Proposal : IIS- 0334824<br/>Institution: Simmons College<br/>PI: Ching-chih Chen<br/><br/><br/>This proposal requests travel support for US researchers to participate in the "Designing Multimedia (MM) in Digital Libraries"to be held in Crete, Greece The workshop is cosponsored by the DELOS Forum, a major organizer of digital libraries research and planning activities in Europe. DELOS receives support from the Information Societies Technologies (IST) 5th Framework Programme of the European Commission.<br/><br/>The workshop contin;ues the dialogue and research agenda begun under an US-EU/DELOS working group on "Digital Imagery for Significant Cultural and Historical Materials" The working group has met over the past year to discuss and evaluate fruitful joint activities and research paths for collaborative activities in this general topical area and produced and circulated an influential report on their findings. <br/><br/>Importantly, this workshop will include in the agenda pressing issues related to the recent loss of antiquities in Iraq. This will be addressed in coordination with an interagency effort convened to explore possible remediation and recovery efforts for irreplacable cultural heritage artifacts.