1. Field of the Invention
The invention is generally related to intake systems for seawater desalination systems and is specifically directed to a desalination intake system having a net positive impact on habitat.
2. Discussion of the Art
Fish and larvae entrapment and entrainment losses are a key environmental issue for desalination plants. Desalination plants are often located in ecologically sensitive coastal estuaries. The juvenile fish larvae, which are abundant in these waters, are killed when they are entrained or entrapped in desalination plant intake systems.
Screened intake systems have been developed for power plants that reduce entrainment and entrapment, but these cannot always be successfully applied at industrial waterfront sites. These sites are optimal locations for large scale desalination plants due to the large demand for high quality water. In addition, even the best screen system with fish return capability is only able to reduce entrainment by 85-90% versus an unscreened open ocean intake. This still results in a significant loss of fish and larvae due to the high concentration of sea life in the near shore environment.
Travelling screens with fine mesh (0.5 mm) have been used in once through seawater cooled power plants. These travelling screens achieve about an 85% removal efficiency. However, these systems require a fish return system that routes the recovered fish and larvae away from the intake system. For once through power plant cooling water, the fish and larvae can be routed to the discharge cooling water or a separate fish channel. These are typically located a significant distance away from the intake to prevent re-ingestion of the discharge cooling water or fish.
Once through power plants use large flows and low temperature rises (about 10° F.). Thus, the returned fish and larvae can survive in the discharge cooling water, or in a fish discharge channel, which is near the cooling water discharge.
Desalination plants have a discharge stream that has a high brine concentration. In addition it may contain anti-scalant and water treating chemicals. Any returned fish or larvae must be discharged away from the inlet and away from the discharge line. This makes placement of the intake, discharge and fish return especially difficult in an industrial area where seafront acreage is limited. Intake and outfall pipelines have been used; but, these are expensive and may interfere with navigation (dredged ship channels).
Travelling screens also have a high mortality rate for fish and larvae impinged on the screen and subsequently returned. Overall mortality rates of about 50% are typical for Gulf of Mexico water temperatures, even for modified travelling screens with fish buckets. The stress of impingement and reduced oxygen content in the water cause this high mortality.
Angled screens with sweeping water flow to a bypass fish channel have been effective in reducing mortality in river applications. The sweeping flow and bypass channel allow the fish and larvae to pass by the face of the screen without becoming impinged. However, typical seawater sites have alternating weak tidal currents, which are insufficient to sweep the fish by the face of the screen.
Wedgewire passive screens have been proven to be about 85•90% effective in removing fish and larvae from seawater intakes. However, in order to achieve this effectiveness, the following conditions must be met:
1) Small opening size (about 0.5 mm)
2) Slow velocity through the opening (about 0.5 ft/s)
3) Significant sweep velocity across the face of the screen (>1 ft/s)
The first two conditions require significant screen surface area. For large desalination plants, this can be impractical due to site restrictions. This is especially true for industrial or ship channel locations where waterfront real estate is limited.
The third condition also is difficult to achieve in seawater conditions since tidal currents are alternating. Depending on location, the tidal currents may not reliably generate the sweeping velocities needed to prevent entrapment on the screen.
Subsurface intakes use horizontal or vertical beach wells to supply seawater to the desalination plant. Subsurface wells are effective at preventing entrainment and entrapment since the sea floor acts as an effective filter, thereby removing essentially all sea life. However, subsurface intakes require a high porosity sea bed to provide a sufficient flow of seawater to support a commercial desalination plant. At many locations the sea bed porosity is too low to support a commercial desalination unit. In addition, there is a long term risk of damaging coastal aquifers with salt water intrusion.
Many of the world's estuaries are stressed due to reduced fresh water flows. On the U.S. Gulf Coast, this has led to oyster reef habitat destruction. In addition to producing oysters, oyster reefs provide habitat for juvenile fish. Oysters are attacked by parasites (dermo-protozoan, oyster drill-snail) when insufficient spring flood freshwater pulses enter the estuary. Upstream dams on the rivers feeding the estuaries are typically constructed to capture the spring floodwater for agricultural, municipal, and industrial use. Although minimum flows are supplied to the estuary on a year round basis, the cleansing effect of a spring flood event is no longer available.
Ship channels have also been dredged through estuarial bays. This facilitates commerce, but can increase estuary turbidity and channel tidal flows. Fertilizer runoff also enters the estuary in higher concentrations due to the reduced inlet water flows. The reduced tidal flows, higher fertilizer concentration, and higher turbidity can lead to hypoxic conditions in the estuary. This leads to additional oyster reef habitat destruction.
It remains, therefore, desirable to provide a seawater intake system that can be employed in commercial desalination systems near shorelines where the fresh water is required with a minimum of environmental impact on the fragile sea life dependent upon the coastal waters.
Embodiments of this invention involve an integrated intake and reef system which feeds seawater to a desalination plant, but has a net positive impact on the adjacent seawater habitat.
This is achieved by an intake system with the following attributes:
In the intake system of the subject invention seawater flows at low velocity (about 0.5 ft/s) through a grating into an inlet raceway. A baffle at the top of the grating prevents fish and larvae rich surface water from entering the raceway. The bottom of the grating is located above the bottom to prevent significant amounts of sediment from being entrained into the raceway.
Seawater in the raceway is accelerated in the raceway to about 1.5-2 ft/s. This can be achieved by providing the raceway with a smaller cross section than the inlet grating. This ensures that settling of sediment will substantially not occur in the raceway. Wedgewire screens with about a 0.5 mm gap, about a 0.5 ft/s through screen velocity and about a 1-2 ft/s cross flow/channel velocity are installed parallel to the flow direction in the raceway. A portion of the seawater in the raceway is pulled through the wedgewire screen. The combination of small opening size, low through screen velocity, and high cross flow screen outer surface velocity minimizes fish and larvae entrainment and entrapment on the screens.
Multiple wedge wire screens are used in series in the raceway channel. Under the optimized conditions in the raceway, the wedgewire screens typically entrain or entrap less than about 10% of the fish and larvae in the seawater.
The filtered seawater that is pulled through the screen is acidified to a pH of about 6.5 and is periodically disinfected with a biocide. The acidified and periodically disinfected seawater enters an enclosed sump and a submerged or sump pump is used to pump the seawater out of the sump to the desalination plant. The reduced pH and biocide prevent biological growth in the sump, pump and seawater pipeline to the desalination plant. The pumps and screen pressure drop maintain the sump level below the level in the raceway. This prevents backflow or leakage of disinfected seawater into the raceway.
An interlock system shuts off the acid and biocide injection if the level differential becomes too low.
The residual seawater containing the bulk of the fish and larvae exits the raceway and enters a rear transfer pond. The rear transfer pond is connected to two reef ponds each equipped with transfer pumps. These pumps are fish friendly pumps with proven low (<5%) mortality rates (fish friendly low speed impeller pump, Venturi jet pump, air lift pump). The transfer pumps are operated so that the residual seawater from the raceway is pumped into the reef that is down current from the inlet During times of slack tide or no cross flow tidal current, both transfer pumps are operated in parallel. A variable speed drive on the pumps or compressor (air lift system) provides transfer pump flow adjustment. An aerator located in the transfer pump plume aerates the water being transferred into the reef (not used for air lift pump).
In addition to a large raceway transfer pump, each reef is equipped with a smaller reef level control pump. The reef level control pump pumps water out of the reef into the rear transfer pond. This pump extracts seawater from the reef that is not receiving the flow from the raceway. This ensures a positive flow of seawater into the reef during all tidal conditions. This is important during outgoing tide conditions since the outlet of the non-circulating reef is up current from the outlet. Thus, any outgoing tidal flow from this reef could be re-ingested into the raceway inlet. With a Venturi pump, a reef level control pump is not required since reef water will backflow through the non-operating Venturi. A rotating disk may be required to limit the back flow through the Venturi, to ensure that the bulk of the flow into the rear transfer pond comes through the raceway.
The aerated water from the rear transfer pond enters the reef pond. The reef depth and bottom composition are selected to optimize fish, larvae, shellfish and micro-algae growth, maximizing reef productivity. In addition, periodic pulses of brackish desalinated water from the desalination plant, and clarified storm water runoff are used to flush the reef. This provides optimized water chemistry, and substrate conditions for reef productivity.
The subject invention is directed to an environmentally supportive seawater intake system having a first filtering system in communication with raw seawater for providing a flow of seawater into a raceway. A cross-flow filtering system is in communication with the seawater in the raceway. A portion of the raceway seawater is drawn through the cross-flow filtering system for delivery as intake water. The residual portion of seawater in the raceway continues to flow in the first direction and with the drawn water being separated and flowing along a different path to be used as intake water. An input device receives the intake water, and a recovery system receives and returns the first, residual portion to the sea environment.
In one embodiment of the invention, the seawater intake system is adapted for generating and transferring screened seawater to a desalination plant. An intake screen having an operable cross-section for screening and passing raw seawater for creating screened intake seawater is in communication with a raceway, wherein the operational cross-sectional area of the intake screen is larger than the operational cross-sectional area of the raceway, and wherein the flow rate through the raceway is approximately 1.5-2 times the flow rate through the intake screen. A cross flow screen is located in the raceway and in communication with the seawater in the raceway for permitting the flow of screened cross flow water in a direction which is in cross flow with the seawater in the raceway to create a first, residual portion of the seawater flowing in the direction of the raceway and a second, filtered portion of seawater flowing in a direction cross flow to the raceway. The system includes an intake flow system comprising of a sump for receiving the second portion of seawater and a pump for discharging the second portion of seawater into an intake port of the desalination plant. A recovery system receives and delivers the first, residual portion of seawater to a reef pond. The recovery system includes a transfer pond for receiving the first, residual portion of seawater, and a pumping system for pumping the first, residual portion of seawater from the pond into the reef pond.
The seawater intake system provides, but is not limited to, the following benefits:
1) Provides a desalination plant intake with a net overall improvement in the seawater habitat.
2) Has a small waterfront space requirement, and is suitable for installation on a commercial ship channel. The intake does not pose any hindrance to navigation.
3) Coupled with the high efficiency desalination design (about 99% desalination recovery), substantially reduces NPV in habitat mitigation costs versus an unscreened design or conventional travelling screen for about a 30 MGD desalination plant.
4) Adapts to alternating tidal flows during operation, and does not require a minimal tidal current velocity to sweep intake screens.
5) Requires a small reef size for full intake mitigation due to the high effectiveness of the intake screening (about 90%), and the high productivity of the reef (desalination flooding, optimized bottom and aeration). The small reef size enables it to be integral to the desalination plant.
The system of the subject invention permits:
1) Co-location of the oyster or coral reef and desalination intake. The desalination intake provides a constant flow of nutrients (seawater). Fish and larvae are swept by the intake screens into the reef, thereby minimizing entrainment and entrapment losses. The adjacent reef system also provides an effective recovery area for the juvenile fish, minimizing mortality.
2) Use of a raceway perpendicular to the waterfront. This simultaneously provides constant high cross flow velocity (independent of fluctuating tidal currents) and large surface area for effective use of wedgewire passive screens.
3) Use of hatchery type circulation devices (e.g. air lift pump, venture pump, or fish friendly impeller) to provide circulation in the intake system.
4) Use of dual reefs in alternating operation to prevent re-ingestion of fish and larvae rich reef effluent. This allows the intake system to be operated so that it dynamically adapts to any tidal conditions of a specific site.
5) Use of pulses of brackish (low quality) desalinated water to periodically flush the reef.
6) Use of air from the screen backflush system to aerate the water entering the reef system.
With specific reference to
The grated seawater is introduced into the raceway system 14 via the conduit 18. The raceway has a lower open cross-section than the grating system, whereby the seawater is accelerated as it passes from the grating system through the raceway. Typically, the flow of seawater through the grating system is about 0.5 ft/s, whereas the flow through the raceway is increased to between 1 ft/s and 2 ft/s. This ensures that settling of sediment will be minimized in the raceway.
As shown in
A diagrammatic view of a typical raceway 14 in accordance with the subject invention is shown in
The combination of small opening size, low through screen velocity (about 0.5 ft/s) and high cross flow screen outer surface velocity minimizes the entrainment and entrapment of fish and larvae on the screens and in the water. Multiple screens may be used in series to further reduce the entrainment and entrapment of fish and larvae. It has been shown that less than 10% of the fish and larvae are entrained or entrapped using the raceway system of the subject invention.
As shown in
J Turning again to Fig. I, the residual seawater 34, which contains the bulk of the fish and larvae, exits the raceway and enters a rear transfer pond 70. In the example, the rear transfer pond is connected to two reef ponds 72 and 74, each equipped with transfer pumps, not shown. These pumps are commercially available fish friendly pumps with proven low <<5%) mortality rates, such as, by way of example, low speed impeller pumps, Venturi jet pumps, air lift pumps and the like. The transfer pumps are operated so that the residual seawater from the raceway is pumped into the reef that is down current from the inlet. During times of slack tide or no cross flow tidal current, both transfer pumps are operated in parallel. A variable speed drive on the pumps or compressor (air lift system) provides transfer pump flow adjustment. An aerator 76 located in the transfer pump plum aerates the water being transferred into the reef. The aerator is not required for an air lift pump system.
In addition to a large raceway transfer pump, each reef 72, 74 may be equipped with a smaller reef level control pump (not shown). The reef level control pump discharges water out of the reef into the rear transfer pond 70. This pump extracts seawater from the reef that is not receiving the flow from the raceway. This ensures a positive flow of seawater into the reef during all tidal conditions. This is important during outgoing tide conditions since the outlet of the non-circulating reef is up current from the outlet. Thus, any outgoing tidal flow from this reef could be re-ingested into the raceway inlet. With a Venturi pump, a reef level control pump is not required since reef water will backflow through the non-operating Venturi. A rotating disk may be utilized to limit the back flow through the Venturi, to ensure that the bulk: of the flow into the rear transfer pond 70 comes through the raceway.
The aerated water from the rear of the transfer pond 70 enters the reef ponds 72, 74. The reef depth and bottom composition are selected to optimize fish, larvae, shellfish and microalgae growth in accordance with known practices, maximizing reef productivity. In addition, periodic pulses of brackish desalinated water from the desalination plant 60, and clarified storm water runoff may be used to flush the reef. This provides optimized water chemistry and substrate conditions for reef productivity.
Plan and elevation views of the inlet and outlet design of a system incorporating the features of the subject invention are shown in
The system minimizes entrainment and entrapment losses and minimizes floating debris ingestion. By placing the inlet grating 10 above the seafloor no ship channel bottom water is input into the desalination plant intake and the intake of silt is minimized.
A comparison of the attributes of the intake system of the subject invention with conventional mitigation and travelling screen systems follows:
A typical system operation utilizing the teachings of the subject invention is as follows:
Alternative intake structures are shown in
In all of the embodiments of
Each of the embodiments of
With specific reference to
The Venturi pump system of
The airlift system 160 incorporated in
It will be noted that each of the systems depicted in
All of the configurations of
As shown in
The elevated pipe 110 discharges into a raceway 114 that is located above sea level. The raceway is sloped, causing the seawater to flow by gravity down the raceway at 1-2 ft/s. Wedgewire screens are located in the raceway, and a portion of the seawater is pulled through the screens to feed the desal unit as described in the earlier embodiments. The water remaining in the raceway downstream of the screens is directed into two above sea level reef sections (not shown) located on either side of the raceway which redirect the non-screened seawater back to the sea.
The non-screened seawater containing approximately 90% of the sea life flows by gravity through each reef section. Typically, the discharge of each reef section has a valve and a short downward sloped outlet pipe. The outlet valves are controlled based on tidal flows so that the reef outlet water is not reingested back into the inlet pump. Generally, the outlet valve that is on the downstream tidal flow side of the inlet pipe is opened, and the upstream valve is closed. The short sloped outlet pipes from each reef are designed to gently reintroduce the reef sea life back into the sea without allowing large predators to enter the reefs.
While certain features and embodiments have been described in detail herein, it should be understood that the invention encompasses all modifications and enhancements with the scope and spirit of the following claims.
This application is a continuation in part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/118,326, filed on May 27, 2011, and entitled: ““DESALINATION INTAKE SYSTEM WITH NET POSITIVE IMPACT ON HABITAT”, which is a completion of the U.S. Provisional Patent Application, Ser. No. 611350,734, filed on Jun. 2, 2010 by the inventor hereof, and entitled: “DESALINATION INTAKE SYSTEM WITH NET POSITIVE IMPACT ON HABITAT”. This application claims full priority based both the application Ser. No. 13/118,326 and the provisional application No. 611350734, which are incorporated in their entirety herein by reference.
Number | Date | Country | |
61350734 | Jun 2010 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | 13118326 | May 2011 | US |
Child | 13307933 | US |