Data storage apparatus with improved security process and partition allocation functions


  • Patent Grant
  • 6219771
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Monday, August 18, 1997
    27 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, April 17, 2001
    23 years ago
The apparatus enables access authorization to be assigned solely to specific host devices. A control device comprises: an address registration unit, in which the host address of each host device has been registered for authorizing access, a command interpretation and execution unit which on receipt of a command from a host device via a host device interface outputs the host address of the host device based on the command, and an address verification unit for verifying the host address output from a command interpretation and execution unit against the host address registered in the address registration unit, as well as determining whether or not the particular host device has access authorization. The command interpretation and execution unit incorporates an authorization pending function, so that on receipt of a command from a host device, the command is interpreted and executed only after access is authorized by the address verification unit.


1. Field of the Invention

The present invention relates to a disk apparatus, and in particular to a disk apparatus which can be accessed by a plurality of host devices.

2. Description of the Related Art

With conventional disk apparatus, each host controls the disk or disk array directly, and disk security is controlled by the host device to which the disk is connected. File sharing with this type of file server client system is disclosed for example in Japanese Patent Application, First Publication No. Hei-4-58349.

A block diagram showing the configuration of a conventional disk apparatus is shown in

FIG. 6. A

conventional disk apparatus


comprises a command interpretation and execution unit


which interprets commands from a host device as well as executing those commands, and a data storage unit


in which data is stored. The command interpretation and execution unit


, in the case of a read command for example, interprets the command, and recognizing the command as a read command directs the data storage unit


to read. The data storage unit


reads the stored data based on the read directions from the command interpretation and execution unit


, and then transfers the data to the host device.

Common ways of connecting the host device and the disk apparatus include a SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) and Fibre Channel. Consequently, the command interpretation and execution unit


interprets commands from the SCSI or Fibre Channel and then outputs commands such as read and/or write, to the disk data storage unit



With this type of conventional disk apparatus, usually a single host device is connected to the disk apparatus. Furthermore, even in those cases where a plurality of host devices are connected to a common disk interface, with current technology it is possible for any of the host devices to access the disk.

With advances in technology relating to the interface between the host device and the disk apparatus however, it has become feasible to connect a plurality of host devices. Using Fibre Channel, it is possible for example to use loops (FC-AL) to connect together more than 100 devices including both host devices and disk apparatus. Moreover, if switching fabric is employed the number of devices which can be connected together increases even further. Utilizing the high speed of interfaces, it is also possible to connect a plurality of host devices and disk apparatus to a single interface. With conventional disk apparatus, a problem arises that in the case where a single disk is able to be accessed by a plurality of hosts devices, access authorization can not be restricted to specific host devices.

Furthermore, with the move to large volume disk apparatus, it is possible to consider partitioning a single disk and then having each host use a different partition, but with conventional disk apparatus it has not been possible, while using a single interface, to identify a host device and then have each host device use a different partition.


It is an object of the present invention to improve the deficiencies inherent in the conventional devices discussed above, and in particular to provide a disk apparatus in which each host device can be treated differently, so that for example access authorization can be assigned solely to specific host devices, or furthermore, each host device can gain access to a different partition while using the same interface.

A first apparatus according to the present invention comprises: a host device interface for sending and receiving data to and from a plurality of host devices, a data storage device for storing data to be sent to a host device, and a control device for controlling the writing of data to, and the reading of data from, the data storage device.

The control device comprises an address registration unit, in which the host address of each host device has been registered in advance, for the purpose of authorizing access, a command interpretation and execution unit which on receipt of a command from a host device via the host device interface outputs the host address of the host device based on the command, and an address verification unit for verifying the host address output from the command interpretation and execution unit against the host address registered in the address registration unit, and for determining whether or not the particular host device has access authorization. The command interpretation and execution unit is configured to include an authorization pending function, so that on receipt of a command from a host device, the command is interpreted and executed only after access is authorized by the address verification unit.

With this first apparatus, the host address is extracted from the command sent from a host device and verified against those host addresses registered in the address registration unit for the purpose of determining access authorization. As a result, if access is authorized, the disk apparatus accepts the command which has been sent and disk read/write functions are performed. In this way, only authorized host devices gain access to the data storage unit.

As a second apparatus according to the present invention a construction is adopted where, in addition to the items which characterize the first apparatus, a host information storage unit in which information about the hosts such as host names and passwords is stored, is incorporated into the address registration unit, and a host check unit which, on receipt of host information from a host, determines whether or not that particular host has access authorization based on the host information received from the host and the host information stored in the host information storage unit, is incorporated into the command interpretation and execution unit, and this host check unit incorporates an address registration function which registers the access authorization based on the host information, and the host address determined for the host device, in the address registration unit.

With this second apparatus, when a host device logs in to the disk apparatus seeking authorization to use the disk, the address is registered in the address registration unit, and subsequently, the host address is extracted from any commands sent from the host device and verified against the host address registered in the address registration unit, and in those cases where access is authorized the command interpretation and execution unit transmits the command from the host device to the data storage unit and executes the command. In this way, any alterations in host address can be easily accommodated.

With a third apparatus, a construction is adopted where in addition to the items which characterize the second apparatus, the host check unit incorporates a startup setting function which requests host information from a plurality of host devices when the control device is activated.

With this third apparatus, host information relating to access authorization is not stored internally beforehand, but rather is sent from the host devices which control the disk at the point of disk startup. Consequently, the amount of non volatile memory set aside for data storage can be reduced.

As a fourth apparatus according to the present invention a construction is adopted where, in addition to the items which characterize the first apparatus, the control device comprises: an offset information generation unit, which on the basis of a host address output from the command interpretation and execution unit generates offset information for the disk partition for that particular host device, and an actual partition address generation unit which on the basis of the address for reading and writing to the disk apparatus, and the offset information, generates an actual disk partition address and then outputs that actual partition address to the command interpretation and execution unit.

With this fourth apparatus, the disk capacity is partitioned amongst the various host devices, and the various host addresses and the offset information for each partition are coordinated beforehand. When a command is received from a host device, the command interpretation and execution unit extracts the host address from the command and sends it to the offset information generation unit. The offset information generation unit then uses a correlation chart of host devices and offset information which has been stored in advance, and generates offset information which corresponds to the particular host device and sends this information to the actual partition address generation unit. The actual partition address generation unit combines the theoretical disk address included in the command from the host device and the offset information, and generates an actual disk partition address. In this way, the disk partition corresponding to the host device from which the command was sent is accessed.


FIG. 1

is a block diagram showing the configuration of a first embodiment of the present invention;

FIG. 2

is an explanatory diagram displaying a phase transition state of a SCSI bus;

FIG. 3

is a block diagram showing an example configuration of hardware resources of a disk apparatus according to the first embodiment shown in

FIG. 1


FIG. 4

is a block diagram showing the configuration of a second embodiment of the present invention;

FIG. 5

is a block diagram showing the configuration of a third embodiment of the present invention; and

FIG. 6

is a block diagram showing a configuration based on current technology.


Next is a description of the preferred embodiments of the present invention, with reference to the drawings.

First Embodiment

A block diagram showing the configuration of a disk apparatus according to a first embodiment of the present invention is shown in FIG.


. As is shown in

FIG. 1

, a disk apparatus


comprises a host device interface


for sending and receiving data to and from a plurality of host devices, a data storage device (data storage unit)


for storing data to be sent to a host device, and a control device


for controlling the writing of data to, and the reading of data from, the data storage device



The control device


comprises: an address registration unit


, in which the host address of each host device has been registered for authorizing access, a command interpretation and execution unit


which on receipt of a command from a host device via the host device interface outputs the host address of the host device based on the command, and an address verification unit


for verifying the host address output from the command interpretation and execution unit


against the host address registered in the address registration unit


, and for determining whether or not the particular host device has access authorization.

The command interpretation and execution unit


incorporates an authorization pending function, so that on receipt of a command from a host device, the command is interpreted and executed only after access is authorized by the address verification unit



The command interpretation and execution unit


first receives a command from a host device, extracts the host address from the command and outputs it to the address verification unit


. The address verification unit


reads the host addresses stored in the address registration unit


for the purpose of determining access authorization and verifies the host address sent from the command interpretation and execution unit


. The access authorization information generated as a result of this verification process is then relayed back to the command interpretation and execution unit


by the address verification unit



In those cases where access is authorized, the command interpretation and execution unit


sends the command received from the host device to the data storage unit


, and the disk apparatus command, such as a data read/write command, is carried out in the same manner as for conventional disks.

The technique for determining access authorization could for example involve the registration of the host addresses of those host devices for which access is authorized in the address registration unit


and comparison of these address with the host address extracted from each command, with authorization being given in the case of a matching address. Alternatively, the host addresses of those host devices for which access is not authorized could be registered in the address registration unit


, and authorization given if the host address extracted from the command did not match any of the registered addresses.

With the above example it was assumed that the host address was imbedded in the command, but in practice, the host address can sometimes be identified in exchanges prior to, or after the command. An example is presented in way of an explanation below.

For example in the case of a SCSI, the bus phase can be roughly divided up as shown in FIG.


. With a SCSI generally the host device interface is the initiator and the disk apparatus interface the target. When sending a command to the disk apparatus, the host device interface, the initiator, secures the bus in the arbitration phase, selects the disk apparatus in the selection phase, and then enters the information transfer phase for sending the command or data.

Within this series of phases, the initiator outputs its own ID and the ID of the target it is aiming to select in the selection phase. The specified disk apparatus, namely the target, on confirming it has been selected corresponds by switching the bus BSY signal to “true”. At this point, the target samples the data bus and identifies the ID of the initiator.

In this way, the disk apparatus is able to ascertain the SCSI ID, namely the host address, of the other device. Further details are given in “Open design No. 1” (Published by CQ, 1994), pages 4 to 19.

In the case of a Fibre Channel, because communication is serial, the host address is recorded within the frame and so once again the disk apparatus is able to ascertain the host address of the other device.

Furthermore nowadays, in addition to those mentioned above, there are other protocols (such as IP (Internet Protocol)) which although not widely used as disk interfaces, do include a host address which becomes the transmission source.

An example configuration of the above embodiment which uses a general purpose CPU (central processing unit) is shown in

FIG. 3. A

disk apparatus


comprises a CPU


which performs the centralized function of controlling reading and writing. The CPU


is connected to various circuit devices via a bus


. Of these devices, a ROM (read only memory)


is memory solely for reading, and stores various programs and fixed data.

A RAM (random access memory)


is memory which is used, as required, for temporarily storing data during execution of a program.

A non volatile memory


is memory which can be written to by the CPU, and the content of which is saved when the power is turned off. A disk interface


is an interface for exchanging data and commands between the CPU and a data storage unit


which will be either a disk or some other storage medium.

A host device interface


is an interface for exchanging commands and data from a host device with the disk apparatus


. In the case of a disk array, a SCSI is used for both the host device interface


and for the disk interface


, but generally it is acceptable for the host device interface


and the disk interface


to be of different types.

For example, a Fibre Channel could be used for the host device interface


and a SCSI used for the disk interface


. In small apparatus the disk storage medium itself is used as the data storage unit


, but in large apparatus such as disk arrays the disk drive itself can be used as the data storage unit



Next is a description of the use of the hardware resources shown in

FIG. 3

to bring to realization the function blocks of FIG.


. The command interpretation and execution unit



FIG. 1

is configured using the CPU


, the bus


, the ROM


, the RAM


, the disk interface


and the host device interface


of FIG.


. Similarly, the address verification unit


is configured using the CPU


, the bus


, the ROM


, and the RAM



The address registration unit


can be configured using the non volatile memory


. Moreover, a read/write capable disk drive can be used as the data storage unit


. In those instances where a disk drive with a SCSI interface is used as the data storage unit, the commands which can be sent from the command interpretation and execution unit


to the data storage unit


are not limited to just read and write commands for data, but can also indicate commands in general retained by the SCSI interface. Furthermore, the disk drive can comprise any form which allows data storage, and can therefore be configured from memory with a power backup function or from non volatile memory.

Next is a description of the operation of a disk apparatus configured as shown in FIG.


. First, host addresses are stored in advance in the non volatile memory


. The stored host addresses can be rewritten by the CPU


, but will not be erased when the power is switched off. Consequently, when power is supplied to the disk apparatus


, the host addresses which have been previously stored are able to be read out.

The command interpretation and execution unit



FIG. 1

receives commands from the host devices at the host device interface


and stores them temporarily in the RAM


. The CPU


uses the programs stored in the ROM


for interpreting a command from a host device and extracting the host address. The thus extracted host address is then verified against the host addresses stored in the non volatile memory


by the CPU


. In the method where the host addresses for those devices which are authorized for access are stored in the non volatile memory


, access is authorized when the host address extracted from the command from the host device matches one of the host addresses stored in advance in the non volatile memory.

In those cases where access is authorized, the CPU


sends a command to the disk interface


in order to execute the command from the host device, which had been temporarily stored in the RAM


. The disk interface


executes the command by sending it to the data storage unit


. In those cases where information needs to be relayed to the host device as a result of the command being executed, the disk interface informs the CPU


that it has received a result.

On receiving this notification the CPU


receives the result from the disk interface


, stores it temporarily in the RAM


, and then transfers the result to the host device interface. In this way, commands from a host device are first judged as to whether access is possible, and then following execution, any result of the execution is returned to the host device.

With the above example, the host address stored temporarily in the RAM


and the access authorization determining host addresses stored in the non volatile memory


were compared, but in some cases the reading of non volatile memory is time consuming, and so it is possible to imagine a technique where on startup of the disk apparatus the access authorization determining host addresses stored in the non volatile memory


are transferred to the RAM



Furthermore as with the invention of the first apparatus, it is possible to imagine a technique where on startup of the disk apparatus the access authorization determining host addresses are transferred from the host device which controls the disk, and then stored in the RAM


. With this technique, the amount of non volatile memory


can be greatly reduced.

Second Embodiment

A block diagram showing the configuration of a disk apparatus according to a second embodiment of the present invention is shown in FIG.


. This is an embodiment which allows the setting of the host address afterwards. This embodiment will be explained in terms of the login operation from a host device to obtain authorization for using the disk apparatus, and the normal access operation.

First, in the login operation, the host information sent from a host device is used to determine whether that particular host device should be authorized. A disk apparatus


of this embodiment comprises a command interpretation and execution unit


for interpreting and executing commands from host devices. The command interpretation and execution unit


receives a command from a host device and extracts the necessary host information required to authorize usage of the disk apparatus as well as the host address accompanying that host information, and sends it all to a host check unit



In the host check unit


, this information is verified against access authorization determining host information which has been stored in advance in a host information storage unit


. Examples of host information include the host device name, and a password. In those cases where the comparison results in a match, the host address sent from the command interpretation and execution unit


is registered in an address registration unit


as an access authorization determining address.

Once the host address has been registered in the address registration unit


in this way, the remaining operation is the same as for the first embodiment. Upon receiving a command from a host device the command interpretation and execution unit


extracts the host address from the command. It then sends this address to an address verification unit


and the address verification unit


verifies the address against the access authorization determining host addresses stored in the address registration unit


and then relays an access authorized or access denied message back to the command interpretation and execution unit


. In the case where access is authorized, the command interpretation and execution unit


sends a command to the data storage unit


in order to execute the command.

With the second embodiment, the actual circuit configuration could take the form shown in

FIG. 3

, as was the case with the first embodiment. The command interpretation and execution unit



FIG. 4

could then be configured comprising the CPU


, the bus


, the ROM


, the RAM


, the disk interface


, and the host device interface


of FIG.


. Similarly, the host check unit


and the address verification unit


can be configured comprising the CPU


, the bus


, the ROM


, and the RAM


. Furthermore, the host information unit


and the address registration unit


can be configured using the non volatile memory



Third Embodiment

A block diagram showing the configuration of a disk apparatus according to a third embodiment of the present invention is shown in

FIG. 5. A

disk apparatus


of this embodiment comprises a command interpretation and execution unit


for interpreting and executing commands from a host device. The command interpretation and execution unit


extracts a host address from any disk read/write command sent from a host device and outputs it to an address offset information conversion unit


, and also outputs a disk partition address extracted from the read/write command to an actual partition address conversion unit



The technique used by the command interpretation and execution unit


for extracting a host address is as was outlined for the first embodiment. The host address output from the command interpretation and execution unit


is input into the address offset information conversion unit


. Offset information which indicates a disk partition corresponding to each host device, has been stored in advance in the address offset information conversion unit


, and the host address input from the command interpretation and execution unit


is converted to this offset information.

The actual partition address conversion unit


combines the disk partition address output from the command interpretation and execution unit


with the offset information output from the address offset information conversion unit


, and generates an actual disk partition address which it then outputs to the command interpretation and execution unit


. The command interpretation and execution unit


outputs a read/write command to the data storage unit


based on the actual disk partition address. The data storage unit


executes the command output from the actual partition address conversion unit


by, for example, reading out data to the host device, or receiving and storing data from the host device.

The present invention is configured and functions in the manner outlined above, with the invention of the first apparatus enabling the provision of a highly secure and advanced disk apparatus of a type not currently available, wherein determination of access authorization for a host device is based on the host address imbedded in the command sent from that particular host device, thus enabling commands to be accepted only from specified host devices.

With the invention of the second apparatus, the information registered in advance in the disk apparatus by the user is not host addresses, but rather host information. Each host address is registered prior to that host device using the disk apparatus, so that once registered, subsequent recognition of the host device can be based on the host address imbedded in normal commands. Therefore procedures can be vastly simplified in comparison with the technique where host information is exchanged each time the disk apparatus is accessed. Furthermore, because the information registered in advance in the disk apparatus does not include host addresses, even if the interface configuration or address is changed there is little effect, allowing high security to be maintained.

With the invention of the third apparatus, following disk startup the host addresses relating to access authorization are received from the host device which controls the disk apparatus, and stored internally. This offers the advantage that complicated programming relating to host address registration does not need to be provided on the disk.

With the invention of the fourth apparatus, the disk apparatus is able to identify a host device from the host address imbedded within the command sent from the host device. Moreover because a partition offset information value is stored for each host device, the disk apparatus is able to allocate a different disk partition to each host device. Consequently, a single disk apparatus can essentially appear as a different disk to each host device, enabling the efficient usage of modern large volume disk apparatus.

  • 1. A data storage apparatus comprising, a host device interface for sending a receiving data to and from a plurality of host devices, data storage means for storing data to be sent to said host devices, and control means for controlling the writing of data to, and the reading of data from, said storage means, characterized in that said control device comprises: an address registration unit in which the host address of each host device has been registered in advance for the purpose of authorizing access, a command interpretation and execution unit which on receipt of a command from a host device via said host device interface outputs the host address of said host device based on said command, and an address verification unit for verifying the host address output from said command interpretation and execution unit against the host address registered in said address registration unit, and for determining whether or not the particular host device has access authorization, and said command interpretation and execution unit incorporates an authorization pending function, so that on receipt of a command from a host device, the command is interpreted and executed only after access is authorized by said address verification unit; andwherein said control means comprises: an offset information generation unit, which on the basis of a host address output from said command interpretation and execution unit generates offset information for the disk partition for that particular host device, and an actual partition address generation unit which on the basis of the address for reading and writing to the data storage apparatus, and the offset information, generates an actual disk partition address and then outputs the actual partition address to said command interpretation and execution unit.
  • 2. A data storage apparatus according to claim 1, wherein said command interpretation and execution unit extracts said host address from said command received from said host device.
  • 3. A data storage apparatus comprising, a host device interface for sending and receiving data to and from a plurality of host devices, data storage means for storing data to be sent to said host devices, and control means for controlling the writing of data to, and the reading of data from, said data storage means, characterized in that said control device comprises: an address registration unit, in which the host address of each host device has been registered in advance, for the purpose of authorizing access, a command interpretation and execution unit which on receipt of a command from a host device via said host device interface outputs the host address of said host device based on said command, and an address verification unit for verifying the host address output from said command interpretation and execution unit against the host address registered in said address registration unit, and for determining whether or not the particular host device has access authorization, and said command interpretation and execution unit incorporates an authorization pending function, so that on receipt of a command from a host device, the command is interpreted and executed only after access is authorized by said address verification unit,wherein a host information storage unit in which information about the hosts such as host names and passwords is stored, is incorporated into said address registration unit, and a host check unit which, on receipt of host information from a host, determines whether or not that particular host has access authorization based on the host information received from the host and the host information stored in said host information storage unit, is incorporated into said command interpretation and execution unit, and said host check unit incorporates an address registration function which registers the access authorization based on the host information, and the host address determined for the host device, in said address registration unit, and wherein said control means comprises: an offset information generation unit, which on the basis of a host address output from said command interpretation and execution unit generates offset information for the disk partition for that particular host device, and an actual partition address generation unit which on the basis of the address for reading and writing to the disk apparatus, and the offset information, generates an actual disk partition address and then outputs that actual partition address to said command interpretation and execution unit.
  • 4. A data storage apparatus according to claim 3, wherein said host check unit incorporates a startup setting function which requests host information from a plurality of host devices when said control means is activated.
  • 5. A data storage apparatus according to claim 3, wherein said command interpretation and execution unit extracts said host address from said command received from said host device.
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