The present invention refers to a delivering device of liquids from water crocks equipped with a system or kit for replacing water crocks with vessels of the “Bag-In-Box” BIB type for their delivery. In particular, the invention refers to a system which allows adapting and connecting Bag-In-Box (herein below also called “BIB”) vessels to a “normal” delivering dispenser of liquids, preferably water, from water crocks made of plastic material present on the market.
This system, herein below also called “Kit”, will be manufactured in plastic material to be able to “transform” the normal water delivering devices, preferably devised for supporting and allowing the delivery from rigid water crocks, into water delivering devices useful to receive semi-flexible and flexible vessels of the Bag-in-Box type and other stand-up pouch types or the like, and anyway all types of semi-rigid and flexible vessels subjected to the direct action of the atmospheric pressure. Such system or kit will have to be placed on dispensing device for water crocks existing on the market, in the area where usually the water crock made of PET or other plastic materials is placed (upside down), and will allow the continuous connection of one or more of such vessels.
The new kit which will allow placing BIB on existing batching dispenser devices will be wholly made of plastics, and therefore will be wholly recyclable at the end of its life.
Currently, the system which allows using water crocks (or other vessels) has numerous problems which will be partly solved with the use of the inventive kit, which will de facto allow removing such water crocks.
In order to better understand the advantages provided by the use of the BIB technology compared with the one providing for the use of the water crocks, the manufacturing cycle of the water crocks will necessarily have to be analyzed, which comprises the following main steps.
Primary Production
Water origin/Safeguard of water sources
Entry of Goods
Water Treatments
Bottling and Sealing of the Vessels
Vessel cleaning and check: a) removal of the plug; b) visual inspection; c) first rinse with water (up to +65° C.); d) rinse in hot water (+45/+65° C.) with acid or basic detergents; e) sanitation by means of cold water added with sanitizing agent/oxygenated water or ozonized water.
Bottling and sealing the package (contact tank): before bottling, the tank water can be added with ozone or mineral salts. During bottling, it is important to check the concentration of ozone present in water. It is possible to disinfect the plugs with ozonized water and the hollow space between water and plug can be filled with nitrogen.
Final Manufacturer Product/Initial Manager Product
Final product: in order to exclude the presence of ozone in water after bottling, the water vessels are stayed for at least eight hours, before being dispatched. This danger is bypassed in that the produced water batch is not handled till the analyzing laboratory provides the compliance with such production.
Cleaning and sanitizing the water delivering devices: for the water delivering devices, the advised timing (from Italian and European experiences in the sector) is of a step of cleaning and sanitizing (or tank replacement) at least every six months. Where it is needed (installation of delivering devices in particular environments, such as workshops, food preparation, etc.), it is advisable to more frequently intervene with a timing which every manager must evaluate depending on his experience. Maintenance of the delivering devices must be performed at least once a year and must deal with the replacement of worn parts (air filters, gaskets, etc.).
Check and Selection of Returned Items
TO reduce the risk of contaminations to a minimum, it is advisable to store full and empty water crocks in a clean, dry and fresh place, repaired from polluting sources, atmospheric agents in general (direct light, heat, rain, etc.), and avoid dusty places and any contact with animals. Empty vessels must be stored and returned healthy both by the customer, and by the manager, and therefore must be used with care. Empty water crocks, which return from customer to distributor and from distributor to supplier, must be grouped and protected from external contaminations, possibly on suitable structures, till their use. Before being inserted in a new filling cycle, they must be selected through visual and olfactory inspections by trained operators and/or suitable sensors (sniffers), which verify the integrity of the packages, the absence of anomalous colorations and odors (deriving from improper uses, such as filling with different substances from water). This is a danger not to be underestimated, because the health guarantee of this production line depends on its hygienic quality. As first preventive measure, water crocks with tampered plug-sealing mechanism should be discarded. Complying empty water crocks are inserted in the production chain, while non-complying ones are removed and the customer is charged with possible penalties (empty product cost, etc.).
Synthetically: the empty vessel must be stored and returned healthy both by the customer, and by the distributor, and therefore must be used with care and it is absolutely forbidden to:
Actually, this is a round cycle, which has a circular flow:
after bottling, packaged products must be stored protected from frost, in a closed and vented environment, and with temperatures of +10/+20° C.
Since the vessels, upon going out of the plant, are cold and humid, it is necessary to ensure a good natural and/or artificial venting, in order to prevent forming molds on the label and on the packaging.
Packaging is performed in loads with different compositions; a colored heat-shrinking film is more and more used to provide a further protection of the product during its transport and storage.
As regards the distribution of water crocks and delivering devices to managing companies and to customers, the final product should be packaged in order to be protected during its handling and transport.
Transport must be performed with suitable, clean and closed means. During the delivery of delivering devices and water to customers, the following items must be taken into account:
This type of vessel however has various problems: in the water distribution field, further wastes are given by empty bottles and water crocks, which can follow different routes according to the type of material of which they are made.
The first type is “VAR”, abbreviation of “empty bottle to be returned”, glass bottled to be used after its sanitizing. Its washing is a big problem: in fact, continuous checks must be performed, together with a selection of empty bottles returning in the cycle; moreover, there are the dangers of breakage, excessive weight and collection and recycle costs, which make their management very burdensome.
The second type is “VAP”, abbreviation of “empty bottle to be dispensed with”, glass bottle to be removed in suitable caissons for a differential collection.
The third type is “PC”, abbreviation of “Poly Carbonate”, plastic material of which some water vessels are made, in particular water crocks, used for water refrigerators. The VAR is also provided here. This because it is a very resistant polymer to impacts and heat, transparent, non-toxic. In spite of this, it is being replaced with PET, for economic and managing reasons: continuous checks must be performed upstream (with selection of empty bottles, which re-enter the cycle) and it has a managing cost with the same problems of the glass bottles to be returned.
The fourth type is “PVC”, abbreviation of the technical denomination of “Poly Vinyl Chloride, plastic material of which some types of bottles are made, used for water. In this use, it has been gradually replaced by PET, more transparent and resistant, less permeable to gas (and, therefore capable of being used also for carbonated water), but also for its lower production cost.
The fifth type is “PET”, abbreviation of the technical denomination of “Poly Ethylene Terephthalate”, plastic material of which the majority of water and beverage bottles is made. The use of this material has implied the drastic lowering of transport and production costs, with respect to traditional glass bottles, in addition with the undoubted advantages of lightness, handling capability, safety.
Recycling of plastic vessels for liquids can be performed in several ways. To obtain homogeneous plastic objects, vessels must be separated depending on the polymer of which they have been made (PET, PVC).
If the selection process is not performed, objects made of heterogeneous recycled plastics will be manufactured.
In both cases, collected vessels are subjected to a first treatment process for extracting possible other types of wastes, washing, crushing and their following working.
Other known problems are as follows:
Object of the present invention is solving the above prior art problems, by providing a delivering device of liquids from water crocks equipped with a system or kit for replacing water crocks with vessels of the “Bag-In-Box” BIB type for their delivery in an ecologically efficient, economic, simple and immediate way.
Such kit for placing BIB system on existing liquid dispensers has been designed for placing BIB vessels with mono-directional use, that therefore do not need their withdrawal for washing them and fill them again: at the end of their use, they are thrown in the vessel for recycling plastics and cardboard (bag and tap made of plastics, and external box made of cardboard).
The vessel is usually available with mono-directional taps, with low cost, which allow being connected to a connector system suitably developed by the Applicant of the present invention in document EP-A1-1627850.
The BIB offers a significant improvement in sales and marketing of the volume of liquids, in this case water.
It opens new channels and markets, and provides a step change in environmental performances—as well as reducing costs and improving the cash flow.
The advantages of using a BIB with respect to water crocks include reduced total costs of possible bottles, reduced environmental impact, new market opportunities and easier short-term response to demand peaks and depressions.
There is potentially a big saving in invested capital, removing the need of keeping a “fleet” of water crocks.
Removing the fleet, high sums can be freed, linked to this goods and damaged, lost or stolen water crocks can be dispensed with.
Moreover, there is no further need of keeping the costly systems for tracking the water crocks.
The environmental benefits, key of the BIB, include: low use of materials with respect to water crocks, and lightweight construction which reduces environmental impacts.
Moreover, there is a higher flexibility in choosing the liters of liquid to be transported.
BIBs are completely and easily recyclable, satisfy all essential requirements covered by Community Regulations, among which suitability both for mechanics, and for recycling ‘waste energy’.
Using BIBs, real benefits are obtained for end users.
One of the biggest advantages is the reduced storage space necessary for BIBs: safely storing empty water crocks to prevent them from being stolen before being collected is a problem in many sales points.
BIBs can be easily squashed once they are empty, in order to afterwards place them in a basket with other recyclable plastic and paper materials.
The above and other objects and advantages of the present invention, as will result from the following description, are obtained with a system as claimed in claim 1. Preferred embodiments and non-trivial variations of the present invention are the subject matter of the dependent claims.
It is intended that all enclosed claims are an integral part of the present description.
The present invention will be better described by some preferred embodiments thereof, provided as a non-limiting example, with reference to the enclosed drawings, in which:
BIBs, as previously stated, are equipped with a tap which will be connected with the connector (described above) designed for the delivering tap present on the BIB system.
The connector in turn will be connected to a main body which in turn will be connected to the water dispensing device or water cooling device (“water dispenser” or “water cooler”).
In the main body, the position of a small connection tube of the flexible hose (namely lateral or axial-central) will also be the discriminating feature of such invention to distinguish Model 1 and Model 2 and will allow covering the whole marked for water dispensers depending on its shape, as will be described below.
Model 1 will have a side connection for flexible hose with a profile which exactly mimics the geometry of the water crocks, and therefore will have the chance of placing on the same body a standard safety plug for the direct connection to PINs 13 present on some models of water dispensers 12, such as for example the Bericap plug 8, which is normally used as base/example for the other manufacturers. Model 1 will have the chance of changing the geometry of the lower part passing from the one similar to water crock necks to be able to provide a seat of the plug 8, model “valve lock” type Bericap, a geometry for the seat of a big OR-ring 15 useful for the direct connection to the tank of the water dispenser 19 not equipped with connection PIN 13 (not shown).
Model 2 will have a profile adapted to receive a special gasket which will allow to be directly connected, as will be described, to the internal tank 19 of the water dispenser when this latter one is not equipped with the connection PIN 13 of the above described plug 8.
Model 2 with connection for vertical axial flexible hose (like for Model 1) will have the chance, by only changing the lower part (and therefore having a single mold capable of producing both main body versions 17 and 18) of producing the Model 2 version with the lower part with geometry of the water crock neck useful to receive the plug 8 and therefore capable of be directly connected to water dispensers with systems with PIN 13 and air passage “protected” by a filter and a liquid check valve.
Everything will be better described below.
On the main body it will be possible to place (in one of the two versions and to be deemed as optional, but shown only for Model 1) a plate 3 useful to rest the different formats (in terms of liters contained inside) of BIBs 14 and will be equipped with a system which will allow weighing the BIB 14 (due to a calibrated metallic spring 5 placed between plate 3 and main body 4 (as will be described below) and will allow the user to understand when it will be necessary to replace the BIB 14 itself since it is empty. Alternatively (and this is valid both for Model 1 and for Model 2, but in this case it will be shown only for Model 2), there will be instead a plate system 16 constrained to the main body 17 through a hinge, which will allow inspecting the connection system between the connector 10 (connected to the BIB 14) and the main body 17. Obviously, it will be possible to create also on the second type of kit, the balance system with trivial geometric modifications, but since it has to be deemed as a possible additional optional, it will be described only for one of the two systems, namely only on Model 1.
In order to better comprise the innovation which will be inserted by the new system or kit 1, it will be advisable to describe the two types of delivering devices which, generically speaking, are on the market, namely the “Open System” delivering devices (
It is advisable to specify that the main difference between the two systems is that the delivering devices SC are equipped, on their venting hole (useful when the rigid water crock is placed on the delivering device, since without it, liquid could not go out of the water crock which will go in depression), of a check valve useful to enable the creation of a continuous flow for having a constant delivery of liquid from the water dispenser 12 (air enters in the rigid system of the water crock and liquid goes out of the water dispenser in a closed system). The venting hole in the delivering devices SC, and consequently the seat of the check valve 6, are generally obtained on the PIN connection cone of the delivering device to the system which is used to operatively connect the Bericap “valve-lock” model valve 6.
Such check valve device will also have the function of filtering air coming from outside (with costly, but necessary, filters) to avoid its contamination. Afterwards, it will be better seen that these check valves play an essential role for the connection of kit Model 1 and of kit Model 2 in its version with safety plug 8 since, being the BIB (differently from rigid water crocks) always subjected to the external atmospheric pressure, the check valve present on the water dispenser will help blocking water from going out of the delivering device towards outside. Obviously, in order to have a closed system, it will be necessary, as will be described below, that the water dispenser is equipped with a PIN system 13 for the air-tight connection with the suitable safety plug 8 (of the Bericap type) placed on the water crocks, and obviously the two types of kit with lower part with water crock type profile useful to connect the plug 8.
In this case, kit Model 1 for SC (
Instead, the delivering devices SA, by exploiting the Pascal principle, namely a water crock full of liquid (water in this case) completely overturned on a tank full of liquid (water in this case) (or which anyway will be filled with liquid if it is its first use) will receive a pressure transmitted by the liquid in the tank 19 (atmospheric pressure) which will also be transmitted to water at the bottle mouth, pushing it upwards: consequently, water in the bottle cannot go out.
In this case of delivering devices SA, the tank 19 can be present “free” from any connection member (like the connection PIN 13 to the safety plug 8 present on the water crock) and then in this case, before overturning the water crock on the open tank of the delivering device SA, it will be necessary to remove its plug 8, or, if there is a delivering device SA but with connection PIN 13 (but without the check valve 6 on the PIN 13 itself, which is, as stated, the main discriminant between SA and SC), on the water crocks there will be the safety plug 8 with automatic opening (due to the delivering device PIN 13), but the delivering device SA will always operate with the Pascal principle (since the safety valve is not present on the PIN 13).
Sometimes, when it happens that there is a PIN 13 not equipped with safety valve on the air entry hole (which will always be present on water dispensers since they are designed to operate/deliver liquids from rigid vessels of the water crock type), this will be removed to allow having the necessary space for placing and exploiting one of the two Models of the present invention for Open Systems (then, it will be decided whether the system has to be kept open or be transformed into a closed system by using the OR-Ring 15) namely the connection of the floating module 11 (if a kit is used with lower part shaped as a bottle neck with plug 8) or change shape to the lower part of the main body, in order to be able to insert the OR-ring 15 and sealing directly on the tank 19.
In this case, usually, as instead happens on delivering devices SC, there are no check valves, and therefore it will be necessary to follow two different paths: one provides for the use of a floating device 11 to be externally connected on the plug 8 in Model 1 and in Model 2 with the lower part with water crock neck geometry and plug 8 (after having prepared the water dispenser to be able to receive the device of Model 1 and of Model 2 with the lower part with water crock neck geometry and plug 8 for SA with floating module 11, namely the removal of the PIN system from the water dispenser itself). In this case, kit Model 1 for SA (
The check valve 6 present on last-generation dispensers SC (
In fact, it is necessary to take into account that, when a rigid water crock is placed on the delivering device, it will be necessary that, in order to allow a regular delivery, when spilling liquid from the delivering device, air simultaneously enter into the water crock, in order to create the right pressure which will allow liquid to go out.
Contrary to the rigid water crock where entry of air is necessary to enable liquids to go out, the BIB systems 14 do not need venting holes to operate the system, since the flexible bags contained inside the cardboard box (BIB) will always be subjected to atmospheric pressure, which collapses them onto themselves allowing a continuous delivery.
Certainly, in this way there will be problems when the venting holes of the delivering devices are not equipped with a check valve (which, in case of use of BIB systems 14, will block liquid from going out of the system since, differently from water crocks which have rigid walls and therefore not subjected to atmospheric pressure, the internal bags of the BIB 14 will always be subjected to such pressure, and therefore, when there is no check valve, liquid will go out of the venting holes).
It will be described below that, for the delivering devices SA (
It must also be added that the use of systems with BIB 14 on standard delivering devices (once having solved the problems implied by delivering devices SA) will provide a very big advantage with respect to the use of water crocks, since water will never get in contact with external air (instead necessary for water crocks with rigid walls to enable the delivery of liquid) and in general, as will be seen, there will be a sort of “sealed circuit” which de facto thereby completely remove one of the big problems of the delivering devices with water crocks, namely pollution from external agents.
With the BIB 14 a closed system will be created, which cannot be attached by external polluting agents.
The annoying problem will also be eliminated of having to clean the external surface of the water crock (which, during its transport, gets dirty outside) above all if the water crock is then placed on an open system without the connecting PIN (
The system with BIB 14 will never have this type of problem, since water will never get in contact with the outside vessel, preserving it from any source of pollution, both in water dispensers with Open System, and in water dispensers 12 with Closed System, since there will always be an element in the middle (kit 1) which will preserve from the direct contact BIB 14 and water dispenser 12.
Therefore, the system with BIB 14, in addition to save money in terms of purchase of additional components necessary for preventing the pollution of delivered water, namely of very costly air filters to be placed after the check valve 6, will contribute to prevent the pollution due to the contact between dirty external surface of the vessels (especially on the Open Systems) and water to be delivered.
With reference to the Figures, the two preferred embodiments of the system or kit 1 of the present invention are shown and described. It will be immediately obvious that numerous variations and modifications (for example related to shape, sizes, arrangements and parts with equivalent functionalities or the fact of creating in a single mold both version by exploiting the parts in common between the two kits) could be made to what is described, without departing from the scope of the invention as appears from the enclosed claims.
According to the Figures, the system or kit 1 to be adapted on current water dispensers 12, first of all comprises a main body 4, 17 (Model 1 is shown in
If instead there is kit Model 2, the same will be directly connected to the tank 19 of the water dispenser 12 and everything will be sealed due to a special gasket 15 or, if there is Model 2 with its lower part shaped as the neck of a water crock useful to receive Bericap valve lock plug 8, there will be the same chances of connection shown for Model 1 (namely a direct connection through PIN 13 or with floating module 11) as shown from
Now, in order to better describe the two kit geometries (Model 1 and Model 2), they will be described herein below individually, pointing out also the single components and features connected thereto.
Starting from kit Model 1 with lateral small connection tube,
Starting from the upper part of the main body 4 and with reference to
Inside the main body 4, there is a plane 4.10 which will be useful if one decides not to exploit the balance system with plate 3 and calibrated metallic spring 5 (shown below), since, by cooperating with the cylinders 4.9 as vertical guide and the ribs 4.12, it will create a rigid support/guiding area for the BIB 14. The ribs 4.12 are adapted to confer to the piece the necessary stiffness/structure to support the weight of the BIB 14 which will be placed above. Mainly, they will be first hollow supporting geometries 4.9 or ribs 4.12, which will structure the piece without making it heavier and above all without having the need of thickening too much the piece wall, since this would cause an excessive use of plastic material, which will highly increase the price of the molded product (cost of plastic material and cycle time for producing it elongated). Openings (two opposite openings) 4.5 can be seen, useful for placing the delivery tap on one side or the delivery tap on the connector (connected to the water dispenser) on the other side.
Moreover, it can be noted that the two geometries are contrasted, since, as previously stated, the end user must be given the chance of connecting the delivering tap of the BIB 14 to the connection system present on the kit 1 itself, and then connect it to the water dispenser 12, or decide whether, once having placed the BIB 14 at 180° with respect to the connection area of the connector 10 present on the kit 1, directly delivering liquid by exploiting the delivering tap present on the BIB 14 without necessarily connecting it to the water dispenser 12 by means of the connector 10.
It must further be noted that the conical supporting geometries 4.9 which can be found inside the main body 4 also have a guiding function of the upper plate on which a supporting plate 3 will be inserted, which will be the real base on which the BIB 14 rest when the balance system of Model 1 will be used. The geometries 4.9 which in this case will operate as guides for the above plate 3 will cooperate with the geometries 3.3 of the plate 3.
It must be remembered that, between the body of kit Model 1 and the plate 3, the calibrated spring 5 will be placed, adapted to detect the right weight of the BIB 14 placed above and to determine the height of the plate 3 with respect to a zero position computed when the spring 5 is as a package (
As can be seen below, it will anyway be necessary to have references also on the box of the BIB 14, in order to understand how much the BIB 14 itself has emptied, as shown in
The main body 4, summarizing, is a seat for the supporting accessories of the BIB 14 and of their connecting and sealing elements with the water dispenser 12.
On the central part of the body 4, a small connecting tube 4.1 is laterally placed (but, as can be seen below, by changing the geometry it is possible to create, as for the body 17, a central axial connection 17.1), adapted to connect the flexible hose 9 (discriminating element between Model 1 and Model 2) (which in turn will be connected to the connector 10 for the plug), preferably made of silicone of the foodstuff type, whose function is connecting the BIB 14 to the system or kit 1 which will be connected to the water dispenser 12. Inside the lower part of kit Model 1, ribs 4.2 will be placed, adapted to keep the check valve system 6, preferably with umbrella type (
The plugs 8 of the “valve lock” type provide the chance of directly connecting to the most modern water dispensers 12 manufactured and equipped with systems with PIN 13 shown in
It must further be remembered that the sealing and connecting system of the kit 1 will be connected to the BIBs 14 by means of a flexible hose 9, to a connector 10, which can be for example among those described in WO-A1-2012176221, or WO-A1-2007052316, or EP-A1-1627850, all in the name of the Applicant of the present invention.
As previously stated, in the seat 4.3 the calibrated spring 6 will be placed (depending on the specific weight of liquid contained in the BIB 14) whose purpose is moving the plate 3 and giving the chance of seeing whether the BIB 14 is still full of liquid or to be exchanged. The plate 3 will be operatively connected to the main body 4 by means of flexible tooth obtained on a central cylinder 3.1 with recessed geometries (to be able to provide the right flexibility to the cylinder itself) and anchored to the body 4 (4.14) by means of small tooth geometries (3.2) obtained on the extreme part of the cylinder 3.1, adapted to block the plate 3 itself when the spring 5, which is in the seat 4.3 obtained on the body 4 and the seat 3.5 obtained on the plate 3, reaches a prefixed position. The plate 3 will further be vertically guided by the hole geometries 3.3 obtained on the plate 3 and cooperating with the cones 4.9 obtained on the main body 4.
Moreover, in order to increase still more the guided system of the plate 3 and therefore have a “descent” and a “rise” of the same (depending on its weight and therefore on the contents of the BIB 14), there will be geometries with external guide 3.4 obtained on the plate 3, which will cooperate with the rib geometries 4.12 present on the body 4.
Externally, and anchored to the main body 4, the cover 2 will be placed, whose purpose is mainly aesthetic. Unloading geometries 2.1 (in an opposite position one with respect to the other) will be obtained thereon, which, once placed on the main body 4, will be placed on the similar geometries 4.5. Teeth-shaped fastening geometries 2.2 will also be present on the cover 2, which will be fastened to the external edge of the main body 4.11.
The internal part of the body Model 1 will be equipped with a system with umbrella-type check valve 6 and valve support 7, which will be fastened to the main body 4 (but such system can be replaced by any check valve system which, even if not shown, is part of the invention), as shown in
Purpose of such system, above all when the Model 1 will be equipped with a plug 8 of the “valve lock” type and water dispenser with air-tight connecting PIN 13, is avoiding that, in the closed system created when disconnecting the BIB 14 when, for example, it will have to be change or due to any other reason which generate a temporary disconnection of the connector from the delivering tap of the BIB 14, the pressure created inside the system with water dispenser 12+kit Model 1 for SC goes back and anticipates the closure of the safety plug 8 of the connector itself and generates a slight leakage of liquid.
In fact, upon every liquid delivery, it will be sure that the check valve 6 (in this case with the flexible umbrella-type geometry) fastened by engagement to its seat 7 in the central fastening point 7.1 equipped with holes for the passage of liquid 7.3, seals between the small lip of the valve 6.1 and its seat obtained on the valve-carrier 7.2 every time the delivery from the water dispenser 12 ends and the system returns perfectly closed SC.
Therefore, summarizing and with reference to
In turn, on the main body 4, in a suitable seat 4.3, a calibrated spring 5 will be centrally placed, and, above it, in the suitable seat 3.5 obtained, the plate 3 will be placed, which in turn will be fastened to the main body 4, in the suitable through-seats 4.14 obtained, by means of the small teeth 3.2 obtained on the central flexible cylinder 3.1 of the plate 3.
This system is optional, and therefore has to be considered as additional system.
The balance system allows the user to understand the exact moment for changing the BIB 14 which, otherwise, since it is not a transparent water crock, would be impossible to understand, since there is a decorated cardboard box as external element of the BIB vessel 14.
The mechanical system with calibrated spring 5 as balance can also be used, for a better accuracy, together with a graduated scale obtained on the external box of the BIB 14, as shown in
Obviously, this system can also be transformed from mechanical (with calibrated spring 5) to electronic (with load cell or various types of sensors, not shown) always connected to the weight of the BIB 14 and always remaining within the invention. Such systems fall within the invention even if not shown, since they can be easily made.
Passing to the lower part of kit Model 1 for SC, it can be noted in detail (
The system 6, 7 with umbrella-type check valve (or other valves, not shown) will be placed inside the main body 4.
Finally, the last element to be connected is the plug 8.
This is also the reason why the bottle neck geometry has been faithfully reproduced, to be able to adapt the standard plug 8 already present on the market, already known by all customers and already capable of being adapted to every SC.
As can be seen in
If instead there is a water dispenser 12 with PIN system 13 but without check valve on the air inlet hole or, even for older dispensers, systems with tanks (
The additional module with floating valve 11 is connected to the kit Model 1 by means of the plug 8, since its upper part is the same as the standard geometries of the PIN 13 with elongated body.
The kit 1 in turn will be connected to a system with BIB 14 (always subjected to atmospheric pressure) by means of the connector 10.
The system being created (kit 1+water dispenser 12), differently from rigid water crocks (which de facto do not feel any difference between water dispensers with or without check valve on the air hole since they comply with the Pascal principle, namely a water crock full of liquid (water in this case) completely overturned on a tank full of liquid (water in this case) (or which anyway will be filled with liquid if this is a first use) will receive a pressure transmitted by the one received by the tank liquid (atmospheric pressure) which will also be transmitted to water which is at the bottle mouth, pushing it upwards: consequently, water which is in the bottle cannot go out), if the water dispenser is not equipped in its air entry hole with a check valve, at a certain time from such hole liquid contained in the bag of the BIB 14 (which has the liquid always pushed by the atmospheric pressure) will go out.
With reference to
The sealing valve 11.3.1 and the floater 11.3.2 will be directly obtained (from molding) or afterwards assembled (assembling) on the floating arm.
The sealing area of the floating arm 11.3.1 will perform an operatively seal when it is in a closing position with the cone/cylinder 11.1.2.
As can be noted, the floating mass has been voluntarily offset, which is the one that in the end provides the necessary force to be able to close the liquid passage when the floating module 11 is in its closing position (
In this case, the liquid will exert on the floater such a force that, acting from bottom to top (namely the filling direction of the tank 19 when there is a SA without PIN 13), will make the arm 11.3.1 rotate, considering the constraint in 11.3.3 (
Moreover, in order to make this operation easier, it has been thought of shaping the inside of body 11.2 in its area 11.1.2 (
Everything because from the BIB 14 placed above the kit Model 1 for SA, a high pressure is made arrive to the floating system 11.
Such pressure would not allow the system with floating valve 11 to remain closed, since the pressure coming from the BIB 14 (above all when it is full) would efficiently and finally contrast the moment force created by the floater 11.
Therefore, the channel has had to be shaped so that the pressure decreases (and consequently the liquid speed increases) creating a bottleneck 11.1.2.
Having a lower output pressure from the system or kit 1, the floater of the floating system 11 has been made in order to have such a force as to close the liquid outlet channel.
It can be though that the pressure increases next to the bottlenecks 11.1.2; however, due to the lift law, next to the bottleneck 11.1.2, is the speed that increases.
The floating system 11 will be quickly placed on the kit Model 1 by inserting it in its operating seal (it will have the same sizes of the standard PIN of the water dispensers) with the plug 8 by means of the calibrated cylindrical wall 11.1.4.
There is a second chance of placing the kit Model 1 on Open Systems: it will be modifying the lower part of the body 4 with a geometry adapted to receive the OR-ring 15 as shown for the Model 2 in
The kit Model 2 will now be described in its different arrangements.
First of all, such kit will be described for the direct connection with Open Systems (
In this case, this kit is used when there are water dispensers 12 with open system (
In this case, by using kit Model 2 (shown in
On this kit, by exploiting the fact that, differently from Model 1, it has the connection of the flexible hose 9 in a central axial position 17.1 and 18.1 (according to the version), it has been tried to exploit the advantage (at mold level) of having all geometries in axis to compact ad optimize all accessories which necessarily must be present and above all are common to the two Models.
With reference to
In this case, the main features of this Model 2 will be dealt with, neglecting the common points and geometries (already wholly described before).
First of all, in order to simplify the piece at molding level and thereby at mold level, it has been thought to model the piece so that, differently from the kit Model 1, the small connecting tube 17.1 (
This will allow simplifying some geometries, such as for example creating the valve-carrier geometry 17.6 directly on the main body 17 and then, differently from Model 1, removing the valve-carrier piece, instead necessary if there is the small connecting tube 4.1 placed in a lateral position (injection mold needs).
Below the tube 17.1, as can be seen in
Below the umbrella valve 6 (fastened to the main body 17), there will be a cylinder 17.2 shaped so that the liquid always has a passage area and the umbrella valve 6 is free of correctly working.
This cylinder 17.2 will protect the valve 6 from possible members which could be found inside the tank 19 of the water dispenser 12 and that, without the laterally recessed cylinder geometry 17.2, would squash the umbrella valve 6 preventing it from correctly operate.
The shaped cylinder 17.1 has a useful height so that the sealing ring 15 manages to seal in the tank 19 of the water dispenser 12 without the possible pieces inside the water dispenser 12 impact on the shaped cylinder 17.1 before the gasket 15 operatively seals with the tank 19 of the water dispenser 12 itself.
Going downwards in the main body 17, externally one can see the geometries 17.3 (
The recess 17.4 obtained on the lowest part of the main body 17 will be sued to have an area to be able to remove the sealing ring 15, possibly for its maintenance or replacement.
Going back to the upper part of kit Model 2 and always with reference to
Also for this Model, a mechanical or electric system can be created, to make a balance system like the previously described one.
The plate 16 shown in
The plate 16 will have hinge-type fastening elements 16.2 which will be operatively engaged with the geometries created on the ribs, or better holes, 17.5.
The plate 16 will have a recessed element 16.1 which allows having a catch area when the plate 16 will have to be opened, once constrained to the main body 17.
With reference to
Taking into account
Such plate 16 constrained on the main body 17 can be moved (through a rotation on the hinge created on the hole 17.5) till 90° with respect to the bearing plane of the BIB 14, freeing the area below the kit Model 2 for its inspection or cleaning.
Always on the main body 17, in its seat 17.6, the check valve 6 (in this case shown as an umbrella) will be operatively connected. Such valve 6 will be operatively coupled with the main body 17 and prevent the pressurized liquid (due to the above BIB 14) from anticipating the closure of the valve of the connector 10 making some liquid go out in case of disconnection of the BIB 14.
Under the umbrella valve 6, there is the recessed protecting cylindrical geometry 17.2, whose purpose is protecting and allowing the check valve 6 to be correctly opened and closed, without possibly having the problem that internal members of the water dispenser 12 prevent the normal opening and closing movement of the valve dictated by the internal pressures of the system with kit 1+water dispenser 12.
In the extreme lower part of kit Model 2 for Open Systems, there is the seat of the flexible gasket 15 which will perform an operating seal on the internal surface of the tank of the water dispenser 12.
The cover 2 is fastened to the main body of kit Model 2 and has the feature of being an interchangeable and possibly decorated aesthetic element of the system or kit 1.
As regards the version of this kit for Closed Systems, with reference to
The obtained geometry is wholly copied (as occurred for Model 1) from the neck of commercial water crocks.
The floating valve 11, like in Model 1, could be adapted thereto, and is useful to connect Model 2 with carafe profile and plug 8 directly to an Open System, as alternative to the first type of kit Model 2 described above and shown in
This Model of kit has the great advantage of making the kit 1 flexible, which will allow the end user to have in a single kit 1 the chance (inserting or not the floating module 11) of being connected to Open Systems (
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind |
PCT/IT2014/000298 | 11/7/2014 | WO | 00 |
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WO2016/071933 | 5/12/2016 | WO | A |
Number | Name | Date | Kind |
3848776 | Schieser | Nov 1974 | A |
4515294 | Udall | May 1985 | A |
4573612 | Maddison | Mar 1986 | A |
5577638 | Takagawa | Nov 1996 | A |
6568570 | Amberg | May 2003 | B1 |
6588630 | Tan | Jul 2003 | B2 |
7775397 | Rivard | Aug 2010 | B2 |
8459509 | Bui | Jun 2013 | B2 |
9227828 | Groesbeck | Jan 2016 | B2 |
20180273371 | Nini | Sep 2018 | A1 |
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20180273371 A1 | Sep 2018 | US |