IRE Transactions on Communications Systems, Mar. 1962, p. 84. |
IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. COM 21, No. 10, Oct. 1973, pp. 1108 to 1115. |
IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. COM-26, Mar., 1978, W. J. Weber, "Differential Encoding for Multiple Amplitude and Phase Shift Keying Systems", pp. 385-391. |
CCITT-The International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee, Yellow Book, vol. VIII, Fascicle VIII.1, "Data Communication over the Telephone Network", Recommendations of the V Series, Vth Plenary Assembly, Geneva, Nov. 10-21, 1980, Geneva, 1981, Recommendation V.29, 9600 Bits Per Second Modem Standardised for Use on Point-to-Point 4-Wire Leased Telephone-Type Circuits, pp. 165-177. |