Satoshi Kato and Shigeru Onishi, `Nainen kikan`(Internal Combustion Engines), Tokyo, Sankai-do Publishing, Jul. 1988, pp. 35 to 44, "Stratified Charge Engine by Impingement of Fuel Jet (OSKA)". |
Satoshi Kato and Shigeru Onishi, SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) Paper No. 871689, 1987, "New Mixture Formation Technology of Direct Fuel Stratified Combustion SI Engine (OSKA)". |
The Institute of Vocational Training, Pro, Dr, Eiichi Watanabe, The trade journal `Nainen kikan` (Internal Combustion Engines), Tokyo, Sankai-do Publishing, Jan. 1988 P73-82, "Some Impression in Australia (1)". |