1991 IEEE--Resonant Frequencies of Higher Order Modes In Cylindrical Anisotropic Dielectric Resonators by Michael E. Tobar and Anghony G. Mann, Department of Physics, University of Western Australia, pp. 143-146. |
1990 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North Holland)--A Very High Stability Sapphire Loaded Superconducting Cavity Oscilator by A.J. Giles, A.G. Mann, S.K. Jones, D.G. Blair and M.J. Buckingham, Department of Physics, University of Western Australia, pp. 145-146. |
IEE Proc., vol. 129, Pt. H, No. 4, Aug. 1982--Whispering-Gallery Modes of Dielectric Resonators by C. Vedrenne and Prof. J. Arnaud, pp. 183-187. |
1992 IEEE Frequency Control Symposium--Microwave Frequency Discriminator With a Cooled Sapphire Resonator for Ultra-Low Phase Noise by David G. Santiago and G. John Dick, California Institute of Technology, pp. 176-182. |
High-QT.E. Stabilised Sapphire Microwave Resonators and Low Noise Oscillators by J.H. Searls, S. Edwards, E.N. Ivanov, M.E. Tobar, R. Woode, Dept. of Physics, University of Western Australia. |
Cryogenic Sapphire Microwave Resonator-Oscillator with Exceptional Stability by A.N. Luiten, A.G. Mann and D.G. Blair. |
Low Noise, Microwave Siganl Generation Using Cryogenic, Sapphire Dielectric Resonators: An Update by M.M. Driscoll and R.W. Weinert. |
A Low-Noise X-Band Gunn Oscillator Using a Sapphire Dielectric Resonator by Sergey N. Bun'kov, Vladimir I. Konstantinov, and Vladimir L. Masalov. |
1993 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium--Closed Loop Tests of the NASA Sapphire Phase Stabilizer by David G. Santiago and G. John Dick, Jul. 1993, pp. 774-778. |
1990 IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Ferequency Control, vol. 37, No. 5, Sep. 1990. Measurement and Analysis of a Microwave Oscillator Stabilized by a Sapphire Dielectric Ring Resonator for Ultra-Low Noise by G. John Dick and Jon Saunders, pp. 339-346. |