The present invention relates to a cryptographic systems, and more particularly, to a Montgomery modular multiplier including both fixed-precision and scalable designs.
High-speed and area-efficient hardware implementation of modular multiplication (MM) has been a subject of great interest. The design of a modular multiplication significantly affects the performance of many cryptosystems like Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) [23], elliptic-curve cryptography (ECC) [11], somewhat homomorphic encryption (SHE) [17], and fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) [6, 22]. Based on the hardness of the underlying mathematical problem, a cryptosystem usually deals with large integers from hundreds of bits to thousands of bits. More concretely, the performance of a variable bitwidth N of the modulus is an important concern. Therefore, efficient hardware realization of an MM algorithm (dealing with large integers) is a key challenge.
a. Basic Modular Multiplication
To better explain algorithms, some notation is provided. An N-bit integer X will be represented as X=Σi=0N−1 X[i]2i in radix-2 and X=Σi=0n
Given a multiplicand X, a multiplier Y, and a modulus M, the modular multiplication (MM) targets to compute Z=XYmodM. Realization 1 presents the basic N-bit modular multiplication, where we decompose the multiplier Y into nm=┌N/m┐ words. In the algorithm, we scan multiplier Y from the most significant word to the least significant word. In particular, we left shift the intermediate result Z(i+1) from the (i+1)-st iteration by m bits and add it to the product of X and Yi. Next, the quotient q(i) is computed as the floor of T(i) divided by M, and Z(i) is calculated by subtracting q(i)M from T(i).
It is easy to show that Z(i) lies in the range [0, M):
We can unfold the expression of Z(0) until Z(n
Although this realization is simple and immediately correct (i.e., it does not need a correction step as found in more advanced modular multiplication algorithms), it relies on doing large-bitwidth divisions to compute q(i), which is quite expensive. This realization is also referred as interleaved modular multiplication (IMM), especially when m is 1 or 2 and multiplication can be easily optimized.
b. Montgomery Modular Multiplication
Montgomery modular multiplication [14] is widely used because it replaces time-consuming divisions of the basic modular multiplication with multiplications and shifts.
Let M be an N-bit odd positive integer. Instead of directly computing Z=XYmodM, the operation can be performed efficiently in Montgomery domain with Montgomery modular multiplication. Assume R is a power of 2 and R>M. We can transform {circumflex over (X)} (in the ordinary domain) into X (in the Montgomery domain) as below:
X={circumflex over (X)}R mod M,{circumflex over (X)}=XR−1 mod M (3)
where R−1 is the modular multiplicative inverse of R with R−1∈(0, M) and RR−1modM=1. The Montgomery form Z of {circumflex over (Z)}={circumflex over (X)}ŶmodM is represented by X, Y, and R−1 as follows:
Notice that the transformation between X and {circumflex over (X)} can also be fitted into operation XYR−1modM with different X and Y, as shown below:
Therefore, the design of Z=XYR−1modM determines the performance of Montgomery MM.
Depending on whether the bitwidth N is fixed or variable, the design of the Montgomery MM falls into two categories: fixed-precision [3, 7, 12] and scalable [10, 25, 26] Montgomery MM. Given a multiplicand X, a multiplier Y, and a modulus M, the modular multiplication computes Z=XYmodM. A fixed-precision Montgomery MM with radix 2m (FPR2tm) assumes the bitwidth N of the modulus is fixed and computes intermediate results related to m bits of the multiplier iteratively. When N is known, some optimization techniques, like Karatsuba multiplication and Toom-Cook multiplication [7], are possible to simplify the three required multiplications in each iteration. When N is variable, a scalable Montgomery MM with radix 2m (MWR2tm) focuses on designing some ingenious modules, which process w bits of the multiplicand and the modulus, and m bits of the multiplier in each iteration.
When m=1, the multiplication with 1 bit of the multiplier (radix 2 design) is simply a parallel collection of 2-input AND logic. Many prior art references focused on improving the radix 2 design, either for fixed-precision (FPR2t1) or scalable (MWR2t1) versions. The disadvantage of radix 2 design is its high cycle latency because it has to compute the intermediate results one multiplier bit a time. When m>1, the cycle latency can be reduced to approximately 1/m. However, the design becomes quite costly in terms of area and delay of the resulting circuit, which hinders the development of a high-radix Montgomery MM.
c. Fixed-Precision Montgomery Modular Multiplication
Realization 2 shows the fixed-precision radix-2m Montgomery modular multiplication (FPR2tm), where we scan a group of m-bits of multiplier Yi in the i-th iteration. Let d=┌N/m┐ denote the number of iterations. Bazout's identity implies that rr−1−MM′=1 when r and M are positive and relatively prime with r−1∈(0, M) and M′∈(0, r). Both r−1 and M′ can be computed through the extended Euclidean algorithm.
In line 3 of realization 2, the product XYi is added to the intermediate result Z(i−1) obtained in the (i−1)-st iteration to produce the current intermediate result Z(i). We compute q(i) in line 4 so that Z(i)+q(i)M becomes a multiple of r, and therefore, the computation of (Z(i)+q(i)M)/r in line 5 is reduced to a simple right shift (Z(i)+q(i)M) by m bits. To achieve this goal, we set q(i)=Z(i)M′ so that
where ≡r denotes the congruence relationship modulo r. Notice that Z(i)M′ is just one of many possible choices for q(i). Adding/subtracting any multiples of r to/from Z(i)M′ will still meet the requirement Z(i)+q(i)M ≡r 0. In other words, q(i) is unique up to a modulo on r. Consequently, valid choices of q(i) form a set as shown below:
M′ mod r,k∈ (7)
Line 5 of realization 2 can be rewritten as in (8) below, which establishes a relation between Z(i) and Z(i−1). Using this relation, we can recursively unfold Z(i) until Z(−1)=0:
Consider the last iteration i=d−1=┌N/m┐−1. We have Σk=0d-1 Ykrk=Y. Defining R=r┌N/m┐ and Q=Σk=0d-1 qkrk, we have:
The Bezout's identity implies that RR−1−MM−1=1 since R is even and M is odd. Therefore, Z(d-1)=Z(n
The range of Z(d-1) for q(i)=Z(i)M′ modr can be estimated in equation (11). Since M is a N-bit odd integer, we must have M<2N<2┌N/m┐m=rd. Consequently, the range of Z(d-1) is [0,2M), and only one correction in line 8-10 is needed to adjust Z back to the range [0, M).
In realization 2, we have to compute q(i) first and Z(i)+q(i)M next. The critical path in each iteration thus encompasses three multiplications and two additions. When m=1, the multiplication with 1 bit of multiplier XY[i] can be simplified as a parallel collection of 2-input AND logic, as shown in realization 3. The quotient q(i) is simply the least significant bit (LSB) of Z(i) in line 4. The critical path reduces to only two additions, which can be even optimized if we use carry-save compression.
The disadvantage of FPR2t1 design is its high cycle latency because it has to compute the intermediate results about one multiplier bit a time. When m>1, the cycle latency can be reduced to approximately 1/m since we scan m bits of multiplier in one iteration. However, two challenges hinders the development of a high-radix Montgomery MM:
d. Scalable Montgomery Modular Multiplication
References [8, 27] proved that the correction step is not immediately necessary. Following equation (11) when r=2 (m=1), when inputs X and Y are in [0,M) we need d=N iterations to ensure Z in the range [0,2M). When inputs X and Y are in [0,2M), we just need to set R=2N+2 and use d=N+2 iterations in FPR2t1. When we need to do multiple modular multiplications, like when doing modular exponentiation, this setup allows us to start the next modular multiplication without doing the correction step. Therefore, we present various algorithms for scalable Montgomery MM to perform Z=XYR−1modM where inputs X and Y and output Z are in [0,2M).
Based on the FPR2t1 algorithm, reference [26] presented a radix-2 scalable Montgomery modular multiplication. Originally, the authors described their algorithms as a multiple word radix-2 Montgomery multiplication (MWR2MM). To use a consistent naming convention throughout our article, we refer to the scalable Montgomery MM with radix-2 as MWR2t1. Realization 4 shows the MWR2t1 algorithm. Each outer loop, which goes through N+2 iterations, scans 1 bit of the multiplier Y. The i-th outer loop iteration is equivalent to computing the result of the i-th iteration of the FPR2t1. MWR2t1 uses an inner loop, which iterates e times, to scan a word of w≥2 bits of the multiplicand X in each iteration. e is equal to ┌(N+2)/w┐+1 in binary form (and ┌(N+1)/w┐+1 in carry-save form) when X, Y∈[0,2M).
We compute q(i) based the least significant bit (LSB) of Z0(i) in the 0-th inner loop iteration and use it in the remaining inner loop iterations. The w-bit additions in lines 5 and 9 result in a (w+1)-bit integer. We assign the most significant bit to Ca or Cb and the remaining w least significant bits to Zj. Finally, because we had to right shift Z by 1 bit in line 5 of the FPR2t1 algorithm, the new Zj-1(i) in line 10 of the MWR2t1 realization is calculated as the concatenation of Zj(i)[0] and Zj-1(i)[w−1: 1]. Note that realization 4 also work for the case where w=1. In that case, the only change is to modify line 10 of the 4 realization to read as Zj-1(i)=Zj(i)[0].
Once we finish the 1-st inner loop iteration of the i-th outer loop iteration (i.e., i,j=1), we have computed Z0, which is required for the 0-th inner loop iteration of the (i+1)-st outer loop iteration (i.e., i+1,j=0). Therefore, if we use N+2 processing elements (PEs) to do the outer loop iterations (one PE per outer loop iteration), we can start the next PE two cycles after the current PE. Exploiting this observation, we can design multiple-PE hardware that will have an issue latency (L) of 2. The clock period of a PE is lower bounded by two w-bit additions in binary form (lines 5 and 9).
Reference [26] presented a design of a radix 2 scalable modular multiplication (MWR2t1) with the issue latency of L=2. Later references such as [9, 10, 25] improved MWR2t1 by reducing the issue latency to one (L=1) by using elaborate methods. In spite of this low issue latency, the problem remains that, with a radix 2 design, we can only issue one bit of the multiplier every L cycles. As a result, we need at least LN cycles to finish the N-bit modular multiplication. This deficiency cannot be overcome no matter how many PEs are instantiated.
The scalable architecture of Montgomery MM provide us the capability when the bitwidth N of modulus M is variable. A PE only needs e cycles to complete the assigned outer loop iteration, and we can reuse it every e cycles, etc. As shown in realization 4, the value of e is determined by bitwidth N of modulus and word width w of multiplicand X. Ideally, we prefer at least p=┌e/L┐ PEs so that the 1-st PE becomes free when the p-th PE generates Z0. We can thus reuse the 1-st PE to compute the (p+1)-st outer loop iteration.
In contrast, we can only instantiate p PEs for a presumed bitwidth N of modulus M. When the actual bitwidth is larger than the presumed, we do not have enough PEs. The 1-st PE is still busy when the p-th PE generates Z0, and we need a memory management unit to buffer intermediate results until 1-st PE becomes free. A memory management unit could be designed as an internal first-in first-out (FIFO) queue or an external RAM module, whose memory size can be very large. Consequently, the actual bitwidth can be larger than the presumed, as long as we can buffer all intermediate results. The non-decomposability challenge is thus solved.
The problem in the fixed-precision Montgomery MM also exists in the scalable Montgomery MM. Many references focus on improving radix-2 or radix-4 scalable Montgomery MM by reducing issue latency or critical path. High-radix design with fewer iteration is not well studied, since multiplication is an expensive operation and elongates the critical path.
Disclosed herein are three designs and implementations of highly efficient Montgomery modular multiplier circuits as summarized below.
A first design is that of a scalable high-radix (i.e., 2m) Montgomery Modular (MM) Multiplication circuit replacing the integer multiplications in each iteration of the Montgomery MM algorithm (related to the product of m bits of the multiplier and the multiplicand) with carry-save compressions completely eliminating costly multiplications. The disclosed Montgomery MM decomposes the multiplicand itself using a radix of 2w with w≥2m, thereby achieving a scalable design, which can deliver an issue latency of one cycle.
A second design is that of a high-performance iterative Montgomery modular multiplication circuit of fixed-precision, wherein the computations of the quotient and intermediate result in each iteration are done in parallel. This parallelism breaks the data dependency in each iteration, and thus, greatly reduces the overall circuit latency for performing a modular multiplication. This realization also replaces required multiplications and additions in each iteration with novel encoding and compressions.
The third design is that of a high-performance, yet scalable, Montgomery Modular Multiplication circuit wherein the potential overflow of intermediate results is simply corrected by a 2-bit addition, resulting in a homogeneous decomposition of intermediate results, which in turn allows us the utilize a custom processing element to decomposes the multiplicand itself using a radix of 2w with w≥3m and deliver an issue latency of one clock cycle. The design of the processing element can be pipelined, wherein the optimal number of processing elements can be reduced or alternatively the circuit throughput can be increased.
The foregoing summary is illustrative only and is not intended to be in any way limiting. In addition to the illustrative aspects, embodiments, and features described above, further aspects, embodiments, and features will become apparent by reference to the drawings and the following detailed description.
For a further understanding of the nature, objects, and advantages of the present disclosure, reference should be had to the following detailed description, read in conjunction with the following drawings, wherein like reference numerals denote like elements and wherein:
Reference will now be made in detail to presently preferred embodiments and methods of the present invention, which constitute the best modes of practicing the invention presently known to the inventors. The Figures are not necessarily to scale. However, it is to be understood that the disclosed embodiments are merely exemplary of the invention that may be embodied in various and alternative forms. Therefore, specific details disclosed herein are not to be interpreted as limiting, but merely as a representative basis for any aspect of the invention and/or as a representative basis for teaching one skilled in the art to variously employ the present invention.
It is also to be understood that this invention is not limited to the specific embodiments and methods described below, as specific components and/or conditions may, of course, vary. Furthermore, the terminology used herein is used only for the purpose of describing particular embodiments of the present invention and is not intended to be limiting in any way.
It must also be noted that, as used in the specification and the appended claims, the singular form “a,” “an,” and “the” comprise plural referents unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. For example, reference to a component in the singular is intended to comprise a plurality of components.
The term “comprising” is synonymous with “including,” “having,” “containing,” or “characterized by.” These terms are inclusive and open-ended and do not exclude additional, unrecited elements or method steps.
The phrase “consisting of” excludes any element, step, or ingredient not specified in the claim. When this phrase appears in a clause of the body of a claim, rather than immediately following the preamble, it limits only the element set forth in that clause; other elements are not excluded from the claim as a whole.
The phrase “consisting essentially of” limits the scope of a claim to the specified materials or steps, plus those that do not materially affect the basic and novel characteristic(s) of the claimed subject matter.
With respect to the terms “comprising,” “consisting of,” and “consisting essentially of,” where one of these three terms is used herein, the presently disclosed and claimed subject matter can include the use of either of the other two terms.
It should also be appreciated that integer ranges explicitly include all intervening integers. For example, the integer range 1-10 explicitly includes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Similarly, the range 1 to 100 includes 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . 97, 98, 99, 100. Similarly, when any range is called for, intervening numbers that are increments of the difference between the upper limit and the lower limit divided by 10 can be taken as alternative upper or lower limits. For example, if the range is 1.1. to 2.1 the following numbers 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, and 2.0 can be selected as lower or upper limits.
When referring to a numerical quantity, in a refinement, the term “less than” includes a lower non-included limit that is 5 percent of the number indicated after “less than.” A lower non-includes limit means that the numerical quantity being described is greater than the value indicated as a lower non-included limited. For example, “less than 20” includes a lower non-included limit of 1 in a refinement. Therefore, this refinement of “less than 20” includes a range between 1 and 20. In another refinement, the term “less than” includes a lower non-included limit that is, in increasing order of preference, 20 percent, 10 percent, 5 percent, 1 percent, or 0 percent of the number indicated after “less than.”
The term “electronic component” refers is any physical entity in an electronic device or system used to affect electron states, electron flow, or the electric fields associated with the electrons. Examples of electronic components include, but are not limited to, capacitors, inductors, resistors, thyristors, diodes, transistors, etc. Electronic components can be passive or active.
The term “electronic device” or “system” refers to a physical entity formed from one or more electronic components to perform a predetermined function on an electrical signal.
It should be appreciated that in any figures for electronic devices, a series of electronic components connected by lines (e.g., wires) indicates that such electronic components are in electrical communication with each other. Moreover, when lines directed connect one electronic component to another, these electronic components can be connected to each other as defined above.
The processes, methods, or algorithms disclosed herein can be deliverable to/implemented by a processing device, controller, or computer, which can include any existing programmable electronic control unit or dedicated electronic control unit. Similarly, the processes, methods, or algorithms can be stored as data and instructions executable by a controller or computer in many forms including, but not limited to, information permanently stored on non-writable storage media such as ROM devices and information alterably stored on writeable storage media such as floppy disks, magnetic tapes, CDs, RAM devices, and other magnetic and optical media. The processes, methods, or algorithms can also be implemented in an executable software object. Alternatively, the processes, methods, or algorithms can be embodied in whole or in part using suitable hardware components, such as Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs), Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), state machines, controllers or other hardware components or devices, or a combination of hardware, software and firmware components.
Throughout this application, where publications are referenced, the disclosures of these publications in their entireties are hereby incorporated by reference into this application to more fully describe the state of the art to which this invention pertains.
“FPGAs” means Field-Programmable Gate Arrays.
“PE” means processing element.
The terms “processing element” and “processing component” refers to a computer processor (e.g., CPU), programmable logic array, Field-Programmable Gate Array, or any assembly of logic circuits designed to implement the predetermined steps set forth below.
Referring to
In a variation, the one or more intermediate results in each outer loop iteration is decomposed into a number of parts where some of the said parts are moved to a next iteration for processing. In a refinement, carry-save compressors 24 within compressor block 22 are used to replace multiplication operations to generate one or more intermediate results. In a further refinement, at least one digital processing component 12 is configured such that (i) the multiplicand is first left-shifted by some number of bits and is then decomposed into a second group of words, each word containing a second number of bits, and (ii) the one or more intermediate results in each outer loop iteration are calculated based on the one or more intermediate results from two previous outer loop iterations and products of each word of the multiplicand and one word of the multiplier in an inner iteration loop.
In a variation, the at least one digital processing component 12 is configured such that modular multiplication result is produced by (i) decomposing the multiplier into a group of words, each word containing a number of bits, and (ii) independently calculating two sets of one or more intermediate results based on the two sets of one or more intermediate results from a previous iteration and a product of the multiplicand and each word of the multiplier in an outer loop iteration. In a refinement, encoding circuit 20 are used to speed up the calculation of any expression that may be modeled as the product of a sum of two integers with another integer.
In another variation, at least one digital processing component 12 is configured such that (i) the one or more intermediate results in each outer loop iteration are partitioned into two sets which can be calculated independently, (ii) first encoding circuits are used to speed up the calculation of any expression that may be modeled as the product of a sum of two integers with another integer, and (iii) second encoding circuits are used to decompose each of the intermediate results in the set of one or more intermediate results into two corresponding intermediate results.
In another variation, the at least one digital processing component 12 is configured such that (i) the multiplicand is first left shifted by some number of bits and is then decomposed into a third group of words, each word containing a third number of bits, (ii) the one or more intermediate results in each outer loop iteration are calculated based on the two sets of one or more intermediate results from two previous outer loop iterations and products of each word of the multiplicand and one word of the multiplier in an inner iteration loop, and (iii) second encoding circuits are used to decompose each of the intermediate results in the set of one or more intermediate results into two corresponding intermediate results.
Referring to
Still referring to
In a variation, the at least one digital processing component 12 is further configured to:
a) left shift multiplicand X by m bits to produce X′=Xr, pad (e*w−N−m−1) zero's to the left of X′, and decompose X′ into e=┌(N+2m+2)/w┐ words of w bits each such that X′=Σj=0e-1 X′j2jw with X′j=X′[jw+w−1: jw] for 0≤j≤e−1; and
b) produce output value Z by iteratively calculating and combining X′jYi.
In a refinement thereof, the at least one digital processing component 12 comprises:
a) a plurality of processing elements (PEs) such that the i-th PE produces first intermediate results based on one or more intermediate results from the (i−2)-nd PE, one or more intermediate results from the (i−1)-st PE, and the value of XYir in e cycles, where in each cycle the i-th PE receives w bits of each intermediate result from the (i−2)-nd PE and the (i−1)-st PE, and produces w bits of the first intermediate results; and
b) a post-processing PE which takes intermediate results of the last two PEs and produces the output value Z in e cycles.
In a refinement, the data initiation latency is 1 cycle and wherein the Montgomery modular multiplier circuit is scalable.
In a variation, two or more first intermediate results and two of the first intermediate results are decomposed into e=┌(N+2m+2)/w┐ words of w bits, where m≥2 and w≥2m. In a refinement, at least one of the first intermediate results has zero's at bit positions iw to iw+w−m−1 for 0≤i≤e−1. In another refinement, at least one of the first intermediate results has zero's at bit positions iw+w−m to iw+w−1 for 0≤i≤e−1.
In another variation, integer multiplication operations are unrolled into partial products, addition operations that are required to sum partial products and other results are replaced with k-to-2 compressors where k indicates numbers of integers that need to be compressed successively. In a refinement, the at least one digital processing component is further configured to pad (nm*m−(N+1)) zero's to the left of multiplier Y and decompose the padded Y into nm=┌(N+2m+2)/m┐ words of m bits each, such that Y=Σi=0n
a) a plurality of processing elements (PEs), the i-th PE producing first intermediate results based on intermediate results from the (i−2)-nd PE and the (i−1)-st PE and such that a weighted sum of intermediate results is congruent to X(Σj=0i Yj2jm)r−i; and
b) a post-processing PE taking intermediate results of the last and next to the last PEs and producing the output value Z. In a refinement thereof, there are two or more first intermediate results and at least two of the first intermediate results are decomposed into e=┌(N+2m+2)/w┐ words of w bits, where m≥2 and w≥2m. At least one of the first intermediate results can have zero's at bit positions iw to iw+w−m−1 for 0≤i≤e−1. Moreover, the at least one of the first intermediate results can have zero's at bit positions iw+w−m to iw+w−1 for 0≤i≤e−1. In a refinement, one of the intermediate results is a 1-bit value. In yet another refinement, a Booth coding technique is used to speed up the compressors.
In a refinement, multiplicand X is left shifted by m bits to produce X′=Xr, padded with (e*w−m−(N+1)) zero's on the left, and the padded X′ is decomposed into e words of w bits each with such that X′=Σj=0e-1 X′j2jw with X′j=X′[jw+w−1: jw] for 0≤j≤e−1). The PEs compute their first intermediate results by repeatedly calculating the product of X′jYi for different i and j indices, thereby, enabling design of PEs that are independent of value of N, and producing a scalable Montgomery modular multiplier circuit. In a further refinement, the data initiation latency is 1 cycle. In a further refinement, the Montgomery modular multiplier circuit is scalable. Characteristically, the post-processing processing elements can repeatedly receive intermediate results of the last two PEs and produce the partial output value Z.
With reference to
a) decompose multiplier Y into nm=┌N/m┐ words of m bits each, pad (nm*m−N) zero's to the left of Y such that Y=Σi=0n
b) produce output value Z by iteratively calculating and combining values of XYir2.
Still referring to
Referring to
In a variation, a weighted sum of first intermediate results produced in the i-th iteration is congruent to X(Σj=0i Yjrj)r−(i-1) modM where r−(i-1) is the multiplicative inverse of ri−1modM.
In another variation of the Montgomery modular multiplier circuit of
In another variation, the at least one digital processing component 12 includes a plurality of processing elements 14i such that the i-th PE produces first intermediate results based on one or more intermediate results from the (i−2)-nd PE, one or more second intermediate results from the (i−1)-st PE, and the value of X{tilde over (Y)}ir2. The at least one digital processing component 12 also includes a post-processing element which takes as input the intermediate results of the last two PEs and produces the output value Z. In a refinement, there are two or more first intermediate results and two of the first intermediate results are decomposed into e=┌(N+2m+3)/w┐ words where w≥3m.
In a variation of
In another variation of
In another variation of
With reference to
a) calculate a 3-bit intermediate result d as d[2: 0]=a[t−1: t−2]+b[t−1: t−2]+(a[t−3]ANDb[t−3]);
b) if t≥4, calculate â[t−4: 0]=a[t−4: 0] and {circumflex over (b)}[t−4: 0]=b[t−4: 0];
c) calculate â[t−3]=a[t−3]XORb[t−3]; â[t−2]=d[0]; â[t−1]=d[1]; â[t]=d[2]; and
d) calculate {circumflex over (b)}[t−1: t−3]=0; {circumflex over (b)}[t]=d[1].
In a refinement, vâ[t-1:0]+v{circumflex over (b)}[t-1:0] is congruent to a+bmod2t with vâ[t-1:0]=−â[t−1]2t-1+Σi=0t-1 â[i]2i and v{circumflex over (b)}[t-1:0]=−{circumflex over (b)}[t−1]2t-1+Σi=0t-1 {circumflex over (b)}[i]2i.
In a variation, encoder 30 calculates 3-bit outputs â and {circumflex over (b)} from 2-bit inputs a and b, wherein the encoder circuit ensures that vâ+v{circumflex over (b)}=a+b with vâ=4â[2]−2â[1]+â[0] and v{circumflex over (b)}=4{circumflex over (b)}[2]−2{circumflex over (b)}[1]+{circumflex over (b)}[0]. The encoder includes at least one digital processing component 32 configured to calculate a 3-bit intermediate result d as d[2: 0]=a+b; calculate â=d; and calculate {circumflex over (b)}[1: 0]=0; {circumflex over (b)}[2]=d[1], In a variation, vâ[1:0]+v{circumflex over (b)} [1:0] is congruent to a+bmod4 with vâ[1:0]=−2â[1]+â[0] and v{circumflex over (b)}[1:0]=−2{circumflex over (b)}[1]+{circumflex over (b)}[0].
With reference to
With reference to
a) encode a[1: 0], b[1: 0], and c to generate outputs cout(0), d(0), and e(0);
c) encode a[2i+1: 2i], b[2i+1: 2i], and cout(i−1) to generate outputs cout(i), d(i), and e(i) for 0<i≤t/2−1;
d) calculate ã[2i+1: 2i]=d(i) for 0≤i≤t/2−1; ã[t]=cout(t/2-1); and
e) calculate {tilde over (b)}[2i+2]=e(i) for 0≤i≤t/2−1. In a refinement, if parameter t is odd, inputs a and b are padded by one 0 on the left. In another refinement, vã[t-1:0]+v{tilde over (b)}[t-1:0] is congruent to a+bmod2t with vã[t-1:0]=Σi=0t/2-1 ã[2i]22i−Σi=0t/2-1 ã[2i+1]22i+1 and v{tilde over (b)}[t-1:0]=Σi=0t/2-1 {tilde over (b)}[2i]22i−Σi=0t/2-1 {tilde over (b)}[2i+1]22i+1.
In a refinement of the variation set forth above vã+v{tilde over (b)}−c is equal to vâ+v{circumflex over (b)}.
In a refinement of the variation set forth above, vã[t-1:0]+v{tilde over (b)}[t-1:0]−c is equal to vâ[t-1:0]+v{circumflex over (b)}[t-1:0].
Additional details of the invention are set forth below.
1. Design of a Scalable Montgomery Modular Multiplier Circuit
1.1 Fixed-Precision Optimization
Depending on the value of m, the high-radix Montgomery MM falls into one of two categories: (i) using explicit and expensive multiplication units when m is large, and (ii) replacing the explicit multiplications with simplified logic expressions when m is small. When m is large, e.g., m=16, prior art references have mainly focused on optimizing the MM time latency (product of cycle latency and clock period) and hardware cost (chip area) when they have two multiplication units [13, 24] or more than two multiplication units [16]. Considering area and delay, the bitwidth of the multiplication units cannot be made very large and are commonly chosen as 16 bits to maintain a good area-latency trade-off. When m is small, e.g., m=2, the multiplication unit can be explicitly simplified, for example by using modified Booth coding to reduce partial products. It would be desirable to develop a parametric high-radix (fixed-precision or scalable) Montgomery MM to support arbitrary m.
1.1.1 Operation Rescheduling
The value of Z is updated twice in each iteration of realization 2, which in turn necessitates separate hardware resources and increases the data dependence. Fortunately, the FPR2tm realization can be rescheduled to address this shortcoming. More precisely, the accumulation of XYi+1 into Z(i+1) in the (i+1)-st iteration can be moved to the i-th iteration. Consequently, we can compute q(i)M and XYir in parallel and accumulate them into Z(i).
Algorithm 5 is a modified version of the FPR2tm realization incorporating the rescheduling technique, where d is the number of iterations.
The value of d influences the upper bound of output Z. Indeed, we must find the minimum value of d to guarantee that the output Z lies in [0,2M) as explained next. Based on the equation in line 4 of the algorithm 5.1.1, we may explicitly compute Z(i) in terms of X, M, r, Y1, . . . , Yi, q(1), . . . , q(i), by recursively unfolding the Z(i) until Z(−1)=0 in (12). Note that q(0) is 0.
In each iteration, we can scan m bits of the multiplier Y. When
the multiplier Y is completely scanned, and we can find a tight upper bound of Z(i) as follows:
Therefore, the upper bound of Z(d-1) in the last iteration is
md≥N+m+2 (14)
Following the equation 14, 4Mr<2N+m+2≤2md=rd so that we can guarantee that Z(d-1)<2M. In other words, if
the output Z will always lie in [0,2M) as required.
1.1.2 Intermediate Result Decomposition
During the computation of q(i), we only need the m least significant bits of Z(i−1) because of the operation Z(i−1)modr. When w≥2m, we can decompose Z into ZM and ZR as shown in (15) below. Since w−m≥m, we only need ZR (more precisely ZR0) to compute q.
[w−1: w−m]·2w-m
[w−m−1: 0]
i2wi (15)
This decomposition seems of little value for the FPR2tm algorithm. However, it is an important observation in order to support the MWR2tm algorithm. As shown in reference [25], the MWR2t1 realization achieves L=1 when w≥2 and m=1. This article generalizes the aforesaid result and proves that the MWR2tm realization can also achieve L=1 when w≥2m for m≥1. We describe how the word decomposition is incorporated into the FPR2tm algorithm. In the 0-th iteration of realization 5, we can decompose Z(−1) into ZM(−1) and ZR(−1). Since the w−m least significant bits of ZM(−1) are 0, we have Z(−1)modr=ZR(−1)modr, and therefore we only need to use ZR(−1) to compute q(0).
We observe that ZM(−1)/r is not necessary to the required computations in the 0-th iteration and can be moved to the next iteration. We define Znew(0) as (ZR(−1)+q(0)M+XY0r)/r and decompose Znew(0) into ZMnew(0) and ZRnew(0). Z(0) may thus be rewritten as:
/r (17)
As before, ZMnew(0) is not necessary to compute q(1), i.e.,
Again, ZMnew(0)/r is not necessary to the required computations in the 1-st iteration and can be moved to the second iteration. Since Z(−1)=0, we can define ZMnew(−1)=ZM(−1)=0 and ZRnew(−1)=ZR(−1)=0. Now then, for an arbitrary iteration i, we define Znew(i+1) as (ZRnew(i)+(i+1) (i+1) (i+1) ZMnew(i−1)/r+q(i+1)M+XYi+1)/r and decompose the new Znew(i+1) into ZMnew(i+1) and ZRnew(i+1).
Realization 6 is a modified version of the FPR2tm realization incorporating rescheduling and decomposition techniques. Note that the decomposition is quite easy to do in hardware.
1.1.3 Elimination of Multiplication Operations
Even after rescheduling the original realization to remove some data dependencies, the performance of the FPR2tm realization continues to be limited by multiplications. Implementation of a multiplication operation involves generating partial products and summing them together. The timing critical paths of this operation are the carry chains for the addition of partial products. We can use a ternary tree arrangement of CSAs to speed up the compression. Meanwhile, if we use the carry-save form to pass partial results from one iteration to next and only deploy the addition at the end of the algorithm, the performance will improve further.
Instead of using Z(i), we can use the carry-save form ZS(i) and ZC(i) in line 4 of realization 6 and eliminate the final addition as detailed below.
(i) (19)
Each of ZS(i) and ZC(i) consists of two parts:
(i)=(ZS(i)>>m)r+ZS(i)mod r
(i)=(ZC(i)>>m)r+ZC(i)mod r (2)
where ZS(i)>>m=└ZS(i)/r┘, meaning that we right shift by m bits and thus ignore the least m significant bits of ZS(i). As a result, Z(i)/r can be rewritten as:
Based on the modular definition, we have
0≤ZS(i)mod r<r,0≤ZC(i)mod r<r (22)
Since Z(i) is a multiple of r, (ZS(i)modr+ZC(i)modr) can only be either 0 or r. When ZC(i)modr=0, we have to choose ZS(i)modr=0 since ZS(i)modr cannot be r. When ZC(i)modr≠0, we have to choose ZS(i)modr=r−ZC(i)modr≠0 since ZC(i)modr cannot be negative. We may define the indicator c(i) to represent the (ZS(i)modr+ZC(i)modr)/r as follows (Notice that it is also correct to use ZS(i)modr to define c(i)). An indicator 1(x)=1 when the condition x is true and 0 otherwise.
In summary, Z(i)/r in line 5 of realization 6 may be replaced by the summation of ZS(i)>>m, ZC(i)>>m, and c(i). Moreover, ZS(i)>>m and ZC(i)>>m can be decomposed into (ZSM(i), ZSR(i)) and (ZCM(i), ZCR(i)), respectively, and c(i) moved forward to the next iteration.
Realization 7 is a modified version of the FPR2tm realization utilizing operation rescheduling, word decomposition, and CSA compression. Each iteration now consists of three compressions and one addition instead of three multiplications as was the case in realization 2. The first compression in line 5 compresses the 5-operand addition into 2 (temporary) integers (TS(i), TC(i)). Next, the required computation q(i)=(TS(i)+TC(i)modr)M′ modr is performed into two steps: a compression and an addition. In particular, a second compression in line 6 takes O(log m) units of delay to compress the 2m-operand addition into 2 integers (qS(i), qC(i). Notice that products (TS(i)modr)M′ and (TC(i)modr)M′, each produce m partial product terms that need to be added together. The m least significant bits of qS(i) and qC(i) are summed up in line 7, where the sum is generated by a logarithmic carry propagate adder (CPA), like the Kogge-Stone adder (KSA), requiring O(log m) levels of logic. Finally, the third compression in line 8 compresses the (2m+2)-operand addition into 2 integers (ZS(i), ZC(i)). Notice that multiplication with r=2m is simply done by left shifting the operand and that the products q(i)M and XYir, each produce m partial product terms which must be summed together with TS(i) and TC(i).
1.1.4 Booth Coding
Because of the modular property to compute q(i)=(qS(i)+qC(i))modr, q(i) is not always identical to use qS(i)modr and qC(i)modr unless the sum of them is always less than r. Although it is possible to replace q(i) with qS(i)modr and qC(i)modr, the resulting (qS(i)modr)M and (qC(i)modr)M would cause double area compared with q(i)M. Instead, we choose to complete the modular addition q(i)=(qS(i)+qC(i))modr. Consequently, we can use radix-4 modified Booth coding to reduce the number of partial products for each multiplication performed in line 6 of realization 5.1.3 from 2m to m+2. Subsequently, we save m−2 CSAs and also reduce the delay. Modified Booth coding is not compatible with the carry-save form because it can achieve the correct result only after the final addition and ignore potential overflows. This is why we do not use Booth coding to improve the third compression in line 8 of realization 7.
1.2 Radix-2m Scalable Montgomery Design
To extend the fixed-precision realization 7 to a scalable one (see realization 8 below), we need to iteratively compute w bits of intermediate results in realization 7 (see line 8). Moreover, we must find the maximum values of the intermediate results in order to derive e in terms of m. Equation (12) provides a way to compute the intermediate result Z(i) as shown next.
Equation (24) shows that the maximum possible value of intermediate result Z(i) is always less than 2N+m+2 so that it can be presented in N+m+2 bits. Note that lines 10 and 11 of the realization 7 performs a division by r using a right shift by m bits. The maximum possible value of the intermediate result is the value just before the division, which can be presented in N+2m+2 bits. Therefore, minimum value of e can be set as
Notice that that w≥2m, utilizing the triangle inequality
we can derive a somewhat pessimistic lower bound on e which is
as was done for realization 4.
Partial results ZSR(i−1) and ZCR(i−1) in the i-th iteration of realization 7 may be explicitly represented as in equation (25), where the most m significant bits of ZSRj(i−1) and ZCRj(i−1) are 0.
(i−1)=Σj=0e-1ZCRj(i−1)2wj (25)
Similarly, partial results ZSM(i−2)/r and ZCM(i−2)/r may explicitly be represented as in equation (26), where again the least w−m significant bits of ZSMj(i−2) and ZCMj(i−2) are 0. Note that ZSM(i−2) and ZCM(i−2) are multiples of r=2m because w−m≥m.
e-1(ZCMj(i−2)/r)2wj (26)
Consequently, line 5 of realization 7 may be rewritten as:
Moreover, because r=2m, we have:
Finally, X′Yi=Xr·Yi and q(i)M can also be represented explicitly as follows:
i=Σj=0e-1X′jYi2wj,q(i)M=q(i)Mj2wj (29)
The expression TS(i)+TC(i)+q(i)M+XYir in line 8 of realization 7 can thus be written as:
In the context of the MWR2tm realization where N is variable, when Yi is provided in the i-th iteration, we need an inner loop to scan w bits of X′ and M in successive iterations. Consider any iteration i of the outer loop. In the 0-th inner loop iteration (j=0), let us redefine intermediate results (TS, TC) as the compression of ZSR0+ZCR0+ZSM′0/r+ZCM′0/r+c·1(j==0), where ZSR0(i−1) and ZCR0(i−1) denote ZSR0(i) and ZCR0(i) in (current) iteration i whereas ZSM′0 and ZCM′0, denote ZSM0(i−1) and ZCM0(i−1) in (previous) iteration i−1. We can guarantee that only TS and TC need w−m+1 bits as shown in
Next, we compress TS+TC+X′0Yi+qM0 into intermediate results (OS, OC). Assume the bitwidths of OS and OC are w+x where x>0. The w least significant bits of OS and OC are actually ZS0(i) and ZC0(i) (parts of ZS(i) and ZC(i) in line 8 of realization 7), respectively. Consequently, we can compute c(i), ZSR0(i), and ZCR0(i). The most x significant bits of OS and OC will affect the computation of ZSR1(i) and ZCR1(i) and so on. These are named as FBS and FBC and used in the next inner loop iteration. Similarly, when we get to the 1-st inner loop iteration (j=1), we can update (TS, TC) as the compression of ZSR1+ZCR1+ZSM′1/r+ZCM′1/r+c·1(j==0). Furthermore, we update (OS, OC) as the compression of TS+TC+X′1Yi+qM1+FBS+FBC. As before, the w least significant bits of OS and OC are actually ZS1(i) and ZC1(i) such that we can partition and assign them to ZSM0, ZCM0, ZSR1, and ZCR1. FBS and FBC are still updated as the x most significant bits of OS and OC. The procedure can proceed until all e inner loop iterations are completed.
One important question is how to set the bitwidths of FBS and FBC to guarantee that the bitwidths of OS and OC are large enough to avoid overflows. In another word, assume FBS and FBC each have x bits, the sum of OS and OC must be precisely representable with w+x bits. Equation (31) captures the constraints.
One can easily prove the following result:
Therefore, we can set x=m+2.
Based on realization 7, we describe a radix-2m scalable Montgomery modular multiplication (MWR2tm) with an issue latency of L=1. Because the final result Z is in the range [0,2M), Z can also be represented in e words.
The last thing is to collect all carry-save form results together and compute the final Z=XYR−1modM. Once we have computed ZSM0, ZCM0, ZSR0, ZCR0, ZSM′0/r, ZCM′0/r, we are able to compress their sum into two (w+1)-bit integers (PS, PC). The w least significant bits PS[w−1: 0] and PC[w−1: 0] cooperate with c (working as the carry-in bit) to compute the last word Z0. The carry-out bit during the addition automatically works as carry-in in the next cycle. The two most significant bits are named as DO1 and DO2 to be added with ZSM1, ZCM1, ZSR1, ZCR1, ZSM′1/r, and ZCM′1/r. We thus compute Z1 and update DO1 and DO2. The procedure continues until we collect all e words of Z. We can guarantee it suffices to use two 1-bit DO1 and DO2 in (34). Detail of the compression is in the
The modulus M has 8 bits so that M1 are 0. Because X E [0,2M), X′=Xr has N+1+m=11 bits and the least m=2 significant bits are 0.
1.3. Scheduling and Performance Estimation
Each PE needs e cycles to execute one A task and (e−1) B tasks. Ideally, we need
In the context of a scalable design, the bitwidth N of modulus M is variable such that we cannot know how many PEs are required in advance. As we mentioned earlier, after e cycles, a PE becomes free and may thus be reused. Assume p PEs are employed. Let k denote the number of rounds we use all p PEs, resulting in kp outer loop iterations in algorithm 5.2. From (14), it is easy to see that
guarantees that output Z will lie in [0,2M) as required.
Based on the magnitude of p and e, the number of cycles required to perform Z=XYR−1modM (where inputs X and Y and output Z are in [0,2M)) by using the MWR2tm realization is as follows:
A simpler (upper bound) equation for the cycle count is:
cycle_cnt≤k max(e,p)+min(e,p)+1 (37)
k=┌(nm+2)/p┐ (38)
Note that we use radix-2w for decomposing the multiplicand into e words of w bits each, and radix r=2m for decomposing the multiplier.
To start a required iteration of realization 7 on a new PE, we must collect enough information to compute the least m significant bits of TS(i) and TC(i) in line 5 so as to compute q(i). When w≥2m, after the first cycle, we finish the computation about the w−m least significant bits because we need to right shift by m bits. After the second cycle, we finish the computation about the 2w−m≥m least significant bits. The procedure goes on until all e inner loop iterations are done. So the issue latency is L=1.
Unfortunately, when m≤w<2m so that w−m<m, the MWR2tm realization cannot support an issue latency of L=1. Instead, we have 2w−m≥m and thus can only start computations on a new PE with an issue latency of 2 cycles. Generally speaking, the issue latency of realization 8 is L=┌(2m)/w┐. One may modify realization 8 and the corresponding data dependency graph to support various combination of w and m, some resulting in an issue latency of 1 cycle, others to an issue latency of 2 cycles or more.
Other optimization methods (such as increasing the cycle latency or increasing the circuit area as in [9, 10]) may be used to achieve L=1 even when m≤w<2m. In view of the above discussion, setting w≥2m provides the highest performance realization (i.e., realization 7) in terms of circuit area (hardware usage), cycle latency, and issue latency (L=1).
1.4. Hardware Implementation
As we can observe, tasks A and B have many similarities and thus can be implemented in one PE by using a control signal CT as depicted in
Unlike A and B tasks, the C task needs only one special processing element (named PEc).
Although there are 8 integers, we can compress them by using two w-bit CSAs as in
We show the block-level architecture of the proposed radix-2m scalable Montgomery modular multiplication in
1.5. Hardware Emulation Results
1.5.1 Analysis of Area and Time
The MWR2tm realization was coded in the Verilog hardware description language and implemented using the Xilinx Vivado Virtex 7 xc7v585tffg1157-3. Given a chip area constraint and the word size m of multiplier, there are many possible kernel configurations with the number p of PEs and the word size w of multiplicand for a designer-specified bitwidth N of the modulus M.
The number of cycles is a function of e and p as shown in equation (35). When e≤p, the cycle count is kp+e+1. A PE becomes free before we issue another word of the multiplier, meaning that we have instantiated too many PEs. The reduction of p can improve resource utilization until p=e. Note also that the change of p does not affect cycle count since kp is roughly a constant. When e>p, the cycle count is ke+p+1. A PE is still busy when we want to issue another word, so we have to wait for PEs to become available. Increasing p causes k to be reduced and thus lowers the cycle count until p becomes equal to e. Therefore, for a designer-specified bitwidth N of the modulus M, the optimum value of p is e.
Table 1 presents our implementations for different w and m combinations. (see,
which is almost independent of m when w≥2m, and thus, decreases with the increase of w. Meanwhile, increasing w means that a PE is more complex, and hence, it will require more LUTs to do the required compressions and addition. Consequently, different implementations of the Montgomery MM with a fixed m have nearly the same area (in terms of the number of LUTs they need). The clock period of the kernel in
LUT_count=4.34wmp+6107 (39)
In the context of a scalable Montgomery MM design, N is a designer-specified variable, and therefore, we cannot optimize the architecture for a given N a priori. Instead, we presume an N value under constraints on the time latency and area. Choices of w, m, and p determine the latency and area for a presumed N as shown in table 1.
1.5.2 Performance Comparison
Table 2 reports the performance of different Montgomery modular multiplications in terms of time and area. (see,
References [4, 5, 21] provide parameterized but non-scalable designs. Recall that a scalable design optimized for a presumed value of N, for example N=1,024, can still support Montgomery modular multiplication for any N>1024, e.g., N=2048 and N=4096, whereas a non-scalable design cannot support cases when N>1024. Evidently, there are time and area overheads to convert a non-scalable design to a scalable one (if this conversion is possible at all), for example to perform decomposition of the intermediate results and employ complex connections among PEs. When m=2 and m=4, the area and time product of our proposed scalable design is 29.95% and 17.44% larger than the reference [21]. However, our design's overhead is constant since each PE has a fixed number of inputs and is only connected with at most two neighboring PEs. Recall that the critical delay of a PE is that of performing three compressions and one m-bit addition. Therefore, the clock period of a PE scales as O(log m). As a result, when m=8, our scalable design has a smaller product of area and time than the non-scalable designs in [4, 21].
4. Inventive Design of a High-Performance, Fixed-Precision Montgomery Modular Multiplier Circuit
Feedforward Montgomery MM [19, 28] is a variant of Montgomery MM, which is able to compute q(i) and Z(i) in parallel. However, feedforward Montgomery MM can only guarantee that Z(d-1) in the last iteration falls in the range [0, 2m+1M). We cannot easily adjust Z back to the range [0, M) with a constant number of corrections. Note that the value of d can change for different variants of the Montgomery MM. In contrast, this thesis proposes an efficient fixed-precision Montgomery MM. For the sake of clarity, we first present a basic version of proposed Montgomery MM, in which we parallelize the computation of q(i) and Z(i) while guaranteeing that Z(d-1) lies in the range [0,2M). The basic version shows the correctness of proposed Montgomery MM. Next, we present an advanced version of the proposed Montgomery MM, in which multiplication and addition operations are replaced with encoding and compression operations. This advanced version significantly reduces the critical path delay while guaranteeing that Z(d-1) lies in the range (−M, 2M).
2.1 Basic Version.
Realization 9 shows the basic version of proposed Montgomery MM. In this algorithm, q(i) and Z(i) are independent of each other and can thus be computed in parallel. Based on Bézout's identity, we can find r−1∈(0, M) and M″∈(0, r2) such that r2r−1−MM″=1.
Let us prove the correctness of realization 9 by mathematical induction. At the beginning, Z(−1)+q(−1)M=0 ≡r 0. Assume q(i−1)∈[0, r) and Z(i−1)+q(i−1)M ≡r 0. We would like to derive a q(i)∈[0, r) such that Z(i)+q(i)M ≡r 0. Note that this condition must be met in every iteration of the realization to ensure that the computational result is correct. To do this we first define: g(i)=Z(i−1)M″ modr2=(Z(i−1)modr2)M″ modr2 as in line 3 of realization 9. Next we show that Z(i−1)+g(i)M ≡r
Furthermore, equation (40) implies the following:
(i−1)+(g(i)mod r)M≡r0 (41)
Because both q(i−1) and (g(i)modr) are valid choices in [0, r), due to uniqueness of q(i−1) up to a modulo on r, we conclude q(i−1)=g(i)modr. Therefore, g(i)−q(i−1) is a multiple of r i.e.,
(i−1)≡r0 (42)
In line 4 of realization 9, we have q(i)=(g(i)−q(i−1))/r. Because g(i) is 2m bits and q(i−1) is m bits, q(i) is also m bits. With this choice for q(i), and based on line 5 of realization 9, we can now prove that Z(i)+q(i)M ≡r 0. From equation (40), we know
And the proof is complete.
Consequently, the three multiplications in realization 9 may be done in parallel. The critical path for computing Z(i) is thus reduced to one multiplication and two additions. We can also unfold the expression of Z(i) until Z(−1) as shown below:
k (44)
Because Z(−1)=0, we have q(−1)=q(0)=0.
When i≥┌N/m┐−1, we have Σk=0i Ykrk=Y. Because q(i)∈[0, r), we can estimate the upper bound of Z(i) as follows:
When (i−1)m≥N, we have M<2N≤2(i−1)m=ri−1 such that Z(i)<2M. Therefore, when we set d=┌N/m┐+2, we have Z(d-1)∈[0,2M). Compared with realization 2, realization 9 only needs two additional iterations.
4.2 Advanced Version
Although realization 9 breaks the data dependency between q(i) and Z(i) and thus reduces the computation latency, multiplications and additions still hinder the development of a very high-performance Montgomery modular multiplication. Realization 10 shows an advanced version of the proposed Montgomery MM, which replaces all multiplications and additions in each iteration with encoding and compression operations. The result is an realization which can be implemented in hardware with much lower hardware area and computation latency than any and all prior art designs.
In this algorithm, Z(i−1) is represented by three values: an (N+2m+1)-bit signed number ZS(i), an (N+2m+1)-bit signed number ZC(i−1), and a 1-bit unsigned value Zcarry(i−1). Note that we do not explicitly perform the addition.
The operation (Z(i−1)modr2) is simply replaced with ZL(i−1) as follows:
Notice that the difference between (Z(i−1)modr2) and ZL(i−1) is only 0 or r2. Similarly, q(i−1) is represented by an m-bit unsigned number qS(i−1), an m-bit unsigned number qC(i−1), and a 1-bit unsigned value qcarry(i−1):
Consider computing the expression Z=(A+B)*C, which shows up in each iteration of the Montgomery MM. Normally, we would need to first perform the full-size addition D=A+B followed by the multiplication Z=D*C (during which we can utilize the modified Booth coding to cut the number of generated partial product in half). This serial sequence of add and multiply operations increases the latency per iteration of algorithms 3.3 and 6.1. Notice that the hardware resource cost to compute the expression Z=A*C+B*C directly is costly so that is not an option. Instead, we propose a novel encoding technique (called Encode), which removes the necessity of performing the full-bitwidth addition of A and B when computing (A+B)*C, it does so by grouping and encoding every k bits of A and B and using these encoded k-bit groups to generate partial products of D*C. Although the Encode function is good for multiplication, the results of Encode are presented in a special format, which does not correspond to either signed number or unsigned number representations. Therefore, we propose an auxiliary version of Encode (call EncodeSN for Encode in Signed Numbers), which results are standard signed numbers. It will be shown that the sum of any values encoded by the EncodeSN function is equal to the sum of these values when they are encoded by the Encode function so that EncodeSN is used to perform addition and subtraction whereas Encode is used to do D*C.
We also point out that the Encode function when k=2 also results in removal of half of the partial products of D*C, similar to using a radix-4 modified Booth coding when doing D*C. In this thesis, we discuss and show the implementation of this encoding approach for the k=2 case. Extension to higher values of k is straight-forward.
2.2.1 EncodeSN
Using a similar procedure as the one we did for realization 9, we determine e(i−1) so that Z(i−1)+q(i−1)M ≡r 0. Recall that q(i−1) is only unique up to a modulo on r as proved in (7). This observation motivates our encoding techniques, name Encode and EncodeSN. EncodeSN calculates (t+1)-bit outputs â and {circumflex over (b)} from t-bit inputs a and b. The encoding process consists of the following steps:
a) calculate a 3-bit intermediate result d as d[2: 0]=a[t−1: t−2]+b[t−1: t−2]+(a[t−3]ANDb[t−3]);
b) calculate â[t−4: 0]=a[t−4: 0] and {circumflex over (b)}[t−4: 0]=b[t−4: 0];
c) calculate â[t−3]=a[t−3] XORb[t−3]; â[t−2]=d[0]; â[t−1]=d[1]; â[t]=d[2];
d) calculate {circumflex over (b)}[t−1: t−3]=0; {circumflex over (b)}[t]=d[1].
The values of outputs a and b are defined as
{circumflex over (b)}
={circumflex over (b)}[t]2t−{circumflex over (b)}[t−1]2t-1+Σi=0t-1{circumflex over (b)}[i]2i (49)
ensuring that vâ+v{circumflex over (b)}=a+b.
We first perform EncodeSN(qS(i−1), qC(i−1)). Although the outputs are m+1 bits, we truncate outputs and assign the least m bits to {circumflex over (q)}S(i−1) and {circumflex over (q)}C(i−1). {circumflex over (q)}carry(i−1) is simply the qcarry(i−1) itself. Because {circumflex over (q)}S[m]2m and {circumflex over (q)}C[m]2m are multiples of r=2m, the difference between {circumflex over (q)}(i−1)=({circumflex over (q)}S(i−1), {circumflex over (q)}C(i−1), {circumflex over (q)}carry(i−1)) and q(i−1) is a multiple or r so that
{circumflex over (q)}
+{circumflex over (q)}
r0 (50)
We use the notation {circumflex over (q)}(i−1)=EncodeSN(q(i−1)) to represent the said encoding process.
2.2.2 Encode
To explain the relationship between EncodeSN and Encode, we must carefully analyze the various steps of a 2-bit encoding as shown in
in=4cout−2d1+d0+4e (51)
Note that di=d[i] for i=0,1.
We define 2*c1+d0=a0+b0+cin for step (i) of
In step (iii), we split d1 as 2d1−d1. Notice that d2 and d1 cannot be 1 at the same time, therefore, we only need e=d2ORd1 to represent d2+d1 in step (iv). In conclusion, realization 11 shows the 2-bit encoding, which takes three inputs a, b, and cin and generates outputs e, d, and cout. The critical path delay is equal to that for a 2-bit adder. To avoid confusions, XOR and AND have the same precedence, which are higher than OR.
Taking a second look at {circumflex over (q)}(i−1)=EncodeSN(q(i−1)), we actually do 2-bit encoding for the leading 2 bits of qS(i−1) and qC(i−1) with cin=qS(i−1)[m−3]ANDqC(i−1)[m−3] and ignore the outputs cout and e. Note that qS(i−1)[m−3] and qC(i−1)[m−3] are adjusted accordingly. Instead of only encoding the leading 2 bits of qS(i−1) and qC(i−1), we can encode every 2 bits.
Realization 12 calculates (t+1)-bit outputs ã and {tilde over (b)} for two t-bit inputs a and b and a 1-bit input c. Without loss of generality, we assume the bitwidth t for inputs a and b is even. Otherwise, we can pad a 0 to the left of a and b. The output cout in a 2-bit encoding is used as the input cin for the next 2-bit encoding. For example, the cout from Encode2 bit(a[t−3: t−4], b[t−3: t−4], cin) serves as the cin for Encode2 bit(a[t−1: t−2], b[t−1: t−2], cin).
Recall that the sum of inputs is equal to the sum of outputs for a 2-bit encoding as shown in (51). The goal of the Encode procedure is to represent the sum a+b+c in a different format. The values of ã and {tilde over (b)} are defined as
{tilde over (b)}=Σi=0t/2{tilde over (b)}[2i]22i−Σi=0t/2-1{tilde over (b)}[2i+1]22i+1 (52)
ensuring that vã+v{tilde over (b)}=a+b+c.
If we also apply (â, {circumflex over (b)})=EncodeSN(a, b), we must have
{circumflex over (b)}
{tilde over (b)}
â[t]+{circumflex over (b)}
[t]+{tilde over (b)}
[t] (53)
We can perform Encode(qS(i−1), qC(i−1), qcarry(i−1). Similar to the computation of {circumflex over (q)}(i−1), we can truncate outputs and assign the least m bits to {tilde over (q)}S(i−1) and {tilde over (q)}C(i−1). Because of equation (53), we have:
{tilde over (q)}
={circumflex over (q)}
+{tilde over (q)}
r0 (54)
We use the notation {tilde over (q)}(i−1)=Encode(q(i−1)) to represent the said encoding process.
Although realization 12 is presented by a for loop, all 2-bit encodings can be preformed in parallel.
An important observation is that we can group 2-bit parts of {tilde over (q)}(i−1) again. As shown in step (v) of
as shown below:
2.2.3 Computation of q(i)
Recall the computation of g(i)=(Z(i−1)modr2)M″ modr2 in realization 9, resulting in Z(i−1)+g(i) M ≡r
(i−1)+((Z(i−1)mod r2)M″ mod r2)M≡r
If we add/subtract any multiples of r2 to/from (Z(i−1)modr2), the above equation will still hold. In other words, it is safe to replace (Z(i−1)modr2) with ZL(i−1) or {tilde over (Z)}L(i−1)=Encode(ZL(i−1)), because the difference between any two of (Z(i−1)modr2), ZL(i−1), and {tilde over (Z)}L(i−1) is a multiple of r2. The benefit is that we will only have m partial products if we compute {tilde over (Z)}L(i−1)M″. We thus have:
(i−1)+({tilde over (Z)}L(i−1)M″ mod r2)M≡r
Equation (57) implies:
(i−1)+({tilde over (Z)}L(i−1)M″ mod r)M≡r
Considering equation (50) and the uniqueness of q(i−1) up to a modulo on r, we have
{tilde over (Z)}
M″ mod r−{circumflex over (q)}(i−1)≡r0 (59)
Following equation (43) which was related to realization 9, the obtained q(i) for realization 10 should meet the following requirement:
Because of equation (59), the sum of the least significant m bits can only be 0 or r. When qS(i)[m−1]=1 or qC(i)[m−1]=1, the following equality holds: qS(i)[m−1: 0]+qC(i)[m−1: 0]=r. On the other hand, when qS(i)[m−1]=qC(i)[m−1]=0, we have qS(i)[m−1: 0]+qC(i)[m−1: 0]=0. Therefore, we may define qcarry(i) as follows:
[m−1: 0]+qC(i)[m−1:0] (61)
In step (ii), the computation of ({tilde over (Z)}L(i−1)M″−{circumflex over (q)}(i−1))/r is reduced to a right shift by m bits:
>>m (62)
Note that the resulting q(i)=(qS(i), qC(i), qcarry(i)) is valid since it meets equation (60). Consequently, the computation of q(i) relies on encoding and compression operations, rather then the more expensive multiplication and addition operations.
2.2.4 Error Analysis
Before doing the error analysis for Z(i), let us briefly discuss the optimization to compute XYi based on the modified Booth coding. Instead of computing XYi, we scan Yi and Yi−1[m−1] and encode them as {tilde over (Y)}i, that is,
Note that Y−1=0.
Following the radix-4 modified Booth coding, we can further divide {tilde over (Y)}i into m/2 groups if we group every 2 bits. In case m is an odd number, we can sign-extend {tilde over (Y)}i by 1 bit and generate ┌m/2┐ groups. Alternatively, we can directly apply radix-2m modified Booth coding to {tilde over (Y)}i. Because the range of −2Y[2k+1+im]+Y[2k+im]+Y[2k−1+im] is [−2,2], we can use it to generate a partial product. Consequently, the product of X{tilde over (Y)}i has m/2 partial products, whereas XYi has m/2+1 partial products. Moreover, the range of {tilde over (Y)}i falls in [−r/2, r/2] as shown next:
We can further compute the range for Σk=0i {tilde over (Y)}k as follows:
When (i+1)m−1≥N, we have Y[(i+1)m−1]=0 so that
k=Σk=0┌(N+1)/m┐−1{tilde over (Y)}krk (66)
Since Z(i)=(Z(i−1)+X{tilde over (Y)}ir2+{tilde over (q)}(i−1)M)/r, we can unfold the expression until Z(−1)=0 as shown below:
2Σk=0i{tilde over (Y)}krk+MΣk=0i{tilde over (q)}(k−1)rk
2Σk=0i{tilde over (Y)}krk+Mr2Σk=0i−2{tilde over (q)}(k−1)rk
{tilde over (Y)}
{tilde over (q)}
k (67)
Note that because Z(−1)=0, we have {tilde over (q)}(0)={tilde over (q)}(−1)=0.
When i≥┌(N+1)/m┐−1, the following equality holds:
We can derive upper and lower bounds for Z(i) as follows:
When meeting the condition M/ri−1≤4/3, we have −M<Z(i)<2M. Equation (70) given below simplifies this condition. Because log23M<N+2, this condition is met when N≤(i−1)m. Therefore, when we set d=┌N/m┐+2, we have Z(d-1)∈(−M, 2M). We only need one correction, either addition or subtraction, to adjust Z back to [0, M).
⇔ log23M≤(i−1)m+2 (70)
We can also compute the maximum size of any intermediate result Z(i) as follows. Recall that
In other words, independent of the iteration count i, any Z(i) can be represented by an (N+2m+1)-bit signed number.
2.2.5 Computation of Z(i)
The last thing to do is to efficiently compute Z(i)=(Z(i−1)+X{tilde over (Y)}ir2+{tilde over (q)}(i−1)M)/r. At this time, it is not safe to add or subtract a multiple of r. Our proposed encoding and modified Booth coding save half of the partial products and reduce the hardware area. After compression, the partial products are compressed into two signed numbers. We can do an addition (while ignoring any overflows) to get the correct result.
The said addition of the two signed numbers seems necessary. We show next that in fact this costly add operation can be avoided and the computation of Z(i) can be accomplished by using only encoding and compression operations.
As we discussed in equation (71), Z(i) is an (N+2m+1)-bit signed number. We want to accurately represent Z(i) by a triplet: an (N+2m+2)-bit signed number ZS(i), an (N+2m+2)-bit signed number ZC(i), and a 1-bit unsigned value Zcarry(i).
We define the carry from the addition for the least significant (N+2m) bits as Cin. Table 4 shows all possible combinations of S1 and Cin. Notice that it is impossible to have S1=0 and Cin=1 because the resulting Z becomes larger than 2N+2m, which would violate the fact that Z is a (N+2m+1)-bit signed number. For the remaining three cases, ZS(i)+ZC(i)+Zcarry(i) can never have any overflows, therefore, the sum Z(i) can be correctly presented.
We again prove the result by using mathematical induction. The base case is Z(−1)=ZS(−1)+ZC(−1)+Zcarry(−1)=0. Assume Z(i−1)=(ZS(i−1), ZC(i−1), Zcarry(i−1)) fits in the data model of
The sign bits in a number can be converted into 1's followed by a
Since the dashed polygon is less than 2N+3m+1 the compression of the m+3 numbers will result in two (N+3m+1)-bit unsigned numbers ZS(i) and ZC(i) in step (iv) regardless of the compression strategy. Note that ZS[N+3m] and ZC[N+3m] cannot be 1 at the same time; otherwise ZS(i)+ZC(i) will be larger than 2N+3m+1. As a result, the sum of ZS[N+3m], ZC[N+3m], and the leading 2 bits of the prefix will be a 2-bit number with the same value, which is ZS[N+3m]XNORZC[N+3m]. Since ZS[N+3m] is always the same as ZS[N+3m+1], we can hide ZS[N+3m+1] and ZC[N+3m+1] in a hardware implementation.
Because Z(i−1)+X{tilde over (Y)}ir2+{tilde over (q)}(i−1)M ≡r 0, in step (v), the operation (Z(i−1)+X{tilde over (Y)}ir2+{tilde over (q)}(i−1)M)/r can be simplified as shown below:
>>m (73)
Because Z(i)=(ZS(i), ZC(i), Zcarry(i)) fits the data model in
When m<4, we can modify the data model of
2.3 Hardware Implementation
The critical path of the proposed Montgomery MM thus lies in the addition module for the final summation and correction step. Considering the trade-off between time and area, we use a high performance logarithmic Brent-Kung adder (BKA) [2] and specify a 3-cycle timing constraint. Note that we need to perform one final summation and do at most one correction. We only need to use BKA twice in 6 consecutive cycles, which justifies the 3-cycle timing constraint. The control signal CT is used to control the data flow of BKA. When CT=0, we compute ZS+ZC+Zcarry and store it in Z. When CT=1, we check the sign of Z. If Z<0, we compute Z+M. If Z≥0, we compute Z−M. If the computation result is negative, we do not need any correction and simply choose the original Z. Otherwise, the result, which is positive, is stored into Z. In conclusion, the total clock cycle count to do the Montgomery MM is only
CycleCount=u+6 (74)
where u=┌N/m┐+2 is the number of iterations.
2.4 Complexity Analysis
Table 5 shows complexity analysis for different algorithms in terms of area and time. The iteration count, which remains the same for all algorithms, is equal to O(N/m). Assume we use a textbook multiplier to perform an N×m multiplication with area and time complexities of O(Nm). For algorithms 3.3 and 6.1, the critical path in each iteration is bounded by the multiplications such that the area and time complexity per iteration of the realization are O(Nm). Meanwhile, the clock period (latency per iteration) for realization 10 is reduced a lot due to replacement of additions and multiplications with compression and encoding operations. More precisely, since encoding only takes a constant delay and compression has O(log m) time complexity, the clock period is O(log m) time. Although encoding technique and modified Booth coding reduce the number of partial products by a factor of two, the area complexity remains O(Nm). As a result, the area-time product complexity is reduced from O(N3m) in algorithms 3.3 and 6.1 to O(N2 log m) in realization 10.
2.5 Hardware Emulation Results
The proposed fixed-precision Montgomery MM design was coded in the Verilog hardware description language and implemented using the default flow of the Xilinx Vivado Virtex-7 xc7v585tffg1157-3 device, including synthesis and implementation. Instead of optimizing the realization for a specific value of m, our design maintains the flexibility to implement different m values, reflecting the trade-off between latency and area.
References [21] and [4] present two Montgomery MM designs that are parametric on m. When m doubles, the area roughly doubles whereas the cycle count is cut in half. However, the clock period also increases a lot. The period when m=8 is more than double that of m=2. Consequently, the area-time product (ATP) increases a lot when m increases.
Because of the modified Booth coding and the proposed Encode/EncodeSN, we eliminate half of the partial products. Meanwhile, the critical path of our design only depends on m so that the clock period does not change by much. The increase in the clock period is mainly due to the larger fan-out count and more challenging placement and routing problems when N changes from 1,024 to 2,048. Considering the configuration N=1,024 and m=8, compared with [21] and [4], our design reduces the computation latency by 49.53% and 46.09%, respectively, and the area by 31.97% and 36.33%, respectively. As a result, we save more than 65% in terms of the ATP metric. The advantages of our design in other configurations are also evident. When increasing m, the clock period gradually increases so that the savings in computation latency decrease accordingly. Based on the experimental results for our proposed Montgomery MM, we achieve the minimum value of the ATP metric for m=8. Finally, reference [18] provide a Montgomery MM design specifically optimized for the configuration N=2,048 and m=4. Compared with its synthesis results, our flexible design (which is parameterizable in m) achieves 29.77% reduction in the ATP. (see, Table 6,
3 Inventive Design of a High-Performance, Scalable Montgomery Modular Multiplier Circuit
It is desirable to design a high-performance, yet scalable, architecture for doing Montgomery modular multiplication. In the realization 8, both the quotient and intermediate result for each iteration are unsigned numbers so that it is not necessary to worry about the overflow problem mentioned in
3.1 Variant for a Different Input Range
As we discussed, the scalable design targets to compute Z=XYR−1modM when inputs X and Y and output Z all lie in the range [0,2M). This can be done easily by adjusting the number of iterations.
Intermediate result Z(i) satisfies the following relation:
{tilde over (Y)}
{tilde over (q)}
k (75)
When (i+1)≥┌(N+2)/m┐, we have Σk=0i {tilde over (Y)}krk=Y so that
{tilde over (q)}
k (76)
Based on equation (76), we can calculate the range of Z(i) as follows:
Therefore, when 4M/rd-2≤1/3 or 12M<rd-2, we have Z(d-1)∈(−M, M). We can set d=┌(N+4)/m┐+2 to ensure 12M<16M<2N+4≤2m(d-2)=rd-2. Realization 13 shows the details.
Since we prove Z(d-1)∈(−M, M), the final result Z=Z(d-1)+M∈(0,2M). Equation (78) generalizes the constraint:
md≥N+2m+4 (78)
When the number of iteration d meets the above equation, the final result Z lies in (0,2M).
3.2 Homogeneous Decomposition of the Intermediate Result
Taking a closer look at realization 13, it can be seen that we only need the 2m least significant bits of ZS(i−1) and ZC(i−1) to compute q(i). We may decompose both ZS(i−1) and ZC(i−1) into e words where each word has w bits (see the discussion of e below). In this case, the most significant word is a signed number whereas the remaining (lower significant) words are unsigned numbers. Instead, we extend the decomposition for Z (ZS or ZC in any iteration) into e words as shown below:
Notice that Z[i]=Z[N+2m] for i≥N+2m to perform sign extension and Z[−1]=0.
In this case, Z is homogeneously decomposed into words ZEi for 0≤i≤e−1. Each ZEi is a w-bit signed number and a 1-bit unsigned tail number such that: Z=Σi=0e-1 (ZEi)2wi. We can further decompose ZEi into two parts ZMEi and ZREi as shown in (80). The least w−m bits of ZMEi are 0 and the most m bits of ZREi are 0. When w≥3m and w−m≥2m, we only need ZRE (more precisely ZRE0) to compute q.
i2wi (80)
Realization 14 shows the Montgomery modular multiplication after the aforesaid homogeneous decomposition. We simply place Zcarry(i) in the following bit of ZCRE0(i), say TAIL(ZCREV0(i)).
3.3 Scalable Architecture
Similar to realization 8, we use an inner loop in realization 15 to do the operation Compress(X{tilde over (Y)}ir2+{tilde over (q)}(i−1)M+ZRE(i−1)+ZME(i−1)/r) by scanning w bits of X′=Xr2, M, ZRE(i−1), and ZME(1-1) in each iteration.
3.3.1 Inner Loop Computations
In the first iteration of the inner loop (j=0), we need to compute the sum of ZSRE0, ZCRE0, ZSME0/r, ZCME0/r, X′0{tilde over (Y)}i, and {tilde over (q)}M0. Notice that they are signed numbers. We can use two (w+x)-bit signed numbers OS and OC (x≥0) to accurately represent the sum. Based on the least w bits, we can compute ZSRE0 and ZCRE0 as in (81). Notice that OS+OC is a multiple of r, we can embed Zcarry=OS[m−1]OROC[m−1] to the tail bit of ZCRE0. The leading x bits of OS and OC are stored in FBS and FBC for future reference.
In the second iteration (j=1), we need to compute the sum of ZSRE1, ZCRE1, ZSME1/r, ZCME1/r, X′1{tilde over (Y)}i, qM1, FBS, and FBC. Again, we represent them into two (w+x)-bit signed number OS and OC. Based on the least w bits and the homogeneous decomposition in (80), we can compute ZSRE1/ZCRE1 and ZSME0/ZCME0. The leading x bits of OS and OC are again stored in FBS and FBC for future reference.
ZSRE1=OS[w−1: m]+OS[m−1]
ZCRE1=OC[w−1: m]+OC[m−1] (82)
The next question is what bitwidth w+x for OS and OC is sufficient to accurately represent intermediate results in each iteration of the inner loop. Following the data model in
3.3.2 Scheduling and Computation of e
3.3.3 Overflow Correction
Ideally, we can generate w bits of the intermediate result until the last iteration j=e−1, in which we compute ZSREe-1, ZCREe-1, ZSMEe-2, and ZCMEe-2. If we use the whole m+2 bits of FBS and FBC to represent ZSMEe-1 and ZCMEe-1, we can accurately represent the data without overflow. However, it is dangerous to directly take m bits to fit ZSMEe-1 and ZCMEe-1.
Fortunately, we just need a 2-bit addition to correct the overflow.
Once we do the addition and ignore any overflow, we can deduce the possible carry Cin for the least N−1 bits as shown in table 7. When (c1, c0)=(0,0), Cin has to be 0 and Z[N]=Z[N−1]=0. Cin cannot be 1, otherwise Z[N]≠Z[N−1]. Similarly, Cin is 1 when (c1, c0)=(1,0). The case when (c1, c0)=(0,1) is impossible since Z[N] is always different from Z[N−1] no matter what Cin is. When (c1, c0)=(1,1), Cin can be 0 or 1. Except for the case (c1, c0)=(0,1), the remaining cases will not cause overflow and thus accurately represent the final sum Z.
We can use the data model in
We thus require ew+m≥(N+3m+2)+1.
Assume we instantiate p PEs and go through them k rounds, we equivalently finish kp iterations of the outer loop. Based on equation (78), we have
Since e is large enough, we just need to add FBS[m−1: m−2] and FBC[m−1: m−2] and then assign the summation results to ZSMEe-1/ZCMEe-1.
3.3.4 Hardware Implementation
In task B (CT=0), we perform the following operations:
Unlike the A and B tasks, the C task needs only one special processing element (named PEc).
We also show the block-level architecture of the proposed high-performance, radix-2m scalable Montgomery modular multiplication in
3.3.5 Pipelining
The design in section 7.3.4 finishes each iteration of the inner loop in one cycle. Instead, we can pipeline the processing element in
Although the number of cycles increases when L is more than 1, the required number of PEs (which is optimal for a specified bitwidth N) is reduced to e/L which results in area savings. If we balance the delay in each stage of the pipeline, the impact on the full circuit latency will be minimized.
Additional details of some aspects of the invention are set forth in B. Zhang, Z. Cheng and M. Pedram, “High-Radix Design of a Scalable Montgomery Modular Multiplier with Low Latency,” in IEEE Transactions of Computers, doi: 10.1109/TC.2021.3052999; the entire disclosure of which is hereby incorporated by reference.
While exemplary embodiments are described above, it is not intended that these embodiments describe all possible forms of the invention. Rather, the words used in the specification are words of description rather than limitation, and it is understood that various changes may be made without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention. Additionally, the features of various implementing embodiments may be combined to form further embodiments of the invention.
This application claims the benefit of U.S. application Ser. No. 63/014,390 filed Apr. 23, 2020, the disclosure of which is hereby incorporated in its entirety by reference herein.
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind |
PCT/US2021/028896 | 4/23/2021 | WO |
Number | Date | Country | |
63014390 | Apr 2020 | US |