The CHAMPIONS (Developing Champions of Diversity with Appreciative Inquiry and Computational Simulation) project aims to address the persistent lack of diversity in the geosciences field by taking a unique and inclusive approach. By embracing the principles of belonging, accessibility, justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (BAJEDI), this project seeks to empower geosciences faculty to become catalysts for change within their departments. The significance of this project lies in its bottom-up approach, which emphasizes compassion, empathy, and the lived experiences of individual faculty members. By creating a positive and inclusive environment that values diverse viewpoints and experiences, the project aims to foster a sense of empowerment for underrepresented minority (URM) faculty, enabling them to lead from within and drive sustained progress in broadening participation outcomes.<br/><br/>The CHAMPIONS project will be implemented through a three-step process. 1) Convene an appreciative inquiry summit that engages geosciences faculty in identifying challenges and desired BAJEDI outcomes within their departments. This qualitative approach allows for a comprehensive understanding of the specific obstacles and opportunities that exist in each unique context. 2) Develop a computational simulation model that will be informed by the data collected from the summit. The model will simulate the long-term impacts of bottom-up interventions on BAJEDI outcomes in the geosciences. 3) Deploy the model to serve as a decision-making tool, training faculty in systemic and long-term thinking when addressing BAJEDI issues. By enabling faculty to visualize the potential effects of their interventions, the project aims to foster intentional and effective strategies.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.