"Diagnosis of Helicobacter Pylori Infection", Kyle E. Brown, M.D. & David A. Peura, M.D., Helicobacter Pylori Infection, vol. 22, No. 1, Mar. 1993, pp. 105-115. |
Annals of Internal Medicine, David Y. Graham, 1192; 116 No. 9 (Oct. 1, 1993). |
Difco Manual 9th ED., Difco Laboratories, Detroit, MI, 1952. (Month not available). |
The Lancet, B.J. Marshall, Jun. 22, 1985. |
Derwent Publication C-86-141647 (1986) Month not available. |
Derwent Publication D-84-128710 (1985) Month not available. |
Derwent Publication C-90-068529 (1990) Copy not included. |
Helicobacter pylori in Peptic Ulceration and Gastritis Barry J. Marshall. Richard W. McCallum & Richard L. Guerraut, Blackwell Scientific Publication, Boston, MA, USA, Chapters 4, 7 and 12. (1992). Month not available. |
"Marshall's Hunch", The New Yorker Magazine, pp. 64-72 Sep. 20, 1993. |
"The Doctor Who Wouldn't Accept No", Readers Digest Magazine, pp. 120-124, Oct., 1993. |