EIA- 0107686<br/>Purdue University<br/>Jose Fortes<br/><br/>Title: SGER: Exploratory Research on Transnational Digital Government<br/><br/>This grant will support a preliminary study of the uses of information technologies to support multilateral collaborations between two South American countries in the topic area of drug abuse and trafficking. Important topics to be surmounted include the many differences in infrastructure and processes related to data gathering, and the differing legal and security regimes in place. There will be an element of multi-lingualism to be explored also. The collaboration will begin with the support and approval of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission of the Organization of American States (OAS). The Commission has developed a process and procedures for multilateral government evaluation of various drug abuse parameters, which will serve as the context in which to evaluate collaboration technologies research. Researchers from several US universities and the OAS will participate.