Telular Prospectus, Jan. 27, 1994. |
Indoor Radio Communications Using Time-Division Multiple Access with Cyclical Slow Frequency Hopping and Coding, Adel A.M. Saleh, Leonard J. Cimini, Jr. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 7, No. 1, Jan. 1989, pp. 59-70. |
Universal Digital Portable Radio Communications, Donald C. Cox, Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 75, No. 4, Apr. 1987. |
E.F. Johnson, 1154 Cellular Mobile Transceiver Service Manual; Jun. 1985. |
Glenayre, GL2020 Mobile Telephone Operating Instructions; Glenayre Electronics (Applicant believes that the date of publication is prior to Jul. 1995). |
Fixed Subscriber Radio Systems at V.H.F. and U.H.F., Radio & Elec. Eng. Australia, A.J. Edwards, Dec. 1972. |
“Notes on the Network” by AT&T Network Planning Division Fundamental Network Planning Section, AT&T, 1980. |
“90935/36 Remote and Master Telephone/Radio Interface Modules”, Installation & Maintenance Practice, Dantel, Inc., 1981. |
“Cellnet adds data to cellular service” International News, Telephone Engineer & Management, Nov. 1, 1985. |
“Celldata launched”, British Telecom Journal, No. 3, (1985) vol. 6, Autumn. |
“Low Bit-Rate Speech Coders Applicable in Mobile Satellite Communication Systems”, Neviano Dal Degan and Fulvio Rusina, Cselt—Centrol Studie Laboratori Telecommunication S.p.A.—Via G. Reiss Rom oli, 274-10148. |
Radio Subscriber System, NEC Res. Develop. (Japan) T. Miyawaki, M. Tanka, H. Oridasa, I. Hotta, Apr. 1979. |
“Radio Linked Exchange and Concentrator Rural Telephone System” (RTS) 1975. |
An Automatic, Fully Interconnected HF Radio Telephone System, E.W. Derbyshire, Canadian Marconi Company, Montreal, Canada (Applicant believes that the date of publication is prior to Jul., 1995). |
GM's Hughes Unites is Said to Receive China Phone Job, Wall Street Journal Article, Jeff Cole, Apr. 13, 1993. |
Exlocra: Local Extension by Radio, Francois P.M. Grandchanp, Telecommunications Journal, Aug. 1982. |
Design of a Multiple Access Radio System for Rural Telephony, A. Golderos Sanchez, Telecommunications Journal, Nov. 1983. |
Subscriber Radio Telephone System for Rural Areas, M. Komura, T. Miyaagawa, Y. Suzuki, J. Uehara, Japanese Telecommunications Journal, Apr. 1976. |
Cellular Radio Telephony; Ericsson Review, 1987. |
System Description; Nordic Mobile Telephone 1977. |
Technical Manual; Canadian Marconi Company, Nov. 22, 1984. |
User's Guide for AT&T 3730/3710 or OKI 900/910 Portable Cellular Telephones; Cellular/Data Link, 1993. |
New Rural Radiotelephone Brings Normal Service to Near-Impossible Areas, John W. Hagen, Telephony, Sep. 1975. |
The Problem of Radio Telephone Systems for Rural Subscribers; F. Barresi, D. Ongaro, M. Saba, S. Urbano, I.C.C., Jun. 1978. |
Ericsson Radio Systems, “PayPhone”, Dec. 19, 1984, Rev. A. |
Ericsson Radio Systems, “Coinbox-Interface”, Dec. 19, 1984, Rev. A. |
Ericsson Radio Systems, “Radio Interference”, Dec. 20, 1984 Rev. A. |
Ericsson Radio Systems, “Payphone”, Dec. 20, 1984, Rev. A. |
Ericsson Radio Systems, “Coinbox-Interface”, Dec. 20, 1984. |
Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus documentation of prototype for NMT coin telephone adapter dated Apr. 30, 1983 and English translation. |
Description of Automatic Coastal Radio Network (ARRV) and English Translation (Applicant believes that the date of publication is prior to Jul., 1995). |
Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus press release of successful trial of Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus developed adaptor for connecting coin telephone to NMT, (Applicant believes that the date of publication is prior to Jul, 1995) and English Translation. |
Copy of minutes ov Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus confirming completion of project to develop a prototype to test feasibility of wireless NMT coin telephone service dated Jun. 27, 1983 and English Translation. |
Copy of PTT request for proposal for wireless NMT coin telephone service and English translation, dated Apr. 19, 1982. |
PTT purchase order accepting Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimskeskus proposal set forth in their proposal dated Jun. 18, 1982 and English translation. |
Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus proposal for developing adaptor for coin telephone connection to NMT system dated May 17, 1982 and English Translation. |
PTT press release of successful trial of Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus developed adaptor for connecting coin telephone to NMT dated May 13, 1983. |
PTT memo on proposal implementation of NMT coin telephone system dated Apr. 3, 1981 in Finnish language and English Translation. |
Copy of letter from Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus to PTT confirming acceptance of proposal dated Aug. 4, 1982 and English Translation. |
Original PTT project specification for wireless NMT coin telephone service (3 versions) Nov. 9, 1981, Sep. 6, 1983 and Jan. 15, 1985. |