Contact PD/PI: Dean, Gregg A. Infectious Disease Research and Response Training Program (IDRRTP) The Infectious Disease Research and Response Network (IDRRN) was established in 2016 and has been recognized as a Program of Research and Scholarly Excellence (PRSE) at Colorado State University. The IDRRN promotes the development of interdisciplinary teams to investigate, study, and develop mitigation strategies for diseases locally, nationally and internationally. The IDRRN uses team dynamics to focus on infectious and neurodegenerative diseases and maximize the impact of its expertise in disease transmission and pathogenesis, development of diagnostics, vaccines and therapeutics, vector biology, epidemiology, and bio-engineering. The IDRRN has a strong commitment and a proven track record in training the next generation of research scientists who will continue to face pandemics while also confronting novel emerging infectious agents. In addition to the rich scientific environment, there are vast, state-of-the-art facilities featuring BLS2, BSL3, ABSL3 and GMP capabilities. The proposed training program will support 5 predoctoral trainees for three years. The IDRRTP faculty are a diverse group representing 7 departments from 3 colleges. Our preceptors include highly experienced senior training faculty and 4 well-funded assistant professors to ensure training of future research mentors. Trainees will complete personalized coursework training in microbiology, immunology, pathology, statistics and bioinformatics to provide foundational knowledge, build critical thinking skills, and ensure mastery of literature interrogation. Training in biosafety level 2 and 3 procedures, the responsible conduct of research, and methods to ensure rigor and reproducibility will be specifically addressed and emphasized throughout every aspect of the program. Trainees will participate in grant and manuscript writing courses that will yield submission-ready products. Communication skills will be nurtured and practiced to ensure confidence and effective engagement with scientific and lay audiences alike. A variety of other professional development opportunities and tools will be provided to encourage life-long growth, improvement and ultimate success. Finally, trainees will have opportunities to engage in research-to-market programs and medium-scale biomanufacturing experiences to gain an in-depth understanding of the translational process. Together, our training faculty, robust curriculum, synergistic training activities, and unique experiential opportunities will provide diverse cohorts of predoctoral trainees with the necessary skills to confront infectious disease threats to human health as they embark upon academic or non-academic research careers.