1. Field of the Invention
The invention refers to a device for flame stabilization in a burner, with a burner housing at least partially enclosing a burner volume into which may be introduced via at least one fuel line, fuel, and via at least one air feed means, air, forming an air/fuel mixture spreading in a preferred flow direction, which air/fuel mixture may be ignited in a combustion chamber connecting downstream of the burner housing to form a stationary flame. In addition, a method for flame stabilization in a burner related to this is described.
2. Brief Description of the Related Art
Modern premix burners, as a representative of which example reference is made to a premix burner with a conical burner housing, which is described in EP 321 809 B1, are optimized from the point of view of their efficiency as well as with regard to their pollutant emissions. The optimizations carried out on the burner systems are valid especially for load ranges in which such burner systems are mainly operated in order to drive, for example, heat engines, mainly gas- or steam turbine installations. Such installations are operated for most of the time under full- or partial load conditions.
From the aforementioned example of a conically constructed premix burner, attention should be drawn subsequently to a problem which arises during the operation of such burners. The embodiments mentioned below are not necessarily limited to conical premix burners. On the contrary, the problem relates to all generic premix burners.
In a manner known per se, modern premix burners include conically widening burner volumes, the so-called swirl chamber, into which air and fuel are fed forming a swirled flow conically widening axially in the direction of the swirl chamber. By the provision of an inconstant flow transition between the swirl chamber and the combustion chamber housing connecting to the swirl chamber, the swirled flow splits and forms inside the combustion chamber a reverse flow zone in which the fuel mixture ignites forming a spatially largely stationary flame. In order to be able to ensure a combustion process which is as optimized as possible, it is necessary to promote flame development which is as homogenous and spatially stationary as possible.
Such burners are, however, unavoidable if operated even only temporarily under load- and operating conditions, under which a homogenously developing, spatially stationary flame cannot be formed or can be formed only with considerable limitations. Especially under start- and low load conditions, corresponding measures for flame stabilization have to be taken to ensure the demands made for the flame quality. A tried and tested apparatus for flame stabilization constitutes the so-called pilot gas feed by which the added pilot gas which experiences no premixing or only slight premixing with the feed air is fed to the flame mostly via a burner lance installed centrally in the burner. Such pilot gas feeds lead to so-called pilot flames which are basically of the diffusion type, even in cases in which the premix burner is operated under lean fuel conditions.
A further measure for flame stabilization provides for the use of catalysts which, within the scope of a so-called catalytic piloting, are provided in the mixing region of a premix burner, and, depending on the air/fuel ratio λ and also on the oxygen present in the mixture, oxidize at least portions of the fuel contained in the air/fuel mixture. It is possible, by use of catalytic reactors inside the premix burner region, to produce by partial oxidation of the fuel portion so-called syngas which consists of H2 and CO and, on the basis of the hydrogen content, constitutes a highly reactive gas, especially in the case of a rich air/fuel mixture, i.e., λ<1. In this way it was able to be experimentally proved that a specific admixing of syngas into the flame region developing in the combustion chamber, an improved combustion stability with regard to a stable flame position, and also a reduced nitrogen monoxide emission can be achieved (see Samuelsen, 99-GT-359, ASMA-Turbo Indianapolis).
It is also known to create, by catalytic partial oxidation, an air/fuel mixture developing inside a burner, and to create, by suitable selection of the air/fuel ratio and inlet temperatures of the air/fuel mixture in the catalytic reactor, a syngas-free gas mixture consisting of CH4, N2, CO2, and H2O which, on account of the methane contained in the gas mixture, corresponds to a conventional, lean, premixed pilot gas. Such a method is to be gathered from U.S. Pat. No. 6,358,040 and also U.S. Pat. No. 6,394,791, for example. A method can be taken in each case from these publications in which the air/fuel mixture partially oxidized by way of catalysis is mixed with cooling air in order to avoid spontaneous ignitions and a diffusion flame connected with it and to be ultimately fed as a hot, lean, CH4-containing mixture for the purpose of the stabilization of the flame homogenously developing inside the combustion chamber.
All three previously described measures, be it the feed of pilot gas forming a diffusion flame or the use of catalytic reactors for producing syngas-containing or syngas-free, but in any case CH4-containing, gas mixtures, are based on the mixing of a hot, reactive pilot gas with the air/fuel mixture developing in the premix burner. In all cases it is consequently crucial that a complete mixing of the reactive pilot gas with the air/fuel mixture is produced before spontaneous ignitions occur in order to ultimately avoid so-called hotspots and also increased nitrogen oxide emissions. By the additional feed of a reactive pilot gas, the flame position, moreover, can change inside the combustion chamber, which causes a reduction in the time span of the complete mixture formation, especially in that case in which the flame assumes a combustion chamber-internal upstream orientated position. Obviously, an increased formation and emission of nitrogen oxides is associated therewith.
The influence on the spatial position of the homogenous flame developing inside the combustion chamber is, by means of a pilot gas feed, greater the richer in fuel the supplied pilot gas is. The place of the feed of syngas relative to the flame position is of significant importance, in particular during the possible syngas formation by way of the catalytically promoted partial oxidation, especially since the flame position could react very sensitively with regard to a syngas feed. These dependencies of the flame position associated with syngas feed are explained in detail in U.S. Pat. No. 5,937,632 and described within the scope of a so-called chemical flame stabilization.
To sum up, it can consequently be emphasized that problems face the previously described measures for flame stabilization during the operation of modern premix burners, especially under partial load conditions or during the starting phase.
It is necessary on the one hand to avoid the formation of so-called hot pockets, i.e., unburnt fuel, which reacts with the air/fuel mixture of the main flow before the mixture has experienced complete mixing. On the other hand, the piloting technique previously in use influences the flame position and thus the available time for the complete mixing of the air/fuel mixture which with premature ignition releases a considerable nitrogen oxide portion.
One aspect of the present invention includes a device and a method for flame stabilization of a flame developing downstream of a premix burner in such a way that the measures used for the stabilization are neither capable of lastingly impairing the flame stability, i.e., the flame location, nor of leading to an increased nitrogen oxide emission. On the contrary, it should be possible to take flame-stabilizing measures which in the main do not depend on burner design and do not lastingly impair the combustion characteristics optimized by the burner concept. Therefore, the measures to be taken are to help to create an increased design flexibility in the construction of premix burners and, moreover, be applicable to as many different burner systems as possible without having to take into account requirements with regard to a special system optimization.
Features advantageously developing principles of the present invention are subject matter of the following description, especially with reference to the exemplary embodiments described below.
In another aspect of the present invention, a device for flame stabilization in a burner is constructed in such a way that upstream of the flame is provided a catalyst arrangement through which flows an air/pilot fuel mixture separate from the air/fuel mixture (4). The catalyst arrangement has at least two catalyst stages which are installed one behind the other in the flow direction of the air/fuel mixture developing inside the burner, of which catalyst stages the catalyst stage located upstream, the so-called POX-catalyst, is flow-washed by an air/pilot fuel mixture with a mixture ratio λ<1 by which catalyst stage the air/pilot fuel mixture is partially oxidized. The catalyst stage downstream in the through-flow direction, the so-called FOX-catalyst, is flow-washed by a leaned air/pilot fuel mixture with a mixture ratio λ>1 by which catalyst stage the leaned air/pilot fuel mixture is completely oxidized forming an inert hot gas flow.
A method principle forming a basis of the device embodying principles of the present invention is based on a flame stabilization with the aid of a chemically inert hot gas flow of at least 600° C., and preferably up to 950° C., which is introduced into the combustion chamber in or adjacent to the flame. The hot, non-reacting gas brings about a thermal stabilization of the homogenized flame developing inside the combustion chamber, wherein the inert nature of the hot, hot gas components makes it possible to feed the inert hot gas flow at any point inside the burner system to that in the flame region without, as a consequence, altering the flame position and the mixing times associated with it, nor giving rise to increased nitrogen oxide formation. By such exemplary measures, an unprecedented degree of design flexibility is created which allows a device constructed according to principles of the present invention, which has a so-called two-stage pilot catalyst, to be combined with the most varied burner systems, largely without, as a consequence, having to take into account optimization requirements which would be bound by special system constraints.
The catalyst arrangement constructed in two stages is capable by its first catalyst stage, the POX-catalyst, of catalysing a fuel-rich, i.e., rich air/pilot fuel mixture with an air/pilot fuel ratio λ<1, in such a way that, downstream of the POX-catalyst, a partially oxidized air/pilot fuel mixture issues from the POX-catalyst. By means of a corresponding air feed, the partially oxidized air/pilot fuel mixture is mixed downstream of the POX-catalyst with feed air for forming a leaned air/pilot fuel mixture, i.e., λ>1, prior to entry into the FOX-catalyst inside which the leaned air/pilot fuel mixture is completely oxidized. Finally, after passage through the whole catalyst arrangement, a hot gas which is very hot and chemically inert as a result of the exothermal oxidation reactions is formed which, for the specific thermal flame stabilization, is fed into the region of the combustion chamber in which the flame forms.
The invention is hereinafter described by way of example without limitation of the general idea of the invention from exemplary embodiments with reference to the drawings.
In the drawings:
The schematized view represented in
Downstream of the POX-catalyst 3, a predetermined volume of air L bypassing the POX-catalyst 3 is added to the outlet mixture 5, with a specifically adjustable mass flow 6 mbypass as well as a predeterminable air temperature Tbypass which is identical to or similar to the inlet temperature TPOX,in of the air/pilot fuel mixture 4 fed to the POX-catalyst 3. Downstream of the POX-catalyst 3, therefore, a mixture forms which is very much leaned, typically with an air/pilot fuel ratio of 4<λ<9. The air/pilot fuel mixture 7 leaned in this way, with a suitably dimensioned mass flow mPOX,in is fed to the so-called FOX-catalyst 8 installed downstream in the flow direction through the catalyst arrangement 1, wherein the leaned air/pilot fuel mixture 7 has a temperature TFOX,in which is smaller than TPOX,out.
With regard to the temperature TPOX,out of the outlet mixture 5, attention is to be paid to ensuring that it is low enough to be able to reliably exclude possible spontaneous ignitions during the mixing of the feed air L with the partially oxidized air/pilot fuel mixture 5 issuing from the POX-catalyst 3. This process is assisted in that a high degree of equal distribution inside the outlet mixture 5 is created by the provision of corresponding passage guides in the POX-catalyst 3, by means of which so-called fuel pockets can be excluded. In addition, the partial oxidation taking place inside the POX-catalyst 3 ensures a largely complete depletion of the mass flow of oxygen. The temperature TFOX,in moves typically in the range between 500° C. and 950° C. and depends especially on the temperature TPOX,out of the outlet mixture 5 as well as on the volume of the bypass air mbypass supplied. TFOX,in should at any time be greater than the light-off temperature of the FOX-catalyst 8 so that it is ensured that the leaned air/pilot fuel mixture entering the FOX-catalyst 8 is completely catalytically oxidized.
In the region between the POX-catalyst 3 and the FOX-catalyst 8, for the complete mixing and development of a leaned air/pilot fuel mixture, additional turbulence-producing means, such as venturi arrangements or similar devices, can advantageously be provided to promote the mixing process.
Also, the FOX-catalyst 8 is lined on the inner wall with suitable catalyst material, for example Pd or Pt, by means of which it can be ensured that the leaned air/pilot fuel mixture 7 passing through the FOX-catalyst 8 is completely oxidized, so that any fuel present in the mixture 7 is converted into CO2 and H2O. The gas mixture MFOX,out issuing from the catalyst arrangement 1 has, therefore, a very high temperature, typically TFOX,out, of up to 950° C. and contains mainly CO2, H2O, O2 and N2. Only very small portions of CH4 can also be contained which, however, are not capable of impairing the chemically inert character of the outlet gas 9.
The FOX-catalyst 8 lined on the inner wall side preferably with platinum or palladium is capable of achieving the adiabatic process temperatures of the gas mixture passing through the catalyst without as a consequence succumbing to material overheating itself, since the gas mixture passing through the FOX-catalyst 8 is very much leaned and the adiabatic temperatures associated with it lie far below the material-specific maximum temperatures.
It would certainly be possible to direct fuel-richer mixtures through the FOX-catalyst 8 but in this case an additional cooling measure on the FOX-catalyst 8 would have to be provided, such as, for example, an additional catalyst cooling by means of bypass air or by a corresponding selection of high temperature-resistant catalyst materials. Furthermore, a coating of the catalyst passages provided only partially with catalyst material could lead to improved temperature control inside the FOX-catalyst, but these measures would on the other hand lead to an increased portion of CH4 in the exhaust gas flow 9, which could lead to the desired chemical inert character of the exhaust gas flow 9 being impaired.
With the aid of the previously described catalyst arrangement, it is possible to create a hot, inert gas flow and to use it for the thermal stabilization of a homogenized flame developing inside the combustion chamber. The inert character of the gas flow allows the gas flow to be injected at any location in the burner or in the combustion chamber without as a consequence suffering lasting repercussions inside the mixture formation developing in the burner. Similarly, the feed according to the invention of a hot inert gas flow into the burner region has no influences on the spontaneous ignition behavior and the nitrogen oxide formation. Special attention, however, is paid to the thermal stabilization of the homogenized flame inside the combustion chamber proposed according to the invention by the fact that the flame location remains unaltered despite hot gas feed, as a result of which a flame shift upstream inside the burner is avoided. As a result, the mixing times and the nitrogen oxide emission associated therewith are in no way influenced. This creates an improved design flexibility compared with the piloting methods hitherto known and in use.
Particularly advantageous is the use of the device constructed according to principles of the present invention for flame stabilization in burner systems for the firing of gas turbine installations in which high firing temperatures predominate and spontaneous ignitions of air/fuel mixtures are very much more likely to occur. In such heavy duty turbine installations, the use of hitherto known piloting methods associated with the disadvantages explained at the outset with regard to flame migration and nitrogen oxide formation is made difficult. Methods according to the invention can be used uninterrupted independently of the burner load, especially also under full load conditions, even if the flow rate were to be reduced. In this way, costly purgings of fuel passages, as are used in hitherto conventional pilot gas feeds for avoiding backfires in the fuel line, can advantageously be completely dispensed with, so that the additional associated purging cost ceases to apply.
By the provision of a POX-catalyst 3 with a low light-off temperature, the catalyst arrangement can be efficiently used during the whole load range of the burner for the firing of, for example, a gas turbine installation, i.e. from starting up to full load. Thus, it is especially advantageous during the starting up of a gas turbine to preheat the air/pilot fuel mixture 4 entering the POX-catalyst 3, with the aid, for example, of an electric preheater which brings the mixture mPOX,air+mPOX,fuel to the ignition temperature of the POX-catalyst 3. If the catalyst is first heated during the start conditions, then the electric preheater can be turned off. Because of the inert temperature behavior of the POX-catalyst it is possible especially in the aforementioned case of the running-up of a gas turbine to effectively catalyse air/pilot fuel mixtures beforehand with temperatures TPOX,in, although TPOX,in can be up to 200° C. less than the light-off temperature of the catalyst itself. It is also possible, especially under start conditions, to correspondingly vary and set the air/pilot fuel ratio λPOX by corresponding variation of the fuel rate mPOX,fuel or of the air flow rate mPOX,air.
The catalyst arrangement 1 in the exemplary embodiment shown is installed centrally within the flow ratio in the premix burner 10. For the complete mixing of the air/fuel mixture establishing itself inside the premix burner and also for the stabilization of the flame, additional swirlers or vortex generators 14 are provided which radially encompass the catalyst arrangement 1.
Naturally, it is also possible to position the catalyst arrangement 1 in another area located inside the premix burner 10. It is to be furthermore gathered from the exemplary embodiment shown in
A preferred exemplary embodiment for a possible design of the POX-catalyst 3 provides for a plurality of flow passages passing through the catalyst 3 which are divided into two groups. Thus, the air/pilot fuel mixture 4 is directed through a first group of flow passages which are coated on the inner walls with catalyst material, preferably with rhodium. Separately from this, the second group of flow passages passing through the POX-catalyst 3, which do not necessarily have to be coated with catalyst material, are flow-washed by air. The advantage of such an embodiment lies in an improved mixing of the outlet flows and enables, moreover, an improved control of the POX-catalyst temperature Tpox, since the flow rates of both flow portions can be variably adjusted separately from one another, and the feed air serves for a concentrated cooling of the POX-catalyst 3.
Problematical with such an operating method is, however, the changing over from the previously described syngas producing mode to the standard scenario according to the invention in which, with the aid of the catalyst arrangement, exclusively hot inert gases are formed. Problematical, based on the syngas producing mode, in which mbypass=0, is an admixture ratio of bypass air, in which the air/fuel mixture 7 flowing into the FOX-catalyst 8 has a stoichiometric ratio, at which extreme overheating inside the FOX-catalyst 8 can occur which may lead to irreparable damage.
To avoid this, the following method technique is proposed: in the case of low load. i.e. in the syngas producing mode, in which mbypass=0 and typically 0.25<λPOX<0.6 prevails, it is necessary to take into account the following. During the transition to the standard scenario according to the invention, it is necessary to take into account two measures at the same time. A little more fuel is added to the air/fuel mixture developing inside the burner, which, for the ignition inside the combustion chamber forms a homogenous flame, making sure that the flame is not blown out. At the same time the air/pilot fuel ratio λPOX of the air/pilot fuel mixture 4 fed to the POX-catalyst 3 is reduced to a value <0.15, while either the mass flow mPOX,fuel is increased or the air feed flow mPOX,air is reduced. The richer air/pilot fuel mixture 4 ensuing from this, entering the POX-catalyst 3, has a lower adiabatic temperature at which no syngas production takes place. Consequently, the outlet temperature TPOX,out drops to a value between 500° C. and 700° C. As soon as the bypass air mbypass is added, the inlet temperature TFOX,in falls far below the value of the outlet temperature TPOX,out and assumes temperatures of very much less than 600° C. Hence, the flow rates mPOX,fuel, mPOX,air and also mbypass and mFOX,in resulting from it, the TPOX,out and TFOX,in are below the spontaneous ignition threshold of a stoichiometric air/fuel mixture, wherein TFOX,in is less than the light-off temperature of the FOX-catalyst 8. For this reason, no spontaneous ignition occurs and the FOX-catalyst 8 suffers no overheating, although the outlet mixture 5 of the POX-catalyst 3 in mixture with the feed air mbypass for a short period of time represents a stoichiometric mixture. The amount of mbypass is then continuously increased so that the air/pilot fuel ratio of the mixture 7 λFOX,in entering the FOX-catalyst 8 is ≧1, and likewise λPOX,in can be similarly increased until the full load range is reached and the catalyst arrangement produces exclusively chemically inert hot gases.
While the invention has been described in detail with reference to exemplary embodiments thereof, it will be apparent to one skilled in the art that various changes can be made, and equivalents employed, without departing from the scope of the invention. The foregoing description of the preferred embodiments of the invention has been presented for purposes of illustration and description. It is not intended to be exhaustive or to limit the invention to the precise form disclosed, and modifications and variations are possible in light of the above teachings or may be acquired from practice of the invention. The embodiments were chosen and described in order to explain the principles of the invention and its practical application to enable one skilled in the art to utilize the invention in various embodiments as are suited to the particular use contemplated. It is intended that the scope of the invention be defined by the claims appended hereto, and their equivalents. The entirety of each of the aforementioned documents is incorporated by reference herein.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
10 2004 015 607 | Mar 2004 | DE | national |
This application is a Continuation of, and claims priority under 35 U.S.C. § 120 to, International application number PCT/EP2005/051333, filed 23 Mar. 2005, and claims priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119 to German application number 10 2004 015 607.7, filed 30 Mar. 2004, the entireties of both of which are incorporated by reference herein.
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20070042301 A1 | Feb 2007 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
Parent | PCT/EP2005/051333 | Mar 2005 | US |
Child | 11533828 | US |