of the identity-based encryption scheme to produce a ciphertext;generate a first proof that the ciphertext encrypts the identity of the group member;generate a second proof that the encoded identity is an identity of a group member in the certificate signed by a group manager and that the certificate was used to generate the signature on the message at the second level; andoutput the group signature comprising the two-level signature, the commitments, the encoded identity of the group member and the proofs.
  • 6. The device of claim 5, wherein the processor is further configured to generate a further signature on the two-level signature, the commitments, the encoded identity of the group member and the proofs using a one-time signature key; wherein the group signature further comprises the further signature.
  • 7. The device of claim 6, wherein the processor is further configured to generate, using a private key of the group member, a one-time signature key pair comprising the one-time signature key.
  • 8. The device of claim 5, wherein the two-level signature is a two-level Waters signature.
  • 9. A method of verifying a group signature on a message, the group signature comprising a two-level signature on an identity of a group member at the first level and the message at the second level, a commitment to the identity, commitments to group elements which form a certificate for the identity, a ciphertext comprising an encoded identity of the group member, a proof that the identity and the group elements satisfy a predetermined equation, a proof that the ciphertext encrypts the identity of the group member, a proof that the encoded identity is an identity of a group member in the certificate signed by a group manager and that the certificate was used to generate the signature on the message at the second level, the method comprising the steps in a hardware processor of a verification device of: verifying that the ciphertext is a valid ciphertext;verifying that the commitments verify properly;verifying that the proofs verify properly; andvalidating the group signature upon successful verifications.
  • 10. The method of claim 9, wherein the group signature further comprises a further signature on the two-level signature, the commitment to the identity, the commitments to the group elements, the ciphertext, the proof that the identity and the group elements satisfy the predetermined equation, the proof that the ciphertext encrypts the identity of the group member, the proof that the encoded identity is an identity of a group member in the certificate and that the certificate was used to generate the signature on the message at the second level; wherein the method further comprises the step of verifying the further signature;wherein the group signature is validated upon successful verification of the further signature.
  • 11. The method of claim 9, wherein the two-level signature is a two-level Waters signature.
  • 12. A device for verifying a group signature on a message, the group signature comprising a two-level signature on an identity of a group member at the first level and the message at the second level, a commitment to the identity, commitments to group elements which form a certificate for the identity, a ciphertext comprising an encoded identity of the group member, a proof that the identity and the group elements satisfy a predetermined equation, a proof that the ciphertext encrypts the identity of the group member, a proof that the encoded identity is an identity of a group member in the certificate signed by a group manager and that the certificate was used to generate the signature on the message at the second level, the device comprising a hardware processor configured to: verify that the ciphertext is a valid ciphertext;verify that the commitments verify properly;verify that the proofs verify properly; andvalidate the group signature upon successful verifications.
  • 13. The device of claim 12, wherein the group signature further comprises a further signature on the two-level signature, the commitment to the identity, the commitments to the group elements, the ciphertext, the proof that the identity and the group elements satisfy the predetermined equation, the proof that the ciphertext encrypts the identity of the group member, the proof that the encoded identity is an identity of a group member in the certificate and that the certificate was used to generate the signature on the message at the second level; wherein the processor is further configured to verify the further signature and to validate the group signature upon successful verification of the further signature.
  • 14. The device of claim 12, wherein the two-level signature is a two-level Waters signature.
  • 15. A non-transitory computer program product having stored thereon instructions that, when executed by a processor, perform the method of claim 1.
  • 16. A non-transitory computer program product having stored thereon instructions that, when executed by a processor, perform the method of any claim 9.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
13306217.4 Sep 2013 EP regional