The invention relates to the field of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. It concerns a method of MR imaging of an object placed in the examination volume of a MR device. The invention also relates to a MR device and to a computer program to be run on a MR device.
Image-forming MR methods which utilize the interaction between magnetic fields and nuclear spins in order to form two-dimensional or three-dimensional images are widely used nowadays, notably in the field of medical diagnostics, because for the imaging of soft tissue they are superior to other imaging methods in many respects, do not require ionizing radiation and are usually not invasive.
According to the MR method in general, the body of the patient to be examined is arranged in a strong, uniform magnetic field B0 whose direction at the same time defines an axis (normally the z-axis) of the co-ordinate system to which the measurement is related. The magnetic field B0 produces different energy levels for the individual nuclear spins in dependence on the magnetic field strength which can be excited (spin resonance) by application of an electromagnetic alternating field (RF field) of defined frequency (so-called Larmor frequency, or MR frequency). From a macroscopic point of view the distribution of the individual nuclear spins produces an overall magnetization which can be deflected out of the state of equilibrium by application of an electromagnetic pulse of appropriate frequency (RF pulse) while the corresponding magnetic field Bi of this RF pulse extends perpendicular to the z-axis, so that the magnetization performs a precessional motion about the z-axis. The precessional motion describes a surface of a cone whose angle of aperture is referred to as flip angle. The magnitude of the flip angle is dependent on the strength and the duration of the applied electromagnetic pulse. In the case of a so-called 90° pulse, the magnetization is deflected from the z axis to the transverse plane (flip angle 90°).
After termination of the RF pulse, the magnetization relaxes back to the original state of equilibrium, in which the magnetization in the z direction is built up again with a first time constant T1 (spin lattice or longitudinal relaxation time), and the magnetization in the direction perpendicular to the z direction relaxes with a second and shorter time constant T2 (spin-spin or transverse relaxation time). The transverse magnetization and its variation can be detected by means of receiving RF coils which are arranged and oriented within an examination volume of the MR device in such a manner that the variation of the magnetization is measured in the direction perpendicular to the z-axis. The decay of the transverse magnetization is accompanied by dephasing taking place after RF excitation caused by local magnetic field inhomogeneities facilitating a transition from an ordered state with the same signal phase to a state in which all phase angles are uniformly distributed. The dephasing can be compensated by means of a refocusing RF pulse (for example a 180° pulse). This produces an echo signal (spin echo) in the receiving coils.
In order to realize spatial resolution in the body, time-varying magnetic field gradients extending along the three main axes are superposed on the uniform magnetic field B0, leading to a linear spatial dependency of the spin resonance frequency. The signal picked up in the receiving coils then contains components of different frequencies which can be associated with different locations in the body. The signal data obtained via the receiving coils correspond to the spatial frequency domain and are called k-space data. The k-space data usually include multiple lines acquired with different phase encoding. Each line is digitized by collecting a number of samples. A set of k-space data is converted to an MR image by means of Fourier transformation.
Altbach et al. (“Radial Fast Spin-Echo Method for T2-Weighted Imaging and T2 Mapping of the Liver”, J. Magn. Reson. Imaging, vol. 16, p. 179-189, 2002) describe a multishot radial fast spin echo (RAD-FSE) method developed to improve the quality of abdominal T2-weighted imaging as well as the characterization of focal liver lesions. A novel radial k-space sampling scheme is used to minimize streaking artifacts due to T2 variations and motion. Small diffusion gradients are applied to improve flow suppression. A post-processing algorithm is used to generate multiple high-resolution images (at different effective TE values) as well as a T2 map from the echo signal data. The T2 map is used to differentiate malignant from benign lesions.
Multi-echo re-combined gradient echo (MERGE) MR imaging is an imaging technique designed to image the cervical spine. In this technique, an imaging sequence, like a fast field echo (FFE) or echo planar imaging (EPI) sequence, is used, which comprises RF excitation pulses and switched magnetic field gradients, wherein multiple echo signals are generated at different echo times (TEs) after each RF excitation pulse. The echo signals can be generated, e.g., by alternating the polarity of the frequency-encoding gradient rapidly. The number of echo signals is limited by apparent transverse relaxation (T2*) decay. 3-10 echo signals can normally be acquired. Magnitude single echo images are reconstructed from the acquired echo signal data and summed (e.g. by a sums of squares algorithm) to obtain a ‘merged’ multi-echo image showing an increased gray/white matter contrast within the spinal cord and thereby to increase lesion conspicuity in the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. Corresponding techniques are also known under the acronym MEDIC (‘multi-echo data image combination’).
A problem of the known merged multi gradient echo techniques is that the actual contrast in the combined images is governed by the selected sequence parameters, such as number of echoes, echo spacing, and voxel size, and is thereby limited by various sequence constraints. Moreover, patient motion and flow, as well as system imperfections are known to give rise to false positives in the detection of lesions with these methods.
Furthermore, especially in radial acquisition methods, the readout periods are relatively short compared to EPI or spiral acquisitions. Speed improvements using longer readout periods with a multiple echo readout trajectory are hence highly desirable.
The paper ‘Free breathing volumeric fat/water separation by combining radial sampling, compressed snesing and parallel imaging’ by Th. Benkert et al. in MRM 78 (2017) 565-576 concerns a multi-echo motion-robust stack-of-stars 3D GRE sequence with bipolar read/out. The acquired signals are T1-weighted. This known method achieves respiration resolved water-fat maps and may reconstruct different respiration states.
From the foregoing it is readily appreciated that there is a need for an improved technique that overcomes the above problems. It is one object of the invention to enable merged multi gradient echo MR imaging with optimized contrast.
Moreover—and more generally—it is an object of the invention to provide a multi-echo imaging technique with increased acquisition speed and intrinsic suppression of artefacts from B0 inhomogeneities, T2* decay, chemical shift, motion, and/or flow, in particular in combination with radial or spiral acquisitions.
In accordance with the invention, a method of MR imaging of an object placed in the examination volume of a MR device is disclosed. The method comprises the steps of:
According to the invention, multiple echo signals are acquired at different TEs. The echo signals are acquired along radial or spiral k-space trajectories. Radial or spiral k-space trajectories are preferred over conventional Cartesian k-space trajectories for their intrinsic motion robustness. Using radial or spiral k-space sampling, the center of k-space is oversampled and continuously updated. This redundancy can advantageously be exploited to detect and correct for motion, B0 and T2* effects.
To obtain a uniform k-space coverage, the rotation angle of the radial or spiral k-space trajectories is preferably incremented by the golden angle, ΔΦ=111.25°, which corresponds to 180° multiplied by the golden ratio. Magnetic field gradient blips (short magnetic field gradient pulses applied between echo signal acquisition intervals after the same RF excitation pulse) in the x-/y- and/or z-directions are used according to the invention to obtain an optimum distribution of the acquired echo signal data in k-space at a fast acquisition speed. For the sake of simplicity, the x-/y-/z-directions refer here to the axes of the measurement coordinate system, i.e. the read-out/phase-encoding/slice-selection directions, which may or may not be aligned with the magnet coordinate system introduced above.
Since the blip encoding time between multiple echo readouts is limited, a tiny golden angle step is preferred for an optimal distribution. Covering at least half of k-space with the number of echoes acquired after the same RF excitation pulse guarantees a uniform distribution over time in 2D imaging. The method can also be adapted to a so-called pseudo golden angle enforcing the golden angle scheme on an equidistant radial grid. The tiny golden angle and pseudo golden angle are herein all regarded as falling under the general term ‘golden angle’. In such golden angle schemes, subsequently sampled radial or spiral k-space trajectories always add complementary information while filling the largest gaps in k-space within the previously sampled set of k-space trajectories.
A Dixon algorithm is used according to the invention to separate contributions from water and fat to the acquired echo signals. In general such a separation is possible because there is a known precessional frequency difference of hydrogen in water and fat. In its simplest form, water and fat images are generated by either addition or subtraction of two echo signals, in which the water and fat signals are ‘in-phase’ and ‘out-of-phase’, respectively. In slightly more complex forms of the Dixon algorithm, a B0 map and/or a T2* map is also extracted from the acquired echo signals.
The separation of water and fat and the estimation of a B0 map and a T2* map provide flexibility in optimizing the contrast of the synthesized image for particular diagnostic purposes. T2* results principally from inhomogeneities in the main magnetic field B0. These inhomogeneities are the result of intrinsic inhomogeneities in the main magnetic field itself and of susceptibility-induced field distortions produced by the tissue. The latter type of B0 distortions determines the contrast of interest in T2*-weighted imaging. The influence of the former type of B0 inhomogeneities on T2* is considered in the method of the invention to further increase the signal-to-noise ratio and/or enhance the contrast in the synthesized image.
The image is synthesized according to the invention from the acquired echo signal data, wherein a desired T2* contrast can be chosen and B0 inhomogeneities and T2* decay can be compensated for based on the corresponding maps derived from the acquired echo single data.
As a result, the invention enables an ultra-fast 3D radial or spiral (for example stack-of-stars or stack-of-spirals) acquisition with intrinsic B0 and T2* mapping and water/fat separation.
The invention is of particular value in combination with the application of contrast agents, as the invention enables the reconstruction (synthesis) of an image with T1-contrast and of an image with a desired T2*-contrast (as required for dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MR imaging and dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) MR imaging) from the same echo signal data, which can be acquired according to the invention at a very high speed.
Furthermore, it is an insight of the invention that the combined image computed in the known MERGE/MEDIC technique can be considered as a T2*-weighted image at an effective echo time which is determined by the sequence parameters of the multi echo sequence, namely the number of echoes, the value of the first echo time in the sequence, the echo spacing and also T2* itself. This insight opens up the possibility to synthesize an image having the desired contrast from the acquired echo signals and the T2* map without any constraints imposed by the imaging sequence. Concurrently, the derived B0 map can be used to compensate for B0 inhomogeneity-induced image artefacts.
In a preferred embodiment of the invention, also a flow map is derived from the acquired echo signal data, wherein the flow map is used in the step of synthesizing the image for compensating for undesirable flow artefacts or to obtain a desired flow contrast.
In three-dimensional acquisitions, the phase encoding of the echo signals can be applied in the x-/y-direction only, the z-direction only, or simultaneously in the x-/y- and z-directions. Hence, in another preferred embodiment of the invention, the phase-encoding of the echo signals is varied in the z-direction while the rotation angle of the radial or spiral k-space trajectories is incremented by the golden angle increment in the kx-/ky-directions, wherein a uniform coverage of k-space in the kx-/ky-directions is achieved for every single kz-step for a number of adjacent kz-planes. The advantage is an improved motion characteristic.
Furthermore, for speeding up the acquisition, the sampling density in the kx-/ky-directions may vary as a function of kz such that a central portion of k-space, which comprises the most relevant information for image contrast, is sampled more densely than the peripheral portions. Hereby, at the peripheral portion of k-space phase encoding in only the z-direction can be performed, while moving towards the central portion of k-space, phase encoding in both x/y and z with a uniform distribution can be used. This variable density approach enables the possibility to extract 3D variable density image navigators from the 3D radial stack of stars data set.
In addition, a good distribution of echo times over k-space can be achieved by shifting x-/y- and z-encoding between successive RF excitations.
In order to facilitate image reconstruction, single echo images may be reconstructed from the echo signal data acquired at the respective echo time.
According to yet another preferred embodiment, a k-space weighted image contrast (KWIC) filter may be used for reconstructing the single echo images (see Song et al., Magn. Reson. Med., 44, 825-832, 2000). Moreover, compressed sensing may be applied for reconstructing the single echo images or within the water/fat separation.
Moreover, a subset of the echo signals may be generated at an ultra-short echo time (UTE) (see Berker et al., J. Nucl. Med. 2012, 53, 796-804) to extend the range of accessible echo time values. Known partial echo techniques may be applied for this purpose as well. Echo shifting may alternatively or additionally be employed to improve the echo time coverage and to optimize the T2* mapping.
In a further preferred embodiment of the invention, synthesizing the image of a specified contrast involves computing a zero echo time magnitude image and a T2* map from the acquired echo signal data and applying a weighting to each voxel of the zero echo time magnitude image, which weighting is derived from the T2* map. The weighting is calculated from the T2* at the respective voxel location and from the effective echo time which is chosen to obtain the desired contrast. In this way, it can be achieved that the synthesized image resembles a conventional MERGE/MEDIC image (which is generated by magnitude reconstruction of single echo images from the acquired echo signals and combination of the single echo images, e.g., by a sum of squares algorithm) but without the constraints imposed on the contrast by the practically accessible range of sequence parameters.
Preferably, the imaging sequence used by the method of the invention is a fast/turbo field echo (FFE/TFE) or a balanced fast/turbo field echo sequence or an echo planar imaging (EPI) sequence or a spin echo sequence. These are proven techniques usable for fast and effective acquisition of echo signals at different echo times.
In another preferred embodiment of the invention, motion is detected from “intrinsic” data from one or more shots of the imaging sequence and motion-compensation is applied, in the separation of the signal contributions from water and fat, and/or in the synthesis of the image of a specified contrast. Hereby the 3D multi-echo, multi-shot variable density navigator approach allows improved “intrinsic” motion detection and correction possibilities using for example known compressed sensing methods, XD-GRASP or 3D elastic registration combination approaches.
The method of the invention described thus far can be carried out by means of a MR device including at least one main magnet coil for generating a uniform, steady magnetic field B0 within an examination volume, a number of gradient coils for generating switched magnetic field gradients in different spatial directions within the examination volume, at least one body RF coil for generating RF pulses within the examination volume and/or for receiving MR signals from a body of a patient positioned in the examination volume, a control unit for controlling the temporal succession of RF pulses and switched magnetic field gradients, and a reconstruction unit for reconstructing MR images from the received MR signals. The method of the invention can be implemented by a corresponding programming of the reconstruction unit and/or the control unit of the MR device.
The method of the invention can be advantageously carried out on most MR devices in clinical use at present. To this end it is merely necessary to utilize a computer program by which the MR device is controlled such that it performs the above-explained method steps of the invention. The computer program may be present either on a data carrier or be present in a data network so as to be downloaded for installation in the control unit of the MR device.
The enclosed drawings disclose preferred embodiments of the present invention. It should be understood, however, that the drawings are designed for the purpose of illustration only and not as a definition of the limits of the invention. In the drawings:
With reference to
A magnetic resonance generation and manipulation system applies a series of RF pulses and switched magnetic field gradients to invert or excite nuclear magnetic spins, induce magnetic resonance, refocus magnetic resonance, manipulate magnetic resonance, spatially and otherwise encode the magnetic resonance, saturate spins, and the like to perform MR imaging.
More specifically, a gradient amplifier 3 applies current pulses or waveforms to selected ones of whole-body gradient coils 4, 5 and 6 along x, y and z-axes of the examination volume. A digital RF frequency transmitter 7 transmits RF pulses or pulse packets, via a send/receive switch 8, to a body RF coil 9 to transmit RF pulses into the examination volume. A typical MR imaging sequence is composed of a packet of RF pulse segments of short duration which, together with any applied magnetic field gradients, achieve a selected manipulation of nuclear magnetic resonance signals. The RF pulses are used to saturate resonance, excite resonance, invert magnetization, refocus resonance, or manipulate resonance and select a portion of a body 10 positioned in the examination volume. The MR signals are also picked up by the body RF coil 9.
For generation of MR images of limited regions of the body 10 or for scan acceleration by means of parallel imaging, a set of local array RF coils 11, 12, 13 are placed contiguous to the region selected for imaging. The array coils 11, 12, 13 can be used to receive MR signals induced by body coil RF transmissions.
The resultant MR signals are picked up by the body RF coil 9 and/or by the array RF coils 11, 12, 13 and demodulated by a receiver 14 preferably including a preamplifier (not shown). The receiver 14 is connected to the RF coils 9, 11, 12 and 13 via the send/receive switch 8.
A host computer 15 controls the shimming coils 2′ as well as the gradient pulse amplifier 3 and the transmitter 7 to generate any of a plurality of MR imaging sequences, such as echo planar imaging (EPI), echo volume imaging, gradient and spin echo imaging, fast spin echo imaging, and the like. For the selected sequence, the receiver 14 receives a single or a plurality of MR signals in rapid succession following each RF excitation pulse. A data acquisition system 16 performs analog-to-digital conversion of the received signals and converts each MR data sample to a digital format suitable for further processing. In modern MR devices the data acquisition system 16 is a separate computer which is specialized in acquisition of raw image data.
Ultimately, the digital raw image data are reconstructed into an image representation by a reconstruction processor 17 which applies a Fourier transform or other appropriate reconstruction algorithms. The MR image may represent a planar slice through the patient, an array of parallel planar slices, a three-dimensional volume, or the like. The image is then stored in an image memory where it may be accessed for converting slices, projections, or other portions of the image representation into appropriate format for visualization, for example via a video monitor 18 which provides a man-readable display of the resultant MR image.
The host computer 15 is programmed to execute the method of the invention described herein above and in the following.
As further illustrated in
As an intermediate step, single echo images may be reconstructed from the acquired echo signal data: A first single echo image attributed to the first echo time TE1, a second single echo image attributed to the second echo time TE2, and so forth. The contributions from water and fat to the respective voxel values are separated by application of a Dixon algorithm of known type on the basis of the different echo times TE1, . . . , TEN. At the same time, a T2* map is estimated by including the T2* decay in the signal model employed in the Dixon algorithm. Alternatively, the separation of water and fat and the estimation of T2* may be performed directly on the acquired echo signal data without explicitly reconstructing single echo images.
Depending on the type of combination, the images resulting from the known MERGE or MEDIC methods can be described by:
wherein N denotes the number of echoes and S denotes a voxel value of the resulting images.
Assuming a constant echo spacing ΔTE, Eq. (1) can be rewritten as:
This allows introducing an effective echo time TE1e:
*, (7)
given by:
Similarly, the combined images S2, S3, S4 can be computed using effective echo times given by:
It is thus the insight of the invention that the images resulting from the MERGE or MEDIC methods can be considered as T2*-weighted images, wherein the effective echo time is indirectly determined by the selected number of echoes, the first echo time, and the echo spacing, but also, and most remarkably, by T2*.
To overcome the only indirect determination of the effective echo time and any constraints on the imaging sequence, the invention proposes to first estimate a T2* map from the echo signal data and to then synthesize an image from the estimated zero echo time magnitude image and the T2* map. The separation of water and fat may be included optionally to provide even more flexibility in optimizing the contrast in the resulting images depending on the particular diagnostic purposes.
To overcome the sensitivity of the known MERGE/MEDIC methods to motion, it is proposed to employ radial or spiral k-space trajectories instead of conventional Cartesian k-space trajectories. Preferably, a projection or interleaf order based on the golden angle is used, and an incremental rotation by a tiny golden angle is applied between successive radial or spiral acquisitions. Additionally, inconsistent data may optionally be rejected and motion may optionally be detected and corrected between the individual acquisitions.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
18158035.8 | Feb 2018 | EP | regional |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind |
PCT/EP2019/053754 | 2/15/2019 | WO | 00 |