Device for cutting and grinding, chucking device and rotating tool with vibration damping

The device for cutting and grinding contains a drive unit, a drive spindle, and means for chucking a rotating tool onto the drive spindle. Vibration damping means are provided between the tool and the chucking means. The vibration-damping means are provided in the form of a coating made of elastic material applied to the chucking means or to the tool or are provided in the form of one or more discs, which are made of elastic material and which are inserted between the tool and the chucking means.

The invention relates to a device for cutting and grinding, e.g. an angle grinder, with a drive spindle on which a rotating tool, such as a grinding, roughing or cutting disk, is fixed. The fixing takes place by means of two clamping elements, in general a clamping flange and a clamping nut. The clamping flange is formed in a single piece with the drive spindle or sits loose but rotation-resistant on the latter. The clamping nut is screwed onto the end of the drive spindle. The tool is clamped fast between the clamping flange and the clamping nut. The clamping elements can also be a lower and an upper clamping flange which are clamped against each other by means of a nut.

The invention also relates to a clamping device and a rotating tool, such as a grinding, cutting or roughing disk.

When using angle grinders without vibration-damping elements, vibrations occur which are transmitted via the grips, generally a main and additional hand grip, to the user's arms. Prolonged working with angle grinders can therefore lead to damage to health, such as feelings of numbness in the lower arm. The main and additional hand grips of angle grinders therefore sometimes contain vibration-damping means.

From DE-OS 26 32 652 a grinding disk is known consisting of at least two abrasive plates connected to each other, which are connected to each other by means of a polymer layer arranged between them. Vibrations are to be reduced thereby.

From DE-GM 76 28 082 it is known to insert a disk ring of elastic material between the grinding disk and each of the two clamping flanges. The grinding disk sits on the drive spindle with loose fit. Vibrations are likewise reduced thereby. A similar arrangement is also known from U.S. Pat. No. 3,566,547.

WO 00/27590 describes a clamping device for grinding disks, wherein a metal intermediate ring which is provided with a damping layer of elastic material is arranged between the clamping flange or the clamping nut and the grinding disk. The damping layer extends in both radial and axial direction.

From JP 95 118 376 a vibration-damped grinding disk is known which is connected to the shank by means of an arrangement comprising one soft and one hard damping element which lie laterally against the grinding disk.

From JP 56 163 882 a grinding stone is known which is fixed by means of sleeve flanges to a central damping wheel of elastic material which is in turn fixed by means of clamping flanges to a mandrel on which the drive spindle sits.

Technical Problem

The problem underlying the invention is to reduce in a simple manner to the greatest possible extent health-damaging vibrations in the hands of the user of a hand-operated cutting or grinding device.

Technical Solution

According to the invention this problem is solved by arranging an elastic layer between the clamping elements and the tool.

The layer is preferably provided on both sides of the rotating tool and inside the fixing hole with which the tool on the spindle is clamped fast. The grinding tool thus has no direct contact with the clamping elements, i.e. the spindle, the clamping flange and the clamping nut, and all contact or clamping surfaces are provided with the elastic material. The transmissions of the vibration from the grinding tool to the drive spindle and thus the drive unit are thus already reduced at the start of the transmission path, with the result that the vibrations are already markedly damped before they are transmitted to the drive unit.

The layer of elastic material can be provided in each case on one or both of the abutting clamping surfaces of the tool and the clamping elements.

The layer of elastic material can be a coating on the tool or on the clamping elements. The layer of elastic material can also be a separate component which is arranged between the tool and the clamping elements. Both possibilities can also be combined, for example by providing the inner edge of the fixing hole of the tool with a coating and by providing a thin disk of the elastic material on one or both sides of the tool between the tool and the clamping flange or the tool and the clamping nut.

The clamping elements (clamping flanges and clamping nut) have a central hole, with which they sit on the drive spindle. This hole usually has, on the side of the clamping surfaces, a collar on which the rotating tool sits with its hub or fixing hole. The cylindrical outside of the collar or the inside of the hub hole also have the coating of elastic material.

The elastic layer or coating preferably consists of a polyurethane elastomer, which is in particular characterized by high resistance to wear and abrasion, resistance to ozone, UV radiation, mineral oils and fats, e.g. Vulkollan®. The mould material used can have the following characteristic mechanical-physical values:

TABLE 1Hardness [Shore A] DIN 5350580 + 5Density [g/cm3] DIN 543791.07Tear strength [MPa] DIN 5350421Elongation at break (ascertained on the S2 rod) [%] DIN 53504750Rebound resilience [%] DIN 5351270Resistance to further tearing [N/mm] DIN 5351511Tension at 100% elongation [MPa] DIN 535042.5Tension at 300% elongation [MPa] DIN 535044.1Compression set (24 hours at 70° C.) [%] DIN 5351745Abrasion loss [mm3] DIN 5351628

The material is not used as semi-finished product, but as mould material. A negative mould is produced which is filled with the mould material. During hardening the connection to the clamping flange or the clamping nut takes place with the aid of an adhesion promoter.

If the layer is a separate component, the connection to the clamping flange or the clamping nut is unnecessary.

In the case of a first particularly preferred version of the invention the clamping surfaces of the tool are not provided with a coating and only the clamping surfaces of the clamping flange and of the clamping nut including the periphery of the respective collar are provided with a coating. In this embodiment grinding disks with the usual measurements, in particular the usual hub hole diameter of 22.23 mm, can be used. The diameter of the collar of the clamping flange and of the clamping nut with no coating is reduced to the point where the usual diameter of 22.13 mm is then achieved with the coating. For this purpose the collars have an original diameter of e.g. 17.2 mm, and the coating has a thickness of 2.5 mm. A clamping device with two clamping elements formed in this manner is also a subject of the invention.

In a second version of the invention the clamping elements are not provided with a coating and the clamping surfaces on both sides of the tool and the inner edge of the hub hole of the tool are provided with a coating. The clamping flange and the clamping nut are thus unchanged. The hub hole of the tool then has e.g. a diameter of 25.4 mm without coating, which is then reduced by a coating 1.585 mm thick to 22.23 mm. The particular advantage of this version is that the clamping flange and the clamping nut have standard measurements and are thus unchanged. The tool coated in the manner described can therefore be used instead of conventional tools without the clamping flange or the clamping nut having to be replaced. A tool in which the clamping surfaces have on both sides in the region of the hub hole an elastic coating with raised sections is also a subject of the invention.

In a third version of the invention the inner edge of the hub hole of the tool is provided with a coating and the contact or clamping surfaces of the clamping flange and of the clamping nut are also provided with a coating. The clamping surfaces of the tool are not on the other hand provided with a coating. The clamping flange and the clamping nut each have a collar which extends into the hub hole of the tool, and the peripheral surfaces of these collars also have no coating in the region which projects over the coating of the clamping surfaces. In this case too there is the advantage that the clamping flange and the clamping nut can have standard measurements.

In a fourth version of the invention, similar to the third version, the inner edge of the hub hole of the tool is provided with a coating. The clamping surfaces of the tool and of the clamping flange and of the clamping nut have no coating however, and instead in each case a thin ring disk made of the elastic material is inserted between the clamping flange and the tool, and between the tool and the clamping nut. In this case too the clamping flange and the clamping can nut have standard measurements.

The coating of the clamping surfaces of the clamping flange and of the clamping nut or the coating provided instead of the areas of the tool surrounding the hub hole has a thickness of between 0.5 and 5 mm, preferably 1.5 to 2.5 mm. The coating of the inner edge of the hub hole of the tool or the coating provided instead, the collar of the clamping flange and of the clamping nut preferably has a thickness of approximately 2.5 mm.

In all four versions of the invention mentioned either the clamping flange and the clamping nut are thus formed such that a standard grinding disk with usual measurements can be clamped in, or the grinding disk is formed such that it can be clamped in by means of a standard flange and a standard clamping nut of usual measurements.

In all four abovementioned versions of the invention a clear damping of the vibrations is achieved by means of the elastic coating. A further reduction in the vibrations is possible by the coating having axially directed raised sections or being in the form of such raised sections. In the latter case the coating consists only of the raised sections. The raised sections do not then project from a flat coating, but are applied as individual, discrete surface pieces to one or both clamping elements, the tool or a disk inserted between them.

The contact surface between the clamping elements and the tool is reduced by means of the raised sections. The reduction is preferably at least 50 percent.

In a preferred embodiment the raised sections are formed as radial bearing ribs or bars, wherein at least three ribs or bars are present. If there are four clamping holes in the clamping nut, there are also expediently four bearing ribs. The ribs or bars are arranged with the same angular separation on the clamping surface and have a width of at least 1 mm and preferably between 1.5 and 5 mm. If the raised sections have another shape, their smallest cross-sectional measurement is also at least 1 mm.

The raised sections preferably have a height of 0.2 to 2.5 mm. If the raised sections are part of a flat coating, the coating preferably has a thickness of approximately 1 to 3 mm and the raised sections project approximately 0.5 mm from it. If the raised sections are discrete coatings of elastic material, they preferably have a height of approximately 1.5 to 2.5 mm. The bars of the clamping flange are generally higher than the bars of the clamping nut. For example, the bars of the clamping flange have a height of 2.5 mm, while the bars of the clamping nut have a height of only 1.5 mm.

The bearing ribs or bars can also be in the form of one or more concentric circles. In a particularly preferred embodiment the bearing ribs are in the form of spiral arms. In this case each spiral arm expediently extends over an angular range of 360° divided by the number of the spiral arms. If there are four spiral arms each spiral arm extends over an angular range of 90°, running within an angular range of 45° from the inside outwards and then in a further angular range of 45° along a circular line on the other edge of the clamping flange or the clamping nut. In this case the bearing ribs can have a height of e.g. 2.5 mm and a width of 2 mm. With this height the coating then consists only of the bearing ribs. Alternatively the bearing ribs can project with a smaller height of e.g. 0.5 mm from a flat coating, with the flat coating covering the whole clamping surface of the clamping flange or of the clamping nut and being able to have a thickness of e.g. 2 mm. If there are particularly wide bars or ribs (e.g. 5 mm) the ends lying on the edge of the ribs in the form of spiral arms are somewhat shortened by the clamping holes. Due to the greater utilization of space at the edge of the clamping flange the embodiment of the invention with ribs or bars in the form of spiral arms has a greater wear resistance and at the same time a better support of the tool (grinding disk) against tilting and wobbling.

The raised sections of the elastic coating can in principle be present on all areas of the clamping surfaces. In general, however, it is sufficient for them to be present on the surfaces lying normal to the axis of the drive spindle.

The tools can be straight or cranked, and the drive unit can have an electric motor, in particular a high-frequency motor, compressed-air motor or petrol-driven motor.

The invention is naturally particularly advantageous in the case of hand-operated devices for cutting and grinding.


Embodiment examples of the invention are explained in more detail with reference to the drawing. There are shown in:

FIG. 1 an angle grinder with tool clamped on;

FIG. 2 in section a tool and the clamping elements according to the first embodiment example in an exploded representation;

FIG. 3 the arrangement of FIG. 2 assembled;

FIG. 4 in section a tool and clamping elements according to the second embodiment example in an exploded representation;

FIG. 5 the arrangement of FIG. 4 assembled;

FIG. 6 in section a tool and clamping elements according to the third embodiment example;

FIG. 7 in section a tool and the clamping elements according to the fourth embodiment example.

FIG. 8 in top view, the clamping surface and the clamping nut;

FIG. 9 in section the clamping nut along 9-9 in FIG. 8;

FIGS. 10, 11 and 12 in a perspective representation, in top view and in section an embodiment example with isolated ribs in the form of spiral arms;

FIGS. 13, 14 and 15 in a perspective representation, in top view and in section an embodiment example with ribs in the form of spiral arms, which project from a flat coating;

FIG. 16 a clamping nut with particularly wide ribs;

FIGS. 17 and 18 in perspective views from above and below respectively, of a clamping nut; and

FIGS. 19 and 20 in perspective views from above and below respectively, of a clamping flange.

The angle grinder schematically represented in FIG. 1 contains a drive unit 10 which drives a drive spindle 14 via an angular gear and a hand grip 18. The drive spindle 14 has a clamping flange 16 which represents a bearing for a rotating tool 20. The outer end of the drive spindle 14 is provided with an external thread 22 onto which a clamping nut 24 is screwed, so that the tool 20 is clamped on between the clamping flange 16 and the clamping nut 24. The clamping flange 16 and the clamping nut 24 have clamping surfaces 30, 32 facing each other (FIG. 2), between which the tool 20 is clamped in. The clamping flange 16 can be formed in a single piece with the drive spindle 14 or be a separate component, in which case it then sits loose but rotation-resistant on the drive spindle 14. Around the edge of its central opening or around the shaft of the drive spindle 14 the clamping flange 16 has a collar 26 on which the tool 20 sits. The clamping nut 24 also usually has such a collar 26. The clamping flange 16 and the clamping nut 24 together form the clamping elements for the tool 20. As usual the tool is partly covered by a protective cover 12 which extends around approximately 180° of the periphery of the tool 20 (FIG. 1).

The tool 20 is a grinding disk, a cup wheel, a cutting disk, a roughing disk or the like. When working with such tools vibrations occur which are transmitted from the tool 20 to the drive unit 10 and via its hand grips 18 to the user. In order to reduce the transmission of the vibrations to the drive unit, a layer of elastic material is provided between the tool 20 and the clamping flange 16 and the clamping nut 24. There is therefore no direct undamped contact between the tool 20 and the clamping elements 16, 24.

FIGS. 2 and 3 show a first embodiment example, wherein the clamping surface 30 of the clamping flange 16 and the clamping surface 32 of the clamping nut 24 have a coating 34. The clamping flange 16 and the clamping nut 24 have a collar 26, around the periphery of which the coating 34 is raised. The tool 20 does not have a coating either in the fixing hole 28 or in the areas surrounding the fixing hole 28.

FIG. 3 shows the tool 20 clamped in between the clamping flange 16 and the clamping nut 24. As a result of the coating 34 of the clamping flange 16 and the clamping nut 24 there is no point of direct contact between the metal bodies of the clamping flange 16 and the clamping nut 24 with the tool 20, whereby vibrations are effectively damped. As only the clamping elements 16, 24 have the coating in this embodiment example, and the external diameter of the collars 26 including the coating 34 has the usual diameter of the fixing hole of 22.23 mm, tools with usual measurements can be clamped in.

In the second embodiment example shown in FIGS. 4 and 5 only the tool 20 has the coating 34. The inner edge of the fixing hole 28 and the ring area adjoining it on both sides of the tool 20, the diameter of which is congruent with that of the clamping flange 16 and the clamping nut 24, has the coating 34, which has a thickness of 1.5 mm on these surfaces and a thickness of 2.5 mm inside the fixing hole 28.

FIG. 6 shows a third embodiment example of the invention, wherein the inner edge of the fixing hole 28 of the tool 20 has a coating 34, while the surfaces adjoining it on both sides of the tool 20 have no coating. Instead the clamping surfaces 30, 32 of the clamping flange 16 and clamping nut 24 have a coating 34. The area projecting above this coating, the collar 26, has no coating.

FIG. 7 shows a fourth embodiment example of the invention, in which, just as in the third embodiment example, the tool 20 has the coating 34 only on the inner edge of the fixing hole 28. The clamping flange 16 and the clamping nut 24 have no coating however. Instead, two disks 36 of the elastic material are provided which are laid onto the clamping surfaces 30, 32 of the clamping flange 16 and the clamping nut 24. The internal and external diameters of the disks 36 are the same as those of the clamping surfaces 30, 32. In this embodiment example also, there is therefore no direct contact between the clamped-in tool 20 and the drive spindle 14, the clamping flange 16 and the clamping nut 24. The contact between these components always takes place via the coating 34 or the disks 36 of elastic material.

FIGS. 8 to 16 show embodiment examples in which the clamping surface 30 of the clamping flange 16 and the clamping surface 32 of the clamping nut 24 have the coating 34. The clamping flange 16 and the clamping nut 24 in turn have a collar 26, around the periphery of which the coating 34 is raised. The tool 20 has no coating either in the hub hole 28 or in the areas surrounding the hub hole 28.

FIGS. 8 and 9 show in more detail the clamping nut 24, wherein representations of the clamping flange 16 would be identical, apart from the somewhat larger diameter and the thread not being present as well as the greater overall height of the ribs. Three radial ribs 40 with a width of 1.5 mm arranged in the angular separation of 120° can be seen in FIG. 8. The height of the ribs 40 is 0.5 mm (FIG. 9). The coating 34 of the clamping nut 24 has a thickness of 1 mm outside the ribs 40. The coating 34 of the associated clamping flange, not shown, has a thickness of 2 mm beyond the ribs, wherein the height of the ribs above the coating is also 0.5 mm.

FIGS. 10, 11 and 12 show an embodiment example with individual ribs 40 in the form of spiral arms which are placed on the clamping surface 30 of a clamping flange 16. As in the preceding examples, the clamping flange 16 has a collar 26 which has a coating 42 on its cylindrical outside. The ribs 40 initially lead almost radially away from the coating 42 and then, in a curve 44, approach the outer edge of the clamping flange 16, which they then follow for a stretch. There are four ribs 40 in the form of spiral arms which run within an angular range of 45° in the curve 44 from inside to outside, and then in a further angular range, again of 45°, follow the edge of the clamping flange 16. The ribs 40 have a height of 2.5 mm and a width of 2 mm. The ribs of the associated clamping nut, not shown, have a height of 1.5 mm and a width of 2 mm.

FIGS. 13, 14 and 15 show a similar embodiment example to that of FIGS. 10, 11 and 12, wherein the ribs 40 are not, however, attached directly to the clamping flange 16, but a flat coating 46 from which the ribs 40 protrude is attached to the clamping surface 30 of the clamping flange 16. The flat coating 46 has a thickness of 2 mm, and the ribs 40 therefore still have a height of only 0.5 mm. The flat coating of the associated clamping nut has a thickness of 1 mm, wherein the ribs also have a height of 0.5 mm above the coating.

As mentioned at the outset, the clamping nuts can also be formed as upper clamping flanges, which are then clamped with a nut on the drive spindle against the tool and the lower clamping flange.

FIG. 16 shows a clamping nut 24 with particularly wide ribs 40 and, as in the embodiment example of FIGS. 10 to 12, without flat coating. The width of the ribs 40 is 0.5 mm. The ends of the ribs 40 in the form of spiral arms are somewhat shortened because of the clamping holes 48.

FIGS. 17 and 18 show, at an angle from above and at an angle from below respectively, a clamping nut 24 with four ribs 40 in the form of spiral arms, which open into a peripheral rib 49 running around the periphery of the clamping nut 24. The coating is also raised on the outside of the collar 26. As FIG. 17 shows, the upper side of the clamping nut 24 has the usual form with four clamping holes 48 and an internal thread 50.

FIGS. 19 and 20 show, also viewed at an angle from above and at an angle from below respectively, a clamping flange 16 which is formed fitting the clamping nut 24 of FIGS. 17 and 18. On the upper side of the clamping flange 16 there is a coating in the form of four ribs 40 in the form of spiral arms and a circumferential rib 49, wherein the coating is also raised on the outside of the collar 26. As FIG. 20 shows, the underside of the clamping flange 16 has the usual appearance with a flattened shouldered bore 51, with which the clamping flange 16 can be arranged rotation-resistant on a usual drive spindle.

When the clamping nut 24 is screwed onto the drive spindle 14 the ribs 40 are in fact to a large extent compressed, so that the areas between the ribs 40 can also contact the edge of the hub hole of the tool 2. The contact pressure is higher in the area of the ribs 40, however, so that the clamping forces are primarily effective in the area of the ribs 40. The vibrations are thereby transmitted from the tool 20 to the drive spindle 14 and the drive unit 10 less than when there are clamping forces acting evenly on the clamping surfaces 30, 32.


  • 10 drive unit

  • 12 protective cover

  • 14 drive spindle

  • 16 clamping flange

  • 18 hand grip

  • 20 tool

  • 22 external thread

  • 24 clamping nut

  • 26 collar

  • 28 hub hole

  • 30 clamping surface (clamping flange)

  • 32 clamping surface (clamping nut)

  • 33 upper clamping flange

  • 34 coating

  • 40 raised sections, ribs

  • 42 coating (collar)

  • 44 curve

  • 46 flat coating

  • 48 clamping holes

  • 49 peripheral rib

  • 50 internal thread

  • 51 shouldered bore

  • 1. Device for cutting and grinding with a drive unit (10), a drive spindle (14) and means (16, 24) for clamping a rotating tool (20) onto the drive spindle (14), wherein vibration-damping means are provided between the tool (20) and the clamping means (16, 24), characterized in that the vibration-damping means are provided in the form of a coating of elastic material on the clamping means (16, 24) or the tool (20) or in the form of one or more disks (36) of elastic material to be inserted between the tool (20) and the clamping means (16, 24).
  • 2. Device according to claim 1, wherein the clamping means (16, 24) have the coating (34).
  • 3. Device according to claim 1, wherein the tool (20) has the coating (34).
  • 4. Device according to claim 1, wherein the coating (34) is provided partly on the clamping means (16, 24) and partly on the tool (20).
  • 5. Device according to claim 1, wherein the elastic means are present at least partly as disks (36) of elastic material.
  • 6. Device according to one of claims 1 to 5, wherein the coating (34) has raised sections (40) on the surfaces lying normal to the axis of the drive spindle.
  • 7. Device according to claim 6, wherein the coating (34) is present in laminar form on the clamping surfaces (30, 32) of the clamping flange (16), the clamping nut (24) or of the tools (20) and the raised sections (40) project from a flat coating (46).
  • 8. Device according to claim 6, wherein the raised sections (40) are present as discrete coatings on the clamping surfaces (30, 32) of the clamping flange (16), the clamping nut (24) or of the tool (20).
  • 9. Device according to claim 1, wherein the vibration-damping means are present at least partially as disks (36) of elastic material.
  • 10. Clamping device for clamping a cutting or grinding tool onto a drive spindle (14), with two clamping elements (16, 24) with vibration-damping means, characterized in that the vibration-damping means are a coating (34) of elastic material on the clamping elements (16, 24).
  • 11. Clamping device according to claim 10, wherein the elastic coating (34) has raised sections (40).
  • 12. Clamping device according to claim 11, wherein the raised sections are at least three ribs (40) running radially or in the form of spiral arms.
  • 13. Tool for use with a device according to claims 3 to 9, wherein the tool (20) has a central fixing hole (28), characterized in that the inner edge of the fixing hole (28) of the tool (20) has a coating (34) made of the elastic material.
  • 14. Tool according to claim 7, wherein the surface areas surrounding the fixing hole (28) additionally have a coating (34) made of the elastic material.
Priority Claims (2)
Number Date Country Kind
20 2004 018 583.0 Dec 2004 DE national
20 2005 011 276.3 Jul 2005 DE national
Continuation in Parts (1)
Number Date Country
Parent PCT/EP05/56365 Dec 2005 US
Child 11809782 Jun 2007 US