ABSTRACT ? Developmental Research Program The Developmental Research Program (DRP) is a critical component of the Duke Cancer Health Disparities (DCHD) P20 SPORE, supporting (1) pilot research projects with translational potential relevant to cancer disparities and (2) the participation of early stage and experienced investigators from other fields to work in translational cancer research. Projects are encouraged to test novel concepts and paradigms that bring new approaches into the field to further advance our understanding of cancer health disparities and to improve prevention, diagnosis, interception, and/or treatment. The DRP will specifically target projects that have a strong likelihood of developing into full projects for our planned DCHD P50 SPORE application or independent research projects (e.g. NIH R01 or similar funding mechanisms). Special attention will be given to promoting participation of women and minorities. The coordinated efforts of Co-Directors Gerard Blobe, MD, PhD, and Kathryn Pollak, PhD, with the DRP Scientific Review Committee (DRP-SRC), will ensure a proactive, productive DRP that prioritizes impactful pilot projects and faculty recruitment, and is well integrated into the overall P20 SPORE. The DRP will identify and support meritorious basic, translational, population, or clinical research projects that have a high probability of impacting cancer disparities at the level of prevention, diagnosis, interception, or treatment (Aim 1); attract outstanding new and/or experienced investigators, currently not working on cancer disparities, to pursue cancer disparities research (Aim 2); facilitate collaborative translational research to test novel concepts and paradigms relevant to cancer disparities in prevention, diagnosis, interception, or treatment (Aim 3); and evaluate progress on funded projects and facilitate their evolution into full SPORE projects or into independently funded projects (Aim 4). To accomplish these Aims, the DRP will award $100,000 each year to fund at least one promising project per year. Awardees will be eligible for renewed funding for one additional year, if satisfactory progress is made and an acceptable proposal and plan for the second year are presented. Strategies to solicit DRP applications will include direct solicitation to all faculty in the Duke Cancer Institute, Duke School of Medicine, and Duke University. In addition, cancer disparities research programs at other institutions nationwide will be contacted, and advertisements will be placed in appropriate clinical and scientific journals to attract collaborative applications from outside of Duke. All DRP applications will undergo a transparent multi-tiered peer review process. DRP awardees will be required to present progress reports on their projects on a rotating basis at the bi-weekly Executive Committee meetings, where they will receive feedback. The DRP and its processes will be evaluated annually as part of the DCHD P20 SPORE evaluation, and improvements instituted for the next cycle of solicitation, review, and award.