- 1. A dispersing Fourier Transform interferometer, comprising:
a Fourier Transform Spectrometer having an input for receiving a source light and an output; and a dispersive element having an input coupled to the Fourier Transform Spectrometer output and an output for providing the resulting multiple narrowband interferogram outputs of different wavelengths representative of the source light input.
- 2. An interferometer as in claim 1, further comprising a metrology system for determining optical path lengths internal to the interferometer.
- 3. An interferometer as in claim 1, further comprising:
a sensor including a plurality of light intensity sensing elements each separately responsive to said different wavelengths for producing a set of data of interferogram intensities Id measured at a set of discrete lags xi; and a processor for receiving and processing the data to produce a spectral output having a best fit with the set of data.
- 4. An interferometer as in claim 3, further comprising a metrology system for determining optical path lengths internal to the interferometer.
- 5. An interferometer as in claim 3, wherein the processor includes a sparse sampling algorithm for determining the best fit between a set of model interferograms and said set of data interferograms.
- 6. An interferometer as in claim 5, wherein the sparse sampling algorithm comprises:
processing the set of data interferograms, Id(xi), where: 15Id(xi)=∫sminsmaxⅆs Jt(s) cos(2π xis),and where s is the wavenumber, equal to the inverse of the wavelength, Jt(s) is the true spectral intensity at wavenumber s, and the subscript t indicates that Jt(s) is the truth spectrum and is an unknown, and the wavenumbers smin(n) and smax(n) span the range of wavenumbers detected by the nth member of said set of light intensity sensing elements; choosing a model spectrum, Jm(sj), from which is inferred a model interferogram specified at a discrete set of lags xi, Im(xi); and determining a difference between said model interferogram and said data interferogram and applying an optimization method to determine a model interferogram best matched to the data interferogram Id(xi).
- 7. An interferometer as in claim 6, wherein the optimization method comprises:
establishing a model interferogram given by: 16Im(xi)=∑j=1M-1∫sjsj+1ⅆs [Jm(sj)+(s-sj)Δ j]cos(2π xis),where:Δj=[Jm(sj+1)-Jm(sj)sj+1-sj].and ε is the location of a central fringe in the model interferogram. The above expression reduces to: 17Im(xi)=∑j=1M-1[αi,jJm(sj)+Δjβi,j],where:αi,j=[sin(2π xisj+1)-sin(2π xisj)2π xi],andβi,j=[(sj+1-sj)sin(2π xisj+1)2π xi]+[cos(2π xisj+1)-cos(2π xisj)(2π xi)2]setting a variance of the residuals between the model interferogram and the data interferogram according to the equation: 18χ2=1n∑n=1n[Im(xi)-Id(xi)]2.and obtaining a model interferogram best matched to the data interferogram according to the equations: 19∂χ2∂Jm(sj)=2n∑i=1n[Im(xi)-Id(xi)](∂Im(xi)∂Jm(sj))=0.(∂Im(xi)∂Jm(sj))=αi,1-(βi,1s2-s1) for j=1,(∂Im(xi)∂Jm(sj))=(βi,j-1sj-sj-1)+αi,j-(βi,jsj+1-sj) for 2≤j≤M-1,(∂Im(xi)∂Jm(sj))=(βi,M-1sM-sM-1) for j=M.
- 8. An interferometer as in claim 6, wherein the optimization method comprises:
establishing a model interferogram given by: 20Im(xi)=∑j=1M-1∫sjsj+1ⅆs [Jm(sj)+(s-sj)Δ j]cos(2π xis),where:Δj=[Jm(sj+1)-Jm(sj)sj+1-sj].and ε is the location of a central fringe in the model interferogram. The above expression reduces to: 21Im(xi)=∑j=1M-1 [αi,jJm(sj)+Δjβi,j],where:αi,j=[sin(2π xisj+1)-sin(2π xisj)2π xi],andβi,j=[(sj+1-sj)sin(2π xisj+1)2π xi]+[cos(2π xisj+1)-cos(2π xisj)(2π xi)2]setting a variance of the residuals between the model interferogram and the data interferogram according to the equation: 22χ2=1n∑i=1n [Im(xi)-Id(xi)]2.and obtaining a model interferogram best matched to the data interferogram according to the equations: 23∂χ2∂Jm(sj)=2n∑i=1n [Im(xi)-Id(xi)](∂Im(xi)∂Jm(sj))=0.∂(χ2)∂ϵ=2n∑i=1n [Im(xi-ϵ)-Id(xi)](∂Im(xi-ϵ)∂ϵ)=0and∂Im(xi-ϵ)∂ϵ=1xi-ϵ∑j=1M-1 (Ai,jJm(sj)+Bi,jΔj),where:Ai,j=-sj+1cos(zisj+1)+sjcos(zisj)+sin(zisj+1)zi-sin(zisj)zi,andBi,j=sjsj+1cos(zisj+1)+(2sj+1-sj)sin(zisj+1)zi-sjsin(zisj)zi -sj+12cos(zisj+1)+2cos(zisj+1)zi2-2cos(zisj)zi2,where zi=2π(xi−ε).
- 9. An interferometer as in claim 3, wherein the source light is an astronomical emission.
- 10. An interferometer as in claim 3, wherein the source light is emitted from a material upon induction of the material into an excited state.
- 11. An interferometer as in claim 3, wherein the material is an unknown compound subjected to testing to determine the presence of possible biologically or chemically hazardous properties.
- 12. As interferometer as in claim 1, wherein the Fourier Transform Spectrometer comprises:
optics for receiving and collimating a source light along a first optical path; a beamsplitter positioned for splitting the collimated source light into a second light beam along a second optical path differing from said first optical path; a first reflector positioned along said first optical path for reflecting light transmitted through said beamsplitter back toward a beamsplitter; a second reflector positioned along said second optical path for reflecting said second light beam back toward a beamsplitter; and wherein the interferometer further comprises: a sensor including a plurality of light intensity sensing elements each separately responsive to said different wavelengths for producing a set of data of interferogram intensities Id measured at a set of discrete lags xi; and a processor for receiving and processing the data to produce a spectral output having a best fit with the set of data.
- 13. An interferometer as in claim 12, wherein the processor includes a sparse sampling algorithm for determining the best fit between a set of model interferograms and said set of data interferograms.
- 14. An interferometer as in claim 13, wherein the sparse sampling algorithm comprises:
processing the set of data interferograms, Id(xi), where: 24Id(xi)=∫sminsmax ⅆs Jt(s)cos(2π xis),and where s is the wavenumber, equal to the inverse of the wavelength, Jt(s) is the true spectral intensity at wavenumber s, and the subscript t indicates that Jt(s) is the truth spectrum and is an unknown, and the wavenumbers smin(n) and smax(n) span the range of wavenumbers detected by the nth member of said set of light intensity sensing elements; creating a continuous function Jm(s) that is equal to Jm(sj) at each value sj, from which is inferred the model interferogram specified at a discrete set of lags xi; Im(xi); and determining the difference between said model interferogram and said data interferogram and applying an optimization method to determine a model interferogram best matched to the data interferogram Id(xi).
- 15. An interferometer as in claim 14, wherein the optimization method comprises:
establishing a model interferogram given by: 25Im(xi)=∑j=1M-1 ∫sjsj+1 ⅆs[Jm(sj)+(s-sj)Δj]cos(2π xis),where:Δj=[Jm(sj+1)-Jm(sj)sj+1-sj].and ε is the location of a central fringe in the model interferogram. The above expression reduces to: 26Im(xi)=∑j=1M-1 [αi,jJm(sj)+Δjβi,j],where:αi,j=[sin(2π xisj+1)-sin(2π xisj)2π xi],andβi,j=[(sj+1-sj)sin(2π xisj+1)2π xi]+[cos(2π xisj+1)-cos(2π xisj)(2π xi)2]setting a variance of the residuals between the model interferogram and the data interferogram according to the equation: 27χ2=1n∑i=1n [Im(xi)-Id(xi)]2.and obtaining a model interferogram best matched to the data interferogram according to the equations: 28∂χ2∂Jm(sj)=2n∑i=1n [Im(xi)-Id(xi)](∂Im(xi)∂Jm(sj))=0.(∂Im(xi)∂Jm(sj))=αi,1-(βi,1s2-s1) for j=1,(∂Im(xi)∂Jm(sj))=(βi,j-1sj-sj-1)+αi,j-(βi,jsj+1-sj) for 2≤j≤M-1,and(∂Im(xi)∂Jm(sj))=(βi,M-1sM-sM-1) for j=M.
- 16. An interferometer as in claim 14, wherein the optimization method comprises: establishing a model interferogram given by:
- 17. An interferometer as in claim 12, wherein the source light is an astronomical emission.
- 18. An interferometer as in claim 12, wherein the source light is emitted from a material upon induction of the material into an excited state.
- 19. An interferometer as in claim 12, wherein the material is an unknown compound subjected to testing to determine the presence of possible biologically or chemically hazardous properties.
- 20. A dispersing Fourier Transform interferometer, comprising:
optics for receiving and collimating a source light along a first optical path; a beamsplitter positioned for splitting the collimated source light into a second light beam along a second optical path substantially orthogonal to said first optical path; a first reflector positioned along said first optical path for reflecting light transmitted through said beamsplitter back toward said beam splitter; a second reflector positioned along said second optical path for reflecting said second light beam back toward said beamsplitter; a programmable drive-train coupled to at least one of said first and second reflectors for moving said coupled reflector along its associated optical path so as to introduce a variable path difference x between said first and second optical paths whereby said source light and said second light beam recombine at said beamsplitter and are recorded on a multielement detector at a variety of delays, comprising an interferogram; a metrology detector for determining the path length difference between the two reflectors; a dispersive element positioned along said second optical path for receiving a Fourier Transform Spectrometer output and for providing a resulting multiple narrowband interferogram outputs of different wavelengths representative of the source light input; a sensor including a plurality of light intensity sensing elements each separately responsive to said different wavelengths for producing a set of data of interferogram intensities Id measured at a set of discrete lags xi; and a processor for receiving and processing the data to produce a spectral output having a best fit with the set of data.
- 21. An interferometer as in claim 20, wherein the processor includes a sparse sampling algorithm for determining the best fit between a model interferogram and the data interferogram.
- 22. An interferometer as in claim 21,
wherein the sparse sampling algorithm comprises:
processing the set of data interferograms, Id(xi), where: 33Id(xi)=∫sminsmax ⅆs Jt(s) cos(2π xis),and where s is the wavenumber, equal to the inverse of the wavelength, Jt(s) is the true spectral intensity at wavenumber s, and the subscript t indicates that Jt(s) is the truth spectrum and is an unknown, and the wavenumbers smin(n) and smax(n) span the range of wavenumbers detected by the nth member of said set of light intensity sensing elements; choosing a model spectrum, Jm(sj), from which is inferred a model interferogram specified at a discrete set of lags xi; Im(xi); and
determining a difference between said model interferogram and said data interferogram and applying an optimization method to determine a model interferogram best matched to the data interferogram Id(xi).
- 23. An interferometer as in claim 22, wherein the optimization method comprises:
establishing a model interferogram given by: 34Im(xi)=∑j=1M-1 ∫sjsj+1 ⅆs[Jm(sj)+(s-sj)Δj]cos(2π xis),where:Δj=[Jm(sj+1)-Jm(sj)sj+1-sj].and ε is the location of a central fringe in the model interferogram. The above expression reduces to: 35Im(xi)=∑j=1M-1 [αi,jJm(sj)+Δjβi,j],where:αi,j=[sin(2π xisj+1)-sin(2π xisj)2π xi],andβi,j=[(sj+1-sj)sin(2π xisj+1)2π xi]+[cos(2π xisj+1)-cos(2π xisj)(2π xi)2]setting a variance of the residuals between the model interferogram and the data interferogram according to the equation: 36χ2=1n∑i=1n [Im(xi)-Id(xi)]2.and obtaining a model interferogram best matched to the data interferogram according to the equations: 37∂χ2∂Jm(sj)=2n∑i=1n [Im(xi)-Id(xi)](∂Im(xi)∂Jm(sj))=0.(∂Im(xi)∂Jm(sj))=αi,1-(βi,1s2-s1) for j=1,(∂Im(xi)∂Jm(sj))=(βi,j-1sj-sj-1)+αi,j-(βi,jsj+1-sj) for 2≤j≤M-1,and(∂Im(xi)∂Jm(sj))=(βi,M-1sM-sM-1) for j=M.
- 24. An interferometer as in claim 22, wherein the optimization method comprises: establishing a model interferogram given by:
- 25. An interferometer as in claim 22, wherein the source light is an astronomical emission.
- 26. An interferometer as in claim 22, wherein the source light is emitted from a material upon induction of the material into an excited state.
- 27. An interferometer as in claim 22, wherein the material is an unknown compound subjected to testing to determine the presence of possible biologically or chemically hazardous properties.
- 28. A method of determining a spectrum of a light source, comprising:
receiving and collimating a source light along a first optical path; transmitting a first part of the collimated source light further along said first optical path while reflecting a second part of the collimated source light along a second optical path; reflecting back said first part of said collimated source light along said first optical path; reflecting back said second part of said collimated source light along said second optical path; introducing a path length difference x between said first and second optical paths; recombining said back-reflected first and second parts of said collimated source light; dispersing said recombined light into a plurality of different wavelengths; separately sensing an intensity I of each of said plurality of different wavelengths to thereby produce a set of data of interferogram intensities Id measured at a set of discrete lags xi; and processing the data so as to produce a spectral output having a best fit with the set of data.
- 29. A method as in claim 28, wherein the data processing includes applying a sparse sampling algorithm for determining the best fit between a model interferogram and the data interferogram.
- 30. A method as in claim 29,
wherein the sparse sampling algorithm comprises:
processing the set of data interferograms, Id(xi), where: 42Id(xi)=∫sminsmaxⅆs Jt(s) cos (2 π xis),and where s is the wavenumber, equal to the inverse of the wavelength, Jt(s) is the true spectral intensity at wavenumber s, and the subscript t indicates that Jt(s) is the truth spectrum and is an unknown, and the wavenumbers smin(n) and smax(n) span the range of wavenumbers detected by the nth member of said set of light intensity sensing elements; choosing a model spectrum, Jm(sj), from which is inferred a model interferogram specified at a discrete set of lags xi; Im(xi); and determining a difference between said model interferogram and said data interferogram and applying an optimization method to determine a model interferogram best matched to the data interferogram Id(xi).
- 31. A method as in claim 30, wherein the optimization method comprises:
establishing a model interferogram given by: 43Im(xi)=∑j=1M-1∫sjsj+1ⅆs [Jm(sj)+(s-sj)Δj]cos (2 π xis),where:Δj=[Jm(sj+1)-Jm(sj)sj+1-sj].and ε is the location of a central fringe in the model interferogram. The above expression reduces to: 44Im(xi)=∑j=1M-1[αi,jJm(sj)+Δjβi,j],where:αi,j=[sin(2 π xisj+1)-sin(2 π xisj)2 π xi],andβi,j=[(sj+1-sj)sin(2 π xisj+1)2 π xi]+[cos(2 π xisj+1)-cos(2 π xisj)(2 π xi)2]setting a variance of the residuals between the model interferogram and the data interferogram according to the equation: 45χ2=1n∑i=1n[Im(xi)-Id(xi)]2.and obtaining a model interferogram best matched to the data interferogram according to the equations: 46∂χ2∂Jm(sj)=2n∑i=1n[Im(xi)-Id(xi)](∂Im(xi)∂Jm(sj))=0.(∂Im(xi)∂Jm(sj))=αi,1-(βi,1s2-s1) for j=1,(∂Im(xi)∂Jm(sj))=(βi,j-1sj-sj-1)+αi,j-(βi,jsj+1-sj) for 2≤j≤M-1,and(∂Im(xi)∂Jm(sj))=(βi,M-1sM-sM-1) for j=M.
- 32. A method as in claim 30, wherein the optimization method comprises:
establishing a model interferogram given by: 47Im(xi)=∑j=1M-1∫sjsj+1ⅆs [Jm(sj)+(s-sj)Δj]cos (2 π xis),where:Δj=[Jm(sj+1)-Jm(sj)sj+1-sj].and ε is the location of a central fringe in the model interferogram. The above expression reduces to: 48Im(xi)=∑j=1M-1[αi,jJm(sj)+Δjβi,j],where:αi,j=[sin(2 π xisj+1)-sin(2 π xisj)2 π xi],andβi,j=[(sj+1-sj)sin(2 π xisj+1)2 π xi]+[cos(2 π xisj+1)-cos(2 π xisj)(2 π xi)2]setting a variance of the residuals between the model interferogram and the data interferogram according to the equation: 49χ2=1n∑i=1n[Im(xi)-Id(xi)]2.and obtaining a model interferogram best matched to the data interferogram according to the equations: 50∂χ2∂Jm(sj)=2n∑i=1n[Im(xi)-Id(xi)](∂Im(xi)∂Jm(sj))=0.∂(χ2)∂ϵ=2n∑i=1n[Im(xi-ϵ)-Id(xi)](∂Im(xi-ϵ)∂ϵ)=0and(∂Im(xi)∂Jm(sj))=αi,1-(βi,1s2-s1) for j=1,(∂Im(xi)∂Jm(sj))=(βi,j-1sj-sj-1)+αi,j-(βi,jsj+1-sj) for 2≤j≤M-1,and(∂Im(xi)∂Jm(sj))=(βi,M-1sM-sM-1) for j=M.and:∂Im(xi-ε)∂ϵ=1xi-ϵ∑j=1M-1(Ai,jJm(sj)+Bi,jΔj),where:Ai,j=-sj+1cos(zisj+1)+sjcos(zisj)+sin(zisj+1)zi-sin(zisj)zi,andBi,j=sjsj+1cos(zisj+1)+(2sj+1-sj) sin(zisj+1)zi-sj sin(zisj)zi- sj+12cos(zisj+1)+2 cos(zisj+1)zi2-2 cos(zisj)zi2,where zi=2π(xi−ε).
- 33. A method as in claim 28, wherein the source light is an astronomical emission.
- 34. A method as in claim 28, wherein the source light is emitted from a material upon induction of the material into an excited state.
- 35. A method as in claim 28, wherein the material is an unknown compound subjected to testing to determine the presence of possible biologically or chemically hazardous properties.
Parent Case Info
[0001] The present application claims the benefit of the priority filing date of provisional patent application No. 60/435,730, filed Dec. 20, 2002, incorporated herein by reference.
Provisional Applications (1)
Number |
Date |
Country |
60435730 |
Dec 2002 |
US |