1. Field of the Invention
This invention relates to a data carrier having a security element blind-embossed by intaglio printing and to a method for producing the data carrier and a printing plate for blind-embossing a security element.
2. Related Art
Data carriers according to the invention are security documents or documents of value, such as bank notes, ID cards, passports, check forms, shares, certificates, postage stamps, plane tickets and the like, as well as labels, seals, packages or other elements for product protection. The simplifying designation “data carrier” and “security document or document of value” hereinafter will therefore always include documents of the stated type.
Such papers, whose market or utility value far exceeds the material value, must be made recognizable as authentic and distinguishable from imitations and forgeries by suitable measures. They are therefore provided with special security elements that are ideally not imitable or only with great effort and not falsifiable.
In the past, particularly those security elements have proved useful that can be identified and recognized as authentic by the viewer without aids but can simultaneously only be produced with extremely great effort. These are e.g. watermarks, which can be incorporated into the data carrier only during papermaking, or motifs produced by intaglio printing, which are characterized by their characteristic tactility that cannot be imitated by copying machines.
It is distinctive for gravure printing that the printing, i.e. ink-transferring, areas of the printing plate are present as depressions in the plate surface. These depressions are produced by a suitable engraving tool or by etching. Before the actual printing operation, ink is applied to the engraved plate and surplus ink removed from the surface of the plate by means of a stripping doctor blade or wiping cylinder so that ink is left behind only in the depressions. Then a substrate, normally paper, is pressed against the plate and removed, whereby ink adheres to the substrate surface and forms a printed image there. If transparent inks are used, the thickness of the inking determines the color tone.
Among gravure printing techniques a distinction is made between rotogravure and intaglio. In rotogravure the printing plates are produced for example by means of electron beam, laser beam or graver. It is distinctive for rotogravure that different gray or color values of the printed image are produced by cells of different density, size and/or depth disposed regularly in the printing plate.
In contrast, in intaglio linear depressions are formed in the printing plates to produce a printed image. In the mechanically fabricated printing plate for intaglio printing, a wider line is produced with increasing engraving depth due to the usually tapered engraving tools. Furthermore, the ink receptivity of the engraved line and thus the opacity of the printed line increases with increasing engraving depth. In the etching of intaglio printing plates, the nonprinting areas of the plate are covered with a chemically inert lacquer. Subsequent etching produces the depressions provided for receiving ink in the exposed plate surface, the depth of these lines depending in particular on the etching time and line width.
The high bearing pressure in intaglio printing causes the substrate material to additionally undergo an embossing that also stands out on the back of the substrate. If the intaglio printing plate is used without inking, the substrate used is subjected to so-called blind embossing, which gives the data carrier a typical surface relief.
Intaglio printing, in particular steel intaglio printing, thus provides a characteristic printed or embossed image that is easily recognizable to laymen and cannot be imitated with other common printing processes. If the engravings in the printing plate are deep enough, a data carrier printed by intaglio acquires through embossing and inking a printed image that forms a relief perceptible by the sense of touch. Steel intaglio printing is therefore preferably used for printing data carriers, in particular security documents and documents of value, for example bank notes, shares, bonds, certificates, vouchers and the like, which must meet high standards with respect to forgery-proofness.
WO 97/48555 discloses a method for producing intaglio printing plates reproducibly by machine. The lines of an original intaglio are detected and the surface of each line precisely determined. Using an engraving tool, for example a rotating graver or laser beam, the outside contour of this surface is first engraved to cleanly border the surface. Then the bordered area of the surface is cleared by the same or another engraving tool so that the total surface of the line is precisely engraved in accordance with the line original. Depending on the form and guidance of the engraving tool, a basic roughness pattern serving as an ink trap for the ink arises at the base of the cleared surface.
It has likewise been proposed to use intaglio printing plates for producing blind embossings. Blind embossings in a metal layer are also known from the prior art. However, known blind embossings are very simple embodiments having only one predetermined embossing height or depth. That is, embossing is effected with a printing plate having only a one-step engraving with a certain constant depth. Embossed areas with different engraving depths, such as lines of different depth, are always spaced apart by unengraved areas. Such embossings are visually recognizable only at certain oblique viewing angles so that this security feature is frequently not perceived by the viewer and attempts at forgery are thus more easily missed. Such embossings are also normally rather unimpressive for the viewer.
The problem of the present invention is to increase the forgery-proofness of data carriers by applying to the data carrier a harder-to-imitate, more complicated security feature that is readily visible and of optically striking design.
The inventive data carrier comprises a security element that is at least visually testable and has in at least a partial area an embossing that is a halftone blind embossing executed by inkless intaglio printing.
The halftone blind embossing is a blind embossing with a plurality of different embossing heights or depths that preferably run smoothly into each another. Preferably, the halftone blind embossing represents a stereoscopic image of a three-dimensional original, e.g. of plastic art or a relief. Alternatively it is also possible to start out from a two-dimensional original and convert it into a three-dimensional original according to corresponding specifications, e.g. in dependence on the colors, halftones, line widths, etc., present in the two-dimensional original. In the next step, starting out from the three-dimensional original to be reproduced as an embossing, a halftone image specially adapted for the printing plate milling is produced in which the gray values are assigned to certain engraving depths.
The areas that are to stand out most in the embossing are preferably assigned the darkest gray level and thus greatest engraving depth, and the areas to be more recessed assigned a lighter gray level and thus smaller engraving depth. Upon conversion of the halftone image into an engraving, a three-dimensional relief is produced in the engraved plate. The engraving tool can be guided so as to yield a continuous engraving depth pattern. In particular, a sharp and trenchant representation can be obtained in the paper by emphasizing edges of the motif contours.
In a simple embodiment, the original consists of alphanumeric characters and/or simple graphic elements disposed as text or the like. The characters and/or elements have different relief heights, resulting in a “modulated” surface structure. The effect is enhanced if the characters and/or elements also vary in size.
According to a preferred embodiment, an original, for example portrait, is used that can be converted into a plurality of different halftones or gray levels. The individual gray levels or groups of gray levels of this conversion are then assigned different engraving depths, for example, maximum engraving depth for black and minimum engraving depth for white. That is, e.g. the nose of a portrait, which usually has a bright highlight in the original, must be represented in black at its highest point in the halftone image, causing the engraving to be deeper at this place and the thus produced embossing to be elevated above the paper surface. All image parts in the portrait are accordingly to be converted into corresponding gray values. The halftone image converted into engraving depths is then used for controlling the engraving tool. The areas milled at different depth are directly adjacent. That is, they are not separated by areas located at the printing plate level. The engraving depths can reach up to 300 microns and more, preferably reaching up to 250 microns. The engravings can fundamentally also be produced by laser engraving, as mentioned above.
The thus produced intaglio printing plate having a three-dimensionally engraved relief is finally used to emboss the data carrier, a three-dimensional relief again being produced in the data carrier. This is essentially a printing operation, but without transfer of ink. The data carrier is pressed, as usual in intaglio printing, into the depressions of the engraved plate and lastingly deformed, i.e. embossed, by the strong bearing pressure. The plate areas with the greatest engraving depth produce the strongest embossings, i.e. the areas where paper is most greatly deformed, and the plate areas with the smallest engraving depths produce the weakest embossing. The paper that comes in contact with the unengraved areas of the printing or embossing plate is uniformly compressed by the high bearing pressure and compacted at least on the surface, causing these surface areas to have increased gloss after line intaglio printing.
The gloss or visual impression of the embossed image parts can also be selectively influenced. As mentioned at the outset in connection with the engraving technique explained in WO 97/48555, a roughness pattern at the base of the surface cleared by the engraving can be selectively produced by the form and guidance of the engraving tool. In blind embossing, this roughness of the embossing plate influences the visual impression of the embossed areas. Thus, engraving tools with a large tip radius and circular geometry and closely adjacent clearing paths (for example about 10 microns) achieve smooth engravings that produce smooth and tendentially rather reflective embossings. If the engraving tool selected has a small tip radius with pointed cutting-edge geometry and further-spaced clearing paths (for example in the range of about 50 microns), on the other hand, the engravings obtained are rough and structured and produce a matt and diffusely scattering embossing.
An alternative or additional way of varying the light scatter of an embossed substrate is to change the clearing direction in individual partial areas during engraving of the depressions in the printing or embossing plate. Engravings formed along clearing paths that are linear but for example rotated by 90° a produce visually distinguishable embossings with different reflection of light. The same also applies to engravings with straight or meandering clearing paths in comparison with spiral-shaped or concentric clearing paths. These effects can not only be used for a more appealing or striking design of the blind embossing, but simultaneously also increase its forgery-proofness. This selectively used engraving technique can be used to superimpose structures on the embossed relief that are distinctly recognizable only at certain viewing or reflection angles.
In bank notes or other documents of value, the halftone blind embossing rendering a portrait could be superimposed for example by a denomination through the engraved substructures.
The embossed image is three-dimensional and has a relatively complex structure. The surface occupied by the halftone blind embossing is not subject to any limitations. Preferably, the halftone blind embossing occupies a surface of 0.25 square centimeters to several square centimeters.
The halftone blind embossing can represent any geometrical element, e.g. with a circular, triangular, square or asymmetric outline structure, a pictorial symbol, character or other symbol. However, the representation of a portrait is especially preferred since human perception is trained to recognize extremely fine differences in portraits, making the recognition value of this security element especially great. A plurality of halftone blind embossings can also be combined in any number and form.
In order to further increase the forgery-proofness of the security element, the halftone blind embossing can be combined with a background print not executed by intaglio printing. This background print is applied in a separate printing operation before production of the halftone blind embossing. The background print is preferably effected in solid fashion. It can be produced for example by screen printing, offset, indirect letterpress, letterpress or digital printing.
Any inks can be used for the background print, but it is preferable to use special-effect inks that have an additional antiforgery effect and are difficult to imitate due to their physical properties. Particularly suitable inks are metallic inks, metal-pigmented inks or interference-layer-pigmented inks, for example IRIODINE® from Merck.
Alternatively, the background print can also consist of a metal layer, which is applied to the data carrier for example by the hot stamping method.
The halftone blind embossing is preferably located completely in the area of the background print. In a special embodiment, the background print consists of an oval or circular metallic print. This background print is then provided with a halftone blind embossing by intaglio printing. Ideally, the halftone blind embossing is disposed centrally relative to the background print to produce the impression of a coin representation.
Since the background print and the halftone blind embossing are applied to the substrate in different printing operations, however, register inaccuracies can occur. These register inaccuracies can be camouflaged by a combination with accordingly designed colored areas disposed in register with the halftone blind embossing, so that the viewer has the impression of an exactly registered halftone blind embossing centered in the background print. Halftone blind embossing and colored area or areas are preferably spaced apart, unless elements of the blind embossing are selectively guided into the colored areas to produce an optical bridge.
The colored areas are disposed in overlap with the background print and designed with respect to their form and color in such a way that the edge of the background print is “optically resolved,” i.e. smooth edge contours are avoided and any tolerances effectively concealed or disguised. It is particularly suitable to use for the colored areas line patterns, such as guilloche patterns, but also solid prints, in particular solid prints having a suitable ink layer thickness to cover the background print, or having the same color tone as the background print.
According to a preferred embodiment, the colored area forms a border around the halftone blind embossing. The border can have any contours. However, it is preferably oval or circular and disposed at a fixed distance around the blind embossing so that the blind embossing is disposed centrally relative to the colored area. The border can be continuous or interrupted. It can likewise be executed areally or in the form of patterns. The border is preferably executed in the form of guilloches or rings with optically resolved inside edges, for example serrations pointing to the center. The border can likewise be composed of characters or have geometrical patterns, such as guilloches, that are combined with characters for example. The edge of the background print can also be thus designed. If the resolution of the edges is effected by a periodic structure, such as serrations, guilloches, arcs, etc., that is realized both in the colored area and in the edge of the background print, the production of a phase or frequency difference between the periodic structure of the background print and of the colored area can achieve an optimization of the “optical resolution” or disguise.
Register accuracy between halftone blind embossing and colored print can be obtained especially simply if both are produced by intaglio printing. In this case, an intaglio printing plate is provided both with the engraving for the halftone blind embossing and with the engraving for the colored areas in one operation. The high ink layer thicknesses of intaglio printing are especially advantageous here, as they can effectively cover any background print that is present.
This intaglio printing plate is preferably produced by engraving with a fast rotating, tapered graver, as all other inventive intaglio printing plates are. In accordance with the contour form of the surface to be printed or blind-embossed, the engraving tool forms depressions with selective variation of the engraving depth in the surface of the printing plate. If the engravings for the halftone blind embossing and colored areas are adjacent at certain places, it is expedient to provide separation edges in these borderline areas, as known from DE 198 45 436 A1, to prevent ink from entering the area of the halftone blind embossing or flowing further into the blind embossing.
Before the printing operation, only the parts of the engraving producing the colored areas are filled with ink. During printing, the substrate is pressed both into the ink-carrying and into the inkless engraved areas of the printing plate. Ink is thereby transferred from the ink-carrying parts of the engraving to the substrate. Simultaneously the substrate is embossed, as is usual in intaglio printing. In the inkless areas of the intaglio printing plate, however, the substrate is solely embossed. No ink is transferred from the untreated, i.e. unengraved, surface areas of the printing plate.
When a data carrier is printed or embossed with the method just described, an accordingly designed embossing of the data carrier results in dependence on the form of the above-described engraving of the printing plate, whereby some of these embossed areas are provided with ink. The dimensions of the ink layer areas, such as width and ink layer thickness, result from the engraving depths and widths of the inventive printing plate and in dependence on the ink used in printing.
Depending on the selected ink layer thickness, the usual intaglio inks can be printed to be opaque or, to a certain degree, transparent and translucent. Suitable layer thicknesses and an expedient choice of background color result in color tones of different brightness and color saturation. If the ink layer thicknesses are sufficiently different, readily visible contrasts result for the human eye without further aids. This presupposes normal lighting conditions and a normal viewing distance.
In order to increase the stability of the data carrier it can be expedient to fill the embossing occurring on the front of the security element with a coating, such as a lacquer. This lacquer can contain feature substances, such as luminescence substances, etc., or other special-effect pigments, such as liquid-crystal pigments. Moreover, the lacquer can be executed to be matt or glossy. In addition, the protective lacquer layer also serves to enhance the glossy effect and the protection of the embossing.
The data carrier provided with this complex security element is characterized by elevated forgery-proofness due to the high-contrast light-and-shadow effects produced by the multistep halftone blind embossing. The combination with colored, possibly also tactile, intaglio prints disposed in register with the halftone blind embossing and in overlap with the background print additionally increases the protection against forgeries and imitations.
A further way of increasing forgery-proofness is to provide the motif of the halftone blind embossing on the data carrier several times but by a different technique in each case. For example, the same motif can be used for a watermark and/or a classic colored intaglio print. It is also possible to repeat the same motif in the background print, in an embossed hologram, by means of fluorescent or optically variable inks (for example with interference-layer or liquid-crystal pigments) or by a so-called latent image and in any combination of the abovementioned alternatives.
The inventive security element can be applied either to the individual data carrier or to substrates having a plurality of data carrier copies.
Suitable substrates or data carrier materials are all substrate materials that can be used for intaglio printing, such as paper, plastic foils, paper laminated with plastic foils or coated paper, and multilayer composite materials. The inventive method is in particular suitable for printing data carriers that must meet standards with respect to forgery-proofness, such as security documents and documents of value, for example bank notes, shares, bonds, certificates, vouchers and the like.
Further embodiments and advantages of the invention will be explained in the following with reference to the figures, in which:
In the shown example, inventive security element 2 has the form of a coin in which halftone blind embossing 3 is present in preferably metallic background print 4. Background print 4 is overlapped by colored print 5, which can be multicolored and/or have patterns, characters or the like. In the shown example, colored areas 5 are shown as solid borders around halftone blind embossing 3 that are combined in certain areas with the characters “X Y Z” and “medal.” Colored areas 5 can be designed depending on the engraving depth of the printing plate so as to yield a tactile edge in the printed image.
The colored areas can also have any other form, however. They can thus consist of guilloche patterns for example. Colored areas 5 can additionally be color coordinated with background print 4 so that the edge of background print 4 is “resolved” for the viewer, i.e. hidden.
For producing inventive security element 2, the data carrier is provided in a first step with background print 4. The solid background print is preferably produced by screen printing using a gold- or silver-colored metallic pigment ink. Then halftone blind embossing 3 and colored areas 5 are produced in the area of background print 4 by intaglio printing in one working step. That is, the associated intaglio printing plate has both an engraving according to colored areas 5 and an engraving according to halftone blind embossing 3. For the printing operation, however, only the engraved areas that produce colored areas 5 are filled with ink. This causes data carrier 1 to be embossed and provided with ink in the area of colored areas 5 during the printing operation, as usual in intaglio printing. In the area of the halftone blind embossing, however, the data carrier is only embossed. Due to the high bearing pressure with which data carrier 1 is pressed into the engraved areas of the steel intaglio printing plate, data carrier 1 shows a recognizable embossing on the back as well.
This state of affairs is shown in
According to an embodiment, the distance between the halftone blind embossing and the at least one coloured area is at least 1 millimeter, and in another embodiment the distance may be at least 3 millimeters.
For the viewer, the optical effect of the three-dimensional relief of the halftone blind embossing is strengthened by the different light-and-shadow effects, in particular if background prints with metallic luster are used.
The technique of exact registration of areas printed and embossed by intaglio printing can be used to assemble motifs of printed and embossed portions. For example, the trunk and branches of a tree could be blind-embossed and the leaves or treetop printed with ink. In the case of text or other regularly disposed structures, an exactly registered, linear arrangement of alternately printed and embossed symbols or picture elements is also possible.
Inventive security element 2 consists of background print 4 in the form of an oval badge represented by black dots, and halftone blind embossing 3 representing the number “6” applied preferably in the center of background print 4. Background print 4 is preferably comprises an effect layer that is given a metallic, especially preferably a bronze-, gold, or silver-metallic, appearance to create the impression of a coin for the viewer.
In this example, halftone blind embossing 3 is assembled of three different embossing levels 10, 11 and 12 that are realized by stair-like steps in the embossed image. More than three different embossing levels can of course also be incorporated. White areas 10 shown in
The varied gradation of a plurality of embossing levels in one embossed image and the diverse possibilities of combining these levels lead to a complex security element with high recognition value.
The advantage of this embodiment and arrangement is illustrated by
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