The present invention aims at overcoming the problems and disadvantages of renewable energy that depends on uncontrollable conditions, such as climate. Examples of such renewable energy include solar power, which can be produced only during daytime and is influenced by dusts; wind energy which cannot produce power permanently as it depends on the climate. In addition, hydroelectricity from dams depends on water level at the dams. Moreover, generating hydroelectricity by pumping and storing, which depends on pumping water to an upper tank when there is an excess power, then using such stored water to generate energy at peak times, is another example. One of the disadvantages for the later method is the long period, as it requires a period not less than one day, one week or one season. Another disadvantage is that it is difficult to find two adjacent water assemblies with two different levels to exchange water between the two levels and generate energy, which is difficult to find, particularly at desert areas. Some people try to overcome such obstacle by using an artificial environment, and compensating for the level difference by making a hole at a hydraulic tube in order that water may be totally pumped beneath that hole to provide potential energy, which is subsequently used to generate power at demand One of the disadvantages for the previous method is the need to transfer the entire water each time from one end to the other for storage or generation of energy. The other disadvantage is that such devices need a period of time to be charged with power, which is multiple times longer than the time needed for generating energy; however, such method may be applied only to benefit from the cost difference. In addition, one of the other disadvantages is that such devices can only be used as huge stations for generating power under continuous supervision.
A device for generating and storing hydroelectricity by pumping and storing liquid.
At least one device is to be used:
The mentioned device generates renewable and clean power using gravity. The present device generates power by pumping and storing water in a water well and has multiple methods of use. It may be used as a single well acting as a battery that stores energy and produces more energy than what it stores. It has various storage methods; it may store energy during off-peak hours and pump energy during peak hours, benefiting from the cost difference, or store the excess free energy produced from renewable energy, such as solar energy, mind energy or other types of renewable energy, and pump the energy when same is required. The second use is based on two or more devices of the invention that generate hydroelectric energy by pumping and storing between the at least two devices, taking turns to charge and produce energy from one well to another and consuming the excess energy. The well can be used in multiple sizes. Whenever the size of the well increases to accommodate the water and the well level rises, the amount of energy and the energy production period increase.
The device is composed of top well cover (2) with holes for controlling pressure inside the well (3). Water turbine (4). A control device of water course (5). A tube for feeding the well with water (6). A buoy for preserving stable water level (7). Water level (8). Water pipe (9) getting out of the well bottom toward the turbine. Water pipe (10) getting out of the turbine back to the well. Spiral spring (11) protecting the piston. A base (12) holding the well and the lateral tube. Small balance ropes (13) to reduce friction between the piston and well wall during lifting. A ring (14) that combines the small robes with the main robe. The main lifting rope (15). The electric lever of the piston (16). The base fixed at the top of the well for holding the electric lever (17). A lateral spring at the well pushing the sensor (18). A sensor (19) for defining the piston location. A hydraulic piston made of a stainless metal (20). A pump for pumping and withdrawing water (21). An external water tank (22). An air pump for pumping and withdrawing air (23). An electric current (24) from the second well that generates energy according to the present invention, wherein the two wells work alternatively to generate and store energy and use the excess energy to charge the other empty well. An electric current (25) from a lateral battery to store the excess produced energy according to the invention to be used as required. An electric current (26) from the excess power generated from the renewable energy, such as solar energy and wind energy or other types of clean and renewable energy. An electric current (27) from an external general electric grid to compensate for shortage in some cases. An electric current (28) generated from water turbine placed inside the well to be consumed, while the excess energy is stored. An extendable and shrinkable helical tube (29) made from rubber and used for combining hosepipes and electrical wires. A twisting tube for pumping water (30). A hose tube for pumping air (31). Electrical wires inserted into the piston (32). An insulator (33) for the tube inserted into the center of the piston, which combines hosepipes and wires and prevents the entry of liquids and air to the center of the piston. A tube (34) coming into the center of the piston containing all liquid pipes and wires therein. A tube inside the piston for pumping water (35). A tube inside the piston for pumping air (36). A circular tube (37) connecting internal cavities of the piston and equivalently distributing air and water among cavities. A gear (38) fixed to the upper and lower lids of the pistons and moves with the lids. Grids (39) fixed at the upper lid of the piston, which prevents the passage of any solid body to the center of the piston at the area opened for the passage of the liquids. One of the slices (40) closing the holes of the pistons and forming part of the lid. The shape of the upper lid after being closed (41). The shape of the lower lid after being closed (42). The shape of the upper lid after being opened (43). The shape of the lower lid after being opened (44). One of the fixed parts (45) of the piston. An internal cavity (46) of one of the fixed parts of the piston, which is used to retain air therein when the piston is lifted to provide the piston with sufficient power to float at water, and to retain liquids therein when the piston is lowered to increase the piston weight and produce huge energy. An inflation port (47). A generator of rotational movement (48). A shaft (49). A gear of rotational movement (50). A ring of the piston (51) made of iron or any stainless metal). A ring of the piston (52) made of rubber. A buoy (53) that closes the water course if the water level reaches its utmost and the internal cavity of the piston is totally filled with water. Lower support of the piston (54). The central area of the piston (55). An automatic control device (56). The cavities (57) of the piston allowing water to pass through it when the piston is lifted. The body (58) of the main empty well used to be filled with liquids, without any leakage, which is run in a hydraulic manner by pumping the liquids from one part to the other to produce and store energy.
1—Reducing the costs of the renewable energy by using a floatable piston that can float from the bottom until the top of the well, thereby reducing the costs of recharging the device.
2—Accelerating the charging of the device with power, that depends on lifting the piston alone and passing water through the piston upon lifting.
3—Maximizing the productivity of energy since the piston is capable of increasing its weight and size, which gives it a higher acceleration for gravity and the ability to generate and produce energy several times more than the energy stored therein.
4—Providing clean renewable energy anytime of the day without stopping.
5—Providing a device that may be used by all social strata, as it can be used at home, factories or as a power generation station.
6—Providing a device for generating clean renewable energy, which is not influenced by the uncontrollable conditions, such as climate.
7—Minimizing the space needed for such devices.
8—The device is run alternatively to charge and produce energy simultaneously, which in turn provides non-stopping energy.
9—Reducing the amount of water used in devices for generating hydroelectricity in order to preserve water from over-evaporation, since, according to the present method, the same amount of water can be continuously recycled in order to generate energy with high efficiency.
The present invention relates to a device for generating hydroelectricity by pumping and storing liquid.
The present method starts with lifting the piston to charge the device with energy through a number of processes:
An illustrative method example of generating and producing energy, not limiting to numbers and ratios: a battery is externally charged, for the first time, by any type of energy; and after being fully charged to 100%, a second battery is charged from the first one, which loses about 30% of its original charge till the second battery is fully charged to 100%, to finally have 70% excess energy in the first battery and the second battery is 100% charged. This can be achieved by the present charging and production method, taking into consideration that the above-mentioned numbers are only for illustration, not limitation. After charging, two or more devices of the present invention start working alternatively to produce and store energy, through providing consumers with energy while using excess energy to charge the empty device. Such ratios are not fixed as they depend on the size of the well, the piston weight and the well height; the higher the well is, the greater the gravity force is, which leads to more acceleration of the piston to directly push water, and this in turn increases the velocity of the turbine to produce more energy with higher efficiency. The other factor that helps increasing the capability of the piston to produce energy is the direct increase of the piston weight while being continuously lowered to the downhole, since the water coming back of the turbine is combined in increasing amounts above the surface of the piston, which gives it more weight to push water existing under the piston with great strength toward the turbine to force it to generate increasing energy. To point out the potential difference between the processes of charging and energy production, the second battery, in the illustrative example, has been charged from the first battery, with the possibility of externally charging the two batteries directly by any other type of energy.
An illustrative, not limiting, example of using the well as a battery for storing energy: a battery produces about 70% more than its need to be charged; i.e., about 30% energy may be sufficient for the battery to be fully charged to 100%, and this difference is caused by the difference between the method of charging and production of energy. The present device may be charged by several types of energy, as indicated in the illustrative, not limiting, examples hereinafter.
The first example: the present device may be charged from an external general electric grid. This mode of charging may be used at peak hours to reduce charging costs and benefit from the consumption of battery energy at peak hours, to benefit from the cost difference.
The second example: the present device is charged from an additional battery that is used to store the excess unconsumed energy produced by the same device.
The third example: the present device may be charged from the excess energy produced by solar power during daytime, with the battery stored energy consumed at night.
The fourth example: the present device may be charged from the excess energy produced by wind power during, with the battery stored energy consumed on demand.
The fifth example: the present device may be charged from the excess energy produced by any type of clean renewable source, while the battery stored energy is consumed on demand.
The sixth example: the present device may be charged from an external general electric grid. This mode of charging may be used at any time, even at peak hours to make use of the great difference between the amount of electricity used in charging and the multiplied amount of energy provided by the battery.
The possibility of manufacturing the present device in different sizes according to the target consumer, as shown in the illustrative, non-limiting example:
The present device may be manufactured in different sizes to suit all social brackets benefiting from electricity. The size of the device depends on the amount of electricity required per hour, the period during which the device produces energy and the watt intensity required. For more illustration, the present device may be used, for example at home, factory or as an electric power station that produces thousands of megawatts.
An illustrative, non-limiting, example indicating the size and weights of the piston:
Assuming that the piston body weight in water is one ton, the piston then needs, to be lifted in water by floating force up to the top of the well, to be pumped by 1 m3 to 1.3 m3 of air in order for the piston weight to be less than zero approximately to float at water. This mentioned amount may differ depending on the different size and weight of the piston and the different density of water used inside the well.
An illustrative, non-limiting method example of increasing the piston weight to produce energy with efficiency as high as possible. The example indicates a method of increasing the piston weight to produce more energy by increasing the gravity acceleration of the piston, assuming that the piston body weight in water is one ton:
First: the piston needs to be pumped by an amount of water about 1.3 m3, equal to 1.3 ton weight, into the respective inner cavities of the piston.
Second, further amount of water, about 1.5 m3, equal to 1.5 ton weight, is captured inside the piston in the area specialized for passing water, enclosed by the upper and lower lids of the piston, in order for the piston weight to increase to 3.8 ton in sum, which gives the piston more strength to pump water to the turbine to produce more energy.
An illustrative, non-limiting method example of reducing the piston weight in order to reduce costs and potential needed to recharge the device.
To recharge the device, the piston, the total weight thereof is 3.8 as mentioned in the previous example, has to be lifted after producing the entire energy and reached to the downhole. Now, the piston should be able to float up to the top of the well by decreasing its weight:
First: the upper and lower lids of the piston, capturing huge amount of water (1.5 m3) equal to about 1.5 tons weight, are to be opened, and the piston weight is reduced to 2.3 tons.
Second, water has to be withdrawn from the inner cavities (containing about 1.3 m3 equal to 1.3 tons) of the piston so as for the weight of the piston stainless steel body to be 1 ton.
Third: After discharging water from the piston, air is to be pumped at the same amount and within the same inner cavities of the piston (the space thereof is 1.3 m3). The air causes the piston weight to be less than zero so as to float up to the top of the well, and hence the piston is lifted by the floating force. In addition, the electric lever may be used, in some cases, to lift the piston, when needed.
An illustrative, non-limiting example for the uses of the automatic control device that controls all the devices involved in the present invention, with the same methods and functions of such devices as previously indicated hereinbefore, as well as other devices will be described in detail later:
The mentioned control device is responsible for automatically managing all the processes of giving orders to the other devices used inside the well in order to facilitate managing the workflow of generating and storing hydroelectricity in at least one well. In addition, the mentioned device is able to control two wells or more working alternatively to generate and store energy. By adding more sensors, the automatic control device can determine the piston velocity, the remaining amount of water in order to deduct the predictable amount of energy to be produced, the amount of energy to be consumed and the excess part to be stored then transferred to another empty well, in case there are more than one well working alternatively, or to be stored in an external battery. Further, the control device controls the lever to stop the piston when there is no need to produce energy at the current time or if there is a huge excess energy produced.
Further, the automatic control device can preferably differentiate between the electric currents and which current would be used to charge the battery according to the settings and preferences determined by the consumer to get the least costs, since each country has its own prices for energy. Examples of settings and preferences of the present devices include, without limitation:
First: it is preferable to use an electric current from the second well that works alternatively with the other well, according to the present invention, to produce energy and store the excess energy to charge the empty well.
Second: it is preferable to use an electric current from an additional battery to preserve the excess energy produced by the same device.
Third: it is preferable to use an electric current from the excess energy produced by renewable sources, such as solar energy, wind energy and other types of renewable energy.
Fourth: it is preferable to use an electric current from an external general electric grid to reach low costs at off-peak hours, besides being used to cover shortage in some cases.
Fifth: two or more sources may be combined to provide energy needed for charging the well, together with providing consumers with sufficient energy, till the well is fully charged with minimum costs, since each country produces different types of energy at different prices.
An illustrative, non-limiting example for the uses of the lever:
First: the lever is used to lift the piston to the top of the well, when the device needs to be charged with energy.
Second: the lever may stop the piston till the piston weight and volume are increased, then the piston starts falling down to produce energy with high efficiency, without any points of weakness at the beginning of falling down.
Third: the piston is stopped by the lever when there is no need to produce energy, in order to preserve the potential energy currently existing inside the piston.
Non-limiting illustrative examples of devices, elements, internal and external parts of the well fed by the electric current are as follows:
The piston may be made from any stainless material or metal, such as stainless steel iron, stainless aluminum, stainless iron and aluminum, stainless concrete and iron, or a shaped rock.
The piston lids are movable to open and close the piston cavities, since the lids are opened to let water flow through the piston when it is lifted and to recharge the piston with the potential energy. Then, the piston lids are closed when energy is produced to capture water therein in order to increase the piston weight, and to increase the space facing the water to displace as much as possible of water.
A compressible sensor is used at the wall of the well to detect the location of the piston, the arrival of the piston to the area of orientation change, wherein three, at least two, sensors are used at the top of the first well to give a sign of the piston arrival at the counter-direction area; the second sensor is used to ensure that the piston is totally submersed in water to start the process of increasing the piston volume and weight; and the third sensor is used at the downhole to give a counter-direction sign. More sensors may be added to determine the piston location, the produced amount of energy, the stored amount of energy and the piston velocity. together to operate two wells or more of the same invention, taking turns to produce and store energy from one device to the other.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
117380675 | May 2017 | SA | national |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind |
PCT/SA2017/000018 | 8/23/2017 | WO | 00 |