Data Storage


  • Patent Grant
  • 6198588
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Tuesday, September 23, 1997
    27 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, March 6, 2001
    23 years ago
The present invention relates to apparatus for reading and writing data to a storage medium, wherein the data is written to the medium in tracks, each track having a predetermined trigger signal pattern, the apparatus comprising:structure for detecting the predetermined trigger signal pattern;an adaptive filter for signals read from the medium;and structure for triggering adaptive filtering for a track of data on detection of the predetermined trigger signal pattern in that track. In this way, during a read operation adaptive filtering is triggered on commencement of data with spectral characteristics suitable for adaption of the filter. In the embodiment to be described, each track comprises data fragments each having a header containing ancillary information wherein at least a header in an initial data fragment in the track comprises the predetermined trigger signal pattern. Preferably, at least the header of the initial data fragment in the track comprises the predetermined trigger signal pattern.


This invention relates to methods and apparatus for data storage, and particularly, though not exclusively, to methods and apparatus for controlling reading of data from elongate magnetic tape media in a helical scan tape drive.


It is already known to provide reliable storage and retrieval of large volumes of digital data, such as computer data, in particular by means of the DDS (Digital Data Storage) format defined in ISO/IEC Standard 10777:1991 E and implemented in helical scan tape drives made by several companies.

In the DDS system an elongate recording medium comprising tape coated with a magnetic medium is moved by a motor-driven capstan along a path wrapped partially around a transducer comprising a rotating drum carrying one or more electromagnetic heads. The plane of rotation of the drum is disposed at an angle to the plane of movement of the tape, so that each head traverses the tape along successive tracks extending across the width of the tape at an angle to its centreline.

In helical scan data storage devices, it is sometimes necessary or advantageous to employ adaptive filtering in the processing of the signal(s) read from the read head(s). An adaptive filter automatically adjusts its response according to certain properties of the incoming signal. Adaptive filters are well-known and an example of an adaptive filter used in a backup storage device can be seen in Applicants' U.S. Pat. No. 5150379. A typical characteristic of such a filter is a tendency to adopt an undesirable response when presented with a signal which has a spectral content which differs from the normal data signal. In helical scan recording, it is common for such signals to be recorded in margin or preamble parts of the track format.

Typically the precise location of each track is determined during recording of data on the tape by the position relative to the tape of write heads on the drum. To ensure optimum retrieval of data from the tape, it is desirable for read heads on the drum to follow paths across the tape which are at essentially identical positions to those followed by the write heads during data recording. This in turn requires control during data retrieval of relative motion between the tape and the drum, by controlling rotation of the drum and/or controlling movement of the tape by the capstan.

A system for providing such control is described in Applicants' co-pending published European Application No. 671735 and is incorporated herein by reference. In that system, the rotary head drum generates a position signal at one or more predetermined angular positions which is used to control the motion of the media.

This drum position signal is also used as a reference for the generation of a timing signal to enable and inhibit adaption of the filter characteristics according to the position of the read head in the track.

However, it is typical for the height of the recorded tracks relative to the reference edge of the medium to vary according to environmental factors, and across a population of data storage devices. It is therefore necessary to incorporate considerable timing margin in the signal which enables and inhibits filter adaption, so as to guarantee that adaption does not take place at a time when the signal from the read head has undesirable spectral characteristics. As a result, adaption of the filter characteristics is normally enabled relatively late, to the detriment of error performance achieved on the early part of the data.

The present invention aims to overcome this limitation.


According to the present invention there is provided apparatus for reading and writing data to a storage medium, wherein the data is written to the medium in tracks, each track having a predetermined trigger signal pattern, the apparatus comprising:

means for detecting the predetermined trigger signal pattern;

an adaptive filter for signals read from the medium;

and means for triggering adaptive filtering for a track of data on detection of the predetermined trigger signal pattern in that track.

In this way, during a read operation adaptive filtering is triggered on commencement of data with spectral characteristics suitable for adaption of the filter.

In the embodiment to be described, each track comprises data fragments each having a header containing, ancillary information wherein at least a header in an initial data fragment in the track comprises the predetermined trigger signal pattern. Preferably, at least the header of the first data fragment in the track comprises the predetermined trigger signal pattern.

In the embodiment to be described, the predetermined trigger signal pattern is also used to control the motion of the medium.

According to another aspect of the present invention we provide a method of triggering adaptive filtering in apparatus for reading and writing data to a storage medium in the form of tracks comprising:

monitoring for the presence of a predetermined trigger signal pattern during reading of data from a track and triggering adaptive filtering of the data in the track when the the predetermined trigger signal pattern is detected.


An embodiment of the present invention will now be described, by way of example, with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which:

FIG. 1

is a diagram of the main physical components of a tape deck employing helical scan recording;

FIG. 2

is a diagrammatic representation of two data tracks recorded on tape using helical scan recording;

FIG. 3

is a diagrammatic representation of the format of a main data area of a data track;

FIG. 4

is a block diagram of the main components of the data storage apparatus;

FIG. 5

is an illustration of the principle of the track following technique used in the invention;

FIG. 6

is a block schematic diagram of track following circuits forming part of the apparatus of

FIG. 4


FIG. 7

is a timing diagram illustrating the operation of apparatus embodying the present invention in comparison to known apparatus.


The data storage apparatus now to be described utilizes a helical scan technique for storing data in oblique tracks on a recording tape in a format similar to that used for the storage of PCM audio data according to the DAT Conference Standard (June 1987, Electronic Industries Association of Japan, Tokyo, Japan). The present apparatus is, however, adapted for storing computer data rather than digitized audio information.

FIG. 1

is an illustration of the basic layout of a helical-scan tape deck


in which tape


from a tape cartridge


passes at a predetermined angle across a rotary head drum


with a wrap angle of approximately 90°. In operation, the tape


is moved in the direction indicated by arrow T from a supply reel


to a take-up reel


by rotation of a capstan


against which the tape is pressed by a pinch roller


; at the same time, the head drum is rotated in the sense indicated by arrow R. The head drum


houses two read/write heads HA, HB angularly spaced by 180°. In known manner, these heads HA, HB are arranged to write overlapping oblique tracks




respectively across the tape


as shown in FIG.


. The track written by head HA has a positive azimuth while that written by head HB has a negative azimuth. Each pair of positive and negative azimuth tracks,




constitutes a frame.

The basic format of each track as arranged to be written by the present apparatus is illustrated in FIG.


. Each track comprises two marginal areas


and a main area


. The main area


is used to store data provided to the apparatus (main data), together with certain auxiliary information. The items of auxiliary information are known as sub codes and relate, for example, to the logical organization of the main data, its mapping onto the tape, certain recording parameters (such as format identity, tape parameters etc.), and tape usage history. The main area


also includes synchronization bytes (‘sync bytes’) which enable the boundaries between successive data bytes stored on the tape to be identified, and which are also used to generate timing signals for controlling tape movement so that the heads HA, HB follow the tracks accurately, by measuring the time interval between signals indicative of the drum position and reference signals including the sync bytes.

The data format of the main area


of a track is illustrated in FIG.


. The main area is composed of a pre-amble block


, followed by sixty-four sections or ‘fragments’


each two hundred and one bytes long. The block


is a pre-amble which contains timing data patterns to facilitate timing synchronization on playback. The fragments


make up the ‘Main Data Area’. Each fragment


in the Main Data Area comprises a nine-byte ‘Header’ region


and a one hundred and ninety-two byte ‘Main Data’ region


, the compositions of which are shown in the lower part of FIG.



The Header region


is composed of a sync byte as mentioned above, six information-containing bytes W


to W


, and two parity bytes. The first information byte W


contains a six-bit Fragment ID which identifies the fragment within the main area


. Byte W


contains an Area ID sub code in its four most significant bits, and a frame number in its four least significant bits which is incremented mod


between consecutive frames. Bytes W


to W


contain sub codes providing information about the contents of the track and the history of usage of the tape. The parity bytes comprise a sixteen-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC) code derived from the contents of the remainder of the Header region.

The Main Data region


of each fragment


is composed of one hundred and ninety-two bytes (comprising six successive thirty-two byte blocks) generally constituted by main data and/or main-data parity. However, it is also possible to store sub codes in the Main Data region if desired.

In summary, main data are stored in the Main Data regions


of the Main Data Area fragments


of each track, while sub codes can be stored both in the Header and Main Data regions




of Main Data Area fragments



FIG. 4

is a block diagram of the data storage apparatus in its entirety including the tape deck



already described in part with reference to FIG.


. In addition to the tape deck, the apparatus includes an interface unit


for interfacing the apparatus with a computer (not shown); a group processor


and a frame data processor


for processing main data and sub codes into and out of a Main Data Area fragment


; a signal organiser


for composing/decomposing the signals for writing/reading a track and for appropriately switching the two heads HA, HB; and a system controller


for controlling the operation of the apparatus in response to commands received from a computer via the interface unit


. The signal organiser


comprises an adaptive filter


for filtering data being read in a way which improves the read error rate. Each of the main component units of the apparatus will be further described below.

The data storage apparatus is arranged to respond to commands from a computer to load/unload a tape, to store a data record and other logical segmentation marks, to search for a selected record using the segmentation marks, and to read back the next record.

The interface unit


is arranged to receive the commands from the computer and to manage the transfer of data records and logical data segmentation marks between the apparatus and computer. Upon receiving a command from the computer, the unit


passes it on to the system controller


which, in due course will send a response back to the computer via the unit


indicating compliance or otherwise with the original command. Once the apparatus has been set up by the system controller


in response to a command from the computer to store or read data, then the interface unit


will also control the passage of records and segmentation marks between the computer and the group processor



During data storage the group processor


is arranged to segment the main data provided to it in the form of data records into data packages each containing an amount of data corresponding to a fixed number (group) of frames (for example, twenty two). This segmentation is effected without regard to the logical organization of the data (that is, how it is divided into records). Information regarding the logical segmentation of the data (record divisions, file marks) is stored in an index which is generated by the processor


and which forms the last portion of data making up a group. The processor


also generates certain sub codes whose contents are group-dependent or concern the logical segmentation of data. To facilitate these tasks and the transfer of data to and from the processor


, the latter is provided with a large buffer


which is arranged to hold several (for example, three) group's worth of data.

Once a group, including its index, has been assembled, it is transferred a frame at a time to the frame data processor


. Conceptually there is no need for the frame data processor


to be aware of the grouping of frames as the group processor


could simply pass it a frame's worth of main data at a time together with the appropriate sub codes. However, in order to speed the transfer of data between the processors




, it is advantageous for the frame data processor


to be managed in terms of groups for receiving data from the processor


— in other words, during recording of data, the processor


is told by the group processor


when a group is ready for processing after which the processor


accesses the frames of the group autonomously from the buffer



When data are being read from tape, the group processor


is arranged to receive main data from the processor


on a frame-by-frame basis, the data being written into the buffer


in such a manner as to build up a group. The group processor


can then access the group index to recover information on the logical organization (record structure, file marks) of the main data in the group. Using this information the group processor can pass the requested record or segmentation mark to the computer via the interface unit



To facilitate the assembly of frame data back into a group's worth of data, each frame can be tagged with an in-group sequence number when the frame is written to tape. This in-group number can be provided as a sub code that, for example, is included at the head of the Main Data region of the first fragment in the Main Data Area of each track of a frame. The sub code is used on playback to determine where the related frame data are placed in the buffer


when passed to the group processor



The frame data processor


functionally comprises a Main-Data-Area (MDA) processor


and a sub code unit


with an associated electronic memory


for tape usage data (in practice, these functional elements may be constituted by a single microprocessor running appropriate processes under program control).

The sub code unit


is arranged to provide sub codes to the processor


as required during recording and to receive and distribute sub codes from the processor


during playback. Dependent on their information contents, sub codes may be generated/required by the group processor


or the system controller; the Area ID sub code is, for example, determined by/used by the controller


. In the case of non-varying sub codes such as certain recording parameters, the sub codes may be permanently stored in the unit


. Furthermore, frame-dependent sub codes such as absolute frame number, may conveniently be generated by the sub code unit



With regard to the tape usage sub codes, these are read off from the system area of a tape upon first loading and stored by the unit


in the memory


. During a tape usage session, the tape usage data held in the memory


are updated by the unit


as appropriate on the basis of inputs received from the processors




and the controller


; thus if a record is kept of the number of main data frames read/written (either directly or in terms of the number of groups read and written), then these data must be continually updated by the unit


as a result of inputs from the processor


(or possibly the processor


if groups are counted). At the end of a tape usage session, the contents of the memory


are stored to tape within a log area of the tape system area, the latter being rewritten at the end of each session of usage. The multiple storage of the tape usage sub codes within the log area together with associated parity information, ensures a very high probability that the tape usage sub codes can be read back from the tape even in the presence of tape defects or other similar degradations.

The MDA processor


is arranged to process a frame's worth of main data at a time together with the associated sub codes in the fragment Header regions. Thus during recording, the processor


receives a frame's worth of main data from the group processor


together with sub codes from the unit


. On receiving the main data the processor


interleaves the data, and calculates error correcting codes and parity values, before assembling the resultant data and sub codes to output the Main-Data-Area fragments for the two tracks making up a frame. Before assembling the main data with the sub codes, scrambling (randomizing) of the data may be effected to ensure a consistent RF envelope independent of the data contents of a track signal.

During playback, the processor


effects a reverse process on the two sets of Main-Data-Area fragments associated with the same frame. Unscrambled, error-corrected and de-interleaved main data are passed to the group processor


and sub codes are separated off and distributed by the unit


to the processor


or system controller


as required.

The signal organizer


comprises a formatter/separator unit


which during recording (data writing) is arranged to assemble Main-Data-Area fragments provided by the frame data processor


, to form the signal, including the sync bytes, to be recorded on each successive track. The necessary pre-amble patterns are also inserted into the track signals where necessary by the unit


. Timing signals for coordinating the operation of the unit


with rotation of the heads HA, HB are provided by a timing generator


fed with drum position signals output by a pulse generator


responsive to head drum rotation and located in the tape deck


. The track signals output on line


from the unit


are passed alternately to head HA and head HB via a head switch


, respective head drive amplifiers


, and record/playback switches


set to their record positions by the system controller


. The head switch


is operated by appropriate timed signals from the timing generator



The timing generator


also provides timing signals (‘read window timing signals’) for triggering adaptive filtering as is known in the prior art. These timing signals are referenced to the drum position signals from the pulse generator


and, on average, will trigger adaptive filtering relatively late in the reading of a track. However, the enable signal from the timing generator


serves as a fallback in case the initial header(s) in a track are not detected for some reason.

During playback (data reading) the track signals alternately generated by the heads HA and HB are fed via the record/playback switches


(now set by the system controller


to their playback positions), respective read amplifiers


, a second head switch


, and a clock recovery circuit


and the adaptive filter


, to the input of the formatter/separator unit


. The operation of the head switch


is controlled in the same manner as that of the head switch


. The unit


now serves to generate signals indicating the timing of the Header regions (incorporating the sync bytes) of the data fragments in the track signals, to supply the timing signals to an ATE circuit


in the tape deck


and to the adaptive filter


, and to pass the Main-Data-Area fragments to the frame data processor


. Clock signals are also passed to the processor


from the clock recovery circuit



The tape deck


has four servos, namely a capstan servo


for controlling the rotation of the capstan


, first and second reel servos




for controlling rotation of the reels




respectively, and a drum servo


for controlling the rotation of the head drum




). Each servo includes a motor M and a rotation detector D both coupled to the element controlled by the servo. Associated with the reel servos




is a detector


for sensing the ends of the tape: beginning-of-media (BOM) and end-of-media (EOM); this detector


may be based for example on motor current sensing, as the motor current of whichever reel is being driven to wind in tape (dependent on the direction of tape travel) will increase significantly upon stalling of the motor at BOM/EOM.

The operation of the tape deck


is controlled by a deck controller


which is connected to the servos




and to the BOM/EOM detector


. The controller


is operable to cause the servos to advance the tape, (either at normal speed or at high speed) through any required distance. This control is effected either by energizing the servos for a time interval appropriate to the tape speed set, or by feedback of tape displacement information from one or more of the rotation detectors D associated with the servos.

The deck controller


is itself governed by control signals issued by the system controller


. The deck controller


is arranged to output to the controller


signals indicative of beginning of media (BOM) and end of media (EOM) being reached.

The system controller


serves both to manage high-level interaction between the computer and storage apparatus and to coordinate the functioning of the other units of the storage apparatus in carrying out the basic operations of Load-Record-Search-Playback-Unload requested by the computer. In this latter respect, the controller


serves to coordinate the operation of the deck


with the data processing portion of the apparatus.

In controlling the tape deck


, the system controller can request the deck controller


to move the tape at the normal read/write speed (Normal) or to move the tape forwards or backwards at high speed, that is, Fast Forward (F.FWD) or Fast Rewind (F.RWD).

The ATF circuit


is operative during playback to compare the timing of the sync bytes in the selected Header regions in the track signal read from tape, with the drum position signal from the pulse generator


, to provide an adjustment signal to the capstan servo


such that the heads HA, HB are properly aligned with the tracks recorded on the tape. Thus, in this embodiment, reference signals for use in controlling track following by the heads HA and HB are constituted by these selected Header regions.

FIG. 5

illustrates part of two adjacent tracks on a tape medium


. Referring to

FIG. 5

, Header regions of fragments near the ends of two adjacent tracks




are indicated at






The ideal paths for the relevant head along these tracks are shown by the dot-dash lines


. The ATF circuit measures the time interval Int between the occurrence of the drum position signal, which is generated as one of the heads approaches the tape, and the detection of a reference signal comprising the sync bytes in the Header region






When the heads are correctly following the paths


, the time Int will match a preset reference value. If the head reaches the edge of the tape before the tape has advanced enough to line a track up with the head, as shown by the dot-dash line


on track


, the measured time interval Int will be less than this reference value; on the other hand, if the tape has advanced too far, as shown by the dot-dash line


on the track


, the interval Int will be greater than the reference value. By respectively speeding up or slowing down the capstan servo


, the ATF circuit


can correct these tracking errors and keep the heads on the ideal paths



In practice greater reliability can be obtained by measuring the time intervals between the drum position signal and the detection of more than one reference signal (Header region


). Thus, for example, in the embodiment described below, this time interval is measured for both the first and last Header regions in each track (i.e. in fragments




), and the mean value of these two measurements is used to control the tape movement.

Ideally, adaptive filtering starts on commencement of reading main data in a track.

FIG. 5

shows the fragments near the ends of two adjacent tracks




. In fact, it is typical for the height of the recorded tracks in relation to the reference edge of the tape medium to vary according to environmental factors eg. temperature, humidity and to vary for different tape drives.

The track following circuits including the ATF circuit


are shown in more detail in FIG.


. Referring to

FIG. 6

(from which the head and record/playback switches have been omitted for clarity) and as described above, the track signals from the heads HA and HB are fed via the amplifier stage


to the clock recovery circuit


and via the adaptive filter


to the formatter/separator unit


. The circuit


, which incorporates a phase-locked loop, provides the unit


with a clock signal, which is received together with the track signals by a decoder


. Decoded signals are in turn supplied to a reference signal detector


. As described below, this detector identifies fragment Headers in each track, and supplies a pulse at the time of detection of these reference signals, together with the value of the fragment ID, to an ATF controller


located in the ATF circuit


. In addition, the pulses are sent to the timing generator



The timing generator


comprises a counter which starts counting on receipt of the drum position signal from the pulse generator


. Thereafter the timing generator


supplies a pulse to the adaptive filter


to enable adaptive filtering on the first to occur of:

arrival of a header detection pulse from the reference signal detector



elapse of a predetermined time from arrival of the drum position signal (this is the read window timing signal mentioned above).

In this way, adaptive filtering is initiated on either the detection of the first header by the reference signal detector


or the read window timing signal from the timing generator



After elapse of a predetermined time after arrival of the drum position signal, the timing generator


supplies another read window timing signal, this time to disable adaptive filtering. In this way, near the end of a track being read, the adaptive filter is deactivated. The counter in the timing generator


is then reset ready for the next track.

An interval timer


in the ATE circuit


receives the drum position signal from the pulse generator


associated with the drum


, and measures time intervals starting with each position signal until it is reset by the ATF controller


. This controller is coupled to the interval timer to latch its time measurement upon receipt of each reference signal detection pulse, and supplies a control signal to the capstan servo


in dependence upon comparison of the latched time measurements with the reference value.

FIG. 7

is a timing diagram. The drum position signal generated by the pulse generator


is indicated at D. As mentioned with reference to

FIG. 5

, the height of tracks with reference to the edge of the tape medium can vary. Track


and Track



FIG. 7

indicate the extent of the possible timing difference in the start of a track due to differing track heights. Track


is relatively close to the reference edge of the tape medium in comparison to Track





indicates a recorded track somewhere inbetween the extremes of Track


and Track


and shall be taken as a nominal track for the purpose of illustrating the advantages of the present invention. A nominal track is one which is being read by the tape drive which wrote it and under approximately the same environmental conditions under which it was written.

In Tracks






, the portions at the start and end of the tracks with spectral characteristics which are unsuitable for adaptive filtering are shown shaded. The clear portions of the tracks indicate main data suitable for adaptive filtering. An asterisk in Tracks






indicates when the header in the first data fragment in the track occurs.

As described above, in known tape drives, adaptive filtering is initiated by a read window timing signal, indicated at RW, a predetermined time after the drum position signal D. The predetermined time is chosen conservatively so as to account for possible variations in track height. As indicated in

FIG. 7

, this coincides with the start of main data in Track


and results, on average, in adaptive filtering being triggered relatively late in the reading of a track and this is detrimental to error rate performance. However, this is better than starting adaptive filtering too early in the track when the signals from the read head have undesirable spectral characteristics.

Adaptive filtering is also deactivated by the read window timing signal RW near the end of the track being read. The adapt-disable signal coincides with the end of main data in Track


. The moment at which adaptive filtering is disabled is, in general, less important than the timing of the start of adaptive filtering.

In a tape drive according to the present invention, adaptive filtering is triggered on, detection of the header of the first fragment of data in a sampled track (Track



FIG. 7

) which results, on average. in adaptive filtering being triggered earlier in the reading of a track, but not before the signals from the read head have suitable spectral characteristics. The window for adaptive filtering according to the present invention is indicated at AW.

Various modifications may be made to the embodiment as described above. Thus, for example, the invention may be used with a reference signal comprising any format of fragment or block header instead of the one shown in

FIG. 3

, or indeed comprising any recognizable bit pattern which is known or arranged to occur at a predictable position or positions along a track.

  • 1. Apparatus for reading and writing data toga storage medium, wherein the data are written on the medium in tracks, each track having main data and ancillary information and having a predetermined trigger signal pattern, the apparatus comprising:means for detecting the predetermined trigger signal pattern; an adaptive filter for signals read from the medium; and means for triggering adaptive filtering by the adaptive filter of the main data of a track of data on detection of the predetermined trigger signal pattern in that track.
  • 2. Apparatus according to claim 1 wherein each track comprises data fragments each having a header containing the ancillary information wherein at least a header in an initial data fragment in the track comprises the predetermined trigger signal pattern.
  • 3. Apparatus according to claim 2 wherein at least the header in the first data fragment in the track comprises the predetermined trigger signal pattern.
  • 4. Apparatus according to claim 1 wherein the predetermined trigger signal pattern is also used to control the motion of the medium.
  • 5. Apparatus according to claim 1 wherein the means for triggering adaptive filtering of the main data is exclusive of the ancillary information.
  • 6. A method of triggering adaptive filtering in apparatus for reading and writing data to a storage medium in the form of tracks each including main data and ancillary information and having a predetermined trigger pattern, comprising the step of:monitoring for the presence of a predetermined trigger signal pattern during reading of data from a track and triggering adaptive filtering of the main data in the track when the predetermined trigger signal pattern is detected.
  • 7. The method according to claim 6 wherein the adaptive filtering is exclusive of the ancillary information.
  • 8. Apparatus for reading and writing data to a storage medium, wherein the data are written on the medium in tracks, each track having a predetermined trigger signal pattern, the apparatus comprising:means for detecting the predetermined trigger signal pattern; an adaptive filter for signals read from the medium; means for triggering adaptive filtering for a track of data on detection of the predetermined trigger signal pattern in that track; and means for detecting elapse of a predetermined time from arrival of a drum position signal, the means for triggering adaptive filtering for a track of data being operable on the first occurrence of either: detection of a predetermined trigger signal pattern; or detection on elapse of a predetermined time from arrival of a drum position signal.
  • 9. Apparatus according to claim 8 wherein each track includes data fragments each having a header containing ancillary information, the predetermined trigger signal pattern being included in at least a header of an initial data fragment in the track.
  • 10. Apparatus according to claim 8 wherein the predetermined trigger signal pattern is included in at least the header in the first data fragment in the track.
  • 11. Apparatus according to claim 8 further including means responsive to the predetermined trigger signal pattern for controlling the motion of the medium.
  • 12. A method of reading data from a storage medium, wherein the data are written on the medium in tracks, each track having a predetermined trigger signal pattern, the method comprising:detecting the predetermined trigger signal pattern; adaptive filtering of signals read from the medium; triggering the adaptive filtering step for a track of data on detection of the predetermined trigger signal pattern in that track; and detecting elapse of a predetermined time from arrival of a drum position signal, the triggering of the adaptive filtering step for a track of data being operable on the first occurrence of either: detection of a predetermined trigger signal pattern; or detection on elapse of a predetermined time from arrival of a drum position signal.
  • 13. The method according to claim 12 further including controlling the motion of the medium in response to the predetermined trigger signal pattern.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
96306933 Sep 1996 EP
US Referenced Citations (2)
Number Name Date Kind
5150379 Baugh et al. Sep 1992
5623474 Oshio et al. Apr 1997
Foreign Referenced Citations (3)
Number Date Country
0527579A1 Jul 1992 EP
0577901A1 Jul 1992 EP
96306933 Jul 1996 EP