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Quesniaux, et al., Molecular Immunology, vol. 24:11 (1987) pp. 1159-1168, “Fine specificity and cross-reactivity of monoclonal antibodies to cyclosporine”. |
Quesniaux, et al., Prog. Allergy, vol. 38: (1986) pp. 108-122 “Monoclonal Antibodies to Ciclosporin”. |
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Sandoz Ltd., Ciclosporin RIA-Kit, Instructions for Use, 2nd Edition (Jun. 1983) pp. 1-21. |
Sanghvi, et al., Clinical Chemistry, vol. 34:9, (1988) pp. 1904-1906 “Abbott's Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay for Cyclosporine and Metabolites Compared with the Sandoz “Sandimmune” RIA”. |
Traber, et al., The Journal of Antibiotics, vol. XLII, No. 4, (Sep. 19, 1988), pp. 591-597, “Cyclosporins—New Analogues by Precursor Directed Biosynthesis”. |
Vernillet, et al., Clinical Chemistry, vol. 35:4, (1989) pp. 608-611, “Determination of Cyclosporine in Plasma: Specific Radioimmunoassay with a Monoclonal Antibody and Liquid Chromatography Compared”. |
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Wolf, B.A.; et al.; Clin. Chem. 1989, 35(1), 120-124. |
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“Ciclosporin RIA-Kit, Instructions for Use”; Sandoz Ltd., Basle, Switzerland. |
Anonymous; Transplantation Proceedings 1990, 22(3), 1357-1361. |
Quesniaux, V.F.J.; et al.; Mol. Immunology 1987, 24(11), 1159-1168. |
Cacalano, N.A.; et al.; J. Immunological Methods, 1989, 118, 257-263. |
Quesniaux, V.; et al.; Immunology Letters 1985, 9, 99-104. |
Traber, R.; et al.; J. Antibiotics 1989, 42(4), 591-597. |
Maurer, G.; et al.; Drug Metabolism and Disposition 1984, 12(1), 120-126. |