Digital signal coding, decoding and transmission, with decomposition into frequency sub-bands and segmentation


  • Patent Grant
  • 6711298
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Thursday, June 15, 2000
    24 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, March 23, 2004
    20 years ago
The invention concerns a method of coding a set of data (IM) representing physical quantities, characterized in that it includes the steps of:decomposing (E20) the set of data into a plurality of frequency sub-bands on at least one resolution level,then, for each resolution level,segmenting (E23, E26) at least one sub-band into at least two homogeneous regions, in order to form a segmentation map,ordering (E30, E33) the regions according to a predetermined criterion,coding (E21) the sub-bands of the resolution level under consideration,ordering (E31, E34) the coding data of the sub-bands as a function of the order of the regions.

The present invention concerns, in general terms, digital signal coding and proposes to this end a device and method for coding a digital signal by decomposition into frequency sub-bands of the signal, and segmentation of certain frequency sub-bands. It also concerns the transmission of the coded signal and also a decoding method and device corresponding to the coding device and method.

The purpose of coding is to compress the signal, thus making it possible to transmit the digital signal or to store it by reducing the quantity of binary symbols necessary for representing it. The coding can be without loss, that is to say it keeps all the information contained in the digital signal, or on the other hand with loss, that is to say some information contained in the digital signal may be degraded.

The present invention is applicable in each of the above two types of digital signal coding. Hereinafter, the coding of digital images or video sequences will be dealt with more particularly. A video sequence is defined as a succession of digital images. It is particularly adapted to the storage of images in data bases and to their transmission over a network to a number of distant items of equipment.

It is known that a digital signal can be decomposed into frequency sub-bands before compressing it. Decomposition consists of creating, from the digital signal, a set of sub-bands each containing a limited frequency spectrum. The sub-bands can be of different resolutions, the resolution of a sub-band being the number of samples per unit length used for representing this sub-band. In the case of a digital image signal, a frequency sub-band of this signal can be considered to be an image, that is to say a bidimensional table of digital values.

It should be noted that the decomposition of a signal into frequency sub-bands creates no compression in itself, but makes it possible to decorrelate the signal so as to eliminate the redundancy existing in the digital image prior to the compression proper. The sub-bands are then compressed more effectively than the original signal.

Conventionally, the coding of a digital signal, in this case of a digital image, includes three steps. The image is first of all decomposed by a transformation into frequency sub-bands, the coefficients thereof are quantised as indices and finally these indices are coded by means of an entropic coding without loss.

This type of compression makes it possible to obtain a relatively high degree of compression of the signal but does not make it possible to access the content of the image. In other words, the decomposition of the signal remains purely of the frequency type, and gives no information about the objects which may be contained in the image. Object means an entity of the image corresponding to a semantic unit, for example the face of a person. An object can comprises one or several regions of the image. In the following, notions of object and region will be considered as equivalent.

Coding using a decomposition into sub-bands of the signal is by nature progressive by sub-band, and therefore allows transmission of the coded data which is progressive by sub-band.

There also exist other image compression techniques based on the segmentation thereof. In this context, the image is considered to consist of objects with two dimensions. Segmentation is a low-level process whose purpose is to effect a partitioning of the image into a certain number of subelements referred to as regions. The partitioning is such that the regions are separate and combining them forms the image. The regions correspond or do not correspond to objects in the image, the term object referring to an item of information of a semantic nature. Very often, however, an object corresponds to a region or set of regions. Each region can be represented by an item of information representing its shape, colour or texture.

Conventionally, a method of compressing a digital image based on a segmentation includes a first so-called marking step, that is to say the interior of the regions having local homogeneity is extracted from the image. Next, a decision step precisely defines the contours of the areas containing homogeneous data At the end of this step, each pixel of the image is associated with a label identifying the region to which it belongs. The set of all the labels of all the pixels is conventionally referred to as a segmentation map. Finally, in such a coding, the last step consists of coding the segmentation map, generally in the form of contours of the regions, and pertinent parameters representing the interior of the regions, such as the texture and the colour.

This type of technique makes it possible, for a given image, to obtain a higher degree of compression than with the technique previously described. This is because, with segmentation, the compression can be effected selectively on the object or regions judged to be the most important, to the detriment of the others. Thus, for a given degree of compression, that is to say for a number of binary elements allowed, a precise object (typically the face of a person in an image of the “head and shoulders”) type, can be coded precisely using a maximum number of bits, to the detriment of the background, which for its part will be coded with a minimum number of bits.

Segmentation allows progressive coding by regions, and consequently transmission of the coded data which is progressive by regions.

This type of technique, however, does not make it possible to have multiresolution information as permitted by the methods with decomposition into sub-bands.

Other techniques combine the two compression methods described above, such as for example the standard known as MPEG4 (from “Motion Picture Expert Group”), which is currently being converted into an 30 ISO/IEC standard. In the MPEG4 coder, more particularly in the case of the coding of fixed images, the decomposition of the image into frequency sub-bands is used conjointly with a segmentation of the image. A step prior to the coder (not standardised) is responsible for isolating the objects in the image (Video objects) and representing each of these objects by a mask. In the case of a binary mask, the spatial support of the mask has the same size as the original image and a point on the mask at the value 1 (or respectively 0) indicates that the pixel at the same position in the image belongs to the object (or respectively is outside the object).

For each object, the mask is then transmitted to a shape decoder whilst the texture for each object is decomposed into sub-bands, and the sub-bands are next transmitted to a texture decoder.

This method has a certain number of drawbacks. This is because it is necessary to code the mask for each object at its highest resolution level (in Version 1 of MPEG4) or in certain cases at two resolution levels (Version 2 of MPEG4). For a given degree of compression, this impairs the quality of the reconstructed image, since it is necessary to reserve output for the masks of the objects, which are at a high resolution. Moreover, the number of objects handled is a priori the same at all levels, whilst it may be more advantageous to have a number of objects increasing with the (spatial) resolution, that is to say a true conjoint scalability between the resolution and the number of objects.

The present invention aims to remedy the drawbacks of the prior art, by providing a method and device for compressing a digital signal which offer a high compression ratio whilst allowing progressive transmission of the content of the image, both in resolution and by objects.

To this end, the invention proposes a method of coding a set of data representing physical quantities, characterised in that it includes the steps of:

decomposing the set of data into a plurality of frequency sub-bands on at least one resolution level,

coding the sub-bands,

then, for each resolution level,

segmenting at least one sub-band into at least two homogeneous regions, in order to form a segmentation map,

ordering the regions according to a predetermined criterion,

ordering the coding data of the sub-bands as a function of the order of the regions.

Correlatively, the invention concerns a device for coding a set of data representing physical quantities, characterised in that it has:

means of decomposing the set of data into a plurality of frequency sub-bands on at least one resolution level,

means of coding the sub-bands,

means of segmenting, for each resolution level, at least one sub-band into at least two homogeneous regions, in order to form a segmentation map,

means of ordering the regions according to a predetermined criterion,

means of ordering the coding data of the sub-bands as a function of the order of the regions.

By virtue of the invention, the compression ratio is high. This is because the decomposition into sub-bands makes it possible to decorrelate the signal, and the segmentation on a particular sub-band is thus more effective. In addition, it is possible to effect a progressive transmission on the content of the image, both in resolution and by object.

According to a preferred characteristic, the invention includes the coding of the segmentation map of at least one resolution level, preferably the lowest resolution level in the decomposition.

This coded segmentation map is attached to the coded data, and is then used at the time of decoding for ordering the data.

According to a preferred characteristic, the sub-bands are coded and then decoded prior to segmentation. In the case of coding with loss, the coding and subsequent decoding are effected on the same data. Thus, the segmentation is performed on the same data and the results are identical on coding and on decoding.

According to another preferred characteristic, the segmentation is effected on the sub-band with the lowest frequency of the resolution level under consideration. This sub-band contains more information than the other sub-bands and allows more pertinent segmentation of the data. The segmentation map is smaller compared with a full-resolution segmentation. It is consequently faster to determine, and requires a reduced transmission rate if it is to be transmitted.

According to a preferred characteristic, the scheduling criterion depends on an analysis of the segmentation. Thus the regions are ordered according to their importance.

According to a preferred characteristic, the invention also includes the transmission of the segmentation map determined at the lowest resolution level and the coding data of all the sub-bands, for all the resolution levels.

This is because, according to the invention, only the segmentation map of the lowest resolution level must be transmitted, whilst the other segmentation maps, necessary for the higher resolution levels if such exist, are calculated at the time of decoding.

The invention also concerns a method of decoding data representing physical quantities coded by the coding method according to the invention, characterised in that, for a given resolution level, it includes the steps of:

analysis of the segmentation in order to classify the regions according to a predetermined criterion,

decoding the coding data of the sub-bands of the resolution level under consideration as a function of the result of the previous step,

reconstructing the sub-bands,

synthesising the reconstructed sub-bands.

The invention also concerns a decoding device having means of implementing the above characteristics.

The decoding method and device make it possible to reconstruct the signal, for example in a receiving apparatus corresponding to a transmitting apparatus in which the signal was coded according to the invention.

Additionally, the invention allows a selective coding by object. To this end, the invention proposes a method of coding a set of data representing physical quantities, characterised in that it includes the steps of:

decomposing the set of data into a plurality of frequency sub-bands on at least two resolution levels,

then, for at least one resolution level,

segmenting at least one sub-band of the resolution level under consideration into at least two homogeneous regions,

ordering the regions according to a predetermined criterion,

coding by region the coefficients of the resolution level under consideration,

and, for at least one resolution level, except the highest resolution level,

decoding the coded coefficients of the resolution level under consideration, in order to form decoded sub-bands, and

synthesising the decoded sub-bands of the resolution level under consideration, on one resolution level, in a synthesised sub-band which will be considered at the following iteration.

Thus, the invention allows a selective coding by object. The quality is higher for some selected objects, and lower for some other objects, for a given “global” bit rate.

The invention also concerns a method for transmitting a set of data representing physical quantities, comprising the above coding method, and comprising the transmission of the coded coefficients.

The invention also proposes a device comprising means for implementing the above features.

The invention also concerns a digital apparatus including the coding or transmitting, respectively decoding, device, or means of implementing the coding or transmitting, respectively decoding, method. The advantages of the device and of the digital apparatus are identical to those disclosed above.

An information storage means, which can be read by a computer or microprocessor, integrated or not into the device, possibly removable, stores a program implementing the coding, or respectively decoding, method.

The characteristics and advantages of the present invention will emerge more clearly from a reading of a preferred embodiment illustrated by the accompanying drawings, in which:

FIG. 1

is an embodiment of a device implementing the invention,

FIG. 2

depicts a coding algorithm according to a first embodiment of the present invention,

FIG. 2


depicts a coding algorithm according to a second embodiment of the present invention,

FIG. 2


depicts a transmission algorithm according to the second embodiment of the present invention,

FIG. 3


is an algorithm implementing the segmentation step included in the coding algorithm of

FIG. 2


FIG. 3


is an algorithm implementing a coding step included in the coding algorithm of

FIG. 2


FIG. 4

is a diagram showing the coding steps according to the first embodiment of the present invention,

FIG. 4


is a diagram showing the coding steps according to the second embodiment of the present invention,

FIG. 4


is a diagram showing the binary flow at the coder output,

FIG. 5

depicts a decoding algorithm according to the present invention,

FIG. 6

is a diagram showing the coding steps according to the present invention,

FIG. 7

is an embodiment of a digital signal coding device according to the first embodiment of the present invention,

FIG. 7


is an embodiment of a digital signal coding device according to the second embodiment of the present invention,

FIG. 8

is a circuit for decomposition into frequency sub-bands included in the device of

FIG. 7


FIG. 9

is a digital image to be coded by the coding device according to the present invention,

FIG. 10

is an image decomposed into sub-bands by the circuit of

FIG. 8


FIG. 11

is an embodiment of a digital signal decoding device according to the present invention.

According to the embodiment chosen and depicted in

FIG. 1

, a device implementing the invention is for example a microcomputer


connected to different peripherals, for example a digital camera


(or a scanner, or any means of acquiring or storing an image) connected to a graphics card and supplying information to be compressed according to the invention.

The device


has a communication interface


connected to a network


able to transmit digital data to be compressed or to progressively transmit data compressed by the device. The device


also has a storage means


such as, for example, a hard disk. It also has a disk drive


. The disk


can be a diskette, a CD-ROM, a DVD-ROM, a memory card, for example. More generally, an information storage means, which can be read by a computer or microprocessor, integrated or not into the device, possibly removable, stores a program implementing the coding, transmitting or respectively decoding, method.

The disk


, as the disk


, can contain data compressed according to the invention as well as the program(s) implementing the invention which, once read by the device


, will be stored in the hard disk


. According to a variant, the program enabling the device to implement the invention can be stored in read only memory


(referred to as ROM in the drawing). As a second variant, the program can be received by means of the communication network


in order to be stored in a manner identical to that described previously.

The device


is connected to a microphone


. The data to be compressed and possibly transmitted according to the invention will in this case be the audio signal data.

This same device has a screen


for displaying the data to be compressed or serving as an interface with the user, who will be able to parameterise certain compression modes, using the keyboard


or any other means (a mouse, for example).

The central unit


(referred to as CPU in the drawing) will execute the instructions relating to the implementation of the invention, instructions stored in the read only memory


or in the other storage elements. On powering up, the coding, transmission or decoding programs stored in a non-volatile memory, for example the ROM


, are transferred into the random access memory RAM


, which will then contain the executable code of the invention as well as registers for storing the variables necessary for implementing the invention.

The communication bus


allows communication between the different elements included in the microcomputer


or connected to it. The representation of the bus


is not limitative and notably the central unit


is able to communicate instructions to any element of the microcomputer


directly or through another element of the microcomputer



In detailing the device


it has in particular been assumed that it effects data coding. However, the device


can also effect data decoding.

With reference to

FIG. 2

, a first embodiment of the coding method according to the invention of an image IM includes steps E


to E


, which are run through by the central unit of the device


described above. The method includes overall the decomposition of the image into frequency sub-bands, here according to three resolutions, the coding of each of these sub-bands, and the segmentation of the sub-bands of low frequency for each resolution level.

Step E


is the decomposition of the image IM into frequency sub-bands, as will be detailed below with reference to FIG.


. Step E


results in the sub-bands LL


, HL


, LH


and HH


with the lowest resolution RES


, the sub-bands HL


, LH


and HH


of intermediate resolution RES


, and the sub-bands HL


, LH


and HH


with the highest resolution RES



The following step E


is the coding of the sub-bands of the decomposition. The sub-band of the lowest frequency LL


is for example coded according to a DPCM (Differential Pulse Code Modulation) coding, and results in the coded sub-band LLC


, which is stored in memory. The other sub-bands, referred to as detail sub-bands, are for example coded by a scalar or vectorial quantisation of the data. These coded sub-bands are also stored in memory.

Step E


is followed by step E


, which is the decoding of the previously coded sub-bands. The decoding mode used corresponds of course to the coding mode used at the previous step. Step E


results in the reconstructed sub-bands, notably the sub-band LLD


, which results from the decoding of the sub-band LLC


. It is not necessary to decode the sub-bands of the highest resolution level since, as will be clear subsequently, these decoded sub-bands are not useful.

Subsequently coded and then decoded sub-bands are worked on, which makes it possible to have the same data as at decoding, which will be disclosed hereinafter. However, in the case of compression without loss, it is also possible to work on the sub-bands as produced at step E



Step E


which is followed by step E


, which is the segmentation of the reconstructed sub-band of lowest frequency LLD


. This segmentation step is detailed below with reference to FIG.


. The result of the segmentation is a segmentation map S


containing at least two distinct regions covering all the segmented sub-band.

During the following step E


, a parameter i is initialised to the value 1. The parameter i indicates the current resolution level N-i, where N corresponds to the total number of decomposition levels, here three. This indicator will be updated subsequently.

Step E


is followed by step E


, during which a synthesis is effected on the sub-bands of the resolution level immediately lower than the current level N-i previously considered. The synthesis step results in a reconstructed low sub-band, of resolution immediately greater than the sub-bands which were used for the synthesis. Thus, from the sub-bands LLD






and HHD


, a lower sub-band LLS


of level 2 is reconstructed. The synthesis will be described in more detail below.

The following step E


is the segmentation of the low sub-band LLS


synthesised at the previous step in order to provide a segmentation map of level (N-i); this step is identical to the previously described step E


. The result of the segmentation is a segmentation map S


containing at least two distinct regions covering the entire segmented sub-band.

The following step E


in order to determine whether all the decomposition levels have been processed, that is to say whether the parameter i is equal to N−1. If the test is negative, there remains at least one level to be processed, and in this case step E


is followed by step E


, which increments the parameter i by one unit, Step E


is followed by the previously described step E



If the test of step E


is positive, this step is followed by step E


, during which segmentation map SN of maximum resolution level is coded without loss and transmitted. The segmentation can be coded by any coding means without loss known to persons skilled in the art, for example a Freeman coding on the contours. The Freeman code associates with each elementary movement towards one of the neighbours on the contour an entire code in accordance with a pre-established convention. For more details, reference can be made to the collective work: “Images Analysis: Filtering and Segmentation, Masson, 1995”.

Step E


is followed by step E


, which performs an analysis of the segmentation SN. This analysis consists of supplying an order of priority for the regions of the segmentation map at this resolution level, which orders the regions. A simple implementation consists for example of running through the segmentation from the middle of the image, describing a spiral, and classifying, by order of importance, the regions encountered in this movement. According to this procedure, the most important regions are situated at the centre of the image, and the least important at the periphery. This order of importance will generally be suitable for an image of the “head and shoulder” type. For different types of image, more complex methods may be used.

Step E


is followed by step E


, during which the coefficients of the sub-bands of lowest resolution LLC






and HHC


are transmitted region by region. The order of transmission of the regions is determined by the order of importance issuing from the previous step E


. Thus, if two regions R


and R


have been identified and classified in this order of importance, the coefficients of the region R


(inside the segmentation area determined for the region R


) are transmitted before the coefficients corresponding to the region R



During the following step E


, the parameter i is initialised to the value 1, in order to indicate the current resolution level N-i. This indicator will be updated subsequently.

Step E


is followed by step E


, which effects an analysis of the segmentation S(N-i). This analysis consists of supplying an order of priority for the regions of the segmentation map at this level. This step is identical to the previously described step E



Step E


is followed by step E


, during which the regions of the coded detailed sub-bands of resolution level N-i will be transmitted progressively. This step is identical to the previously described step E


but applies only to the detail sub-bands, and not to the low-frequency sub-band of the resolution level under consideration.

The following step E


is a test for determining whether all the levels of the decomposition have been processed. If the test is negative, there remains at least one level to be processed, and in this case step E


is followed by step E


, which increments the level counter by one unit. Step E


is followed by the previously described step E


. If the test of step E


is positive, the coding of the digital image and the progressive transmission of the coded image are terminated. Naturally, if the decomposition of the image is effected on a single resolution level, there is no iteration and the processing is effected solely on this level.

With reference to

FIG. 2


, a second embodiment of the coding method according to the invention of an image IM includes steps S


to S


, which are run through by the central unit of the device


described above. The second embodiment of the invention additionally allows a selective coding by object. The method includes overall the decomposition of the image into a plurality of frequency sub-bands on at least two resolution levels, then, for at least one resolution level, the segmentation of at least one sub-band into at least two homogeneous regions, the coding by region of the coefficients of the resolution level under consideration, and, for at least one resolution level, except the highest resolution level, the decoding the coded coefficients of the resolution level under consideration, in order to form decoded sub-bands, and the synthesis of the decoded sub-bands of the resolution level under consideration, on one resolution level, in a synthesised sub-band which will be considered at the following iteration.

Step S


is the decomposition of the image IM into frequency sub-bands, as will be detailed below with reference to

FIG. 9

Step S


results in the sub-bands LL


, HL


, LH


and HH


with the lowest resolution RES


, the sub-bands HL


, LH


and HH


of intermediate resolution RES


, and the sub-bands HL


, LH


and HH


with the highest resolution RES



During the following step S


, a parameter i is initialised to the value 0. The parameter i indicates the current resolution level N-i, where N corresponds to the total number of decomposition levels, here three. This indicator will be updated subsequently.

Step S


which is followed by step S


, which is the segmentation of a low sub-band LLS


. This segmentation step is detailed below with reference to FIG.


. The result of the segmentation is a segmentation map S


containing at least two distinct regions covering all the segmented sub-band. The resulting segmentation map has a level (N-i), for example 3 if three decomposition levels are performed. The low sub-band LLS


is the sub band LL


if the indicator i is 0 (first passage) or is the sub-band synthesized at step S



Step S


is followed by step S


, which performs an analysis of the segmentation S


. This analysis consists of supplying a level of importance for each of the regions of the segmentation map at current resolution level N-i, which orders the regions.

A simple and automatic implementation consists for example of running through the segmentation from the middle of the image, describing a spiral, and classifying, by order of importance, the regions encountered in this movement. According to this procedure, the most important regions are situated at the centre of the image, and the least important at the periphery. This order of importance will generally be suitable for an image of the “head and shoulder” type. For different types of image, more complex methods may be used. In a non-automatic implementation, a user can associate a level of importance to the regions by using the keyboard


or the mouse, for example.

The result of step S


is an analysis AS(N-i) of the segmentation at the current level of resolution. An index, for example a numeral, representing a level of importance, is allocated to each of the regions.

During the following step S


, the coefficients of the sub-bands of resolution level (N-i) are coded region by region or object by object. If the parameter i is zero, the sub-bands under consideration are the sub-bands LL


, LH


, HL


and HH


. Otherwise, the sub-bands under consideration are the sub-bands LHN-i, HLN-i, and HHN-i. The coding of the region is determined by the allocation of a coding mode as a function of the level of importance determined at step S


. If two regions R


and R


have been identified and if a high level of importance has been allocated to region R


and a low level of importance to region R


, the coefficients of region R


are coded more precisely than the coefficients of region R


, in order to avoid high loss in quality in region R


. An embodiment of this step is detailed in reference with

FIG. 3


Step S


is followed by step S


, during which the coded coefficients of the sub-bands of level of resolution (N-i) are stored in memory in order to be used later, for example during a transmission step. It is to be noted that, if a transmission progressive by region is to be achieved, it is necessary to store the coefficients region by region, taking into account the importance of the region, determined at step S


and contained in the analysis AS(N-i). Moreover, if several regions have a same level of importance, a index of transmission is allocated to those regions to arrange them in order as a function of their importance, amongst the regions having the same level of importance. The allocation of the index of transmission is similar to the allocation of the level of importance, considering here only the regions having a given level of importance.

Thus, if two regions R


and R


have been determined and associated to the respective levels of importance


(very important) and


(not very important), the coefficients of region R


are stored in memory before the coefficients of region R


, in order to be transmitted before the coefficients of region R


in a later step of transmission. If a progressive transmission is not to be performed, but only a transmission by sub-band, it is not necessary to store the sub-band region by region. This step is achieved in the case where a immediate or postponed transmission of the coded data is performed in addition to the coding.

Step S


is followed by step S


which is the decoding of the previously coded sub-bands. Of course, the decoding mode corresponds to the coding mode used at previous step. The result of step S


is reconstructed sub-bands. It is not necessary to decode the sub-bands of the highest level of resolution (level 1) because, as disclosed hereinafter, those decoded sub-bands are not useful.

It is to be noted that this step of decoding must be achieved only in the case where a transmission progressive by region is to be performed. As a matter of fact, in such a case, the progressive decoding, which will be described hereinafter, needs to reconstruct the segmentation map in order to receive the regions progressively. The processing is thus achieved on coded and decoded sub-bands, which allow to have the same data in coding and on decoding If a progressive transmission is not necessary, but only a transmission sub-band by sub-band, the decoding step can be omitted. The processed data are data resulting from step S



Step S


is followed by step S


, during which a synthesis is effected on the sub-bands of the current resolution level N-i. The synthesis step results in a reconstructed low sub-band, of resolution immediately greater than the sub-bands which were used for the synthesis. Thus, from the sub-bands LLD






and HHD


, a lower sub-band LLS


of level 2 is reconstructed. The synthesis will be described in more detail below.

The following step S


is a test for determining whether all the levels of the decomposition have been processed, that is to say whether parameter i is equal to N−1. If the test is negative, there remains at least one level to be processed, and in this case step S


is followed by step S


, which increments the parameter i by one unit. Step S


is followed by the previously described step S



If the test of step S


is positive, that is to say when all the levels of decomposition have been processed, this step is followed by step S


, during which segmentation map SN of minimum resolution level is coded, preferably without loss. The segmentation can be coded by any coding means without loss known to persons skilled in the art, for example a Freeman coding on the contours. The Freeman code associates with each elementary movement towards one of the neighbours on the contour an entire code in accordance with a pre-established convention. For more details, reference can be made to the collective work: “Images Analysis: Filtering and Segmentation, Masson, 1995”.

It is to be noted that this coding step is necessary only in the case where a transmission progressive by region is to be achieved. If a transmission by sub-band is to be achieved, this step could be omitted.

With reference to

FIG. 2


, a embodiment of the progressive transmission method according to the invention of an image IM, and corresponding to the second embodiment of coding method, includes steps S


to S


, which are stored in random access memory and run through by the central unit of the device


described above. The method includes overall the transmission of the segmentation of low resolution and the transmission of the regions by resolution and by level of importance.

During step S


, the segmentation map SN of lower level of resolution and previously coded at step S


is transmitted on the network


. This segmentation map will allow the decoder to receive progressively the regions of the lower resolution level.

During the following step S


, the parameter i is initialised to the value 0. The parameter i indicates the current resolution level N-i. This indicator will be updated subsequently.

Step S


is followed by step S


, during which the coefficients of the sub-bands of the current resolution level N-i are transmitted region by region. If the parameter i is null, the sub-bands under consideration at this step are the sub-bands LLC






and HHC


. Otherwise, the sub-bands under consideration at this step are the sub-bands LHC(N-i), HLC(N-i) and HHC(N-i) The order of transmission of the regions is determined by the order of storage of the coded coefficients (step S



The following step S


is a test for determining whether all the levels of the decomposition have been processed. If a stop information is received, the result of this step is also considered as positive. It is to be noted that such a stop information can stop the transmission any time. If the test is negative, there remains at least one level to be processed, and in this case step S


is followed by step S


, which increments the parameter i by one unit in order to consider the following resolution level. Step S


is followed by the previously described step S


, If the test of step S


is positive, the progressive transmission of the coded image is terminated.

The step E


or S


of segmentation of a sub-band is detailed in

FIG. 3


and includes the substeps E


to E



Step E


is a simplification of the sub-band. A simplified version of the sub-band, more generally of an image, will for example be obtained by applying to the latter a morphological opening/closure operator, followed by a morphological reconstruction. A complete description of this method can be found in the article by Philippe Salembier entitled “Morphological multiscale segmentation for image coding”, which appeared in the magazine “Signal Processing” No 38 of 1994. This type of processing eliminates the objects smaller than a certain size, and restores the contours of the objects which have not been eliminated. At the end of this step there is therefore a simplified version of the sub-band, which will be easier to process by the following steps.

The following step E


is the marking of, or removal of the markers from, the simplified sub-band. This step identifies the presence of the homogeneous regions of the simplified sub-band, using a criterion which can, for example, be a criterion of homogeneity of the intensity of the region (flat regions). Concretely, a region growth algorithm is for example used here: the sub-band is scanned in its entirety (for example from top to bottom and right to left). A “kernel” is sought, that is to say a point, here a coefficient, representing a new region (the first coefficient of the sub-band will automatically be one of these). The characteristic of this region (mean value) is calculated on the basis of this point. Then all the neighbours of this point will then be examined, and for each of the neighbours two possibilities are offered:

if the point encountered has an intensity close to at the mean value of the region under consideration, it is allocated to the current region, and the statistics of this region are updated according to this new element,

if the point encountered has an intensity different (in the sense of a proximity criterion) from the mean value of the region, it is not allocated to the region (it may subsequently be considered to be a new “kernel” representing a new region).

All the neighbours allocated to the current region are then themselves subjected to examination, that is to say all the neighbours are examined (growth phase).

The processing of the region continues thus until all the points adjacent to points belonging to the region have been examined. At the end of this processing, the region is considered good or bad If it is bad (typically, too small), it is the decision step which will process the points of the region in question. If it is good, the processing is terminated for it. A unique label or identifier is then allocated to all the points in the region. The global processing then continues with the search for a new kernel.

The following step E


is the decision. It consists of attaching to a region all the points which have no label at the end of the marking step E


(typically, the points which have been attached to excessively small regions). This step can be effected simply by considering each of the points which does not have a label, and allocating it to the adjacent region to which it is closest (in the sense of a proximity criterion).

Step S


of coding by object in the sub-bands is detailed with reference to

FIG. 3


and includes sub-steps E


to E



Step E


is the extraction of each of the regions due to the segmentation map SN-i obtained at step S


. For example, regions can be extracted by order of importance, according to the level of importance which has been allocated at step S


, or, as a variant, in any order.

Following step E


reads the importance associated with each of the regions which have been extracted. This importance can be relative, if the regions have been classified by order, or absolute. In this embodiment, it is supposed that the importance of the regions is absolute, and that an indicator representing its importance is allocated to each of the regions. For example, two regions R


and R


have been identified and the indicators IN=1 (important region) and IN=2 (not very important region) have been respectively allocated to them.

The following step E


is the association of a coding mode to each of the regions under consideration Several types of coding can be used, according to the importance of the region which has been extracted: for example, coding without loss for an important region, scalar or vector quantization for a less important region. One embodiment is determined by a quantization, that is to say, for a scalar quantization, by the quantization step. For example, a quantization step equal to two, that is to say a quantization Q


, is associated to the region R


(IN=1, important region) and a quantization step equal to ten, that is to say a quantization Q


, is associated to the region R


(IN=2, not very important region).

The following step E


is the quantization of all the coefficients of all the sub-bands for each region under consideration, at the resolution level under consideration, by the previously determined quantization. For a given region, all the coefficients inside a contour determined by the segmentation, for this region, are taken into account.

The following step E


is the entropic coding of all the coefficients quantified at the previous step.

As a variant, a coding by bit plane can be implemented inside each region, which allows a scalability of the quality of the reconstructed image.

According to the example embodiment chosen and depicted in FIG.


and corresponding to the first embodiment of the invention, a digital image IM is decomposed into sub-bands, segmented and then coded progressively before transmission.

The image IM is decomposed into sub-bands (step E


). Three successive analysis units decompose the image successively into three sets of sub-bands






, according to three resolution levels RES




and RES



All the sub-bands LL


, . . . , HH


issuing from the decomposition are then coded, which forms coded sub-bands LLC


, . . . , HHC


, in accordance with step E


. The resulting structure


is then decoded (step E


), using decoding means corresponding to the coding used at the previous step. Then the structure


containing all the decoded sub-bands LLD


, . . . , HHD


, is obtained, except for those which correspond to the highest resolution level.

The following step consists of effecting a segmentation on the sub-band of lowest decoded frequency LLD


. This segmentation S


contains for example two regions R



and R



, where R



represent the background and R



the head of a person.

The following step is a synthesis on a level of the sub-bands of lowest resolution RES


. The result of the synthesis is a reconstructed sub-band LLS


on which a second segmentation is effected. A segmentation map S


is obtained containing for example three regions R



(head), R



(body) and R



(background). The notation R′ is used when a region of a given resolution level is divided into two regions at the higher resolution level. For example, the background R



of the segmentation map S


is divided into two objects R



and R



(body and background) in the segmentation map S



The following step is a synthesis on a level of the sub-bands of immediately higher resolution RES


. The result of the synthesis is a reconstructed sub-band LLS


on which a third segmentation is effected. A segmentation map S


is obtained containing the regions R



(Head), R



(Body), R



(Moon) and R




The last step of the coding, not depicted in this figure, will consist of ordering the regions (typically head, body, moon, background in decreasing order of importance), and transmitting the coefficients corresponding to these regions level by level and region by region. In this example, the end point is then the bit stream structure depicted in

FIG. 4


According to the example embodiment chosen and depicted in

FIG. 4


and corresponding to the second embodiment of the invention, a digital image IM is decomposed into sub-bands, segmented and then coded progressively before transmission.

The image IM is decomposed into sub-bands (step


) Three successive analysis units decompose the image successively into three sets of sub-bands






, according to three resolution levels RES




and RES



The following step is a segmentation of the sub-band of lower frequency LL


. The segmentation S


includes for example two regions R


and R


, where R


is the background and R


is the head of a person.

After the step S


, not shown here, during which a level of importance is allocated to each region, the sub-bands of resolution level RES




, . . . HH


, are then coded by region, which forms coded sub-bands LLC


, . . . HHC


, according to step S


. Each region is quantified with the quantization corresponding to ist level of importance, then coded by an entropic coding. The sub-bands of low resolution of the resulting structure


are decoded (step S


), using decoding means corresponding to the coding used at step S


. Then the structure


containing the decoded sub-bands LLD


, . . . , HHD


at the resolution level RES


, is obtained.

The following step is a synthesis on a level, of the sub-bands of lowest resolution RES


. The result of the synthesis is a reconstructed sub-band LLS


on which a second segmentation is effected. A segmentation map S


is obtained containing for example three regions R



(head), R



(body) and R



(background). The notation R′ is used when a region of a given resolution level is divided into two regions at the higher resolution level. For example, the background R


of the segmentation map S


is divided into two objects R



and R



(body and background) in the segmentation map S



The following step (not shown) is a coding by region of the sub-bands of resolution level RES


. The sub-bands LH


, HL


and HH


from the decomposition are then coded, which forms coded sub-bands LHC




and HHC


(step S


). The resulting structure is then decoded (step S


), using decoding means corresponding to the coding used at the previous step. The decoded sub-bands LLD


, . . . , HHD


, at the resolution level RES


, are obtained.

The following step is a synthesis on a level of the sub-bands of immediately higher resolution RES


. The result of the synthesis is a reconstructed sub-band LLS


on which a third segmentation is effected. A segmentation map S


is obtained containing the regions R



(Head), R



(Body), R



(Moon) and R




The last step is a coding by region of the sub-bands of resolution level RES



FIG. 4


depicts the bit stream corresponding to the examples of

FIGS. 4 and 4


According to this example, a digital image IM has been decomposed into sub-bands, and each of the sub-bands coded A hierarchical segmentation consisting of the segmentation maps S


, S


, S


(segmentation map of each level) has been calculated. This hierarchical segmentation contains a total of four objects R


(head), R


(body), R


(crescent moon), R


(background) which can be found in S





, R



), in S





, R



and R



) and in S





, R



, R



and R




The construction of the bit stream will be effected in a completely hierarchical manner, both in resolution and in number of objects. To do this, the coder stores the coded data available to it in a manner which is increasing in resolution (from RES


to RES


) and in objects (from R


to R



The first step consists of putting the segmentation map of the lowest resolution, S


, in the bit stream. This is because this segmentation must absolutely be transmitted to the decoder if it is wished to transmit the associated regions to it one after the other.

In a second step, the coefficients of the coded sub-bands LLC


, . . . , LHC


are inserted in the bit stream, by order of importance of the regions associated with them. Thus the coefficients corresponding to R



, and then to R



, are transmitted.

In a third step, the coefficients of the sub-bands LHC


, . . . , HHC


are inserted in the bit stream, by order of importance of the regions. Thus the coefficients corresponding to R



, then to R



, and then to R



, will be transmitted.

In a fourth step, the coefficients of the sub-bands LHC


, . . . , HHC


are inserted in the bit stream, by order of importance of the regions. Thus the coefficients corresponding to R



, then to R



, then to R



, then to R



, will be transmitted.

The result is that the data are stored by order of importance (in the sense of the object) and by order of increasing resolution.

With reference to

FIG. 5

, one embodiment of the method according to the invention of decoding an image IM coded according to the coding method disclosed above includes steps E


to E


, which are run through by the central unit of the device


described above. It is to be noted that the decoding method is the same for the two embodiments of the coding method.

The decoding method includes overall the reception or calculation of the segmentation at each resolution level, analysis of this segmentation, reception and decoding of each of the sub-band coefficient regions in order of analysis, and the synthesis of the low sub-band of higher level and for the last level, the synthesis of the original image.

Step E


is the reception and decoding of the segmentation map SN of the lowest resolution level. It is assumed that this segmentation was coded by a method without loss, and the segmentation without loss is therefore recovered. The decoding method naturally corresponds to the coding method which was used at the coder (step E



Step E


is followed by step E


, during which the segmentation is analysed, by a method identical to that described during step E


of the coding method. At the end of this analysis, there is a classification of the regions by order of importance corresponding to the order of transmission, and consequently of reception, of these regions.

Knowing the form of the regions and the order of reception, it is possible, during step E


, to progressively receive the sub-band coefficients of the regions in question. During this same step E


, these regions are decoded by a decoding method corresponding to the coding method used at the time of coding, and described in step E


of FIG.



Step E


is followed by step E


, during which the sub-bands of the lowest resolution level are reconstituted by adding, sub-band by sub-band, the coefficients received for each region. As, by definition, there is no overlap between the regions defined by the segmentation, the addition amounts to a superimposition of all the coefficients of all the regions.

During the following step E


, a parameter i is initialised to the value 1. The parameter i is a level indicator for indicating the current resolution level N-i This indicator will be updated subsequently.

Step E


is followed by step E


, during which a synthesis is effected on the resolution level immediately below the current level. The synthesis step results in a reconstructed low sub-band of resolution immediately greater than the sub-bands which were used for synthesis. This step is identical to step E


of the coding method. It supplies at an output the synthesised low sub-band LLS


. During step E


, this sub-band is segmented in order to supply the segmentation map S(N-i). Step E


is identical to step E


of the coder.

Step E


is followed by step E


, during which the segmentation S(N-i) is analysed. This step is identical to the step E


of the coder. At the end of this analysis, there is available a classification of the regions by order of importance which, as before, corresponds to the order of transmission, and therefore of reception, of these regions.

Knowing the form of the regions and the order of reception, it is possible, during step E


, to progressively receive the sub-band coefficients of the regions in question, and to decode them by a decoding method corresponding to the coding method used in the coding process.

Step E


is followed by step E


, during which the sub-bands of the current resolution level are reconstituted by adding, sub-band by sub-band, the coefficients received for each region.

The following step E


is a test in order to determine whether all the levels of the required decomposition have been processed, that is to say whether the parameter i is equal to N−1. If the test is negative, there remains at least one level to be processed, and in this case step E


is followed by step E


, which increments the parameter i by one unit. Step E


is followed by step E


previously described.

If the test of step E


is positive, then this step is followed by step E


, which is the synthesis of the sub-bands of the highest resolution level in the decomposition. This synthesis results in the reconstructed image.

It should be noted that, for reasons such as sufficiency of quality of the image received or excessively high waiting time, the user of the decoding device can, for example by means of the keyboard, interrupt the decoding of said signal.

For this purpose, for example, the central unit periodically reads the state of the keyboard and, when an item of information representing the interruption of the reception is generated, the central unit sets an interrupt variable STOP at level 1. When step E


is then run through, the variable STOP being at level 1, the test will be positive and step E


will be followed by step E


, which will supply the image synthesised form the data available at that time. This interruption information can be transmitted to the coder through the network.

According to the chosen example embodiment depicted in

FIG. 6

, a digital image coded as previously described is received by progressive transmission, decoded and then reconstructed on three resolution levels RES




and RES



This figure illustrates the decoding steps corresponding to the coding steps of

FIG. 4




, and to the bit stream of

FIG. 4


At the lowest resolution level RES


, the decoder first of all receives the segmentation map S


of level 3. This segmentation is decoded and analysed, in accordance with the steps described in FIG.


. Analysis of this segmentation makes it possible in this example to detect two regions R



(head) and R



(background), in this order.

The coefficients corresponding to the region R



in the sub-bands LLC






and HHC


are then received and decoded, and then the coefficients of these same sub-bands corresponding to the region R


are received and decoded. The two sets of sub-bands corresponding to R



and R



are added (sub-band by sub-band), in order to reconstruct the sub-bands LLC


, . . . , HHC


in their entirety (structure


). A synthesis on one level is effected, in order to synthesise the higher-level low sub-band LLS


. This low sub-band (identical to the low sub-band LLS


formed at coding) is then segmented in order to produce the map of the segmentation S


which is identical to the segmentation S


determined at the time of coding.

At the second resolution level, analysis of the segmentation S


will make it possible to control the reception of the regions one after the other: in our example, analysis of the segmentation S


makes it possible in fact to classify the three regions of level 2 by order of priority, and therefore of reception; R



(head), R



(body), then R



(background). When all the regions of level 2 have been received, these regions are added to each other in order to produce the sub-bands HHC






of level 2.

As in addition the low sub-band LLS


is available, synthesised at the previous step, the synthesis on one level of the sub-bands of level 2 is now possible, which will produce the sub-band LLS


of level 1. This low sub-band (identical to the low sub-band LLS


formed at the time of coding) is then segmented in order to produce the segmentation S


(identical to the segmentation S


determined at the time coding).

At the highest resolution level RES


, analysis of the segmentation S


will make it possible to control the reception of the regions one after the other. In this example, analysis of S


makes it possible in fact to classify the four regions of level 1 by order of priority, and therefore of reception: R



(head), R



(body), R



(crescent: moon), and finally R



(background). When all the regions of level 1 have been received, these regions are added to each other in order to produce the sub-bands HHC






of level 1. As the low sub-band LLS


synthesised at the previous step is also available, a procedure of synthesis on one level of the sub-bands of level 1 can be started, which will produce the reconstructed image IM′. The decoding is terminated.

It is important to note that it is possible to interrupt the decoding at any one of the steps mentioned above. It will nevertheless be possible to supply at least part of the reconstructed image IM (at a reduced resolution, with a smaller number of objects . . . ). True scalability has therefore been achieved, both spatial and in number of objects.

In accordance with

FIG. 7

, a first embodiment of device according to the invention is represented. The digital signal to be compressed S


is in this particular embodiment a series of digital samples representing an image.

The device D has a signal source


, here of an image signal, whether a fixed image or an image sequence. In general terms, the signal source either contains the digital signal, and has for example a memory, a hard disk or a CD-ROM, or converts an analogue signal into a digital signal, and is for example an analogue camcorder associated with an analogue to digital converter. The image source


generates a series of digital samples representing an image IM. The image signal IM is a series of digital words, for example bytes. Each byte value represents a pixel of the image IM, here with 256 grey levels or in colour.

An output of the signal source


is connected to an analysis circuit, or a circuit for decomposition into sub-bands


. The circuit


has a first output



connecting to a coding circuit


. This coding circuit


receives the sub-band of lowest frequency and codes the data according to conventional techniques such as DPCM (Differential Pulse Code Modulation) coding, which is a coding by linear prediction, with loss. Each pixel of the sub-band to be coded LL


is predicted according to its neighbours, and this prediction is subtracted from the value of the pixel under consideration, for the purpose of forming a differential “image” which has less correlation between pixels than the original image.

This coding circuit


is connected to a segmentation circuit


which will generate a segmentation map containing at least two distinct regions covering the entire segmented sub-band. It is also connected to a decoding and synthesis circuit


, so as to supply to the latter the sub-band of lowest frequency. The coding circuit


is finally connected to a transmission circuit



The sub-band of lowest frequency thus segmented is coded by the unit


according to a coding without loss, that is to say a coding giving rise to no degradation of the information, typically a Freeman coding on the contours. The circuit


is connected to a transmission circuit


in order to supply to it the result of the coding of the segmentation map of the sub-band of lowest frequency.

Second outputs



of the decomposition circuit


are connected to a circuit for coding the coefficients of the decomposition


. The circuit


has its output connected to the information transmission unit


. The circuit


is connected to the decoding and synthesis circuit


, which will, if the coefficients have been coded according to a DPCM method previously described, perform a decoding in the form of inverse DPCM, and the inverse of a decomposition (synthesis of one level) into sub-bands on one level, that is to say the recomposition of the level higher than the current level, in the form of the low sub-band of this higher level. Conventionally, a synthesis step includes operations of oversampling and filtering, the filterings being the inverse of those used at the time of analysis.

If the coding is restricted to a quantisation step, the inverse of a decomposition into sub-bands on one level can be effected directly.

The synthesis unit


supplies the image thus recreated to the segmentation circuit


, identical in this example to the unit


. The circuit


effects a segmentation of the low-frequency sub-bands of each resolution level.

The circuit


is connected to an analysis circuit


. The latter receives the result of the segmentation and analyses the content of the segmentation in order to determine the order of the regions for each resolution level. The circuit


is connected to the transmission circuit



The coded sub-bands LHC




and HHC


, and the coded sub-bands of higher resolution HLC










and HHC


are supplied to the transmission circuit


, according to increasing resolutions. In accordance with the analysis effected by the circuit


, the sub-band coefficients of a given resolution level are ordered by region as depicted in

FIG. 4


According to a preferred embodiment of the invention, the circuits mentioned above can be implemented by a microprocessor associated with random access and read only memories. The read only memory has a program for decoding the data, and the random access memory has registers adapted to record variables modified during the running of the program.

The circuit for decomposition into sub-bands


, or analysis circuit, is a conventional set of filters, respectively associated with decimators by two, which filter the image signal in two directions, in sub-bands of high and low spatial frequencies.

In accordance with

FIG. 7


, a second embodiment of device according to the invention is represented. The digital signal to be compressed SI is in this particular embodiment a series of digital samples representing an image.

The device D′ has a signal source


, here of an image signal, whether a fixed image or an image sequence. In general terms, the signal source either contains the digital signal, and has for example a memory, a hard disk or a CD-ROM, or converts an analogue signal into a digital signal, and is for example an analogue camcorder associated with an analogue to digital converter. The image source


generates a series of digital samples representing an image IM. The image signal IM is a series of digital words, for example bytes. Each byte value represents a pixel of the image IM, here with 256 grey levels or in colour.

An output of the signal source


is connected to an analysis circuit, or a circuit for decomposition into sub-bands


. The circuit


is analogous to circuit





The circuit


is connected to a segmentation circuit


which process the low sub-band LLSN-i of the current resolution level in order to supply a segmentation map of level N-i. The low sub-band LLSN-i is the sub-band LL


at the first passage, otherwise it is a sub-band synthesized by a synthesis circuit


. The result of the segmentation is a segmentation map S


containing at least two distinct regions covering the entire segmented sub-band. The segmentation map of lower resolution level is applied to a coding circuit


which codes it for example according to a coding without loss. The coding circuit


is connected to a memory


in which the coded segmentation map of lower resolution level is stored, in order to be used later, for example transmitted.

The circuit


is connected to a circuit


for classifying segmented regions. Circuit


allocates a respective level of importance to the regions of the segmentation map at the processed resolution level This allocation can be automatic or not. For example, the user can select the regions on the screen and manually associate a level of importance with the keyboard


or any other means such as the mouse. The circuit


produces an analysis AS(N-i) of the segmentation at the current resolution level, which allocates to each region a level of importance and/or a transmission index.

The circuit


is connected to a circuit


for coding the coefficients of the sub-bands of resolution level (N-i) region by region. The coding of the regions is determined by the allocation of a coding mode to each region according to its level of importance.

The coded coefficients of the sub-bands of resolution level (N-i) are stored by the memory


in order to be used later during a step of transmission for example. It is to be noted that if a transmission progressive by region is to be performed, it is necessary to store the coefficients region by region, by order of importance of the region. If only a transmission by sub-band is to be performed, the sub-band can be stored without taking into account the regions.

The memory


is linked to a transmission circuit


known per se.

The memory


is also connected to a circuit


for decoding the coefficients previously coded by the circuit


. Thus, the coder processes data which are similar to that of the decoder. The main advantage is that only the segmentation map of lower resolution is to be transmitted, which needs a low passband.

The decoding mode corresponds to the coding mode used in circuit



The circuit


is connected to the circuit


for synthesise the sub-band of the current level. This synthesis results in a reconstructed low sub-band, having a resolution immediately higher than the sub-band which were used in the synthesis This synthesised low sub-band is applied to segmentation circuit


. For example, a low sub-band LLS


of resolution level RES


is reconstructed from the sub-bands LLD






and HHD



It is to be noted that the sub-bands of the higher resolution level are not processed by the decoding circuit


nor by the synthesis circuit



The transmission circuit


transmits successively the coded and stored segmentation map of lower resolution, then for each level, the coefficients of each of the sub-bands region by region according to an order identical to the order produced by the analysis of the segmentation. For example, the sub-bands of resolution: level RES


are transmitted, then the sub-bands of resolution level RES


and finally the sub-bands of resolution level RES



According to a preferred embodiment of the invention, the circuits mentioned above can be implemented by a microprocessor associated with random access and read only memories. The read only memory has a program for decoding the data, and the random access memory has registers adapted to record variables modified during the running of the program.

The circuits for decomposition into sub-bands




, or analysis circuits, are conventional sets of filters, respectively associated with decimators by two, which filter the image signal in two directions, in sub-bands of high and low spatial frequencies.

According to

FIG. 8

, the circuit


, or the circuit


, has three successive analysis units for decomposing the image IM into sub-bands according to three resolution levels.

In general terms, the resolution of a signal is the number of samples per unit length used for representing this signal. In the case of an image signal, the resolution of a sub-band is related to the number of samples per unit length for representing this sub-band. The resolution depends notably on the number of decimations effected.

The first analysis unit receives the digital image signal and applies it to two digital filters, respectively low pass and high pass




, which filter the image signal in a first direction, for example horizontal in the case of an image signal. After passing through decimators by two




, the resulting filtered signals are respectively applied to two filters, low pass




, and high pass




, which filter them in a second direction, for example vertical in the case of an image signal. Each resulting filtered signal passes through a respective decimator by two








. The first unit delivers at an output four sub-bands LL


, LH


, HL


and HH


of the highest resolution RES


in the decomposition.

The sub-band LL


has the components, or coefficients, of low frequency, in both directions, of the image signal. The sub-band LH


has the components of low frequency in a first direction and of high frequency in a second direction, of the image signal. The sub-band HL


has the components of high frequency in the first direction and the components of low frequency in the second direction. Finally, the sub-band HH


has the components of high frequency in both directions.

Each sub-band is an image constructed from the original image, which contains information corresponding to a respectively vertical, horizontal and diagonal orientation of the image, in a given frequency band.

The sub-band LL


is analysed by an analysis unit similar to the previous one in order to supply four sub-bands LL


, LH


, HL


and HH


of intermediate resolution level RES


in the decomposition. The sub-band LL


has the components of low frequency in the two analysis directions, and is in its turn analysed by the third analysis unit similar to the two previous ones. The third analysis unit supplies the sub-bands LL


, LH


, HL


and HH


, of lowest resolution RES


in the decomposition, resulting from the division into sub-bands of the sub-band LL



Each of the sub-bands of resolution RES


and RES


also corresponds to an orientation in the image.

The decomposition effected by the circuit


is such that a sub-band of a given resolution is divided into four sub-bands of lower resolution and therefore has four times more coefficients than each of the sub-bands of lower resolution.

A digital image IM at the output of the image source


is depicted schematically in

FIG. 9

, whilst

FIG. 10

depicts the image IMD resulting from the decomposition of the image IM, into ten sub-bands according to three resolution levels, by the circuit


. The image IMD has as much information as the original image IM, but the information is divided frequency-wise according to three resolution levels.

The level of lowest resolution RES


includes the sub-bands LL


, HL


, LH


and HH


, that is to say the sub-bands of low frequency in the two analysis directions. The second resolution level RES


includes the sub-bands HL


, LH


and HH


and the level of highest resolution RES


includes the sub-bands with the highest frequency HL


, LH


and HH



The sub-band LL


of lowest frequency is a reduction of the original image. The other sub-bands are detail sub-bands.

Naturally, the number of resolution levels, and consequently of sub-bands, can be chosen differently, for example 13 sub-bands and four resolution levels, for a bidimensional signal such as an image. The number of sub-bands per resolution level can also be different. The analysis and synthesis circuits are adapted to the dimension of the signal processed.

With reference to

FIG. 11

, the decoding device


performs overall operations which are the reverse of those of the coding device. The decoding device is integrated into a processing and digital display apparatus, which is for example a digital image reader, or a digital video sequence player, or a database management system, or a computer.

One and the same apparatus may include both the coding device and the decoding device according to the invention, so as to perform coding and decoding operations.

The decoding device has a coded data source


which includes for example a reception circuit associated with a buffer. The source


supplies a binary stream of information received which contains first of all the coded segmentation map of the lowest resolution level, and then the coefficients of the sub-bands decomposed and coded by the coder.

The output



of the circuit


is connected to a circuit


for decoding the segmentation map. This circuit is connected to a circuit


for analysing the segmentation map.

The output



of the circuit


is also connected to a coefficient decoding circuit


. The source


thus supplies, to the circuit


, the coefficients of the sub-bands decomposed and coded by the coder, so that the circuit


decodes them.

The circuits




are connected to the sub-band reconstruction circuit


. The latter receives the decoded segmentation map and the coefficients of the decoded sub-bands, and reconstructs, with the two types of information, the transmitted sub-band.

As detailed with reference to

FIGS. 5 and 6

, the decoder receives first of all the segmentation map of level 3, uses it to determine regions, and then receives in order the sub-band coefficients corresponding to the regions. When all the regions have been received, the sub-bands of the resolution level under consideration have been received and can be reconstructed.

The circuit


is connected to a synthesis circuit


which receives the reconstructed sub-bands and effects a synthesis on a level of the latter.

The circuit


is connected to a segmentation circuit


and to a use circuit


. When the image has not been completely reconstructed, the data in the course of decoding are transmitted to the circuit


, which effects a segmentation thereof. In fact, according to the invention, only the segmentation map on one level and more particularly the segmentation map on the low sub-band of the lowest decomposition level is transmitted. It is therefore necessary for the decoder to recreate, for each of the other decomposition levels, the associated segmentation map. Advantageously and according to the invention as the segmentation at the level of the coder was effected after the coding or more simply the quantisation, the decoder will have the same information as the coder and will be able to reconstruct an identical segmentation map.

The circuit


is connected to the unit analysing the segmentation map


previously described in order to supply this segmentation map to it. The coefficients of the sub-bands of the higher level having been received and decoded by the unit


, a reconstruction of the low sub-band of higher level can be effected by the circuit


, the decoding device having available the two items of information necessary to the reconstruction thereof. These iterations will be effected as many times as there are decomposition levels.

When all the resolution levels have been run through, the circuit


synthesises the reconstructed image and supplies it to the use circuit



According to a variant, the reconstruction steps can be interrupted at any moment by the user by means of the keyboard



FIG. 1


According to a preferred embodiment of the invention, the circuits mentioned above can be implemented by a microprocessor associated with random access and read only memories. The read only memory contains a program for decoding the data, and the random access memory contains registers adapted to record variables modified during the running of the program.

Naturally, the present invention is in no way limited to the embodiments described and depicted, but quite the contrary encompasses any variant within the capability of a person skilled in the art.

  • 1. A method of coding a set of data representing physical quantities, comprising the steps of:decomposing the set of data into a plurality of frequency sub-bands on at least one resolution level, coding the sub-bands, decoding the coded sub-bands, then, for each resolution level, segmenting at least one sub-band into at least two homogeneous regions, in order to form a segmentation map, ordering the regions according to a predetermined criterion, and ordering the coding data of the sub-bands as a function of the order of the regions.
  • 2. The method according to claim 1, including coding the segmentation map of at least one resolution level.
  • 3. The method according to claim 1, including coding the segmentation map of the lowest resolution level in the decomposition.
  • 4. The method according to any one of claims 1 to 3, in which the segmentation is effected on the sub-band of lowest frequency of the resolution level under consideration.
  • 5. The method according to any one of claims 1 to 3, in which the ordering criterion depends on an analysis of the segmentation.
  • 6. The method according to any one of claims 1 to 3, further comprising the steps of transmitting the segmentation map determined at the lowest resolution level and coding data of all the sub-bands, for all the resolution levels.
  • 7. A method of coding a set of data representing physical quantities, comprising the steps of:decomposing the set of data into a plurality of frequency sub-bands on at least two resolution levels, then, for at least one resolution level, segmenting at least one sub-band of the resolution level under consideration into at least two homogeneous regions, ordering the regions according to a predetermined criterion, coding in the order previously determined by region coefficients of the resolution level under consideration, and, for at least one resolution level, except the highest resolution level, decoding the coded coefficients of the resolution level under consideration, in order to form decoded sub-bands, and synthesising the decoded sub-bands of the resolution level under consideration, on one resolution level, in a synthesised sub-band which will be considered at the following iteration.
  • 8. The according to claim 7, in which, at said segmenting step, the sub-band with the lowest frequency is segmented.
  • 9. The method according to any one of claims 7 to 8, in which, in said coding step, one coding mode amongst a set of coding modes is allocated to each region, according to a criterion of importance for each region.
  • 10. The method according to claim 9, in which the coding modes include a quantisation and an entropic coding, and the coding modes are differentiated from each other by the quantisation interval used.
  • 11. The method according to any one of claims 7 to 8, in which a stop signal generated externally to the process stops the process.
  • 12. A method of transmitting a set of data representing physical quantities, including the coding method according to any one of claims 7 to 8, including the step of transmitting the coded coefficients.
  • 13. The transmitting method according to claim 12, further comprising the step of transmitting a segmentation map formed at said segmenting step.
  • 14. The transmitting method according to claim 13, in which the segmentation map transmitted is the segmentation map formed during the segmentation of the low sub-band with the lowest resolution.
  • 15. The transmitting method according to claim 12, in which the coefficients are transmitted in an order dependent on a criterion of importance of the regions.
  • 16. A method of decoding data representing physical quantities coded by the coding method according to any one of claims 1 to 3, in which, for a given resolution level, said decoding method includes the steps of:analyzing the segmentation in order to classify the regions according to a predetermined criterion, decoding the coding data of the sub-bands of the resolution level under consideration as a function of a result of said analyzing step, reconstructing the sub-bands, and synthesizing the reconstructed sub-bands.
  • 17. A device for coding a set of data representing physical quantities, comprising:means of decomposing the set of data into a plurality of frequency sub-bands on at least one resolution level, means of coding the sub-bands, means of decoding the coded sub-bands, means of segmenting, for each resolution level, at least one sub-band into at least two homogeneous regions, in order to form a segmentation map, means of ordering the regions according to a predetermined criterion, and means of ordering the coding data of the sub-bands as a function of the order of the regions.
  • 18. The device according to claim 17, further comprising means of coding the segmentation map of at least one resolution level.
  • 19. The device according to claim 17, further comprising means of coding the segmentation map of the lowest resolution level in the decomposition.
  • 20. The device according to any one of claims 17 to 19, in which said segmenting means effect a segmentation of the sub-band of lowest frequency of the resolution level under consideration.
  • 21. The device according to any one of claims 17 to 19, adapted to implement an ordering criterion which depends on an analysis of the segmentation.
  • 22. The device according to any one of claims 17 to 19, further comprising means of transmitting the segmentation map determined at the lowest resolution level and coding data of all the sub-bands, for all the resolution levels.
  • 23. The device according to any one of claims 17 to 19, in which said means of segmentation, ordering, coding and ordering are incorporated in:a microprocessor, a read only memory containing a program for coding the set of data, and a random access memory containing registers adapted to record variables modified during the running of said program.
  • 24. A device for coding a set of data representing physical quantities, comprising:means of decomposing the set of data into a plurality of frequency sub-bands on at least two resolution levels, means of segmenting at least one sub-band of at least one resolution level under consideration into at least two homogeneous regions, means of ordering the regions according to a predetermined criterion, means of coding in the order previously determined by region coefficients of the resolution level under consideration, means of decoding the coded coefficients of the resolution level under consideration, except the highest resolution level, in order to form decoded sub-bands, and means of synthesising the decoded sub-bands of the resolution level under consideration, on one resolution level, in a synthesised sub-band which will be supplied to the segmenting means.
  • 25. The device according to claim 24, in which said segmenting means are adapted to segment the sub-band with the lowest frequency.
  • 26. The device according to any one of claims 24 to 25, in which said coding means are adapted to allocate to each region one coding mode amongst a set of coding modes, according to a criterion of importance of each region.
  • 27. The device according to claim 26, in which the coding means are adapted to implement coding modes which include a quantisation and an entropic coding, and which are differentiated from each other by a quantisation interval used.
  • 28. The device according to any one of claims 24 to 25, adapted to receive a stop signal generated externally to the device which stops the functioning of the device.
  • 29. A device for transmitting a set of data representing physical quantities, including said coding device according to any one of claims 24 to 25, comprising means of transmitting the coded coefficients.
  • 30. The transmitting device according to claim 29, further comprising means of transmitting a segmentation map formed at the segmentation step.
  • 31. The transmitting device according to claim 30, adapted to transmit the segmentation map formed during the segmentation of the low sub-band with the lowest resolution.
  • 32. The transmitting device according to claim 29, adapted to transmit the coefficients in an order dependent on a criterion of importance of the regions.
  • 33. The device according to any one of claims 24 to 25, in which the decomposition, segmentation, ordering, coding, decoding and synthesis means are incorporated in:a microprocessor, a read only memory containing a program for processing the data, and a random access memory containing registers adapted to record variables modified during the running of said program.
  • 34. A device for decoding data representing physical quantities coded by said coding device according to any one of claims 17-19, 24, or 25, comprising:means of analyzing the segmentation, for a resolution level under consideration, in order to classify the regions in accordance with a predetermined criterion, means of decoding the coding data of the sub-bands of the resolution level under consideration as a function of the result of said analyzing step, means of reconstructing the sub-bands, and means of synthesizing the reconstructed sub-bands.
  • 35. The decoding device according to claim 34, in which said the means of analysis, decoding, reconstruction and synthesis are incorporated in:a microprocessor, a read only memory containing a program for decoding the data, and a random access memory containing registers adapted to record variables modified during the running of said program.
  • 36. A digital signal processing apparatus comprising means adapted to implement said coding method according to any one of claims 1-3, 7, or 8.
  • 37. A digital signal processing apparatus comprising means adapted to implement said decoding method according to claim 16.
  • 38. A digital signal processing apparatus including said coding device according to any one of claims 17-19, 24, or 25.
  • 39. A digital signal processing apparatus, including said decoding device according to claim 34.
  • 40. A storage medium storing a program for implementing a method according to any one of claims 1-3, 7, or 8.
  • 41. A storage medium according to claim 40, in which said storage medium comprises a floppy disk or a CD-ROM.
Priority Claims (2)
Number Date Country Kind
99 07585 Jun 1999 FR
99 14922 Nov 1999 FR
US Referenced Citations (8)
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5898798 Bouchard et al. Apr 1999 A
5995668 Corset et al. Nov 1999 A
6026183 Talluri et al. Feb 2000 A
6173069 Daly et al. Jan 2001 B1
6272253 Bannon et al. Aug 2001 B1
6289297 Bahl Sep 2001 B1
6519004 Bahl Feb 2003 B1
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