Fig 101—Cup Holder Top Opening. Made of hardened plastic, it is one continuous piece in a large circle, with an opening large enough to accommodate a wide variety of cups and bottles. The Top Opening is molded as one continuous piece with items marked “Fig 105, 106, 107”.
Fig 102—Plastic Suction Cup Pressurized Latch. The latch is made of hardened plastic. It is attached to the frame via small screws on the inside wall of the latch. When pressed closed, the interior plastic joint which is attached to the suction cup (Fig 105) is pulled towards the latch, creating a high pressure seal that allows the suction cup to stick to a flat surface.
Fig 103—Hanging Hook Base Attachment. The base of the hanging hook attachment will be either a continuation of the frame itself, or can be melded to the frame of the device. It is made of hardened plastic
Fig 104—Hanging Hook—Hook Portion. The Hanging Hook—Hook Portion is made of hardened, curved plastic and is large enough to be held by a human hand, and also large enough to hang off of an external bar or beam or piece of equipment. Other possibilities include fences, weight benches, barbells, and handrails.
Fig 105—High Pressure Suction Cup. Constructed of either PVC Plastic or Neoprene. The suction cup is attached to the Plastic Suction Cup Pressurized Latch (Fig 102) via an interior plastic joint. When the latch in Fig 102 is pressed closed, the High Pressure Suction Cup is activated against a smooth surface and creates suction so the device holds.
Fig 106—Plastic Arm or Shaft. This piece is made of hardened plastic. It is one continuous piece attached to items marked “Fig 101, 105, 107”.
Fig 107—Cup Holder Base. This Piece is the base for supporting a cup or bottle once placed inside the “Fig 1” Cup Holder. It is made of hardened plastic. It is one continuous piece attached to items marked “Fig 101, 105, 106”.
Fig 108—Towel Clip. The towel clip is made of two separate pieces of hardened plastic, connected in the center by a small connector piece of plastic. The outside has a coiled metal spring to give it pressure when closed to hold towel. The back side is melded to the frame of the “Fig 1” Cup Holder with heated plastic or high strength glue.
Fig 109—Name Plate. Made of Curved Melamine and attached to the “Fig 1” Cup Holder. This piece is either glued on or melded on to the “Fig 1” Cup Holder frame. User can use it to write his/her name on the device.