1. Field of the Invention
The invention relates to curve tracing systems, and in particular to methods of extracting a smooth curve from noisy curve data.
2. Background Information
Noisy curves can be visually well defined but mathematically difficult to describe. Take
This task cannot be easily automated, on a computer for example, because machines cannot “see” like a human, whose perception involves integration of local and global features. For computer vision, this is currently an unsolved problem.
The, so called, fuzzy c-means (FCM) algorithm and several fuzzy c-shells clustering algorithms have been used successfully to extract circular, elliptical and rectangular curves or lines in noisy data using a computer. These techniques are well known, and work well where the curve or line is represented by a small number of parameters, for example a circle can be uniquely described by its center and radius. In the clustering algorithm, the center of the circle corresponds to the center of a cluster and the radius to the average distance between the data samples and the center.
However, known clustering algorithms are only effective in dealing with a small number of curve shapes. In the real world, most curves cannot be described accurately by a mathematical formula or by a reasonably small number of parameters. Therefore, the clustering methods cannot be used to extract many real world curves. Also, the known techniques are not very effective when used on unordered and noisy curve data.
It is an object of the present invention to provide a method for extracting a smooth curve from curve data that cannot easily be represented by a mathematical formula or small number of curve parameters.
It is a further object of the present invention to provide a method for extracting a smooth curve from unordered noisy data.
It is a yet further object of the present invention to provide a curve tracing system which at least ameliorates disadvantages with known curve tracing methods, or at least which provides the public with a useful alternative.
According to a first aspect of the invention there is provided a method of extracting a smooth curve from a plurality of image data points including the steps of:
The input data may be partitioned in into different groups using a c-means or c-shells clustering algorithm. The averages of the class membership values determines the closeness of one group to its neighboring groups. A group center is linked to the center of its two closest to obtain an initial representation of the curve, solving the vision problem described above. The data is partitioned again with the condition that the curve be smooth.
Preferably, the second step of manipulating the center points into a sequential order includes removing any looping paths.
Preferably, the second step of manipulating the center points into a sequential order includes determining if the smooth curve will be an open or a closed curve.
Preferably, the third step of partitioning the data points into a plurality of groups each defined by a center point with the condition that a curve passing through the center points must be smooth includes combining a criterion function from a c-means algorithm or c-shells clustering algorithm and a constraining term.
Preferably, each data member is associated with a group membership value continuous between 0 and 1.
Preferably, the data is pre-processed to reduce noise. Preferably, the image data is separated at corner points and or intersections to reveal subsets of data representing only smooth curves.
According to a second aspect of the invention there is provided a method of extracting a smooth curve from a plurality of image data points including the steps of:
According to a third aspect of the invention there is provided a computer readable medium including instructions to a computer to perform the steps of:
Preferably, the a c-means algorithm or c-shells clustering algorithm is used for the first step of partitioning the data points into a plurality of groups each defined by a center point.
Preferably, the second step of manipulating the center points into a sequential order includes determining a spatial distance between each group of data points and its neighbouring groups of data points, and ranking the groups in terms of the spatial distance.
Preferably, the third step of partitioning the data points into a plurality of groups each defined by a center point with the condition that a curve passing through the center points must be smooth includes combining a criterion function from a c-means algorithm or c-shells clustering algorithm and a constraining term.
According to a fourth aspect of the invention there is provided a method of extracting a smooth curve from a plurality of image data points of known shape including partitioning the data points into a plurality of groups each defined by a center point, with the conditions that a curve passing through the center points must be smooth and of a known shape.
Further aspects of the invention will become apparent from the following description, which is given by way of example only.
Embodiments of the invention will now be describe with reference to the accompanying drawings in which:
The preferred embodiment of the invention comprises a method of tracing a curve from a plurality of sampled data. The method includes the steps of:
The above three steps are designed to obtain similar results to those achieved by humans in perceiving curves and shapes. The computer is not effective in recognizing the overall shape represented by the input data. In the preferred embodiment of the invention this problem is ameliorated by reducing the data size and representing a region by its cluster center only. The general shape of the input data is determined according to the relationship of the cluster centers to give the general curve shape. The general curve shape is refined by adjusting local regions and requiring the curve to be smooth. The following description describes the steps in the process in more detail. For the purpose of the discussion the input data is defined as an series of data point X={x1, x2, . . . , xn}. These data points are represented visually in
The first step is to use the fuzzy c-means (FCM) method to separate (or cluster) the input data into regions or groups defined by a center point (or cluster center). The data is clustered into c classes represented by cluster centers that can be mathematically described as V={v1, v2, . . . , vc}. Membership values can be defined as U={μik, 0≦i≦n, 0≦k≦c}, where μik is the membership value of xi belonging to class k and satisfies the following conditions
0<μik<1 (for 0≦i≦n, 0≦k≦c) (1)
In the FCM method, U and V are found by minimizing the following criterion function:
where m is the weighting exponent, which should be greater than 1. In the described embodiment m is set to 2.
The above optimization problem does not have a closed-form solution, but U and V can be found iteratively using the following two equations that constitute the FCM clustering procedure:
That is, xi is assigned to the class for which the membership value is the maximum among all classes. The clustering procedure makes it possible to represent a large number of input samples using only a small number of cluster centers.
The FCM method reveals the positions of cluster centers and the class membership values of each data sample, but it does not provide any information about the spatial relations among the classes. The indices of cluster centers are generated in a random order and a line passing through the cluster centers in sequence v1, v2, . . . , vc may not produce a meaningful curve. This is evident in the random order (vc, va, v4, v2, v1, v5, v3, v6, v7, v8, v9, vb, ve, vf, vd) of the clusters in
The first step in re-ordering the clusters is to determined the influence of one cluster on neighboring clusters. The influence factor of a cluster k on a neighboring cluster j can be defined mathematically as:
where Nj is the number of samples in class j. The influence factor fjk measures the average of class k membership values of class j samples. If clusters k and j are spatially close, then fjk is large, otherwise it is small.
Referring to the table in
In an alternative embodiment the influence factor is calculated using the geometric distance between the cluster centers instead of the membership values.
However, some nodes are their neighbours form loops that have to be resolved before the trace can be drawn. These loop involve uni-directional links. For example, there is a link pointing from node d to node e but not from node e to node d. In this case, the trace is not uniquely defined because there can be a loop “d-e-f-d-e-b . . . ” or a curve “d-f-e-b-9 . . . ”, depending on the direction of drawing the trace. All loops in the graph must be removed in order to obtain a unique curve.
The two types of loops are detected in a relational graph using the influence factor and an angle measurement. If θXY. is the angle between the horizontal plane and the edge connecting two nodes X and Y the following rules can be used to break the loops in
Rules 1 and 2 are used to remove end and middle loops respectively to define the curve uniquely. In Rule 1, edge A-C is determined to be a false link when the curve passes through A, B and C is smooth. The first inequality in rule 1 Equation (8) requires that an open curve does not have a sharp turn at two ends. For example, nodes A, B and C form a straight line if the difference between the two angles corresponding to A-B and A-C respectively |θAB−θAC|=0. When the curvature at B increases, the difference |θAB−θAC| also increases. According to the first inequality, A-B-C as part of a smooth curve when the difference between two angles is less than a threshold. The second inequality requires B be closer to C than A so that A is the unique terminal node.
Rule 2 has the same requirement for the difference between two angles, but it also requires that A and C each have another neighbor, that A be closer to B and D than C and that C be closer to B and E than A. When these conditions are satisfied, a middle loop is removed.
Note that we can use Rule 1 to remove an end loop (
In the two rules 1 and 2 the choices of the two thresholds θe and t is data dependent. For curves with large curvatures, the rules may not work if the threshold θe is too large and t is too small. To determine the correct values a first calculation is made with a small θe value and a large t value to impose the most restrictive conditions. If all loops are not removed after applying the two rules, θe is increased and t decreased and the two rules applied again. The procedure is repeated until all loops are removed gradually. In the described embodiment the values of θe=25° and t=3 are used and give satisfactory results with the curve shown in
Applying the above rules to the graph in
In an alternative embodiment a procedure similar to the known traveling salesman's problem is used to resolve any loops in the cluster centers. The object of this type of method is to visit each cluster center without looping and to keep the total traveling distance minimal. Other methods will be apparent to the skilled addressee.
The curve in
In order to keep the notation simple in the following description the cluster centers are considered as re-ordered and re-indexed from 1 to f along the curve. That is: v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15 instead of v12, v10, v4, v2, v1, v5, v3, v6, v7, v8, v9, v11, v14, v15, v13 to represent all cluster centers from left to right along the curve in
The smoothness of a curve represented by z=f(t) can be measured by its curvature
A smooth curve should have small K(t) values. To make the formulation tractable only the numerator and the second order derivative are considered. To smooth the curve represented by the discrete vector sequence v1, v2, v3, . . . , vc,, the second order difference vk+1−2vk+vk−1 is reduced for every vk. The criterion function in Equation (3) and the squared term of the second order difference |vk+1−2vk+vk−1|2 are then minimized at the same time to make the curve smooth. Two types of curve are possible, open curves, as shown in
For an open curve, the two terms are combined as follows:
where the first term on the right is the cost function in the original FCM algorithm, the second term is the smoothness constraint and α is weighting coefficient. The summation in the second term on the right goes from k=2 to k=c−1 since the second order difference does not exist for an open curve at either the first point v1 or the last point vc.
Setting ∂JFCT(U, V; X)/∂vk=0, we have
From these equations, we can find
When α=0, JFCT(U, V; X)=JFCM(U, V; X) and Equations (12) to (15) will be the same as Equation (5). Since ∂JFCT(U, V; X)/∂μik=∂JFCM(U, V; X)/∂μik, Equation (4) can be used to update μik.
Applying the above procedure to the curve in
While it is possible to use the hard c-means, or another clustering method, in the first clustering process (first step), a fuzzy formulation is important in the second clustering process (third step). In the hard c means clustering method the membership value is either 0 or 1. This means that some clusters may become empty and the corresponding cluster centers will be undefined. If a cluster center is missing the cluster center sequence must be reordered and the second order difference recalculated as the smoothness constraint. This may change the neighborhood relations between the clusters with the result that the curve will not be well defined. This can also cause the iterative process to diverge. In the fuzzy clustering method, each input sample is associated with a cluster center with a membership value in the continuous range of 0 to 1, thus none of the clusters will become empty in fuzzy clustering unless a very simple and degenerated data set is used.
Referring to Equation (10) above, the parameter a determines the contribution of the smoothness term in the criterion function. If α is small, the first term in the equation, which measures the compactness of the clusters, is dominant, so the final curve will not be very smooth. In the extreme case in which α=0, the procedure will be degenerated to the original FCM clustering process. On the other hand, if α is large, the smoothness term is dominant. In the extreme case the second term is so dominant that the iterative process will produce a trivial and non-useful solution with all vk′S equal to the same arbitrary value. Thus, there is an upper limit to the value of α, beyond which the results are not useful. This limit depends on the input data as well as the value of c, the number of clusters used, and can be found by experimentation.
Except in its effect on α, the method is relatively insensitive to the choice of c (the number of clusters for the FCM algorithms). The choice of c is based on the average number of samples in each cluster, which is set to 10 to 25. For the image shown in
Equation (10) above is applicable to open curves. For closed curves Equation (10) becomes equation (16) below.
where the function MOD is defined by
The equation for updating μik is unchanged, but the equation for updating vk becomes
Referring to
The following examples illustrate the advantages of the invention.
Although the method is relatively insensitive to noise because of the smoothness constraint, it can still produce an unreliable result due to mistakes if a closed curve is incorrectly determined as an open one or vice versa. This might occur if the initial data is too noisy. It is therefore important to reduce the effect of noise when the initial curve is formed. This can be achieved by preprocessing the data in a known manner.
The curve data dealt with above comprises curves that have more or less the same width.
The above examples illustrate use of the invention on two-dimensional (2D) curve data. The invention is equally applicable to higher dimensions. Mathematically, the method converts samples scattered in an m-dimensional (m-D) space, or a m-D binary function f(x1, x2, . . . , xm), to m 1-D sequences {x1(t), x2(t), . . . , xm(t)}. That is, the dimensionality of the data is reduced and it is the order of the 1-D sequence that makes the curve tracing and the curve shape meaningful.
The above examples show results of the method with curves that are smooth from the beginning to the end and that do not intersect with another curve or itself. To use the method on curves with intersections or sharp corners the data is first segmented into several parts at corner points or intersections to reveal several sets of data representing only smooth curves. Each set of data is treated separately.
If the initial the curve data represents a known shape, such as a straight line or a circle, then an alternative embodiment of the invention is possible wherein the first two steps of the above method can be omitted. Consider n input samples X={x1, x2, . . . , xn} in a d-dimensional space Rd, which form a curve represented by an ordered sequence of c cluster centers V={v1, v2, . . . , vc}. For boundary detection and skeleton extraction from two-dimensional (2D) images, each data sample and cluster center is a 2D vector, representing a point in the 2D space. A method of an alternative embodiment of the invention finds V (the cluster centers), given X, based on a clustering procedure with curve shape constraints imposed. The method is described in detail below.
Let {μik, 0≦i≦n, 0≦k≦c}, where μik is the membership value of xi belonging to cluster class k and satisfying the following conditions:
0≦μik<1 (for 0≦i≦n, 0≦k≦c) (18)
In order to find the cluster centers V that fit the data samples X optimally, the following energy function is minimized for a closed curve:
where αk and βk are weighting coefficients and m is usually set to 2. The cluster index should be taken circularly for a closed curve, that is, k−j should be replaced with k−j+c if k−j<0, and k+j should be replaced with k+j−c if k+j>c, where j=1 or 2.
The following function is minimized for an open curve:
For an open curve, the cluster index should be strictly between 1 and c.
The first term in the right-hand side of Equations (20) and (21) is from the fuzzy c-means (FCM) algorithm, which measures a weighted distance of input samples to the cluster centers. The second term is the second order difference of the cluster center sequence, which imposes the curve smoothness condition. The third term is the first order difference of the cluster sequence, which requires the distance between cluster centers to be small. Equations (20) and (21) have two differences from our equation in (10) above. Firstly, there is another term, the third term. Secondly, there is a weighting coefficient for each second order difference before summation in the second term instead of a signal coefficient for the entire un-weighted summation, to make the formulation more general.
Similar to the FCM and original FCT algorithms, we can find μik iteratively using the following equation:
This equation is applicable to both closed and open curves.
To find vk, ∂JFCT(U, V; X)/∂vk=0, which yields for both Equations (20) and (21)
where for a closed curve qJk=1(1>j≦5, 1≦k≦c), and for an open curve
From Equation (23), we can find vk iteratively as follows
wk−2=−q1kαk−1 (26)
wk−1=2q1kαk−1+2q2kαk+q4kβk−1 (27)
wk=q1kαk−1+4q2kαk+q3kαk+1+q4kβk−1+q5kβk (28)
wk+1=2q2kαk+2q3kαk+1+q5kβk (29)
wk+2=−q3kαk+1 (30)
Equations (22) and (25) constitute an iterative solution to the curve tracing problem. In the first embodiment, the cluster centers are found from the FCM algorithm and a re-ordering process based on the relational graph. In this alternative embodiment the initial curve is defined as a simple shape, such as a straight line or a circle. Once the cluster centers are found, one way to generate the curve is simply to connect vk to its two neighbors vk−1 and vk+1. This is a linear interpolation of the cluster center points. A smoother curve can be produced by interpolating cluster centers, for example, based on the third order B-splines.
Three parameters are important: convergence, accuracy and speed. If the parameters αk and βk are chosen properly and a multi-resolution cluster approach is used the method can be facilitated to converge and be more accurate. Furthermore, computational speed is increased by down sampling the input data.
The following discussion is on the terms αk and βk and their influence on the convergence.
Equation (23) can be rewritten as
where wk−2 to wk+2 are given in Equations (26) to (30). This is a set of linear equations in terms of vk if μik is kept fixed. A simple way to analyze the convergence property is to view Equation (31) as the Gauss-Seidel iteration for solving the set of linear equations. A Gauss-Seidel algorithm is guaranteed to converge if the matrix representing the equations is diagonally dominant. This is a sufficient condition, not a necessary one. The iteration may or may not converge if the matrix is not diagonally dominant.
Equation (31) goes from k=1 to k=c and each vk is d-dimensional, that is,
vk=[νk1 νk2 . . . νkd]T (32)
Therefore, the corresponding matrix has the size of cd×cd and has the block diagonal form as follows:
and where
is defined as the summed class membership (SCM) values of all input samples for cluster k. The relation between the SCM and the parameters αk and βk plays a critical role for the algorithm to converge. For A to be diagonally dominant for a closed curve
|wk+sk|>|wk−2|+|wk−1|+|wk+1|+|wk+2| (36)
For an open curve, the matrix A is diagonally dominant if
Equations (37) and (38) are the sufficient conditions for closed and open curves respectively for matrix A to be diagonally dominant. Under these conditions, the iteration would converge if Equation (25) were applied repetitively with μik kept constant. In practice, Equations (22) and (25) are applied alternatively in the iterations, so the conditions in Equations (37) and (38) do not seem to be directly applicable.
The matrix A is also the Hessian (second order derivative) of JFCT(U, V; X) with respect to vk. If A is diagonally dominant, all its eigenvalues are positive. The Hessian of JFCT(U, V; X) with respect to μik can be easily shown to be a diagonal matrix and is positive definite. Although the joint Hessian matrix of JFCT(U, V; X) with respect to μik and vk has non-zero diagonal elements and its eigenvalues cannot be easily determined. The FCT algorithm converges, at least along a subsequence, to a local optimal solution as long as Equation (36) is satisfied. Intuitively, the energy function in Equation (20) or (21) reduces in both Equation (22) and Equation (25), so the compound procedure makes the energy descent strictly.
If we set α1=α2=. . . =αc=α, β1=β2=. . . =βc=β, then Equations (37) and (38) become
From above it can be concluded that the SCM sk is roughly inversely proportional to c, the number of clusters for a give set of n input samples. This suggests that the diagonal dominance condition can be satisfied more easily and hence the FCT algorithm can converge more easily if c is small. However, a small number of clusters may not fit the data well especially when the desired curve contains sharp corners. To achieve a high accuracy a multi-resolution clustering approach is used. After applying the FCT algorithm with a small c rough result of the curve are obtained which provide a better approximation than the initial curve. More points are then inserted in the rough curve, for example, by linear interpolation, and then the FCT algorithm applied again to achieve a better result.
The multi-resolution clustering approach described here should not be confused with commonly multi-resolution image processing methods. The former deals with different resolutions of the clusters, or different details of the curve, but it keeps the same resolution for the image in both steps, while the latter would process both the image and the curve in different resolutions.
An example of the multi-resolution clustering based approach is shown in
Nine points are inserted between each pair of neighboring points on the low-resolution curve to produce a high-resolution curve containing 200 points. The FCT algorithm is applied again to obtain the result shown in
As discussed above, a large n, the number of input sample, is needed for high stability of the algorithm, but the iterations have a complexity proportional to n. In some images there may be more than enough image pixels for determining the curve. In these cases, the number of input samples can be reduced by down sampling if the stability of the algorithm is not a problem. For example, only two points are needed to define a straight line in a noise free image. However, more samples may be needed to detect a noisy line, but many pixels along the line can still be redundant.
Two image down-sampling examples for speed improvement are shown in
a) shows a boundary made up of loosely related shells and
The down sampling scheme works effectively for images with random noise since the noise pixels are down sampled as well. The edge thinning method works better if the image contains lines of different widths and the background noise appears as blobs or lines but not isolated points. In practical applications the two methods are combined to reduce the computing time even further.
Note that image down sampling is different from a reduction of its resolution. For example, neighboring thin lines become noisy but still exit after down sampling, but the lines may be blurred and merged to the same line after a reduction of the image resolution.
The solution of μik in Equation (22) is a complicated nonlinear function of vk, so the FCT algorithm can be trapped at a locally optimal point. The following discussion explains how two types of traps can be detected and removed based on the SCM sequence defined in Equation (35). Two types of traps are discussed.
A “type-1” trap causes an open curve to be open at an incorrect location. An example is shown in
A “type-2” trap causes a small part of a curve to be trapped at another part of the curve. In the SCM sequence a type-2 trap corresponds to two close valleys. An example is shown in
Where in the foregoing description reference has been made to methods or elements have known equivalents then such are included as if individually set forth herein.
Embodiments of the invention have been described, however it is understood that variations, improvement or modifications can take place without departure from the spirit of the invention or scope of the appended claims.
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Number | Date | Country | |
20030200236 A1 | Oct 2003 | US |