Web and Technology, by Yugu Design, iconfinder.com [online], published on Jul. 25, 2016, [retrieved on May 21, 2018], retrieved from the Internet <URL: https://www.iconfinder.com/iconsets/web-and-technology-1> (Year: 2016). |
Server, by roundicons, iconfinder.com [online], published on Mar. 5, 2017, [retrieved on May 21, 2018], retrieved from the Internet <URL: https://www.iconfinder.com/iconsets/server-12> (Year: 2017). |
Used Farm & Agricultural Equipment, machinefinder.com [online], published on or before Mar. 26, 2016, [retrieved on May 21, 2018], retrieved from the Internet <URL: http://www.machinefinder.com/> (Year: 2016). |
Hay Bale Icon, by appleuzr, istockphoo.com [online], published on Apr. 24, 2017, [retrieved on May 3, 2018], retrieved from the Internet <URL: https://www.istockphoto.com/vector/hay-bale-icon-gm672630600-123209597> (Year: 2017). |
Hay Bundles Icon, iconswebsite.com [online], published on Mar. 20, 2017, [retrieved on May 30, 2018], retrieved from the Internet <URL: http://iconswebsite.com/shutterstock-image/hay-bundles-icon-in-flat-style-isolated-on-white-background--illustration-604806389.html> (Year: 2017). |
Office Work Icons Set, by Peecheey, dribbble.com [online], published on Aug. 19, 2015, [retrieved on Mar. 13, 2019], retrieved from the Internet <URL: https://dribbble.com/shots/2203505> (Year: 2015). |