This proposal, “Developing Skills in Qualitative Analysis for a New STEM Education Researcher through the Evaluation of Science Identity in Student-Workers,” submitted by the University of Tulsa, focuses on developing the skills of the PI in qualitative research methods. The goal is to investigate differences in science identity development between STEM undergraduate students participating in research opportunities, student work involving lab skills, and student work not involving lab skills. It is anticipated that understanding how student work can contribute to science identity may influence how student work programs are implemented.<br/><br/>The PI will engage in professional development to build their capacity in STEM education research -- specifically qualitative research methods -- through coursework, workshops, and conferences. This will develop their skills in high quality STEM education research, such as this project, addressing the impact of student work on science identity. The project will utilize qualitative analysis, specifically through performing and analyzing semi structured interviews. The PI will be supported by an advisory group: a mentor, education experts and disciplinary faculty. The program is designed to include and train graduate and undergraduate students in this field. The project is supported by NSF’s EDU Core Research: Building Capacity for STEM Education Research (BCSER) program, which is designed to build investigators’ capacity to carry out high-quality STEM education research.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.