Distributed control network for irrigation management

A system and method for operating a distributed control network for irrigation management. The system incorporates several irrigation controllers wherein each of the controllers can transmit, receive and respond to commands initiated by any device or satellite controller on the network, a communication bus that is connected to the controllers, a central computer that is connected to the bus, several sensing devices that are connected to each controller, and several sprinkler valves that are connected to each controller. The controllers can be operated in local mode via a user interface and in a remote mode via a wireless connection. The controllers are capable of monitoring and acknowledging the commands that are transmitted on the bus.


1. Field of the Invention

The present invention relates to an irrigation control system. More particularly, the invention relates to a peer-to-peer irrigation sprinkler control system with the ability to monitor and control the entire system from any satellite controller.

2. Description of the Related Art

In the area of irrigation management and control, there are two significant types of control systems that are used: the stand-alone controller and the central-satellite system.

FIG. 1

shows a traditional stand-alone controller


, which is typically used for smaller irrigation sites, with outputs varying from four (4) to approximately forty eight (48) outputs. The stand-alone controller


is a device that is usually wall mounted, and offers a user interface such as a keypad and a liquid crystal display. With the user interface, a user can set up automatic watering programs, perform manual watering, as well as perform some additional functions for irrigation control.

Connected to the stand-alone controllers


are sensors


and irrigation solenoid valves


. The sensors


monitor multiple variables that typically include the amount of rainfall, water flow and power consumption. Then, the sensors


provide this data to the stand-alone controller


. Also connected to the stand-alone controller


are a plurality of valves


. The valves


are typically 24 VAC solenoid operated valves. The valves


are connected to the stand-alone controller


with field wiring


that delivers the 24 VAC to the valve solenoid.

The stand-alone controller


provides valve control and records sensor data as input to various programmable features. The controllers


are set-up and programmed via a graphical user interface on the controller. It is known in the art that typical irrigation controllers contain microprocessors as disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,956,248, by Williams et al.

In larger installations, multiple stand-alone controllers must be used because the distance between the controller and valve stations is limited by a maximum amount of tolerable wiring impedance. However, sites that utilize multiple stand-alone controllers are difficult to maintain because they must be managed independently at the location of the installation.

An alternative to the multiple stand-alone controllers solution for large installations is a conventional central-satellite control system shown for example in FIG.


. U.S. Pat. No. 4,244,022 entitled “Irrigation Control System ” by Kendall, discloses a master-slave type control system for large-scale irrigation that incorporates a central computer


connected to a plurality of satellite controllers


which are in turn connected to control irrigation solenoid valves. Central-satellite control systems generally consist of various sense and/or control devices linked together via a communication bus


. This distributed control methodology allows the management of large sites from a single location. A typical installation will contain multiple field controllers, or satellites


, and a single central control center


. The central control center is managed by a personal computer



The satellite controller


is a field device, similar to a stand-alone controller, that offers both valve solenoid control and various sensor interfaces. More sophisticated satellites also have a user interface for local programming.

A major difference between the satellite controller


and the stand-alone controller


is the communication bus


interface. The communication bus


interface allows the satellites


to communicate with the remote central computer


. The type of communication bus


varies depending on the requirements of each individual site. Typical central-satellite systems use twisted pair wire, radio modems, analog telephone modems, wireless communication (RF VHF, UHF, microwave frequencies), fiber optics, power lines, telephone cables, cellular telephones, infrared, wireless pager systems, or television cables for the communication bus.

In managing large installations, the central-satellite system has some advantages over using multiple stand-alone controllers. The central-satellite system significantly reduces the manpower and level of effort required to maintain a large installation. For example, problems at a satellite location can be instantly reported to the central computer. Also, complex watering schedules can be realized, such as those based on evapotranspiration, by utilizing the computer's graphical user interface and processor capabilities. U.S. Pat. No. 5,208,855 by Marian, discloses one such method and apparatus for irrigation control using evapotranspiration. U.S. Pat. No. 5,870,302 by Oliver discloses a system and method for using evapotranspiration in controlling automated and semi-automated irrigation systems.

Despite the advantages of the central-satellite system, problems still exist with this system. The cost of a central-satellite system can be very high. For example in a smaller site consisting of 5-10 satellite controllers, the costs associated with operating and maintaining a central computer are not feasible, even though a networked solution is preferred. Additionally, there is a large and difficult learning curve for a system operator to fully understand and utilize the capabilities of the system. Moreover, the satellites are mostly simple receivers that can only communicate on the bus when specifically addressed by the central computer.

The Oliver patent discloses that satellite controllers may communicate with other satellite controllers but only to pass data along from a communications and electronic control device. The Oliver patent does not disclose satellite controllers that are capable of monitoring and controlling the entire irrigation control system. Similarly, U.S. Pat. No. 5,740,031 by Gagnon, discloses irrigation controllers that can transmit and receive communications with other irrigation controllers and computer interfaces but in the capacity of a repeater when the central computer can not communicate directly with a controller due to signal attenuation and/or reflection. Again, Gangon does not disclose an irrigation controller capable of monitoring and controlling the entire system. If the central computer fails, then the entire system must operate as individual stand-alone controllers. The present invention provides a system, method and apparatus to meet these needs and address these deficiencies.


The present invention is a system, method and apparatus for managing and controlling irrigation by forming an irrigation control system. The irrigation control system forms a peer-to-peer network of satellite irrigation controllers, as opposed to known master-slave or client-server type systems. The present invention may be monitored and operated from a central computer or at any one of the satellite controllers. The use of peer-to-peer architecture allows any satellite controller to address any other satellite controller. Thus, the user can monitor and control the entire system from any satellite controller, or node in the network. The invention provides peer-to-peer control of the entire system at each satellite controller through the use of a high speed micro-controller.

The present invention can be used to meet any type of irrigation needs. For example, the irrigation control system can be used to irrigate both large and small areas. When the system is used to irrigate large areas, a central computer is connected to the communication bus and becomes part of the peer-to-peer network. The central computer provides the additional computing power needed to manage large irrigation sites. The central computer provides a convenient centralized site, for example, for collecting, downloading and programming information. After two or three controllers, the central computer is a desirable feature. For other smaller irrigation sites, the central computer is not needed. The central computer could be any computer, such as a personal computer.

As mentioned above, each satellite controller utilizes a high-speed micro-controller to accomplish its functions. A flash memory micro-controller is acceptable. A primary responsibility of the micro-controller is to monitor and control the communication bus. The bus is a half-duplex communication bus that allows only one device to transmit at any one time. In order for the peer-to-peer architecture to function, proper bus management is imperative to ensure reliable communication between the devices.

The present invention includes a software algorithm used by the micro-controller to monitor and control the communication bus. The software algorithm minimizes bus collisions and provides a message acknowledgement scheme to the transmitting device providing feedback of a successful transmission. If acknowledgements are not received within a prescribed amount of time, a number of transmit retries can be used until the acknowledgement is detected or the operation is aborted. If the operation is aborted, then an alarm condition is recorded. Furthermore, the messages are packaged into small packets of data, allowing all devices an opportunity to take control of the bus.

In the present invention, the communication bus can take a variety of conventional forms.

One example of flexibility of the peer-to-peer architecture is realized by using a DTMF radio receiver, which receives and decodes tones from handheld radios for remote system control. The DTMF radio receiver is optimally placed at any node in the network. A DTMF message is sent to the receiver and the message is prefaced with a specific satellite controller address. The receiver then forwards the message onto the communication bus and the message is received at the specified satellite controller. (Other conventional systems require a central computer for satellite to satellite communications.)

According to the invention, there is provided a system for operating a distributed control network for irrigation management. There are irrigation controllers, each of the controllers being responsive to a command from an other controller, wherein the controllers are capable of transmitting, receiving and responding to a command, and wherein the controllers can be operated in a local mode via a graphical user interface and in a remote mode via a wireless connection. There is a communication bus, connected to the controllers, wherein the controllers are capable of monitoring commands and the controllers are capable of acknowledging the commands. Also provided is a central computer, connected to the bus, communicating with the controllers via the bus. There are sensing devices connected to each of the controllers. Sprinkler valves are connected to the controllers.

Further in accordance with the invention, there is provided a method for operating a distributed control network for irrigation management. There is a step if initiating a command at one of several irrigation controllers, wherein said controllers are connected to sensing devices and sprinkler valves. There is a step of transmitting the command from the controller to an other controller via a communication bus. There is also a step of monitoring the command on the communication bus by the controller. There is a step of receiving the command at the other controller, acknowledging said command by the other controller, acting on said command by the other controller; and providing a connection from a central computer to the controllers on the communication bus.

These and other objects, features and advantages of the present invention are readily apparent from the following drawings and detailed description.


FIG. 1

is a block diagram of a prior art stand alone controller.

FIG. 2

is a block diagram of a prior art Central-Satellite (master-slave or client-server) irrigation control system.

FIG. 3

is a block diagram of a peer-to-peer irrigation control system.

FIG. 4

is a flowchart of a software algorithm used by a micro-controller in satellite controllers to provide a message acknowledgment scheme and to give the transmitter feedback for a successful message transmission.

FIG. 5

is a flowchart of the software algorithm used by the micro-controller to monitor a communication bus.


Reference is made to

FIG. 3

, which depicts the block diagram of the distributed control network for irrigation management. The control network is a peer-to-peer network wherein the entire system, or any portion thereof, can be monitored and operated from any node in the network. Several satellite controllers


are connected to one another, and further connected to a central computer


, all via a communication bus



FIG. 3

is not meant to limit the number of satellite controllers


that can be connected to the communication bus


. The satellite controllers


operate as nodes in the peer-to-peer network wherein the entire control system can be monitored and operated.

In the system depicted in

FIG. 3

, the satellite controllers


perform a variety of functions. The satellite controllers


control the solenoid operated valves


and interface with various sensors


. Any standard solenoid is acceptable. Preferably, the satellite controller can operate up to 96 valves.

The satellite controllers


can be operated both locally at the satellite controller and remotely from other devices on the bus


. When the satellite controller is in local mode, the satellite controller


can operate the valves that feed directly off of that controller. For example, one might operate the satellite controller


in local mode, for example, to do maintenance. One might operate the controller in local mode, for example, to do maintenance. Preferably, operating in local mode has no effect on programmed watering schedules. The satellite controllers


are operated in local mode advantageously via a graphical user interface attached to the satellite controller


. The satellite controller preferably includes an LCD user interface.

In addition to operating in local mode, the satellite controller


can be operated in remote mode. When operated remotely, the satellite controller


can be monitored and controlled from any node in the network, such as the central computer


or any other satellite controller


. The satellite controller


is typically operated remotely to recognize complex watering schedules such as evapotranspiration. The user can remotely control a satellite controller


which in turn can control some or all of the other satellite controllers


. Thus, a significant advantage, the ability to share system resources, is realized by utilizing the peer-to-peer architecture. All controllers


can be repeaters, and can maintain links to all other controllers. All controllers


can read or sense data on any other controller on the bus.

In one variation of the invention, a DTMF radio receiver, which receives and decodes tones from handheld radios for remote systems, can be optimally placed at one of the satellite controllers


. The user can send a DTMF message to the receiver that can be addressed to any satellite controller


. The DTMF message is prefaced with a satellite address and is forwarded on the bus from the satellite controller


with the receiver to the controller that was addressed in the message. Thus, the message is received and forwarded on the bus to the specified satellite controller



The satellite controllers


can perform a variety of functions, whether in local or remote mode. From the controller


, the user can manually initiate watering of an irrigation site which overrides any automatic watering schedule. At front controller


or another controller on the network, the user can also adjust/review manual operation, sensor review, and watering schedules, at any other controller on the network. Additionally, the satellite controllers


can be programmed to realize complex watering schedules based on the input received from its sensors


such as evapotranspiration. Additional functions performed by the satellite controllers


include, for example, that sensors, programs, control functions can be transmitted onto the network for review, action from, and by any other satellite, central computer, or remote handheld devices.

An appropriate satellite controller is commercially available under the trademark Tora LTD Plus™ or Rainbird Par™, for example. However, other controllers are also adequate and available.

Connected to each satellite controller


is a plurality of sprinkler valves


. The sprinkler valves


are solenoid operated and are connected to the satellite controller


via field wiring


. The field wiring


delivers 24 VAC to the valve solenoids.

Also connected to each satellite controller


are various sensors


that provide input to the controller


. The sensors


typically measure rainfall, water flow, water pressure, temperature, wind speed, wind direction, relative humidity, solar radiation, and power consumption.

As shown in

FIG. 3

, the satellite controllers


are connected indirectly to one another via a communication bus


. The type of communication bus


can vary depending on the requirements of each individual site. Typical systems will be implemented with twisted pair wire, radio modems, analog telephone modems and so forth. The communication bus


is preferably a half-duplex communication bus that allows only one device to transmit at any one time, to avoid data collisions on the bus. Full duplex is an option.

Also shown in

FIG. 3

is the central computer


that is connected to the communication bus


. The central computer


can be remotely located from the satellite controllers


and has the capability to monitor and operate the entire system. The central computer


is typically used for management of large irrigation sites. One advantage of the present invention, is that the central computer


is not always necessary. In prior art inventions, the central computer


was necessary in order to monitor and control all of the satellite controllers


because the satellite controllers


were not capable of monitoring and controlling the entire system. However, in the present invention, the monitoring and control functions can be performed at any satellite controller


. Thus, the central computer


is not necessary for all applications. Typically, the central computer


will be present for large irrigation site management and will not be present for smaller irrigation site management. Central computers may poll satellite controllers and then react by adjusting schedules, etc., and to download new schedules. A general purpose computer, such as the IBM™ PC, is appropriate.

FIG. 3

also illustrates a remote device


, here a hand held unit. If the central computer


becomes disconnected from the bus


, or if communications are disrupted, communications can occur via bus


and the remote device


, via a remote connection



Referenced in

FIG. 4

is a flowchart of an appropriate software algorithm used by the micro-controller in a satellite controller


to provide a message acknowledgment scheme and to give the transmitter feedback for a successful message transmission. The algorithm is designed to ensure proper bus management by the micro-controller. Other appropriate algorithms will work, and, indeed, one of skill in the art will appreciate similar algorithms.

Reference is made to

FIGS. 3 and 4

. Step


is the transmit operation. At step


, a message is queued in a free transmit buffer. Step


queries whether the communication bus


is clear. If the bus


is not clear, then step


is repeated. If the bus


is clear, then the message is transferred from the transmit buffer to a transmit port at step


. Next at step


, a retry counter and a message timeout counter are set-up. After the counters have been set-up, then step


transmits the message from the transmit port to the specified data port. Step


queries whether a message acknowledge is has been received. If the message has been acknowledged, then the message queue is cleared at step


and the transmit operation ends at step


. The bus


is then available for other transmissions.

However, if the message has not been acknowledged at step


, then it proceeds to step


where the message timeout counter is decremented. Step


queries whether the timeout counter has expired. If the counter has not expired, then the process goes back to step


. If the timeout counter has expired, then step


resets the message timeout counter and decrements the message retry counter. Step


queries whether the message retry counter has expired. If the retry counter has not expired at step


, the process returns to step


. If the message retry counter has expired, then step


clears the transmit queue and the event is logged as a transmit error alarm. The end transmit operation then occurs at step



Referenced in

FIG. 5

is a flowchart of the software algorithm used by the micro-controller in each satellite controller


to monitor the communication bus


. Step


signals the bus monitor operation. At step


, a communication port is read. Step


queries whether the port is currently active. If the communication port is currently active, then step


generates a random number is loads the number into a delay counter. Step


deasserts the bus clear flag. The bus monitor process is ended at step



However, if the communication port is not active at step


, then step


decrements the delay counter. Then, step


queries whether the delay counter has decremented to zero. If the delay counter is not at zero, then the process goes back to step


and repeats the process. If the delay counter is at zero, then step


asserts the bus clear flag. Then, the bus monitor process is ended at step



While the preferred mode and best mode for carrying out the invention have been described, those familiar with the art to which this invention relates will appreciate that various alternative designs and embodiments for practicing the invention are possible, and will fall within the scope of the following claims.

  • 1. A peer-to-peer distributed network system for management and/or control of irrigation, comprising:(A) a plurality of irrigation controllers, each of said irrigation controllers transmitting at least one command to at least one other of said irrigation controllers, and each being responsive to at least one command received from said at least one other controller; (B) a communication bus connecting each of said irrigation controllers, wherein said at least one command is transmitted from one of said irrigation controllers to said at least one other irrigation controller on said communication bus; and (C) wherein said at least one transmitted command includes at least one command initiated at said irrigation controller and not repeating said at least one received command.
  • 2. The system claimed in claim 1, wherein each of said irrigation controllers initiates and transmits a plurality of commands, including said at least one command, on said communication bus.
  • 3. The system claimed in claim 1, wherein at least one of said irrigation controllers is operated from a remote location via a wireless connection communicating therewith.
  • 4. The system claimed in claim 1, wherein at least one of said irrigation controllers is operated locally via a user interface connected thereto.
  • 5. The system claimed in claim 1, wherein at least one of said irrigation controllers monitors said at least one command on said communication bus.
  • 6. The system claimed in claim 1, wherein at least one of said irrigation controllers, responsive to a receipt of said at least one command from said at least one other irrigation controller, transmits an acknowledgement of said at least one received command to said at least one other irrigation controller on said communication bus.
  • 7. The system claimed in claim 1, wherein a plurality of commands are transmitted on said communication bus from at least one of said controllers to said at least one other controller, further comprising a bus management scheme to prevent collision of said plurality of commands on said communication bus.
  • 8. The system claimed in claim 1, further comprising a central computer, wherein said central computer is connected to said irrigation controllers on said communication bus; and said central computer monitors and/or controls at least one of said irrigation controllers.
  • 9. The system claimed in claim 1, wherein said commands are selected from a group comprising: adjust operation, review operation, sensor review, water schedule, and initiate watering.
  • 10. A method for a peer-to-peer distributed network for management and/or control of irrigation, comprising the steps of:(A) providing a plurality of irrigation controllers connected via a communication bus, each of said irrigation controllers being responsive to commands received and capable of initiating and transmitting at least one command to at least one other of said irrigation controllers; (B) transmitting at least one command, from at least one of said irrigation controllers, to said at least one other irrigation controller via the communication bus; and (C) transmitting a response, responsive to said at least one transmitted command from said at least one irrigation controller and received by said at least one other irrigation controller, from said at least one other irrigation controller to said at least one irrigation controller.
  • 11. The method claimed in claim 10, further comprising the step of initiating said at least one transmitted command from said at least one irrigation controller to said at least one other irrigation controller.
  • 12. The method claimed in claim 10, further comprising the step of operating said plurality of irrigation controllers from a remote location via a wireless connection communicating therewith.
  • 13. The method claimed in claim 10, further comprising the step of operating said plurality of irrigation controllers locally via a graphical user interface connected thereto.
  • 14. The method claimed in claim 10, further comprising the step of monitoring, in at least one of said irrigation controllers, a plurality of commands including said at least one command on said communication bus.
  • 15. The method claimed in claim 10, further comprising the step of transmitting an acknowledgement from one of said irrigation controllers, responsive to a receipt of said at least one command from said at least one other controller, from said at least one irrigation controller to said at least one other irrigation controller on said communication bus.
  • 16. The method claimed in claim 10, further comprising the step of transmitting a plurality of commands including said at least one command on said communication bus from at least one of said irrigation controllers to at least one other of said irrigation controllers; further comprising the step of preventing collision of said plurality of commands on said communication bus.
  • 17. The method claimed in claim 10, further comprising the step of providing a connection from a central computer to said plurality of irrigation controllers on said communication bus, wherein said central computer monitors and/or controls at least one of said irrigation controllers.
  • 18. The method claimed in claim 10, wherein said commands are selected from a group comprising: adjust operation, review operation, sensor review, water schedule, and initiate watering.
  • 19. A system for operating a distributed control network for irrigation management, comprising:(A) a plurality of irrigation controllers, each of said controllers being responsive to a command from an other controller; wherein said controllers are capable of transmitting, receiving and responding to a plurality of commands, and wherein said controllers can be operated in a local mode via a graphical user interface and in a remote mode via a wireless connection; (B) a communication bus, connected to said controllers, wherein said controllers are capable of monitoring said commands and said controllers are capable of acknowledging said commands; (C) a central computer, connected to said bus, communicating with said controllers via said bus; (D) a plurality of sensing devices connected to each of said controllers; and (E) a plurality of sprinkler valves connected to each of said controllers.
  • 20. A method for operating a distributed control network for irrigation management, comprising the steps of:(A) initiating a command at one of a plurality of irrigation controllers, wherein said controllers are connected to a plurality of sensing devices, wherein said controllers are connected to a plurality of sprinkler valves, and wherein said command can be a plurality of commands; (B) transmitting said command from said controller to an other controller via a communication bus; (C) monitoring said command on said communication bus by said controller; (D) receiving said command at said other controller; (E) acknowledging said command by said other controller; (F) acting on said command by said other controller; and (G) providing a connection from a central computer to said controllers on said communication bus.
  • 21. A method for providing a peer-to-peer network-enabled irrigation controller, comprising the steps of:providing an irrigation controller, wherein said irrigation controller is configured to initiate and transmit at least one command to an other irrigation controller; and said irrigation controller is configured to receive a transmission including a command from said other irrigation controller, and to transmit an acknowledgement to said other irrigation controller responsive to the command from said other irrigation controller.
  • 22. A method as claimed in claim 21, further comprising the step of connecting said irrigation controller to at least one sprinkler valve.
  • 23. A method as claimed in claim 21, further comprising the step of connecting said irrigation controller to at least one sensing device.
  • 24. A method as claimed in claim 21, further comprising the step of connecting said irrigation controller to said other irrigation controller via a communication bus.
  • 25. A peer-to-peer network-enabled irrigation controller, comprising:(A) a plurality of satellite irrigation controllers; and (B) a communications controller, communicating with each satellite irrigation controller of the plurality of satellite irrigation controllers; wherein the communications controller is a micro-controller in one of said satellite irrigation controllers, and is configured to initiate and transmit at least one command to an other of said irrigation controllers, and said irrigation controller is configured to receive and respond to a transmission including a command from said other irrigation controller.
  • 26. The device as claimed in claim 25, further comprising a port in said communications controller for communication with a communication bus; wherein the communications controller, responsive to a transmission of an event on the bus, initiates a transmission on the communication bus.
  • 27. The device as claimed in claim 26, wherein said event is a watering schedule.
  • 28. The device as claimed in claim 26, further comprising at least one sensor input connected to said satellite irrigation controller, wherein said event is based on an input from said at least one sensor input.
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