Motorola Technical Developments, vol. 18 Mar. 1993, Schaumburg, IL, pp 91-93, XP000349572, Gregory L. Cannon et al.: “Downloadable Pager Functionality”. |
IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, vol. 36, No. 12, Dec. 1993, New York, pp 651-654, XP000419101, “Incremental Compilation For Interpretive Language Translator”. |
Yasuhiko Yokote, Fumio Teraoka, and Mario Tokoro, Inter-Object Communications in the Muse Object-Oriented Operating System, SCSL-TR-88-002, SCSL, appeared in 5th Conference Proceedings of Japan Society for Software Science and Technology, in Japanese, Sep., 1988. |
Yasuhiko Yokote, Fumio Teraoka, and Mario Tokoro, Object Management in the Muse Object-Oriented Operating System, SCSL-TR-88-001, SCSL, appeared in 5th Conference Proceedings of Japan Society for Software Science and Technology, in Japanese, Sep., 1988. |
Yasuhiko Yokote, Fumio Teraoka, and Mario Tokoro, A Reflective Architecture for an Object-Oriented Distributed Operating System, SCSL-TR-89-001, SCSL, appeared in Proceedings of European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming '89, Mar., 1989. |
Fumio Teraoka, Yasuhiko Yokote, and Mario Tokoro, Muse IP: A Network Layer Protocol for Large Distributed Systems with Mobile Hosts, SCSL-TR-89-003, SCSL, appeared in Proceedings of the 4th Joint Workshop on Computer Communications, Jun., 1989. |
Yasuhiko Yokote, Fumio Teraoka, Masaki Yamada, Hiroshi Tezuka, and Mario Tokoro, The Design and Implemetation of the Muse Object-Oriented Distributed Operating System, SCSL-TR-89-010, SCSL, appeared in Proceedings of First Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems, Oct., 1989. |
Fumio Terakoa, Yasuhiko Yokote, Atsushi Mitsuzawa, and Mario Tokoro, Location Transparent Inter-Object Communication in the Muse Operating Systems, SCSL-TR-90-001, SCSL in Japanese, Apr., 1990. |
Fumio Terakoa, Yasuhiko Yokote, and Mario tokoro, Virtual Network: Towards Location Transparent Communication in Large Distrubuted Systems, SCSL-TR-90-005, SCSL, appeared in Proceedings of the 5th International workshop on Computer Communications, Jun., 1990. |
Nobuyuki Fujinami, Ysuhiko Yokote, Fumio Teraoka, Atsushi Mitsuzawa, and Mario tokoro, Real-time Scheduling Facilities for the Muse Operating System, SCSL-TR-90-007, SCSL, in Japanese, Aug., 1990. |
Yasuhiko Yokote and Mario tokoro, Muse: An Operating System for Building a Next Generation Computing Environment, SCSL-TR-90-001, SCSL, appeared in Computer Systems Symposium in 1991, in Japanese, Jan., 1991. |
Yashiko Yokote, Fumio Teraoka, Atsushi Mitsuzawa, Nobushisa Fujinami, and Mario Tokoro, The Muse Object Architecture: A New Operating System Structuring Concept, SCSL-TR-91-002, SCSL, appeared in Opearting Systems Reveiw, vol. 25, No. 2, Apr., 1991, Feb., 1991. |
Fumio Teraoka, Yasuhiko Yokote, and Mario Tokoro, A Network Architecture Providing Host Migration Tranparency, SCSL-TR-91-004, SCSL, appeared in Proceedings of SIGCOMM'91 Symposium, Communications Architecture & Protocols, Sep. 1991. |
Yashiko Yokote, Atsushi Mitsuzawa, Nobuhisa Fujinami, and Mario Tokoto, Reflective Object Management in the Muse Operating System, SCSL-TR-91-009, SCSL, Sep., 1991. |
Yashiko Yokote, Atsushi Mitsuzawa, Nobuhisa Fujinami, and Mario Tokoro, Evaluation of Muse Reflective Object management, SCSL-TM-91-019, SCSL, presented at the 8th Conference of Japan Society for Software Science and Technology (in Japanese), Sep., 1991. |
Nobuhisa Fujinami and Yasuhiko Yokote, Naming and Addressing of Objects without Unique Identifiers, SCSL-TR-92-004, SCSL, in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, Jun., 1992. |
Yasuhiko Yokote, The Apertos Refective Operating System: The Concept and Its Implementation, SCSL-TR-92-014, SCSL, appeared in the Proceedings of the Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications 1992, Oct., 1992. |
Takao Tenma, Yasuhiko Yokote, and Mario Tokoro, Implementing Persistent Objects in the Apertos Operating Systems, SCSL-TR-91-015, SCSL, appeared in the Proceedings of Object Orientation in Operating System 1992, Sep., 1992. |
Yasuhiko Yokote, Kernel Structuring for Object-Oriented Operating Systems: The Apertos Approach, SCSL-TR-93-914, SCSL, appeared in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Object Technologies for Advanced Software (ISOTAS), Nov., 1993. |
Jun-ichiro Itoh and Yasuhiko Yokote, and Mario Tokoro, Concurrent Object-Oriented Device Driver Programming in Apertos Operating System, SCSL-TM-94-005, Jun., 1994. |
Roger Lea, Ysuhiko Yokote, and Jun-ichiro Itoh, Adaptive Operating System Design Using Reflection, SCSL-TR-95-038, SCSL, appeared in Proceedings of HTOS'95, Orcas Island, WA USA. Mar. 1995. |
Jun-ichiro Itoh, Yasuhiko Yokote, SCONE: A New Execution Model for Low-Level System Programming based on Concurrent Objects, SCSL-TM-95-006, SCLS, 1995 (no paper available). |
Jun-ichiro Itoh, Roger Lea, and Yasuhiko Yokote, Using Meta-Objects to Support Optimisation in the Apertos Operating System, SCSL-TM-95-007, SCSL, appeared in USENIX Conference on Object Oriented Technologies (COOTS), Jun., 1995. |
Kenichi Murata, R. Nigel Horspool, Eric G. Manning, Yasuhiko Yokote, and Mario Tokoro, Unification of Active and Passive Objects in a Object-Oriented Operating System, SCSL-TR-95-025, SCSL, appeared in Proceedings of 1995 International Workshop of Object Orientation in Operating Systems (IWOOOS'95), Aug., 1995. |
Kenich Murata, R. Nigel Horspool, Eric G. Manning, Yasuhkio Yokote, and Mario Tokoro, Unification of Compile-time and Run-time Metaobject Protocols, SCSL-TR-095-026, appeared in ECOOP Workshop in Advances in Metaobject Protocols and Reflection (Meta'95), Aug., 1995. |
Jun-ichiro Itoh, Yasuhiko Yokote, and Mario Tokoro, SCONE: Using Concurrent Objects for Low-Level Operating Systems Programming, SCSL-TR-95-028, SCSL, appeared in Proceedings of the ACM OOPSLA95, Oct., 1995, |
Jun-ichiro Itoh, Yashiko Yokote, and Michel Feret, A New Software Architecture for Evolvable Multimedia Software, first appeared in ECMAST96 Proceedings in 1996, revised in the European Transactions on Telecommunications in 1997. |
Hideaki Okamura and Yasuhiko Yokote, Customization of Application Object Execution by System Object Downloading in Embedded Operating Systems, Nov., 1998. |
Yasuhiko Yokote, Michel Feret, and Jun-ichiro Itoh, A New Software Architecture for Evolvable Multimedia Software, presented at proceedings of ECMAST '96 Louvain, Belgium, May 28-30, 1996. |
Yasuhiko Yokote and Mario Tokoro, Concurrent Programming in ConcurrentSmalltalk, first appeared in Object-Oriented Concurrent Programming, Edited by Akinori Yonezawa and Mario Tokoro, 1987, The MIT Press. |
Orient 84/K: An Object-Oriented Concurrent Programming Language for Knowledge Representation, first appeared in Object-Oriented Concurrent Programming, Edited by Akinori Yonezawa and Mario Tokoro, 1987, The MIT Press. |
Sony's Response to Davic's Third Call for Proposals on the Concept of Virtual Machines, Berlin, Germany, Dec. 11-15, 1995. |