The invention relates generally to methods for constructing graphs. More specifically, the invention provides a method for drawing directed graphs.
Techniques for drawing digraphs are known. For example,
Carmel et al. see e.g., L. Carmel, D. Harel and Y. Koren, “Combining Hierarchy and Energy for Drawing Directed Graphs”, IEEE Trans. Visualization and Computer Graphics 10 (2004), 46-57, is an other known approach to drawing digraphs. In this approach, the nodes are associated with continuous y-coordinates, in a way that can be applied to any kind of digraph, whether cyclic or acyclic, and which requires no graph modification or preprocessing. These y-coordinates are the unique minimizer of the hierarchy energy, which strongly reflects the directional information of the digraph. The x-coordinates are the minimizer of another energy function that disregards all directional information. The main characteristics of this method are its ability to deal with cyclic graphs, the fact that nodes are not partitioned into horizontal layers and the very fast execution. However, although solutions are defined for graphs with cycles, so-called symmetric nodes within cycles are by definition considered to be at the same hierarchy level and are thus assigned the same y-coordinate. The resulting drawings make such cycles difficult to see, see, e.g.,
Currently, a need exists for an improved method and system for constructing graphs including digraphs.
To overcome limitations in the prior art described above, and to overcome other limitations that will be apparent upon reading and understanding the present specification, the present invention is directed to a method and system for drawing directed graphs.
A first aspect of the invention provides a method and system for drawing directed graphs including receiving data coordinates associated with nodes for graphing, performing a constrained stress minimization, and outputting results of the constrained stress minimization and displaying the results on a visual medium.
A second aspect of the invention provides a method for drawing directed graphs including receiving data associated with nodes for graphing, assigning hierarchical levels to the nodes for graphing, minimizing a stress function constrained by the assigned hierarchical levels, and outputting results of the step of minimizing a stress function constrained by the assigned hierarchical levels and displaying the results in a layout on a visual medium.
A third aspect of the invention provides a computer readable medium containing instructions for performing the steps of receiving data associated with nodes for graphing, assigning hierarchical levels to the nodes for graphing, minimizing a stress function constrained by the assigned hierarchical levels, and outputting results of the step of minimizing a stress function constrained by the assigned hierarchical levels and displaying the results in a layout on a visual medium.
A more complete understanding of the present invention and the advantages thereof may be acquired by referring to the following description in consideration of the accompanying drawings, in which like reference numbers indicate like features, and wherein:
In the following description of the various embodiments, reference is made to the accompanying drawings, which form a part hereof, and in which is shown by way of illustration various embodiments in which the invention may be practiced. It is to be understood that other embodiments may be utilized and structural and functional modifications may be made without departing from the scope of the present invention.
A new method for constructing directed graphs is described herein. This new method and associated system for constructing directed graphs may be described for illustrative purposes as directed graph drawing through constrained layout optimization. For clarity and ease of reference, the system and method may be referred to as such throughout. Additionally, the described method and system may also be referred to for ease of reference as “DIG-COLA.”
For reference, “graph” is used herein to refer to the abstract relational structure. For example, the method described herein will receive an input in various forms and the method visualizes or draws the graph. The input may vary greatly in characteristic and the described methods and systems may be utilized in numerous industry, business and technology sectors. Similarly, an enormous variety of data may be visualized using the described methods ranging from gene networks, to engineering flow diagrams, to breakfast cereal characteristics and on and on. Additionally, several non-limiting examples of “drawing” as used herein includes displaying on a computer monitor or printing on paper.
The new approach introduced is distinguished from those above for example by the fact that it does not separate the computation of the various axes, but computes all axes simultaneously using constrained energy minimization. The method described herein generally define a cost function (or a force model) whose minimization generally produces an acceptable node placement. Any use of a Force Directed Placement (FDP) for drawing directed-graphs in a general sense has up until now specifically included the force model being extended by ‘angle forces’ that encourage all directed edges to point in the same direction. However, this requirement adds additional complexity to the force model and the inferred energy function is complicated, and thus prone to numerical stiffness and rich in local minima.
The method and system described herein possess the advantages of both constraint programming techniques and a state-of-the-art force-directed placement (FDP) algorithm so that the directed nature of the graph is highlighted while useful properties of FDP—such as emphasis of symmetries and preservation of proximity relations—are retained. The described method automatically identifies those parts of the digraph that contain hierarchical information and draws them accordingly. Additionally, those parts that do not contain hierarchy are drawn at the same quality expected from a non-hierarchical, undirected layout algorithm. One illustrative application of the described method is directional multidimensional scaling (DMDS). DMDS deals with low-dimensional embedding of multivariate data where we want to emphasize the overall flow in the data (e.g. chronological progress) along one of the axes.
Current graph drawing methods convert the relational structure of a graph (or network) to a diagram. Many of the known approaches to graph drawing have been developed for specific types of graphs and different application domains. One type of known graph is referred to as a digraph. Drawing digraphs is a challenging task, requiring methods that faithfully represent the relative connectivity of the nodes as well as giving some sense of the overall directionality of the connections (edges). The latter requirement renders methods designed for undirected graph drawing inappropriate for digraphs. One known digraph-drawing strategy, involves assigning x and y coordinates in separate stages with different objectives. Thus, the y-axis represents the directional information, or hierarchy, and the x-axis placement is adjusted for additional aesthetic considerations such as minimizing edge crossings.
The special attributes of digraph layouts are demonstrated in
Following the common convention, one of the axes is dedicated to conveying hierarchical information. However, the usual axis separation approach is not pursued in
Hence, a method is proposed for constrained layout of digraphs (DIG-COLA) where all axes of the layout are computed simultaneously as in standard undirected approaches. This process is made feasible by combining two optimization techniques: majorization and quadratic programming. As described herein, a new approach to drawing digraphs is described.
Preliminary Notions
A digraph G=(V,E) comprises a set V={1, . . . , n} of n nodes, and a set E of directed edges where (i,j)εE is an edge from node i to node j. Each edge (i,j) is further associated with a number δij that expresses the relative hierarchy of the nodes. Usually, δij=1 for a directed edge i→j, meaning that i precedes j by one unit. Similarly, δij=0 for any undirected edge, meaning that there is no hierarchical precedence between i and j. A d-dimensional layout is denoted by an n×d matrix X. Thus, node i is located at Xiεd and the axes of the layout are X(1), . . . , X(d)ε
Stress Function: The stress function is a traditional measure of drawing quality, based on the heuristic that a nice drawing relates to good isometry: i.e. it calls for placing the nodes so that the resulting pairwise Euclidean distances will approach the corresponding target distances (e.g. graph-theoretical distances). Specifically, we have an ideal distance dij for every pair of nodes i and j exists, modeled as a spring. Given a d-D layout, where node i is placed at point Xi, the energy of the system is
A layout that minimizes this function is desired, thereby best approximating the target distances. Here, the distance dij is typically the graph-theoretical distance between nodes i and j (i.e. the length of the shortest path connecting i and j). The normalization constant wij equals dij−α. Various values for α may be chosen. For example, α=2, α=0, and α=1 are all potential values that may be used. Additionally, one may set dij to the linear-network distance. This may assist in conveying any clustered structure in the graph. For purposes herein, one exemplary embodiment is used herein. Hereafter α=2 is used.
Stress majorization: One may also compute a graph layout by minimizing the stress function through majorization, following works in the field of multidimensional scaling. Majorization is a rather global optimization process offering some distinct advantages over localized processes like gradient descent—especially guaranteed monotonic decrease of stress, improved robustness against local minima and shorter running times. Majorization minimizes the stress function by iteratively minimizing quadratic forms that approximate and bound it from above. Recall that wij are the normalization constants in the stress function. The n×n matrix Lw is used, defined by
In addition, given an n×d coordinate matrix Z, the n×n matrix is defined by LZ by
where inv(x)=1/x when x≠0 and 0 otherwise. It can be shown that the stress function is bounded from above by the quadratic form FZ(X) defined as
Thus, we have
stress(X)≦FZ(X) (5)
with equality when Z=X. Differentiate by X and find that the global minima of FZ(X) are given by solving
LwX(a)=LZZ(a), a=1, . . . , d. (6)
This leads to the following iterative optimization process. Given some layout X(t), we compute a layout X(t+1) so that stress(X(t+1))<stress(X(t)). One may use the function FX(t)(X) which satisfies FX(t)(X(t))=stress(X(t)). Takes X(t+1) as the minimizer of FX(t)(X) by solving
LwX(t+1)(a)=LX(t)X(t)(a), a=1, . . . , d. (7)
At this point, the process is terminated if
Otherwise, we set t←t+1 and continue lowering the stress.
Hierarchy energy: The hierarchy energy strongly reflects the directional information of the digraph. Let G(V,E) be a digraph, and let y=(y1, . . . , yn)T be any vector of coordinates. The hierarchy energy is
An optimal arrangement of a digraph, y*, is defined as a minimizer of the hierarchy energy. It will try to place the nodes such that the height difference yi−yj for any adjacent pair (i,j) will be close to δij, the relative hierarchy (i,j). This optimal arrangement is given by solving the linear equations
where degi=|j:(i,j)εE|+|j:(j,i)εE|.
The optimal arrangement shows the height of each node in the hierarchy as induced by the digraph structure.
Dig-Cola Method
The described methods and systems have numerous embodiments.
In conjunction with illustrative
Speaking generally, the described method follows in a tradition of drawing undirected graphs by minimizing a stress or energy function. However, since we want to show the overall directionality of the graph, constraints are imposed on the layout.
Hierarchy as constraints: Generally, a digraph can be said to induce a hierarchical structure on its nodes based on the precedence relationships defined by its directed edges. Consequently, an appropriate depiction of a digraph allocates one of the axes to showing this hierarchy. Henceforth, the y-axis will serve for this exemplary purpose. Thus, if node i precedes node j in the hierarchy, then i will be drawn above j on the y-axis. This usually leads to the majority of directed edges pointing downwards, thereby showing a clear flow from top to bottom. Accordingly, since most of the directed edges point downwards, this downwards direction may be referred to as a primary direction of orientation of the edges. The primary direction of orientation typically includes the general direction of orientation of the edge. For example, an edge oriented generally downward but also some amount to the left may be considered to possess a primary direction of orientation of downward.
Accordingly, in one exemplary embodiment of the described method, our first step is to compute the hierarchy induced by the digraph. This hierarchy is expressed by partitioning the node set into k disjoint sets: V=∪
∪ . . . ∪
, so that if i<j then the nodes in
precede those in
in the hierarchy. Here 1≦k≦n is a value depending on the graph properties. Henceforth, these sets may be referred to as “hierarchical levels” or just “levels”. Consequently, the directional properties of the digraph are expressed by imposing hierarchy constraints: for all 1≦i≦j≦k place all nodes of
than those of
in the y-axis.
Note that the hierarchical levels strongly depend on the digraph structure. For example, ={1},
={5}. If we add only a single edge, from node 5 to node 1 we get the graph in
={1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. A third case with one additional node is shown in
={6} and
={1, 2, 3, 4, 5}.
How do we get such a partitioning? Sometimes external information regarding the hierarchical order of the nodes is available or received. For example, if the nodes are associated with chronological data, we can partition them by years. If we know that one special node is the “root”, then distance from it might dictate the hierarchical levels. Another possibility is to use the layering phase of Sugiyama-based methods, for partitioning the nodes into different levels.
A default choice is to base the partition on the optimal arrangement y*, which was previously defined. This allows us to deal with all digraphs, including those that are cyclic or those that also include undirected edges. An advantageous property of the optimal arrangement is that it will not introduce hierarchy that is not induced by the graph structure. This is very important, as we don't want to impose any unjustified constraint on the layout. For example, for the digraph in
Iterative quadratic programming It is desired to find a layout minimizing the stress function subject to the hierarchy constraints. One option considered was the addition of general linear constraints to FDP based on the localized Kamada-Kawai approach. However, constraint can be better integrated into the more global majorization optimization process described. This smooth integration is made possible by using quadratic programming. Recall that stress majorization involves minimizing a series of quadratic forms in a way that guarantees a monotonic decrease of stress. To address the directional information, we must also consider the hierarchy constraints, which are certainly linear. Hence, in each iteration a quadratic function is minimized subject to linear constraints. It can be shown that the minimized quadratic functions are positive definite (further described below). Such a constrained optimization is commonly called convex quadratic programming. It is well known that the global minimizer of a convex quadratic program can be computed efficiently. To summarize, when integrating stress majorization with level constraints, for each iteration a convex quadratic program is solved, instead of minimizing a quadratic function. While solving convex quadratic programs is more involved than just minimizing quadratic functions, optimal solutions can efficiently be obtained using a variety of available solvers. Notably, the majorization process, which must obey all constraints, still monotonically decreases the stress function and hence is convergent. In more detail, suppose a given initial layout X(0)εn×d. Then in the t-th iteration compute layout X(t) as the solution of the quadratic program:
Note that the target function is the same as in the usual majorization process defined in (4). The sets , . . . ,
are the hierarchical levels that were defined in the previous subsection. The column X(1)ε
n, is the axis that represents the hierarchical information (the y-coordinates in our examples). Further, k−1 auxiliary variables l1, l2, . . . lk−1 are used for expressing the constraints succinctly: li must be below the nodes in
but above the nodes of
+1. The matrices Lw and LX(t-1) were defined in (2) and (3), respectively. Note that Lw and the constraints are fixed during the entire process. The constant G is the minimum gap between consecutive hierarchical levels. In the described exemplary embodiment the default value is G=0.1. One terminates the process when the stress level stabilizes, i.e. when Δstress<ε, as defined in Eq. (8). A typical value for ε is 0.01.
Visual conventions A layout produced by our algorithm can be partitioned into horizontal bands, each band 470 (as seen in several Figures including
An example showing bands for a few small graphs is given in
The ability of our method to show hierarchy only where it exists, and to produce quality drawings also for non-hierarchical portions of the graph is emphasized in the figures contained herein. For example, this trait is nicely demonstrated in
Another visual issue concerns indicating the direction of an edge. The usual convention is by drawing an arrowhead at the end of the drawing contains dense regions the arrowheads become very obscure. Moreover, these arrowheads may occupy precious real estate in the drawing area, thus impairing readability. Luckily, by the nature of the drawing algorithm the vast majority of edges follow a single trend, namely, pointing downwards. Hence, these edges can be drawn without arrowheads, only using arrowheads for those edges that point upwards. An even clearer solution is to use edge coloring when colors are available. Therefore, all edges pointing downwards are colored gray/black, whereas those pointing upward are colored red. If the graph also contains undirected edges, which are permitted by our method, they may be colored blue. For example, consider the graph DG—3692 from a AT&T digraph collection. The layout of the digraph (|V|=559, |E|=1035) is quite dense; see digraph 600A in
Quadratic programming solvers: Many quadratic solvers are available employing a number of different optimization methods. All of them can serve for solving problem (10). One skilled in the art will be aware of such methods. An illustrative list includes, MOSEK, CPLEX, OOQP, BQPD and COPL QP. Experiments were carried out to further demonstrate the methods and systems described using the MOSEK package.
An important characteristic of our special case is that a series of closely related quadratic programs is solved. All programs share exactly the same constraints, while the target function changes slightly between iterations. Hence, computation may be accelerated by initializing each iteration with the solution obtained at the previous iteration. In this way the solver is initialized with a feasible solution (satisfying all constraints) that is close to the optimal solution.
However, it appears that such initialization, called “warm-start” is not trivial for the barrier (or interior-point) methods used by most commercial solvers. One family of methods that facilitate warm start is the so-called “active-set” approach. Also, it should be possible to further improve the performance of an active-set method based on insight into the specific type of constraints used (for example, in our case each constraint involves only two variables). Known algorithms may seem very fast indeed, although they may only deal with single-variable constraints.
The fact that the matrix Lw is positive semi-definite is because of the convexity of the quadratic program. This means that every x□n satisfies xT Lwx≧0. This inequality can be validated by using the fact that for all i≠j, wij>0 and noting that xTLwx=Σi<j wij(xi−xj)2≧0. Consequently, the quadratic form has only global minima. However, many solvers prefer dealing with strict positive definite matrices, ensuring the uniqueness of the global minimum. Lw can be easily transformed into a positive definite matrix without affecting the majorization process. Observe that problem (10) has a translation degree of freedom, which is the source multiple minima. Hence, node 1 may be fixed at the origin without loss of generality, i.e. set X1=(0, 0, . . . , 0). In the constraints all occurrences of X1 should be replaced with zeros. Moreover, we can safely remove the first row and column of Lw without affecting the value of the function. It can be shown that the resulting matrix is positive definite, and now we always have a unique global minimum, thus eliminating all degrees of freedom.
Reducing the quadratic program: Note that the constraints involve only the y-axis, X(1) and that the target function is a sum of terms, each of which includes only a single axis. Thus, problem (10) may be safely decomposed into two problems, one constrained and one unconstrained. The first problem yields X(t+1)(1)
And the second problem yields the rest axes X(2), . . . , X(d)
Solving problems (11), (12) will reproduce the solution of the original problem (10). However, solving two separate problems is much more efficient. The constrained problem (11) involves much fewer variables than the original (10) and hence is faster to solve. Regarding the unconstrained problem (12), its solution takes a relatively negligible time and is given by solving the equation systems LwX(a)=LZZ(a), a=2, . . . , d.
When negative is a plus: Interestingly, one can set a negative value for G (the minimum gap between levels). This permits slightly breaking the constraints by a quantity limited by |G|. Put differently, a negative G allows a limited “local” deviation of nodes from their designated bands. To make sure that these deviations are local and cannot change the global nature of the layout, we add the constraint: l1≦l2≦ . . . ≦lk−1. It has been observed that allowing small deviation sometimes gives us the necessary freedom for overcoming local inefficiencies in the layout, without affecting visualization of the overall directionality. This is a unique feature of our method that becomes possible by the clear separation between constraints and cost function. Here, two examples where negative gap was advantageous we described. The graphs 700A and 700B, Nos 4, in
Demonstrative Illustrative Experiments: Previously it was described that the DIG-COLA method is more suitable for larger digraphs than the known Sugiyama-style layout. Sugiyama style layout includes an edge crossing minimization heuristic not found in DIG-COLA. This may indicate that there is some trade off between edge crossing reduction and consistent edge length. To see how these methods perform in practice and for explanation and clarity of the methods/systems described herein, an experimental study has been completed on a large collection of graphs from various application domains, comparing the performance of both the DIG-COLA and Sugiyama methods. Below the results of this study are presented. The three datasets used in the following quantitative analysis were compiled from different repositories with the aim of capturing a variety of graph types and application domains. The first class of graphs is a set of 258 gene-activation networks. The graphs are of varying sizes (up to |V|=95, |E|=110), generally quite sparse (|E|≦2|N|) and frequently contain directed cycles. The second set comes from specific AT&T Graphs. This latter repository contains over 5000 directed graphs. Of these, we extracted the largest connected component from each graph and filtered out very large and very small graphs (leaving 2464 graphs of 10≦|V|≦200). Using random selection, this number is further reduced to a more manageable sample of 100 graphs. A third set of 34 graphs is obtained with 200≦|V|≦1919 from the larger graphs of the AT&T collection and known sources. Our test systems were our own implementation of the DIG-COLA algorithm and the freely available program DOT: an implementation of a Sugiyama-style layout distributed as part of GRAPHVIZ These programs were run against each of the graphs in our test data sets and running time, edge lengths and count of crossings were recorded. DIG-COLA was run with G=0.1 and G =−1. edge lengths l for each graph layout. That is, l=L/−L where L is raw edge lengths for each layout and −L is the average value of L. Thus, for each graph layout −l/=1. The results concerning l are summarized graphically in graphs 900A and 900B in
Finally, a note on running time of DIG-COLA. All tests were run on a 2 GHz PENTIUM M machine. The results are shown in the graphs 1100A, 1100B, and 1100C in
Variable Edge Length, Other Partitionings and directional MDS: The capability for conservation of default edge length that has been demonstrated herein, can be very useful in applications where relative edge weights need to be studied. For example, Bayesian networks are directed acyclic graphs where nodes represent variables and edges represent causality relationships between pairs of variables. The edges can be weighted to indicate the strength of these relationships. Typically Bayesian networks are visualized using Sugiyama style layout. In graph 1200 in
Generating hierarchy constraints based on the hierarchical structure of a digraph has been discussed, but the constraints could just as easily be based on another, domain specific, parameter. For example, graph 1300 in
The fact that the general stress majorization method described herein has its roots in the field of multidimensional scaling (MDS) leading us to believe that some MDS applications could a Iso utilize the type of hierarchy constraints used in DIG-COLA. In general graph visualization and MDS are closely related. MDS may be thought of as the visualization of the weighted, complete graph defined by the dissimilarity matrix of a set of high-dimensional data. The DIG-COLA method can be applied to such a complete graph to perform MDS and we can map an additional data dimension to hierarchy constraints. This can be called Directional MDS, or DMDS. For example, given high-dimensional time-series data we can produce an MDS plot separating the points corresponding to various time periods into different bands (as we did for the evolving graph).
A practical example of DMDS is shown in graph 1400 in
Further capabilities are also available depending on specific desired characteristics. For example, someone would like to visualize the top 50 resulted items received when searching on the well known search engine using the search term “multidimensional information visualization.” Graphs 1500 and 1600, appearing in
Force-directed placement (FDP) is considered most popular approach to drawing undirected graphs. However, FDP is not typically employed for drawing digraphs. An important contribution of this work is in reducing this distinction between undirected and directed graph drawing methods. For the first time, it is shown herein that the same stress function can also serve for hierarchical drawing of a digraph. Moreover, the same majorization optimization method can still be used, without affecting its convergence properties. As a consequence, the virtues of FDP that made it very popular for drawing undirected graphs, may now be in a well-behaved force-directed method for drawing directed graphs via DIG-COLA. These virtues include an ability to preserve proximity relations (as reflected by conservation of default edge length), clear decomposition to clusters when they naturally exist (especially when using linear-network distance, reliable display of graph symmetries and a natural capability to handle multidimensional layouts.
As described and shown by illustration in
While the invention has been described with respect to specific examples including presently preferred modes of carrying out the invention, those skilled in the art will appreciate that there are numerous variations and permutations of the above described systems and techniques. Thus, the spirit and scope of the invention should be construed broadly as set forth in the appended claims.