9301393 R.A. Amos This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project deals with the design, synthesis and evaluation of biocompatible, photoderivatizing reagents for surface treatment of plastics used in biomedical applications. This approach will permit the selection of the polymer solely on the basis of physical and mechanical properties and then provide a tenacious, covalently-bound surface coating which imparts the required biocompatibility. This Phase II project will seek to optimize the synthesis and use of the new fluorinated azide photoreagents developed during Phase I and to develop additional compounds which will further explore optimizing the activation wavelength and enhancing reactivity towards less reactive polymer surfaces. Coating reagents will be assessed for their ability to impart a lubricating surface. A variety of polymer substrates will be utilized with a focus on specific medical devices provided by prospective client companies. This SBIR Phase II project will continue the advances initially started in the Phase I project. An important goal of the SBIR Program is the ultimate conversion of NSF-supported research into technological innovation and commercialization. ***