The present disclosure relates to digital filters, in particular digital filters for noise suppression.
To sense analog signals for processing in digital devices, sampling a signal (significantly) faster than its actual information content changes is a common practice that allows the enhancement of the digitized signal, exploiting the information's redundancy. Examples for such devices include capacitive-touch sensing or touchless position and gesture sensing systems, digital voltmeters, thermometers or pressure sensors.
Exemplary capacitive sensing systems which can be subject to significant noise include the systems described in application note AN1478, “mTouch™ Sensing Solution Acquisition Methods Capacitive Voltage Divider”, and AN1250, “Microchip CTMU for Capacitive Touch Applications”, both available from Microchip Technology Inc., the Assignee of the present application, and hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety.
Another exemplary application is a touchless capacitive 3D gesture system—also known as the GestIC® Technology—manufactured by the Assignee of the present application.
The sensor signals are typically subject to disturbance by various noise types, such as broadband noise, harmonic noise, and peak-noise. The latter two can arise, for example, from switching power supplies, and are also addressed in electro-magnetic immunity standard tests, e.g. IEC 61000-4-4.
The signal acquisition can also be interrupted in a scheduled or deterministic scheme; e.g., when multiplexing several sensors in time, or by irregular events such as data transmission failures. Such discontinuities or missing samples can cause undesired phase jumps in the signal. With digital filters designed for regular sampling intervals, this will corrupt the filter timing and can severely affect their noise-suppression performance.
In analogy to erased messages in the context of channel coding in digital communications (Blahut, 1983; Bossert, 1999) we refer to missing samples and samples that do not carry useful information—e.g., due to peak noise—as Erasures.
The problem of peak-noise suppression occurs in many applications, such as image processing (T. Benazir, 2013), seismology, and medical (B. Boashash, 2004). A standard approach for fighting peak noise is to apply a Median Filter or variants.
An approach to suppress peak-noise, but still smoothing the input signal, is a filter that averages over a subset of samples in a time window, excluding samples that have been identified as noise peaks or outliers, or excluding, for example, the n largest and the n smallest samples (Selective Arithmetic Mean (SAM) Filter or ‘Sigma Filter’ (Lee, 1983)). Clearly the SAM filter is a time-varying filter with a Finite Impulse Response (FIR) that adapts to the time-domain characteristics of its input signal.
However, while superior in the presence of noise peaks (i.e. with Erasures), without peaks the noise-suppression characteristics of such a SAM averaging filter is inferior to other state-of-the-art filters that, for example, use a Hamming window as impulse response, or filters whose frequency response is designed using the Least Squares method, as shown in
There exists a need for an improved method and system of processing signals that are subject to noise. The present application is not restricted to any of the above described sensor systems but may be applied to any type of signal that is subject to noise and requires evaluation.
According to an embodiment, a finite impulse response (FIR) digital filter may comprise an assigned filter function with assigned filter coefficients, an input receiving input samples, another input receiving confidence information values, and an output, wherein each input sample value is associated to an input confidence value and the filter output may depend on both the input samples and the input confidence values.
According to a further embodiment, the assigned filter function can be a low-pass filter function. According to a further embodiment, the low-pass may be obtained from transforming a high-pass or band-pass to an equivalent low-pass domain. According to a further embodiment, the FIR filter may comprise means for buffering the input samples or the confidence-weighted input samples, and the associated confidence values. According to a further embodiment, the filter may comprise a buffer for the input samples or the confidence-weighted input samples, and a buffer for the associated confidence values. According to a further embodiment, the filter coefficient weights can be modified or eliminated depending on the confidence values associated to their corresponding input samples, wherein an aggregated removed weight of the modified or eliminated filter coefficient weights is redistributed onto at least some of the remaining filter weights. According to a further embodiment, the aggregated removed weight can be redistributed onto all of the remaining filter weights. According to a further embodiment, a signal to be sampled may comprise modulated values and wherein the signal or sampled values of the signal are demodulated before being received by the FIR filter. According to a further embodiment, the modulated values may comprise at least two groups of values and wherein a partial aggregated removed weight associated with one group is only redistributed onto remaining filter weights associated with the same group. According to a further embodiment, a redistribution can be performed by redistributing even shares of the aggregated removed weight over the at least some of the remaining filter weights. According to a further embodiment, the aggregated removed weight is distributed onto the modified filter coefficients such that the aggregated removed weight scaled by a g-weighted relative confidence associated to its corresponding input sample is added to each modified filter coefficient. According to a further embodiment, the g-weighted relative confidence can be the relative confidence. According to a further embodiment, an output confidence value can be provided. According to a further embodiment, the assigned filter function may have only positive valued coefficients or only negative valued coefficients. According to a further embodiment, the assigned filter function may have at least one non-zero valued coefficient with a different magnitude than another non-zero coefficients. According to a further embodiment, an input sample associated with Zero-valued confidence input does not contribute to the filter output value. According to a further embodiment, reducing a confidence input reduces the contribution of the associated input sample to the filter output. According to a further embodiment, reducing a confidence input may reduce the contribution of the associated input sample to the filter output and may increase the contribution of one or more of the other input samples to the filter output value. According to a further embodiment, the rate of calculating the filter output value can be higher than the input rate divided by the length of the assigned filter. According to a further embodiment, a FIR digital filter's DC gain can be constant or approximately constant. According to a further embodiment, the confidence information can be binary. According to a further embodiment, the FIR digital filter can be configured to determine whether at each discrete time step a filter weight assigned to an input sample associated with the value of the binary confidence information are set to zero, and the sum of these weights before being set to zero is distributed onto the remaining set of coefficients. According to a further embodiment, the sum can be distributed approximately evenly onto the remaining coefficients. According to a further embodiment, the sum can be distributed onto the remaining coefficients by approximately multiplying each remaining filter coefficients with the sum of the original filter coefficients divided by the sum. According to a further embodiment, the confidence information may be non-binary. According to a further embodiment, larger value of confidence information means higher confidence into the associated input value or larger value means lower confidence into the associated input value. According to a further embodiment, the filter output may depend on linearly transformed confidence input values being filtered with assigned filter function. According to a further embodiment, its buffer for the confidence values can be initialized with Zero confidence. According to a further embodiment, the tapped delay line for input data or confidence-weighted input data and the tapped delay line for confidence values can be at least approximately identical. According to a further embodiment, the FIR filter may further comprise: a first branch having a first tapped delay line receiving the input confidence values and generating a first and second output value using first and second coefficients, wherein the first output value is generated by subtracting a first coefficient weighted output sum of the first tapped delay line from a sum of the first coefficients and the second output value is generated by computing the multiplicative inverse of a second coefficient weighted output sum, wherein first and second output values are multiplied to form a first branch output value; a second branch having a second tapped delay line receiving the sample values multiplied by associated confidence values and generating a third and fourth output value using third and fourth coefficients, wherein the third output value is generated by multiplying a third coefficient weighted output sum of the second tapped delay line with the first branch output value, and wherein filter output values are generated by adding the third and fourth output values. According to a further embodiment, the first and third coefficients can be identical and wherein the second and fourth coefficients are identical. According to a further embodiment, all coefficients of the set of second coefficients and of the set of fourth coefficients may have the same value.
According to various embodiments, a reliable estimate of a real-valued baseband signal, e.g. a demodulated and downsampled GestIC® signal, can be obtained where the input signal is oversampled and noisy. GestIC® devices, such as MGC3030 or MGC3130 or newer designs are available from the Assignee of the present application. For example,
The 3D-gesture detection system 700 shown in
The problem that was faced in such an application was that the noise that is introduced to the sensor signals is both broad-band and peak-noise, for which no state-of-the-art approach was known to address both issues simultaneously. Also, in a GestIC® application as well as other applications it is possible that some samples of the input signal are lost or cannot be generated for various reasons. While the negative impact of input noise is obvious, irregularities in the input sampling intervals lead to corruption of the filter timing and severely affect the noise suppression performance. Digital filters are typically designed for regular sampling intervals, and anything other than that leads—from the filter's point of view—to undesired phase jumps in the input signal. The position of noise peaks and missing samples in the signal is determined by some other means, e.g. a peak-noise detection system, or a deterministic noise indicator. As mentioned above, there is a standard approach for fighting broad-band noise, namely applying a frequency (low pass) filter. And there is another standard approach for fighting peak noise, namely applying a median filter over a window of signal samples.
While such problems are particularly relevant in a GestIC® system, as mentioned above, these scenarios may not only apply to GestIC® systems, but may also be relevant to other sensor systems. Hence, the proposed measures may apply to various signal sources.
For the proposed filtering method, each input sample is associated with a confidence value. This confidence value is indicating whether the associated sample is an Erasure or not—i.e., whether or not it is an actually missing sample or a sample that is known to not carry useful information. The confidence values are assumed to be known by some other means. Such means can include, for example, deterministic input, or Outlier Detection methods such as the Grubbs' Test (Grubbs, 1950), the Generalized Extreme Studentized Deviate (GESD) test, or the Hampel identifier (Hampel, 1974). In the context of image processing, confidence values are used—for example—as weights in a Least Squares regression for improved alpha matting (J. Horentrup, 2014).
According to various embodiments, the following should be observed in order to both suppress broad-band noise and to ignore undesired, e.g. noisy or missing, samples—for which no state-of-the-art approach was known to address both issues simultaneously:
According to various embodiments, given a filter function and an input signal with confidence information for each sample, the weight of the filter taps corresponding to input samples with less confidence is reduced while maintaining the filter's DC gain.
In the following input samples that do not carry any useful information and, equivalently, missing samples can be considered as Erasures, and corresponding samples are said to have Zero confidence. The information whether a sample is erased or not is assumed to be known from any other source or algorithm, e.g. by comparing samples to a threshold. The respective digital filter's impulse response will be referred to as ‘filter function’.
An example for a simple peak-noise detector, or outlier detector, is the following: At each time k, compute the average μk:=Σi=1Mxk-i and the standard deviation σk:=√{square root over (Σi=1M(xk-i−μk)2)} of the last M samples xk-1, xk-2, . . . , xk-M. If |xk|>μk+3·σk, set ck=0, else ck=1.
1. Principal Approach
A standard digital finite input response (FIR) filter of order N is considered with time-invariant filter function b=[b0; b1; . . . ; bN], where bi, i=0, 1, . . . , N are the filter coefficients. For a given input signal x with samples xk, the filter output signal y is (1.1)
wherein k is the discrete time index. The sum of all filter coefficients bi is the direct current (DC) filter gain. For simplicity and without loss of generality, in the following we assume
With each input sample xk we assume we are provided with an associated confidence value ck. At first, we assume that the confidence value is binary with ck∈{0; 1}, where ck=0 means ‘no confidence into sample xk’, and ck=1 means ‘full confidence’. From the time-invariant filter function b with coefficients bi we will compute time-variant filter function w(k) with coefficients wi(k) which depend on the confidence values ck. When the latest N+1 input samples have all been with full confidence, i.e. ck-i=1 for i=0, N, we desire that filter function w(k) is equal to function b. If, however, there is one or more Erasures, i.e. input samples xk-i with associated ck-1=0, then xk-i must not contribute to the output value yk.
This is achieved by multiplying each filter coefficient bi in (1.1) with the confidence value ck-i of its associated input sample xk-i. However, with the modified filter coefficients bi′(k):=bi·ck-i, the DC filter gain Σi=0Nbi′(k) is no longer guaranteed to be constant.
Consequently, the erased filter weight must be distributed onto the other filter coefficients. The preferred approach to do so is to distribute the erased weight
evenly onto the remaining Σj=0Nck-j non-erased coefficients, which is yielding a linear time-variant (LTV) filter with coefficients
where i∈{0, 1, . . . , N}, and we denote
the relative confidence associated to sample xk-i at time k.
This is equivalent to replacing the erased input samples by the average of the non-erased ones at each time instance k, and setting ck-i=1 for all i. This way of implementation of the algorithm is particularly interesting for one-time, or ‘block-wise’ processing of each input sample like it is done with windowing and DC value computation in order to estimate the DC value of a finite set of consecutive samples.
As this procedure implies overwriting the input data, it is not applicable for continuous filtering, where each input sample contributes to multiple output samples, and calculating the output value is done at a rate higher than the input rate divided by the filter length, where we define the filter length as (N+1), i.e. filter order plus 1.
The re-distribution of erased filter coefficient weight is visualized in
With the next input sample at time k+1, the samples and their corresponding confidence information move to the right within the filter's shift register and said redistribution is done again for the shifted pattern of erasures yielding different filter coefficients wi(k+1).
An example for the filter's noise suppression performance is shown in
2. Generalizations
2 a) Non-Binary Confidence Input
Up to this point, the confidence input was binary, i.e. the associated input sample was either used for computing the filter output value, or not. However, given above notation it is straight-forward to generalize the confidence input to take real values between 0 and 1, i.e. ck∈[0, 1], and the larger ck, the more confident we are in the associated sample xk. Apart from the definition of ck, Equation (1.2) remains the same.
2b) General Redistribution Function
For binary confidence input, in Equation (1.2) the erased weight is evenly distributed onto the other coefficients. The two terms in (1.2) can be interpreted as two parallel filter branches whose output is summed-up. The filter function in the first term is computed from b and the confidence input, and the second term is a time-variant averaging filter. The latter can be generalized by introducing another FIR filter function g with coefficients gi, yielding
which is also applicable with non-binary confidence input ck∈[0, 1]. We denote as
the g-weighted relative confidence associated to sample xk-i at time k.
The filter output hence is given by
A possible implementation of this filter is shown in
refers to the division of 1 by the block's input data, i.e. the output of this block is the multiplicative inverse (reciprocal) of the input. In this implementation, the filter coefficients of the four filter blocks (‘B’ and ‘G’) are constant. Of course, the filters ‘B’ and ‘G’ processing the same input data, i.e. ck or qk:=xk·ck, can share the same buffer, as it is shown in the shift register implementation in
A characteristic property of the tapped delay line implementation of the FIR filter in
For example, if gi=1/8, the respective tap weights can also be set to 1, hence saving multiplications, and only the sum at the end of the tapped delay line before the (1/x) block is divided by 8, which can also be done by means of bit shift operations.
For binary confidence input, or confidence values from a finite set of values, the computation of the confidence-weighted input data values qk realized by the multiplication in
The order of the filters with impulse responses b and g do not necessarily have to be equal. Without loss of generality the filters are defined to have equal order N, where N is at least as large as the maximum of the orders of the filters with b and g, and unused coefficients are assumed to be zero-valued.
Choosing g=b is yielding another, non-preferred approach for redistributing erased coefficient weights. The non-erased filter coefficients are scaled by the same factor, which is re-computed at each discrete time instance k, i.e.
3. Exception Handling
With the denominators in (1.2) or (1.3) it is apparent that an output value cannot be computed if the latest N+1 input samples all come along with Zero confidence. A possible exception for such a case is to repeat the latest valid output sample, or the exception can be forwarded to subsequent processing stages.
4. Windowing & DC Value Computation, in Particular for Signals with Two or More Expected Signal Levels
For a symmetric filter or ‘windowing’ function b, taking a snapshot in time of the convolution of the input signal with the function b is equivalent to weighting the input samples with b and summing over the pointwise products. Hence, when interested in the DC value of a windowed signal, above concepts can equally be applied. A major difference between windowing with DC-computation and continuous filtering is that for the former typically each input sample contributes to only a single output value, i.e. it is a one-time processing—or block-wise—processing of input samples.
In many applications, the measurement signal is alternating between two distinct levels, typically with additional noise. We refer to these levels as ‘high’ and ‘low’ signal level. An example is amplitude modulation (AM) with synchronous sampling of the analog received signal at twice the carrier frequency, where the information is contained in the difference between the ‘high’ and ‘low’ signal level. This method is applied, for example, in capacitive touch detection systems, or GestIC® Technology. The measurement (or ‘received’) signal of such an AM sensor system can, for example, be demodulated by alternatingly multiplying it with +1 and −1, and then low-pass filtered in order to estimate the DC (zero-frequency) value—the actual information, the ‘averaged’ difference between the ‘high’ and ‘low’ samples.
Such a signal with two levels will now be considered, which in a standard application is input to a low-pass filter, wherein the nomenclature of ‘high’ and ‘low’ samples is kept denoting the set of samples corresponding to either of the two distinct signal levels. A deviation from their respective signal level will be assumed to be caused by noise.
When a ‘low’ sample is detected to be useless, e.g. due to detected peak noise, we would like to set the weight of its corresponding coefficient in the filter to Zero, and re-distribute the erased weight onto other coefficients. However, in order to maintain the filter output's expected value, the re-distribution must only be onto the coefficients assigned to the other ‘low’ samples. Else, the filter output would be closer to the ‘high’ level than it should be, as coefficients assigned to ‘high’ samples would get additional weight.
In general, an input signal's samples must be sorted into sets of samples with the same expected value, and the digital filtering with confidence input—i.e. the re-distribution of coefficient weight—must happen in such a way that the all-over weight of the coefficients assigned to each set remains constant, which is most easily accomplished when re-distributing weight erased in one set within the same set.
5. Confidence Output
The ability to process input confidence values immediately raises the question if also a confidence value can be provided for each output sample. Such an output confidence measure should be independent of the input sample values, but should be a function only of the input confidence values and the filter coefficients, i.e.
dk=f(b0,b1, . . . ,bN,ck,ck-1, . . . ,ck-M) (1.4)
for a positive integer M.
A measure that fulfills (1.4) and is readily available is the sum of the filter coefficients being weighted with their corresponding input confidence values, i.e.
for which also holds dk∈[0, 1] provided that bi≥0 for all i and Σi=0Nbi=1, and in particular dk=1 when all input samples have full confidence, and dk=0 when all input confidence values are ck-i=0.
Making use of such confidence output, multiple of the proposed filters can be cascaded. Also, this output can be used for high-level control, e.g. ‘do not trigger touch event if output confidence is too low’.
7. Design Rules
The proposed approach is applicable to any low-pass FIR filter. However, all filter coefficients should have the same sign, e.g. be positive valued. Principally, the requirement of a constant DC filter gain can also be fulfilled when (some of the) tap weights are negative valued. However, this would introduce the risk of yielding undesired filter characteristics, e.g. high-pass characteristics, for some confidence input constellations.
Further, the more similar the filter coefficients values are, the less critical when the input samples assigned to coefficients with large values are erased. In particular, the coefficients of a Rectangular window, Triangular window, Hamming and Hann window are in compliance with these rules.
Apart from the choice of the original filter coefficients and the exception handling, there are no further parameters to consider.
The approach can be extended to high-pass filters.
8. Applications & Use-Cases
As mentioned above, the proposed concept is applicable to any filtering system where the input signal is sampled faster than the actual information changes—the higher the sampling rate, the better. Among many others, such systems include 3D capacitive sensor systems, such as Assignees GestIC system and 1D/2D capacitive touch solutions. The filtering method may further more be applied to other sensor signals and is not restricted to capacitive sensor systems.
9. Properties
When initializing the filter with arbitrary, but zero-confidence, data, it provides an estimate of the input signal from turn-on time. Hence, the filter does not show the typical step response when filtering a signal with a non-zero mean and the filter conditions have been initialized with zeroes.
In the following we give a numerical example for the computation of output values for the filter with confidence input. The tables below state the input sample values xk and the associated confidence values ck at time k, and the coefficients bi of the original filter function b. Here, g is a constant, i.e. erased coefficient weight will be redistributed uniformly.
At times k=5 and k=8 there are Erasures, i.e. c5=c8=0. For example, the confidence has been set to zero here because the values x5 and x8 have been detected to be noise peaks.
For initialization of the filter, all confidence information within the filter's memory is set to zero before inputting the first sample-confidence pair (x0, c0), e.g. by inputting N samples with zero confidence. This is indicated in the table by ck=0 for k<0. At time k=0 the sample x0=7 with confidence c0=1 is input to the filter. According to above equations, the modified coefficients bi′(k=0) and the coefficients wi(k=0) compute as
That is, x0=7 is directly forwarded to the output, i.e. y0=x0=7.
At time k=9, when two Erasures, x5 and x8, are in the filter's buffer, bi′(k=9) and wi(k=9) compute as
This application claims priority to commonly owned U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 62/121,953 filed Feb. 27, 2015 and U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 62/127,011 filed Mar. 2, 2015; all of which are hereby incorporated by reference herein for all purposes.
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